Fishing The TOUGHEST College Pond In America! (Texas A&M Campus Pond)

is blocked it out the back of the end zone W man does it as if it's scried there's one there's one yes sir I knew it I knew I'd finally get one and it feels a lot nicer probably one of the biggest fish in here over the last decade I've caught fish in every corner of North America from California to Mexico Florida to New York and all the way up to Canada documenting it all on video for you guys yes I got it but as a video creator and instructor I've generally left out one of the most important and the largest demographics in the world of fishing and that is the bank beater the pond Prowler the shore master in this series I'm making it my goal to fish more bodies of water than I ever have before but this time from the bank my name is Tyler and this is 100 [Music] PBS well what's going on folks welcome back to trf my goal with this series called 100 pawns is to a fish 100 pawns find success in all of them and the biggest success really is becoming a better bass angler and teaching you guys everything I learn along the way if I pan this way a little bit you may be able to tell if you live in Texas at least uh the place that I'm at today it is a location that is very near and dear to my heart one that I have not been to in a number of years but is my alma Moder Texas A&M University I'm pumped to be back and as I'm walking across campus man I can't lie memories are are flooding back things look the same as they did but some things have changed and that is an awesome pond that's been built here on campus right next to Kyle Field so I say without further Ado we fish for the very first time here in College Station at Pawn number 95 now my first impressions of this Pond are a they did a fantastic job whether it was the associate of former students or the 12 man Foundation whoever put this park into place it elevates the feel of this whole tailgating area I know we lost a lot of tail getting field but to see a pond let me show youall I know the Drone shot just captured this but check this out beautiful Clear Water we've got several waterfalls Kyle Field is right there and supposedly there's good bass in here but none of that matters if we can't catch them so I'm going to whip out the evolution tackle bag here I had to walk a bit from my truck hope I don't get towed they wouldn't dare tow a former stud would they and I've got two rods with me here my custom light and Hyper magag reel for reaction baits I'm probably looking at the cover here on the water you'll see in my chest Mount here in a second it's mostly like gravel bottom again this is not a natural pond it was built and stocked for the students and uh fans here at T&M so I'm going to go with a bluegill tungsten Thunder Cricket because I've already seen several bluegills in the water and as much as the late summer you know Dog Days wants me to throw a drop shot I think we have a better option that just actually hasn't launched yet about to launch from Strike King if I can find it oh man it's in my truck I'll be back in that brand new bait is the Strike King homing minnow a preig swimbait that I hope to do a full video on here in a bit T but man am I excited about this because this style of lure right here is what got me hooked on bass fishing in the first place it is I believe this one's a/4 ounce 3/8 oun so a little heavier I probably should have looked at the package and brought a quarter but either way I should be able to cast this thing around hopefully catch some small Bait fish eating bass I don't know if there's any Giants in here but we're going to give it a shot and it's cool to be back there's a duck in the plants here I'm sorry I'm just trying to fish I guess I will not be putting my my rod over there all right first cast is going to be just a little flip out there I'm kind of curious to see if it's more than 2 feet deep no it's like a foot and a half deep at least right here maybe deeper out in the middle but right off the bank it is pretty dang shallow and I do want to see how that swimbait looks looks juicy let's cast out to the bubbler out there much like many ponds in Texas and I'm sure across the entire South right now the water level is low it looks like it's about a foot maybe a foot and a half which is never a good thing you don't usually want the bass to uh not have the same water access as they usually do now how will that affect the bite I have no clue all I know is that it is so stinking hot I had to start filming today at 1230 p.m. yeah I know horrible idea uh I should have brought a smaller swimbait I didn't read the package it says 38 o a little too heavy for uh how shallow I'm fishing I can't really retrieve it as slow as I want I feel like the waterfall here are a good place to catch them if the water level was high enough there's not really much uh depth where the water's flowing in so I don't know how many basss are going to be there especially at again 12:30 and it's 100° outside I don't think they're going to be perusing the banks oh gosh oh no oh the sprinklers just turned on that's not good what the heck who runs the sprinklers at noon when it's this hot that is not a smart financial decision A&M gosh now my pants are getting wet all right I'm just I'm I'm going to P I'm just embracing the fact that my legs are now soaked by the dang sprinklers that are on oh gosh now my body's son of a gun is that how you treat a former student now I'm stuck on a cypress tree oh there's some bass some bass right there they're on a dang wolf pack they're in a dang wolf pack come on my Line's twisted my Line's Twisted no no son of a gun I see him you don't don't go nowhere bass don't go nowhere man they were not lying these bass in here are small there was about 10 bass all together eating bluegill as they swam dang they do not want the swimbait my goodness I'm getting wet again all right they don't want the swimbait that's like pretty obvious so as much as I want to catch one on it we're going to tie this off and get something different probably should have never untied the drop shot so here we go we're get it back up again oh my gosh holy cow they're on a rotating cycle gosh dang it unbelievable this is horrible these ones are higher too oh my God okay and you can't really wipe off a camera lens with an Ry wet shirt I guess it worked well this camera here is giving me an overheating warning so I'm going to stick it over here in the shade you know what I'm going to turn it off I'm going to turn that off well after a quick break in the shade and letting the water turn off on this area here I assume in about 3 seconds 2 1 yep they have started in that region so I'm just going to fish a little bit slower and maybe I'm used to fishing that way I can kind of stay behind the sprinklers or maybe I should just hop one section and fish my normal speed to get ahead of the sprinklers because this is definitely making fishing a little bit harder than I had anticipated and one thing I find so interesting talking about that uh School of bass I saw a second ago is that they are schooled up relatively shallow chasing around bluegill in like less than 2ot of water so I don't necessarily feel like I have to fish super slow out deep are there probably bass out there yes but just like I see in many ponds and lakes around the country this time of year the fish do like to actually get in schools and I'm not sure if that's to conserve energy or or hunt more efficiently whatever it is they like to sco up and as crazy as this sounds that's a Blu Gill bed and that's a bluegill bed right there so we are in the end of August and the bluegill are still spawning no wonder the bass are up Shallow I'm going to walk and see if I can find them again they're probably doing one big loop so I doubt I'll see them going this direction ooh I see one I see a very small bass cruising up shower come find my worm to give me a success oh oh here we go oh oh no he ate it but it was too small to eat it he ate the tail and not the head this is a tough Pond there are not many fish in here and they are not big you know what though being an oncampus Pond for a school of 75,000 students in Texas this is probably a little more pressured than I had even thought and it's August about the worst combo you can have I'm going to get my bags and focus on the bubblers let my drop shot sit out there while I get a rock out of my shoe I'm sweating what feels like out of my butt crack not just down it and in it out of it too that's a new level of sweat come on just one fish that's all I want one I want a success here come on holy cow it's so hot how about under the bridge I'm going to leave this camera here and I'm going to head under the bridge cuz it really seems like the only fish that will bite are ones cruising the bank and So the faster I can Cruise the bank the better oh uhoh uh-oh oh no I had one I had one my drag was too loose I'm not going to blame it on that it was a teeny tiny fish literally got him by the scale probably wasn't even in his mouth all right a halfway tug let's go there's one there's one yes sir I knew it I knew I'd finally get one and it feels a lot nicer than the ones I was just seeing yes sir hey hey probably one of the biggest fish in here bring it over here buddy and he oh he's got he's got friends with him oh man all right I'm going to bring you over here we got to show you to the big camera my first bass at my alond Water Texas A&M University on the drop shot who would have guessed it these are the conditions for a drop shot so hot just dog days of summer and it's not a big one but really really quality fish so I hope these fish in here continue to grow he's been caught a bunch though I mean his his mouth is all kind of messed up so we're going to get you back in the water buddy thanks for playing and it's good to know there may be bass in that corner by that waterfall so I'm going to pack up the camera here we're going to head over there now two things are true one I've got bait pop I have no idea if it works I've told you guys in videos before I'm uh I'm just testing out this kind of Technology no clue honestly not a whole lot of belief in it but I'll take any scent and color and whatever that makes these fish stay on there longer as I can today and two I see a little covert sticking out underneath the water I don't know if there's any actual water flow but that's right where I got the bite so I'm calling it I'm about to catch another one I see one right here eat it o my worm looks really weird with chartreuse bait pop on it I'm not sure if I like that ah who cares if I like it do the bass like it oh yes they do oh my goodness heyo got us one bass number two I don't think it was due to bait pot because this fish darted at it from the second it hit the water but that's a single scoot bass right there hey oh I see another one in the water looking at me my drop shot is in an absolute tangle right now see a friend don't tell your buddies look at that thing look at that tangle doing the Tango I'm just going to get a new worm that's bad that is not worth figuring out it seems as if the covert holds a few bass as they almost always do if you got a covert in your body of water and you can make pitches and cast at it without the fish seeing you Primo and this is just so sick catching bass right next to Kyle Field right there I'll put the tripod on that little Pavilion on that side and y'all can really see the view I'm seeing this is so cool I wish the fish were bigger but when I was on campus we didn't have a pond so I'd be grateful to have this if I still went here let's see if we can drop in the cul again no I believe the bass have vacated the premises let's move to that side over there show you all the pretty View and as I'm walking around I noticed there's actually a higher side to this Pond here but I don't know how many bass would realistically be in the high side with all the rain they get in College Station I feel like a lot of them would have flooded down so unless I see one as I walk I'm going to skip this side I mean just look at that dude that's sick get to fish right next to the place for the fighting Texas agies on the day that I dropped this video are going to Notre Dame hopefully I try not to get too high on my agies if you know much about college football we have all the money the facilities the players in the world but haven't been able to get a whole lot of those big winds so we're hoping this new coaching change coach Elco can uh make that happen and I tell you what there may not be many basss here but this one of the coolest ponds I've ever fished just based on the fact that this place means so much to me and now they're somewhere to fish here which is even better and I think biologist Steven is in charge of this place in terms of the management and upkeep could be wrong on that I got to text him but if he is this place will be great one day forgot to fish a thunder Cricket on the covert from the other side ooh how about fishing by the feeder huh matter of fact I'm pretty sure these are feed trained bass and if that's true there should be one around the feeder oh never mind low that is not Steven's company that's another friend of mine that is an A&M alumni here named Steven I think Steven no Robert I forgot his name that's not good I'll find the guy and text him later let him know he needs to uh put some more bass in here oh something felt oh never mind my my rod hit the tree I'm tempted to like Daniel in the Bible just kneel down and scoop up water with my hands okay let's see how this looks here we're good to go here yes we are I want to catch one on the Thunder Cricket I feel like it's possible the bank looks a little steeper on this side over here by all the Rocks just made a cast by those two Boulders and a another Spillway dang I'm going to parallel the spillway as much as I can before casting a drop shot over there but it don't seem like if there are any basss they want this thing so I'll let the spillway rest for a few minutes and when I put this down my first cast will go right to where those two Boulders are marking a Spillway okay blatantly obvious to me of these fish are not in a vibrating jig even reaction bait mood at all not even the small homing minnow did they want so drop shot it is for the rest of this pond get a good cast right parallel with the spillway hey yo the covert whatever you call it oh I'm so hot I'm over this man this is this is too hot going to Bubble her right next to these deep rocks here this seems like a good spot I just wish I had seen how good it looked before I got on top of them I feel like locking legs with my Aggie Breen and saw them off right now believe it or not I have not been to an A&M football game in three seasons which not I'm not happy about it but that's just the way the cookies crumbled hopefully this year I'll be able to go to my favorite one which is A&M versus Horns down Texas matter of fact all the Longhorns can go ahead and unsubscribed now I'm just kidding don't leave I like you here oh there there was one in there my goodness all right last cast it is it is so hot it's not even enjoy knowing that the max siiz bass I'm going to catch is pound and a half and I'm sweating for that well you know what folks we had fun we had an adventure the farmers fought gig mags I'm going to turn the camera here to cyle field as I do my outro hope youall enjoyed this episode of 100 pawns we are getting close to the end of the series but y'all don't want to go anywhere trust me if we have some awesome ponds to come some awesome teaching I just have been asked so many times by for current students ATM and people who are justmans fans who have come to tailgates they've seen this Pond and they said Tyler get your butt down from Dallas to College Station and film on the brand new Pond I did and it was technically a hot success so thank you all so much for watching this episode I will have all the tackle I use as always linked down in the video description those are affiliate links so if you click on those and Shop it helps my channel continue to grow if you want to watch my last Hunter ponds video it'll be up here in the corner right on top of Kyle Field and we'll see you guys next time right here on trf

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