Country Superstar Tyler Hubbard | TFATK Ep. 1020

Intro yes we did cuz we back at it again it's the fighter in the kid this is really the fighter in the kid come on baby the camo see so much Brendan telling Tyler how him and Florida Georgia Line made country music cool camo yeah yeah I think too you're you're one of the guys in country is my favorite genre of music you're one of the guys too that made it kind of cool you know you Florida Georg we listen to here we listen to you guys on this podcast talking about you yeah yeah you kind of you know cuz country when think like George straight or G Brook like I'm to rock GTH books man you know but you you Florida George Line like you guys like made it cool like it was like you guys like crossed over like made it cool K if that makes sense bro I appreciate that you've been crushing it brother crushing it man thank you man it's been fun man it's been a lot of fun wild right huh it is y some would say the wildest yeah it's pretty uh it's pretty incredible you know it's it's definitely surreal it's it's a actually just ultimately getting to do what I love and and actually paying the bills and actually uh getting to do it on the level that I've gotten to do it at it is wild it's like cuz when you started did you start typically like like most musicians like is that the garage yeah I was pretty old school uh came up pretty old school like when we decided to pursue the artist thing like we were calling clubs ourselves acting like agents we would you know Pack 12 dudes in a sprinter van and uh not even a sprinter van that was stage two but like a 15 passenger like old church van I was going to say Sprinter van young age you guys were balling no right exactly no that was kind of that was later on old scho creepy that point but yeah we were old school van had my car detailing trailer that I would use on the weekends and we'd pack it full of gear and go play clubs in the Southeast you know so we we kind of we built it real like real from the ground up you know originally and that's kind of the the approach I'm taking uh in this new season as a solo artist just getting out there and yeah I and I love the stuff you're putting out like a lot of times when guys like known for one thing right Florida George Lan when they venture out on their own you're like oh man what you going to get but man it's good brother thanks have to be scary though has to be a little scary I mean it was uh I would just say that season in general was scary for me and for everyone I mean whenever all that was going on we were living in the pandemic you know it was like 2020 the end of 2020 when all this conversation started so yeah it was scary to realize like first of all to realize before we even had discussions of doing solo things like we knew like oh we can't go play shows like that's pretty scary when you've been doing it every night for every weekend for 10 years and you're like this is what I just assume I'd always be doing this you know like and then overnight it's like no more shows and you're like well what what am I going to do so so in my head I was like well I just I love to write songs that's kind of my day job anyways and that's what that's where my one of my passions is uh obviously as a songwriter and so I was like well I'll just lean into that and I did for a while but yeah you really there was a lot of UN on in that season for sure and I had my third I had my third child at that time as well under and at that point that was three under three I ruptured my ailles and broke my ankle so there was a lot going on where I'm like man unnown brother I don't know what God's teaching me here but this is getting crazy I wish he'd hurry up and and and get done teaching me whatever get to the last chapter man so yeah get to the last chapter please well it doesn't matter who you are you got to hustle right it doesn't matter like but also leaving you know the established group I mean one of the biggest of all time Florida George Line bro like massive dude and then to go off on your own it it also has to be tough cuz so public right like it's different well there a lot of there was a lot of speculation so you're also dealing with all that noise that social media horeshit but in a way it's it it can be real in terms of how it affects your bottom line how you address it that's the [ __ ] problem right right so everybody's got these points of view everybody's drawing lines everybody's taking sides and all that [ __ ] and believe it or not you've got you yeah you want to be in like we were talking before this about how you know social media can be it a lot of it we talk about this a lot of it's fake a lot of it's not real in in terms of how it affects your your day-to-day interactions it's also tough to navigate the world too cuz we're kind of the the first generation that deals with this magnitude so it's like oh no like they're saying this whoever it is the the media saying this you want to get on like no here's the truth but that doesn't matter so it's like you're fting these demons and you know that like there's this this just narrative [ __ ] which is a distraction CU if you're a comic if you're a songwriter your your job is original self-expression trying to do something that's that's original authentic that's not derivative all that [ __ ] and that takes a certain mindset if you're also having to think about this other noise right you know and at that time there was tons of noise and it was super polarizing time for everybody remember I mean it was like are you on this side or that side and it was just and it was just so everyone was a bit we were all a bit off kilter you know what I'm saying some people on the right side some people on the wrong side and you and I on the right side we were like we yeah we we lost a lot of people you know asan says in Tyler talks how scary it was around covid time- how it was humbling especially because we lost a lot of people in Co and and uh some of them are no longer with us you know in other words totally I lost a lot of you know yeah man I mean people fell off the off the Rockers a bit during that time you know and it was uh but for me like looking back like in hindsight like you just said bro I mean everybody goes through hard times and looking back man I'm like so grateful I'm where I'm at and and honestly it made me stronger because there was a time where I was like dude like first of all I don't know if I'm ever going to play another show again that alone is pretty scary like cuz that was my passion my love secondly at the time literally I couldn't walk for like 6 months and I couldn't be any help around I mean it was a it was a humbling time so so looking back I'm actually grateful for the for the lessons I learned and I'm grateful to be able to uh you know anytime you kind of face your fears man once you get to the other side it's just so fulfilling and that's kind of where I'm sitting right now so yeah I'm uh you kind of realize that everything's figure atable you know like exactly man I think only if you put in the word you know what I'm saying like if you would have laughed right and it's like you hold on you left Florida George Line and then you release some you know just some [ __ ] or something that we like what is this but it's it's good you know what I'm saying like that's where you're like all right he's doing the work I really do think a lot of times like too much comfort is your biggest enemy it's like that that expr the wolf at the door is not struggle it's luxury well I don't think Comfort builds character and that's kind of what I've doesn't build an artist I'll tell you that much no it doesn't no it doesn't build men either no man no in society's going through Comfort like with Bryan asks Tyler about his songwriting process everything like no we don't ruffle any feathers like it's okay to ruffle some feathers man it's good man it's good it's good for the narrative you want to ruffle some feathers well that would be the case with a song writing I'm sure your songw writing changed having to deal with all that [ __ ] yeah I mean I definitely had a lot of a lot of emotion you know that I could pour out into songs and then I could kind of channel that you know um from so many different from so many different perspectives do you write how do I write start you start with the metaphor you just get an idea I wish there was like one equation it's really kind of a it's a fun it's a fun craft because no day is the same I keep an ongoing like notes on my phone of like General ideas maybe titles things like that I have a voice uh what is it voice notes you know what I'm saying where I'll if if a melody or something hits me I might take a quick note of that and just just to have some stuff like stockpiled a bit as far as general Bryan asks if Tyler can write a song with him and Brendan concepts or ideas but we do a lot of co-writing in Nashville that's that's kind of the name of the game and it's a really cool concept because you get together with two or three guys that you love super creative and you just you throw around the best you throw around a bunch of ideas until something sticks and then um you just kind of I like to I call hang hang hanging the dart board you know kind of create a goal at the end of the day and trying to shoot for it and um could you write a song with us you ultimately it's just to write a great song you think you like you never know I think so he's that good there's a guitar right here why don't you that's your guitar no it's not CH I put it there for a reason just in case not guitar of course it's not his guar I know I saw some I saw it I was like that's a nice guitar he's not some new artist trying to break out right now brings a guitar everywhere baby Martin like yeah is guitar your thing how do you write songs yeah usually guitar piano but also writing writing songs isn't anything new for you like that's your thing like even you know with the with the big group and I always assume like that's your thing you know yeah I I moved to Nashville well ultimately I moved there to go to school but uh once I got out of school and realized that there was a profession called songwriting I was like that's that's my jam like that's what I want to try to pursue and so ultimately that's what I was doing which led to being an artist because I was like in order to get my songs heard you got to get out and play them yeah you know to get songs heard to potentially hopefully get songs cut by other artists and so that was really my uh initial motivation you know to do the artist thing and me and BK happened to be writing songs together and playing songwriters rounds and then we ended up being roommates right after college and so we just kind of did it together and decided yeah let's just start playing our songs and trying to get some songs cut it's kind of cool though the first time you realize that you wrote a song that people like right must be kind of wild it is it is pretty wild yeah especially the first cut you get like when you have another artist call you and tell you they want to record a song you wrote that they didn't write on pretty fulfilling yeah that's cool man do you remember like the is there is there a group that you found astonishing that kind of thank you for the Golden Goose by the way is there is there is Tyler talks how he started in music and what inspired him there a group that you kind of uh when you were younger said I have to do this is it do you remember the moment you were like I got to be a [ __ ] songwriter man I just grew up listening to a lot of great country songs that really inspired uh you know even like Allan Jackson and stuff like that where I'm just like man these songs are so great like they paint such cool pictures and I can you know I can see the stories into my head and just being inspired by that but also like being very inspir by a whole lot of different influences from hip-hop to rock to Christian music which I ended up that's kind of where I started anyways like playing music in church that's kind of where I fell in love with music and so getting to like be a creative and get to kind of like put all those influences in a mixing bowl on any given day and say today let's write let's write a rap song or let's write a Christian song or let's write a I think it shows in your music too especially with the early day Florida Georgia Line cuz right it was like country and there's some rap you're rapping over it it's just like the whole swag it was like a whole kind of smorgus of just all sorts of influences I'm also amazed at the difference in the Southern church versus like you got a church in Boston it may as well be in Latin everybody's quiet the priest gets up there talks going to sit down it's all kind of like very you know and then you go out the South yeah Biden the hard way what's that see Biden at the southern Church he's all bro it's it's that the only the the the black community when they migrated North brought that gospel to the churches in Harlem and stuff like that my my friend's mom died and I went to that church I was the only white guy in the church it was a [ __ ] concert I was like well I'd be here every Sunday and then I went to church down in Florida cuz my my wife's religious my wife's family they go to church and I was like well there's a there's a band and these guys are talented as [ __ ] I mean they were singing their asses off and they grew up in the church yeah man also think you hit at a good time too cuz the country is the number one genre in America yeah by are the biggest yeah now yeah it's crazy yeah everybody's making the everyone's making the jump everybody's making the jump man but it's cool you know like it's uh like you said I I've kind of been in the game now for I don't know what like 12 or 13 years technically as a professional artist and so uh to get to watch the genre grow the way it has man it's been super cool and I think you had a huge influence in that where you see people jumping over because there's like country right like the you know you know Johnny you know the Johnny Cash stuff like it's country country and then the the crossover where it's a little more like um like The Melodies and like a little more catchy like you got a lot to do with that right and and but then also sorry to interrupt you but then also there was a thing too like I've been rocking Florida George Line for a hot second and who put me on to it was Tim TBO oh nice yeah so he put me on like this is great but there was a thing too where it was like the hardcore country guys would make fun of us for listening to Florida Georgia right yeah yeah because oh that's not you know Johnny C like yeah yeah I'm not jamming to Johnny Cat for practice there was like a weird line there more per there's definitely some different subg genres you know in our in country music which I think is cool you know what I mean like you sort of nowadays got some something for everybody you know and you can kind of pick and choose some days I'm in the mood to go more traditional and and channel my inner in Allan Jackson or you know Johnny Cash but uh you know some days it's fun to really kind of put the envelope a bit and see where you can go and now that like you know now post is in the game put record see but see I think you open it up for them because if you go back how long like how long ago you did that now you see post jumping Tyler talks how many different people have come to the country genre into it right and he has the jeans on and the the tire you're like oh damn I thought that's the white boy with cornrows you can jump into that and then MGK is jumping into it right then obviously jelly roll is a big influence now his tattoos on his [ __ ] face so it's like it's this cross-pollination now where I think think you were the like the the Jackie Robinson of like you were the first one to make that transition oh thanks man well it's it's been fun to see it happen and it's uh honestly the the coolest part is how it brings in so many different people to our genre it's not one lifestyle or one type of person that's listening to country music it's it's the jelly roll crowd it's the Laney Wilson crowd it's the Luke Holmes it's I mean everybody brings in kind of their people and it's uh it's it's cool man it's a big old family now it's a big family to that point it's also like this day and age of cancel culture like you look at Morgan Wallen who you know was caught on tape drunk said something he shouldn't have and all the record labels and like the big media drop them country music went well well no no no no he made a mistake we're not cast him off the island yeah no he made a mistake everybody makes mistakes clearly he's a good person and then he had the number one album number one song like they fight the good fight man yeah he's been number one ever since then ever since that's ever they went hold up no no no you're not canceling him and they made album number one ever since yeah not to mention he does put out great songs super talented so it's not you know he SL he has the talent to back it I think it's important also to realize it's not because people are racist or anything it's because they they they recognize Talent they want to listen to great music and they're not going to cancel a human being and his entire life and work based on a mistake he made you know what he was talking but think about the mistake he no hold on he's with his buddies coming home from a bar some lady from a roof films him while he's with his friend so it's not supposed to be on tape none of that you're going to cancel him over that I just like it's like that country went no no no no no no no we'll take it from here and then I think they gave him a slap on the a slap on the hand for a few months and then well The Gatekeepers and then loved him and then Love's too talented changed The Gatekeepers have changed jelly roll is a felon his tattoos on his face his wife was a mistress he's no he's huge I mean honestly it's kind of cool that our genre is sort of like hey Open Arms man if you're if you're a good person and it doesn't really matter or or how about where you've come from or everybody's flawed and everybody makes exactly I think it's uh there's a lot of Truth in that obviously and so uh it's cool that our genre can you know understand that a bit but this what we were talking about before we started recording is that just the idea that you you know we pay such a price with and I think a lot of times the price is invisible you don't realize that we are so connected to this portal in our hands and and watching a highlight reel of other people's lives it doesn't make you feel good about yourself it makes you feel like you're missing something we start talking about the fact you did you are those are those real friends or are those fake friends are you talking about my [ __ ] following like is this how we this is where we've gotten are those Bots or are those real followers I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking but we're having these weird conversations around things that actually don't matter and and that is the enemy to just like comfort and luxury is that's also the enemy that false sort of like because it takes us away from what actually matters but it also take certain fan base away too like if you online it's like Brendan and Brian hate each other I'm like like what since when oh man there's so much false narratives running around the internet you know and and you can't address them like it like Rogan's always like ignore it's like but that's so off like what are you gonna do somebody somebody somebody sent me something about on CNN some I was talking about they said I was a I was a far-right conspiracy theorist that was me no I'm not no I'm not a conspiracy theorist no I'm not farri apiz in fact I had a podcast where I was debunking conspiracies so you know I'm not one of those guys I don't think I know there going to be sound crazy I don't think that the the the election was rigged I'm not going to go down those [ __ ] oh I will will I think it was rigged but I I just don't go down those rabbit holes but it's funny how you I I know you're mainstream I don't get you in trouble but you don't want to get me starting conspiracy I just don't like that stuff I'm just like it is tough bro because especially if you get on there and read it you know you realize man maybe people don't really know me as well as I feel like they do because there's so many false narratives out there you know and and I and it's nice it's nice to know I'm not the only one but also I think it's also just part of our world we live in I don't know if we can to your point like just let it ride because ultimately you control what everyone thinks no you know what I'm saying do you need to defend yourself and try to convince the world of who you are not really no cuz your your your core group of friends no that's really all you really care about friends know and you know everyone knows what's going on and and then also does it really matter cuz also when you talk about like oh does the fan base know me the answer like deep down no no no they know you for the Entertainer the great songs you in concert which is a heightened version of yourself but like at home in your jammies with wife and kid they don't know that version there's definitely aspects of my life that they don't have any idea about you know what I'm saying but ultimately you know to talk about like the phone and stuff you know like I feel like in this day and age that we live in as well with social media and all that like I will say I'll preface it by saying I think it's if used responsibly it can actually be a pretty cool way to connect with fans and help them get to know you a bit just like this podcast right here like people are getting to know me and you guys based on conversation but like they got to want to get to know you you know what I'm saying like it's and you got to be open to it and sometimes um you know people aren't willing to actually get to know anyone they just want to believe what they want to believe and that's what it is cuz that's funner take a little break take a little break first of all I'm going to be in Plano Texas dude I'll be at the house of Comedy September 6 seven and8 just get that then I'm in Edmonton after that at Comic Strip the weekend after Trudeau's coming yeah he might he might old Castro sonist I want to talk to you about the fact that 28 million people trust Progressive oh dude insurance is a lot but with Progressive they make it so dang easy because they have that Nifty comparison tool dude we're always talking about it's all the Rave right now and they with this tool you get the rate you need and coverage you deserve so dang easy all right you can get a quote easy at Progressive's website you get you get a 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conversation like if we want to talk about the election being rigged that's a long video fun conversation if you're just like no it's not I'm like no it's not there's not much to Riff on to it's like it's like my friend who's in the intelligence community and he's in those rooms you know and they like the real deal and he he was like I [ __ ] wish I wish people could see how how decisions are made and how wrong we are a lot of times and how chaotic it is and how nobody's actually in charge that like there's this invisible group that are calling the shots yeah right talking about the Deep state every yeah everybody has a different opinion everybody has a different opinion now a lot of times the president has to make a choice the responsibility is they a bunch of people come in and go here are the options you got shitty option number one even shittier option number two and worst option number three go you know it was like uh it was like with Trump when when they said to Trump during the co thing his his uh strategist said I think this is a quote he said you got a choice you can shut the country down okay or you can decide that Fouch is exaggerating lying or whatever and that's probably what most of us think this isn't that bad watch this what if he's not what if this is the beginning of Co what if on your watch you don't shut the country down and 10 million people die there might be a 1% chance but you're the president of the United States are you willing to take that so you got a choice between a freight train in your ass and a Mac Truck in your ass both suck yeah that's a lot of times that's a lot go off studies in science no no no not in the beginning in the beginning we didn't quite know in the beginning there wasn't a lot of information being exchanged and so it gets filtered and so as the President of the United States you're not a scientist you don't follow the [ __ ] you're being told six different things you know it's like where do I what what side do I I want to air on the side of caution then you have R Randy we Gard Gardener whatever the [ __ ] her name is who's the teacher the president of the teachers union and she comes up and she goes I will I will do whatever I can to make sure you don't get uh you don't get elected next time Gavin Newsome Etc because I don't want my teachers to die she's not bring her up up for a second she's at risk she's got some comorbidity she's not exactly the picture of health so as a as as a leader of something you're dealing with those realities that none of us have to deal with that's why you voted in that's that's the gig making tough choices that's the gig that's like being upset if you're a swimmer getting wet that's the [ __ ] gig dude my friend CEO my friend's CEO say exactly the same thing he goes all my underlings Bryan asks if Tyler is a car guy- brings up Brendans flipped truck he's got this huge company all mys they get to make the easy decisions right I get to choose between three terrible decisions that's my job that's the gig I would say being a leader you know what I mean like it's not it's not going to be easy no uhuh no otherwise everyone would do it he sounds like he just sing that song I'll tell you what being a leader I tell you not going to be easy you got write a song about that I'm you talk at a certain level and you kind of take your time are you are have you back to your music are you uh I would't say surprised but are you relieved about the uh the respon you got back on on the Tyler is starting his first headline tour music you're releasing yeah I would say so you know I've gotten a lot of great feedback and uh feels like it's just Building Man the momentum's there I've been seeing it you know every weekend just you see it all over the charts too like all I do is go to my Apple playlist and I hit it and your song's always in there that's in there yeah it feels like I'm uh I'm in the mix you know it feels great and it's just uh the fans have shown up and and it's also fun cuz I'm also getting to see like a rebuild you know what I'm saying like I'm going back to clubs like playing you know playing for for 1,500 people and then next time I'm going back and there's 3,000 people there you know and it's like really fun to see the rebuild and kind of just uh you know the fans kind of reconnecting you know what I'm saying and me getting to go a little bit deeper in personal my son's pissed he wasn't here today cuz he loves you and when when he uh when you do batting practice I just put the speaker on it plays the country and it your song came up I'm like this is the guy from Florida Georgine like he's on the show Monday he's like what I'm coming but he has yeah he can't he schol send something yeah man yeah he loves you I brought some hub caps we can send oh he'll freak out D he'll freak out you a car guy yeah I like cars yeah I don't have a barn to put any in so I'm pretty minimal at the house right now but uh yeah I enjoy cars yeah Nashville I know you're a car guy right I know you like to flip uh trucks that I heard that's the word on the street y yep truck acrobatic it's called truck acrobatic that was on purpose that was on purpose training for the Olympics turn the wheel yeah let's go let it roll so so for you like what's next brother as it's just like building as a a solo artist yeah man I'm going to uh I'm about to go out two weeks from now I'm starting my first headline tour um which is going to be a lot of fun all over the states going to Australia in October and Canada so so I'm going to dive into that and it's going to be uh that's exciting we kind of been working that up has be scary too though right CU before you had BK there right you guys would go through it together you're still going to have your crew like you have your boys so you're not Solo solo on stage you are at least you guy like like when me and him were torn together is nothing better it's way better T yeah was the best on our own sucks I you're in Spokane Washington strolling the streets Yeah by yourself like Le we at least we had each other yeah well I still got you know fortunately I got my band which I get to riff off of and and it's ultimately forced me to connect with the audience even more you know what I'm saying and riff with them instead of always having kind of that have that CR right so uh so yeah you know it took a little adjusting but I've been doing it now solo for a couple years so um so I feel pretty I got that yeah I'm pretty comfy is this a touchy subject like when the B when you guys break up the band because there's a band there's more than just you get the BK and you how's the band decide well they're ultimately make Tyler “with BK and I the closest analogy can find is a marriage” their own decision you know what I mean they're all grown men but um BK went out and started playing stuff on his own first and I said well are are you going to take the band like he didn't have any conversations with me or the band and so I was like well bro like the band's wondering what's happening with with our band so like are you going to take the guys he was like no I'm going to I'm going to bring my own guys so then I said well I'm well then when I do the thing like I'm going to take the band then cuz these are my brothers and he was cool with you know and he was completely cool with it worked out good for you it worked out great and the guys ultimately like I said I mean they made their their own choice and uh but we were all excited for for what it looked like going down the road with me and just you know know great always I'm always interested and I guess it's different for bands because it's a marriage of sorts you spend so much time together and it's so easy to get on each other's nerves and get it's just every band breaks up ultimately no matter how successful yeah it doesn't make you bad people it's just if you're if you're in a business guale like we're in a business like there's some days we're never mean to each other but just no it's like [ __ ] off but you know it is a it's a partnership you know and is now imagine your your band members 40 years older no I'm not that much older please ACC sorry please be accurate that makes me angry 16 years older godamn yeah but but you're right I mean it's like it it it becomes a marriage it is man detail I bus together right I literally I mean we were in a van a sprinter van and a bus together and then you're on a bus for a while with 12 dudes and one bus and then you if you're fortunate you moved to two buses and three buses and all that but like yeah you you definitely are closer to your band than than a lot of times anyone in your life and with BK and I you know yeah it was a partnersh ship that was the closest analogy I could find was a marriage you know what I mean minus the sex it was like full-blown marriage and you're like and by what I mean by that is like the amount of intentionality that you have to put behind it and investment of time to make make it work and to make it Thrive yeah it's not like you can just show up and play shows and and that's the only time you hang and it and it be thriving it's a relationship and it requires energy and time and and all that so I think you can get to know somebody so well that you can see a vein in their neck or how their nostril flares when they say something you go oh he's pissed right right or how they operate yeah exactly but I also think too it's like uh whenever I hear somebody getting divorced I say how long they 12 years I'm like damn that's a great run it's a good run well I was literally about to say band if you go look at all the bands in history most of them break up and most of them don't make it 10 years and and and for us like we made it 10 years and for like for me and my head when we decided to go our own separate way like there was obviously that kind of like time of mourning a bit where I was a little bit like man this is like sad bro like this was our this was what I poured my whole life into for the last 10 years so to walk away is a bit sad but it's also like but bro we should be high-fiving cuz we just crushed it for 10 years together and we came out on the other end able to even be a solo artist yeah and both you can go do your own thing now like it's all about perspective like I looked at that's dope also I think depends on the person if you're a negative person like oh my God they broke up I'm like damn 10 years at the highest level that's dop that thing with now I get double the music yeah because part of it is like also when you are collaborating that has its run like you know artistically you might have just started to you might have started repeating yourself like I'm sorry but the Rolling Stones have become a cover band of themselves right they haven't written a song in 30 years really and and I think after a while that chemistry can keep churning out the same kind of gold right and you start repeating yourself I don't know about you but as a comic like with this new special for the first eight months man I was having a really hard time not repeating themes because I wasn't because I wasn't writing your stuff you were not writing my stuff and that was the biggest thing but like you the biggest enemy to a comic after you get to a certain age is getting stuck in in the same patterns because you're concerned with the same questions you're dealing with the same things and if you're not growing as a person and you don't have new experiences you're going to be stuck kind of a it's the same what is it word it's like the same song with a different [ __ ] it's going to be the same thing did you feel that way and did like how do you get out of that trap yeah I mean if you think about it like the age of from 23 to 33 I mean talk about those are the years where life drastically changes you grow a ton you Lear you go from we had you know literally having nothing to having some things to be responsible for to meeting our wives to having children to blah blah blah so like to think that life in some form or fashion doesn't grow two people apart unless you're very intentional about it then then it's a little naive so yeah that's a lot um I think that was a big piece of it too because you know life just just happens you know what I'm saying and you don't want to build your whole entire life with just one person if it's a Business Partnership you know we BK wanted me to have my family I want him to have his family and be happy and his in his life and so I think uh that's part of it too you know what I'm saying but ultimately this was a way to really like give us continue continue to let us express ourselves like and not be redundant and give the fans hey we're not just going to make another FGL we're going to make a person you know we're going to make it a bit more personal we're going to give we're going to reinvent our connection with you guys but but here's the other thing you don't owe anybody anything you know what I'm saying like if you guys just wanted to shut it down after 10 a 10year run touring the world you don't owe anybody anything so it's also like yeah I want to do my own thing BK wants to do his own thing cool do it that's what you want do you're going to do it you don't owe anybody anything and again it's somebody's perspective it's like 10 year run that's dope now they want to do their own thing that's dope and in a way like you said you got to start from scratch because I remember watching I was at a Springsteen concert a long time ago and everybody wanted to hear the the [ __ ] Springsteen songs right want that dude I'm telling you when when he started singing his new [ __ ] I boot him you would see everybody the aisles would fill cuz everybody's going to the bathroom and leaving drinks and he one point goes damn every time I sing a new song you guys all leave he said that and like you could hear him say especially a guy like him yeah and then he did an interview about it he was like i' I'd sing me new songs and people would literally be filing out and it's like I gota I got to condition my audience because I'm a victim of my own success they're used to these old songs they you have his catalog yeah yeah I'm not trying to hear the new [ __ ] man do that on your own time do that on your own time people want to hear the hits yeah I need them hits when that that old school of a dude give me the hits give me the heads give me the H give me the HS I wish I could play the guitar yeah everyone yeah dude you're young yeah you got this um there's but anybody that's in sports or in standup usually want to do what you do and vice versa I feel like guys that are in music want to be standup or but music has a different thing that it does to you like when you hear a really good song like it it it I swear to God not to be dramatic but this is 100% true and I challenge anybody if you hear a song that moves you to a degree you forget you're human and what I mean by that is yep you forget you have to go to the bathroom you forget you don't have sex you forget you're hungry you forget everything you just you get put in this High Relief yeah I guess you [ __ ] up my Soliloquy gay gay but but it's true like real music can create that weird feeling ofation for you for you though be for him he's singing the same song You sung a million [ __ ] times I know but yeah but I would say you guys yeah but to laugh like belly laugh bro like uncontrol is I don't have any songs making people laugh so but at least we can go out and try new stuff you know what I'm saying like I was going to say Tyler says he would love to have everyone sit down and enjoy a comic set before he plays so the fans can have a night of both comedy and music too like the biggest things I've noticed about the difference cuz I think about like how are our worlds the same and they are in a lot of ways with touring and all the stuff and The Balancing Act and the family and all that but like you guys for me I might play a new unless I'm rebuilding a career I pretty much seen the same hits over and over and over every night with the banter might change a little bit but like you guys have to rewrite your show every year if not before so like everything that you wrote for that whole year basically in whole album is now unless you pull from it in five years like it's going to be especially in the age of the Internet it's just out there and you're not going to be able to use it anymore but you guys have to you know sing the classics and pretend that you're you know hyped up for like here we go Nashville and it's like the million times oh man I love this but with music musical crowds love that and with up it's a magic trip I can't come back and do the same hour I'm [ __ ] they won't be like that classic joke no and when I shoot the special it's done now I got to I got to once again and then Panic for the next six months then you're cooking in the you know in the small shows until you go back out I know repeating myself bringing out bringing old songs also you guys have no overhead or very little overhead a microphone and a stool not even a mic I just show up yeah we show up that's all covered yeah let's take a little break here man we're here to about car parts dude O'Reilly Auto Parts your One-Stop shop for all your car needs cuz you know what they're in the business of keeping your car on the freaking Road nobody wants a old clunker all the time right that's where O'Reilly helps you out whatever you got a 20-year-old Ford Lightning you got a 40-year-old Humvee whatever you need they got it for you O'Reilly Auto Part they'll test your battery for free you out of your car if it needs to be replaced that'll help you find just the right battery for your vehicle if you need windshield wipers replaced a brake light fix or a quick service they got you dude the professional Parts people at O'Reilly Auto Parts are One-Stop shop 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will notice better blood flow better erection quality and firmness and increased Sexual Energy and drive that wiener is ready to go huh if you want to spice things up in the bedroom try a little Joy mode try a little Joy mode go to try Joy y yep go to tr jooy mode TR jooy fighter Ander fighter at checkout for 20% off your first order see what happens you might spice things up that's try jooy fighter that's incredible but yeah you have to have [ __ ] fireworks and [ __ ] whole band manic specialist you guys should come we should do a show together and that way I can afford to have you guys yeah we're free love we're free all needs a mic bring them on tour I come open for honestly guys I'd love to get y'all I think because of what y'all do and the um emotion that y'all bring out I've always thought instead of having three acts on a bill it's all getting up there and playing music and like sonically people's ears actually do get tired after all night of music I would love to have everyone sit down enjoy a comic set and say and then get that emotion going but then also bring in the music element and kind of have a night of both Metallica did that did they really yeah Metallica yeah Metallica would that's a crazy example because they're so I mean music is so you're going to feel that literally in your bones yeah metall would have our boy Jim bre Jim Brewer yeah wow F my friends went and saw Jim Brewer in Denver recently and they were like Savage a clinic oh dude he's so [ __ ] F to the point imagine doing the same material for 10 years it be like that when you get on the stage you're like okay here we go but that fan base is there to see it live for the first time yeah somebody was describing radio head um at the height of their popularity and they were on this private jet and they were I think going from Japan to [ __ ] who cares and and the journalist who was there said that they were all looking down and they were just picking a spot cuz they couldn't stand to look at each other anymore like they were just like I can't look at the person across from me because well Metallica said they didn't talk to each other they would only they yeah they had to go see a group therapist but they would get on stage and they wouldn't even speak to each other and just play the music and then go back and go their separate ways next city same thing wouldn't even talk they didn't break up all the behind the magic yeah 100% but isn't isn't everything like that like like my my experience you know so so you watch sports and you watch the Highlight Reel you watch these great football players or something and then I would watch um sort of how whether it's Fighters pro football players whatever it might be I see what it takes to be what they are and the routine and how they have to talk to themselves how they have to not talk to themselves it's not that glamorous man it's like we were saying it's like if you looked at if you saw how they make the hot dogs it's [ __ ] well that's why everyone looks up to music artists or Comics or athletes cuz it's tough man it's not everyone can do it it's tough dude it's a tough game and I'd say the people uh you just you you just referenced the Highlight reals you know like people don't necessarily highlight the hard Parts you know what I mean you kind of highlight the the fun to watch watch parts and the you know the end of the play and the you know the end of the race and all that's what you highlight but it's actually the getting there you know that takes the heart and the and the effort and the push and the do think do you think there was an era of of great music or is that all [ __ ] is there always great music like do you think that like people talk about the 70s or you know like with rock and roll like Zeppelin and all that like or do you think that's like kind of because I I feel almost like there's always great artists all the time I feel like there's I think it es and flows a bit and you got really you know people reference the n in country music people reference the 90s all the time and how really how Monumental the 90s were an influential and how there was just iconic artists but it's also I'm sure people that are in the 90s are referencing people in the 70s and how they were so iconic and influential and all that and so for me and I'm sure in 20 years they're going to be talking about you know 2024 and how you know and how influential that was and you know how big pop was in that you don't know at that time yeah so I I feel like when you look back there's always there's always seems to be a great artist great music or a group of great artists or or or a genre that's really pushing the limits or creating really good music at that time but you know it kind of EVs and flows but for the most part I think there's always it's with sports when people argue greatest all time like oh it's Jon Jones or BJ pen or Fedor I'm like at that time though man you can't compare them there's greats in every time period and they want to compare them or Jordan LeBron it's like Jordan did his thing LeBron's now they're both great right yeah there's always there's always somebody always and it's always it's always evolving and changing which is what I love about the music business like even the business side of it it's not like a lot of other businesses like once you figure it out it's like stays the same like this business changes so quickly cuz it used to be right like if you had a hit song you would get paid a certain way right and then when streaming came along it change the game and then I know a lot of artists would make the majority not off streams anymore but the majority of their money off touring like that's whyl the road even how people consume music nowadays compared to 5 10 years ago it's it changes every five years I mean when I signed my first record deal there were not streaming wasn't even in existence and that wasn't that long ago so how do you calculate that like when you're negotiating like you signed a new independ sign de based on how the business was structured at the time right based on sales and uh not streams you know what and so then when streams came to the picture it was a whole new like Revenue generator for the labels you know that that uh but not for the artists so I just I say all that to say like that and obviously now there's Tik Tok now there's this and that so you got to think about now we're in a generation of tons of artists that have come off Tik Tok and and that didn't exist 5 years ago either so the business is always changing so it's almost like trying to think like what's going to be next like trying to get him front think a bit Yeah so it's yeah cuz I remember when I was growing up in the 40s the the album was the thing so you'd get an album an album would drop and the the cover art was everything and you would listen to the whole album right so so that that you would talk about the album you didn't talk about a song really nobody's interested in your thematic body of work nobody's sitting through that [ __ ] unless they're singles right they're consuming it like they do uh candy they really are like they it's just because there's so much so we're doing this [ __ ] like I was talking about We're a nation of drug addicts dragging our thumb it's also similar how we when we first started podcast like you know the fire and the kid was big and then you know we'd have Theo and Tim Dylan all these so then you start collabing so you see post Malone with Morgan wall like there's a collabing going on jelly roll with post Malone like you see all this collaboration going around so it mixes the fan there was that Renaissance too in the for us as comics from like 2016 definitely 17 to 2020 right before covid where you'd go to the comic store comedy store and it was the biggest comics in the world it was the Golden Age yeah it was the Golden Age and everybody would be in that green room so I'd walk in there i' be like hello Bill Burr hello Joe Rogan hello Theo Von that nobody knows yet hello you know but you know why that worked be why that was such a special time is everyone was supportive yes everyone had each other's back H out I would do your pod you do my pod have a shopin friends Theo on like all of us were supportive we're a group we're a collective group and then Co hits and everyone goes disperses yeah and everyone's still strong on their own everyone's carrying on definely became but it's not as fun it's not a community like it used to be right it was a laugh we'd be in The Comedy Store parking lot it'd be like Rogan bull your yeah we'd all be bullshitting but I mean everybody and then people would come in and then leave and it was just like but it was and the other thing is because of Rogan's podcast and finally ours and a lot of other people's podcast we started getting this worldwide audience so you'd go to The Comedy Store and there'd be somebody from Pakistan and India who knew who you were and all excited to meet you right with an accent right and you were like that's what streaming did for our world that's why I'm going to Australia next month you know what I mean like they weren to listen to country radio in the states yeah and then is isn't merch really big now too with musicians like the the live merch like at concerts I think some yeah I think so yeah people always like a good t-shirt yeah I heard that's that's big yeah um um but yeah man it's people always like good t-shirt facts they do like a good t-shirt you're right brother you you know the man boxes I took him in I went big kid stay in shape what do you do he goes yeah I do a little boxing train I wouldn't say I'm boxing some boxing drills thank you sir thank you you know what I mean just a clarify and then then how how do how do you kind of manage the the life of you know a successful musician and then being a dad too because the days you're on the road man I can't I can't imagine it's definitely a juggling act and and or a balancing act maybe rather and I just have to be super um I actually have to plan for the first time in my life probably like be really intentional with my time and say like and look ahead on the calendar make sure make sure it's just balanced you know what I'm saying I live kind of by the calendar my team knows how important that balances for me with my with my family and and then my work and also it doesn't make it easy cuz I love what I do and I actually like to work I'm probably on the verge of being a workaholic and so like I have to make myself say like no today's Sunday bro like you do not even do your email today like it's all family that's it and hard too you got you really have like I have to like literally turn my stuff off but um but I actually enjoy the challenge and to be honest a lot of times by Thursday night or by Wednesday night I'm ready to take a two or three day we're we're fortunate in our genre we call it Weekend Warriors like a lot of times we just Tour on the weekends then we're home from Monday through like Wednesday or Thursday so it is a good balance if I can actually sort of be present while I'm home how are the kiddos now were they four five three four and uh I'm sorry four five and six yeah great ages so they're really fun ages bro and every day I'm not there I'm definitely missing some stuff so I'm really trying to FaceTime FaceTime has been my friend but it's not the same and especially sometimes it just like pours gas on the fire you know they're like I wish you were here but um it is what it is and they love coming on the road road to so a lot of times I'll either bring like one kid out which is really special so cool or the whole family but a lot of times like right now I got um my wife and and our son LC is here in LA with us for um a few days so he's having like his one onone time and he just thinks it's the coolest I had a show Saturday you got to go to the show and just like that's so cool so we're making really cool memories we're actually also just pulled them out of school we're going to start homeschooling so it'll free up a lot more lot people are doing that that's what I heard as soon as I decid we s decided to do that we were hearing like oh yeah like someone doing my friend has an amazing school in Nashville that I think would align with your values really yes hes School setup yes and I think it I it's actually I've actually tour it who's that I just you don't know her but she taught my kids and uh and she's incredible she taught my son K so similar like this but I went I T it and and I'll put you in touch please because um I can't recommend it highly and I had a real tour of it and I she educated children and she's incredible great that's cool to hear yeah we literally it's all new for us we're just diving into it like next week her name is Aaron kypers and she's you got to have somebody else teach the kid you don't want you don't want me doing it no that's what I told my wife have a speech impediment no but yeah yeah I don't know but he can do a lot of push-ups yeah he really strong strong little strong like training every morning why does he keep saying the election was a fraud he's AG just kidding oh that's good yeah yeah yeah yeah anyway yeah boys are good we appreciate you brother yeah huge fan dude my son dude he's going to be love that yeah if you got the kids you're good for a little while some EV we can I don't know how long he has just so the viewers know like they there's a miscommunication on timing we kept yeah we got time okay cool just a few just a few current events I might just have to pay for a second take a little break let's take a break dude because that jacket is dude it's all I see is it lit dude it I wish you wouldn't say that your age but dude I I keep I walk by people go hey why is your jacket lit your jacket's fire and I don't know what that means what are they talking about are you vaping no dude I'm just walking around that true classic my true classic jacket is distractingly good looking on you I travel with it I've got this in hunter green too dude true classic is your One-Stop shop for all your Essentials dude two classic shirts are my absolute favorite they're perfect fit snugging the arms in the chest just write a room for your midsection or your little tummy there true classic sells premium products at affordable prices you can get their best-selling t-shirts hoodies jeans joggers all that three six nine packs why not give it a go man not why not it's the best true classic is committed to their products they even have 100% Perfect Fit guarantee easy returns so right now if you're ready to step up your dress game dude do it with true classic go to True fighter toave that's true fighter shop now and elevate your wardrobe today oh can we talk about Alaska dude it's all I think about best trip ever best trip ever but do you like to do you like to fish and make money dude if you tell me they have some competition going on where you can get 25,000 worth of cash prizes and 25,000 grand prize I'm going to freak out you talking about Sportsman's Co of Lodge huh dude best Lodge listen you got excitement competition camaraderie and that's what happens when you take a fishing trip where you get tired of cranking and all those dude feel bad for them halit get ready cuz these boys going for 25 large on compete for $25,000 worth of cash prizes and $25,000 Grand price Alaska's bestest Alaska's best use code t fatk t fatk at checkout for buy one get one trips limit of one person there is a very you'll see why when you go best trip I've ever done Alaska's best believable all right we're back what do you got Jen first one is Alaska bear current event this guy that that got mauled by a bear in Alaska um we were hiking through some pretty thick grass here uh what we startled her or him I'm not sure um that's a Grizzly and it came he said brown bear but I'm not he made some noise um went to you and then it went straight to me and thankfully when I was falling backwards I was able to un sheath my pistol and when he was on top of me absolutely unloaded like a on top of this guy um so did my father uh I'm not sure I did shoot myself in the leg when I was falling backwards um oh right here you see the hole oh wow straight through my leg I'm not sure if again I shot myself when I was falling backwards or the bear got me I know he did bite into me I think I felt that but that's a bullet wound Bubba or maybe your dad shot you SOS out update get the out of here Papa bears here I think they saw another bear but uh yeah so he actually shot his his own leg when he was falling downar yeah you're doing this how about the bear though I thought he was going to be like I like got him in the headlock and I know I got behind him yeah I just unloaded a ho [ __ ] how about that bear though just a normal whatever Tuesday afternoon strolling through the freaking Alaska yeah see I'm not doing that how about that that's why you carry a gun I guess yeah and I and that's why I have the gun like this all the time walking I'm hiking like this holding the gun like this and with a [ __ ] huge bell gang gang gang I'm terrified of [ __ ] Bears yeah I I I just I don't know you're in that tall you can't see it no thanks no thanks all right so this is in China there's not much details on this guy but he they did a roadblock to block him in and he tries to get past them but something crazy happens here and I don't know how this guy survives but he uses a turn signal watch so these are all cops surrounding this Prius trying to get you're allowed to shoot somebody when they when they use their gun as a weapon that part is the prime watch see the guy behind himan over look watch and slammed into the car and then watch he gets up no oh wow uh that's crazy oh both airbags came out on him so I assume they apprehended him once wow they got him but the the guy behind him I don't know how this guy cuz it looked like he just slammed him into it yeah he must have you guys see what I'm saying or no so he's good oh I see it oh no we all see went over and slammed into the car behind him and he was good to go huh yeah just walks up if if this was a United States that guy would have been shot right he had some adrenaline running oh no if this is California they'd apprehend him and let him back out 20 minutes later well yeah get shot in the face yeah I don't know wait you're from Georgia originally try that try that in the South see what happens yeah try Texas let me know it goes just a funny one guys you guys football fans Raider fans I love an honest Raider fan and we got one on tape all right so to the NFL you know you're Raiders I can tell right here how are you feeling with the team this year we're not going to the Super Bowl I already know I already know realistic Raiders this is odd the first interview I've ever had like this the Super Bowl chances are not good but what is it going to take for the Raiders to have a successful season you think not to get arrested amen that's definitely interesting one I would agree with that yeah someone in prison that's going to hurt the chance he doesn't know what to do on yeah that that would be tricky uh thank you for coming he's like what hey bro roll with that roll with it stumped by a 12-year-old my God you got a team he's um here's a video of Pat TV I don't really I guess this little person to get KCK too busy with your really do it for you saying sorry oh no this is a video we have a Patty piml um asking someone asked him to kick him and he said okay like SP this is sp we know and that's like half speed my go I love Patty look at him turned I didn't even kick that out either I didn't kick that I didn't kick that hard my a huge okay uh so Floyd me weather had his fight with John Gotti theii um I think it was on that channel da de I don't know his own yeah and in the middle of the fight Floyd Mayweather stopped and didn't like a call The Ref made about one of his hooks and he just he kicked him out they switch refs he's like no you're out of here who kicked him out Floyd he's like no you're out of here he like get away fight yeah he stopped the fight was like he's he has to leave how does that happen because you're fighting uh John Gotti's think was staged it's tough to tell it's tough to tell also you look at the fans there's nobody there oh we're in a weird world where again not I'm not hating onti at all why if they can see it on TMZ the next day it's it's wild man like Floyd Mayweather like you're the best one of the best to ever do it and you're fight fighting a guy who has two fights cuz his grandfather was a mob boss that's what we're doing interesting a it weird he he he's been fighting for a minute though got his son grandson yes he has two fights if he has like a like MMA M MMA back yeah yeah he like shoved Floyd Mayweather fight current event the ref too in the clip like he was like get out of here can I see it yeah yeah yeah I got I got already have skeptical hippo eyes like how does he not get like in trouble for that I don't get it this is very WWE right you know if you want views this will do it sort of since nobody's there we we'll uh yeah we'll trying to go viral we'll get some the pump of crowd noise is interesting too there's pump there's yeah that's not real crowd that's not the crowd yeah all that I don't know what the [ __ ] is real anymore yeah I don't even know it' be funny P that just a wig and he's not even Tyler hubard [ __ ] liar it's not even your hair you busy it's a mask it's a sand mask oh here's another one guys so these two astronauts were supposed to go up to space for only 8 days and now they're not coming back till February and they were only up there like two or three that's like being in a band but only in space huh you can't get out and you never get on stage you're just stuck in your [ __ ] they have enough food and everything to last apparently yeah and out tubes yeah they NASA said we don't trust the the Boeing spaceship to bring them back so we're going to wait for SpaceX to go up and they're just going to hit your God Boeing crushing it lately yeah not good hold on this is sorry guys we'll be back in a few can you imagine you're only supposed to be gone for eight days they stuck till February yeah really mhm oh no no than yeah it's a Matt Damon movie It's called Mars and you're it's just two of them yep and you're are you in zero gravity there how look at her hair so then so then now you're dealing with bone density loss and all that other weird [ __ ] cuz you can't really work out y may I see please some bands and you're just floating around all the time I'd go [ __ ] nuts I think yeah what else you going to do though I don't know wow go ahead exit if you want Oh okay that's a lot of sitting in space I know there a lot of sitting in space Tyler and I'm glad you mentioned that just observing it's also part of the gig also part of the gig an obervation part of the gig hey hey you know what it'd be a real bummer too if you're up there and you were like did you not bring my guitar you got to be [ __ ] kidding me no music four months and then you'd have to meet I'd have to get a beat and you'd have to write a song do I have to do this again H at least he's with like a melody you know give that Mel yeah that's true least he's maybe they're both single figure it out and or they're married and everybody's watching oh least he's not with a guy like hates he's like I'm stuck with John till February Jesus what if they don't get disaster and you just see a spear floats into the thing one can return right I'd watch that what do you mean they kill each other he's still in the movie surv Hollywood no no no that's not they don't turn gay no it's okay I thought they turn gay because was all set up and then we can pay pay-per-view for it just spitball on money ideas what else you got okay this is great this is this clip's not totally new but uh former Blue Jays and Yankees outfit or Jessie Barfield wants to fix things for this little girl be just look look what happens here foul ball for her oh oh wow whoa oh half yeah what was that what was that adult lady doing to that little gal she took the ball ju Miranda tried to give it to the little girl and she took it hey that little girl had that ball scumbag wrong hey oh she's going to get roasted I mean look at the comments I mean I couldn't agree more with this you could tell by the lady's haircut she's that type of person yeah dude I mean someone says You Can Tell She's voting for Kamal she's a she's a scumbag scumbag like hey I know you want a ball but that's a little girl give it to her right now or you realize like oh in the moment like my adrenaline just took over like my bad here you go what was I doing she's like high five and there you go she just she turned her back on girl have a chance but how is the dude she's with I'm like what are you doing give it back to the little girl yeah maybe the movie doesn't end there you know maybe there's another scene where she makes maybe there's another you Yanke outfielder wants to make things right she makes it right you're right maybe that little girl ran up I want to know the end of that movie there's another movie idea I appreciate that you're giving her the benefit of the you're definitely not and I don't think I am play that clip one more time I can tell you based on her haircut alone you you've already canceled her yet you acted it out of her hands and then high-fived another dude oh that's you're out of your mind oh man I'm surprised the fans right not to mention the girl on the other side the with the her face the the girl caught the ball yeah she's not happy oh I don't like that and by the way how about here's another one if you do catch the ball and there's a little kid there excited give the ball to the kid yeah if you're over 21 what you going to do what's she going to do with that baseball when she gets home mount it somewhere in in a under a glass souvenir case no you always give it to the kids anyways totally um here's a good one so Cooper dejon is a quarterback he's playing for the Eagles and this happened during the NFL draft someone prank called them that's not cool man [Music] what's up so who oh I appreciate you I appreciate [Music] it who's this W it's a prank it's a prank so [Applause] mean that's not everybody that's [ __ ] up for it too whoever did that not your friend whoever did that is not your friend especially like a life-changing moment like that you he knows he's going you've been waiting right he knows he's going yeah still though not cool no you're ruin the moment and what for the gram what I don't I don't I don't understand it yeah well we're talking about him now so maybe that's maybe it's working out for him yeah I had a remember when I was in my 20s when AIDS was a thing where if you got it we didn't you know you were dead and I remember you had to take an AIDS test I had to take this AIDS test for thing and I I was so [ __ ] nervous I was like an AIDS test why were you so nervous holy [ __ ] I don't know [ __ ] not because I was in bath houses with dudes just because back then nervous we didn't know it was a mainly a homosexual but we back then it was like they were I was nervous as [ __ ] and that's weird right let that down what do you mean weird I'm not worried about it I went to a college phase deal yeah if the guy was really dark with a mustache different you know what I mean otherwise I'm straight but um you were nervous about it is only if you're doing drugs or in gay bath cuz I was shooting up and hanging out in bath hous sure could happen to anybody but I remember I said to the doctor I go am I going to die and he goes yes you are but not of AIDS oh good wow and that yes you are and then but not amaz yeah that that one second was like you know I'm dead hey Doc now's not the time hey yeah I don't need you joking around that's funny yeah you got a couple more if you want to do them uh give us one more give us one more um I mean this one's funny yeah this kid get blasted on your back yeah [Music] [Laughter] he Charlie he should have had a cup on is that what he said yes you should have had a cup on Wow you know it sound like he didn't have a cup on I thought he sound like you did he took that like a [Applause] champ hey bro move the club buddy should have had a cup cute that's cute you all have kids so you know super cute yeah that'll happen I'll teach my son the same lesson 100% Tyler we can't thank you enough brother we know you're busy thank sorry about the time communication thing no worries we're going to you don't want to sing us a song huh you want to sing us out cuz there's a guitar right no that's like the most obnoxious thing tell us be funny it's really Out Of Tune that's like we do more radio tell me joke he's in Spokan all this weekend give us one give us a little taste what they can expect this Friday Saturday Sunday two shows on Sunday by the way T the S is really good radio voice guys B sure is there's nothing worse tell tell us it's something they can expect give us a joke girl it's 5: in the morning man I don't want to come to the show and you'll see yeah you just come to the show come to the show well we can't think enough so you're crushing it man said my son's going be super jealous he's not here today but keep on keeping on brother got fans over here I'll call you every day please do every day please do again I'm in Nashville looking for you just remember Brian was the guy that was worried he had AIDS back in the that's fine yeah we'll keep that that was young so weird I Found Jesus now I'm straight all right

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