Discussing Fears of Post Election Chaos and Government Oversight with Kat Timpf

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:14:30 Category: People & Blogs

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The jogan Experience there's no accountability and that's a real problem in this country and that used to be something that the left feared the left used to fear corporate interference and big business and big government they used to fear that they they used to fear all that stuff and now they're all in on it it's so weird yeah and and and for me I'm I mean I'm a huge I mean first amendment is so important right that's if you don't have that you don't have anything well you don't have a job yeah without it I don't either no of I go to IB I would be in jail a long time ago think about what they're putting people in jail for in England just posting things on Facebook but I get [ __ ] from both sides for depending on what I'm defending in terms of the constit something being constitutional I mean with obviously with the left it's like what what also what was crazy to me is people a lot of the same people were the Trump as Hitler people were also the hate speech law people right which is like how can you think this government that's led by Hitler should be in control of what you can and can't say that doesn't make sense to me but sometimes I also flag burning has to be constitutional cuz you have to be able to like buy a flag and if you you can't burn a flag you bought like come on like that's government protest you have to be able to do that I don't like it I would never do it but you shouldn't put people in jail for it yeah Trump said he wants to put people in jail for a year yeah and I was like oh dude it's like you know what I mean like he he he got shot he looked awesome when he got shot I mean really I mean I if I got shot I would not look that cool fist pumping fight no I'd be like yeah it was amazing when he got shot I was like oh that he won I really thought after he got shot I was like he just won the election well I think they did too that's why they shuffled Biden out and put I think so too yeah and they're like let's just Gaslight these [ __ ] into a coma and push this through yeah I think so too I think so too because 100% if they had a full year of KLA versus Trump like a full year of her running and doing interviews we'd have a much more yeah yeah yeah we'd have a much more balanced understanding of who she is is and how this is going to look and what it's going to be like if she becomes president absolutely cuz right now people are just riding on gas [ __ ] they're [ __ ] riding on gas but it's so powerful the and you can see it the everybody's in on her that's really powerful people are excited about her Alexa Alexa Alexa's in honor that Alexa thing's crazy pop culture you know everyone's in on it and it's it's also we're in this I hate I hate election Years cuz it's just like if you don't vote blank this whole country is going to go down like but both sides say it so it's just like it's no whoever wins it's going to be shitty and just in different ways and maybe some of the same ways it's just not what do you think would be the shittiest like not in terms of for the country but in terms of people's reaction do you think more violence will take place if Trump gets an office or more violence would take place if KLA gets in office cuz I anticipate there's going to be some craziness after the election of course once someone decides whoever someone is whoever's president Whatever Whenever gets decided there's going to be some Madness yeah going to be some real Madness and I get scared of that kind of stuff too because I know that a lot of times when people do that they think they're they're making a point but boy if you're against government control those kind of like real Angry riots and protests are an amazing opportunity for them to clamp down on your rights yes absolutely yeah absolutely when that happens it's like okay well then we need to CRA so federalize police and this and that it's like it's crazy I really do I am concerned about it for the same reasons for the absolutely and it's going to be bad no matter what in terms of the reaction of the other side I mean people I'm not looking forward to it I'm like I can't wait for this election to be over and then I'm like oh it's going to be even worse probably will I mean especially if if you believe the conspiracy theories that some of that stuff is funded like some of that stuff is organized some protests and riots they seem to be organized right and I'm not going to be a conspiracy theorist but there is the a thing called an agent provocator it's always existed and they send people in to disrupt protests and turn them violent and make things chaotic that's always been the case especially if they want to push a a very specific agenda that you know the people are fed up and they're angry and so when remember when the George Floyd riots were going on and they'd find pallets of bricks just laying around yeah well that was crazy because anybody ever some people had like reasons for certain bricks being in places but there was a few of them where they're like people just said that they just got dropped off there and that's exactly where everything popped off like what why are there pallets of bricks there's never just pallets of bricks around no I have no yeah that I have no idea if you were going to organize a riot wouldn't you just bricks i' break some bricks for my RI yeah if I was like look this is what we're going to do we're going to we're organizing we're spending all this money to get these college kids to in this then we're going to bring in antifa and they're going to go crazy and we're handing out masks and then we're going to leave bricks around and I also think it's sad because I think that there there were definitely legitimate points to be made and are about criminal justice I think sure but boy was that handled the War I mean so they go from that to people to people you know setting buildings on fire and then CNN doing the you know mostly fiery but mostly peaceful with the famous it's like come on you don't got to defend that know like nobody like people you look ridiculous exactly but then it got completely bungled and so in the name of Criminal Justice Reform now it's like people who are actual violent criminals can be allowed out easier nobody wanted that so then now the pendulum's going to swing in the other direction where you know it's going to be even more Law and Order and it's going to be like you said it's going to be rights at stake civil liberties at stake which is what this was supposed to be all about to begin with well this is the the ultim UL imate goal of I mean again I'm not saying this is happening but this would be the ultimate goal of a Communist dictatorship you cause chaos you step in to stop the chaos you install new rules to make sure that there's no more chaos anymore you protect you cause a problem you you bring up a solution that solution allows you to gain more control and you just keep doing it you keep doing it until you have ultimate control over the people yeah and I'm not saying it's happening either but in general in general the fear is used by the government it's really I mean even going back to talking about war and we National Security and we need to do this next thing you know I mean look at the Patriot Act yeah I mean people were like you have to be able to to protect you doing this same Banning Tik Tok all these things and you look into what they're really doing and the power that it would really give them it's like oh this isn't about really just Banning Tik Tok What did kamla Harris say recently about Elon Musk and uh Twitter having to follow the same rules as Facebook what did she yeah what did I don't know I didn't hear what did she say it was something some something about how elon's going to have to follow the same Rules book that's so first of all what rules yeah yeah hey and also didn't Mark Zuckerberg just come out with a statement saying that he regretted giving in to the government's request to take down covid-19 information yeah and yeah and then the laptop store he just came out like it was a big statement because for a lot of people they were really Furious about it claim video clip portrays Harris saying that she will shut down X I don't think she said she would shut it down if she wins 2024 pleasure elction and musk has lost his privileges the fact that's false Harris was referring to Trump long before musk Twitter rebranded it as X um so is that what she was saying from that video so was the video her saying that why should Trump uh why should Twitter be allowed to have Trump on if Facebook can't have him on is that what it is I'm I got when I'm looking for the video all I'm seeing is like 20 within the last 24 hours post save a claim is false right but that is not what we were talking about though we were talking about something slightly different let me see if I can find it for you she want to shut down x no no no no no no no no no I'm not saying that she said she would shut it down what I'm saying is that she was saying that why should uh Twitter not have to follow the same rules that are being followed by Facebook right what I typed in was Camala Harris twitter rules so that's the videos that were popping up and here I'm sending it to you right now Jamie this is what I'm looking for okay so I need to know what she's referring to here but like listen to this statement yeah I think this is from that go ahead and play it let's see what it says hold on so she's probably talking about Trump being on Twitter is that what it is said she was talking to Jake Tapper so we'll see that's what this is that you can't say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter the same rule has to apply which is that there has to be a a a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power they are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of of of oversight or regulation and that has to stop okay right away yeah there's no way to misconstrue that what does that mean oversight and regulation for free speech is ridiculous yeah that just that alone there's no way to misconstrue that right what she was saying is what I was thinking she was saying she was saying they she wants government oversight and regulation for social media that's crazy it's crazy for anyone to want it because if the only reason you want it right is because you you agree with the ideological bent of the platform wait until someone else is in charge of it or wait until there's a different government in charge it's also saying that the very thing that Mark Zuckerberg regrets yeah should be happening M like she's essentially saying why should they have different rules for Facebook than they do for Twitter M like what rules Like rules we don't have rules we have First Amendment rights of free speech I think it actually is even crazy that he's admitting that you know I mean good for him absolutely Trump said something pretty scary for him he said that if he finds out that he interfered with the election he's going to be in jail for the rest of his life that's pretty scary that's pretty [ __ ] scary because it's very likely that he might wind up being the president and if he winds up being the president they started investigating this stuff if I was Mark Zuckerberg I'd be pretty [ __ ] freaked out by that statement because it is election interference for sure whoever was running Twitter who gave in the FBI's request to take down the hunter Biden laptop story they definitely interfered with the way people voted because if people found out that that laptop was legitimate and all that stuff was true there there's a certain percentage I don't know what the number is but there's a certain percentage of people that were maybe on the fence and that could have influenced their vote one way or another and it could have given Trump fuel cuz he could have been talking about it see I told you that this was real and they've been lying and it would also prove that Biden lied during the debates I don't understand how anybody didn't think it was real though because Hunter never even denied like he was when all those people signed that letter all those intelligence Former Intelligence AG 51 signed it guess who didn't sign it Hunter Biden right that's what I thought from the I was like okay if that was me and someone was saying there was a laptop going around of me you know doing all this [ __ ] banging all these people on camera and smoking all these drugs I'd be like that I would be in like that was not me I would be like you know that'd be pretty important for me to come out and say that today if it happened today you could claim it was AI easy well that's out there with everybody me included sadly forever forever yeah and not only that it's going to change and get way more complex there's you can do about it cuz you knock it down it's like whack-a-mole it's like then there's another one then there's another one there's nothing you can do about that but that you know with all this stuff this talk like that whatever she was saying right there is not what you want to hear from somebody no you don't you you don't want to hear they're going to censor social media they were talking specifically about Senator Warren talking about uh Banning president Trump's account and that was her response to it yeah but she was also talking about oversight she talked about oversight very specifically and clearly yeah it has the quote right here yeah and what's the rule that she's talking about the same rule should apply which is there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power they are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and that has to stop that's all you need to hear like that right there is not something you want to hear from someone who respects the First Amendment that's not how it's supposed to be also who's they it's just a collection of people not only that if you're talking about oversight and regulation are you talking about the exact same people that were trying to get Twitter and successfully did get Twitter to take down the hunter Biden laptop story and make it impossible to share that video saying that it was misinformation when it was not and if you don't do anything to correct and to hold people responsible that pushed out that misinformation and no one's punished for it and there's no retribution there's no there's no repercussions at all right like what are you saying then then what are you saying it's okay if your side says things that aren't true and you can regulate in a way that's not based on fact or reality but based on a result that you want to take place and that's fine so we then we don't have freedom of speech no of course not then then then you're talking nonsense this is talking crazy talk maybe she believed it was real back then maybe she believed it was real who knows maybe she believed it was important that the go but if you got a hold of the Twitter files and you see what Michael shellenberger and Matt taii and all those people that went through that stuff with a fine tooth comb the stuff that they found out should make you realize like no you can't have the government tell you what you can and can't say it's not they don't always tell the truth they're often influenced sometimes you have Rogue actors you probably have one or two people that's responsible for making the call to Facebook or to Twitter so it's on them it's on these people with whatever [ __ ] influence that they have and what whatever people are talking to them behind the scenes

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