Category: Entertainment
Buenos días buenas tardes o buenas noches amantes del ciclismo podéis pasar estáis en casa estáis [música] en y recuerda que puedes seguirnos en redes sociales tiktok e instagram @ cadena i. pedal facebook twitter y youtube @ cadena pedal muchas gracias cada pedalazo rompe el espacio conaz rompe el... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome to crime most french a fortnightly podcast covering intriguing cases carried out on french soil research and narrated by cedric and rudely interrupted by me melanie we're the true crime podcast all the lines crack open live out and let the mayhem commence this is episode 72 who killed obera... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Buenos días buenas tardes o buenas noches amantes del ciclismo podéis pasar estáis en casa estáis [música] en y recuerda que puedes seguirnos en redes sociales tiktok e instagram @ cadena i. pedal facebook twitter y youtube @ cadena pedal muchas gracias cada pedalazo rompe el espacio conaz rompe el... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Happy tuesday how's everyone doing i wanted to jump on today before we have bad storms this afternoon it is florida people are like are you having weird storms like no we have a rainy season where we have storms but please send out uh prayers for louisiana and and all in the path of francine that's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Good morning how are you doing today vance i am doing great how about you you know we were talking about that that cooler weather and things you guys fa that during those challenges when you're out there on that desert floor in the middle of the night how the hell are you staying warm that is a great... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Un saluto cari radioascoltatori e ben connessi da federico buona la seconda in nation's league per l'italia di luciano spalletti che batte per 2-1 israele a budapest una vittoria sofferta ma meritata e l'italia ha dimostrato anche qui di essere una nazionale in grado di saper gestire il proprio vantaggio... Read more
Category: Sports
Do it do it do it do it do it do it come on sweeti do it do it would not recommend the nework airport i'll tell you that the place is nuts it sounds terrible horrible can you tell the listeners why you're in new york right now newk yeah so i am i'm here working out for the jets um got a call maybe wednesday... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] welcome here to a very special wakeup call with dan tortor spotlight broadcast inside of the heritage hill studios heritage hill our exclusive studio partner you'll find them on 3149 sweet road in pompy new york at their brew house and you will find them right by the airport very easy to get... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] man so spring game you hit a 62 y something like that yeah it's your career long in game right that is career long you still got to be feeling crazy off of that for sure i mean that's something you dream about like that's crazy crazy and we weren't even supposed to kick a field goal then i think... Read more
Category: Sports
Jj mccarthy yeah bring back your reminder jj mccarthy jj mccarthy now you play with a lot of good quarterbacks we can get into that in just a minute but you talk about the 11th overall pick of a national championship winning team jj mccarthur comes in after kurt cousins is now in atlanta what have you... Read more
Category: Comedy
Trump cranking 90s i'm starting the obs the obs has trouble getting started itself these days of course it does computer's probably not powerful enough it's probably got a huge handicap on it my computer zero handicap i have an rtx 590 it's not even available to the public yet intel gen 90 gen 90 not... Read more
Category: Sports
You know another facet of the ufc that i've noticed gets a lot of hate you know dana white gets a lot of hate there's plenty of things that people hate on about the ufc but one that i also noticed that i don't really understand i guess is uh all the hate towards the ufc apex cards um you know back when... Read more