Best of Robert Lindsy milne psychic intuitive host of my side of the crystal ball

Published: May 16, 2024 Duration: 01:01:53 Category: Entertainment

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ladies and gentlemen the show we've all been waiting for paranormal Buzz radio is proud to present RP paranormal and friends with your hosts Kim pvis and Ellison [Music] Robinson live every Thursday night on spreer 8:00 p.m. Eastern 7 Central 5 Pacific be sure to check out their Facebook page RP paranormal [Music] [Music] Busters the views and opinions expressed in this podcast by the host or the guest do not necessarily reflect the views of paranormal Buzz radio or its sponsors use of any material produced by paranormal Buzz radio without Express written consent is strictly prohibited for information on everything paranormal Buzz radio has to offer visit our website paranormal buuz like us on Facebook follow us on Twitter and Instagram listener discretion is advised [Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome to another night of RP paranormal and friends tonight we have a special guest um we have Robert Lindsay mil and um welcome to the show tonight thank you I have been looking forward to it I I was you know when I wrote the the promo and I um you know posted your your banner you know I said you know what you know what can happen when a psychic uh goes on a a paranormal show well you know come and find out yeah absolutely yeah because you never know really what's gonna happen that's right so why don't you give a little bit of background on yourself how did you know that you had these abilities I found out at a very young age um and and in a pretty spectacular way also um but before I I found out that I was uh what that I am am psychic um I started doing psychic things at about that I can remember I'm about five six years old like one time I came home from school said to my mother Grandma Harris died today and um my mother got all upset and yelled and screamed and probably spanked me or hit me for saying these bad oh yes saying these bad things now now I um I'm 72 so so so you know I was born in 194 you are not 72 yeah oh all right 72 and a half okay oh my goodness no you don't even look it you look like you're in your early 60s yes well I I am say so um so I was born in 1949 and you know in those days you know news traveled very slowly so I told my mother that Grandma Harris died but the thing about Grandma Harris is that she uh lived in England and and I'd only ever seen her once and she was my great-grandmother so there would be no reason why I'd be thinking about her so the next night at dinner my mother and father my sister and I were sitting down and my mother said to my father Grandma Harris died yesterday and I thought my dad was going to get angry with my mother for saying bad things oh yeah but they talked about it instead oh my goodness and I thought I I couldn't figure out why and those events used to happen to me often where where I'd see something and and say it and and and get hit for it and then later you know the adults would just talk about it as if it was normal not the getting hit part the normal part and I didn't understand when I was nine I'm in Toronto Canada by the way right yeah and and you know our hockey team the Toronto Maple Le well when I was a kid they were really successful they're not now my father took me to um a Stanley Cup uh uh hockey game Stanley Cup Final hockey game Boston and Toronto and at the end of the third period the scored worth tied the teams took a break and when they came on the ice so I was nine at the time so when they come on the ice for the first overtime period and they were just stretching I knew number 17 with Toronto Maple Le was going to score MH and it was so real it was as if he had already scored anyway they you know the referee blows the whistles and the teams go to the bench and Gary eeman wasn't even a first string starter the lights turned down in Maple Leaf Gardens there about 0 18,000 people there and I got so excited and I couldn't hold that energy in anymore and just as they were about to drop the puck I just jumped up and started yelling and screaming and cheering uhhuh and everybody looked at me and my dad and and and my dad put his hand on my shoulder and said sit down and I did the game started um and I was kind of stunned a couple of minutes later Gary Ean jumped over the boards guy passed the puck to him and he tipped the net tipped the puck into the net and scored the overtime goal and I was sitting in the stands and 18,000 people were yelling and screaming and all you know the flash bulbs and that was when I realized um that I I saw things differently and um that was when I knew what I was going to be doing with my life and that's that was really when I knew that that I was psychic yeah yeah I well I didn't know that I was psychic I I just knew I was something different right yeah I I do remember reading about that and I thought that was pretty cool because I I would have been like I probably would have said like oh they're going to you know score the next goal or whatever and then you know they probably would have looked at me like I was crazy but then afterwards when they did I probably would have turned around and said I told you so right um it wasn't quite as um it wasn't that it my my family and extended family really weren't receptive to that type of thinking that was one of my questions yeah yeah so so um I I had to duck a lot and and and I didn't understand when that happened at Maple Leaf Gardens was when I knew um that other people weren't seeing what I was seeing and and and I I I got hit a whole lot less and uh so that was that was a really good you know pretty important now there's a continuation to that story on WE my sister and I used to get our allowance on Saturday mornings and uh cost a quarter we'd get a quarter and to go to the movies um we'd go to the movies and get popcorn and whatever when I went to get my allowance I said to my father Boston's going to win tonight and he said no way and I said I bet you a quarter and and he kept my quarter anyway Boston won that night and I started bding with my dad um and I and I hustled I got so good at him at it I had to let him win sometimes I thought he was going to catch me right up until the ending of my Dad's life w-- which by the way was only last August um he he never caught on and and the reason is is he never ever acknowledged the fact that that that um I I I'm a psychic or or that the psychic realm exists he'd never accept it oh wow yeah I that was one of my questions I didn't know if they had accepted it or or anything like that as you were growing up yeah it was it I was it was unacceptable and I I left home at a really young age the first time was uh 14 and a half and and I lived in um in downtown Toronto for a while and then when I came and I lived on the street using my uh psychic abilities and instincts and and um that's what kep kept me safe and that's how I honed my skills MH I I was I was brought home by the police um uh we're still at 14 so and I stayed at home for another few few months and then I moved back downtown again and I never lived with my family ever again well full-time and I continued to survive using my instincts or using my psychic abilities right and I heard that if you worked at the Cozy T room yeah mhm um if you worked there you would get you would well you'd get a sandwich and a cup of tea and cookies and you would get paid at the end of the shift and if you worked in the night shift you'd get a hot dinner as well as um get paid and I applied you I was like 15 and a half and and I had never read and you had to do tea leaf and card readings and I had never read a card and I had never never done tea leaves but I would just pick the the the Tea Leaf or the tea cup up and looked inside and I just started talking about what I sensed from the owner of the t- room and that day I started working at the t- room full-time and I was 15 and a half that's how I got off the street yes yes I do recall reading about that too yeah um now like at the t- room though yes wouldn't you get in trouble though if you were caught getting paid for your readings yeah well well we didn't get paid for readings uh so so in Canada all the way up until I think uh um July 1st uh 2019 uh there was the Witchcraft Act and and it's stated that anyone uh anyone who fraudulently uh would tell fortunes for a consideration um give um uh medical treatment and advice using an ult or crafty science or using an ult or crafty science to accuse somebody of a crime is guilty of a punish um of a um um um guilty of of of um uh I forget the the title now anyway it's it's not more than $5,000 and not more than one year in jail uh summary conviction you get a ticket and that that was put on the laws in the late 1800s and it wasn't taken off the books until um 2019 at the t- room M there would be a sign on the wall and they would say um Tea Leaf and card readings are for entertainment only and that's how they got around so what they did is they sold sandwiches and tea and cookies and then and then and then you'd get a reading that that's how it worked out okay gotcha all right when I worked there uh and and I'm a bit of a workaholic I would work five days a week and six days a week and sometimes even seven days a week and after a while there would be some days where I'd see 40 people in a day or 10 and anywhere in and and and that's what I did all day long doing readings one after the other after the other and I worked it till I was about 21 I I'd done thousands of readings be you know by the time I was 21 oh wow that's amazing that's amazing now do you go and do this stuff at any kind of events or anything like that um I I don't do that um when after I left the t- room I worked on my own and then I started appearing on radio and TV shows in in Canada and then and then I traveled through the US and and around most of the english- speaking world the only place I haven't been is is Australia New Zealand um uh you know appearing on shows and a few years ago I became semi-retired as as well I just stopped traveling okay and I took some and I slowed down you know I slowed down to about 500 readings a year and then oh my goodness that's still quite a [Laughter] few well it's I I just it it's it's something that I do and at a really young age that's about 21 I had heard that if a a Young Man became a priest that he made a vow uh to say a mass every day of his life so I thought that if this is what I was going to do I made a vow that I would do a psychic reading or practice doing a psychic reading every day of my life and and I made it for close to 30 years without missing a day oh wow yeah and and and if somebody would call me on a day where where I was practicing as opposed to not working or as opposed to working often I would I would do a reading for that person instead of practice because it's all you're always better if you really do it rather than practice it right so sometimes out of the blue you know when I'm booked up several weeks in advance somebody you know calling and say oh well let's do your reading now you know that that can happen very nice very nice um we do have a question in chat um they want to know if you do any in paranormal investigating as well as your readings have you ever done any of that I don't think so uhuh um the type of of the type of investigating that that I would would do and there was one time when when the police wanted me to help them find a person uhhuh and um and I did and and and the person would was dead um I don't know if that's paranormal um research or not but uh th they're the type of things or or sometimes one of my friends will call and say I lost my keys where are they you know that's one of the advantages of of of of being friends with me you know oh yeah oh that's too funny and that's funny that you um mention that you have helped the police because the next question that this person did ask in chat um he wanted to know if you PR if you had a like a preference on what kind of readings you do whether you helped out with missing persons or if you did personal reading so it was kind of funny that you said that and then he said that as well but he does have I'm the type of psychic I'm really interested in what's in front of me uh um I'm I'm more oriented to giving service or Aid to to um living beings uh you know ones that you you know that you can touch and taste and feel right exactly I'm more I'm more direct Ed to that um I'm more focused on Behavior inner growth um being in control of your life I'm more focused on that way of thinking and I do my readings when when when people come to to get a reading and and the readings I do um are a monologue so so when someone comes in you know they they sit down and I I know their name and and I I I don't I very seldom ever ask questions when I do readings and at the very beginning I I ask um how old are you what month is your next birthday and and and that's pretty much it and and then I just start off talking and in a reading at this stage of my life I'm doing this more and more I I see someone's life from conception to completion oh wow and and I don't spend a lot of time at either end uh um I I I spend a lot of time at where where they're at in in in the moment but I do go back and forth in time in in in in their lives and sometimes if someone's going through a problem and and and they they um think that you know their life is over one of the things that I do is I go forward into the future say to when they're 75 or something and I look back through their eyes at 75 MH and I describe to them today how they feel about the way they solve the problems they're going through so I tell them what they feel how they solve the problem when they're 75 how they think about it oh wow that's very interesting and um that and and and I often give now and and sometimes when I'm giving bad information like and and sometimes you have to right um and and and the reason sometimes you have to is because if you can see something you can change it right so so um so sometimes you have to give bad news I start off telling the person what's going on because of the bad news say five years down the road and and I talk all about that for a little while and then I come back to where they are today and then I mention a little bit and then I talk about other things and I come back and you know and I introduce the the the concept to them of the you know the the problem happening gently and so that they can and they always are getting it from you know the point of view that that are successful though and and it it it's easier for people to grasp and it's and it's easier for people to be in control and actually change those events right yeah that's a that's a very good perspective I've I don't think I've ever of any other psychics you know doing it that way you know I thought it was just how everybody did it and I found out that that that not that I I've never met anybody that does right yeah well how it happens or or how it happened um I just have a tendency if I hear about something I just follow the timeline mhm so so maybe as a kid I would I would follow the timeline and and say oh this would be and then pretend of what it would be in five years from now or 10 years and and and I just naturally started watching um how something would unfold in in my mind and and following timelines and and it just became how I see and even when I'm walking down the street if I see something happen I can I I I can you see see how the timeline turns out and how it goes oh my goodness wow that's amazing yeah I know I I haven't I haven't talked to any other psychics that that do it that way you know what I mean they usually yeah just talk about like a past loved one or you know something like that or but this is very interesting and unique and um so at the Begin boggled by it so my my reading starts off the pretty much the same every time and and the way I do it um now now I've been recording my reading since the mid 1970s and and if somebody didn't want to re didn't want the recording they didn't want it to be recorded I wouldn't do their reading that was the you know if I'm going to do a reading it had to be recorded right um so and and they had to have the copy of it right so um I'm trying to remember what I was thinking about sorry I forgot that's okay what was the question you asked CU I had a good answer and I can't remember it now oh I was I was just talking about the perspective that you of how you do your readings oh okay yeah so the way it goes is is um I I start my reading and I'll you know I'll say this is um uh Wednesday December 23rd 2021 psychic reading for and I um uh say the person's name and and then uh then I say here we are today December 2021 and then what I'm going to be discussing with you today is and then I just start to talk I ask my clients please don't interrupt me even if you think I've made a mistake don't interrupt me because when I'm what I'm saying isn't what I'm thinking what I'm saying has already been processed and as going through you know is going through my lips MH then I'm thinking about what I'm going to be saying what I am saying what I have said and maybe what I'm going to be doing later on that day all at the same time oh wow and and it's it's like having television screens on the wall each each one having a different Channel each one play and and and and I look back and forth at them so that's how I visualize it and if I get interrupted it well it it pisses me off but but but if I get interrupted it's like it's like pulling the plug out of out of your you know pulling the power plug on your computer and and sometimes I I can't get it back so I also when I'm doing readings I'm constantly going over what I've said in the reading and I automatically correct uh the mistakes because you know I I I figure I've done more than a 100,000 psychic connections over my lifetime and and I know the difference between what it feels like when it's right and when and and when it's wrong I I I just know the difference so if if I'm sensing something in in a reading I I'll and and I know it's not not quite right I'll you know I I come back and fix it it's like painting a picture you know you know you paint a little bit here and then a little bit there and you come back and that's what what I do as well when I'm doing readings okay very nice all right we got a couple more questions please here in in chat um they're lighting them up here a little bit um they want to know what things do you not like about readings and what things do you like about readings when I'm doing readings when I am in that moment tuned into to that person the only time I can actually do a reading for somebody is that when I tune into them uh I I have to feel love for them and in that moment it is is not a physical love it's it's an Agape typee of Love um and and when I'm tuned into them they can be really scumbags uh but but I can I can um have a a a feeling of love for them when the reading's over I go back to my f my original opinion but but but when I tune in it it's a really beautiful feeling um and when I'm in that moment moment it's it it's it's it's glorious so that's the that's the you know the good thing about about readings or or what I like um the uncomfortable things is when I can't connect with someone um that's uncomfortable um what's really uncomfortable is if somebody um interrupts what I'm saying or makes a um um M makes a um an unusual gesture or or something to interrupt the session that that that's that's I I I I don't like that right I I don't like telling people bad things uh but I do um and I'm also the type of person that if I don't think I'm doing my absolute best I won't do the reading and I also guarantee my work from the time I do that person's reading I guarantee it from that point till the ending of my life or theirs um if for any reason they're dissatisfied with my service um I'll give you back your money just like a MH um and so if I did a reading for you 25 years ago and you came to me and said Robert you know you did this reading and I was really disappointed um I would give you back the money that you paid me 25 years ago oh wow you're not you're not going to get today's money money you're not that Brad yeah yeah you better have that in some spine print that's right because you never know what these day and ages whaty and I do and and and it happens and you know there now now when I do a reading it must be recorded and it is not that person's reading until I decide that it's their reading and I have to decide that it's the best reading that I can do and if it isn't I won't let them have it and I won't take the money MH very nice that's I think a lot of them would do that so oh I hate doing it yeah oh I hate it you know I hate working and not getting paid but but um the energy the negative energy how you hold if you get into an argument or or or or have bad feelings with your client um will will stay can stay with you for years and if you just give the money back it's over right yeah exactly way to look at it m mhm mhm mhm right well no I just lost sound they just said that we lost you so um for for some reason I can hear you but they can't and my sound just went to disabled so I'm trying to figure it out so they can hear what you're saying um uh just one second let me go ahead and say something here and okay um let's see test it one more time for me if you could please there's still they said you fell into a void cuz for some reason I'm trying all different things and it there we go all right there we go I think it's going we're we're back now we're back in business yes okay there we go so all right well that was interesting they saw my they they saw our mouths move they just didn't hear the any noises Yes actually perhaps if you wanted to go in this direction you could say it was all our spiritual guides teaching us uh lip reading there we go and to tathy there we go there we go we're gonna we're that's our story and we're sticking to it that's right okay um there's another question that popped up into chat um want to know if you ever do any past life regression sessions uh um in my 56 year career I did now when you say past life regression I would I would think of you know putting that person into a hypnotic State and and uh walking them back through time mhm um I'm a here and now kind of person and and um what was once was is not who they are right now um so when I die um Robert Lindsay mil will never exist again my Essence will go back to wherever it goes but Robert Lindsey Mill will never um ever ever exist again um parts of that spirit will be incarnated but it'll never be robbert Lindsey Mill uh so when we say who was I in a past life well not much related to you at all there are some resonances but not very much cuz you're you're you're you're living a whole different existence MH I'm more of a here and now let's just sort of take control of of of of what's happening right now you you can solve this without looking into the past sometimes I do that stuff but but I wouldn't put somebody through a regression um because I haven't done it enough I'm not skilled enough at it I I can I can I can tell them where they resonate with uh you know every now and again you know I'll say to someone oh by the way um the reason you don't like getting your you you know your throat touches because you you know you you you were choked to death at in such and such a time this is the reason that you have that and and and that may come out um but it it's not a big deal it's not a big part of the session um I'm more focused on um from the time of conception to the time of completion in this existence that that's my that's that's um where I'm at on that okay very good and I'm the type of person as well um I'm a oneon-one type of uh psychic I I I like to work one on-one and um I I am really not interested in in world hunger or or or ending world hunger or Wars or things like that what what I'm interested in mostly is the person in front of me and and and that's been my focus my my my lifetime just helping helping the person the being in front of me is is where excuse me and and helping and and helping that being um deal with the crisis that they're in today that's that's been that's what what my my my focus really is excuse me and and one of my one of my Subs Specialties is dealing with people with with with trauma and um also helping people mostly women escape from abusive relationships that's another part of my work and it would be under the category of life coaching okay yes yes that was another one of your many um things that you have listed and then also um you have a podcast correct my side of the crystal ball yes and um I I never imagined that I would do have a a podcast and and as I said um a few years ago um I became said my retired um I had been doing radio shows and TV shows and traveling and readings and in other cities for for years and years and the last show I did um was in Toronto and it was on the highest rated radio station in the country and it was on the highest rated radio show and it was and I was on from 9:05 to um 955 and at 9:15 and I was taking calls and at 9:15 I looked at the clock and said ah [ __ ] 40 more minutes of this oh God and that was when I said you you're you you're finished doing this and um because I'd been feeling like that with shows for a pretty long time and I was just feeling awful it just was terrible and so I stopped and then I became in oldfashioned psychic and people just came to my place and as I said I slowed down to about 500 sessions a year yeah and then the book The Perfect Predator came out that's the book where where the guy caught the super buug um and the Super Bug that he caught was 100% antibiotic resistant which means you get that bug well used to when you get that bug you used to die um he was a client of mine and his wife also was a client of mine uh she happened to be um a professor of epidemi techology at the University of um uh Southern California they were anyway um I helped her find the cure for that she and and Tom was in the coma for about eight months and I had a mental link with Tom during that whole time and I knew what was going on with him every well 247 and I knew when when when when he was in trouble I knew when his Vital Signs changed I knew where there were pain was pain in his body um I knew when he was strong um there was there was one point um he caught the superbug in Egypt and and yes and by the way there's a book written about it and I'm in the book um so so um there was he caught the superbug in in Egypt was metac to uh Germany and he was at a special clinic and that's kind of like when I came into the to had that job and when I made that link with Tom I visualized a candle much like one behind me and I thought of that the flame as his um life energy and as long as the flame was strong I knew that he was okay um well he was in a coma but but I knew that he he wasn't dying mhh and there was one time uh when he was in Germany and he was in isolation and everyone was wearing hazmat suits around him and he didn't know where he was he couldn't figure it out he was sick he was in pain he was delirious and he was starting to let go and I knew because the flame was flickering and it scared the hell out of me yeah and and I told I told Stephanie that that Tom needed to see his daughters and yesterday was a good day today is still pretty good tomorrow is okay but if you wait longer don't bother that night um his daughters arrived in Germany and um they got all dressed in the Hazmat suit and they got right towards him and knew they were there because this flame got stronger I was in Toronto when mentally right but I knew that they were there because I saw the flame get get get stronger and Tom writes about that in the book W about and at that time I know um had had I not been doing that job he he he would have died what's more important than it was me because there's there's a lot of people that could that that are good enough to do that I just my number came up that's all it was just my turn at bat so to speak um what um what is more important is that some scientist learned for sure that people in comas can hear what's going on and they think because I was in contact with with Tom and I knew and and I was giving them information there there were times that I um was two or three days ahead of what the doctors were sensing oh wow now now I wasn't able to do the medical work I wasn't able to use the jargon but I would be able to describe oh well there's an organ here and it's and it looks like a purple color um um so I could I was talking about his pain but I didn't know that was his pancreas I just saw the organ it was purple or and and I would describe things like that or or what his State of Mind was and then and then you know a couple of days later the doctors would start talk about it and then and then um I used a lot of colloquialisms and after a while the doctor started using localisms that I used to describe situations and and Stephanie talks about that in the book too that's very that's yeah I did um read a little bit of that clip and that was pretty amazing what you did um now another question that kind of maybe ties in with what you were talking about but have you ever experienced a reading that was traumatic to you oh yes um I was involved with Tom for eight months the time he was in in in a coma yeah and um when it was over I didn't realize I'd never done such a thing before um for a whole year my body was thrown off um I had several pretty serious accidents like Falls uh um um and my PTSD was was triggered um I was going through nightmares and awake and and I didn't realize until later that Tom also was going through uh um PTSD episodes as well and and we were you know we were going through them both at the same time so that was pretty traumatic there was a time um and and and I I do my best um when I'm working say in a lost child or something um I do my best to be detached and not have feelings it's very difficult if I'm doing readings for a person in front of me to be detached but that there was this one time where a child had been kidnapped and and and the child was in the car the child wasn't kidnapped the car was carjacked oh okay and and um the the car was submerged underwater Oh My go and and and I saw the little boy in uh in in I saw the little boy in the car in his in his harness underwater MH um that was really [ __ ] traumatic oh my gosh I would say so um um one time in my first tour of South Africa I had a contract with um South Africa broadcasting and my first tour um the first show that I was on was a show called The Felicia show and Felicia was the African version of Oprah and she was her show was like big um and I and and I always work with live audience and and um when when I said to Felicia we can do anything here except we're not I uh no blood and guts and Gore other than that anything's on the table so I'd been doing stuff in this was a live to a TV show mhm so um anyway I was starting to get tired and we were just about we're going through a break and I saw this one black woman come up to the uh microphone and then we went to a break and I said to Felicia see that woman at the microphone don't pick her oh MH don't pick her and then and then um I I I went backstage cuz had to pee and and and when I came back when I came back on set you know and the director's you know counting down you know he's doing that right um I look up and guess who's at the microphone oh [ __ ] that woman oh man all right so I I you know I stand up and I look at the woman and I I am really afraid to say anything and and then I I I I and I was really and I and I I couldn't pick anything up I didn't want to MH and I told her that I was having a bit of trouble does she did she have a question M and and she said that her 11-year-old daughter M didn't come home three nights ago oh my gosh and she wanted to know what is happening to her daughter oh on live TV oh no and when a child gets lost in America or a child gets lost in Canada that's really dangerous but when a child gets lost in Africa oh yeah I saw what happened to that woman's child oh my gosh and um I couldn't tell her I I wouldn't because what I saw um and anyone anybody out there you're listening to me talking about being psychic when information comes through you anything can come through you on one condition don't keep it get it out of you so when the energy comes through express it um because if you don't it messes you up do you remember the movie The Green Mile yes I do right and and John coffey's taking that energy now now that's a a Hollywood version of what actually happens with healers MH okay that's that's that really truly is and and and John coffee would always get weak and then he released the the the boogeyman's or whatever yeah and then there was this one time when he when he cured the warden's wife of a uh brain uh right and he'd held that energy in all the way back to the jail and he could hardly walk and he was so sick and he was conf um that's what happens when we hold energy in that's not ours okay that that's a real life demonstration and you got to get rid of it well I'm not going to tell this woman that her daughter got chopped up and was used as a blood ritual I'm just I'm just not going to do it oh my gosh yeah and and I I held that energy in and and um it it it it it made me sick for several months oh so that was a terrifying terrifying one that yeah I wouldn't be able to deal with that um now have you ever had let's say somebody who has passed on come and visit you looking for help have you ever had anything like that um I don't think so um my psychic ability was honed on the street um it was there for my survival um so it's it's it was burned into me um you know my skills saved me it's quite simple my my skills um they're simplistic um I've never thought of me being influenced by Spirits now people that have been around me you know um one one friend of mine well here I I can only give you an example so there was one time I was doing a reading I was in Edmonton Alberta and I was doing a reading for a guy this guy had been a a client of mine for 15 years or so uh and his mother-in-law had been a client of mine for you know 10 or 12 years before that Grandma um anyway he had come to me for a reading when I was in town and he was telling me about the plans that he and his wife they were building this beautiful new home and and there was a special place for Grandma to move in uhuh and they were so happy that Grandma was going to come and live with them and stuff like that except um The Vibes I was getting is grandma didn't want to be doing that oh but grandma was giving away all her like Grandma was living on her own and oh by the way I'm calling her grandma because I I called her that and and a lot of people called her that because she was like that kind of Grandma you know oh yeah yeah um and and she was giving her stuff away and and um I realized in this guy's reading that grandma wasn't planning to to move into the house mhm and Grandma was getting ready and she knew it and she was planning to die oh wow um so when I told this guy this information now I was gentle about it but but I was specific and direct and when I was saying that information about Grandma wasn't going to make it to the house because she didn't want to and Etc I knew that what I was saying how I was saying it and the reason I was saying it um was right the right thing to do that night um I woke up in the middle of the night um from a deep sleep and I just woke up and it was who who the hell are you to be saying such things to that guy like how the [ __ ] do you know this what's the matter with you Robert you know like and I really beat myself up for it cuz I was horrified that I had said things like that right and I was telling the next day I was telling my friend about that and and he said you know Robert I've been watching you for a lot of years and I've always suspected but I didn't want to tell you said I've always suspected that you are channeling it's he said now you tell me the story he said I absolutely do believe you're channeling because you were so clear that it was the right thing and then when you were back to your normal self you you saw it differently so he said he said I think you were channeling so yeah maybe I doh okay it's not important it do you see it's not important if you're a clairvoyant or a telepath it's not it's not important if you're a Channeler or you're an intuitive what's important is you're doing it right so when and and what I do with students is I say don't worry about what it's called just do it right M exactly and and what I've noticed the difference between when I was first starting to to now you know there's all these fancy names that people have and I'm think oh yeah no wonder you're not any good at it cuz you you're I love that I love it it's because you're trying to do something that you have a word to just do a [ __ ] reading look at the person that's all it's about you know um I start off I I I used to teach a one day seminar workshop and it was how to be psychic and in that Workshop I guaranteed to everybody that was in the that sat in the workshop and did what I showed them I guaranteed them that they would be doing psychic readings for strangers at before the end of the day and if not I'd give you back your money and and I had like as many as 300 in a class and as small as 10 in the class and over the years that 20 years I did it or so I I gave back money twice so what I say to people one one forget about what you're calling it and then what I ask people to do is become aware of what's obvious become aware of what's obvious when you become aware of what's obvious more becomes obvious excuse me and then and then when more becomes obvious then more becomes obvious again and until that obviousness that you see that is obvious to you is not obvious to other people so so what I tell people is look at the person in front of you look at them see them see them with all your senses you know in the old days there's used to be this thing called ESP well that's called extra sensory perception well what is extra sensory perception well we take our five senses touch taste smell hear see put them all together and we have a six sense that's whatp is MHM and it just gives us a different level of awareness so become aware of what's obvious so you look at the person look at look at their face you know like like don't glare at them look look at them look at how they sit listen to their voice look at their eyes um look at their hands their feet look at them and become aware of them when I'm doing a reading for somebody I am so a I know if they lift baby finger I feel it right yeah so I am so in tune I know what's going on um but but I look at people now now I don't stare I don't Ogle right I just I just watch um and then I start seeing more and more and more and more and more um and that's how we learn how to be psychic it's that simple excuse me there goes now as you start doing that then then you can start doing some other skills too like looking into the future and then backwards through someone's eyes you but but you go but you start off with what what's obvious right I am so sorry you have this conf I wish I could just go zap and it go away so sorry I that's okay I just I've had this tickle for the last couple days and it's just driving me nuts I can't get her I can't get rid of it um we have time for another question here um good before we start wrapping things up um I know that um Beyond paranormal he wanted to know if you have read anything any of the publishings by Alan no no you knew exactly what I was gonna say well I didn't learn I didn't Well here here's the reason why I didn't learn to read and write until I was about 18 19 years old wow okay so I and and I still even have a designation now of functionally disl functionally illiterate uhuh the written word is very difficult for me very difficult so that was I just come new what didn't matter the book and never read it read it okay gotcha awesome did you know that Edgar Casey um well he was very well read but what he would do is he would put a book under his pillow and sleep on top of it and at the put his head on top of the pillow and and he'd wake up in the morning and have the knowledge of the book I did hear yeah yes I have heard of that yeah that's that's just mindboggling I don't I I wouldn't be able to do that there's no way I don't know how anybody do do you know do you know what I you I absolutely guarantee you you you can't do you know why why because you just said so yeah that's true if you if you think you can't you can't do it that's you that's right that's the reason all right um so um before puppy hi puppy who's your oh who is it it's it's Kid Dog M oh yeah I want to call him Maverick that's true Harley Harley his name is Harley M hi Harley what kind of dog a mix he's a lab and a blue tick or something like that yeah oh yeah yeah he's a mix she saved him I rescued him yep I I I I think that uh he he uh has paid for his breakfast more than once in your since he's been with you oh yeah all right so where where can people find you if they want to find you on social media or get a hold of you to ask more questions or anything like that where you find you you can find me on my website first of all okay Robert um uh www. Robert Lindy M and uh you can find me on Facebook Instagram Tik Tok and uh YouTube okay perfect and my and my podcast by side of the crystal ball yes and where can they find that is it on any kind of podcast platform YouTube Apple Spotify where anywhere else you get your podcast perfect awesome amazing you know how long it took me to learned how to say that I know hey at least you've gotten to Tik Tok I haven't even figured that out yet I can't I'm just like over my head over my head but um I will make sure to um post your information so if everybody doesn't quite catch it on the sound on here it'll be on our social media so they can find you there um thank you everybody who was in chat tonight we appreciate each and every one of you um thank you for everybody who was not in chat but list we appreciate you just as much thank you for tuning in and thank you Robert for being on you're absolutely amazing we were getting so many amazing things said in chat tonight so um I know there's a couple um people that'll probably be reaching out to you because they're like we want to talk to them some more so they'll probably be picking your picking your brain a little bit love it I love hearing from people yes absolutely okay we'll send them your way thank you everybody and peace out thank you for listening to R paranormal and Friends be sure to check out Kim and Allison on Facebook at paranormal Busters

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