GOP Pollster: 'Debate Will Cost Trump The Election', RFK Jr. Suggests Trump will lose INDEPENDENTS

[Music] the post debate Fallout continues for former president Donald Trump who could be losing his Edge against vice president kamla Harris but how much does this one debate really matter for the election and could another debate be just as impactful to break this all down we're joined Now by The Hills White House reporter Alex Gitano Alex even though Trump immediately said after the debate that he won many lawmakers disagree in fact Senate Republicans are upset and disappointed by the former president's performance so what are they the most upset about yeah a lot of these lawmakers their initial takeaway was that Trump just got baited by Harris he said things that they didn't want him to stay he got off message he showed that he was angry they wanted him to stay on the message which was you know the economy will be better off under a trump Administration or crime will go down immigration numbers will go down you know things that are part of this Republican platform instead uh Harris you know got him to say uh repeat an online conspiracy theory about Haitian migrants um taking pets from Ohio residents that has been U debunk time and time again uh they she baited him into talking about abortion politics more than I think Republican lawmakers wanted um him to so a lot of the frustration was just that that basically he got off message and they think that they do have a strong argument going into this election but that he wasn't able to repeat those arguments well Republican pollster Frank luns predicts that Trump will lose the election due to his debate performance why do you think or why does he think rather that this one debate could be that impactful yeah I think what's so unique about this debate is the fact that this election is so unique that uh of course Biden and Trump's debate in June was so impactful enough that It ultimately led to the president dropping out of the race but that led to the fact that we now have somebody runting for president that polling has showed that um a very small minority of Voters really know her on a level that they feel like they know Trump and so they went into this debate voters wanted to see what Harris's priorities are what does she like on camera for an hour and a half you know what can um she show off when she's in this back and forth or um with moderators with Trump and so they wanted to see what she was like whereas Trump is you know one of the most well-known people on the planet at this point so was President Biden when he was running and so if uh he wasn't you know gave didn't give his strongest debate performance uh people got to see more of Harris and I do think this debate is that impactful because uh she had a pretty sharp delivery pretty good performance and so if you were on the fence of am I going to give Trump another shot or not you might now be thinking well I got to know her well enough I know that she's smart so I'll take the plunge but of course it's going to take time for us to see if those uh that polling actually shows that that's the way people are thinking well so given how this went what are the chances that Trump accepts a second debate Challenge and what type of pressure do you think he's facing from inside the party to do another debate or to not do another debate given that many Republicans weren't happy with how he did yeah so now Trump has been back and forth on his thinking over if he would do one of course he came out of the ABC debate saying that he won the debate and criticizing heavily ABC uh saying that the moderators weren't fair to him and so those kinds of indications maybe tell us that he wouldn't want to do a second debate but that could change any day on what his thinking is on it but when we've been talking to Republicans over if they think he should do a second debate a lot of them have encouraged him to do so because they think that he can stay on message if given another jot uh that they want him to talk about things like the economy and talk about immigration and talk about you know vice president Harris changing her opinion on hot button issues like fracking um and so if you give him another chance they think that he cannot get you know as distracted as he did last time and they're confident he could see on message a second time well the Harris campaign posted almost the entire debate on x calling it a new ad obviously as a joke what do you think of that move yeah they're definitely proud of the debate performance uh they think that the entire nearly two hours is all good for Harris I do think it's a move that's just projecting confidence here um they know that people aren't going to sit there and watch this entire debate again um and of course now in uh you know the age of social media you can go listen back to whatever clip you want and especially these big moments but I think they're just trying to send a message of we did we feel that good about how she did and what the Fallout has been so they're kind of poking at Trump and so much of this debate was also poking at Trump and baiting him and so they're gonna continue poking at him and baiting him trying to get him to be angry with her or say something that maybe Republicans don't want him to say uh because they are criticizing him and bashing him that is definitely a good point that you said in the beginning that no one's going to go back and watch that 2hour debate I haven't heard that yet but that that's a good point um who knows maybe there's people out there that would maybe like political nerds like us but not not the average person um they clearly feel though that they won but the post- debate polls aren't drastically different at least they aren't yet so where do you think the Democrats go from here after this initial Sugar High post debate yeah I think that's exactly what it is it's it's a sugar Sugar High well we'll see in the long term if people come November they're at the B box and they think to themselves there was one debate if there ends up only being one debate let me go off of how she did on that and make my decision that way but the initial I think is so much of a sugar high that Democrats felt really really good at the end of the night on Tuesday but they also had to come back to earth a little bit we've been talking to Democrats who have said um I was so excited she did so well but I have to remind myself that they're still several weeks until election day this is still a tied race they went into this race neck and neck and Harris really is still an underdog and we've seen the Harris campaign uh continuously say that she's the underdog in this race Democrats have also continued with that narrative just to try to you know set the bar at a certain point that they have experienced so much momentum behind them Democrats have been so excited but when it comes down to these swing state voters moderate voters and these the central Battleground States how they vote is what's really important and so as much as Democrats you know in DC especially um up on Capital Hill are excited about Harris and her performance uh they still have so much ground to make up in those states where they're largely tied with Trump and going into election day um unless they have moved the needle significantly it's still going to be an extremely close race and just to go back to Trump for a second RFK Jr who has of course endorsed Trump and is still on the ballot in nearly two dozen states is also weighing in on the debate what are his thoughts on how it went and you what is he saying now yeah so one of his thoughts was that Trump might have lost some independent voters which with his performance and he said that you know Trump was pretty distracted what he said was largely aligned with what we've heard from Republican lawmakers which is that Trump went off message but RFK Jr saying that independent voters were a loss here is a big uh deal for the Trump campaign because those are the exact kind of Voters that they're trying to appeal to that they have to appeal to I should say you know these voters in the Battleground States um are the essential voting block that they need to appeal to that you know Trump's base is going to stick with him no matter what they say what he says and the Democrats who are really excited about Harris's candidacy are going to stick with her no matter what but when it comes down to voters in Wisconsin North Carolina um Georgia uh Nevada Arizona you know those are the places that are going to decide this election so appealing to Independent moderate you know Suburban voters um those are the folks that are going to decide this and so losing voters like that in this election is a pretty in because of the debate is a pretty big deal yeah and you know another major headline from Tuesday night was Taylor Swift's endorsement of Harris that drove lots of traffic 33 7,000 people in fact to she also made some comments last night at the VMAs what else did she have to say in her uh acceptance speech yeah so she interestingly didn't bring up Harris or say her name it wasn't an extension of an endorsement but it was an extension of signing up to vote she basically said if you're over 18 please register to vote it's um this important thing is coming up it's the 2024 presidential election um I do think that even that is somewhat of an endorsement for Harris considering she already endorsed Harris but uh the consequences of this endorsement are basically when I've been talking to people over how much this means because a lot of people look at it as well maybe a Taylor Swift DieHard fan was already gonna vote for Harris but if there's a you know person in Ohio that maybe wasn't going to register to vote but loves Taylor Swift and listens to her it is influenc by her and goes and registers to vote and then votes for vice president Harris that could move the needle in some way and so I think Taylor S focusing on these registrations and getting young people to participate in this election uh that's really actually pretty good news for the Harris campaign yeah and it will be interesting to see in the end uh if there's ever a way to measure the impact of that versus any other celebrity endorsement but uh moving on there is some new polling on black voters in key Battleground States what does that data show yeah so uh these black voters in the key Battleground States according to this polling are highly motivated to cast their ballot in this year's election uh basically uh this group of of pollsters was actually every town for gun safety which is a gun violence prevention advocacy group but also some other groups um that show that the majority of black voters in places like Atlanta Detroit Milwaukee Las Vegas and Philadelphia um are identifying as Democrats and 74% say they're very motivated to vote in November uh those are stats that are showing that Harris is behind a lot of that motivation we knew that uh when President Biden was at the top of the ticket the enthusiasm about this election with you know a repeat of 2020 that's what we always talked about is that this was a repeat um people weren't enthusiastic about casting their ballots and if you weren't you know in uh you know a DieHard Trump or Biden fan you were not thrilled about this but now that we're seeing that 74% of black Americans in these really essential States you know Michigan um Nevada Pennsylvania that they're very motivated to vote I think that is part of um the Harris appeal um and it can definitely make a difference in some of these Battleground States yeah definitely does feel like a a pretty significant change so far now back on the hill the list of House Republicans who say they know the only way to avoid a government shutdown is for a clean continuing resolution or CR to pass is growing can you explain where we're at with this and what the likelihood is of a shutdown looming yeah there's a lot of talk about okay at this point we need to go ahead and have a clean stop back or a stop gap which basically means um get the other you know political legislation um and proposals out of the bill and basically Kick the Can down um until after election day so if there were to be a government shutdown it's at least after election day so there's not the blame game going on and I do think at this point the blame would largely fall on Republicans if the um government were to shut down but something that's adding to all of this is that former president Trump is urging Republicans to vote against any short-term funding that doesn't include the insurances of election security because they're trying to uh him and some of his uh supporters and in the house are trying to include um a provision that basically uh looks at you know uh um IM migrants and um people that aren't um that have immigrated here voting in the elections and it's really a messaging bill that they're trying to um get the base to Rally around but I think Speaker John at this point after he scrapped those plans to vote on this conservative leaning funding bill um because it was clear it didn't have the votes to pass they also need some Democrats to help them out to pass this um now they're looking at a clean CR I do think that that is going to be eventually what they end up doing um because nobody wants a shutdown before election day and the political implications of that would really be detrimental for them yeah for for both sides right now Secretary of State Anthony blink is in ke this week announcing a new round of Aid to Ukraine what is the white the white house plan here first of all and also what could the challenges to this be Yeah so basically uh Secretary of State blinkin announced that the United States along with Britain um are going to give another $ 1.5 billion dollar in Aid to Ukraine this was part of his visit as you mentioned um to the country he also announced that um more than 700 million um will go to in humanitarian Aid um of course you know anytime there's conversation about Aid to Ukraine it also turns into a political fight here in the US there's a lot of Republicans who no longer um want to be sending you know these really big ticket um uh Aid um to the country and and think that at this point we've helped enough and that other countries in NATO have to step up of course this is a joint deal with Britain so that could have some implications into people um feeling like they can back this more because the UK is also getting involved um but I do think a lot of President Biden's Focus for the next few months of his uh presidency is going to be to help Ukraine and to end this war in the Middle East and so this is all kind of aligning with him adding to his legacy if he wants to be you know the leader on the global stage and he really has been in support for Ukraine Alex Gitano thank you so much another blow to president Trump's legal cases a New York Court tossed out an appeal to the gag order placed on his hush money case the gag order prevents Trump from making public comments about prosecutors or their families but it does allow remarks about Judge Juan merchin and Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg the court said in an order that quote no substantial constitutional question is directly involved and would not hear the former president's appeal Harvey Weinstein has been charged with more sex crimes in New York ahead of his retrial however the indictment will remain Under Wraps until his arraignment on September 18th prosecutors announced last week that they showed a grand jury evidence from three additional allegations dating as far back as the mid-2000s but it's not clear whether this new evidence will be part of the retrial or a separate one voters are feeling wary of the role of AI in the election that's according to a new survey from the Associated Press NC Center for public affairs research and USA facts it shows 64% of respondents say they are either not confident or not confident at all that information from AI powered chat Bots and search results are accurate and 43% say they think AI will make it harder to find information about the election that's today's daily debrief I'm Bianca fi be sure to like share and subscribe to the hills YouTube channel and come back here soon for the intersection between politics and policy

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