iPhone 16 Pre-Orders, iOS 18.2 and Apple Intelligence, Taylor Swift Responds to AI Deepfake

Introduction after all tomorrow is another day welcome to primary technology the show about the tech news that matters today a bunch of details about the iPhone 16 and 16 Pro Apple watches and airpods that came out post event so we're going to dive into that what we're pre-ordering I also have an iPhone 16 Pro Max case here want to see the differences with the 15 Pro Plus other news from open AI a trifold phone from Huawei and a ton more this episode is brought to you by one password and you the members who support us directly I'm one of your host Steven roblas and joining me my friend Jason Aton how's it going Jason uh pretty good pretty good pretty good we have a lot of surprises this episode I'm very excited you're going to unbox something I excited I'm very excited can you hold up the package real quick if you're watching on YouTube you got to see my taping job I'm going to have to cut all that out all right I got to cut all that out uh yes but Jason's gonna unbox a package and not dox himself with his address on the screen I just did what you told me to do I know I didn't think about it so we got that then I have a a huge surprise for Jason in our bonus episode so members stay tuned for that and you can support the show at primary tech. FM click bonus episodes or directly on Apple podcast to hear a massive surprise I don't know how Jason's going to react I'm a little scared actually yeah but uh let's get talk about St Jude fundraiser festar reviews then we're going to get into iPhone 16 first of all thank you everyone for showing up and I have the wrong tab opening s far let me go back that's okay while you're figuring out your tabs I get to take a guess at the movie quote right oh yeah go ahead please what was it again after all tomorrow is another day that was the movie quote I'm going to go with Gone With the Wind yes you are correct really yeah actually okay I think it's Scarlet O'Hara that says it right if I'm if I remember correctly Vivian Lee well well here's the thing ironically I've never seen the movie oh listen so if you don't know if you're new to the show Welcome we're so glad you're listening I started every episode with a movie quote and then you know Jason tries to to find it and sometimes he gives me a chance to try to guess it some super super obvious like you can't handle the truth it's like come on you know everybody knows yeah uh but anyway so I try to have a quote that is related to the topics we talk about considering as we record iPhone pre-orders or tomorrow I thought that was tangentially related okay and so I'm looking at this like article of top 100 quotes ah and that one was tomorrow's another day but I I've never seen gone with the wi I mean 1939 it came out a little before my you've had some time though I know it's a classic I know I need to watch it next time maybe I'll do soilent green as people I I'll open the show with just kidding I'm not going to do that that's very dark if you don't know what soilent green is don't look it up yeah yeah don't don't look it up let's mov on moving on to St Jude thank you everyone for supporting we've gone way past the goal $1,175 $1,175 thank you to everyone who's donating and just want to mention this is going on all through September and as you give through the link in the show notes it's part of the primary technology campaign but it's also part of the bigger relay.fm campaign and if we go to that listen they are just doing amazing stuff uh they've raised over $3 million total but just this year their goal is$ 500,000 they've currently raised $49,988 for for this month for this fundraiser so it's incredible I'm sure they're going to blow past the 500,000 but if you haven't yet you can help us and them by helping St Jude and so go to the links in the show notes and yeah it's uh what is the month September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month right I think that's true yep that's why we do that in September so thank you all uh for for giving there and then also a one festar review kind of an iffy festar review TP typically I see you guys sometimes doing the double festar reviews you know trying to like get in the uh The Rundown which is fine and so that's what that's what this one is actually this is JW from Vancouver Canada he said he like found another iCloud account he wasn't using and went in and left us a fivestar review and I like listen I mean we appreciate the five star review so the fact that you went through the trouble I appreciate it and battery percentage off from JW which makes total sense iPad tip pointing two volume buttons thank you JW and uh yeah he had very kind words to say so yeah there's that all right I want talk about details that have come out post Apple event we're a few days forward but before we even get to that I Apple Needs an Editor just have a couple questions for you Jason okay I want to know how you feel about the current design of Apple's homepage and then we have to talk about a home screen that apple is using on one of their Pages a lot of people are talking about the Apple homepage right now which I'm showing live youtube.com primary techow you're a writer Jason you ride for inc.com does this seem like a lot of verbage for the homepage of the Apple's website of Apple's website I mean this is certainly an SEO thing don't you think like why does Apple need to do SEO is the question no well the answer to that question is Google why does Apple need to because Google search is garbage and the only thing it cares about is listen this is not any different than the every product name on Amazon right now Google has ruined the internet let's just be honest the fact but the fact that Apple has to have a literal paragraph of actually is this a run- on sent no it's three senten three sentences three sentences the third sentence starts with and actually it's four sentences yeah there's four there yeah Apple watch goodness four sentences in I don't know this is this is kind of a nitpicking thing but it just seemed there were a bunch of people on social media this might be going too far they were like if Steve Jobs would never and I'm like okay well it does look a little messy but I don't know but there's not even a product there's no product on the homepage it's just the glowing Apple logo animating in and out with four sentences of text so yeah I have a theory Stephen yes and I think this goes back to the event itself I feel like I'm having strong Deja Vu right now I feel like we've actually had this conversation before I feel like it's possible that Apple fired everyone who had editor in their title recently you know they did those well listen the books team is gone everyone who knows how to doopy is gone that was the news a couple weeks ago because if you watch the Apple event go back if you go back and watch it listeners yes it definitely feels like there's some stuff that maybe got cut or never made in in the first place like how about the smaller watch size like they never once mentioned it like not once did they talk about the screen size or the fact that it even existed at all like it's just a product in our lineup they didn't even say that part so then you look at this and you're like I just feel like maybe the product managers have taken over and the people who are good at that I'm sure this is not entirely true but that Apple event was weird I'm going to write about it for this weekend because there was some strange things going on so I do feel like the FL the flow which would have to go back to the scripting of an event it felt a little weird at times you sent me a text message in the middle and you're like what is even happening at this point in this event I think like halfway through it just felt yeah well and even when during the iPhone 16 part of the event it just kind of felt hky Jerky like going back and forth of like here's the camera but we're going to go out you know well they talked about the camera control for like half a second they're like it has this button but let's go talk about uh something else for a while and then we'll come back to the camera and it's like this just doesn't feel as coherent as as usual I thought uh which Apple should go back to Live Events I saw this is the one thing a lot of people said and I was like they have this beautiful Steve Jobs theater a bunch of people are going to it you know they have hundreds of journalists and people coming have people on stage I think a live event is is due but also th this is more troubling Jason if you go to the iPhone 16 Pro product page people have been sharing this around app tinting the color tinting say what you will some people don't are not a fans of of the color tinting especially these colors but these four apps is what Apple has chosen to put in the Dock of the iPhone 16 Pro on their feature page the four apps in their iPhone doc are F my okay facetime the Apple Watch app and contacts Jason who whose phone is this modeled after that they would have both contacts Apple watch and the FMA app in your dock this is heresy Stephen I don't even have those on a single homepage like same never do I I mean contacts I don't think I've ever open the contacts app in on the phone that I currently have like I've opened it at some point in history but not on this one like not in the last year but even the other apps that are on the home screen and I'm sure the reason they had to do this is like they're tinting them they have to use first they're only going to use first party apps but like put messages in Safari down there yeah like well the phone comes with four apps in the dock just leave them there it's not complicated I this was just bizarre to me a I use um find my widgets uh which are work really good you should do that FaceTime I mean if I'm going to FaceTime somebody it'll be like in messages I'll tap their face and FaceTime them or I actually one of the few things I'll ask the voice assistant to do because it's actually pretty good at that uh Apple Watch app that's buried in the app library and so are contacts if you need to find a contact you swipe to open spotlight and you search for the name that's all you need and then if you need to add somebody to your contacts you do it from wherever they say s you the information tap and hold on number add to this is madness madness it is actually completely bananas but it supports my theory which is they apparently fired all the editors because there is no creative director that would have been like yes this is a good idea listen apple apple all I'm saying is you can hire Jason and I we'll do an audit Jason will do all the text everywhere he's going to edit that homepage make it look right I'm going to look at all these product images and say take that find my icon out of the dock Stephen two weeks ago they posted a job for editor in their design department for real for real not even kidding I just looked it up I need 10 minutes Stephen's gonna fill out an application real quick while I continue to just talk about random stuff the bonus episode be me filling out an application no uh that's all right so that help steep get a job that was interesting no I love my job I love R side just say I have to say that it's contractually obligated um all right let's talk about some details that came Hands-On iPhone 16 Cases out from the event that namely I got cases first of all the cases came super fast they arrived yesterday Wednesday so like almost overnighted the two colors I ordered right here this is for the 16 Pro Max I have the the gray the stone gray and then I have this one which is the green I think this is the lake green uh very nice cases I took the the green one out of the case the Box uh because here's here's the 16 Pro Max case and when you just hold it by itself it doesn't seem much larger uh if you're not seeing I'm showing these cases on screen but I I'm putting it next to the iPhone 15 Pro Max case and it is definitely noticeably taller the 16 Pro Max and this was in the text we actually talked about this in the recap episode but it is noticeably taller as a phone which means reachability I'm going to be using reachability I think a lot cuz that top of the screen is going be far away and the C it's wideness it's very similar width it's only like a couple millimeters difference you can't really tell by the case camera bump slight ever so slightly bigger uh it's impossible to see on camera but it's like focusing through the cases on your on you if I showed an eye if I show an eye through the hole Oh see now it's not doing it this is the best radio ever the best radio I was trying to explain anyway noticeably taller you know very very slightly wider it's a big phone Jason these phones are getting bigger and bigger I mean this is close to iPad Mini uh size so I mean literally cuz cuz iPad mini is 7 in something and this is going to be 6.9 in yeah I have a theory I have another theory you have three three theories already okay go ahead it's too big that's that's the whole Theory I'm I'm a little worried that it's going to be too big my justification cuz people were asking me I film my phone a lot because I do videos on like shortcuts and stuff and so a bigger screen better for on camera but in that dayto day like I'm I'm afraid my pinky is going to get like RSI or whatever so we'll see you're going have to start rocking a popsocket on the back of that thing I refuse I refuse there are some accessories coming uh that I'm getting that will might 25W MagSafe Puck solve some of that so stay tuned to my channel because of me access um now one other thing this confusing me and I'm I'm not sure what to feel about it so Apple announced that there's faster magsafe charging on the iPhone 16 lineup meaning you can charge up to 25 watts wirelessly but the largest asterisk is you you can only do it with Apple's Puck Apple's mag safe Puck is what's required and it's only iPhone uh 16 and 16 Pro so ch2 if you weren't aware I talk a lot about ch2 ch2 the faster wireless charging standard that goes all the way back to iPhone 12 so iPhone 12 and newer can charge 15 watts via ch2 but this 25 watts is only for 16 and 16 Pro you need a 30 W USBC power adapter and this Puck it's the only Max safe access access that will charge that fast which means all the other ch2 accessories and mag safe accessories that I have been reviewing over the last two years I have ones to review here on my desk uh from ankor and Belin and other brands they're all not going to be able to take advantage of that faster mag safe charging and so I'm wondering is this a ch3 thing will we have makers like Belin release magsafe products that charge at 25 watts but has to be specific and then it's breaking from the standard again so anyway we we had a brief moment where ch2 mag safe were the same thing and it's changed already again so I don't know what to feel about that I mean it's not that surprising Apple's going to always do more for mag saave and they have more control over how all those things work together and I mean I don't know maybe they're just worried that some random third part I mean I know they still have to do like the made for iPhone thing if they're gonna or whatever the standard is but like do they maybe they're just worried that they're gon some third party manufacturer is going to melt the back of your phone I don't know like may maybe yeah maybe so I don't know I'm hoping to see more accessories of the 25 watt charging and that will bring a whole wave of of videos to my channel again so I can actually test all this stuff Stephen doesn't care about actually charging his battery he just cares about the videos he'll be able to do that's not true that's not true because sometimes because the battery life on my 15 Pro Max last year U that is one of the biggest things I'm curious if the 16 Pro Max actually resolves is my battery life has not been great and so whenever I'm about to leave the house and I know I need to have a good charge on my phone I always have this choice of like do I put it on the mag safe charger my high-rise 12 South Deluxe that charges at 15 watts or should I just plug in a USBC cable and get the fast charging 27 watts and which even that is going to be faster you'll be able to get up to 40 Watts when you're charging with a USBC cable and 16 pro and pro Max so I mean Cable's always going to be faster but but Stephen I I have a controversial take this isn't the theory it's a controversial take I think that the only valuable reason to use mag safe is if you're going to put it on like some sort of a dock the pucks that just sit on the counter why how is that even how is that even remotely better than just plugging the cable in in fact if you put it on the nightstand next to you if you're not using a dock putting it on a plug is actually way better because you can just pick up the phone and look at it whereas if you have the mag saave thing you're trying to take it off and that actually takes longer I don't actually understand the puck thing like the chart like the the docks and whatever you put in this box that's not a bomb definitely not a bomb that I'm going to unbox later I S it to you is I'm sure great but I just don't understand who who is using the puck honestly I feel like the puck is more for additional accessories to use with the puck like I don't know if you saw this 3D printed like iPhone stand that came out recently well we have a 12 South one that you can just sit the puck in and it just like sits there on the desk or whatever yeah right but there was one that it it just came out recently it was like big on Tik Tok or whatever but it almost seems like those accessories utilize the puck more I don't know why you would just have a puck now we have listeners in our community that said that's what they roll with they got the puck on there they have like the the iPhone Puck the Apple watch Puck it's pucks all the way down um be careful I have to make sure I'm saying that well uh on their nightstand which I get it I get it but yeah I agree that the puck by itself I mean I bought one when they first came out with the iPhone 12 and then never used it again because yeah I just figured out the reason I just answered my own question oh okay good if you are in a lightning and USBC household meaning you have like one person with a 14 and one person with a 15 you do not have to have two cables because they can both charge on the puck fair enough okay fair enough that is a reason okay um well that's the puck buy your mom a new iPhone buy your mom I should have worn that shirt today uh which RCS is a thing AirPods 4 Differences now so it's less applicable the other thing airpods so we didn't talk about this in the recap episode but the airpods 4 the new model which are two different products you got the airpods 4 and the airpods 4 Active noise cancellation this this is the editor job right here we we need a some naming scheme here there are differences between these two besides just the noise cancellation the ones with ANC they have the things that you would expect like personalized spatial audio adaptive EQ vent system for pressure Equalization oh no they both have that so it's just the The Voice isolation conversation awareness those no they both have voice isolation what is the what is different between these two no okay adaptive audio transparency mode and then the personalized spatial audio both of them conversation awareness no it's it's thec transparency and conversation awareness H and also the no yeah those three things are only on thec version so confusing so that's different but I think the bigger difference that I think more people will care about is if you go all the way down to the charging case the regular the base model airpods 4 only charges with USBC you can't charge that wirelessly like with mag safe or whatever but the airpods 4 with active noise cancellation charge a USBC you can charge it with an Apple Watch charger or certified CH Chargers so like Wireless pads and only the active noise cancellation ones has a speaker built into the case for fine my so that's one of the best features of airpods Pro 2 is a little speaker on the bottom that you can make have you know have it play a sound if you drop it in your sofa cushions or in your car which actually happens a lot to me and my son like you have it in your pocket and just kind of slips out then it falls under the chair and you lose it forever having the speaker is a nice little feature that is not the speaker is not on that base model airpods 4 which I get it I guess cost savings but that's a shame it is a shame because that is the that's far more useful than any of the other fine my features is just make it make noise no just make it make noise I don't need an arrow if you make it make noise the arrow just like gets you in close enough proximity to then hear the the speaker cuz it's not a very loud speaker so I just need you to point point me in the right direction of where it might be but then it's like I need to hear it I will say I dropped them the exact scenario I just described they had fallen out of my pocket in the car and they were under my seat and I was I didn't know where they were I forgot that that had happened I didn't know that happened so I did the find my thing with the arrow you know I was doing like the divining Rod trying to find water with a piece of wood and like it had the the message on screen like too far away like we can't we don't know where it is and so once I started moving towards my garage the little things did say like getting closer and then once I opened the door to my garage the arrow immediately appeared pointing at my car like it's over there so that was one place where I would not have heard it because it's in my car under the seat but I I like the I like The Arrow I appreciate it uh but this but the sound is key because I've dropped I've lost it in my like laundry basket one time you definitely need the sound in order to find that because it's just pointing at a basket of clothes and you're like this is not helping uh a couple other small details uh which you know less details than I feel like come out after dubdub you know these are just little things but the Apple Watch series uh series 9 and Ultra 2 so last year's models of Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 Updates Apple watches they are getting sleep apnea we talked about that they are getting the tides app so Apple's first party water tides app is coming but also the Apple watch Ultra 2 specifically is getting audio playback so not it doesn't look like the series 9 this is reporting from Mac rumors but just the ultra 2 will be able to play audio through the watches built in speak speakers where previously like you can't play podcast and music like you have to have airpods or headphones connected the update was for the series 10 the new ones and the Apple watch Ultra 2 is also getting audio playback through built-in speakers so yeah you know I I know that on our recap episode by the way if you're listening to this and you haven't heard the recap episode and you're wondering why we're not just going through all the products go back and listen to that one cuz we did an hour and you should just listen to it but I know that on that episode I talked about how excited my son will be and actually he was super excited and now wants a new Apple watch that he's not going to get but I thought about it more and Stephen I feel like this is the next level of people walking around having FaceTime conversations in public places where they shouldn't and now they're going to be listening to music and podcasts on their watches Stephen I feel like socially acceptable boundaries have just completely disappeared in the last couple years I don't know if it's generational thing I don't know what it is but I can't tell you how many times I I like I was at picking up a kid from soccer and there's someone walking around and they're just like holding the phone in front of them and like yelling at it I'm like you know there's a little tiny like there are other options or I mean I never hold my phone up to my face I just always use airpods but I don't sure Stephen this is not going to be good I don't think I you know when we were in New York City a couple months ago on the subway it's funny like either everyone is wearing headphones or there's a guy literally playing hip-hop out of a Bluetooth speaker and dancing to it you have the two extremes you know but no one is doing like the speaker on their phone like this I feel like that's a you know people who don't like have to share spaces like public transport a lot of times and yeah but I mean Apple watch like it's not going to sound great I can't imagine they're going to want to listen to music like that but what is the scenario that you'd even want to use that like maybe if you're working out maybe I'm curious if like if I'm going for a walk I wonder if it'll get loud enough to listen to a podcast Al I'm going to see if that's possible once that update comes cuz I have the ultra 2 and it's getting all the same features the ultra 2 I don't know if you knew it's a new product because of last week there was so much confusion I had so I had literally had many people messaging me they were like what's new about the Apple watch Ultra like there was a lot of people just didn't get like it is literally the same product which I Feel Again the editor maybe we could argue that this version of the Apple watch Ultra 2 is different than the one they introduced last year because it does not have the blood oxygen sensing capability it has less features which means it's different but it it is according to you getting sleep apnea I think what you meant was that it's getting sleep apnea detection listen listen listen listen just to be clear you know what I meant it's yeah no the watch does not have sleep apnea everyone knows my favorite game is listening to things stevenh says and then just saying what I think he meant to say I the editor this is again the editor still that position uh also satellite features are coming to the UK and Canada this was a you know satellite came out with the iPhone 14 at least for the SOS now I don't know if I talked about this on the show I actually did a text message over satellite uh a couple weeks ago because we uh was driving somewhere and we there was no service and we were actually in the car and I was like huh I wonder if I could do it and so I went to try to send a text and the satellite thing just came up just by itself and it was like oh do you want to send a message via satellite and I was like let's try it and it literally like I had to like point my phone you know kind of around and and align with the side I was trying to find a picture because I did take a screenshot of it but I'm not going to be able to find it fast enough but I was able to do it and it's I you have to keep your phone kind of like pointed at the thing and it's sent and it says sent by a satellite the person received it uh they have to be on iOS 18 I tried to send a text message to my wife and it didn't go through because she's on 17 still and then I sent a text to Andrew CLA YouTube creator also a friend we he's here in Florida and it went through it cuz he's on the beta too so you could just text via satellite now like doesn't have to be SOS just regular texting and uh so satellite features coming to the UK and Canada too so it's apparently really useful if what you really want to do is find out which of your friends are using the beta yeah for one more week yeah you could find out but but you know that's cool there're people that are you know they they do active things outside hiking outside Woods you know that's cool uh and then one last thing and then we have some uh some more some questions we should answer like what are we pre-ordering tomorrow but 18.2 is apparently being iOS 18.2 and Siri tested internally this is Again by Mac Rumors you know when you have a website like Mac Rumors 95 Mac 2 can see the operating systems that devices use to access your website and they can already see 18.2 being tested and so as it stands right now it seems like new iPhone ship with iOS 18 which has zero Apple intelligence features even though Apple pushed it a bunch at the event iOS 18.1 Apple said that it's coming in October because Apple in Ence they said will be coming next month in October that's an 18.1 and then the rumors now is that 18.2 which will likely have gen Moji and the image playgrounds more Apple intelligence features will be coming out in December and more data to support that idea is that in December Apple intelligence is coming to more countries not the EU but Australia Canada New Zealand South Africa and the United Kingdom brexit brexit's looking pretty good right now I I'm curious is when are we I cuz I don't think we know the answer to this yet but when are we getting better Siri like I when that's the only thing anyone cares about isn't it this is the weird thing where apple is releasing these new devices touting Apple intelligence as a massive feature not launching with apple intelligence nor are a lot of the features namely the chat GPT integration image playground and gen Emoji which is probably what a lot of kind of non- Tey people would like to play with like make your own emojis and send them to people it's just not you know no clear roll out and the better Siri yeah that is a big question I well and the visual intelligence was like a headline feature that they spent time on in the event and we don't know when that's coming necessarily but I do think that the the thing that most people are going to be like this why isn't this here is the improved version of Siri like that's the thing that that when you tell people hey has Apple intelligence when they see that from other menu like with Google for example with Gemini like it's part of the Google Assistant ecosystem at this point right so I just we don't know when it's coming and I feel like that's the one that people are going to be looking for the most and I do wonder I saw somebody post this on social media like even with non-apple intelligence I think well I'm not the Siri that is now like highlighting around the edge of the phone that's an apple intelligence specific feature I guess yeah I mean that's representative of the new version of Siri even though the new version of Siri isn't actually the only thing it can do at this point is it's better at listening to to you when you just Mumble a bunch of gibberish to it and it can parse that out it's not necessarily better at answering the questions also I feel like Siri has gotten a new bit new little bit of an attitude like the answer is different like when it reads out text messages like when it reads my text messages to me it's using like actual emphasis and I'm like you don't sound like my wife at all that's not how she said that it's putting a into emphasis on the thing yes the I I do wonder when Apple intelligence 18.1 comes out next month and it goes on across all the iPhone 16 lineup where maybe non- tech people have bought the iPhone 16 if there will be a placebo effect where people are like wow Siri is way better even though the smart Siri hasn't come yet but since the animation's different they maybe actually just will try it again you know cuz I think there's a whole swath of people who just never use it because it was not good for a long time and if they just use it more just to see the animation it might kind of trick their minds into thinking like oh it does more than I thought it did before gets all the Apple intelligence so I don't know we'll have to see yeah agree all right so we want to get to what we're pre-ordering tomorrow and what Apple products we think need updates and what we think are coming next month because there is a rumored October event according to Mark Gman but real quick I want you to share a little bit about the article you wrote and then we actually have a sponsor we're going to than so yeah tell me about that you think this AirPods Pro as Hearing Aids is a big feature yeah well I think obviously Apple intelligence is a headline feature but Apple made a point in the middle of the most using airpods introduction ever where they talked about products that are not actually changing but as if they were new and I guess the airpods max did get a USBC port instead of lightning whatever and some new colors but they talked about the airpods 2 airpods Pro 2 and I'm not kidding you Stephen it was not until the very end where they said that they're talking about the airpods Pro 2 like as if like the existing product is just getting a software update so it was very easy to sort of gloss over everything that they talked about but then I started to think about it and I it really hit me that for most people that what they actually just talked about is one of the most life-changing features that they've introduced in a very long time this is I think on par with things like the apib detection maybe even more because I think Apple said there's something like 1.5 billion people in the world that have some form of hearing loss and most of them it's undiagnosed and so what they rolled out for the airpods Pro 2 was hearing protection which is really which exist just a little bit right now if you have transparency mode on it'll already sort of cut out like the Jackhammer as you walk by yeah so they've improved that there's a hearing test which you can take a third party hearing test right now uh I did it that's how I found out that I'm like 40% deaf in my left ear really uh yeah um and then but that's going to be built right in and then if you take that it will also use that information to then adjust everything else you listen to with your airpods but then the last one is what they are calling hearing aid capability they're not Market the hearing the airpods Pro 2 as hearing aids they're marking them as having marketing them as having a hearing aid capability and this is because the FDA back in 2022 changed the regulations around selling over-the-counter hearing aids so they you you can now sell over-the-counter products that have hearing a capability and I think I think that there are some from Bose and from Sony at this point that also exist um but they're like $1,000 like they're super expensive airpods Pro 2 Apple says are the most popular hearing or most popular headphones on in the world they most popular headphones in the world and everyone using them now will have that ability to use a hearing aid and I think that this is one of those things where like there is still a real stigma attached with wearing a hearing aid like as I think about like okay i' the hearing loss that I have in my left ear is not enough that I'm like I need a hearing aid but it is certainly like a real thing and I but I wouldn't go get a hearing aid but I wear airpods all the time and if they're going to make it so I can hear better like I actually think for lot of people this is a quality of life Improvement that's way more than whatever Apple intelligence is going to do at least for the next couple years so yeah so I wrote about it because I thought it was a big deal yeah I think so so that link is in the show notes I do think my dad he had hearing laws for years because he used to work in like utilities so he was Jackhammer you know all that kind of stuff and he didn't wear a lot of ear protection and so he had very evident he loss hearing loss but he took him forever to get hearing aids because they were actually very expensive like if you go for the the medical fitted hearing aids you're in the thousands of dollars and there was the stigma also like just didn't want to do it but I will tell you he used to wear airpods a lot yeah he would watching videos on his phone or listening to music and so I think you're right I mean for people who a hearing aids might be out of budget you know CU even with my parents who had health insurance it was a struggle to get hearing aids at a decent price and just you're wearing them all the time anyways or if you wear them often yeah I think it is a big deal deal and so it's you know of all the brands I mean Apple when it comes to accessibility when it comes to health related features especially with the Apple watch and now airpods I think it's a big deal and airpods becoming a health device uh when it comes to you know hearing and you know who knows but I think people do you wear airpods you don't wear airpods to sleep do you no no I fall asleep in less than three seconds Stephen that's but people do I know my son wears his airpost to sleep sometimes just to do it and like I imagine there could be some you know Health Integrated features if you do that I don't know if people would want to but with the sleep apnea measuring I think the accelerometer I could also Imagine you know there's a microphone in airpods can listen snoring I know there's sleep apps that will like record audio when you sleep and like I never want to do that because I never want to go back and then hear something that happened while I was asleep and I didn't like I don't want to know I just I don't I just don't want to know I think this small Google Nest uh little display thing it actually will tell you like if you use it for sleep tracking it'll tell you you're breathing overnight you're snoring how Restless you were and it's just using a series of sensors it is kind of weird to think of having a like a a microphone on listening to you snore I don't I don't know how I would feel about that either which I think that's probably why the sleep apnea Apple said it was doing through the accelerometer y cuz I imagine it would be helpful to record audio to track sleep apnea because that is something that you can hear like stopping breathing and then like suddenly breathing in uh loudly so it might have been easier but anyway yeah so I totally get it you could read Jason's article in the show notes and when we come back I definitely want to talk about what we pre-ordered what we are pre-ordering for tomorrow because I got my pre-order ready like day of the event and more about what we might be seeing but we want to thank our sponsor for today which is one password specifically their extended access management and fun fact we actually have our own URL this time we're like professional now okay don't you can't mess the first 39 episodes not so much but now we are professional no no this this is professional and you can go to onep password.com primary tech one password.com primary Tech to come to this page a beautiful page might I add but extended access management what it what does it mean well imagine your company or let's say maybe you work at a company maybe you head the it of your company I think we have a lot of people who listen who are involved in that part of their business imagine your company security like the quad of a college campus there are nice brick paths between the buildings those are the company-owned devices it approved apps and managed employee identities then they're the past that people actually use the shortcuts not like the ones on iPhone like like not good shortcuts because they get around those security measures uh because they want just to do things on their phone that maybe the company has restricted and so they take those paths to get the point A to point B well those are unmanaged devices Shadow it apps non-employee identities and more and most security tools only work on those happy brick paths but a lot of security problems take place on the shortcuts so one password extended access management is the First Security solution that brings all these unmanaged devices apps and identities under your control it ensures that every user credential is strong and protected every device is known and healthy and every app is visible one password extended access management solves the problems traditionals mobile device managers can't it's security for the way we work today and it's now generally available to companies with OCTA Microsoft intra and in beta for Google workpace customers so check it out at onep password.com primary Tech fancy thing I want to make sure that was actually right one password.com primary Tech I actually want to visit it look at that and it redirects to their website onep password.com primary Tech use our fancy little URL you can go read about it and even if you're not in the decision-making process of that for your business this maybe share it with your it manager listen I know they can be a little orry I've worked in places and it managers don't want to be told what to do I get totally get it but but if you can point out some of the issues don't throw anybody into the bus but say listen I think there's some uh people doing some things with the device this will help this will let people do what they need to do and it makes your job easier so let them know one password.com primary Tech that link is in the show notes as well our thanks Prim our thanks primary Tech thanks to one password for sponsoring this episode I think that what the IT people usually like to hear is I heard on a podcast that we should do this thing oh yeah no no don't tell them you heard about on a podcast so I heard from a reputable Source but just give them the link with the podcast yeah one password.com primary Tech because otherwise it doesn't no offense but it doesn't do us any good if you don't give them that link they got to know you came from us ex one password.com primary Tech okay let's talk about pre-orders what we might be seeing next month Jason what did you prepare a pre-order did you do the pre the pre- pre-order no so I'm in a confusing place Our iPhone 16 Pre-Orders because I always have just gone on day one and just you know bought bought it on the pre-order thing but I was tempted and then what I usually do is either hand down my phone or I sell it right well in order to sell this one I'm going to have to get the screen replaced which means I have to break the screen because it's scratched up pretty good but they won't replace it unless it's actually broken that's a cumbersome process so selling it seems like it would be kind of a burden and handing it down like no one needs a phone except for one of our daughters who using a i iPhone Pro Max does not seem like it's a good solution because she's little like she's a freshman and this doesn't seem like it works so Verizon is tempting me with the trade in your phone and will just give you an iPhone 16 Pro for free so I was like oh because here's the thing then I don't have to like sell it or whatever and buy like it just so I net out at basically the same place so I have not pre-ordered yet I'm thinking I might go through and do that tomorrow but I do know what I'm I'm going to just get the probably the natural Titanium with 512 gigs of storage in the in the Pro not the pro Max okay wa so natural titanium 512 gigs Pro not pro Max yep correct it's too big Stephen I already have an iPad Mini I don't need another device that's that that's big and honestly I just keep like grabbing this somewhere I have a some oh here it is I I just I you know how I got this out the other day to show you the color yeah yeah every time I pick it up I'm like this is the perfect phone size this right here is what I really want this is just an iPhone 15 Pro just for those of you who are listening and can't tell and I know that the 16 that's a regular 15 yeah I'm sorry this is the iPhone 15 not pro correct but the 16 Pro will be just a little bit bigger than this I understand that but this is like the perfect phone size and so I'm going back down to the pro I don't need no I don't need that big giant Pro what's the benefit I mean you get a little bit more battery life okay but yeah not enough you you're slightly making making regret my choice because like we said in the recap episode 5x camera it's feature parody so whether you go 16 Pro or 16 Pro Max you're not giving up any features in the camera or anything like that I went the iPhone 16 Pro Max I did the pro Max and again my excuse or at least the way I justifi to myself is that I got to put it on camera so there's that but anyway I went to Desert titanium which which I don't know if I'll oh stepen and I went with one terab I might have the worst pre-order ever listen I want to tell you something I wrote this note down to make sure I remember to tell you so yes my sweet mother who was was asking me about going they're going to Iceland later this year and she wanted to know about camera I said you just need to upgrade your phone her she has a 16 I mean a 13 Pro I said just upgrade your phone don't buy a nice mirrorless camera because you need to spend $3,000 on glass to make it worthwhile right so I told her she should and then was asking me this question the other day after the event and I said did you listen to our recap episode yet you really should just do that we talked about everything you need to know so she did so she listened to it and then she sent me this text message and she goes I just want you to tell Stephen I think the desert color is cool okay so it's Mom approved so there you go listen I I've been seeing I wanted to go with the new color because I figur that's what people will be into but also the natural titanium looks slightly different than last year and this I saw some comments about this like it looks lighter maybe almost closer to the white color so and also I feel like I missed I missed the boat like I should have done natural titanium last year I didn't do it it's like well if I do it this year I don't know so I wanted I want to try a different color I think through cases which who cares because I put cases on most of the phone anyway I feel like through the little camera bump the desert titanium will probably look nice cuz it's just very lightly tinted like it doesn't look like it's very saturated anyway so so I think it'll look fine there and I don't know I just wanted to try the new color so I did I think that Apple knows so the natural titanium and the white are generally the same I think roughly as what the ones before were but there's no blue there's no whatever color you have that midnight blue or whatever they now have black titanium and then they then they do another color which in this case is the desert titanium and I think they just they just know that there are people like you and I don't mean this in an insulting way at all I know I know I know who will buy the odd color because they want everyone to know I got the new one whereas I'm going to have the natural titanium so there will be no visual distinct you know you won't just walk up and be like oh that must be the new iPhone unless they are smart enough to know that the the mil the whatever wideband Millet wave 5G thing is now a camera button right like they're in the same place though so like anyway I think that they they know that there are people who just get that one of those colors because they want people to know no no no no I got the new one I just wanted it to look cool I just want to look which you remind me the C the camera cap the camera control we talked about it during the recap it was a little confusion i' I watched a bunch of videos the camera control button on the 16 and 16 Pro is a physical button that de presses but it also has haptic feedback so it is both and and so on this the case that I got you can see that's the camera control button right there and so in apple silicone cases it's going to be a button that transfers whatever capacitive gestures you're doing here onto the actual camera control button because you need to be able to swipe on it you need to be able to swipe and lightly double tap and it needs to know the difference between a light tap and like a deep tap because those are all different controls on that button so Apple solution is a button on the button if you have a case I said this on social media I was like I wonder how third party case manufacturers are going to deal with this a bunch of people were like they just do a cutout who cares it's like listen we had cutouts for the action button and multiple case manufacturers had to recall their cases Peak design belroy they all either sent out an action button for you to install on the case yourself or they were going to send you a new case with an action button and so then like we realized then even and that's just pressing a button once that's not even like capacitive controls swiping that literally just pressing the action button and even then a cutout did not do as well as a button on the case and so I'm curious I'm seeing like Nomad has a cutout I'm seeing other manufacturers where they're just doing a big cutout for the camera controls I have a I have a theory we'll see if it turns out to be true that that is not going to be a good experience especially when the two-stage shutter comes out which is going to be in a software update cuz two-stage shutter you have to be able to lightly press to focus and then press all the way down and if a case just has a cutout just around that button and it's not enough I feel like swiping gestures and the two-stage shutter is going to be a cumbersome control and cases that have a button on a button like Apple's cases it will be a better experience with camera controls and so that's my theory we'll see if it plays out and uh yeah I mean the button on a button yeah I mean I hope they get it right if not that would be depressing well I mean case manufacturers can only do what they can do with the you know what they have but I did see like bare cases b a r e they were on Instagram and they were touting that their cases are going to have a capacitive button on on their case or at least a button that works with camera control not a cutout and they were saying that as though that that was some kind of Advantage so I do wonder if Case manufacturers even now see that there is a difference and it's it's better to have a button so isn't this button though actually the same as what the touch IG used button used to be that sapphire glass when are they bring do you think there's a chance that in the iPhone 17 that button will also have Touch ID in it I mean you would have to have the touch iD Tech in there which I feel like that'd be a lot I don't know every every um well it's capacitive already it's I mean that button is already capacitive so like I don't know I mean every Android phone has like the Samsung phone which I can't find right this this fold where did everything go stepen who moved our stuff Stephen I don't understand H know where my iPad Mini went by the way I did I checked and I did not peek when I did that so I just want you to know oh your audio peeking yeah um anyway anyway so it'll be curious to see uh so that I mean we'll know next week once once these cases and phones start coming yep um what are these other so that's pre-ordered yeah I have three questions for you yes the first thing is what October Apple Event other Apple products do we think are coming the rest of this year we think there's an event next month there could be other press releases which ones do we think are coming these are not the ones that we hope are coming or that we think are most in need of an update which ones do we actually think are going to come this year still mag safe Duo no just kidding that's not coming Apple no no Stephen what we want to see we'll we'll deal with that in a minute sorry I think we're going to see that Mac Mini with an M4 and I and I think if they do an M4 Mac Mini that we're also going to see M4 iMac why not just throw an updated chip why not because I mean they could just spec bump it maybe M4 MacBook Air why not just you know up the whole Baseline with M4 and then now we're on that generation so I think we might see that and I'm going to put a wild card in there Apple TV update because it just feels like the homepod is just out there in the cold like I don't even know it's not going to get apple intelligence they're not going to put an M series chip in a homepod so I don't know I don't think but so I think we're getting Mac Mini probably updated Baseline you know iMac maybe MacBook Air with M4 Apple TV wild card what do you say okay so just I want to ask a quick question about that so the MacBook Air which was updated in March you think that they're going to pull a MacBook Pro on it and update it twice in the same year I don't see why not like if it's literally just the spec bump I think it's less of an issue and MacBook Air I feel like the people buying the MacBook Air they're not going to be like mad about it they're not going to be like I can't believe I have this M2 Chip the M4 came out like the MacBook Air is great with an M2 or M4 so I would actually agree with you I think we'll see a MacBook Air and the reason is I think Apple wants to be not using the current 3 nanometer process the M3 anymore they want to be done with it as quickly as possible um I think that the Mac Mini seems like that's the rumors suggest that that's the most logical thing coming uh I don't think we'll see an iMac I think that's like in every other I don't know if we'll see it again until like the M5 possibly or maybe sometime later next year on an M4 you didn't mention iPads I think that clearly the uh IP ad mini if they're going to ever replace it it an October event would be a good time for it it would be a good time for it I'm skeptical like I I don't I want to see a new Mini I also don't know like if they're not going to give it promotion and any of the other features that you would want in the mini here that I would want you know they could make a better display that's not promotion but then what chip like are they going to put an M series chip in there so it can get apple intelligence I'd like to see that but that's not been historically the case it gets whatever A series chip and it seems like the iPad Air gets the M chips so I would love to see it and I would buy it in a second I am I'm unconvinced I mean they could put an a17 in it and it have apple intelligence because that's what the 15 pro has right it doesn't have to be an M series chip it has to be the pro it has to be the A7 Pro chip well no there was only there was only one A7 chip right it was the A7 Pro sure whatever the whatever the one that's in the 15 Pro could go into that and then it it doesn't have to be an M series chip so although that's not a that is not a chip I think that they want to because that's the same three nanometer processes the so they probably don't really want to keep that around but that I don't think the iPad Mini is that high volume of a product I don't think it'd be that big of a problem I think they could figure I think they could figure it out so I don't know I feel like there's got to be so many M1 chips laying around Tim Cook's couch like why just just put an M1 in there the problem is none of them have find my speaker so he can't figure out where they are right now but we know that there are pilots everywhere that are demanding a faster processor so they can stick it in the pocket on their on their legs so okay so clearly we've answered the question of what is most in need of an update the the iPad Mini is one of them I think the homepod mini is one of them I think the Mac Mini is definitely one of them and then I think the discontinued but should be brought back larger iMac is one of them oh that's a that's a wild card that would be interesting like 30 inch you know because we went 21 to 24 inch they eliminated larger man a larger iMac that'd be interesting just put a put a computer in this studio display and I will be done with all this other stuff at my desk for sure now another another wild card for you we've not seen an update in apple displays for a while if they announce an M4 Mac Mini might we see an updated Studio display and/or Pro display XTR or are those just kind of rocking forward no the answer is no we already know that apple is on a 10-year update cycle on its monitors I mean think about it the before the studio display I know there's a pro pro display xdr but like the Cinema display Thunderbolt was like the last I mean it yeah it was like 2004 five or something like that so they have to discontinue both of these monitors before they will even think about introducing something new for that so that's that's not going to happen so okay the last question was of the things we've talked about what is the one you most hope to see because you'd be like I'm buying that I would Anticipated Apple Product Releases hope to see an update to the airpods max just kidding I even knew that was coming and I still wasn't prepared for it I was trying to sneak it in where you wouldn't no uh yeah so most let's see I'm waiting well I know this is not going to come this fall but I'm waiting to see an M4 Ultra Mac Studio because I'm going to be very tempted by that um I want to say like a h pod mini but I'm not sure what even I would want to see updated like the smarter Voice Assistant yeah I'm just unconvinced that's going to come in an update for that and so I will say I'm most excited to see the Mac Mini and cuz I'm I will get one and it will replace the Intel Mac Mini I have running like some server stuff and so yeah I do want to see that that would be great uh I think I think that would be the that would be the most likely thing I'd be interested in because I don't need a a Mac Studio an M4 Ultra you going to like take over like NASA command down there right just be launching shuttles I'm going be exporting my videos in seconds seconds Stephen is just in like a uh Leap Frog position between his internet speed and his computer processing speed just to see which one Bott where's the bottleneck he is killing bottlenecks left and right but I'm I'm on an M1 Max Max studio like I never got the ultra so I kind of I I just want my chance at an ultra that makes sense so yeah that's great okay good stuff what wait so what is you want to see I think like the Mac Mini I think Mac Mini I I don't know that I would buy one but I would consider Stephen I we haven't talked about this but I think I'm going to go back to the MacBook Air soon and so I think it would be nice to have like an M4 Pro Mac Mini would do all of the things that I currently use this M3 Max MacBook Pro that's actually not mine that I probably should send back this is why I'm on a Black List Stephen we won't talk about that on the air but talk about it but I need to mail some stuff back to Apple that has just been accumulating and I think an M4 Pro Mac Mini would do all of the things I need to do at a because I don't I don't edit videos really and I don't export really anything except for you know I have to send Stephen my recording after this but I don't even have to export that like it just yeah is it was is that iPhone 15 you were showing a second ago is that Apple's yeah it is this is a that's a year it's a review unit from the last a year that you've had in your possession Stephen I am not the worst listen to John grber he has a closet full of stuff there I know that's that's hilar and no one's like hey you mind uh hold on just this is a fun game because we we were almost out of time but we have a minute this is not even the oldest product that I have I don't think I still have a 15inch MacBook Air from WWDC last year that is over a year just hanging around and I have uh I'm pretty sure there's others if I look hard enough I'm pretty sure there's some other stuff that's even older that I should send back so amazing amazing okay well uh we're going Huawei Tri-Fold Phone to pre-order tomorrow let us know what you pre-ordered uh either on social media or in our community social. primary. FM couple quick news things before we get to our personal Tech and Jason unboxes his package I wanted to mention this phone because it just looks absolutely insanee Huawei mate XT this is a trifold foldable phone Jason did you see this I've seen yes I don't yes I've seen this on Tik Tok where it's like the people handling it have like the black gloves like luxury and like the box that comes in like everything about this is like luxury brand this is the virtue like of f fbl basically uh but yeah trifold phone and like crazy like if you see it of course all the ads are like business business people doing business things in a business car look reading business articles trifold I mean looks like a massive screen when you unfold the whole thing they just had a shot of a woman sitting in a chair completely in an empty room yeah I don't understand what here here here's the problem with this have you ever used an Android tablet well I used an Android phone a couple weeks ago Android phones are fine Android tablets are terrible they just have the flagship Android tablet sitting right over here the Google pixel tablet thing yeah I I just use it as a clock mostly and it shows me photos of my family because I just like it's not a there's no this is a probably an amazing concept but it's as a phone it's just going to be like an inch thick in your pocket and it's a tablet it's an Android tablet yeah and you can you can do the half fold out so you get like a square tablet or all the way I mean it's kind of hilarious and interesting at the same time this is the definition of trying too hard I just I'm just waiting for now now we're in like the world of how many folds are we ever going to get a quad fold device a literal Newspaper phone yeah literally I I think we're good anyway I thought that was hilarious uh so I'll put a video in the show notes if you want to see this the wildness uh open AI OpenAI Funding and IPO they're doing they supposedly set to uh discussing funding round we talked about this a couple weeks ago um but they're looking to it's a valuation of over $150 billion they're discussing raising $6.5 billion in equity financing and a credit line there were some rumors that apple and Nvidia might actually be investors in this next round for open AI so yeah they're looking to bring on some money yeah and the difference here I think is the overall valuation because I think they were talking about about100 billion uh valuation previously the The Wall Street Journal had reported that but the it sounds like like that has changed the the valuation and just whatever for our listeners like essentially they're going to raise $6.5 billion from investors and in exchange those investors will get a percentage of the company and based on that percentage it it says the company must then be worth If 6.5 billion is worth this percentage now the company is worth this amount so it it's all just on paper at this point you know open AI certainly at some point is going to go public I I I can't imagine that they wouldn't but uh they're just right now raising money because it takes a lot of money to you know make all of those weird Sora videos I learned about valuation from Shark Tank okay there you go they could they would do the math you know people would pit that's actually a fantastic way to learn about it honestly honestly it is because you just hear it over and over again and like it doesn't make sense the first 18 times you hear it and then they're like okay wait a minute they're seeking a $1 million investment they're want a 15% stake in the company or 10% stake that means make it easy for yourself I know 15% like no no no no no 10% that means they think the comp's worth $10 million that's valuation I will say cuz again I'm not as into this world as you are what do you think the timeline is for open AI to go public where you could buy a stock of open AI is that like years away well so here's the thing a company can only like literally can only get so big when it's private because the investors who are putting like everyone who's putting this $6.5 billion into the company is at some point going to want to get a return on their investment so you can't continue to do this forever right there's no reason to put money into the company if you don't think you're going to get it out so I would guess that before the end of 2025 they H they're just going to have to go public because they won't be able to continue to to bring in more money they they just need they don't make money they're not making a profit at this point so in order to fund their operations they're going to have to go public because when you go public they might they may raise 122 billion or something like that right and they can yep and they can because what will happen is you they will offer a certain number of shares to the public this is like a super oversimplified version of it when on an initial listing and then people who already own shares will also then be able to trade those shares sometimes after a specific lockin period or whatever and then open AI in the future can continue to issue new shares they don't do companies don't do that all the time because it devalue devalues the company at that point because you're diluting people's shares it doesn't devalue the company it dilutes the value that an individual stockholder would have so I think by the end of next year they're going to just have to go public you I mean you can't like until now I think Spotify was like the largest private I mean I'm sorry stripe was the largest private company and like the pressure on on any company that gets over hundred billion dollars as a private company to go public is just like enormous I see and that's why companies buy back stocks that's what that term means is there's less the reason they buy back stocks is it's a way to return money to shareholders without necessarily doing in dividend because you the shareholders own it right and then anybody who continues to own it there it boost it's really just sort of a simple way for a company to return money to shareholders and increase the price of a stock because there becomes less there are less shares of a stock out in the open which mean each individual share goes up without changing the overall value of the company so it makes Wall Street really happy because it's like either I get money from you I I paid $30 for a share of stock and you just gave me $280 per share or the stock the shares that I keep are now worth $285 so right this is amazing and you know what's Wild to think is and when we hit Thanksgiving this year it will have been a year ago where Sam Alman was ousted as the CEO and rehired don't like Les that was less than a year ago Stephen I was on vacation and I had to write six articles because every single day the news changed we had breakfast at first watch that week yes and the amount of time that it took us to eat breakfast he had been fired and rehired twice so wild walked in with a guillotine and said do you really want to mess with me right exactly this has been business finance tutorials with Jason a this is going to be a a semi-weekly uh Corner this was the Super cliffnotes version and it's entirely possible that I said something wrong there so just if you're listening it's it's helpful though but the the whole going public thing I was just really curious because you know you hear about companies going public and can I just say briefly when Facebook went public the stock price I think was like $24 and I was like you know I think this might be big I was going to buy a bunch of Facebook stock and I had several friends who were in finance they were like no that's terrible investment let me just say I wish I had they're not your friends anymore yeah that's why I don't talkmore so full disclosure I only own one individual stock and I don't mean one company I mean literally one share I bought one share and now since okay I bought one share of Apple and I think 1998 for like $33 and over time that one share split at least twice and increased in value by a lot since that point in time and I've since sold it off because it's kind of a conflict of interest in order for me to and I had accumulated other shares over time but I do have the one share still so disclosure as I talk about Apple I own one share of Apple but the only reason is because I when I bought it I bought it through I think it was like comp server or something like that where you actually no listen you actually get a paper certificate so in my safe downstairs I have one paper certificate of Apple actually it says Apple computer Inc not Apple computer Inc yeah that's kind of cool though I mean paper and so I'm never going to share sell that one share because it's it's just nostalgic so disclosure you can take my commentary with that grain of Apple stock I think I might own want to I know I have index funds or whatever but well yeah I yeah F yeah all right two quick stories then Jason's gonna unbox his thing this you have to stop saying it like that please I'm going to St sent me something I'm going to open it yes yeah this is not a political Taylor Swift Responds to AI Deep Fake story I think there's a tech angle for this I just think is interesting uh Taylor Swift publicly endorsed comma Harris after the debate Tuesday night and I think this interesting for two reasons one the reason Taylor Swift specified that she felt like she had to do this publicly was because she knew there were AI generated videos of her endorsing Trump and so because of that deep fake of her endorsing Trump she felt she needed to come out and do this publicly endorse kamla Harris that is an interesting and I think first time we've seen someone do this where it's like I feel like too many people might see that AI generated thing and think it's me and so now this is really me doing a thing and then so Point number two is the platform she chose to say this was Instagram yep and I think it's interesting I looked right before we started recording her largest following is on Instagram so that might be the reason why she has like over 200 million followers there she has like 28 million followers I think on X so if she was just reaching the most the widest audience makes sense but notably she did not post it on X at all and so the only place she made this announcement was on Instagram and I just think it's interesting that we're now in a world where celebrities and some of the biggest names have to say this is actually me this is is not AI generated and that thing you might say AI generated is saying things that I do not endorse and that's an issue well just one clarification she has about a 100 million followers on X just excuse me EXC that's okay but she hasn't posted really anything on there since June and do you remember what happened around this time when the newest version of grock image generation came out people were using it to make images of her so it doesn't surprise me at all that she's not in any way interested in supporting that platform on an ongoing basis really the only thing she's posted is like hey my album is coming out because she's not an idiot she knows there's 100 million people that will then buy her album if she post it on there but it's not at all surprising to me that she chose Instagram where she again has 260 or something million people and it's and she's able to just say this is really actually me my favorite thing about it and this is not political either I just think it's funny that she signed off as Taylor Swift childless cat lady which is a direct dig at something that one of the C candidates had pointed at the other one again and I don't think you have to be on either side to think that that's she's just pretty Savvy when it comes to this sort of thing she is extremely Savvy she also the picture in the announcement was her holding a cat holding a cat yeah holding a cat so notably I think we're just in an interesting world now and I'm curious in the next two months at least here in the US what other AI generated things we might see it's curious speaking of the James Earl Jones Dies, AI Voice Rights last thing James R Jones sadly passed away at age 93 earlier this week on Monday it was all the news came out kind of during the Apple event and after it and so but obviously very sad voice of Darth Vader but also incredible stage actor if you've never seen the scenes of him in like the fences play uh that video kind of went around social media this past week uh just obviously incredible actor incredible voice he had a stutter early in life and he actually had a teacher help him overcome that which is pretty amazing for one of the most iconic voices yep but the tech angle here and also Mufasa and The Lion King of course the tech angle here which is interesting is he's one of the first actors to actually sign rights uh so in 2022 he signed writes to his archival voice work to a Ukrainian AI voice startup reeeer and that's actually what what some of the Darth Vader voice you heard in the Disney plus series Obi-Wan Kenobi was from that uh AI voice startup training a model on his voice and mixing it with a voice actor who actually said the lines and so I think this is one of the first cases where now an actor who has signed over the rights to their voice to an AI company has passed away and now the first if if it is reused you know who knows if if this company's actually going to do it or if Disney is going to do another Darth Vader you know where they need his voice but that will be the first postumus uh you know voice use AI voice of an actor who licensed his voice to a company and I think that's going to be interesting to see how that plays out if it's used and um yeah how people feel about that because I do think I don't know that that that feels a certain way right like someone's actually passed away and now we're hearing their voice but it's completely AG generated they're not hearing anymore I think it's going to be interesting as we have to navigate that yeah I think I agree with you I think James Z Jones is a little bit of an exception because he is most known for his voice acting that doesn't take anything away from his stage acting or or other on scene or on screen roles that he's had but for a lot of people like I think I mean Field of Dreams was a big one as well but like Darth Vader and Mufasa are probably the two single most recognizable things and in both of those cases you don't see him at all so I think in his case it'll be less weird because he is for a lot of people a voice now again I'm not taking anything away from him or any of his he's an incredible actor I just mean like the way people have been exposed to him was as a voice so to continue to hear that voice I think will seem less strange than if you pull up Chad G patin and starts talking to you like Scarlett Johansson right sure right do you know what I mean like it was a voice to to that point someone like David attenburrow sure who did all the planet Earth stuff extremely recognizable voice beloved by so many people but obviously United Kingdom you know him I think of Morgan Freeman where yes onc Screen Actor but probably one of the most iconic voices also would he choose to do something like that and even you know people younger actors I think like Tom Heston who I hear his voice when I watch Apple TV documentaries you know it's pretty recognizable and so you know I'm C you know I'm just curious will other actors choose to do this and yeah what does it mean so yeah will there be an AI generated Tom Hardy if they bring Bane back to one of the future now who here's who I want Liam niss I wouldn't mind hearing his voice for the rest of my life so they can make more taken movies after he passes away taken 74 did particular set of skills I need Nate to do the voice yeah I can't do it I don't know that's pretty good actually that's about what it sounds like right there oh okay Jason let's unbox something you have a package this is our personal text segment I sent Jason the Personal Tech: Jason's Surprise Unboxing thing he's not going to show his I'm not going to dox myself I'm just going to open the box I'm going to cut it out of the video don't worry you won't be doxed the camera is shaking wildly as Jason unboxes this it's because my desk is shaking wildly and my cameras and iPhone attach precariously to the perilously to the top of my screen if you see if the video feed drops it's because Jason's phone is the video feed will continue because it's wireless black I have a I have a zik 3in1 qi2 ch2 magnetic Wireless this is the weirdest looking thing I've ever seen but okay H so we talked about three in1 charger the other day and so I have sent Jason a ch2 apple said ch2 during the event I think it was the first time we ever heard ch spoken at event like that but this is a 3 in one charger Jason you can charge your iPhone you can charge your Apple watch fast charging your Apple watch and airpods all at once three in one hold on hold on you know I can actually charge all three of those things at once no listen with just not on the same device like a like a octopus I know but the the uh I'm just saying the selling point isn't that I can charge them all at once it's like can charge them all at once on one very weird looking device I did have to open the box because in our family just because you a box but something on the cover does not mean that that's within the inside so I needed to check to make sure but it is in fact a very weird looking it feels like it's giving me the middle finger okay it's listen that Apple watch Puck raises how do I do that you have to you have to use your nail or actually you have to use like a butter okay listen I got to be honest the mag safe Duo handles this much better cuz you just pushing up from the bottom you know I was going to sit here pushing on the bottom of this thing I'm sorry for those of you who are listening right now because this is the worst episode listen it is the I did a review on this there's actually a video on my channel you take a screenshot of this stepen and put this as a chapter chapter artwork I I did say that was one of the negatives on this particular one is getting that Apple watch Puck up is a little cumbersome but once it's up it's up like you just leave it up all right and uh yeah charge all your things Jason and I would love to hear your review I'm going to use this for until we record another episode for sure I I think you will be uh transformed I think you'll be able to see I can put all this on one thing it charges all the things it's great all right it's wonderful so anyway yeah let me know I will and I appreciate it very much Stephen absolutely and then I have I have a bunch of uh oh I'm should show you this too I'm going to do a video on this on the channel very soon but ankor has like an entire new lineup of ch2 charging stuff this this is a threein one this is a threein one charger you ready that looks like the egg charger for your Humane AI pin yeah it does this is a very it's a small round Puck and then a puck on a puck but what happens is you take this Puck off that's your Apple watch charger you open it like it's a MAG saave Duo and look at this you have a threein one charger all here you charge your Apple watch over here your airpods here and your phone here USBC on the back if you wanted a travel charger I'm going to snap it ready snap's closed look how compact that is that is the weirdest thing I've ever seen and I want one I know and it's cheat too so it'll charge your phone 15 watts it fast charges your Apple watch USBC on the back I mean who is that anchor you said this is Anchor this is Anchor I'll send you an affiliate link uh this I got I got to call some people after this I got to make a call uh but yeah that's a it's a pretty cool three in one and there are more companies doing three in ones like this Belin has a very compact three in one and so I'm going to be reviewing them on the channel because they're pretty cool so call I got to call my anchor guy after this he go send him an email so uh we're going to go record a bonus episode I have a big surprise big surprise for Jason so if you want to hear that go you can support the show directly on Apple podcast you get the bonus episode there and an adree version you can also go to primary tech. FM click bonus episodes and support us that way and you can hear all the back catalog and future bonus episodes go donate to St Jude that link is in the show notes and you can also watch us youtube.com/ primary techow we love to have you join us via video as well thanks for watching thanks for listening we'll catch you next week

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