Review | Carlton v Hawthorn | AFL Round 22, 2024

[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello welcome to the round 22 review as we watched the Carlton football club lose by 74 points to the Hawthorne football club it was five goals 8 38 to 16 goals 16 100 12 in front of 84 odd th000 people on a beautiful day at the MCG 1:10 p.m. on a Sunday and we watched a complete capitulation from the Carlton football club and we watched a bloody brilliant Hawthorne team just play one of the most perfect games of football that I think we we'll see this season wow that's awful that that that was that was awful that was it was disgusting it was torturous and it was it it took me by complete surprise buildup in the week was focused around the 160e celebration of the club um took quite a few days to recover I think mentally and emotionally from the last round you know kick after the siren and I didn't really shake that until probably Wednesday if I'm honest truly on Thursday but it took quite some time and I think for a lot of us as well you know we care so much we care so much about the club care so much about that rivalry and I think the way it all you know Ended as well and yeah I've spent the last not just last week but the last you know five six weeks like just like keeping steadfast in my trust and belief in this group and in this club after the strong position that they found themselves in and maybe I'll that a little bit later but yeah last week was a bit of a a rocking of the foundations so to speak um and then you know pretty quickly Focus was turned into this week and and the campaign and the 160-year Heritage round campaign the gery um the number of interviews with past players and and current players um and we just wied out the history and wheeled them out one by one and that was the preparation externally I guess and and that was the the messaging externally going into this week um I was really excited about the game yesterday went with my brother and my sister caught up for for brunch beforehand um did a bit of a traditional day went into the city had lunch and walked over the bridge to the MCG and we sort of which chatting amongst ourselves saying you know well why don't we always do this we should always do this we should go get lunch beforehand and and walk the bridge and you know and you get to the MCG this is when I knew this is when sorry this is when I should have known that we [ __ ] up Steph bought an $80 scarf for those of you who have been watching this channel for you know for years you will know why you should not be spending $80 on a scarf pregame H so yeah she bought an $80 scarf Chris bought a hat we got to the G we sat in our seats we had a couple of beers we soaked it up we were so excited for so many years I was away and then Steph has been away Chris has been disinterested in the club and like we've finally gotten together and and we go together and it's really it's so good um and then yeah boys come out Cuda is holding up the ball great childhood hero Cuda holding up the ball kind of reminded me of the image of John Nichols holding up the ball not that I remember it happening but I remember the photo John Nichols holding up the ball in our last game at at princess Park um and out they come Out Come the boys with their cers in front of all the Legends with this God of honor and out they come and then the game starts and then there's before you know it two goals to the Hawks in no time forward movement instinctive movement proactive movement quick in sync bang okay [ __ ] thought we actually to be fair with would um somehow still in that game at quarter time but a number of things had happened you know fogy and Martin Martin goes you know Collide Martin does his hammy Jin cot's done his hammy fog he's hurt himself and I thought we actually withstood all of that pretty well and made a a pretty solid game of it I thought we absorbed as much of Hawthorne's best as we could um and unfortunately that was the most that we saw of Carlton for the rest of the day the only part of what we saw from Carlton was in the first quarter that's it um sun was out and I'm such an optimist with this club and I think having being in the position that we were in only 6 weeks ago 7 weeks ago whatever it was uh it just sort of reinforced and validated my optimism and and and I and I knew there was a particular moment in the second quarter where I just was ready and mentally prepared myself for a 10 plus goal belting and that was when and I don't even know if this moment means anything to anyone but it happened right in front of me on the wing I sitting level one on the wing and uh Jesse mlop and George huitt collide with each other on a loose ball and it just it just rre of essendon 2023 when Jack Sani kicked the ball into the forward line and Charlie kerno and Matt oise both went for the ball and then they both didn't go for the ball cuz they weren't in sync mentally and then the ball ended up going nowhere and in that moment where Jesse mlot and George huitt Collide because they weren't in sync to know whose ball that was and who needed to provide an option for the one who was going to win the ball in that moment I literally mentally prepared for a 10 goal belting I think that one and also Charlie KERO when when Charlie kerno got out into open space time Stood Still for me for Split Second cuz I didn't see him in space initially and then when he got it in space I thought oh how good's this finally Jolly in space and then he just I don't know what happened he saw Zack Williams didn't see Zack Williams but then saw him late changed his mind lost his power lost his magic I likened it to Space Jam when the NBA players lose their talent um when when the uh when the monstars take their take the NBA players talent and their magic and it was just h a dog of a day sat through a number of 10 plus skull beltings in my time as a Caron supporter to know when one another one's coming but I didn't see it coming before the game there were a number of possibilities that I saw happening including losing to Hawthorne but I thought if you lost to Hawthorne it would be close because they would need to play a really good game um but I did not see that coming pregame but I saw it pretty quickly once we got to that second quarter um we were just nowhere we were witches hats Hawthorne work quick they were in sync oh my God that was so in sync that was so connected with one another you could just tell whatever they did during the week and I saw a little bit of Hawthorne's preparation during the week um they brought their fathers down and um they're so in tune with who they are and what they are they're a happy team at Hawthorne they play to win I watched Sam Mitchell Mitchell's pressure presser after the game he was talking about like you know we these are all finals for us it's been that way for a number of weeks we the reality is our next loss ends our season um they spread the confines of the MCG like no other team I've watched this season due to us that was so well prepared for everything we were going to do which seemingly was not much but they stretched us completely they used they used every single millimeter of the MCG to open it all up and then find the holes um it was very impressive they handall quickly in traffic first of all they're brutal at contest they handle quick in traffic they spread so well they kick so well and um and it was all just in sync for them and so I don't want to do much of this review without making sure that that's highlighted and you know the total respect is given to what they did cuz they were [ __ ] so impressive um there's not really much more to analyze about the game because really everything I've said so far like it didn't get any better got worse and then that moment of realizing we're going to get torched by 10 goals and then sitting there in the Sun halime go out the front the MCG oh my God the faces on the people their faces on all of us completely Shell Shocked like it it's like we all kind of knew what we were watching knew what was coming still went back inside sat in our seats and just copped it and it was torture it was it was literal torture um I guess back in the day when you're losing by 10 goals you sitting there in Hope like oh one day this won't be us one day this will be worth it and then that one day comes and you're still losing by 10 goals but the worst part is you're losing by 10 goals to a team that you're supposed to be ahead of in terms of your development and you're supposed to be more mature and more experienced then and they're doing to you what you were hoping you were going to start doing to other teams then there's the you know all you know s off with a hamy you got no no players on the bench like we're not doing anything after halftime especially with when the injures start compounding um but do not I mean if anyone is going to try and use injuries as an excuse I I think I think you're a little bit wild in saying that I mean it's injuries is not the reason we lost we lost the game before the injuries happened the way in which we came into that game is how we lost the game the injuries just compounded it and made everything worse and made any potential comeback just stall isn't it fascinating that the week that we announce that Andrew Russell will be retiring or won't be with the club next year isn't it's just amazing the coincidence and the timing of that soon as that happens that following week that upcoming week the injuries hit like that I mean to have no one on the bench or one player on the bench or whatever it was just yeah um does that make does that mean it's not as bad as what it seemed because we had all the injuries I I I think I don't know what I think about that um there's no positive to take out of yesterday other than you know what you know you find out a lot about who's going to be there moving forward when things aren't going your way and the scariest part about that question and that theme is that I think of three players when I think of who is going to be moving forward with us and who show that they're going to be moving forward with us when things were absolutely not going our way and those three were Matt Kennedy a guy who's been perennially overlooked and finally got his chance to play in his preferred position um and then the other two were kids lucky Cowan and Ole Hollands um then the post game ensues walking home walking to the train station from the MCG uh I haven't felt like that since Collingwood 2022 around 23 uh you know and so you know then we get on the fan cams and you know it really just about holding space for everyone and so many layers of it all get unpacked and we're sitting down for 4 hours you know longer than the actual game that we're all upset about then you see Josh Whittle talk about how they knew that Calton essentially you know run out of they knew that Calton would not be able to run out fourth quarters I don't know if he was talking about it in the context of just yesterday or in general but that was interesting um and away we go and home we go two games left and things have turned so drastically in the space of nearly two months um and my trust has been broken they've broken my trust 11 and four I truly went all in and lived completely in that moment and embraced all of that and was fully supportive of what was happening because of the way in which we got there we had overcome challenges with injuries early in the season we had played and beaten teams on the road um we had shown that our best was as good as anyone's best whether it was Brisbane away whether it was kicking nine goals in a quarter eight goals in a quarter seven goals in a quarter we had beaten teams who were in form in the top four undefeated we had done everything there was no question about the form when they were sitting at 11 and4 and I believed that they deserved and earned the right to be trusted and I was wrong um I thought they had matured I thought that rather than having to dig themselves out of a hole like last year they had leared to continue on with the form set themselves up uh for a strong finish to the season and and learn from not just last year but their entire careers and all the lessons that we've learned and the and the harsh realities that we've had to live through and I thought that we were on the way to learning that and I was wrong about that I've now learned you just H how can you trust the club and you know looking looking back at that too looking at how the club acted when we got in that position um says a little bit as well you find out a lot about people and organizations and things where uh when things are not going well and not going their way and you sort of look at okay who's who's up for the fight I think you also find out a lot about clubs and particularly our club when things started going right and how we started behaving and the arrogance we started showing as soon as we got a little bit of a taste of being back at the top um and they're all little things but you know the the the whole camper Al twin situation which ended up being a complete [ __ ] [ __ ] show storm and a te up we're still getting the twins we were always getting the twins but to create that that [ __ ] storm to create that that Ripple said a lot um the identity I got no idea what the identity is we are a great club with a proud history a history of winning at all costs including bending the rules including match fixing including false racism allegations including cheating the salary cap um because it was win at all costs um in order to be perceived as winners we now want to go through this you know back to this we want to tell people that we're this Blue Collar Club but we're a White Collar organization telling our fans who are blue collar people that we are blue collar the irony in them wearing blue collar yesterday was just not lost on me as well man the boys looked exhausted mentally going out yesterday it was like they had played a game already they were it was an8 day break you look at the photos of them coming out like I looked in cps's eyes he looked [ __ ] tired he looked exhausted and maybe that's easy to say now because it's after the game but I I I remember thinking it in the first quarter before it all turned sour like the photos had come out and I'm like look at at Crips man he looks [ __ ] exhausted man you know last week the the message coming through forget about press conference for a second and forget about what vosy said that little clip of them in the change rooms after last week I thought the message of that was to tell the world that we're still together and I picked up on that straight away and like usually in this world that we live in what you try and really tell everyone and the world um is usually what's not going on is usually what you're trying to cover up and so the message I got from that little clip last week was hey everyone we're still connected but I saw the most disconnected version of this group yes yesterday and that is the world that we live in it's fascinating I'm really sorry I'm really sorry for believing in this group and if that had any influence over you I'm really sorry for I it's I did believe that wasn't fake I genuinely did believe I thought what I had seen was it I'm like great usually when there's good form it can be questioned I I didn't see any question over the form that we had displayed um because it didn't come easy it it was difficult we were pulling away from sides late they were challenging us we were injured we it was it was so clear that it was done the right way it was done the hard way there was nothing easy about the form line that we had shown and so I I feel this uh I feel this sorrow and I feel this uh yeah I feel not shame I feel this like responsibility I feel this accountability if one person beli cuz I mean people will message me sometimes throughout the week saying yeah thanks for getting me through and you know thanks for helping me believe again uh I mean as supporters like that what's our job here like what is our job here what what are we here to do everyone's got a role to play in this organ in this whole organization this whole club you mean players go and perform their roles on Game Day coaches set up the game plan administrators do their thing you know support staff do their thing fans like what's our role in this our role is to support um our role is also to challenge and and question when things aren't going our way and support doesn't just mean Pat On The Backs you know support real support um and real friendship for example is is where you are given and told what you need to hear not what you want to hear and the preparation for round 22 by the Carlton Football Club was [ __ ] atrocious it was disgusting and every single one of the people involved in preparing for round 22 should be [ __ ] ashamed of themselves don't shy away from using words I'm not sensationalizing anything that was shameful round 22 was a shameful experience for your supporters the supporters that flew from Queensland the supporters that cannot even afford to truly be there and compromise on the other things in their life that they probably should be spending their hard earned on because we've been led to believe that the more love and the more support that we give it might help turn things around what were the players doing during the week were every single one of those players doing what they were supposed to be doing throughout the week was everyone preparing for that game the way that they should have been preparing for that game this is why I'm I mean everyone's cop going to cop cop it and they should coaches as well but I'm leaning into these players man I'm I mean these players every time it gets too hard we are told to back off the players because they're just you know they're humans what about the humans that showed up yesterday what about them what about the humans that P every thing everything into the club what about them that is that is if jalong earlier in the year was unacceptable what was that like maros is a fierce competitive person he is and then like you just watch him maneuver through press conferences we I I actually started seeing a little bit of the the fierceness in a in a brief moment when he started talking about oh there will be a response there it was I thought that was him and then just as quickly as he said that you know he pulled back this club is more about its perception than what it is its reality um and take it for someone that got sucked into their perception oh man they were 11 and four May what do you mean perception they were 11 and four that video I showed in the preview uh of the woman walking and you know celebrating too early and her opponent walking past her it just it it's just replaying in my head over and over again it's Carlton I thought we'd done enough thought we'd got there thought we could just celebrate a little bit do a little bit of a usane bolt and turn to our right and see where run El's and the moment you turn and stop looking ahead is the moment you get caught up to and found out um and now we're managing messages and we're managing um Communications like how disconnected can you be from what has to be said and what your fans I mean I understand we're not going to be given exactly what we want um but you've got to have some empathy for your supporters um and we're just so careful with the words that we use and it's not about coming out and saying hey everyone we're [ __ ] but you've got to give you've got to give your supporters your adult supporters because I feel like we speak to our we speak to the future generation of supporters really well um but we don't speak a lot to our adult supporters um the competing interests at the Calton football club rear their head all the time and there are so many competing interests where do you want to start it's it's it's a Pandora's box of its own but my God what they showed yesterday was just and really what they've shown and and who I mean I I thought because they had kept games close they were still in for the fight and you know sometimes you just got to get belted like that for it to all be laid open and you just rip the Band-Aid off and open up the scar tissue and and only then can you truly move forward when you are honest and you admit and it's all there and you can't run and you can't hide from it so that's kind of what I'm hoping to see this week but it's honestly it's it's all about perception it's all about perception this is the world we live in you know I dated this girl for 8 weeks few years back eight weeks dated this girl uh she was funnily enough she was a I remember I took her to this Carlton Hawthorne game in 2021 she was a hathor supporter um to be fair she wasn't even a footy supporter and then all of a sudden um she's now a Carlton supporter um she's got like this big ass audience telling ever un telling the world she's a Carlton supporter um it's all a lie the club they get somewhere and it's all a lie you know in actual fact maybe she suits the Caron football club because the club's full of image as well full of it and it's just such a it's just such a funny world that we live in you know what you tell the world is you know what you overt tell the world and what you overshare to the world is generally what's not there in your life because it's generally what you want so much even look back at myself like I'm I'm telling myself you know things are good like this is it um because I want it so much I want to enjoy it I want to enjoy the club so much I want to enjoy this experience so much I don't want to be miserable supporting this team um so much that I'm almost and I've been doing it I mean a lot of us have you know we've been doing it for years just telling the world how good we're going to be or how good this player is um because we want them to be that good you know we want to be so good we want to enjoy ourselves we don't want to be sitting here in in Petty uh and and watching 74 Point losses at the mcj on a Sunday to Hawthorne um so you know and then sometimes reality Just Hits sometimes reality just bursts and until you Embrace reality you can't move forward so well here we are we suck again can it be turned around I mean anything can happen this club has an amazing Knack of soon as they soon as I give up they find something I don't know what can happen in the next two weeks um I don't want to be miserable I want to enjoy whatever's left of this season for what it is whatever they decide to do they decide to do um but changes will be made yeah there's more there's I've I mean I feel for myself I've got so much more to offer this world than than just the Caron football club it's a big part of what I love and who I am but there's so much more to get get after in this world than this Caron football club who don't even really [ __ ] appreciate what we do here let's be honest so yeah too many too many self-interested beings it's so crazy what happens when they got a little bit of a taste of success again so maybe it's a lesson in that we're still not ready for it maybe it's just the list maybe the list is still not ready maybe we still got more pieces to add yeah maybe well definitely well clearly these pieces aren't going to get it done they keep breaking down so yeah a lot of thoughts and feelings and emotions going through right now um but I think at the end of the day you know we've got this great common love for this football club as supporters and sometimes it feels like it's the supporters versus the club um because a lot of us are just holding on to each other and and that's I think The Shining Light of yesterday thought the fan cams was the biggest positive of the day because I know what I need and where I go and what I need to do and where I need to be when things are really awful and that's on the fan cams because that's the place where we all get to just at least be with other people that are feeling real things feeling those real emotions and and that real care factor and and so thanks to everyone who called up and um shared their thoughts I don't think anything of what was said yesterday was toxic at all I think it was just emotion spilling out um I don't think it was out of hand I think it was done in a way which um yeah I think there's this perception of fan cams and and the like where people are just yelling and screaming I mean it wasn't that there was a little bit of Animation but not not really it was just more sadness so thank you to everyone who shared thanks to everyone on that Tunes in I don't know what happens after this season if I'm totally honest with you um there's a lot to think about but yeah while we're here we got to enjoy it so yeah there's my fan cam thanks for being here share with us in comments below about this this game um and how you're feeling about where things are and how things are going to move forward and we'll go from there go Blues [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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