The Bachelorette Finale Was a FAILURE!!!

welcome back to the reality guys I'm your host Billy blinks joined as always by my co-host Brian everybody we've made it everybody it is The Bachelorette season 21 finale and tell all special if you've been following along or this is way in the future this is Gen season just for everybody you can tell by the thumbnail everything else Ryan everybody who follows us knows where this review is going this this this this finale this season and the just the tell all right like I don't know how I find myself getting surprised when they say like it's the most shocking Bachelor endings of all you'll never believe it what the what they should say is like I they should tell you you won't believe how bad this is like how because this girl Jen got just just like curb stump this whole season she was like the third choice they cast for other chicks she goes through she's a bunch of losers who spend their whole season just dick slapping each other basically and then they get to the final you get there and we're like I'm not gonna make him propose to me we're talking about Devon here she Boots the other guy even before we even get I'm like already that's a that's a violation she Boots the first guy before we even get to a proposal I'm like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no I need to see someone's heartbroken at the the altar like that's part of the formula that's part of what I get out of watching this whole season I get to watch somebody cry on the beach right I got denied crying on the beach then she's like I'm not gonna make him propose I'm like wow she's got it together she's smart let's just date I'm gonna propose him oh boy first mistake then we cut the fake Jesse Palmer hey everybody you know you must be wondering where's the proposal but we need to talk it's like oh no oh oh no turns out he dumps her Deon dumped her on the phone like last month just said Peace I'm I got skinny I look a six-year-old anymore I got a goatee now and you're done Jen and we had to watch her just complain to him for an hour with little to no heat in my opinion so that's my thoughts Bri I've been eating up for the last three hours to know what you thought of this so I might come off like a jerk here but I spent a lot of this episode laughing really hard really really hard um I think they missed a huge a big Mark tonight and they did a disservice as a reality show they should have shown that clip first and then came out like Hey we're broken up I would been like that is that's TV to me this they just they had this home that we all know this audience is fake right this is this is like the most home crowd you can ever get like it's like you're playing NCAA football and you're like a lowlevel school and you you know how the controller shakes when you're doing something that's what it was like for Devon he's like trying to talk and you go and then Jess cut him off and she stunk man I wanted that brother to stand up and like I wanted some actual action like I understand that you're sad but we need more we need more juice and I want I need that brother to stand up and been like yo F you where are the curse words you can't tell me that you're angry and there's no C cursing like I just to me at this show I already thought it was fake I think it's like 1% real cuz I also almost think I want to say this right now hot take L I think they told her to do that proposal I don't think it's real one I agree to yeah I I just I don't want to hear she was so angry upset that she just couldn't get the words like it didn't happen yesterday happened like a month ago again everybody I'm not team Devon Devon's a loser no no he's a loser but we're just we're speaking the truth here this season was a mess also if we want to go in on the guy where all the dudes he feuded with all season this should be a Victory lap for these guys they should be up there like up there like throwing tomatoes and like actively booing and like no dude you're a bee like you're a clown like we told you she you were fake you were full of it you were here for the wrong reason where is the wrong reasons Brigade all that Brian like they needed to open up the ceiling and like Thomas n and Sam M come down on ropes you know like I wanted them be like um you know like when you're watching like uh Statler and Waldorf like the Muppets like I just wanted them up like yeah and you suck yeah Rachel we got Rachel in there like looking sad in the audience the audience the audience is a sham they're all like paid actors they need us they need real people in there honestly a Mari show it needs to be they need the audience needs to be better like it's not that I'm obviously like I don't want to see people Pro Devon but like we need it's so fake in that room every down to the breath like like you said Jesse Palmer he's got bless him for cashing those checks like he's cutting off he's got his ear in his phone like yo time to cut Deon off he might be making a point here cut him off go to commercial show us the trailer to a show um promote the show with somebody else on the previous season on this show like this this franchise is so lost and briyan you watched all three hours of this yeah I did why did Devon break up with her I don't I couldn't tell you I have no idea I don't think anyone could tell you if you just went based off of what you saw in the show not saying you need the guy to give explanation but I think he basically just had probably said they probably edited out just like you we weren't together every day anymore and then I my real life and we weren't in the fabricated fabricated manufactured like bubble that this show puts you in in this unrealistic standard that you need to get married in like whatever like the what I don't even know like they say how long it is I don't even think it's as long as long as it is because I just don't think anything on this show is real I can't believe the things that I'm watching that and they just try to make these these moments so much more dramatic than they are and that's why I find it hilarious like men men's hell all needs to go we need normal reunions why in God's name is Bachelor like one of the original few reality TV shows can't just do a normal goddamn reunion Brian they do this men tell all [ __ ] yeah when you don't even have the final like two three guys and it turns out hey maybe we should wait because maybe that guy turned out to be a scumbag in the end and now all the guys that we were making fun of all season get that go back and what yeah and they're sitting like I'm only I'm here to support Jen it's like all right she doesn't need support she's not even that sad she also like the one point I will say though out of the entire thing that I thought was like a little bit I kind of like was like our eye rolled was when she said to him she's like when you're just promoting the show every week you going to tell me if I don't go on Instagram right now I can't find Jen promoting The Bachelorette yeah I mean that I thought that was ridiculous watch myself get my heartbroken every mon no you don't you can tweet about it you ain't gotta watch yeah I don't want to hear it I feel bad but my net it's like 7030 feel bad for but like you feel bad 70% yeah because I think that like frankly that she just is part of she's it's like blame the kids in a bad Public School System broken system she got B hand do I think it's great for the show I love like I thought it was funny like it just like the failure of it and they tried to make it so serious and they couldn't even come up with a reason like they were just watching it and they couldn't even get to a point where like did you ever feel like oh screw Devin like I never got to a point where I was like like I was never fully on anybody's side there because I couldn't tell you what was going on and that's I think a mishap for the show but frankly to mourn a bachelor relationship that ends before even the live reunion is like if one of your buddies was like crying for you if one of your college girlfriends broke up with you like that's like like yeah that might even be more time commitment spent like you know what I'm saying like there's that's why you need the guys who hate him because then you're gonna get some juice what do you think her mother was gonna get up there and do she's a sweet old lady like she wasn't gonna do nothing they her they kept showing her on camera like what is she gonna do yeah because it's we can say it every season like we could have squeezed in everything last week and then make this season this episode three hours with everybody back and it's just open season on everybody that's what it should be duh especially you know what I don't give a a flying F about these sit down couch interviews when they have the mental either words it's like tell us about your story like we no one cares like it it's so bad like in this season like if this there's no reason why they talking like Marcus like I don't dude sorry bud like no one cares like you're part you didn't even make it to the beach like it's like you might as well have gone home during hometowns he like I thought that I thought this conversation was GNA go way differently have a full day oh you thought Bud you're like Eeyore yeah he's he's a dope um yeah that's like how many hours was this season uh so we had 10 episodes and one of them was three hours 21 hours 21 hours 21 hours 21 hours and you couldn't get like the confrontations 21 hours and they had to play with us like you said like come on yeah this whole season could have been 15 hours even yeah I know we need people to be cursing at each other like these people don't like each other and I don't know you just like when he was talking if she just dropped like a subtle like Fu and had to bleep it I would have believed it so much more that's storm off yeah do something like like when she's like well we're gonna watch it right now and she's like well the realest thing that she said the whole thing was do I have a choice that's the realest thing that was said the entire three hours in my opinion everything else I don't of my contract yeah I don't believe the last items off the contract to get this over with yeah it's just it's such a fake show and we I mean we all know reality TV show for the most part is fake but like it's so fake it's like unbelievable to like I'm even questioning the vity of everything that I'm watching like I I truly believe that she was told to do that because you every season man it's like oh the most the most shocking thing ever it's always a oneup of the previous season [ __ ] Brian it's [ __ ] yeah I don't care I I would welcome somebody I'd welcome anybody viewers commenters other reality TV personalities tell me why I'm wrong tell me when I'm speaking lies tell me when we're speaking Any Lies We said anything that's actually wrong you can't wasn't good I feel bad I really feel bad for laughing I really feel bad for laughing because somebody obviously is sad but like there's just so much to laugh about like how about dud this when they were showing the them like the video after the confrontation and they just there's a there's a camera shot of like Devon with his head down and she's like wiping her tears with tissues I busted out laughing man it's so funny we're laughing because we're just like we're like traumatized like by the show hostage hostage by ABC and their product placement yeah that was them doing reality TV right there like the the I love the camera angles when you watching people watch something and like as much as I say like it was great to see that conversation first then watch that because we got that 30 second scene or 20 second scene of her crying and him like head down a shame but like I just think they needed to reverse it they needed to trick the audience like oh and here they come out and they're like we hate each other that would have been awesome it would have been better real TV it would have it would have been great so everybody look like this was rough we've had a rough like thre season stretch easy in the main franchise however we do have golden bachel R uh September 18th Brian and I will be back we did what awful trailer aw yeah whatever it'll still be better and it nothing will be worse than this what we say but then we will be back in 2025 I believe they're saying Bachelor in Paradise would be next but who knows we may get an announcement in the interim saying that there's going to be another main franchise season in between Golden and uh bachart in Paradise let us know let us know your thoughts let us know why we're wrong let us know why we're cogny or let us know why you agree with us uh if you're a fan of other dating shows other reality TV we cover everything from Netflix to TLC to can I say something real quick I just thought of you think how much you thinks she hates that running date now yeah where's every remember do you remember com start I'm gonna start calling these people out on the Facebook who like she love the running day what are you talking about yeah we need to go we're gonna go on a troll we're gonna go on our Victory lap um check out our playlist ton of stuff going on uh nice fall lineup coming up things like House of Villains and Survivor along with golden bachelorette that we'll be focused on so uh looking forward to it but thank you guys for watching the season thank you for commiserating with us until the golden Bachelorette in about two weeks for myself and Brian thank you so much for watching peace

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