The Big Fat Quiz Show of Everything (Full Episode) | Chelsea Peretti & Jack Whitehall Face Off

[Music] [Music] [Music] w [Applause] hello and welcome to the big fat quiz of everything Yes you heard right this is the big fat quiz of everything a special edition of the big fat quiz in which we ask questions about absolutely everything that's ever happened right up to now tonight there'll be questions about literally everything except of course Muhammad he gets a pass we're going to be asking the big question s like who are we and why are we here in my case it's Jimmy cart and for the money fine you knew that already remember you can play along at home all you need is a comprehensive grasp of quantum mechanics a thorough understanding of ancient Greek or failing that a couple of Knob gags speaking of which let's meet our teams she plays a manipulative narcissistic workshy kleptomaniac in Brooklyn 99 he plays a manipulative narcissistic workshy kleptomaniac in the Jonathan Ross show it's chelse and Jonathan Ross not AIA she's the queen of the bake off he's the king of the jack off it's Mel goodro Jack whiteall it's every woman's dream if the woman in question is dreaming about a geography teacher and he's pet Crow it's Richard AR in N Fielding Jonathan Chelsea lovely to have you on the show thank you Jimmy Chelsea you're an an Emy winning comedy show in America you're better than this thank you Johnny you got a team name we were talking about a name weren't we and we thought because uh because Chelsea stars in a police procedural uh comedy Brooklyn 99 we could have cops in the title and because I'm a cheeky but lovable Rogue I could be a sort of thie in character so we've come up with the name cops and robbers Jonathan can you even say that well well Chelsea won't be aware but Jonathan has um I don't know a speech impediment what the hold on we haven't even started the show you've just arrived in the country are you aware of Jonathan are you aware of any of Jonathan's work back in America uh no I scanned the names on the show and I didn't know any of you but I was just excited oh I was just so honored to get a free trip to London so thank you um dear strangers right now you've got Jonathan a degree in history right so you've got a passion for history no I have a degree in history because I filled in the application form the university incorrectly what did you want to study I wanted to study English I wanted why you read the form wrong no no no Is Your Love of History the reason you're wearing period clothing this evening [Applause] Jack M you got team name cakes and H hang on we didn't agree on ho costed junkies everything sounds like an awful porn film you've got half a degree in art history from Manchester yeah yeah I hope Show Business works out cuz you've got nothing to fall back on I'll be fine if this doesn't work honestly I'm going to take out baking I'll do that professionally yeah you you'll be fine I want to be on the bake off of course you can I want to be on the baker I want to be the first person ever to give Mery Berry hash brownies and I'm not talking about like nice mellow hash I'm talking about that sketchy stuff I want to locked in a fridge with a calendar on her head she thinks aliens are trying to steal a recipe for sourdough no Richard have you got a team name team Falafel Russell Brand was not available [Laughter] you two have played played on the quiz before and you've never won you feel confident C just saying what you won Haven we I won with Russell no you didn't win you were given the special prize you need a ladder to get to the top of your [Applause] collar is our team name the lad lad the lad I can't have that that's a horrible thing to just cuz you need a hard hat to put your shirt on doesn't do you need scaffolding around it why is it so high I can't believe you're sitting next to no fielding and you're making jokes about my shirt that's how bad your shirt is this I look like a trendy art teacher hey kids don't call me Mr fing yeah call me null you'll call the ladder collar you're the custard Junkies cops and wers can I put on my um lucky mascot hesel time the bear can I have can I smell hle yes if you want Bears always smell weird don't they my father made me call my childhood teddy bear hestle because he said well he made me say that I had to name it after a prominent what are you doing can you guys have a bit of respect please should we get on with the quiz what do we think yeah definitely okay let's get on with the quiz our first round is all about history genis Khan conquered the known world in the 12th century for many Asians the period of Khan's rule involved violence poverty and hardship it's known now in North Korea as the good old days in 1837 at the tender age of 18 Queen Victoria was crowned many people thought the teenager was too young to be Queen to which Victoria replied shut up you don't even know me course you wouldn't be a quiz without questions eyes down for our first question it's over to my favorite girl group of all time it's Little Mix I love Little Mix hello Jimmy now as you know we had a number one song called Black Magic yes but if we had started singing that in the 17th century we might have gotten a bit of trouble with the witch Hunters yep can your teams name three methods that were used for telling whether a woman was a witch what is methods why are they trying to steal those pillows so three ways to tell if someone was a witch oh yeah I know write it down not that kind of well done M right children often think I'm a witch right you are aware you write the answers not draw them sorry I'm just getting used to this technology with the pen yeah it's not the newest of Technologies the pen is it it's yeah how much have you been hanging out with Mary Berry Tangled pen sorry Le have a look at this recent reconstruction of a very famous historical figure all I want to know is who is it it is a radical new solution to this mystery an illness passed on to him from earlier generations and made worse by being the product of incest V diesel Jonathan you what he's not Vin Diesel that's that history major yes okay um as always on the big fat quiz the children of Mitchel Brook Primary School in neon act out one of their unconventional school plays which historical event are they acting out here I'm going to make a cake I'm so tired me too let's go outside okay get a m get some buckets get a gun powder gun powder oh no don't worry I will rebuild everything y y dear diary today was lamentable and they say our dramas can't compete with the Americans take that Chelsea wow for our next question take a look at these emojis I want to know what famous event they represent if you want to erase anything it's voice activated by the way erase is all over this Jack sorry mate is that was that that's a yeah that's not something that it is that's a game I actually play with my dad I cannot believe that worked my dad is 75 so it's fine with him God it's amazing I tell my dad everything every new bit of Kit they get in their house I tell him it's voice activated you have not known true Joy until you've seen a 75-year-old man tell an electric blanket to go [ __ ] [Laughter] itself okay have you got it's got to be that it's got to be that all right in the 10th Century Harold gson was the king of Denmark and Norway I think we all knew that his nickname written in Viking runes features on every modernday mobile phone what is it features on every mobile every mobile phone everyone sorry that's okay everyone got the answers yes okay let's well let's have some answers why not okay first Little Mix asked you three methods which Hunters used to tell if a witch was a witch yes did you get what what did you get Jonathan Chelsea well Chelsea got all these immediately one is floating right they would put them in the river to see if they floated if a woman floated back to the surface that was that was she was a witch but of course if you weren't a witch fla it's a flawed system she sinks to the bottom and dies and you're like Yay she's innocent okay so what if what if you pisc cake 100% right and finally prick yes they would um prick their finger if they did not bleed they were in fact a witch absolutely right are you you're slightly scaring me with your witchy eyes or was it a different feature can you explain the piss cake um no it was basically uh a witch's victim they would extract the urine from put it in a cake and feed it to one of the pets like a cat or a dog if the pet died then uh the person was obviously a witch oh my God bake off next series piss cake week that is absolutely right so you got three right there Jonathan Chelsea what did you put jack M uh first ask politely second ask firmly and if that doesn't work drill a hole in her head I got a bit of annoyed because Jack was writing down lots of Comedy answers and I was writing down all the serious answers there a bit there's a bit division in this team there's a I drew an extra nipple I drew a cat and I wrote the word muttering because that was also something they could be and I'm the childish one yeah well no just saying if you talk to yourself that is that was another way that they thought you were a witch um no and Richard what have you what have you got for this verbal confirmation weirdly that is right if another witch said you were a witch you a witch ex we made that up I'm a witch take I'm a witch so if I say you're a witch you're [ __ ] correct you're not though you've got no magical powers at all you're not even a warlock you're not even a witch's tit it's a weird ins why am I in salty yes I am a witch's tit who's winning so verbal confirmation what else you got pets if you had a pet people thought it was a familiar I thought you were a witch okay I think points all round people know how to deal with witches good news you got to do it extra okay question to uh recent reconstruction of a famous historical figure what did you put Oscar Pistorius 100% wrong I put Dynamo and then we put King TT yeah we just put Greg Wallace he's he's on a diet we didn't put Greg Wallace you put Greg Wallace what what did you go for Jonathan Chelsea we went with King Tut as well but now I'm looking at him I imagine if he didn't have a beard that's what Jack White would look like in a na it is Tuten Carmon question three uh you saw the children of Mitri book Primary School acting out famous historical event what was it Bake Off aome week hang on no no Richard have something to add to that joke we wrote bake off pilot boot pilot nice and then we did great F of London so in a way there's a three tier it gets more boring as you go to the right can I just say I put great far of London in Brackets underneath Jack okay we can see that and then Chelsea and Jonathan so we went with we just went great fire London but to show that we're kind of you know living in the moment we spell it LDN like DIY was spose it nice do you know what the the mayor of London was reported to say on hearing of the great fire London oh [ __ ] it was about women pissing on it or something it said a woman might piss it out I tell you what though flour is highly flammable shut good to know it's totally flammable yeah if you do an experiment at home well maybe not at home but in in an open welcome to the worst idea in a sort of in a hanger in a sort of hanger that no one's interested in yeah and then got one of them and then amazing you need is a hanger hanger just a wing of your house that no one lives in no and then throw up some flour yes throw it up so it's sort of you know dis dissipating into the air and then light a match and watch the whole hanger go up sorry you're advocating arson obviously don't try that at home sorry where am I within this flame ball you that I'm that I've done I've thrown the I like the match and then that's the last thing you see and then you get out of your get out can't run faster than fire M I tried it so you all got that far of London great um I showed you a series of emojis which represented a historical event what do you think it was we didn't know the name of the boat did we so you've got to give us some Lee on that but there was a it was quite recent history there was a cruise quite a famous thing where all the toilets broke on the cruise I mean could not have been more wrong Jack Mel I think it's a I think it's a Titanic Titanic pretty good guess n Richard we went with Titanic and then um we wrote joke of some kind um kind of as a as a placeholder then then we ran out of time yeah but we are still working on that we're going to come back to that joke at some stage well look forward to that well I don't think you should but we will come back to it you won't know when it's going to happen it might be when you're in bed tonight you won't even know it's a joke so I asked you uh the nickname of Harold gson King of the Danes yes what did everyone put data roaming you think he's nickname was Data roing yeah King data roaming that would be a name that strikes fear into your enemy Hearts ah 30 you pound a minute um Jonathan Chelsea what did you put well we we we were going to say Samsung and then you said every phone I should have said yeah but then we thought okay every phone then we thought what is on every phone well it isn't something that's on it when you buy it it's something that gets on it afterwards and that might well be this was Chelsea's brilliant idea feal matter because see how brilliant yeah you see it's a brilliant idea where's your phone been if you flush a toilet feal matter is in the air for like 500 ft 500t that's like 3 m or something okay let's go to the sensible team I never thought it would come to this no Richard what have you got Bluetooth all day that is the correct answer they called him Bluetooth after that's the uh the room for Harold that's the room for be Bluetooth so that was his nickname Bluetooth because he was addicted to blueberries he's called he was called Harold Bel Lo or something was why did you write data Roy then no I put bluetooth in brackets on the end oh you oh no okay you did yeah your nickname is new tooth Isn't it nice so at the end of the first round let's have a look at the scores Jonathan and Chelsea have three Jack and Mel have four n Richard have a full house with five it's killing we're just going to take a short break see you in two minutes for more of [Applause] everything e [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the big fat quiz of everything our next round is all about film Citizen Kane is often cited as the greatest film ever made presumably by people who have never seen The Goonies of course the most famous boxing film of all time is Rocky where against all the odds and despite a swollen lip puffy eyes and a totally battered face Sylvester Stallone was cast as the lead oh no that's not fair what Sal's a god of Cinema oh he's gly what sorry Lads I'm sorry Chelsea where do you stand on Sylvester Stallone uh over his face my favorite scene in any film is the Expendables where he has a conversation with Mickey Rock and it's like the scene he been conducted underwater [Music] like okay for my first question about films I wanted to tell me what links the following movie quotes Luke I am your father Mrs Robinson are you trying to seduce me and do you feel lucky punk what links those three lines or if Sylvester stom is doing them that's not very s is more like that's yeah there's the Billy there's the Billy than that that's the Elephant Man no theant I'm not your father luk that's the Elephant Man well that's why you don't like okay write down your answers we're going to have to call time on doing impressions of Sylvester come on heyy I don't even know who you're doing he's got this kind of strange pouy thing the one so far more quiz more quiz next question take a look at this clip from Raiders of the Lost AR featuring a rather hot and sweaty Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones [Music] classic right yeah brilliant it's good but he's no stone so uh a classic sequence from Indiana Jones um originally That was supposed to be a full length fight scene what circumstances led to it being cut short write down your answers I do know this but you know what I've forgotten can I still get a point yes yes we're doing a special version of the quiz for you forgetting something is the same as not knowing no because I didn't know once I definitely knew this I definitely knew this that's the same as not knowing what are you eating what is that Kendall M cake M are you from another age kendle mint cake I knew this was going to be a long ha yeah we're not climbing Snowden what are you what are you thinking what is that it's oh try some you from across my pond to your pond get involved Chelsea by the way it takes um confection res off her but if Jonathan offers you anything don't take it okay so no on him yes on yeah like this is not a like a snack that gives you sustenance no it's pure sugar it's pure sugar it's essentially just sugar great for our next question it's over to musical Maestro Gareth Malone hi Jimmy now one of my favorite films has to be Close Encounters of the Third Kind where they use that wonderful music to communicate with aliens now if that was a close encounter of the Third Kind what are Close Encounters of the first and second okay Close Encounters of the first and second kind I like gett he's fit as I don't know what was in that Kendall mint cake my anus feels very relaxed it's so Su as relaxed as it's ever been in that case I will have some after have a look at this still uh it's a scene from Steamboat Bill Jr starring bust Keaton according to Legend his shoes were nailed to the floor when they were filming this but why oh cuz he had Hammer that's one of the worst jokes I've ever heard in my entire life what did Chelsea just say I'm not telling you I'll tell you yeah yeah cuz he had hammer toes okay next question take a look at this yes I'm really it's been used in loads of movies what is it what is it it's a WaterOne looks like a game of thron here it doesn't look anything like that it does it doesn't look anything he's turning on me I was told he was a nice old guy but listen now he's Cutthroat well no because listen if you I mean if you want me to write that I'll write but no one else don't do me any favors Chelsea Chelsea don't worry Jonathan has never peer pressured a comedian into doing something they [Applause] regret all right you all got something yeah you okay so I asked you what linked the famous movie quotes what did you put uh what connects is they were all lines written for the actors by other people well if you thought their answer was stupid Mel what it's not stupid managed to outdo them if anything they are all famous film lines it more amazing is you put there all film lines and you thought I know what'll save this sneaking a little famous just yeah I went a bit blank EXA no rich Rich what have you got we're straight up facts here oh they're not the actual lines that is the right answer bam oh my God they're all famous misquotes so it's Luke I am your father is the misquote he actually said no I am your father Mrs Robinson you're trying to seduce me was Mrs Robinson you're trying to seduce me aren't you do you feel lucky punk is you've got to ask yourself one question do you feel lucky well do you punk yeah that was the one abated tip to so you get the points nol and Richard [Applause] you okay I showed you a classic clip from Raiders of the Lost Arc and asked you why that scene was cut short boom M dentry dentry what she's got it dentry not not you not dentry you've got the she's got the answer dentry Harrison Ford who was in that film In that clip yes we saw him yeah yes had a very Dicky tummy through throughout the filming this was a scene that was too long for him and he thought oh I've got to I've got to get myself to a cubicle he had the ships he had the total ships so hence Chelsea yes bear with me you've gone a little bit glassy ey love sorry my bad my bad so Harrison thought sod this for a game of soldiers I'll get the gun out sure okay and what did you put chelse I had forgotten this answer but Chelsea got it correctly I believe we agree he was sick that day they couldn't fil you didn't put dentry then well because we're polite okay no Richard what did you get he had pneumonia or something we didn't get I said dentry and you put puracy you idiot I no that's me trying to write Mo don't look at your doctor's handwriting no one knows what you've written I do calligraphy look love let's just sort this out on the car on the way home what the answer was Harrison Ford had dentry yes Jimmy you know I'm honest right yeah I did say can you put dentry down and you know he just goes his own way he's an idiot I know he's directed loads of films but you know sometimes sometimes I don't I just I'm too in my head or I don't engage or I don't listen and I know you're saying it and I'm trying to hear it this is why the marriage broke down once before I acknowledge that I mean it wasn't just that you know the sex had gone wrong the sex had changed I think fairness if we had to describe your vagina it is an ATI wow what's going down now talk about my vagina on television my man watches this show let's move on okay Gareth Malone asked you uh what you thought a close encounter of the first and second kind was we put first kind is sighting second one is hearing so you see it then you hear it creeping up on you then you meet it new base one is tongue kiss based to his tit up a close encounter yeah with Al you tongue kiss the alien now you got to the close encounter base one count base two what do you mean by tit up breasts I know what they are I know what tits are but what is tit up to TI you touch their breasts oh I [Applause] know what what's the up component what's the up component ITA put you put it up her blouse the is already there you put it up the blouse no to put it up the blouse the hand oh why am I titting myself up could have just explained it titter sounds like you're either adding more tits or you're forcing the tits higher than they ought to be I'm seeing I'm seeing a kind of balony sh my friend from Essex told me about it enough tit up talk yes what did you put n Richard tit up TI think sight sight yeah physical incursion tou up tou up I put not tit up that is 100% correct Nolan Richard a closing counter of the first kind is a sighting a closing counter of the second kind is a physical evidence I showed you a picture of Buster Keaton why did he have his shoes nailed to the floor Chelsea what what do you think house falls down because it falls down over over him and he had to stay exactly in that spot because he needs to be precisely there so he doesn't get crushed and he the window goes right over him goes right over him jack Mel not great body language what's going on here H Jack is sitting this round out Jimmy after after the tick I'm sorry for what I wrote and I'm sorry for what I said Jonathan Chelsea I got exactly the same as you I put because house fell down why is everyone started talking like Taren because house fall down the building falls over him and it had to be matched up precisely wow who uh well let's take a [Music] look still good now no well you all got absolutely right the house fell down can I just say that I think Mel's taking our shoes off this is true that hasn't nailed them down but I think she was about to I they are the cutest shoes I've ever seen in my life oh thanks love I'd like to drink Bailey out of them you can you you will you will and you can I I showed you this object what was it a producer I think that's the best joke so far I that's I feel that's I feel that's a joke of the show I think that's really strong that's really strong that Jimmy hates it look at him every bone in his body screaming out that cannot be a producer it's a metal object on a on a climp how could it be a producer a producer is a person look at him Captain logic melting from the inside as Doctor abstract comes down on him like a Whimsical penis going to fizzz now and start puking mil AR you look at him the Federer of comedy with his gaze look can't take it it can't compute no mustn't no no logic this no producer this the joke of the show I'll say it again it's the joke of the show around this joke we build the show we build the show outward from this joke what did you write down Richard produc a bit like a sort of thony sort of sound device thony sound device Chelsea Jonathan what did you get we put down it is an instrument and we believe it's used mainly in horror films so we got it right instrument horror yeah I can see that okay you got a point for that what did you put Mel Jack um taking your shoes off now when are the pop socks going to come off as well later oh that's wrong grandmother grandmother and Grandson not good it's a waterphone you're absolutely right it's a really cool thing and I'd quite like like to have a go on it go go ahead if you want to have a go I I haven't got performance trousers on you can stand behind the plane come over very quickly Richard you look cool you look cool cover me to the plint there we go cover me to the plint he's like his we send back than you good no one noticed ter okay now play us knock tun so this is used in loads of horror films yeah it's mainly horror fil used it's brilliant actually cuz you can use you can use it on the bottom no not not how you use it should it be the B try the B the other side M the bow I Wasing I was coming to the spring bit there we go that's better thank you there she was know they call this in the industry combing the producer's hair get me back cover me Shuffle back shff Shuffle back me thanks shffle back okay let's take a look at the scores Jonathan and Chelsea have six Jack and M have seven Nolan Richard are in the lead with 10 who had that know time now for some ads more hot big fat quiz action after the [Applause] break e [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the big fat quiz of everything this next round is all about science and technology in 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin the discovery was just in time as he'd also recently discovered 18 to 30 holidays in magaloff and needed it urgently in 1953 James Watson and Francis Crick success y mapped DNA their Discovery has led to some incredible advances in gene splicing resulting in the world's first ever human Crow hybrid no Fielding [Applause] everyone unbelievable what are you're doing tonight what have I done you avert your V villian eyes from my dear [Music] wife uh let's have a look at some of the most groundbreaking inventions in history 3 2 one LIF off we have a LIF off man's age-old dream of fight becomes the reality but 1985 they reckon is going to be the big year for the bubble now someone has invented a Bowa which gives more than moral support it is in fact a bullet po Shield in Mor and printed out in plain language imagine a world where every word ever written could be viewed instantly in your home by an information supera Highway and today we're introducing the [Music] iPhone I love that show okay I hear some Science and Technology questions you saw some incredible inventions there uh what I want to know is uh what did Alfred Noble founder of the Nobel Peace Prize inventing 1867 which earned him the title The Merchant of death look oh M's thinking oh I know this I think Mel might have it okay for our next question Ruddy hell it's Paul wirehouse hello Jimmy my poptastic shub Chum even though I've actually only met you once months as you know in 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon closely followed by Buzz Aldren but when Buzz got to the bottom of the ladder what did he become the first person to do on the moon wow put something else I want to write you know what I want to write Jack don't write it no I want to write it and I'm but I'm not going to do it I'm going to be better than that I won't write it Jack we've got to we've got to write something because you know why I've been doing this show for 5 years now and every time I fall into the Trap of of doing it and I'm not going to do it I'm better than that Jack I'm no I'm a grown up and I'm an adult and I've read books now and I'm not I'm not right I'm not writing Moon wank we can do something else do you want do you want me to write Moon wank no no I don't want to write it we're better than that put [ __ ] okay take a look at this man being interviewed by Patrick Moore on the 1969 magazine show one pair of eyes what does this man claim he is able to [Music] do that was n's dad being interviewed in 1969 what did he claim to be able to do at your expense fair enough next up we have a very special treat for you Joey Essex has made a documentary about one of his scientific Heroes on Earth is he talking about hello I'm Joey essix and I'm here today to talk to you about a very famous man who done a load of stuff he was the king of scientists he invented everything before anyone even thought about it so this thing is like a car inside a pie pie car tank what he's very old I think he's about [Music] 105 what that ain't a helicopter don't think you'd get in there you look like you Cho your head off he does this certain look that I like to call # screwface sort of means like this he was a really good drawer as well just like me I got to see an art and that's a pass he done this picture where this lady is really really smiling and if you don't know what smiling means it means smiling with your eyes she seems very confused like one of them one of them girls that you look at sometimes you see her in the club and you think does she fancy me or does she she not fancy me and you think nah she don't fancy me but then next minute she's trying to get older she's that sort of girl so there you have it a guy who invented life he painted pictures for a living he had a long beard he was quite boring he was clever like me and in my opinion he's a proper [Applause] geizer so what I want to know is who was he talking about got it we're done you're done we wrote it down while while we're watching it huge okay can I just say this should be big fiz of the '90s for some of the references we're laying down we've done some some quite amusing things with this one yeah quietly confident Mel I've gone smug I'm so sorry I'm not love I've gone really smug hey welcome to hum Town population to oh n's getting fris step the mark don't let that [ __ ] cbor speak to you like that did you just call me a [ __ ] cybor I said don't let that [ __ ] cybor speak to you like that that's what I said I've never heard you swear swear I don't like you swearing be fair he's been pushed quite far I have been pushed quite far by yeah by the I'm trying to say something nice I really like your wife's blouse wow and look what you're doing again you're doing that thing where you fancy me and you're pretending not to it's time for us say what you see have a look at these what scientific story are the pictures spelling out Earth back [Laughter] spider it's a tough one this is a tough one yeah almost certainly the correct answer right time for some answers I asked you what Alfred Noble invented what did your put chicken diers [Laughter] no reason to assume he didn't invent the chicken dipper as well as dynamite dynamite this stuff is dynamite what did you get Jack and Mel we're in Huma town and you're just about to check into the Huma Hotel so what did Alfred know event it was Miss dynamite dynamite he left me hang what did you put Jonathan Chelsea Chelsea what we had a bit of a disagreement I studied history I figured Dynamite uh but Chelsea was adamant well his name was Alfred I thought perhaps the deadly monster he created was the television character Al points all around it was Dynamite yes I asked you what Buzz Aldren did first when he walked on the moon he pee peed in his pants in his space suit you know 100% right yeah we got that as well I did that at the beginning of the show cuz it was cold sorry he pissed himself okay and then you've got no rich panties I hate that word why don't you like the word panties it's sweet it's a i i it's my absolute how are you with the word moist fine actually fine she works with cake she has to like moist what about if we changed it to panties hi could you show me your panties that's even worse that's very much worse me I find your p is quite to be quite moist that's arousing that's arousing that's better that's better for me weirdly you pushed it so far it worked okay let's go over to Buzz Aldren for the answer wow okay I'm on the top step a very simple matter to hop down from one step to the next so that's when I decided to take that period of time to uh to uh take care of a bodily function of uh slightly filling up the urine bag he boldly went where no one had gone before so I showed you a clip of a man being interviewed by Patrick Moore what did he claim to be able to do well I thought he was speaking Welsh but apparently Mel has other ideas no I just thought he'd eaten too much Kendall Mt cake what do you think Jo I thought you could do an auction for a [ __ ] while giving a blow job is that admissible that's I mean that's it's quite a specialist skill yeah brilliant but I don't think we wrote that talking alien language cuz we want to beat those two over there we almost did the same joke I put work in an auction and then stop erection but yours was a combination opposite joke I know so you didn't realize I know shock horor we didn't get it right look at that handwriting ah at least you can read it Dr II save it for the car oh let's take a look what is that mean actually that means how are all you I am very pleased to see you this afternoon how many languages can you speak I can speak altogether three of the space languages one is venutian the second is Krueger the planet krugger 60b and Pluto how can you be claiming to speak three alien languages and still you're not the weirdest guy on the sofa amazing right incredible incredible you saw Joey Essex uh giving Brian Cox a run for his money who on Earth was he chatting about DiVinci D Vinci you're absolutely right did you get it well Mel has gone I mean hum town has just been twin with Giggles Wick over here oh my gag Central she's just pulled the pin on a LOLs grenade prepare for hilarity come on go on I put Leonardo DiCaprio exclamation mark hilarious Leonardo from Ninja Turtles exclamation mark and then I put the real one Leonardo da Vinci funny but factual we had a lot of fun on the way and then we got to the right destination that was terrific boy uh Richard no straight up fact Leonardo da Vinci no jokes straight up I showed you a say what you see uh spelling out a scientific story what did you what did you all get we thought it was failure bunson Le cter Earth failure sorry but yeah he's a he's a tennis player his boun with failed very mean well decided we decided to split the chore and do half each because we figured that's how a team should work that's how a partnership works so I took the first part I thought Tim Henman bunson burners Bruce Lee Tim burner Lee and then my partner took the second half starring in world-renowned Titanic how did you that's the famous Titanic yeah that's the PO Titanic yeah yeah Jimmy world's famous Titanic that's famous yeah but what's the spider then at the end he was on the ship one um no Richard what did you get we we had a bit of fun towards the end here so we went Tim burn Tim burners Lee worldwide spider and then we pulled it back um because we're having a lot of fun but we thought we're quizzing so let's actually um let's actually buckle up for this and we put web but the bracket was so small you can't quite read it what can tell you it was Tim burners Lee invents worldwide web funny I agree with okay no points for you no points for you points to you okay time for a bonus round I'm going to show you three much revered works of art which have all been subtly improved can you tell me what's the Masterpiece called and for a bonus Point who painted it okay so so take a look at this first one it's me okay here's the next one and finally the new Madam Sue okay all right well let's let's see let's see what everyone's got so the first one what did you think God creating man Michel Angel okay and then second one that was girl with the Pearl Earring by that other block all right and the third one another artist American Gothic okay so what are the three artists Chelsea ramb brand Monee whatever Michelangelo Michelangelo is the first one I think it's verir was it verir yeah okay and then third one American Gothic I don't well Chelsea will know she's American That's a classic McDonald's it is not by McDonald's okay Jack and Mel what did you write Adam and Steve first one good classic funny LOL second one it's pretty basic where we went for the comedian with the pearl necklace after you you pear neckace necklace made us laugh J on your chest ditto LS stop it funny H # smiley face final one we went for Rocky Horror Show which I didn't really get but she wrote it anyway that paint that painting features um in The Rocky Horror Show classic stop you're killing me gags BR no did you get all of these yeah go what have you got Michelangelo verir and Grant Woods nailed it wow tell Jack and I featured in uh God and Adam in Michelangelo's creation of Adam I was The Girl With a Pearl Earring by verir and me and Mel were hanging out in goth it by Grant Wood okay so let's see what that's done to the scores Jack and Mel have 10 points Jonathan and Chelsea have 15 in the lead Nolan Richard with 20 we're going to take another quick break see for more of everything in a couple of [Applause] minutes e e [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the big fact quiz of everything this next round is all about music Bob Dylan shocked the world in 1965 when he made the jump from folk to Electric it was of course one of those defining moments of music that you never forget like when Elvis died or Kim Marsh left hearsay all the best musicians seem to die age 27 Kurt cabain Jim Morrison jimmi Hendrick all I'm saying is it's something for Jesse J to consider what right some music questions for everyone first up it's over to the channel 4 Newsroom where Jon Snow is reporting on one of the biggest selling singles of all time a youth has appeared in court today after police were informed by his mother that he had shot a man in the head police say that the accused thought to be from a poor family was obsessed with unusual dances and 17th century astronomers and was terrified of thunder and lightning the judge ruled that he would never let the defendant go and in an unusual move sentenced him to be stoned while having people spit in his eye in a statement given after the ruling the boy blamed the devil for his crime and admitted that nothing really mattered to him back to you Jimmy [Applause] Jimmy do you want the artist or the song or both treat yourself write both down already done already done what huge MK huge good skills okay which prolific musician wrote sexually explicit letters to his cousin kept a fart diary and wrote a song called lick me in the ass I know this one aown mus his uh many of his album next question Elvis had a motto which he abbreviated to TCB uh which was branded on his plane on necklaces and Rings he gave to friends also the name of his backing band can you tell me what TCB stood for no come on man yeah nice you got it oh here's a question for you in 1997 chumbo wber released the classic tune tub thumping otherwise known as I get knocked down in the song they describe drinking several different alcoholic drinks what are they oh what four drinks do they drink in tub thumping four drinks we only four drinks okay good you have to get all four for the point where am I there you are pissing the night away pissing the night away she's a witch have you all got something yes okay take a look at this clip of outraged American judge Benjamin Schwarz what's got him so riled up can you take 14,000 children and pack them in to one stadium and they know that are coming there to get hysterical they ranted they fainted they eyes were glassy some pulled their hair out some tore their dresses they threw notes of a very uh undesirable nature on the stage one newspaper said that the girls stripped off the veneer of civilization the veneer of civilization what a unbelievable [ __ ] oh yes okay so what got him so riled up I mean you've you've got it already y all the answers all the and all correct yep have you gone to funny town at all we are permanent residents of funny town in this round we're only renting i' I've bought a little fungal come on a fungal more like a fungal oh I like that yeah at the beginning it was fine but now I'm a bit uncomfortable okay let's let's have some answers shall we so first off Jon Snow was reporting on one of the biggest selling singles of all time what do you think it was bow RP bow wraps yeah B wow You' made Bohemian rapity less not not an easy task well done BP we agree with you it's Queen Bohemian rapity yes we do okay no Richard ban rapity should we take a look let's take a look for for me for come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this to me baby just got to get out just got to get right out [Applause] of wow that was insane okay um so uh points all around for that well done everyone um I asked you what famous musician wrote sexually explicit letters to his cousin kept a fart diary and wrote a song called lick me in the ass Chelsea did you get it R Kelly but we were divided on this one I thought it was mozar same I thought it was Alan Jones you think Alan Jones wrote a song called lick me in the ass yeah during his dark period before he started doing all that nice floating in the air floating in the air he was like lick me in the arm well D that would work with the same tune lick me in the arm lick me in the arm okay so no Richard what did you get the Proclaimers I initially Put The Proclaimers Mo M well you you all got it it was it was Wolf Gang amadas moar and we have the music here for lick me in my [Music] ass we had to sing that at school every morning very different kind of school you went School motto in Latin well you went to as school right I did I am are you a bit tired love yeah yeah do you want to go home you all right you're going to be all right for the next two minutes fine all right just check just hold on till we get to the next service station it's all right then you can have a little run around let off some steam burger and you can have a burger Jack thank you you can but not another fizzy drink you've had two it would appear Richard iard and his wife have adopted Jack we're giving Mel a night off because it's it's in when the IES come around thank you so nice and well you know I'm going to make Jack lick me in the ass okay um I asked you what Elvis's motto TCB stood for what do you all get touch and cloth badly well that is ultimately what killed him it's taking care of business we did taking care of business as well but we're not going to do a Stallone in F Nation they be taking care of B you got it too okay points all around there what alcoholic drinks do chumba wber go for in their seminal 90s song tub thumping well Mel put sweet cherry and port and lemon okay and then what did you get I was there and I knew that it was cider ler and a whiskey drink whiskey drink ler drink I like a what I like a ler drink CER drink I like kaga drink I like a whiskey drink whis whiskey drink I like a port and lemon and a sweet ch have you got them all down there have you got four down yeah yeah one of them's wrong though you've got cider down cider drink ler drink and uh whiskey drink you're missing one okay no Richard did you get this yeah ler drink whiskey drink tier you put tier didn't you I also put Lim siip Bailey cider vodka whiskey te Maria which is a neglected part of everyone's drinks cabinet I like a te Maria I like I love a t Maria I'm not shame to say it real men like TI Maria what is in I just Joy tears Chelsea what's your favorite sort of cream based drink oh I'm glad I didn't say that I don't really drink I don't I don't want people to not like me I feel like the whole crowd could tear me from limb to limb if I say I don't drink you don't ever drink Jack are you all right no but what like you don't drink during a week Jack Jack literally doesn't understand what you mean can't wrap his head around it um correct or the weekend so what happens happen work and then then what happens work then I go home and I do um I yeah this is the bit where I'm having trouble so you get home and then what happens embrace my boyfriend you what but when you haven't had any drink and you're with your loved one and we watch American television how do you have [Applause] sex Chelsea what did you write after all that we had beer Long Island ice tea Cosmo but then you told us it was four drinks so we added two Cosmos uh well I I can confirm it was a uh a ler drink a whiskey drink a vodka drink a cider drink yes yes and finally I showed you a clip of an outraged judge what was he outraged about Chelsea surely you got this was it R Kelly it was not R Kelly okay we had another answer too we went with the Beatles as well okay what did you put jack we thought it was Chico's sexually charged performance after he had won the Mercury prize uh did you get it no Richard what did you put yeah we put be or Chum one CH and da CH and da we did put the Beatles The Beatles it was of course Beetle Mania that riled him back in today so let's have a look and see what that's done to the scores Jack and Mel have 13 Jonathan and Chelsea have 19 Nolan Richard still in the lead with 25 time for another quick break see you in a few minutes for the rest of [Applause] everything e e [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the big fat quiz of everything this round is all about sports and games in 1966 England defied the odds and won the World Cup it was the biggest ever achievement in English football until last year when someone taught Wayne Rooney to read Fred Perry was Britain's most successful tennis player of all time winning eight grand slams before giving it all up to concentrate on his real passion making polo shirts for despite being invented in 1933 the board game Monopoly is still the number one way to find out which one of your family is a total psychopath for our first question it's over to gold-winning Olympian Jessica Andis Hill yes hi Jimmy in the modern day Olympics athletes are all about the aerody damic spandex but in ancient Greece it was very different what were athletes expected to compete in so that was uh Jessica Andis Hill no have you considered n Fielding iard like a double barrel what what what what this what Jimmy I'm trying to write something what's happening this better be [ __ ] good well she was Jessica Enis and then she got married so she's now Jessica Enis Hill so she's taking her husband's name oh my God that's the most boring sentence I've ever heard Seaman is literally Frozen we're trying for the next question I want you to take a look at this clip of uh Muhammad Ali it's a press conference what does he say next I have rled with a alligator out on tossle with a whale out done handcuff lightning throw thunder in jail that's bad only last week I murdered a rock injured a stone hospitalized a brick I'm so mean I'm so mean what you're right mate something happened in the break and he won't tell me what it was did something happen in the break I don't want to talk about it see you look a bit distant What's happen exactly you nothing tell Mommy what happened there was an incident in the corridor come back to us what really who I was trying to eat an ice ring donut and Jimmy knocked it out of my hand Jimmy well I was so hungry and all I wanted was this ice ring donut and I went to eat it and he just went no you can have one of those is this how they pay you for bake off right who wants what do you want a cream tea or do you want a chocolate cake I have a cream tea cream tea Mary Berry is this right she's just filming a a TV show for America isn't she she's doing like an American version B isn't she well an American version the Great British bov well yeah and I know is it called like man versus cake you're jealous because Mary's famous in America and you no one knows who you are in America Jackie is that right you've just been out there haven't you you think I'm trying to break America I'm not trying to break you should try and break England first then go back and China have you seen the B have you seen the bov um no but I I look forward to it the Bake Off is the best thing and explaining the bake off to Americans in America is just cuz they like they can't get their heads around it and you go how much money do you win how much money does the winner get you're like nothing that's the beauty of it they get absolutely bugger all no book deal no TV endorsement no giant check at the end of 10 weeks of Blood Sweat and pastry the only thing that the winner gets is the praise of a pensioner and an apron beautiful okay take a look at this incredible footage from 1988 at America's national aerobic championships uh and this comes with a warning this may get you super pumped up Jack check it out welcome to the fourth annual Crystal Light National aerobic Championship Finals featuring Regional finalists from all across the United States competing for the title of America's best aerobic athletes chion chion areion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so those guys are all pretty pretty fit um what I want to know is what is the largest muscle in the body largest I know what you know this largest or longest what the largest as I said largest yeah I'm going to play you three themes from famous video games all you have to do is name the games here's the First theme yes second one I mean it's so depressing that every round I've been [ __ ] at but this one I know all of them okay and the last one Angry Birds up I'm them in second I can do this all day ah yeah don't give them the answer give the he he asked really nice thank you Mel you're kind do you want chocolate cake love I'm calling you petti do you mind great that's great she sounds more like a Maverick cop doesn't play by the rules what you doing you got 48 Hours what are the cake options you want cake do you want chocolate cake or you want something else what's the other option I know I got coffee I got cupcake it would M can't do American accent and neither can you now what are you talking about what are you broken your americ a muffin what oh myin we have a new loser you know the only actor with the skill and sensitiv he needed to carry off a New York or bookly in accent that would be Richard over there right there oh my goodness pray Sil well well well hi sounded how how are things how are things how are things oh that's inter how how are things that's very natural how are things going in the Precinct okay final question I'm doing scene work and scene okay okay final question it's over to goggle boxes Steph and Dom we haven't time to explain Chelsea just watch them okay hello Jimmy now when we're not in front of the Telly we love to fill our free time with a squiffy part game or two but can you tell me which popular party game released in 1966 was a accused of selling sex in a box so Jack's mom and dad want to know box I don't believe now that was a macaron that was a macaroon next time it will be a muffin we got it yeah I put that you ready for some answers you all got something yeah first up Jessica Enis Hill asked you what the ancient Greeks competed in naked Open brackets no panties closed brackets 100% right Jonathan Chelsea did you get it uh yes ancient spandex oh spandex is a garment yes so yes they got it wrong they got it wrong well put together Miss marel n Richard what do you think birthday suit balls all loose that's so weird that they did it without any close cuz anyone who's run you know when you run everything goes everywhere and it's not not comfortable and they must have had panties back then they knew what they were the relay okay question two I showed you a clip of Muhammad Ali giving one of his famous press conferences what line came next only last week I murdered a rock injured a stone hospitalized a brick I'm so mean he can intimidate the breeze block with a glance cuz he's going down a masonary route there he's talking about Stones bricks rocks with thinking what else has caught his eye a breeze block and that's the toughest of all things used in construction the breeze block to get one foron hum you don't get it and it was clean okay what what did you think Jack I make medicine sick noan Richard what did you put I make medicine sick oh let's have a look only last week I murdered a rock injured a stone hospitalize a brick I'm so mean I make medicine sick so cool okay um I wanted to know what's the largest muscle in the human body Glu gluteous Max where's the glue it's not there is it GL glue GL still wrong glue glue oh wow yeah gluteus oh I revealed the trousers I revealed the trousers okay well that is the correct answer what did you put well we had a disagreement a small disagreement what do you think Chelsea I thought but AKA glus Maximus Maximus I I thought your brain was a muscle isn't your brain a muscle John Jonathan I've done the same as you yeah I thought it was a I thought it was are you a butt or a brain guy I guess that's what it comes down to 100% butt guy great good to know let's move on um it was gluteus maximus yeah your bum Point all round okay uh you heard three computer game soundtracks what were they Chelsea did you get these uh yes the first one was Super Mario yeah yeah second one was Zelda Legend of Zelda and then third it's Angry Birds correct did everyone get those y we did too busy out who whoa whoo hang on what did you put look Jimmy we were out calls and trouble while these guys were swatting exactly donkey we put Donkey Kong Sonic Super Mario [ __ ] we don't care we were tearing up the neighborhood in our corduroy I was reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes I read the complete in a week it was one of the best weeks to my life it's not even a joke and finally goggle boxes Stephan Dom asked you what party game was accused of selling sex in a box there was a board game called ory wasn't there I think there was a board game called ory no there was there was one this wasn't the trick where someone just puts their penis in a shoe box there was a penis in the Box yes that that's not uh that's not a licensed board game my that what that is that's an assault there no in that box there are no rules but there were two or something and I was rolling them around like crazy uh Jack Mel what did you put twister twister no Richard twister must why you saying I would cuz it's late and I've gone insane have a muffin no no no no no what the [ __ ] going on here a muffin in the drawing have a muffin I sh up well this has G ridiculous but I'm there no help him when he says he's tired I gave it to the food hey I was offering you something okay no let's not start a full scale food fight my God no [Applause] Jack Jack Jonathan let's call a [Applause] truce hey Chelsea welcome to England your animal of animal this is a [Applause] disaster look I'm trying to deal with everything everything in this quiz has anyone got any wet wipes all I can say is that's a shame that that [Music] happened it's just a shame so it's just a shame put my foot in a donut I put my foot in a ring donuts and I showed off my non-performance trousers guys okay it's time to welcome a very special guest all the way from Sky Sports it's a legendary commentator Chris [Applause] Kamar up chisar everyone why are you oh can you [ __ ] stop it was him okay Chris you're a legendary commentator F's always going to [Applause] miss sorry you got a uh you got a question for them what's the question yes I'm going to demonstrate three referee signals from three different sports oh great great great great you have to write down the sports that they come from Y and for a bonus Point what the signal actually means okie dokie okay first one how's this started you got to write these down there's three of them second one what yeah that could be right slightly disturbing yeah yeah the third oneing whistle once again what's that I don't know okay you got something Down Jack Mel we got go Richard no one point for the sport and then a bonus point for this signal okay all right cool was the last one rugby the you can't ask no I just I was just trying to sorry son okay you can't walk back into my life now I can and call me your son I you can't do that your mom's been on at me for years don't you dare bring my M I'm married now I'm quizzing professionally like okay so have you got something Jonathan Chelsea what have you got you said basketball traveling yeah basketball traveling what was it what was the thing again basketball and that was traveling okay what was the next one well the next one chse said was she was convinced this was when the soccer ball bounces off your knee okay Jack what did you get for this one leg by oh cricket cricket imagine baseball but even more boring yeah and the third one what did you put American football touchdown American football no we said we just thought that was just needy think of Mark clattenburg in the Premier League when it's play on play on it's football it's football it's football Advantage football it's football my God so Jonathan Chelsea get two points Jackal get four points and noan Richard get Four Points Four Points let's have a look and see what that's done to the scores so Jack and Mel have 24 Jonathan and Chelsea have 25 no and Richard are in the lead with 34 great ladies and gentlemen once again Chris Kamar thanks Chris thank you thank you Jimmy [Applause] man e e [Music] welcome back to the big fat quiz of everything this round is all about culture the first cave artart dates back 40,000 years my girlfriend likes cave art well I say cave art she's out of a jazzle in the 60s pop artist Andy Warhol said everyone would be famous for 15 minutes since then Steve Brook's managed to get it down to less than three right time for some questions for our first question it's over to the one and only Kevin McLoud hello Jimmy uh now as you know architecture like art can engender a whole range of human emotional responses but can your teams tell me which structure when it was put up in 1889 was described as a truly tragic Street Lamp a carcass and a whole riddle suppository Kevin McLoud there okay so what he wants to know is what was being described oh I know what it is what is it that man has a poetry to him that none of us will ever match that's not a joke it's just true it's a brilliant show he's a genius it's so good he's a genius I love him have a look at this photograph from 1838 what is so special about it no just write down remember Mel yeah like every other question in this quiz okay next question the hit musical Cats made its West End debut in 1981 what I want you to do is name three of the cats three cats for one point which ones are they do you know it I know you can you only have to do three okay three cats next question please Jimmy car okay for our next question it's over to the lovely Darcy bustle lovely hello Jimmy now we ballet dancers have a few unusual habits one which is saying me to each other which is a rude word in French but why do we say that so why the B dancers say [ __ ] to each other is it when they coach psychologically destroyed them Salvador Dary was well known for his weird and wonderful paintings uh Dary had an obsession with Hitler uh so much so that he drew a portrait of him what I want to know is what was Hitler doing in the Salvador Dary painting of him 197 his questions are potential mind fill oh this yeah be care can I just note note for everyone on this question Salvador Dary and Hitler are involved behave get late for the okay we're ready for answers lovely Kevin McLoud asked you to describe what was a truly tragic Street Lamp a carcass and a whole riddle suppository what did you think it was Jimmy's house nice uh n Richard Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower and Jonathan chelse Eiffel Tower points all round woo [Applause] lovely I don't remember that Grand Design I showed you a very important picture what was uh what was so important about it big answer coming up it's it's the first photograph featuring a human person it took seven minutes because they were actually down on their knees polishing their shoes it's called loul and it's an early example of D holy [ __ ] smart oh real mugin yeah you got the gist of it yeah is that right literally every detail but I knew the theme tuned to Zelda and then Jonathan you've got we put first photograph blahy blah blah we knew all the other [ __ ] but we didn't want to waste your time Jimmy incorrect what did you put Nolan Richard first photo take it wasn't was it the first photo Tak the first photo taken of a human being that here they are it's not a great photo is it it's one that you'd throw away you'd get one of those stickers from the chemist going this is [ __ ] rubbish mate okay so first photo two fature of human being very well done M I asked you to name three cats from cats oh well done [ __ ] Garfield you could have had a long you go bomb ballerina kabati Cassandra cocky pit demit gabella Jima rumt t cpen Shanks tantal Victoria white cat R them off his phone those are just his mates from PR school he's just Googling that [ __ ] did you just Google that yes he did I don't think Jack should own a phone cuz this is the kind of thing he sends people this isend and I will I appeared on the cover of magazine which doesn't happen much anymore so I was quite pleased and then I got this Photograph sent to me Jack doing something with the picture of me on the magazine are those Jacks yes he put his balls on my forehead he BS on my right there right there show to other people up there just for me and you I don't want that in my head or on my forehead either okay so name the cat so you just named them all I think pretty much uh Jonathan Chelsea did you get this yes we got giselda malagoni Christopher Robin you can't have points for that no Richard Top Cat who says oh topat I've only just got that it's been Garfield and Tom from Tom and Jerry and what's the other one de M mes is right Mr hang on hang on it's Mr mes I won't accept mes do they also read all of those off the phone I saw it my human eyeball Jack can you tell us all of them again now as quickly as you did last time yes top gabella panon Aaron China no doingi carbonara and Chelsea baretti okay so Jack and Mel get a point no one else does how are they get an a point for that cuz actually I wrote down gabella Rum Tum tuger and mcavity as a thing before Jack started cocking about you would be so good in cats now yeah you will be actually I love you jack I'm right here I'm right here okay next one Darcy bsel asked you under what circumstances ballet dancers might say [ __ ] to each other what have you written they said it because there was always a load of horseshit outside in the old days of ballet and they would say meaning mind out for the whole [ __ ] before you because you're on points and stuff no meaning good luck good exactly yeah what I said so meaning good luck because there was loads of people there because there were carriages outside so load are hurt they for okay fine you got a point for that well I put manure pulls lots of carriages fine lovely so now means good luck and what do you get same thing carriages horses carriages um sign of attendance horses defecate which they do they do defate let's movees well there's no getting away from that it's entirely correct points all round good ballet knowledge well I asked you what's Salvador Dary Drew Hitler doing what did you put um it's Hitler masturbating it's a back view of him it's really odd wow you really studied this [ __ ] haven't you well let's have a look at it let's have a look I mean the odd thing really is it's on a bed of horses he's having a rumtum Tugger Chelsea did you know that I I have prints of this in my home I think it's just beautiful work I know Richard massaging his length to excess Joy which one of us do you think wrote that Jimmy I think it was the geography teacher okay points all around for that well done everyone [Applause] nice okay let's take a look and see what that's done to the score so I can tell you that Jonathan and Chelsea have 28 points what Jack and Mel have 29 nol and Richard have 37 time for another breather we've nearly covered everything see after the break to find out what happens in the [Applause] [Music] end e e [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the big fat quiz of everything our final round is all about the natural world the classification of animals can be a bit confusing but basically they come in three types fresh frozen and Nuggets in 1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species although I prefer the equal On the Origin of Species 2 evolve harder right let's have a look at our final lot of questions for our first question it's over to Dancing Queen Alicia Dixon hi Jimmy now when I launched my own brand of perfume I became a bit of a fragrance bore ambigous is a natural ingredient often found in fancy perfume but can you tell me what it is we know that's good that's I know he's so stupid I think you got it what what have I done petti oh nothing we were just discussing our answer yeah yeah and laughing at you oh no no laughing at okay so she wants to know what ambergris is um chimpanzee share 98% of their DNA with human beings as demonstrated rather brilliantly by this inquisitive little fellow have a look [Applause] wow oh so sweet 1960 primatologist Jane Goodall discovered that chimps could do something it was previously thought only humans could do what was it got it lank so my my laugh is very slightly chimpanzee like I feel yes it [Laughter] is it's her which famous natural wonder is known in the native language as forehead of the sky yeah Aurora or Richard can I just say your wife's got beautiful boots thank you they they've got a lovely um heel wasn't quite worth the ramp up sorry theyve got a lovely heel they do though okay final question this is a myotonic goat it has a rather unusual ual reaction when stressed what does it doain oh got it four for four maybe certainly maybe two we know okay some answers you ready you all got things written down yes and no could you try and relax mate what we just try and I'll be honest with you Jimmy I'm done I've got nothing now I'm just staring I'm like one of those children you know get children up for a holiday really early in the middle of the night and they just stare through your soul going in their PJs that's what I am okay so Alicia Dixon asked you what ambergris was what did you think it's the guts of sperm whale guts of sperm whale it's the vomit it's the vomit from the guts of whales oh is it it's whale vomit Oh I thought it was the from the guts what it is from the guess vomit from the I guess we could give you that it's kind of come on oh it's not the gut it's what come out of the gut okay what whale vomit I'll give okay whale vomit it's the right answer okay I N Richard what you got we went for regret which is the same in a way is the same as whales vomit it's regretful it there is a sense of regret when you smell whales vomit you're weighing it up aren't you Jimmy go on Jimmy Jimmy go on g boy G boy go go fetch us a point go go go go on Jim Jim Jim come back come back with a point here it comes okay point to Jonathan and Chelsea on that one well vomit was the right answer well done thank you thank you you're such a good Sportsman well done okay so I asked you what Jane Goodall discovered the chimpanzees could do in 1960 we put move furniture and I put all wank in Brackets with an exclamation Mar cuz I know it's beyond the Watershed now late getting racy so sorry what did you say Chelsea no I thought it was using tools 100% right that's what I exactly with tools like I have to do when I come on this show that's a prop J he told us it was over he told us he had nothing left but it transpires he had one more joke in the barrel okay I asked you what natural wonder is known in its native language as forehead of the sky any idea ant or deck I can't remember which one it's ant you're thinking of and it's incorrect natural wonder oh I've suddenly thought what it is the aora aora Borealis Borealis uh Jonathan Chelsea finale Borealis uh yes it is Mount Everest I mean the confidence though with which you went because they they they had it too they also got it wrong yeah I know we we were weren't listening clearly Mount arus is known as forehead of the sky final one uh the this one let him the myotonic goat deals with stress how Mel it faints F it's so funny I've seen this on the computer it's so funny basically whenever whenever a goat it's a goat Jimmy and it faints it faints whenever a goat has a little shock or a surprise a human being coming up to him and offering something it f it is so Priceless it just Falls over like a stoping when you go temping bowling she won't stop talking when you throw the ball she said the go faints like 14 times Nows it's so I think she's broken Jack it's myotonic and they're really sweet and they what happens they faint oh really thank you she's describing a clip we're about to see you should describe it again I've seen it it's really fun I've seen it on the computer oh you mentioned that yeah I've seen it what happens in it again they they they go side they go sideways or they go upws or they go for it's absolutely hilarious a Jonathan what did you put it faints Richard II what have you put I I put they become very passive aggressive well let's have a look and see who's right oh my [Music] God it's they faint okay we're checking in on the score so Jack and Mel have 30 one point ahead Jonathan and Chelsea have 31 n and Richard have 38 [Applause] points okay time for the final question on the show here to help me ask it is a very special guest [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we oh my God tle M cake quite scared oh my [Music] God he broken the [Applause] screen oh my how did you manage to book the actual [Applause] deer come hello Mr Dinosaur right so the dinosaur's got a question for you I'll translate shall I yeah yeah agre here's the question for 10 points 10 points for 10 points when the first dinosaurs roam the Earth the whole world was made up of just one single continent what was it called so I'll ask it again when the dinosaurs roam the Earth the whole world was made of just one single continent what was it called we got no all right T-Rexes are so angry cuz they can't [Applause] wank stop doing [Applause] that just oh oh oh oh God watch your hands Jimmy [Applause] sorry Jack so what have you got let's see Jonathan Chelsea what have you got we've gone with panga okay Jack Mel you're Africa you're Africa yeah why would you choose to do a j out of your [ __ ] mind this is barely a joke that's not even a joke not a joke Jimmy can you lose the [ __ ] dinosaur now he's killing [Applause] me no Richard we'd love to wrap things up no Richard what you of the three of us I think it's this [ __ ] that's get it's a good one made this so what have you put no you don't know it was pre- language so why would they called it anything okay well the correct answer was Pangia yes it was for 10 points oh come on this they won time for you to CH up your scores at home there were a possible 58 points on offer hope you did okay in third place jack whiteall Mel goodro with 30 points in second place nor fielding and Richard I with 38 but the winners of the big quiz of everything Jonathan R and Chelsea Brady with 41 [Applause] points oh yeah thanks for our amazing panel our special guest and thank you for watching at home i' be Jimmy car this has being the big fat quiz of everything good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause]

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