The Weather Channel - Hurricane Francine Landfall Coverage | 5:48-6:25pm EDT

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:37:08 Category: Film & Animation

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is bringing you every angle of the storm start your free trial and be prepared all [Music] season currently in our area 77° under Cloudy Skies [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight thunderstorms early low 76 chance of rain 70% Thursday cloudy a stray shower or thunderstorm is possible High 88 Thursday night overcast slight chance of a rain shower low 77 here's our 7-Day [Applause] [Music] Outlook all right guys uh waiting for this uh handheld anomet okay it's a measuring tool for wind it does all sorts of different measurements but we are sitting here consistently uh over 40 mph there's 45 47 48 486 was the highest that I've seen so far now remember there's going to be a little error in this for a couple of reasons number one there's raindrops hitting the little fan that gives us the wind measurement that's one thing and the other thing is is I'm not holding this perfectly steady and calm because the wind is moving my arm around but still I mean it it's close when you're in you know 40 plus mph sustain 37 42 you know those are instantaneous dusts so that's what we're looking at here in this Northern eyewall obviously not the same animal that we had in the southern ey wall because that's what gave us uh the jump to a category 2 as they found the hurricane found 100 100 milph down there in that thing which blows my mind pressure also went down to 972 Ms so incredible stuff here's the deal uh power outages are mounting now I think we're up uh over 177,000 Statewide uh parishes like Ascension St Mar I don't St Mary's is reporting in because there's no way we're still at 2500 no way I mean we're into the ey wall so for whatever reason we're not getting that that report uh you've got Iberia you've got plens uh you got Jefferson Parish as well all these Southern parishes uh over toward laf as well are starting to see these power outages as the wind and the rain goes up our rainfall rates about an inch and a half an hour pretty hard to measure it when it's coming down horizontal and it stings I can tell you that so it's being whipped around by these tremendous winds that we got and out here uh on Lake poor you can see occasionally some Splash up here with some of the Waves some of this is all filled in this was all green when we first got out here the other thing you couldn't see or or actually I'm sorry you could see was what was across the lake and that is some of the pumps that's some of the water that's coming into the lake this is kind of a holding lake or a transition L and we're still with the wind this way out of the Northeast so our wind direction has not changed yet all right which leads me to believe I'm waiting for it to go uh a little bit more subtly but I don't think it's going to do that or even calm down so we like Dr NAB said we may not get into the eye we'll see how would you like to be riding it out on one of these camps or house boats uh as they're called the good news is I mean I don't know how much you can see of it but they're mored down pretty good all right they're all tied to those pilings and whatnot but really on a beautiful afternoon in Louisiana especially getting into the fall season um this has got to be fantastic to be sitting out here certainly on this Lake these things can obviously move around um you know house boats can go from place to place and I saw yesterday even on the atalia river they were bringing boats up River okay to put them in the safe harbor and get them out of this washtub uh type stuff that we can certainly get so the farther up River we know uh the better certainly the situation can go but guys you know again we're hoping for a little bit of a break with this and getting into the eyew wall the big question is we don't know if we're going to get one if the one that we do get if we even get oh I wish I had myometer open on that we just got a huge gust I mean just cuz I've done this long enough you know there's 47 48 I mean we we you know that was probably a 60 MPH gust and that's you know sometimes that's all it takes is to go from 47 to 60 and that you know takes a tree down and remember how wet it's been down so all of these you know trees even though they're Cedar and they're used to being in a wet marshy area um now it's just been so soaked this year and when you go from a drought like we had last year to a flood situation like we had this year with so much rainfall that is not healthy for a tree or the roots so you actually weaken the tree and you weaken its ability to stay in the water so we may see more power outages just simply as a result of the overall conditions uh Dr NAB that we've seen in the past couple of years yeah and Jim a couple of you know conventional observation sites have been uh both just north of you and just south of you not long ago reporting gust to 60 M an hour so U you're you're in the ballpark definitely uh and again you still have a chance with Morgan City being in this zone right here to get into the western part of the eyewall briefly as the center may be about to go over a little hammock area there uh south of Morgan City that might be where landfall of the center uh is close to and this area this line This Gray Line right here is the dividing line between winds going away and toward the radar so that's kind of a pointing Arrow to where the center is so it's not long from coming ashore but the other thing that's not long from coming ashore are some of these supercells we got to watch one just off of Dolphin Island and the flood risk Morgan City and Franklin on Long Highway 90 under our flash flood warning all right let's run that again Geico has fast Fair claims 24/7 right on the Geico app to file a claim just tap just tap right here to upload pictures customer try getting on a first name basis sure Vicky to track your status just click super easy they're connecting with the mannequins you're doing great everyone o You're a pro scroll tap scroll out show I'm cramping yeah we've all been there for savings 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[Music] your this delectable nor ramen noodle recipe will put an end to your drive-through dinner rituals throw that n bullan in that tasty combo of delightful carrots and the rich Touch of B Joy make your own nor taste combo it's not fast food but it's so [Music] good all right guys in the Northern Eye wall of France scene now and it looks like you know from where we are in Morgan City okay which is down here on the lake pul all right which is a holding Lake essentially for all the water out and through here there's a lot of water that surrounds us so a lot of this is is holding lakes and bays and values uh it certainly looks like we are going to get into some semblance of this eye uh but the big question is when we've kind of gone through a good bit of a tee here we've been seeing gusts in the 60s I don't think we've gusted a hurricane Force but again remember I'm only one point you know in Morgan City and there's other areas uh that are certain dealing with the convective elements and you know some of the towers that are associated within the side there's another gust 60 right there right there that's a big gust of course the the the one time I didn't bring my anemometer out uh either way you can see it blowing across here even even the water okay from the rainfall uh and this is a combination of fresh water and waves that have overlapped here uh you can see we've got waves even on the water that's sitting here in this parking lot which is pretty incredible so we're in this uh again power outages continue to mount across the state of Louisiana uh as the you know the Northern Eye Wall comes in through it's a big eye it's going to continue to move north and you know we're not too far I would think from a landfall the problem is is even when we get into the break of this you've still got a long way to go until you get the center coming ashore that's when you get the landfall it's when the center comes ashore and that may be enough time for it to jog a little bit to our East again all right so that's what we're going to be dealing with again guys still dealing with this eye wall here winds have been sustained 40 50 mph at times and certainly gusts uh that have been over 60 and that is taking its toll uh on St Mary's parish on asenti Parish on Iberia we also got horrific rainfall rates here uh where we're talking about 1 to 2 in an hour pretty hard to measure this obviously with it coming down horizontal you know it's kind of amazing if you've ever been on a a beach where it's a really windy day and the wind starts blowing the sand around that's what it feels like just holding my hand out like this it feels like I'm getting you know kind of a a Derma abrasion uh with the stinging of the raindrops because they're being you know wind blown at 40 50 mph with occasional gusts uh even higher than that so you know it's getting to be that time where we're going to go the next 15 20 minutes potentially do we start to see a little bit of a calming here getting into that eye uh yours truly and speaking on behalf of I brew I'm sure uh that would be very much appreciate but for now we are into the teeth of Francine and even as a you know p atory 2 hurricane you one in the northern ey wall that's been bored of of you know at Le hurricane Forest dust here or they've been you know very few and far between uh we'll take a break we'll be we'll be happy to have that for you legs are getting a good work out here as we have to stand on edge and and just kind of hold ourselves either way uh power is out uh as we've heard we've got landfall where is it you want to you want to bring in we got a landfall uh I I'm not not exactly sure where it is but it's not too far from me I can tell you that down to my South there's a lot of little smaller areas uh before you actually come through little little small towns uh where this may assure terone parish is where it is power outage is obviously preceding that they went through the northern eyewall and now they're into that Center so they're past the center uh in tabone Paris which is right down on the value through here so hopefully we get that break uh we'll see either way we've got a landfall of Francine so from this point on um more than likely it should uh weaken but it's going to take a moment again this is a large highe and it's going to take a while for this thing to wind down and right now we're still getting gusts we're still in it uh with winds gusting to 60 MPH uh guys I hope you had the time to make some John Malia today for the family and you guys are all hunkered down at home if you still got power you're watching us just enjoy your evening let this thing go on through and believe it or not what you're seeing right here we're going to have the sun coming out tomorrow how about that what a change all right Paul good low uh Paul I think in recorded history um a very good friend of mine sent me this only five times have we had an eye in New Orleans Parish five times in the in the lifetime which is pretty amazing when you think about Louisiana's hurricane history this could be another one buddy this could be another one you're going to be there for it it could be and it's coming up later on this evening probably right around the time of the sunet is that eye could come over here but before the eye gets there we're going to have some little stronger bands have been rotating around where you are Jim in Morgan City kind of rotating here in New Orleans and that's where the strongest winds have been our winds have been roughly gusting between 30 and close to 40 mph just getting that tropical the minimum tropical storm Forest wind in terms of the gust here and the the rain we're into a slightly lighter kind of push of rain but you see on the radar some of the yellows some of the oranges those are rotating our way they're about 30 m away we're about uh say 60 to 80 Mi away from that Center of France SE now and as it comes this way throughout the evening we'll see those orange and red bands start rotating this way and that's where you have those two maybe 3 in per hour rainfall rates coming on through and where the strongest winds are just like Jim has been dealing with that 60 70 potential wind gust rolling that way that is going to cause more power outage that's a big concern across all the the pump stations here 90 of 99 pumps are operational and they do have power from this City they have backup power as well so that's the important part when we get those Heavy Rain bands coming on through they can still pull that water out here again an inch an hour is about the max they can deal with but Mother Nature can easily overwhelm that it's done that before just in summertime thunderstorms here we do see still a few people out and about here there's most places are closed there's a few shops are open but we're still seeing a little bit of traffic typically this would be kind of rush hour here along Canal Street not much traffic at all we've seen more First Responders and police uh out here than uh the general people rolling by but there's still people who are still you see our hurricane that happen to be live or visit New Orleans they want to come out and Experience Gym like like we do but we still have our fallback locations here and still the winds will be picking up and we do know what you've been dealing with we're going to see some winds like that come through here but when you talk about these these tall buildings here we can get those Maybe 70 to 80 plus mph winds once we get 10 20 stories off the street level Paul Paul the other thing too for you is you could go from literally being completely blocked from the wind all right to getting between two buildings where you actually have a funneling coming through so that's another issue it's not only you know up high we know that overall but even down on the ground there's no question that we could see that wind funnel through there and it's going to knock people off their street and you know that's just something maybe you know you'll be able to deal with later uh and show us but uh it's amazing you literally go from Tom I remember last time I was in New Orleans it was I mean these guys were behind me walking like there was nothing going on and I was standing out in the Wind Tunnel CU I wanted you guys to see that but I would try to explain every time that I was in the wind all right it wasn't representative necessarily of the exact wi of the hurricane but it acceleration that can happen uh in between the buildings and you don't need a hurricane for that just ask the folks in Chicago just ask the folks in New York or Bost you get this Venturi effect this funneling of the wind where the wind has to accelerate to go through it um if you've ever seen you know chemistry where you have a Venturi tube which is a tube that starts wider and shrinks at the end the water has to go through it or whatever the liquid is faster at the end to get through it same thing with the wind all right same thing with the wind one thing's for sure guys uh looking at the radar and certainly our position right now it looks like we're close to being uh into the center but you wouldn't know it from standing out here I mean this is you know strong tropical storm Forest without question with gust maybe uh even minimal hurricane but either way you can see how the water has come up both from the rain as well as from the lake uh into this parking lot we were told it does not blood and you know that's another reason we're obviously hoping uh that we stay into the eye but right now again uh heavy rain wind we're in the Northern Eye wall of this thing and power out is continuing them out from terone Parish up through St Mary and continuing on Wow gosh you know it's wild if you look at the radar right now it looks like we're right at the edge and I remember this last time when I was in Ian in Porta it's right as you're at the edge sometimes you get these little B and they can really whack you it gets calm for a second and then then they can actually whack you all right uh let's go back to the studio and Dr D yeah Jim it's still an open question whether or not you're going to get a break uh from that Northwestern eyewall because the center looks to be going between Morgan City and H and I'll go ahead and bring up the uh the summary of the landfall because that has just happened within the last several minutes the center of the hurricane crossing the coastline that's the definition of landfall it was in tabone Paris Louisiana probably near uh little hammock that area uh and that's off to the South Southwest of Morgan City as a category 2 hurricane that's the operational estimate Max winds at 100 mph the pressure of 972 another pretty large hurricane making landfall Barrel was relatively large when it made landfall in Texas these sheared systems as they're coming ashore can often be horiz Al large and it will remain a tropical Cyclone until tomorrow and then become post-tropical as a rain maker but it's moving relatively quickly and so that's good to get the system in and out but it also allows the wind intensity to M be maintained pretty far inland so some damaging uh hurricane and tropical storm force winds going all the way into Southern Mississippi and here's that trough that has been steering it and shearing it so it is kind of lopsided and we also have this frontal boundary off to the east that all of this is going to combine for a significant tornado threat for the next several hours into the overnight but the center has come ashore in here and that's where the heaviest rains are we all all the flash flood warnings but we've got some nasty bands and this nasty supercell off of Dolphin Island that keeps trying to get closer and closer to land just a sign of things to come in the hurricane Forest winds heading farther Inland so we could easily get hurricane Forest winds uh at least in gust in New Orleans along with the rain induced flooding and the storm surge saltwater flooding could in some places combined with rain induced flooding so you definitely want to be off the roads and then there's the tornado watch that goes till 11:00 and there's another tornado watch probably going to be uh issued farther to the east of there look at the winds here the lowlevel surface winds like this but a few thousand feet up they're like this so that change of wind sheer with height Jackie is going to make that Northeastern quadrant along that frontal boundary perhaps even more tornado producing than usual right it's an area we're watching uh for a new watch to get issued I'm a little surprised we haven't seen that yet but we're definitely getting the rotation offshore and boy it's going to be a close shave um whether or not Jim gets into that eye or not he may end up staying in that eyewall because it's interesting you know this huge eye um the orientation of is is sort of changing just a little bit it's almost a little closer in it's a little bit smaller than it was earlier especially on that Northern ey wall you're looking live there in Morgan City right now where we've seen the strongest wind gusts around 62 miles per hour and there you can see an theot Louisiana John humph um providing this View and you can really see how the wind is just pushing that water you know the storm surge flooding is increasing now especially just to the right of the center of where the storm is coming in and then Cadre Louisiana as we look live there as well clearly looking at storm surge flooding here and the rain coming down uh very heavy so we want to talk a little bit more about this tornado threat we do have a tornado watch that's in effect for all of Southeastern Louisiana and Southern parts of Mississippi places like buuy into New Orleans Morgan City um Baton Rouge just to the east of you where the watches are are in effect so it's that right front quadrant of landfalling tropical Cyclones where we have the best chance of these tornadoes and whenever you see these little lines beginning to develop some of those feeder Bands A lot of times that's where we get the most rotation and you can see kind of some suspicious nature on a couple of these especially to the one to the south of Dolphin Island we've been tracking this thing for quite a while right now as it continues to get closer and closer towards land it remains offshore it really broadened out quite a bit compared to what we were looking at earlier so that's something that we need to continue to monitor as it gets closer to off dolin Island and then gets a little bit closer towards Mobile Bay remember water spouts turn into tornadoes when they move their way over land so the heaviest of rainfall coming in here on the north side of the storm right now that's where all the convection is and that's where the heaviest of rainfall rates are this is expected to weaken fairly dramatically once we get that big eye um completely over land now now notice there's still some uh availability to identify that Center here by 5:00 tomorrow morning as this moves north of Hattisburg Jackson Mississippi could get in on some heavy rain but you may end up being on kind of that west side of the storm here too but look at this into at the Panhandle pushing over towards the Big Bend area those will be spots to tomorrow that will be vulnerable for more of these tropical tornadoes bruan I know you're taking a look at uh some of the power outages those numbers have been growing yeah just in the last like I checked 10 minutes ago they at 27,000 now we're up to 42,000 the bulk of those are in St Mary's and terone parishes of course that's where it made landfall so between h and Morgan City Louisiana is where we're seeing the brunt of the worst conditions Gus easily in that 60 to 70 plus mile per hour range as of the last uh updates you can see here just outside of Morgan City we got sustained winds out of the North Northeast at about 45 milph gusting between 50 60 milph some of the gusts here across the New Orleans and Southeastern Louisiana are in that 40 to 50 m per hour winds and those storms or that those outer iwall bands are going to start working their way towards the New Orleans area here within the next hour or two you can see how storm surge warnings are up and the water levels have come up to about 3 ft we have some observations though uh near landfall in places like cadry where we've seen close to three plus feet of storm surge and of course this is near low tide so that's helping us out a little bit but that onshore push is continuing across Southeastern Louisiana and into Coastal Mississippi people always say it is what it is until it isn't remember before AI when you had to typ to search and when you couldn't ask your phone to do this put these restaurants on a map huh what about taking a photo and reimagining it man remember when all phones pretty much did the same stuff until they didn't get the allnew 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updates only on the Weather Channel and The Weather Channel TV There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe she had so many children she didn't know what to [Laughter] [Music] do she gave them some broth without any bread and kiss them all soundly light out good night and put them to bed hunger is a story we can end end it at endurance even better you pick the mechanic you trust endurance covers nearly every car on the road up to 20 years old they cover a ton on the car so who's going to pay for your next car repair you or endurance act now for $300 off any plan plus a full year of elite benefits a $2,000 value you free and a 30-day money back guarantee call 1855 942 6188 now for a free [Music] quote currently in our area 79° under Cloudy Skies [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight thunderstorms early low 77 chance of rain 40% Thursday Cloudy Skies a Str shower or thunderstorm is possible High 88 Thursday night skies clearing overnight slight chance of a rain shower low 76 here's our 7-Day [Applause] Outlook The Weather Channel TV app is keeping you ahead of the storm all hurricane season our goal is to keep people safe log in and experience local weather man that window Real Time radar minute to minute coverage waves are just crashing on the seashore top story in our OnDemand Library interactive live chats with experts and landfall cans bringing you every angle of the storm no one covers hurricane season like The Weather Channel TV app start your free trial and be prepared All Season taking a live look at Morgan City Louisiana this is a live view from our storm tracker Charles Peak where you can see obviously a lot of horizontal rain and water collecting more and more on the roadway so that is not the greatest idea to be driving through that water you could end up getting stuck and in these tropical storm conditions it is very unlikely that responders would easily be able to come get you if at all so the winds themselves the flooding rains and in some places a combination of freshwater rain induc flooding and salt water flooding from storm surge and the increasing tornado threat are all reasons to be off the roads and in a safe place the center of circulation came a Shore here in Tbone Parish uh within the last 20 minutes or so as a category 2 hurricane Morgan City and H have been in the Northern Eye wall and increasingly we're getting the winds picking up in New Orleans and Baton Rouge and some very suspicious cells just offshore as the tornado threat is on the increase now you've already got some Gusty winds Baton Rouge gusting to 38 uh the Lakefront New Orleans gusting to 45 uh gusting 30 to 40 elsewhere in the city and we've also got the flash flood problem along with these nasty cells coming on Shore so here's the winds going away from the radar here's the winds going toward the radar as the center of circulation goes along this route maybe in between Morgan City and hom and then we've got this Northeastern quadrant with here there's been this really nasty supercell just offshore of Dolphin Island hasn't come on land yet but there's more behind that so that tornado risk is definitely on the increase that's going to be a big big problem but we've already had flash flood warnings Franklin and Morgan City until 9:00 p.m. local time H and chauan under the warning until 7:15 and then the north northeastern eyewall even though it's starting to lose some of its definition this is where the strongest uh winds and heaviest rainfall on land are in the Raceland down to gallano areas a flash FL warning till 8 local time in New Orleans is just off the screen to the right there so watch how the center of circulation could go very close to maybe just west of New Orleans so that's going to put New Orleans the Mississippi Coast uh the Alabama Coastline even the western Florida Panhandle in the onshore Flow side and look at how discreet some of the cells could be this could be a very significant severe weather uh especially tornado risk overnight into tomorrow morning and then the center goes through Mississippi quickly weakening losing its defin but look at how the wind shear so the blue lines are the surface winds and then a few thousand ft up the winds are coming stronger out of the South Southwest that change of wind shear with height is going to really cause that lowlevel wind shear to get all those cells spinning up and with a sheared storm we've got lots of deep layers here to organize the storms and tomorrow into the daytime in the afternoon in that Far Eastern portion of the storm lopsided as it might be Tan's as high as two and three Chris so this is not just going to be a coastal event all right want to take a live look here of John Humphrey's shot of storm surge and very heavy rain uh impacting the coastal areas of Southeastern Louisiana you know places like Grand Isle cochr uh dck and hom Louisiana all dealing with similar scenes especially if you're right along the water some of that is over 2 ft Deep In some cases and thankfully we're not seeing many vehicles out so hopefully everyone's in place and safe power adages have drastically risen over the last hour now that Francine has come ashore and we want to show you the eye notice it's pretty large I mean at you know one point it was over 50 mi in length and kind of changing its nature notice those deep Reds are starting to become more of that orange color here and this cell right there where there's thunder and lightning those are where you could have uh some brief Twisters or water spouts and also some very strong winds and those aren't very far from the Mississippi GF Coast I want to walk through timing because some of the worst conditions are going to be now approaching the south side of New Orleans and coming into the south side of Lake Pon train we're going to be in those 50 to 70 m per hour wind gusts for about the next 2 to 3 hours and then we may even get into the eye here as conditions start to weaken by that point it's going to be kind of a messy eye not going to be clear still going to have some strong winds and remember we're going to get a north to North Westerly wind that could pile up some of that water there along the Lake Shore we dry things out very quickly once the center pulls to our North uh as dry air will filter back in but some of the worst conditions here for not only New Orleans but also here around places like buuy Mississippi are going to be later tonight after dinner from about 700 p.m. central Time all the way through midnight and you can see Coastal issues as well even the severe weather risk in places as far east as mobile and the Florida Panhandle that's something we're going to be watching here pretty closely in the meantime take it look here of some of the stormm surge in coastal Louisiana okay trainees let's work on our fast and friendly claim service eyes on the phone now look alive Drew

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Yagi Typhoon Forecast - Tropical Weather Bulletin

Category: News & Politics

[music] [music] [music] you're watching for 13's live streaming [music] service yagi a major typhoon threat on tonight's live tropical weather [music] bulletin and now the latest around the wide world of tropics tropical weather bulletin for september 3rd here is the live look around the world right... Read more

Chaotic Scenes From Super Typhoon Yagi as It Barrels Through Southeast Asia thumbnail
Chaotic Scenes From Super Typhoon Yagi as It Barrels Through Southeast Asia

Category: News & Politics

Super typhoon yagi continued its rampage on september 7th after causing these intense scenes in hyan china the day before yagi also known as makar had already caused more than a dozen deaths in the philippines earlier in the week with more people reported dead or missing in its wake on friday powerful... Read more

Just Hurricane Francine | JustBillyLeBlanc thumbnail
Just Hurricane Francine | JustBillyLeBlanc

Category: Education

Another week i am heading to the chiropractor now to get some adjustments made hopefully these will help the other ones i feel like they did like they helped my neck especially i got a little more range of motion in it just got back from the chiropractor um it hurts in the moment like some of the stuff... Read more

Fall Forecast With La Nina Coming... thumbnail
Fall Forecast With La Nina Coming...

Category: Science & Technology

Overall setup in this update we're going to be talking about the enzo neutral pattern that we are currently in plus update you on the hurricane season and as we make the transition into lenia heading deeper into fall and especially into the winter months so let's take a look at the overall jet stream... Read more

Hurricane Francine batters US state of Louisiana • FRANCE 24 English thumbnail
Hurricane Francine batters US state of Louisiana • FRANCE 24 English

Category: News & Politics

As seen from the inside of a fishing boat this is hurricane francine making landfall in dlac southern louisiana electricity was knocked out for 300,000 people as the storm moved across the state from the gulf of mexico bringing with it heavy rain strong winds and flooding earlier people prepared by... Read more