Every MLB Playoff Contenders REMAINING SCHEDULE Ranked From Toughest To Easiest! | UPDATED

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:21:17 Category: Sports

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there are only two full weeks remaining in the 2024 Major League Baseball season and a lot that still needs to be hammered out as far as October and the postseason is concerned the American League East between the Yankees and Orioles the AL West the Astros and Mariners fighting it out for the crown you've got a national league wild card situation with the Mets the Braves the Diamondbacks the Padre's four teams and only three can get in and then there are teams trying to fight and all their way back into it the Cubs the Red Sox teams like the Tigers want to work their way back in and have an opportunity to do so how do we know we take a look at what they have left on the schedule and that's what we're going to do today ranking ranking the best schedules we're going to go from hardest to what should be the easiest Road the rest of the way make sure to leave a like if you enjoy your time here subscribe if you are new now we're going to keep every single team that is above 500 in our video just like we did when we did this two weeks ago if you're above 500 you're in which makes sense those are our contenders right now we did this two weeks ago why are we doing it again because a lot has changed in the last two weeks there are teams that played the easier portion or played the more difficult portion and now things look better and also we've seen some standings move we've seen teams climb we've seen teams fall so we need to check it again a team that has as far as the schedule is concerned seen the biggest shift is the Baltimore Orioles on August 30th they had the easiest schedule as it pertains to opponent winning percentage that's how this is ranked by the way I should include that right the easiest schedule as far as opponent winning percentage today as we take another look at it they are 15th they have one of the hardest schedules as far as opponent winning percentage is concerned so let's get started and we are going to begin with the team with the most difficult schedule the rest of the way and it's our team of Destiny the New York Mets 18th on our ranking of 18 hardest schedule with a 550 s opponent winning percentage one game up on the wild card and that's really two games because they have the tiebreaker over the Atlanta Braves eight games back in the National League East interestingly enough eight games back in the East behind the Phillies and they play seven games against the Phillies I'm not saying they're going to completely erase that Gap but that's a considerable number of games that could make or break the season or I don't know the Mets are hot and the the Phillies are slumping could make things interesting but really we are focused on that Series against the Braves the 24th the 25th and 26th that is the final week of the season regular season ends on September 29th does not bleed into October like it has in years pass where we go to the first the second or the third of October no September 29th that's it the series before the final series for the New York Mets is the Atlanta Braves and it's three it was originally scheduled to be two but we have a makeup game on the 26 so we get three thank you to the schedule makers thank you to the baseball Gods because this could decide between the Mets and the Braves who gets in and likely my opinion I think it's going to stay close I think this will be the deciding series the second toughest schedule belongs to the Milwaukee Brewers good thing for the Milwaukee Brewers they're nine games up in the NL Central so it really should not hurt them too much a 551 opponent winning percentage but what is interesting are the three games against the Philadelphia Phillies because the Milwaukee Brewers are currently sitting if the season ended today with the number three seed you want to be one or two to get out of that first round they have those three games against the Philadelphia Phillies next week in Milwaukee now they're more than three games behind them but maybe not by the time we get there so this could Could Be An important series for Milwaukee as they try to climb the ladder and grab the number two seed which would get them out of the first round the third most difficult schedule the rest of the way by winning percentage belongs to the Philadelphia Phillies 527 is the opponent winning percentage they are currently eight games up in the National League East and again the only way it goes south is if the New York Mets do some damage but again Philadelphia is trying to hold on to that first round by seven games against the Mets three games against the Brewers the team that would pass them and three games against Cub team that's been hot this is difficult Philadelphia does not want to end up playing games in that first round and they got a tough road they have to win some win some games against some very difficult teams the Baltimore Orioles here they are 15th with the fourth most difficult schedule the rest of the way 525 opponent winning percentage they are two games back in the American League East behind the Yankees they are three and a half up with that number one wild card spot three and a half games up on Kansas City at the moment six games against the Detroit Tigers is a tough draw because that team has been hot that team is playing with a ton of motivation as they are trying to work their way back into the postseason but really it's the three games against the New York Yankees that could decide who wins the American League east and just like the Metson brav playing that final week of the season the Yankees and Orioles will play the final week of the season in New York fantastic wonderful popcorn stuff the 14th easiest we'll sort of try to transition here out of focusing on most difficult and get to the point of this thing which is the easier schedules uh Easier by winning percentage but this will be the fifth most difficult and the final time we will refer to it that way the fifth most difficult schedule the rest of the way belongs to the the Arizona Diamondbacks 518 opponent winning percentage currently five games back in the National League West behind the Dodgers three games up in the Wild Card you've got a Diamondbacks team that has seven games against the Milwaukee Brewers seven that's a tough draw when Arizona has got to keep winning games because the Braves and the Mets are right behind them you've got three games against San Diego and we'll talk about that in a few minutes that when Arizona and San Diego play depending on how things play out with the Mets and the Braves and the games between now and then it's the final final weekend of the regular season Arizona and San Diego will play depending on how things shake out that that could be a series that determines if Arizona or San Diego are in if things play out a certain way the 13th easiest schedule the rest of the way belongs to the Atlanta Braves with a 514 opponent winning percentage currently one game back in the Wild Card which is really two because again the Mets have the tiebreaker nine games back in the National League East so forget about the East this is more about the Wild Card this is more about the New York Mets you got wins sitting there against Miami and Cincinnati the Dodgers just do your split that series that Series against Kansas City you're going to need to win that series it's going to though in my opinion it just feels like it's going to come down to that Series against the Mets the 24th the 25th and the 26th they're going to face off in Atlanta and I believe that will be the determining factor that will decide which one of them gets in the 12th easiest schedule belongs to the Cleveland Guardians with a 513 opponent winning percentage currently four games up in the American League Central interestingly enough they have four games against the Minnesota Twins it is a four game set now they're five and a half up on the twins that four-game lead is on Kansas City but the Minnesota Twins have an opportunity to erase that deficit and help out Kansas City help themselves out and also help out Kansas City Cleveland has a very difficult road ahead with their opponents facing off against Minnesota having that worked into this equation adds a level of complexity to Cleveland's path to a AL Central Crown the 11th easiest schedule as we're creep keeping up on the top 10 here belongs to the Boston Red Sox with a 512 opponent winning percentage currently four and a half back in the Wild Card the three games against the Yankees to close out this weekend series six games against the Rays that's tougher than it looks three against the Blue Jays going to be tough the three games against Minnesota though we have to Spotlight because that's the team they are trying to catch because Minnesota's currently in the number three wild card spot three games against Minnesota you could all but erase that deficit 20th 21st 22nd next weekend they go head-to-head in a series that could determine Boston's fate the 10th easiest schedule belongs to the Minnesota Twins with a 503 opponent winning percentage they're actually tied with the next team so this is a 10th tie kind of thing but you've got a three and a half game lead in the wild card you have a 5 and a half game deficit in the Central and as far as Minnesota goes it's pick your poison there's really no series to Spotlight because all of those games against Cleveland Baltimore and Boston have significant meaning in Cleveland you're trying to catch Cleveland maybe pull them back give you a chance to win the division you're trying to maybe catch the Orioles and grab a higher Wild Card seating you got three games against Baltimore those three against Boston that's the team you're trying to keep away big close to the season for the Minnesota Twins the ninth tide really for 10th is Seattle with a 503 winning percentage similar to there we go we've got Minnesota 503 Seattle 503 Seattle 4 and a half back in the American League West four and a half back in the wildcard the series that we're going to be keeping an eye on is Houston you got nine games six against Texas three against Oakland those nine games you you have to get for that Houston series to matter of those nine games they have to get seven or eight of them have to the Houston series is going to be a big one also just like the Mets and the Braves and the yanes and the Orioles the Mariners and the Astros will play in Houston to start the final week of the Season 23rd to 24th and 25th amazing stuff again the schedule makers thank you baseball Gods thank you this is going to be theater as this series could determine who wins the American League West the eighth easiest schedule as we are finally creeping into uh opponent winning percentages that are below 500 at 497 is the New York Yankees two games up on the Baltimore Orioles and as fate would have it three games against the Baltimore Orioles it's going to be the most important uh one of the most important matchups the rest of the way as far as the Yankees go I I know we got Seattle I know we got Boston but that orial series is going to potentially Define the season do they win the American League East do they end up as a wild card you have to take this series against Baltimore because even if you have a three or four game lead on the Orioles at that point if the Orioles win that series or sweep you that lead is gone if you come into that series and you are tied you guys get how this works this is a big series they have to win the series against the Orioles seventh easiest schedule the rest of the way belongs to the Kansas City Royals and I'm glad personal bias time I want Kansas City in the postseason I want them to make it so I'm glad that they are here five games up in the wild card four games behind Cleveland which that could shrink if Minnesota does damage against Cleveland Kansas City could be right there as long as they take care of business with their games but we Spotlight the three games against the Detroit Tigers the Detroit Tigers are trying to catch the Twins and the Royals Kansas city has an opportunity to keep Detroit away tigers on the 16th 17th and 18th so this is a big series that happens next week so we'll keep an eye on that as that could determine Detroit season and maybe even Kansas City season the sixth easiest schedule belongs to the Houston Astros with a 486 opponent winning percentage currently 4 and a half up in the American League West seven games against the Angels take care of it don't don't do against the Angels what you just did against Oakland win those games you've got three against Cleveland three against San Diego but the three most important games again could be against the Seattle Mariners the 23rd 24th 25th those three games could Define the season could decide who wins the American League West and look if you want to get in you may have to win the West you you may not grab a wild card spot uh you may not grab a postseason spot a wild card spot might not be there for you so you've got to win the West the fifth easiest schedule belongs to the San Diego Padre's with an opponent winning percentage of 481 five and a half back of the Dodgers two and a half up in the wild card and a close to the season like no other of all of these teams could argue that the San Diego Padres have the biggest the most difficult close to the season Braves probably have a case going up against the Mets and the Royals but this for the Padres we talked about it earlier when we were going through the Diamondbacks portion so you have the three against the Dodgers look is what it is take two out of three it's all good it's great it's still not going to likely impact your chances to win the West that's not going to happen um the Diamondback Series in Arizona the 27 28 and 29 depending on how things play out with the Mets and the Braves and the games leading up to this final series that series could decide if the Padre's or the Diamondbacks get in at all that could be the series that decides which one of them is in and which one is out and both of these teams the Padre's and the Diamondbacks I believe are World Series caliber teams and there's a chance that that series decides who's in and who's out that 27 28 and 29th final weekend could be an incredible matchup if it does not decide who's in and out it could decide seeding which could will be very important the fourth easiest schedule belongs to the Detroit Tigers and they need it they've got three against the white socks three against the Rays and then they've got nine games against teams that they are chasing and that's great because we're going to look at some teams in a minute that have easy schedules but are not facing teams that they're trying to chase which hurts their chances we've got a Tigers team three and a half back in the Wild Card nine games back in the central the three and a half is behind Minnesota Kansas City is another game game and a half up but if you go up against KC and you have a chance to take that series that could be big that Oriol series another team you try to chase for a wild card look uh scoble of those nine games you might see scoble depending if the schedule plays all right scoble could be starting three of them you could see scoble in all of those series that's bad news for the Orioles so we'll see what they can do that series against Kansas City could be the make or break for Detroit and if things go well for Detroit could be the make or break for Kansas City that is next week in Kansas City so make sure you're keeping an eye on Detroit and Kansas City in KC the 16th 17th and 18th the third easiest schedule belongs to the St Louis Cardinals this is a team that basically needs to rip off a 10- game winning streak and while doing so needs to of those other NL Wild Card teams that are in the mix that are ahead of them uh actually three because we also have the Cubs they need three teams to sputter while they are having a 10 game winning streak it's a long shot it's not completely they are not eliminated it isn't but it is a long shot for the St Louis Cardinal the the schedule makers the scheduling gods g put it put it right in front of them Colorado Toronto Pittsburgh San Francisco Cleveland there are a lot lot of wins there and they need to grab them problem is none of those teams are ahead of them in the National League wild card so or in the division You' got Pittsburgh great but Pittsburgh's behind you you could use some games against the Cubs they are going to have to hope for some luck outside of their the the realm the bubble the the the the items that they can control because they don't have games against any of those teams that are ahead of them the Cubs have the second easiest schedule but have a very similar Outlook as the St Louis Cardinals five games back in the Wild Card nine games back in the National League central so again we're forgetting about the central when we're thinking about any chances or prospects for the Cubs at the Cardinal it's the Wild Card five games back again 10 game winning streak they basically need that and the the games are there there are wins to be had but they don't face the Mets they don't face the Braves they don't face the Diamondbacks the Padres no opportunities to pull them back so they're going to need those teams outside of what the Cubs can control they're going to need those teams to lose and otherwise a 10- game winning streak would be exciting but it wouldn't matter so they unfortunately do not control their Destiny they did get a great draw when it comes to the schedule to close the season lots of wins here just win your games and hope for the best outside that's all you can do if you're a Cubs fan but the wins are there the schedule lined up for you the easiest schedule the rest of the way of course everybody wants the Dodgers to have the easiest schedule this is great for LA because they are trying to lock in and secure that number one seed and likely they will do that nine games against the Rockies and Miami I got to think we're going to get seven or eight wins there and if you do that you're good to go uh Padres and Braves it will not all fall apart they will not go 0 and seven against those teams uh you know split with the Braves get at least one against San Diego take care of business against seven or eight against the Rockies in Miami and the number one seed is yours so the Dodgers have the easiest schedule number one schedule on our ranking with the opponent winning percentage of 450 Dodgers it's right there for you line it up get everything set up October is all that matters anyway win these games and you'll make October that much that much uh easier to navigate and again that's all that matters those are the schedules from hardest to easiest the rest of the way how are you feeling about your team if you're trying to get back in you think you have a chance again the Tigers it's right there for you the Red Sox it's there the path is there the games are there HBS and Cardinals not so much so how are you feeling if you're trying to climb back in how are you feeling if you're trying to hold Minnesota KC Cleveland Baltimore we've looked at some teams that could have an interesting time trying to hold and if you are trying to improve your seed how you feeling comment down below as we are it we it is it is race time it is the race to the Finish as we have a lot a lot that can still be decided again leave your thoughts down below everybody and that is going to do it we are out of here I'm going to get going I'm going to let you get back to your day I do appreciate you coming in and spending some time making it all the way to the end as amazing things for the algorithm so I salute you for that thank you make sure to hit that like on the way out if you enjoyed your time here which I hope you did especially if you made it to the end but that's it for me I am out of here everybody as always if it's low let it go and if it's High Let It Fly I'll catch you next time

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