What can we EXPECT from Anthony Rizzo in his Yankees RETURN

all right folks welcome back this is Yankees unloaded I'm Jake Ellen boogan he is Gary Sheffield Jr the Yankees fell flat and short of a win today six to5 to the St Louis Cardinals first time the Cardinals have gone to the Bronx and beaten the Yankees in the since the 60s can you believe that what the Cardinals have not beaten the Yankees in the Bronx like regardless of like Stadium how many times have they played well in League Play used to be what every years like they would play the Cardinals that's still crazy though I mean it is it's absolutely wild I couldn't believe it everyone's talk we made history tonight not the good history not the good one yeah nope um will Warren pitch today so we kind of knew it was going to be a loss if I'm being honest with you um really just kind of overseeing him pitch I mean he's got a 955 ra he either has it or he doesn't and he hasn't had it in any of his starts I think the one start against the Phillies his debut um I thought you saw some good things and after that really hasn't built off that at all um he gives up the Home Run and the problem is when you're a guy that's susceptible to getting beat like that I mean puts you in a bad spot so yeah the Yankees lost a game that in my opinion every game from here on out is a must-win um the Orioles are about to have an easier schedule upcoming you know now they got the uh you know the Rockies they'll have the white socks soon so the Yankees have to come through uh in these type typ of games and you know shout out to Jean Carlos Stanton who came into a tough spot and base is loaded and he's not a pinch hitter by any stretch and uh delivered a basis clearing double to give this team a shot was this close away from tying it then maybe talking about it but you know uh very very important hit there and the Yankees just couldn't come down with anything so we're going to talk about quite a few things on the show today um mainly we want to talk about setember call-ups which is tomorrow Believe It or Not September is tomorrow I know end of the summer a lot of people are going to be upset about it for me I'm I'm upset but you know football season's here postseason baseball's going to be here soon so it's a good time of the year uh but Gary we'll be talking about we'll be answering a mailbag question that's pretty interesting uh talking about September call-ups anony Rizzo confirmed for tomorrow um will Warren we're going to discuss him a little bit you know we'll talk about the Yankees odds to win the World Series and why fangraphs has the Yankees as the favorite and almost eight percentage points higher than the Baltimore Orioles um and we'll talk about some other things I mean Jazz Chisum was fantastic today going three for four vulp has been hitting well as of late um and Austin Wells you know two for five and you know they kept him in and you know he rewarded them obviously ninth inning didn't go over the so well so a lot of stuff to talk about and I'll just send it over to Gary because I feel like I've been talking a lot then we'll get to the new members and the shots and all that yeah I just wanted to say when it comes to will Warren and we'll kind of dive even deeper into this and what happened um ton 618 homberg 15a some black holes out there some of the largest we've ever discovered as humans I think we found another one in will Warren he's the Warren nator oh no biggest black hole that there is you actually were texting me not before the game because I'm pretty sure you were asleep by like till the fourth inning today and you had to catch up yeah but not your fault but let's be clear when will Warren pitches games for the Yankees they are losses and I completely understand different factors of the game situationally right Anthony vulpi said he should have made a play later in the game absolutely should have been made but will Warren's erra is closer to 10 than it is zero it's not good he's one of the worst pitchers and I know the stat they showed on yes today they said that will Warren is I believe the statistically the second worst pitcher to ever pitch for the Yankees that's not good okay so so he's outdoing Kagawa yes so you can't actually sit here and say well his stuff shows this he's got a really good sweeper because when I watch him on TV I see the sweeper they're talking about right and I'm again I'm not going to go deep into this I see the movement they're talking about but movement doesn't matter if the movement moves into the batter's Barrel then there's nothing else to speak on that's the job you need to miss the barrel of the bat you need to throw the ball to the catcher without the hitter hitting the ball you need to throw the ball inside the strike zone these are very basic characteristics of the sport he doesn't do it well as of now so people can say they need to send him down to develop he wasn't playing well at the minor league level either so this idea that we called up a guy who was playing really well in double A or triaa and then he showed up to Yankees stadium and hasn't necessarily put it together that's not the case so um I wanted to say that quick statement about will Warren I think it needed to be said and um so Jake lay the mailbag on me yeah so uh the mailbag question is from Ryan Hoffman We Appreciate You Ryan the Yankees will now finish with an August record of 14 and 12 does this feel like a successful month my hope is we can turn it around in September against teams above 500 and finish strong heading into the playoffs Gary I'll say it right now this does not feel like like a successful month this feels like a month of surviving there's been a lot of surviving and when you have you know $300 million payroll and you know all the things that you know coincide with being a New York Yankees fan analyst whatever you want to call it I mean end of the day 14 and 12 is not good enough and that's not even factoring who they played I don't really care I mean 142 against anybody just really isn't good enough this is a team that should be five six games up in first place in the AL East they should probably be closer to 90 wins then be one win away from 80 and that is the issue this has been the year for baseball so I'm not going to act like the Yankees are the only team dealing with this but 14 and 12 is not acceptable it's not and um you know especially you know the the issue and the kind of the the rut that they were in I don't really feel like they've climbed out of it the way we were expecting them to they've kind of just existed and they're they're you know just like floating around in the water right now they're they're not quite in control um they're kind of treading water and uh you know they got to be careful because they lost today the Orioles win today and it'll be a half game lead and you know then you're one upset win tomorrow away from the Orioles being right in position where if they sweep the Rockies they're back in first place so it is a concern and really you know I talked about how important that last game against the Orioles was before the All-Star Break um because of the you know tiebreaker you don't want the tiebreaker to matter and they don't have the tiebreaker they have to essentially win out against the Orioles in that last series to secure the tiebreaker so that's something you have to keep in mind and they won't they would not have the secondary tiebreaker against anyone because their Al stord is terrible so that's another thing to keep in mind like yes it was really important for them to get that tiebreaker against the Guardians right well now the best thing they can do is just win as many games as possible and not worry about the tiebreaker against the Oriol if you go into that series up two games up three games what have you then you're probably shot right you really want to get up four five maybe uh by that time that may seem like a lot um but the best way to get to that point is to take care of business and hope the Orioles lose their games and the Orioles have lost their fair share of baseball games so really there there's you know no no excuse essentially okay I'm GNA try and answer this question as direct as possible but along the way I'm also going to ask another question if you really think about what happened in August okay so when you guys watch this show it'll be more than likely it's either going to be late August 31st or it's going to be September 1st you're talking about Garett Cole who's our Ace Garrick Cole has looked nowhere near the ace that we remember nowhere near a pitcher who can miss bats because we've seen starts where he's missed a lot of bats but he didn't necessarily excel at run prevention he didn't necessarily get deep into games so Garrett Cole hasn't returned to form Luis heel in his last few starts had struggled and landed himself on the iio so now there's a question mark there what to do with him when he'll return Carlos rodon Carlos rodon hasn't looked anything close to a two which is actually what he signed up to be I know people look at him as $162 million player you think that money must mean an ace no the Yankees very similar to what you brought up Jake they gave him that money to be a super two he's been nothing even close to that okay so Ron's been a huge question mark he's had some brilliant starts throughout the year year but nowhere near consist consistent especially considering we're entering into September where guys need to be on their best behavior essentially Nester Cortez Nester Cortez has actually turned it on quite well I've been very pleased with what he's done so no problems there Clark Schmidt we've been wondering when he's coming back he's nearing the end of his rehab I know the Yankees want to get him on another start Cody potit hasn't been here right he's another guy who landed himself on the 60-day iil so he wasn't here and will Warren's a black hole he's the biggest black hole we've ever seen so having said all that the Yankees offensively are the second best offensive team in baseball behind the Arizona Diamondbacks that's statistics not my opinion that's not my me figuring out who's in the lineup it's none of that it is simply how many runs do you score on average every day and the Yankees are the second best offensive team so what does that mean it means the Yankees don't get enough consistancy and length from their starting pitching a concern I've had since the beginning of the year I said the innings will always matter don't let anyone tell you ra is the most important thing how many innings can you pile while preventing runs and the Yankees haven't done that very well and I think based on the performance of those guys I just mentioned that leads you to 500 baseball which is essentially what's happened and the only way the Yankees were going to do anything better than that is if Juan stto played much better this last two weeks and essentially helped us win those games but like we've always said Jake you can't consistently win games with two players dominating it just doesn't work that way Mike Trout and show Otani will tell you that so having said all that is August a success not at all what is a success is Cody Pote and Clark Schmidt and Luis heel finding their way healthily back to the field that would be a success but as far as win loss no a team with a $300 million payroll should have expectations far beyond 15 and 12 14 and 12 anything near 500 it's just not good enough given the schedule we saw I mean we played the white socks the Tigers right we we played a lot of teams the Cardinals were one of the best teams we played and they were a 500 baseball team so it is a disappointment it is but given the situation we're not dead yet Baltimore never played well either so I guess this is the situation we found ourselves in and as unfortunate as that is but at least guys are getting healthy yeah of course um you know obviously if it's been a little frustrating but you know as far as the to answer the question though I don't think it's been a successful month um no getting into the meat and potatoes of this show which will be the September call-ups which will be talking about Rizzo what he can do his performance his presence uh talking about potential guys that you know could be up in replace because right now the Yankees have freed up four spots um if Rizzo is one of them when we know he is they have three so we're going to get into that before we do just want to give a shout out to our new member Joshua halikman also field level appreciate that uh Joshua is part of uh the field level shoutouts that we're going to have here Juan sepa kid from Li Carlos morero Jeff J at w Brian fukes uh Ryan Hoffman and Rich Squire so we appreciate you guys and said Joshua is a um upgrade so he upgraded from second deck to field level so we appreciate that just want to let you guys know if you'd like to do that as well and be a part of uh you know the mail bags and what have you uh you can do so the link is in the description and the comment section and of course you can hit the join button if you haven't already uh become a member we have 20 members now also you can also listen to this on audio formats and podcast formats and all of that so wherever you get your podcast just look up Yankees unloaded it will be there okay Gary Anthony Rizzo is being called up tomorrow and I think Scott fros is as well finally we have not seen this guy pitch since what 2021 2022 it's been a while it's been a long 2022 I believe and for those of you aren't paying attention and I don't blame you for not paying attention to the minor Leaguers they're not box office the way that the big Leaguers are unless you're going to see usually when you go watch a minor league game you're going to see a couple bright spots on the team some guys you're hopeful will make an impact in pinch dries and there are a couple guys who are doing that obviously Jason Dominguez being one of them we'll talk about him a little later but Scott FR Ros is the guy we're penciling right now because you're talking about a player who's thrown 27 innings in the minor leagues this year he's walked six guys he strucking out 26 that's what we're looking for we're looking for results people can talk all day long about Mark lider Jr all these different pitchers that we have in our staff starting pitchers relievers you can talk about stuff all you want show me the results and for those of you wondering well what is Scott FR Ros what's he GNA look like when he gets out on the mount the answer is who cares what matters is what can you do for me and these numbers seem to suggest and I get it they're against minor Leaguers but Jake you you've always talked about this there are a lot of big Leaguers in double A and triaa there are and a lot of times guys it's situational Zack or Scott FR Ros is facing a lot of hitters that should be in the big leagues for example there are people in the minor leagues that see Jason Dominguez in the opposing lineup every day do you think they face him and think oh I'm facing a triple A or a double a guy they're not so these numbers actually hold more weight than I think a lot of people think they do so where I'm at with this I'm surprised that the Yankees actually went ahead and got active with these roster spots that wasn't something I was expecting they actually sent down Ben rice right so this is something before we recorded this we were talking right before we hit record which is a perfect move because you mentioned Jake if a guy like Ben rice is on the on the roster how redundant can the roster be today we played Cabrera at first base if you have Rizzo who you just admitted to us is getting called up tomorrow then why would you need Ben Ross up here Ben rice up here to take essentially know it bats send him down to the minor leagues allow him to develop and maybe you have a player you can either flip via trade or you can bring him up later at first base so I thought it was a really good move by the Yankees and it should excite everybody no absolutely it was a very good move by the Yankees um because Ben rice now gets a chance to go down to Triple A it's actually kind of per uh perfect you know for them because you and I might not care about the Triple A World Series or whatever it is the championship but they do and we've talked about it you know Scranton wilbury they don't have good pitching but they got good hitters and now you know you have Ben rice who can play catcher there so if you want to you know re-evaluate him at catcher he can go back to doing that um because he's probably his path cuz I mean we don't know the future about Rizzo we know you know they're going to opt out of that deal and they're not going to pay him that money but they could bring him back on a cheaper deal um we don't really know but what we do know is that they like Ben rice just do they like him as a long-term fit at first or do they see him as kind of a platoon you know first baseman and also a potential you know catcher behind Austin Wells um that might be him becoming a better version of a clli or um you know a last year um higashioka or tavinho might be his best path at playing in staying in the big leagues for the Yankees if I'm being honest yeah because there's no real reason to have somebody at the big league level if you don't if you want to call them a prospect some someone you care about and you say you care about their future well the worst thing you can possibly do is have them on the big league team and have them splitting time that doesn't help a young player hardly ever do you see a superstar in Major League Baseball that spent the beginning of his career either platooning or just coming off the bench periodically it doesn't happen most often when you see a star in baseball he's on the field the team puts faith in him and he actually gets a chance to go out there and have Growing Pains that's something that we didn't see Ben rice essentially go through they pulled him they essentially rug pulled him took him off the field you actually ask me all the time Jake is why is Ben rice Ben Rice playing today why is he not playing today right it seemed like nothing made sense we couldn't predict what he was playing and if we can't predict who watch every game why would Ben Rice have any understanding of when he plays either so rather than having this rug pole situation happening send them down to the minor leagues give them a chance to play and then bring somebody up right now who can help the 2024 team absolutely and September call-ups used to be your 40-man roster it used to be kind of like a cool thing now it's only two guys but the the Yankees essentially made it four guys and with one of the those two extra people you know they have to be one has to be a batter and one has to be a pitcher but now those other two guys they can be either or so I guess you know really talking about this you know let's get into Rizzo here because what do you expect Rizzo looked much better in the field in Triple A albeit it's Triple A but he looked much better and people were saying that he looked way smoother in his rehab assignment there is a chance he was playing through some injuries recent stuff and I actually want to bring up that premise because I think often times people forget athletes play through a lot right they'll play through injuries and what have you I feel like it's almost kind of a a blessing that Rizzo you know Rizo actually got banged up against the Red Sox because then he was forced to really go back down to Triple A do his rehab assignment and now we know like he may not be 100% healthy you know moving forward he might get banged up again but as of right now going into tomorrow this is probably the first time since the beginning of the year Anthony Rizzo is a 100% healthy that's the the cool thing about that is because it like it checks all the boxes when you have to do a rehab assignment you're not getting through that they're not pushing you through that because otherwise they just wouldn't have you do a rehab assignment so I find that a lot of guys that are playing through injury and what have you now it forces the the team's hand it forces the organization to be a little bit more cautious so you're not going to be called up more often than not you're not going to be called up until you are 100% healthy as opposed to 90 or 80% and we're seeing that Gary because John birdie will not reportedly will not be one of the call-ups so they're doing that with birdie they're not calling you up at 90 or 80 or 70% they are waiting until he's 100% healthy and I kind of like that um and I really like that about Rizzo so you know back to it where like what are your expectations for anthy Rizzo as early as tomorrow yeah because I know people are probably thinking this they're they're probably listening to this podcast thinking Gary Jake why the hell should I care if Anthony Rizzo is coming back to this lineup this is not this isn't Albert puos this isn't right this isn't an above average first baseman in the league and I would tell them you're absolutely right Anthony Rizzo probably right he has the physical cap ability but we're talking about a guy who's 34 35 years old he's more than likely not going to come up to the big leagues and put on a show he's more than likely not gonna have some Matt Carpenter run with the Yankees we get that yeah but here's where I want people to temper their expectation and understand the role because these are role players and not everybody has to be a great player on a great team or a team that wins the World Series and the best example I can give you is the Texas Rangers last year they have some great players but there are players who just play roles that not many of us can remember the names of so let's actually talk about what those expectations should be Ben rice who played he had a lot of at bats for the Yankees this past few months he had 149 at bats and a lot of people would consider at least at the beginning that he was very successful right he had a three home run game he had a couple weeks where he was driving in a lot of runs he was very helpful for this team we talked about a League average Ops because I remember we used to talk about why Ben rice is on the field field and even with his Low batting average his Ops was in the high 700s despite it well his Ops now is at 624 so when we talk about the player that Anthony Rizzo is actually replacing he's replacing a player whose war is negative .3 so in actuality what my expectations are is for Anthony Rizzo to fight like hell to be average go be average on base percentage for Ben rice 269 that's atrocious it's bad and this is a player by the way we mentioned his number one strength I'm not going to pick on this a 25y old kid right we're not going to pick on him but his best attribute was swing at quality strikes taking pitches very similar right that we talked about with Austin Wells so when you talk about a player with an on base that's not even close to 300 aren't we asking Anthony Rizzo to essentially just get on base when a player like Juan stto and Aaron judge and glaber Torres swinging the hot bat right Austin Wells is swinging a hot bat aren't the other five or six guys that are going to be playing every once in a while don't you want them to just get on base that's his job go play first base at a average level go get on base at an average level because those numbers I just read you weren't average so when you consider all those numbers for the last month and a half that guy and a lot of guys who played just like that or Worse were part of a essentially a machine that allowed the Yankees to be the second most potent offense in the big league leag so what does that offense look like if you get League average at first base that's my question I think that's what excites me I'm not per se excited about Anthony Rizzo I think that you guys would really be misunderstanding me if you think that's what I thought but in comparison from Ben rice and DJ lahu to average baseball yes it's a major upgrade and that's what I'm expecting a major upgrade he is a major upgrade um does he have to be the best thing since sliced bread no but you know go back to March and April you know he's hting around 250 he had an Ops that was over 7:30 you know had an on base percentage of uh you know over 340 in those two months then in May he's hitting 240 he's got on base percentage of 302 and Ops of uh 625 so again not amazing the June month is why people are if they're still upset about Rizzo and they just want him gone that June was brutal I mean obviously he got hurt too but that June he stuck out like a sore thumb gar because that was still right around the time the Yankees were a dominant baseball team they didn't go into that you know that big Funk until after the series Rizzo got hurt in you know yeah no I totally get it we're just asking him to be average and he's better than bad so if you had to describe what's Ben rice been the last month I would tell you guys like just he's been bad it's it's been bad whether or not that's the Yankees fault for kind of how they deploy him platooning him taking him off the field against left he's really taking his confidence away you can blame it on the staff all you want but the player who ends up on the field that's the output we're getting so Anthony Rizzo's job now is that when we bring you into this situation you need to get on base probably at a 330 clip that's not a lot to ask 330 your batting average needs to probably be 240 230 I feel like that's a reasonable expectation from Anthony Rizzo and then you need to put the ball in the seats he was doing that at a decent clip not a great clip it was decent so everything he does well that's kind of what the Yankees can capitalize on right now and I think that'll help him have a better September than August because what we saw in August in my opinion was a major disappointment and I think it had a lot to do with how much pressure there was on the top five in the order yeah no I think that's definitely fair I I just think you know people keep thinking about Rizzo's June and it's going to it's going to manipulate who Rizzo actually is in your brain cuz the last time you saw Rizzo he was hitting 104 in June 185 on base percentage 188 slugging a 373 Ops awful that's about as bad as it gets but starting in June he was hitting 250 with a 312 on base percentage of 687 Ops if you're getting that r Rizzo that is going to be a contributor that's going to be a help it's not saying that he's amazing but we've already Gary and I have already tempered our expectations here I'm excited about the tempered expectations version of anthy Rizzo that's what I'm excited with because anything that he does better than that it's all gravy could you imagine if we had to come do our job and we're like Hey Jake by the way really like your your podcast I have really low expectations for you next episode but good luck I mean it's it's defitely I mean I get it these guys are millionaires sport but it's got to be tough to be we are being fair I mean how we can't act like we're getting back John olude I mean come on I mean I would say so Rizzo had 32 home runs his second year with the Yankees hit 224 he's hitting 223 this year which is a career low um I I just like for me like I feel like Rizzo what he's been in New York as a Yankee he's been pretty much a 240 hitter pretty much we'll say 230 to round whatever around 230 so he's been you know lower 230 hitter for his career and his on base percentage it's been around 320 330 that's all you need him to be I mean in 2022 his war was 2.3 the other years with the Yankees It's been 0.5 .5 and now negative five we need it to be zero yeah that's the number you're looking for what's Anthony Rizzo's war from the day he comes back tomorrow because again guys we're confirming he comes back tomorrow Anthony Rizzo when he gets to the field when you look at his baseball page you go to baseball referen mlb.com I don't care where you go his War needs to say zero and maybe you put a lot of weight in a war maybe you don't but at the very least the players that have a zero War it tells you their numers on average are closer to average that's what we want we want the most average baseball player you guys have ever seen and I understand a lot of people are going to say why should I root for average you probably shouldn't but given the fact that all the roster decisions are already you know they've come and gone the deadline is com and gone the off season has com and gone there's nothing we can do about that with the Personnel we have Rizzo is an upgrade and I don't want you guys to be like wow what could this team be with Rizzo no I guess it's really what can this team be if you've get mediocre at first base rather than DJ lahu who's not playing defensively well at first base I I feel like them even suggesting to me that he's even League average at first would just be Blasphemous and then obviously offensively DJ lahu is a black hole he's an out and it's just a ground ball machine there's no other way to describe that so I think Rizzo is an upgrade over whatever that is so we'll take it yeah I mean Rizzo in the postseason I think is where we're going to see the most value because I I think Rizzo is a good postseason player uh he's proven that with the Yankees I mean you know 40 49 games played uh 10 of them with the Yankees first career he's a 218 average he's got a 724 Ops with the Yankees his last year which he played nine of his 10 games on uh in 2022 he hit 276 with a 984 ops Oh it's incredible so like can I say one thing about Rizzo when it comes to October which actually proves your point and brings this whole thing home mhm Anthony Rizzo is never going to be nervous when any anyone talks about the bright lights in New York and how bright those are because they really are overbearing right you've got all these podcasts all these shows and that's not even what makes it so hard it's the fact that everyone pays attention to everything you do no one lets anything go we can all admit that yeah but Anthony Rizzo dealt with a situation in 2016 that will far surpass anything the Yan will ever put on his plate and that will be breaking the curse for the Chicago Cubs there was no situation in baseball history that should make a player whether it was Ben zobis right whether it was bz Chris Bryant all those players those guys dealt with a level of pressure and it was negative pressure because if they had lost that series I mean I mean could you imagine what the ramifications would have been for that so Anthony Rizzo knows what it's like in October to deal with really just ridiculous pressure so I think that's actually a feather in his cap and should help him in October I'm not saying that you guys should just be like circling Anthony Rizzo's name come October but he's at the very least not going to be a guy where you see us come up to the plate and go oh who's hidden oh it's 789 it's Rizzo Verdugo and whoever and you can just head to the bathroom no we think that there's something there based on his pedigree that says something can happen and in my opinion Jak this might sound harsh DJ lahu I don't care how many times you run him out there I don't care how many times you run Verdugo out there I have no expectations whatsoever when the when the pitching gets better I have no expectation that anything's going to get done so decent is better than atrocious yeah decent is better than atrocious I like that so I mean we you know we kind of played I mean essentially right we have uh Rizzo already being on this team MH we both think FR Ross is going to be the call up for pitching so those two prerequisites are done we have a batter and a pitcher now the other two can be both hitters they can both be pitchers how do you see the Yankees you know doing this because I actually kind of wonder if you know obviously we want to see Jason Dominguez mhm but at the same time if they're not going to play Jason Dominguez and you know for another week or two I'd rather have them just wait until they're ready to play him every day over Verdugo so I could see Duke Ellis called up and the reason I say that is because Ellis is a like a pinch Runner and when you call up Rizzo and you send down Ben rice you're losing some speed on the base paths so they need another guy because Ben rice is actually been their de facto pinch Runner if you haven't noticed I noticed that today he actually ran today yeah so I don't think it's crazy to assume they call up a guy like Duke Ellis to be the pinch Runner if they go in a different direction I would probably say it would be pza because he was up the most recently and can give them you know he can give Torres a day if they ever you know want to give him a day off he can play second he can play short he can play Third so can Vivas so you know we'll see there um an interesting one I don't believe he's on the 40 man but would be Caleb Urban um they have a real you're super high on this kid I think you and I both are I mean we looked at him like okay this guy just gets on base he's literally just Altuve but the the thing about Durban though is the Yankees really need to figure things out he's not on the 40-man roster so if he's not on the 40-man roster if their move isn't made in time uh he's done he can't you know he can't be on the the um postseason roster he can't so I I speaking just guys that are currently on the 40 Man Duke Ellis is one of them Jason Dominguez is another vivos in perza that is really it Bird's on the iil he can come off the iil but they already told us it's not happening tomorrow so those are the only guys that really it's either Ellis Dominguez Vivas or perazza and if it's not Dominguez I could see Ellis or perza I don't see Vivas because they called him up you know for three games it just didn't even play him so pza actually started some games I I wouldn't be surprised if it was pza yeah you absolutely could be right but I'm I feel like I'm going to disappoint you here with my answer I feel like based on what the Yankees have got from their staff whether it be starting rotation they're gonna go from Warren I think they're gonna go double dutch on arms and the reason I say that is the list that I gave you guys people talk all day long about the Yankees ability to come back in game gam and they're atrocious they're actually winning percentage worse than the Chicago White Socks this year when behind after the first inning it's it's dismal right they win less than 20% of their games so the question here is why is that happening and my answer I'm just gonna give it to you straight here that is the starting pitching and the in inability to get outs the Yankees need more arms I think at the deadline they told us they want to get a lefty and a righty right they want to give us a solution there we're going to get a Lefty and a righty long story short they went out and got do Los meatballs to which we've talked about We've joked about we've laughed about but they didn't go get that Lefty what did they do they went out and got Mark ligher Jr why because of his splits in Chicago against left-handed hitting now turns out he can't get lefties out but he also can't get righties out so when you consider this information now now the Yankees have to figure out and you can tell they're starting to really stop believing in this guy based on the situations he comes into a lot of times he pitches in garbage time that tells you everything you need to know so having said that now you move over here to the 40 man you say well hold on we've got four open spots starting tomorrow how will we use them you probably should use them to replace or put someone in position to earn the role over people you don't believe in like lighter Jr so I'm even looking at temporary guys like Marin niio right you're talking about guys F Ross will be coming up here I mean there are other guys in their system in my opinion it's just going to be arms I really do I think that's what it's going to be and it could be Gomez you never know but based on what the Yankees are doing they're scoring guys long story short this team is scoring I get it when we lose games if you feel like well we could have scored another run right we get it but this team scores their problem is depth and just pitching all together consistency whether it be from Cole rodon all those are like the sexy guys struggling no what are the complimentary guys in your rotation what are they doing what are the complimentary guys in your Bullpen what are those guys doing and right now they're not pitching very well so having said that I use all these four spots well three of them right Rizzo and the other three I just go all arms and make sure will Warren I'm I'm hoping there's a restraining order at Yankee Stadium for will Warren he should not be any where within 10 miles of the stadium yeah it's looking at what they have I mean trino is getting obliterated in Triple A so you don't like so you don't like the idea of that no um MTZ and majusi they're both lefties okay um they both were not bad in their limited run up at the big league level I'm not going to try and say that name but I feel like that's a fit with mausi oh yeah I mean that's that's my favorite of those two the two lefties I just brought up um Co Cody poti could be back soon as well I don't think known yeah we would have known by now if potite was one of those guys so he probably isn't so probably not seems like the Yankees usually give us an announcement before they're going to do something well they did by doing those two moves so we know that sending Warren down they're going to replace Warren with an arm for the bullpen otherwise they would just kep waren so if that's the case trino like I said is getting obliterated in Triple A his his stuff in double A he actually was pitching well Triple A not so well uh you know obviously eliminating different options here Clark Schmidt not an option they said that he is going to have another rehab assignment and and then he'll be up so it won't be him potit we haven't heard anything about so not him MTZ and majusi those are guys that are in contention I would say Ron Marino in contention um Marino is I think pitching better than both of them he also has a good he has a good uh Major League um statline can I get this out of the way by the way because I know I trust me oh Ian Hamilton he he got he got taken out because of the back he was taken out he's hurt let me get this out of the way because I know I I understand people probably consume this show and think that we don't know them but let me tell you guys for our listeners we know you and people are going to say well why is it that you can't replace these guys with arms right you go Rizzo you go three arms to really help but you could also DFA guys like DJ lahu you could DFA guys like Alex fugo and and you can open up your roster spots and bring in a guy like Jason miguez and the arms that you really want GM yeah now you guys are asking me essentially to be the general manager of the Yankees that's what you're asking which by the way easily take that job we would take the job of course but they have to agree to it and here's the thing we're not in that position so we don't get an opportunity to argue even for it we've talked for months about the fact that Alex Verdugo really shouldn't be playing I get that they talk about hey he made a good throw today every once in a while he can put together a decent couple games in a series yeah most players in baseball can do that if they play every single day without like missing a game they will do something of that nature but we're sitting here in a situation where people are going to ask us why don't you open up these spots with players that are underperforming at the big league level and to which we would say we've already asked for that so now essentially what we're doing here Jake we're not saying what the Yankees should do that's not what we're doing here we're trying to diagnose based on the roster moves that the Yankees just committed to which is sending down Warren sending down Ben rice tomorrow they get two open free spots for a position player and a pitcher only so that means you get a position player and potentially three pitchers we're telling you they have four open spots what are they most likely to do because we don't want to prepare you guys for what they should do because you're going to wake up tomorrow and be disappointed we want you to you guys to have realistic expectations for what is going to happen and maybe not what should correct and I agree with that I think looking at right now CU I mean how are these guys pitching currently and I would say currently in the month of August yendris Gomez who they tried to turn into a full-on starter he add he added five pitches to his Arsenal this year um he's gone five 15 to third 211 batting average against him uh 0.91 whip 2.93 erra okay he's gone 15 and a third he's given up 12 hits five earn runs and he has 14 strikeouts to me a guy that's already proven he can go five innings out of the pen MH I think he needs to be very much in consideration he's been pitching well as of late he had his worst month of his uh career in July he had a 675 ER besides that he's pitched pretty well um I think he has to be in play there he's one of the guys that I would really like to see okay um I just looked up mesaji by the way and he is not pitching well in the minor leagues no he's one of those guys where like he pitched in he pitched in the Bronx and he looked more comfortable than he has in the miners I mean so my question is is that just what he needs like some guys are just better that way we've seen that I don't even know if I I don't think I would play around with that in a win now season where but he F in the majors he has been fine in the majors but you're essentially if you call him up you're essentially running the gamble that he's going to be a different player so you're going to use the sample size of seven Innings which you're not really doing but it's seven Innings of pitching that he pitched excellent he was everything that would ever want him to be but then he's also thrown 344 in a thirds innings in the minor leagues which he's been terrible so is the seven Innings with a is the seven Innings possibly is that going to override what he's done in 344 and in my opinion I just don't know if I can do that I get it sometimes you you give someone more responsibility they might do more with it I don't think the Yankees given the situation that they're in can take that I don't know if can take that I don't get it now it's put up or shut up time though with FR Ros I think we can agree I mean they've they've literally had this thing going on since uh June 19th is when he started pitching in the miners okay so it it's time August he has a 1.42 ER 79 whip I think he's the sure bet if if I had to you 100% people wake up tomorrow Yankees PR that tweet is gonna have fros in it I think so okay could be wrong again they're not the general managers I think this guy should be called up but again we've said the same thing about Marin niio we said we really like the numbers he's putting up in the big leagues his numbers in the minor leagues were also pretty comfortable they were actually really good and we were saying hey what is it about this player that they don't like we couldn't necessarily give you a Rhyme or Reason why he wasn't on the big league team they would just send him down right away then all of a sudden will Warren would just get shelled two starts in a row and he's still on the big league team so we don't really have a direct science here we're just trying to explain I think FR Ros is the one player that I have full expectation will be on the big league team tomorrow other than Rizzo to which they've already confirmed yeah June was bad for Marino but aside from that his July .93 erra uh 1.03 Whip and then August his East kicked butt as well with the 75 whip his ER is higher 2.25 but that's good I think really what we saw in between then and before is Marino has been working on not walking guys like he's been much better um and I I don't really know what they're honestly looking at if they're not going to call him up so if you ask me it has to be either Gomez or Marino if they call up another you know pitcher um the mandatory call up like the mandatory pitching call up I think it's going to be fos I think the mandatory hit will be Rizzo so that leaves you with one more spot so it's either going to be Jason Dominguez Ellis or no it just be either well Dominguez Ellis pzaa it might be pza I I think pza is gonna be the guy for whatever reason I I think it will be pza um yeah I I feel I feel pretty good that it's going to be pza if it's not pza then it's going to be one of Mario or Gomez I think okay yeah and and yeah before we get carried away with this can we can we please talk about this fangraphs uh World Series favorites thing because I feel like I've seen the Yankees name at the top of these lists for eight years in a row doesn't it feel like that it does um yeah so so what are your thoughts on it I mean the Yankees are almost 8 percentage points higher than the Orioles yeah so first of all I don't necessarily think the Yankees are that much better than Baltimore to Warrant that I just don't see it do I think the Yankees have a better chance to win the World Series than the Orioles do I I absolutely do in large part not because of their lineup I think Baltimore can score with the best of them it's really about what Baltimore has at the back end of their Bullpen or anywhere in their Bullpen Baltimore can't get out guys their starting rotation not very good so if you think the Yankees because some people will say well is rodon a sure thing no he's not but you know what the Orioles would love to have right now in their rotation a Carlos rodon they don't have it so there's a reason that they went out in the deadline and were looking for starting pitchers there's a reason they were also looking at flarity they need help in their B in their rotation so having said that yeah I actually told you before we went live Jake when it comes to who's going to win the World Series if I had to give you a real guess I feel like in the American League it's between the Yankee and the Astros I actually feel like Houston's the scariest team in baseball right now they just have the most pedigree that's not necessarily about roster construction anything like that obviously they have a lot of talent but remember when people said Aaron judge hasn't proven himself in October right Juan sto has couple of other guys who have are up there in age for the Yankees especially in their starting lineup well the Houston Astros don't have that problem the Houston Astros all the guys on their team you can have the expectation that they're going to be there in October in performing well why because they've already done it multiple times if you see Alvarez play well in October this year does that surprise you because he played well in October multiple times already and this is a player who's not on the wrong side of 30 he's a great player so having said that I'm going Yankees Astros and in the NL I get it the Dodgers have the the highest odds in the NL I understand it Philadelphia's odds seem a little high to me right now is at 12% based on what I'm looking at I mean they're a bad team right now so Philadelphia is a little high I've told you before in the NL these are the only teams I think right now as it stands can win the World Series I believe the Phillies have a outside chance to win the World Series the Dodgers probably have the highest odds then I have the Dbacks and the Padres those are the teams I understand all these other teams they look at the Braves at 7% Baltimore's at 7% right Philadelphia's at 12 in my opinion it's those three teams in the NL and a couple of teams in the AL this is why we said guys don't worry about the Yankees being a flawed team look at that list look at the list the Dodgers the Dodgers don't have answers in the rotation Clayton Kershaw just left yesterday with an injury got rocked by the Arizona Diamondbacks and they had to win 10 to nine so if you think that we're the only flawed baseball team I've got new for you guys so I just thought this list was interesting I know some people are going to be pissed saying why don't the Royals at 2.8% get any love well you're the Royals so suck it up the Guardians super low on that list the Dbacks at 4.6% I thought was egregious so here's what I I will say um I think stats can really give you kind of a hint as to where things are going to go the things that I focus on runs scored okay everyone is going to have to give it their best you know as far as pitching but if you already know how to hit you can already you know create runs and what have you you got a shot in the postseason even with bad pitching you still have a shot if you can create runs and the Yankees they do it better than anybody in the AL the second best the Orioles the third best the Royals here's why I eliminate the Royals and by the way the Astros while you know they don't have the things that I'm looking at I think the Astros are a team to look out for mainly because of to your point the pedigree aspect of it I don't think this team is overly dangerous on the road I don't think that they score a ton of runs obviously you know they don't allow a lot of runs to be fair they had a very good August by the way yeah they're that's the thing you come in are you a hot team are you a team with experience they like half of their lineup has been there done that so the the Astros definitely belong in the conversation um I would shy away from the Guardians because they're not a great Road team they're great at home but they're I mean they've fallen off a little bit um you know they were in a a rhythm and now they're four- six in the last 10 games they're not GNA be having many home games from the way that looks so so based on what you're saying you're not going to be high on Seattle who can't score a run to save their life uh and they are below 500 they're they're negative-1 on the road absolutely not that team is not playing on the road that team is only playing on the road so not good stuff there I don't want to put like too much of an empy assist but I do think it it matters um the twins they win on the road they're not the best roow team they have you know surprising number of runs scored more than the Guardians and Astros Believe It or Not would not be surprised if the twins snuck and took away uh one of those you know whether it's the Guardians of the the Royals I wouldn't be surprised um the Red Sox they went on the road they can't win at home okay the Red Sox are eliminated for that reason 31 and 38 at home that's not good plus they give up 644 runs to put it in perspective the Yankees have given up 561 so that's not good uh the Royals okay dominate at home but they're one game above 500 on the road I can't trust that I just can't so the Royals to me eliminated Red Sox twins I think the twins can win the division I don't think the twins are going to win the World Series I think it's really the Astros in the whole Steph Curry clay Thompson Draymond Green aspect where they've been there done that you just don't bet against a team like that the Orioles I would keep them they're good on the road they're good at home they have equal 39 wins on the road 39 wins at home um they score runs and they prevent runs so really it's between the Yankees the Orioles and the Astros for me as far as so we're the best road team yeah I mean I don't really think it's remotely close it's not um they're the best road team in the the league not the American League the league there's only another team with 40 wins and that's the AST uh the uh the Padres which is another reason why I think the Padres are in play here Padres are 40 and 28 on the road completely agree I think San Diego is going to be deadly in October I understand people look at it from the outside looking in they lose Juan stto they trade for oras obviously ly oras at the top of your lineup isn't as potent as what Juan stto could potentially do but when you look at what Merrill's done over there some guys have gotten better in San Diego that people didn't anticipate and when that you have that happen Dylan ceas would you see what he's doing these teams are deadly they can pitch but most importantly Jake you bring it up they can score and they can win on the road so I actually really like the prospect of trusting What A team's done throughout the regular season on the road because when you talk about these teams to win the World Series outside of the Yankees outside of the Dodgers a lot of these teams are going to have to go on the road and beat those guys that's what it's going to take it's gonna take going to Dodger Stadium it's going to take going to Yankee Stadium absolutely when there's 65,000 people there and people are hounding you who are you then well if you've been all year you just been losing games why should I expect you to show up in October and change that narrative we shouldn't so we'll use pedig I love that you brought that up and we'll kind of see how that unfolds because some of these teams they're going to feel slided when they go on a run in October to which we predicted in San Diego and they only gave him an 8% chance I feel like that's a little underwhelming yeah I mean they got profar they got salano cronenworth Machado Bogarts Merill and Peralta I mean Peralta you know veteran player giv they Tanner Scott yeah what saying here back into the they're very similar to the Yankees um they score very similar as far as runs scored they're very similar there but another thing about San Diego is that they prevent runs they only have 583 runs given up I mean you know it's not the best but it's not the worst either you know and so that's the thing is that you have the Braves who have 522 runs allowed and Mariners have only allowed 512 but no one gives a rip because they don't score no one's looking at like Seattle like oh yeah this team that can't do anything on the road yeah they're going to be a problem no one is no one should be scared of Seattle at all period they're not at all a scary team it's only their own fans be afraid the scary team and they've given up more runs than maybe you would want but yeah again Yankees Orioles Astros and the AO I mentioned the Padres the Dodgers absolutely belong there they're good on they're very very they're probably the best home team period mhm mhm and they're solid on the road and they score a ton of runs and the runs allowed are still in the 550s that's great MH so you know they won eight of their last 10 the Diamondbacks have scored more runs than anybody they give up quite a few runs 635 but they find ways to get it done they're a 38 win team uh at home and they've won 38 games on the road how do the reigning NL champion who got better so under appreciated four 4.6% chance to make it to the World Series or winning the World Series I don't get that and these are teams by the way the Dodgers and the Dbacks both of which if they make it to the World Series they have the Yankees with the highest odds well what can't the Yankees hit oh that's right left-handed pitching that's right so all I'll say this the the top five in the in the NL those are the teams look out for um that's what I'll say I think the the World Series will be either the Yankees Orioles or Astros in the AL and in the NL it'll either be the Dodgers Phillies Brewers Padres and Diamondbacks what I don't want to do is overreact to how Philadelphia has played as of late I think that's still a very good team they've won 45 games at home so they're right up there with the Dodgers as being maybe the best home team in the league and they've gone 34 and 31 on the road so they're above 500 Road team they they have 653 runs scored which is very good and they've only allowed allowed 541 uh 547 runs they're six and four in their last 10 so I think that you know since the Yankees um series a lot of people have been just out on the the um Phillies and you know that is that is what it is but I'll be honest with you they won that Kansas City series they won that Houston series they're in the driver seat tonight to potentially win this Atlanta series um you know and that's the thing is like after the Yankees series because they lost to Cleveland and then got swept by the Yankees and then they only won one in the series against Seattle people didn't really pay attention because then right after that they beat the the Dodgers in the series they won two of three but the Arizona Diamondbacks practically destroyed them they lost the first game and then the Diamondbacks won three straight they lost to Miami they're beating Miami and Washington no one's paying attention so I think the Phillies have been off the radar a little bit if you ask me and they're actually not as bad as people are making them out to be they still have the record they're still 7956 I wouldn't rule them out so I think really looking at it um the top five in wins in the NL the Diamondbacks the Padres the Brewers the Phillies and the Dodgers one of those teams is going to be your NL uh you know champion and I wouldn't be surprised if it was any of them yeah I actually think that's a smart play by you to to say that the Phillies have enough because we can't say the Astros have pedigree now part of the reason we're looking at the Astros is the way they played in August yeah but Philadelphia once it gets to October baseball guys like schwarber Harper Turner right cascianos a lot of those guys you have to rely on those names at some point or another those names have to matter and it's the reason why when we got to the deadline everyone said yeah Philadelphia best team in baseball we didn't say just National League we said baseball that's because a lot of times those players were the all the stuff you see on the back of their baseball card they were doing that so that's the reason why we gave him that title so having said that I think Philadelphia and us the Yankees we're one of two teams that it really doesn't matter what we do in the regular season and I understand like we just said on our podcast you have to treat the regular season like it's important I think it is a super important aspect of the season but Jake we're the only two teams that if we lose Philadelphia's made it to the World Series a few like they want to win the World Series they're at that point now Bryce Harper's at that point where we've got to win in this next like it's probably got to be this year this year next year and that's about it so the Yankees are on that same boat the Yankees need to win either this year or next year otherwise you're looking at a 33 34y Old Aaron judge where you're now having to make it a lot harder on yourself to win a World Series so yeah I I actually completely agree with what you said and we're GNA have to see how this pans out I know Baltimore fans are going to be pissed when they see this because they're probably thinking to themselves why are the Yankees considered to be so much better than us it's probably just because of the Yankees and fangraphs just wanted clicks but I mean I'm sure there there are some statistical reasons why this happened because clearly Fang grafts believes in rhon fangraphs believes in gar Cole getting back to Gar Cole and I guess it's nothing's a sure thing because gar Cole and rhon haven't done anything up until August 31st to make us feel like we know what we're getting at that point so a lot of risky picks here I probably wouldn't gamble on any of those teams at the top we'd probably be looking at who' we say we'd go after either the Dbacks at 4.6% or who else you said the Mets at yeah the Mets is s it's like yeah 7% I mean you're gonna make You're Gonna Be A Millionaire if they make it to the ntion if they win the national league I it's not gonna happen but 7% and I don't know so well and I'll also say this I forgot to mention this the Brewers got awful news uh yelish is done yeah that's they were hoping he'd be back he's out for three months and obviously three months from now they're not playing baseball anymore so um that sucks for them I I that's I'll say that probably eliminates them for me even though they have I know it really does cuz I think that they absolutely could have made a run they're still a competitive team and you look at the guys in the lineup and you're like I know some of them but like why are they so competitive um but they're still they're fighting but I still think this is I'm still going to go along the lines of yeah I don't think that they're going to win the World Series or get to the World Series without yish so uh Dodgers Phillies Padre's Diamondbacks and in the AL Yankees Orioles Astros um with an emphasis on the Astros over the Orioles I think that that's what I would say there um so yeah I mean game didn't go the way we wanted it to go today uh games like this I mean when you you have 12 hits and you score the magic number five runs you expect to win all those games and to lose this game really sucked and they lost it by that much if you really think about it Stanton ball Just Hits just shy normally he hits those out came very close you got to give him a lot of props still does not have a home run in pinch hitting situations so yeah the tag team of Warren and lighter Jr is just the just the turd sandwich that just never goes away that tastes in your mouth it's unfortunate and pitching is so important in the game of baseball maybe not ace likee quality pitching but a level of pitching that keeps you in the game Warren didn't keep us in the game you can't give up four runs I understand vulpi had a play he should have made but you give up four ear earned that's very we want to make sure that's heard four earned runs in four Innings pitch that's not going to do it so no when you have that happen you give up three walks four earned and then lighter Jr comes out in a low-leverage situation he's probably just working on some stuff and he goes two innings and you give up two runs well you can't necessarily look at your offense and ask JN Carlos Stan to hit the ball any harder the offense did what they were supposed to do they punched back but when you're when you're on the mat for that long your expectations of winning probably shouldn't be very high I mean most teams that win in baseball their pitching does a job that day that's that's really the name of the game yeah and shout out to Weaver Mesa and Hill they came in and actually did what they were supposed to do um so you know giving them credit Mesa is desperately trying to stay on this roster he wants to be a part of the postseason and I know people are against him because the a is high but you know you have to understand why the Yankees went out and got a guy like that I mean very low risk um High reward if it pans out I mean he's had some really good seasons in the past so um I still like the idea of just this is their project trying to you know extract whatever you can out of them it doesn't work you have guys in the miners like we talk about you know Gomez and Marin niio that can you know take over but I like that they're at least trying that and I want to touch on one thing before we go has to be brought up Oswaldo Cabrera um I can't even get on him I think that that call today was absolutely atrocious I I don't care I think the problem explain that for our audience to make sure if they missed it so if you guys missed it it was the first uh batter of the ninth inning crucial ninth inning obviously this game's pretty much over six to2 at that point and Oswaldo Cabrera Works a 3-2 count in the ninth does a great job great at bat also shout out to Boon for playing him at first love that but does a great job and 32 he is you know just going through the mannerisms and everything you know like whatever and they say he didn't make contact I contact with the pitcher so they said that was a pitch clock violation on the batter and so he doesn't get a chance to swing the bat it's an automatic strikeout and you know to me I just think that the the you know baseball just has this stuff ass backwards they're trying to speed through the game and I get that but there is a natural you know thing when you're going up against a pitcher and when you're going up against a hitter there are things that are done like you know guys have okay I have to touch my elbow or like all sorts of different routines that these guys go through and Cabrera earned that right it was a 3-2 pitch count and in my opinion like I think the pitch count if if this is actually going to be an issue because this we don't know if this cost from the game but it very well could have um it's an important call and you know the fact that you just gave the other team a strikeout when the count was 3-2 because he was in the Box quick enough which by the way by the time he called this he was in the Box he said that there was not enough eye contact made so okay so based on the way that the rule is stated with eye contact if that's the way that they're going to apply the rule then technically I feel that they applied it correctly but here's because I remember before we went live we were talking about yes the ru lack of consisteny like this is never called they just randomly will call yes it was broken but like do we even want this called if the rule is broken in the ninth inning and I think at some point or another someone needs to ask that question yes we're trying to speed up the game but is it necessary to speed up the game when we're in the final inning potentially and I feel like there can be some adjustments to this rule absolutely maybe you can make this call in the third inning and I probably won't talk about it on our podcast but when we're in the ninth inning trying to steam a comeback well yeah I'm going to talk about it and you potentially might change the outcome of the game or at the very least are making fans feel when you make a call like this when they're throwing their final punch it feels like the rules are having more of an impact on the game than the players are and that matters so I didn't like the call at all despite me feeling like the call was accurately used but I just don't like the rule I don't get it I understand speeding up the game but applying the rule when they applied it I just don't see it as something that baseball needs that is like it's Fourth and goal at the goal line and there is a delay of game on the offense and you just basically gave the ball back to the defense and you lost right I mean you know the rule in the NFL where the coach is on the field often times there'll be a penalty get off the field they'll throw a penalty right some coaches deal with this more than others but you know when you would never make that call in the Super Bowl on third down yeah you just kind of know situationally every once in a while I'm going to let the rule book slide given the situation that's at hand because we know the actual Narrative of this game will now be on us and not on the game so I just think as an Umpire you still need to have the human element involved here and know when to apply these rules and when not to I know they're going to say we we're trying to be straight across the board we're not trying to have any human element but guys sometimes you just have to we accept it in this sport every once once in a while and then act like it's awful in another situation 3 counts we know inherently umpires are going to call pitches outside the strike zone it just happens The Zone expands why no one will ever tell you but it's the human element of the sport so some somehow some way the game gets better with human element and in other ways it gets worse and today yeah it's just today it got worse it's I'm going to say it like this and this is actually my dad's biggest issue with today's game and he always saids it I hate that for and his exact words I won't remember the exact way he said it but I thought was spot on I hate for a hundred years or whatever you batting like basically RB's runs batted in were basically batting in somebody that had done their job to get on base and now ghost Runners have completely changed everything so in history where there had never been a run like scored by somebody that didn't earn it now you actually have in the history of the game as my dad pointed out you have guys scoring runs that do not deserve to score runs congrats you were the last out the last inning here here's a free run like so on your stats they give you a run scored yeah it's a run scored that is ridiculous that's why my dad's like I hate that they did that he hates ghost Runners I totally agree with it and I'm sure he doesn't know about this yet probably maybe he does okay no he was at his gig so he definitely doesn't know about this so when he finds this out we're probably going to talk about this and he is going to be so pissed because he hates the idea of first off officials affecting the game but he also hates the idea that so you're telling me in the rule books it will go down as in history that Oswaldo Cabrera struck out without actually having a third strike thrown so this is like bowling this is like bowling when you really didn't get a strike but you can really go on the little machine and you can put it in but when you put it on the machine and it goes up on the screen it's now blue or in a lot of different bowling alleys it'll be red so they don't keep it the same color so what you're telling me Jake is there needs to be a website that says runs scored for your career RBI scored like rbi's driven in and then it says like fake RBI fake runs yeah not real runs that is interesting because I get it technically all baseball is all sports are is different rules are Chang and then numbers obviously Al are altered based on that as well because you can also make the argument that stolen bases are widely inflated based on the bases being closer together right there are different rules that change numbers but it's not quite as egregious in any other way than just manually plucking somebody who couldn't get on base an inning ago and saying here you go you're going to be at second base and if there's a single slap to right field congratulations you have a run scored yep and you're closer to scoring 100 runs and then asking for more money this offseason that's crazy well it gets even crazier Hesley had two strikeouts but one of those was Cabrera so he didn't actually strike out Cabrera on his own so he really had one real strikeout he got credited with a strikeout for that that's insane like how is that how how do we just like go about our days moving forward like how is that acceptable we have a guy who like stats are meaningless at that point we're warning stats because some automatic strikeout rule he didn't actually I think the way baseball would take it is like that's goal tending I think that's the way baseball sees this they see it as like Steph Curry shoots a three if LeBron jumps up and grabs it midair technically we have no idea whether or not it would have gone in the hoop but you took away the the ability for it to go in the hoop so we're going going to give Steph Curry the credit you what's the problem well because if it is like if they're looking at is goal tending goal tending is someone doing something that is illegal okay that like in a way like so if LeBron goes up and takes the ball out of the air and we don't know it had no chance of coming down or whatever like Steph Curry like he's essentially blocking Steph Curry illegally from like actually putting the ball in the hoop yeah he's making it physically impossible for the ball to go in and clearly here all you have to is let him hit again yeah Oswaldo did nothing here like just give him a warning reset the clock reset the atat and there you go but now you you're basically saying despite the fact he didn't cheat Hesley out of being able to get him out he didn't just see this this is why he slow him down he inconvenienced him him and now he gets a strike out I just I I don't even have words I will say this though next time Cera is up he should just hit the glove on purpose and get a a free base for him because he was screwed I agree I would just actually Michael K has brought this up a lot there should be guys who are designated stinkers on your roster their sole purpose is to be fast like you can bring in a Dyson for example the pinch Runner who ran during those yes who ran during those Kansas City World Series run well you can just have a player like that just get up to the plate and just swing and hit the catcher you can do it stand at the back of the box most catchers are taught to scoot up because of all the breaking balls they throw you're gonna easily be able to hit the catcher just get over to first base you can do that yeah I we so I agree with you I think Cabrera should go ahead and do it just to set the tone yep and then if anyone says anything after the game be like you know what I felt like I needed a refund so he gets his Bat at bat refunded I agree and by the way is it your turn to call a movie or is it mine it's yours cuz we did we did a good movie yeah we did Beverly Hills Cop which you need to watch at some point so bad so now I need to figure out so two Miss [Laughter] calls I don't think that's a real movie but it'd be funny I can probably you know what I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with let's go okay the Ghostbusters I mean if you did any Ghostbusters movie I think it works I hate that whole franch I love the first Ghostbusters yeah I don't like the franchise at all all right let's go with Ghostbusters Frozen Empire no one saw that it obviously was never GNA be a good movie so they just no one saw that somebody in the comment section I saw that no one saw that Luigi's Mansion live action it's it's garbage it it's the original was a very good movie in my for its time I love the movie personally I mean I grew up watching it but these latest Ghostbusters terrible so just you can put in the comment section you can either put Ghostbusters Frozen Empire or you can put in any version of Ghostbusters after the original so I'll take I'll take either you heard him put it in there Ghostbusters Frozen Empire or any Ghostbusters not as the original um that's going to do it so appreciate you guys hanging out long episode so if you made it this far definitely be sure to put that in there and uh obviously earlier games so we released a little bit earlier than maybe you know days that we would have but uh be sure to like subscribe and comment if you want to become a member hit the join button or check out in the description in the comments section below and uh we'll see you guys in the next video and like this video [Music] [Applause] o [Music]

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