Aaron Boone & Brian Cashman went ALL IN on Clay Holmes and it FAILED

disaster strikes the Yankees yet again 74 Texas Rangers they steal this game away and I mean of course clay Holmes blew it um this is Yankees unloaded I'm Jake Ellen boan he is Gary Sheffield Jr if you've never seen us before stick around enjoy you'll probably like us if not let us know in the comment section why maybe we'll try to be a little bit better for you next time but appreciate everyone in the comment section below for for hanging out with us and everything and um just the growth of this channnel um this was not an easy one today uh because this is one of those ones where you have a pitcher that has been kind of up and down as of late comes in and he gives you 11 strikeouts and six Innings only one hit one home run given up and you're thinking hm my starter gave six Innings of one run ball one hit ball struck out 11 got to imagine the offense is going to pick him up well the offense wasn't awful today they just weren't really creating runs they were putting the ball in play um you had you know a couple multi-hit games a few multi-hit games glaber uh Chisum and vulpi all have been hitting well um but the reality is Gary they didn't score the five runs but that shouldn't have mattered if they actually had a closer worth a damn uh this game is over and and you know remember I always say uh you're only as good as your closer I did also defend clay Holmes last night or the prospect of him and said you with you we both talked about it like he's gonna lose games and the Yankees can still win the World Series I'm gon to go back on my statement I don't think the Yankees can win a World Series the way he's pitching right now I think it's it's truthfully that bad and this is the main part that we wanted to hit on this so badly Gary we actually moved around the entire show the new member section we'll be shouting out uh our new member we'll be giving the shout outs to the field level we'll be doing mailbag in the middle of the show we have to talk about clay holes because that was that was a disaster yeah that whole performance whether it be management or pitching at the end of the game really was just felt like it just gave me Diary I don't know if it was the spicy chicken sandwich I got from Popeyes for dinner or if it was Clay Holmes or Boone or all of the above it was just such a predictable outcome that I believe a lot of our audience that we've built from the ground up these last couple months I think they've come to expect this this is the expectation and I think the only hope going into the ninth inning there was that the Yankees who tacked on two runs in the seventh inning they were big runs they we were all hoping that we' be up four or five going into the ninth that was actually why I put such an emphasis on what we were doing offensive today I thought we were actually really good but when you leg out ground balls right the way you saw Jazz Chism lag out and then it's capitalized on with an Anthony vulpi single he was really good tonight and you're looking at and thinking okay our offense came up with runners in scoring position they cashed in with a big hit how much do those moments really matter when you have and Jake I said this just before we went live that you have somebody at the end of the game that you like to call your closer the ultimate fireman he's going to show up and put out the fire he's going to be a problem solver Kay Holmes is an arsonist and really Aaron Boone is just an enabler to the entire situation you have him on Sports Illustrated to an article I actually have pulled up right in front of me to which he says despite an MLB leading 10th loan save Aaron Boon says he's committed to keeping clay Holmes at the closers role for the rest of the season Brian Hox says Clays the guy it's almost like this is politician work like he's trying to sell me on something that we're he knows we're not sold on so where I'm at with this is that this is a problem clay Holmes is a problem but there are other issues with this Yankees organization and it is who's allowing this to occur because I'll tell you this yes you can absolutely argue nowhere on this roster is a there a real definitive closer I would argue it that you can mention anybody that we have in our bull pin you can mention Luis heel who people have said maybe you can move him to the bullpen Clark Schmidt maybe you can move him to the pen they've mentioned all these guys who can potentially help but you know what Jake none of them are a real definitive answer none of them have any pedigree at closing games consistently in the ninth inning so this is what that tells me the fact that those guys are better options tells you just how bad it is in the ninth inning we have a manager committed to someone who is bad he's bad and we have to sit here and go into the ninth inning after big hits right a huge performance from rhon we have to watch all that transpire and then all to come down to the ninth inning and be up one and all your fan Bas is sitting here thinking man I just really hope one of these rockets that comes off the bat of a holes pitch just goes right at somebody cuz if it doesn't we lose and it just so happens that rocket actually the trajectory went into the left field stands that's how it goes when you have a pitcher at this level and it's a real shame because this is a real skid mark for a pretty good team in my opinion we are flawed J and a good day I thought that like great starting pitching contact one thing I want to add Gary to your point um Kay Holmes got into a 3-2 count I don't care if you or I are at the plate three2 count Kay Holmes if he walks in a run the game's tied so a guy that pitches to contact cannot get whiffs a guy that you know was having control issues he's gonna try his damnest to keep that in the zone well you know what that happened to be that led to the rookie Langford who was 0 for five and was awful today well can we talk about the atat to okay first of all he threw four pitches okay the first four pitches there were more pitches after this okay the first four pitches the at bat two of which were balls okay no surprise there from clay Holmes the other two pitches to which Langford didn't swing at were also balls but the home played umpire was just dismal all night he was felt bad for clay he gave him quite a few calls there the game gave everybody calls the calls were atrocious I was actually texting with my mom at the time and we were talking about how bad the hlay Umpire was and obviously I was thankful for it at the time but I also knew no part of Langford was missing any of the pitches Klay Holmes had to offer so really it didn't matter the only way clay Holmes was going to get an out is either a if there was a rocket directly in the air straight to an infielders chest or if there was a called strike three outside the zone that lford chose not to swing at anything else was a blown save so that's kind of what we're telling you guys here at this podcast now as it stands your expectation should be if clay Holmes comes out if we're not leading by three runs or more that is more than likely going to be probably a 35 to 40% proposition the Yankees are more likely to lose than they are to win when clay Holmes comes into the game and that's it's not something you often hear you know who's actually a player Jake that I like to compare Klay Holmes to it is actually Fernando Rodney and for those of you who watch Fernando Rodney's career and if you look at his ra his ra is much higher than Klay Holmes career ra but where I'm at with this is that Fernando Rodney never made anything easy nothing was easy no he had the stuff he had 100 he had a Bugs Bunny change up he had a nasty slider he had all the pitches that made the broadcast clamor and get excited and had the manager believing he can close do the job imagine right now no no but what's so interesting is that Rodney couldn't throw a damn strike to save his life he just couldn't no command whatsoever so what's my point here it doesn't matter what you have in terms of stuff stuff is just a bonus this is why I love listening to people like Greg Maddox talk about baseball they talk about the art of pitching is going away and you have people committing to stuff like it's the most important thing in the world it isn't okay pitchers in the past pitch without stuff for a hundred years and now we come into 2024 and a guy is your closer why is he our closer he's our closer because he had a 100 m hour Sinker and he has a slider that breaks two feet they're talking about analytics and movement that's why Kay Holmes is your closer so for those of you wondering why is it that Boon commits to this why is it that the Yankees commit to this garbage it's because of movement do you ever listen to the yes broadcast and they tell you man look at that Sinker ball it looks like a lefty curveball it looks like a lefty slider they say it almost every other broadcast and yet every other broadcast there's a blown save and they cover it but they talk about that movement because it's trying to justify why he's out there he's not good at pitching he's not good at pitching so this idea that he's the closer someone should be fired I don't care who it is something should happen someone should be held accountable and I know Clay Holmes more than likely will not be back with the Yankees he makes $6 million this year he's a free agent the Yankees aren't gon to have him back more than likely but having said that it's isn't it too late for that we went past the deadline we could have went out and got some somebody maybe not a Miller from Oakland maybe not Emanuel CL but somebody who's going to go out there and be better than a 5050 proposition in the ninth inning the most important inning of the game so Jake it's disappointing but yet so predictable that I can't possibly sell it to our audience that it's anything other than just a tossup at best yeah it's h well we said 50/50 yesterday and actually have the exact numbers May 20th okay yes why May 20th you may ask because clay Holmes was impeccable until he blew his second save when he blew his second save I don't even know what happened to him but because he blew a save um his fourth outing against the Diamondbacks and he won the game they won six to five he went on to be let's say 1 2 3 4 five 6 Seven 8 nine 10 saves in a row that he completed right was not bad had a zero erra well the moment and I said this remember I said this when we were we were we're not doing it every single day we're doing it like every other day but um on the show I said that four inning the four Run game that he had against Seattle that Seattle loss that second blown save he had what that was when Pandora's Box opened like moving forward he'll get a save here and there but it is going to be hard because watching him pitch earlier in the year he didn't look bad he looked completely different but then after that May 20th after May 21st rather May 21st when Seattle came back in that game and won that game he's not been the same since don't believe me here are the stats so the Yankees are 22 and 14 in that span that's 36 games Holmes has pitched 34 and 2/3 now mind you pitched that means he's gotten out 34 in 2/3 as we learned today he pitched the inning he only got through one batter so that goes into his stat sheet as 0.1 Innings because he was terrible so anyway 20 runs given up 16 earned he's given up more hits then he's pitched Innings 37 hits and 34 and 2/3 now remember what we said he pitches the contact and we don't really care about hits we just care about runs well guess what Klay Holmes ER is 45 in that span the batting average against him is 270 batted balls in play 350 batting average so what am I getting at here well if you do the match Klay Holmes has 17 or 16 saves 10 blown saves since May 21st right M if you do that math it comes out to be a 61.5% success rate now it's a different sport but I don't know why as soon as I heard that I thought about field goal kickers because how important are field goal kickers they could literally be the closer right yeah I mean I team behind me went to the Super Bowl because they had a good field goal kicker so obviously when you're talking about say the New England Patriots well the they're not using the field goal kicker at the end of the game because they're pretty much getting blown out but Chad Ryland was the worst field goal kicker percentage wise in the league sorry Chad if you're a viewer of this show um so he was the he he had a 64% field goal kicking rate that's terrible that's awful and Holmes is at low in the low 60s you said Holmes has a lower success rate than Chad Ryland okay I understand different things but still are you kidding me 61.5% of the time so when we said 50% we we were throwing it out there like okay 50% we weren't actually using stats in our show we always like to use stats to back up our analysis well guys we have the actual num 61.5 that is horrible and that's not for the full year but I don't care about the full year I'm getting rid of all the good because that's not clay Holmes that's not the clay Holmes I'm getting week in and week out the clay Holmes I'm getting week in and week out is this this perfectly encapsulates who clay Holmes is he is a 415 ra pitcher that's what he is he's not a closer he he can't work in high leverage situations and when you factor in the fact that you have like let's be honest here okay Kay Holmes is pitching to contact as we said multiple times and he gets blasted or he gets the ground ball and you have DJ lahu at first whatever he gets blasted and it's the same thing with Aaron Boone I have today's quote did you see today's quote I didn't see the quote I'm prepared yep Let it Fly yep so I don't feel he's had a lot of those stretches this year tonight they got him a lot of the times where we've lost it's been soft contact beating him well that's absolutely not true because what you're saying in saying that he only essentially more often than not it's soft contact and regardless who gives a rip I don't I care about the end result but let's just you know humor him for a second if that's true was that home run soft contact well no so that's what he's so that's what he's saying he saying they finally got him so really what he's saying he's treating this like one of his first real blown saves because it was hard contact Asos to the we of course it is but you know really what it reminds me of it reminds me a lot of the 01 World Series mariana rivera gave up some of the softest contact you've ever seen now there was a situation actually before Luis Gonzalez Lu Gonzalez's walkoff Tony wac ripped a double down the right field line to tie the game for those of you who forgot okay so mind you a very hard hit ball but guess what guys when mariana rivera talks about that game he says I blew the game and that happens I completely blew the game and I wish I'd done a better job he was accountable to the situation he didn't talk about I made a really good pitch and I felt I did my job have you ever heard mariana rivera say that you haven't and I don't need to look that up I've seen him talk about it so that's my point here Aaron Boon defends his decision to leave clay Holmes at the closer role because he says yes we might be losing games but he's getting weak contact which the numbers in baseball Savant suggest that that's true but guess what Jake his job's not to give up weak contact it doesn't say weak contact ATT pitcher at the end of the game it says closing pitcher closing means ending ending the game if the game ends with us losing you're not a closer you are a weak contact getter loser if it I mean this is why when you talked about earlier when you mentioned diarrhea you really don't mince words um when you talked about that you're like I don't know Clay Holmes the manager the GM you know whatever MH this is why everyone deserves blame clay Holmes is not executing the game plan the game plan also sucks it sucks I mean it is a terrible so your entire point is to pitch to contact so I mean that is terrible and then in addition to that Brian Cashman for saying I mean he had a chance and we we were we had smoke blown up our ass for days about how oh they're interested in this guy and interested in this guy and interested in this guy I mean the reality is he stood on his business and he said we like clay klay's our guy we trust clay to that effect and we I was not looking for a closer at the deadline I never would have said that Gary never would have said that when you say that now whether you meant it to be we Love Clay we're going to bring back clay at the end of the year Clay is my favorite pitcher it doesn't matter because now you have to live with it it is September and it I mean I understand it's early September but it's September this is the last month of regular season baseball and the Yankees truthfully need to look themselves in the mirror and be like we this whole thing up totally yeah can I ask you question messed it up what's that so here's where I'm at with Clay Holmes cuz I understand there are going to be a large portion of our listeners who are very angry at what happened and then there's going to be another part of our audience that said well this is what I expected so I don't know why everybody's up in up in arms now I've been complaining about this since May I've been complaining about it since last year and that's all valid I think both sides are completely valid here but where here's my question if you were hopping on an airplane in Southwest Airlines or American Airlines over the intercom said hey guys I'm just letting you know we're going to have a nice flight here from LaGuardia Airport we're going to land in Dallas Texas here in a few hours um our our pilot here is going to be doing the takeoff and he has 30 years of experience but our co-pilot here is blind and has no idea where he's going he'll be landing the plane for you guys well how upset would you really be and how surprised would you really be that they take you right into the Pacific Ocean you wouldn't be your expectation is that you should die that's how that goes clay Holmes is the co-pilot Landing the plane it's not going to ever land correctly and in the off chance you do land it was lucky so all the talk about Aaron Boon like saying hey he's been an unlucky pitcher right and there's been interviews of him saying he's been unlucky all year no actually I would argue with a pitcher who's blowing more games than he's saving because statistically he's doing exactly that it's actually statistically more lucky for the Yankees to win a game that he pitches in than if he doesn't so this idea that this is luck oriented we need to really ditch this concept of luck baseball is not a sport of luck in my estimation hardly ever do you see the outcome of games changed consistently based on luck I don't believe in that personally I cannot buy into it and absolutely not we're just in a position right now that is just so void of accountability I think that's the word people are looking for they're waiting for the Yankees to become accountable again people have Gast lit the Yankees fan base and talked about how much money you want them to spend is it$ 350 is it $400 million on players no actually the amount of money Yankees fans are looking for you to spend is uh it's however much accountability costs whatever manager you need to hire where accountability walks through the door you can put a c on anyone's chest and Aaron judge who we all love as a a player and as a leader but man does it really matter when you have someone just my mom brought it up to me she's a Padre's fan she watches the Yankees because she wants to see what's going to happen with our podcast here and she texts me and said why is your manager just so relaxed after what just happen and I told her Aaron Boon's trying to convey that he's not panicking about Kay Holmes because he's trying to project confidence when in actuality it just looks laxad daal like like he's walking around at Central Park it's not it doesn't lead men it's not inspiring it is just completely lacking concept of process that works and we just feel like at any point the Yankees to win a game we've got to score nine runs and have gar Cole or rhon spin a gem and have games that aren't close that Holmes doesn't get a chance to pitch in that's how the Yankees win games right now and like I said yesterday Jake I know you went back on your comment on holes and the fact we can win with them I don't know what are I have no idea what are the odds that this pitcher gets on the mound in the most important inning and he consistently allows us a chance to win games I don't know how likely that is so I don't know if I want to take it back either I just don't know I feel like this is just gross negligence at the highest level very well said I think the thing that bothers me the most is that and you know cuz we talked about this off air again it's not clay Holmes giving up the the save and blowing this game it's that I I feel like relief pitchers deserve somewhat of a free pass not a free pass but somewhat of an understanding when you're pitching in Extra Innings you have a runner on second whether you like it or not and in a lot of ways if you're going up against the Rangers in the 10th inning right and Kay Holmes just gives up a you know regular softly lined base hit it's going to score Simeon or whoever was next uh to be on second base and there you go game over I can live with that because I honestly don't like the ghost Runner I've said that before um but I can understand that I I don't even necessarily put that on on Kay Holmes I mean he's giving up a hit and there just happens to be a guy there that didn't earn his way on base I mean that that's the rule but I get it no when you come in and you pitch the entire nth inning as the closer your job is to make sure you shut the door and win the game at the very least get out of it with Extra Innings right right he comes in with a 4-3 lead which should be enough for an MLB closer I shouldn't have to give you five runs six runs seven runs I shouldn't have to put up crooked numbers I mean you and I were talking talking about that last inning like wow too bad judge didn't come through because if he came through they'd probably win and now you and I are thinking they might lose this game you shouldn't have to think that way Mar rera comes in in a a 43 ball game the game's over done yeah and obviously Marian Rivera best closer of all time for those of you wondering his and you know this his closing rate for those of you wondering the number because we mentioned earlier in the show Jake brought this up Klay Holmes is closing 60% roughly of his save opportunities 60 okay Mariana riva's rate for his career not just in one year his best year no his whole career 89% just north of 89% so we didn't expect 89% that's not the expectation we know nobody's going to be Marana Rivera nobody but I also want people to understand that we are looking for somebody who's comparable in the position and also don't get upset at clay Holmes he can't steer the boat he's being given this opportunity based on stuff and what's he G to do give up the position himself he just can't do the job it's somebody else's fault who's putting him in position to fail consistently I mean I still get mad at Kay Holmes but I know what you're saying though but if you the only player I get mad at the only player and I know we all get mad at players and it feels like it happens all the time there's only one player that bothers me and it's not necessarily right now but it's been majority of the Year and that is Alex fugo and you know why it's because of effort and not performance I don't get mad at baseball players for poor performance if you don't do the job well I need to look at the boss and say well who put him in position to do this you're at times you're not going to play well that's totally understandable that's baseball That's Sports but when you start showing me something consistently and you're not doing the job or you're doing the job more consistently the person above you the manager in this situation I need to trust that he's going to make the right decision with you so that that way I don't have to try and do the manager's job and wonder what he's doing with his job because if a guy's not closing games he's just blowing the hell out of games at the end of the year the entire time right we end up in October this year in the future we get up two to one against the Philadelphia Phillies in game seven of the World Series and and Holmes comes in and gives up a grand slam blows the entire world series well am I really gonna get mad at clay Holmes or can I look at Aaron Boone and say or Brian how about this Brian Cashman shouldn't we have found somebody else based on what's happened the entire entire year to come do this job better you guys couldn't find one person you trusted more and their answer by putting them on the field is no which makes them either Liars or poor at their job so you guys the audience you tell me what it is because I'm just telling you that clay Holmes going out there and closing games is one of two things it is just stupidity or it is politician lying like you just lying and trying to tell me something so I don't care what it is all I know is that when the Yankees go into the ninth inning I go crack open an ice cold Dr Pepper put on my walking shoes and get prepared to go walk around the neighborhood because that's what I do when I'm stressed I get stressed when this Yankees team goes into the ninth inning because it's not a power position the Yankees in the ninth inning are a bad baseball team they are bad we are bad in Extra Innings you could talk all day long about Runners starting at second base well you know what Jake and you know this they start with a runner on second base too when they're on the mound they do in somehow some way these other teams make better adjustments late in games than we do we're still a good team but we're a good team because of what we do in Innings one through eight but what do you do in the ninth inning where World Series are one well it happens to be where we're at our worst so I don't know what to tell you guys I think that this is a reality that we need to Hope changes but for what reason could I tell you it's going to no I I agree with all of that I really do I think first off what I want to say then we'll get to the new member field level shout outs in mailbag first thing I want to say Gary is this this is a position that has a ton of turnover ton I mean we see it all the time I mean if you ever played Fantasy Baseball before it's almost a meme oh yeah this guy is trying to become the close this guy's trying to become the closer you could draft three closers this is why my my dad would always win these leagues cuz he would never draft those guys he'd be the guy picking them up throughout the year he'd be monitoring him right think about how many closers lose their job every year but forever reason for less than what Klay Holmes is doing they've they've been guilty of less than what Klay Holmes saying the job should be fluid it always should I want the best guy I don't care if it's a week and he's the hottest pitcher on my team I want the best guy because the problem is we've made closer out to be this position right it's not a position it's a relief pitcher and you just happen to like him the most for the ninth inning the no no the only closers out there are guys like mariana rivera right are guys like Trevor Hoffman those are closers everyone mean your favorite most reliable guy is that what you're saying essentially what a closer is okay so what is that to me that's a direct reflection on Aaron Boon and Brian Cashman if they truly think that they trust him more than anybody else in the pen then one that's an abject failure on your part that you have not accumulated enough in your Bullpen the same organization that made it their mission to go out and get guys like Miller and Chapman and Britain and bonis you're you now have a bullpen where the only guy you trust to finish out a game is Clay Holmes so you failed and then Boon you're no better because you're basically saying this is your chance to kind of take things away from Cashman a little bit and be like hey you know what we'll keep things open we'll do you know maybe closer by committee we're going to see what Jake can do in that role we'll see what Tommy can do in that role we'll give Tim Hill an opportunity we'll start giving guys opportunities and then guy it doesn't to that he the closer we'll just roll with a few different guys no what he continues to do is your point he's an enabler he continues to Double Down triple down even quadruple down on Clay Holmes I don't know how but this guy is totally willing to go down with the ship he's totally willing to die on the hill and cost himself his career for clay Holmes and I just I don't get it but then the other thing I'll say is this going back to it the thing that really aggravates me MH is that it's not just the Extra Inning thing it's the fact that there were nobody on base he got to the point where he only got one guy out he had bases loaded and gave up a grand slam because he was incapable of finding the strike zone because huge Zone by the way huge Zone another thing I'll say um trino deserves a lot of credit he played a great goalie today because holy the ball was everywhere have you SE in at bat just like not in that bat but like a you know a situation where you were pitching on the M have you seen like eight like eight balls I think he had eight no it looked like he was he was a goalie for the Tampa Bay Lightning he was blocking everything vaski yeah he was just reactionary everywhere and he Wasing J shout out to trino because he kept the game still a game because at any point if any of those are pass balls and this is where I will give him credit because you know obviously I think Wells does the same thing but this is why you can't be um just accepting and not accepting what's the word I'm looking for you can't take a catcher for granted essentially and trino in the ninth inning did his best held on for to all hell like he was Tom Cruz in a freaking Mission Impossible movie hanging on for dear life on top of the the airplane and he he even said he almost died filming that scene you know all the time though the Yankees tell us well you may want to give up on Klay Holmes or you may want to give up on Aaron Boone or Brian Cashman but they would have a job tomorrow if you got rid of them to which I say who cares so 35 wins yeah of course they hire Aaron Boone well that doesn't make it a good hire that doesn't make him good doesn't matter if even a even if a competitor like the Philadelphia Phillies very good team in the league if they went out and took Kay Holmes you think I would be worried hey well here's what Brian Cashman and all these people are really saying they're really worried when they say that right when they say person would have a job they're essentially worried that some other team can use that player better than we can that's what they're worried about not to admit if you get rid of Alex Verdugo let's just say the Yankees who they've told us we don't want to get rid of Alex rugo he's liked in the clubhouse and we feel like he's got he's still has something in the tank for us well if someone made the point that well someone else would pick him up too well if Alex Verdugo leaves your your roster and goes and plays well with the Padres or the Diamondbacks you live with it that should you live with it A and B it tells you something about you yeah you that's what it tells you so don't tell me about I could literally tell you Jake if Louis Hill was our closer tomorrow the Yankees would be they would have a better chance to win at the end of games any person if Marcus strowman Nester Cortez Clark Schmidt Cody po you can throw any of those names in the ninth inning consistently I bet you the Yankees have a better record today and that's saying a lot because some of those names you think I want Marcus strowman closing games in the ninth inning he throws 91 miles an hour I don't he's a guy who likes to get warm in his starts yet he would have a better win loss record for the Yankees in that position and it goes to show you Jake this is like you just mentioned and no one talks about this nobody you brought up this point you are a reliever as a closer and it just so happens the timing of when we bring you in is at the end it should mean it's your favorite your favorite guy so whoever your favorite guy is that should be interchangeable unless you have such a standout guy that no one's close to him no one's nearly as competent as him very similar to what you see in Cleveland out of Cl nobody's even in the general vicinity of his output very clear who their closer is so if you want to be consistent with him at Closer by all means the Yankees don't have a CL and there's no one like him coming so Jake before we move on I I just want to say I think the Yankees have a genuine they genuinely have 10 other people on their staff that would be more well suited for the role than Holmes I really believe that that and it's saying a lot I know it sounds egregious how many competitors in Major League Baseball how many good teams can you say that they have 10 people that could pitch better than their closer in that role there's probably not even one we are one of those teams we cannot get an out in the ninth inning we just cannot yeah no it's it's not good and I mean this is a guy that he isn't great in high leverage situations I mean that's that's the thing if you're not good in high leverage but you have good stuff there's still something you can work I mean if he came in the fifth inning he might actually be decent he might right like when they were doing that with tonen he might actually be decent because if we looked at Kay Holmes what he truly is right what he truly is is a reliever with some Talent he's got some great stuff but he has no control and he pitches to contact which puts him in a bad situation against the heart of the order in the ninth inning and in with runners in scoring position that's the issue when you look at his high leverage stats Kay Holmes is giving up a 281 batting average okay so he's not great 368 with balls in play now medium leverage situations which he's had 33 of those 39 of them have been high leverage 31 have been considered low Leverage low leverage clay Holmes has a batting average of 236 medium leverage it's 167 that's a 33 game sample size what was the batting average with balls in play uh balls in play was 368 High leverage 200 in medium leverage and 333 in low leverage so he needs something in the middle so if you made him a setup man or a seventh inning guy or sixth in guy I actually think uh clay Holmes you have something the rest of the year but you would have to make that decision now Boon doesn't have the kahunas to do that clearly and so you know that's That's All She Wrote there but I I think they've absolutely they've messed this thing up um I already I already dropped one F bomb I can't drop too many but uh yeah let's move on to mailbag before we talk for four hours on Clay Holmes because clay Holmes very clearly is not a he's not a good pitcher he can't lose the job he's unfireable and we're just waiting for his contract to expire and you just have to hope for whatever reason it doesn't kill this team we're rooting for something to occur I don't know what that is it is funny I mean he's getting absolutely eviscerated in the majors um he has like a 13A but Jack Neely the guy they traded away to get Mark ligher Jr was actually one of the guys they were grooming to become uh potentially a closing option and they trade him away from Mark lier Jr so that that didn't you know work too much uh again he's getting a Visa now we'll see what ends up happening all right uh I mean hey clay Holmes rant you guys stayed for it hopefully 40 minutes the rest of the the episode isn't going to be super long I think it was really important to hit on Klay Holmes but let's talk about the the new member Thomas Dorman We Appreciate You second deck member field level shout outs go to Juan sepa kid from Li Carlos morero Jeff J Ed W Brian fukes Ryan Hoffman Rich Squires Joshua halikman Egyptian magician and Nick Gomes uh mailbag we got two in this one um the first one Jake and Gary this is from Jeff J Jake and uh Jake and Gary thank you for the data driven uh insights and passion you both bring to the Pod I've been a Yankee fan for the last 40 years and have found the last 10 years quite frustrating here's my question assuming how is uncomfortable in the hot seat and can't bring himself to make front office changes since he and Brian came up together and have a fraternal relationship with letting Jeter buy into the ownership fix our issues with management Jeter hates Cashman and he is driven to succeed make him president of baseball operations let him bring back maddingley and the core for to visible uh positions in the coaching and Special Assistant roles and manage the team differently cheers Jeff Jay I actually love this idea I don't think it is over the top because I think you know we all love the idea of seeing Jeter and the core 4 and everybody but I think he has a legitimate uh argument here I think Jeter should be brought in as somebody you know there has to be more accountability um talking about Aaron Boone and just like I love Aaron judge but just listening to Aaron judge like when Klay Holmes you know blows the game it's like oh clay it's that's the guy you know I never want anybody else um I feel like they need some accountability and I feel like Jeter would bring that back to the organization you would have to be understanding when you make Jeter president of baseball operations you are moving on from Cashman and I think that's something I would do tomorrow um that's something you would probably do tomorrow but that might be a tough pill to swallow as explained by Jeff uh because Hal and you know that relationship there but business over uh over friendship and uh you know I care more about winning world series than I do about their little friendship there yeah no I actually agree but I I can't even necessarily say this is a Derek Jeter thing because Derek Jeter is not this person that I have circled as the Savior for the Yankees Derek Jeter's personality traits which are more old school as opposed to what we see today which is a lot of excuse making it's a lot of relying on numbers and calculations because this is something that Michael K's brought up I thought brilliantly is that clearly Brian Cashman and Aaron Boone have a different set of analytics that they're seeing that we don't have access to I think that that's absolutely true but it doesn't necessarily mean that they're better decision makers it doesn't it just means you have a bunch of information you can have all the spreadsheets in front of you you want that doesn't mean you're going to come across the right answer so I guess where I'm at with this is that Jeter would be great I mean I would be perfectly fine with it but where I'm at is that whoever comes through the door and Brian cashman's out the door if that happens alone it tells me that Hal Hal has decided we're done putting relationships in front of output and winning that's what is that's what matters here and it's something Hal has not gotten accustomed to it's something he's not comfortable doing because let's remember something the biggest thing for how Ste Runner is that people have called him cheap people have said why aren't you getting this player why aren't you getting that player and let's be honest here he spent $300 million on players he spent plenty of money plenty of money on players but they're not spending correctly and they're not bringing in the obvious people that need to be walking through that door so really if that's enough money to spend 300 million dollar on players I'm agreeing it's a lot of money well then the person that you're you actually brought through the door to spend your money isn't very good at doing so so now it's your responsibility how to put the right person there to steer the ship with the budget you provided and if you believe that cashman's the right guy for the job well then he needs more money doesn't he he needs to spend more money so it's either a you go into this offseason and they've talked to talked about it we we're going to have to cut back some budget somewhere well then if that's true and you're not lying to me then you need to go get a guy like Derek cheeter or someone with an old school mentality No Nonsense that can better spend to that budget of 300 million I don't care who you name it has to be better than Cashman so spare me with the idea Cashman would get hired by all these other teams in baseball I give a rip do not care at all he can go anywhere tomin season do we do not care that's not a factor for me because I don't have fomo how many times do I watch clay Holmes pitch and then I look over and go man I wish that look at this guy pitch across the league no I I talk about on my show about him I talk about what's through the door here who's the general manager here once Brian cashman's out the door I'm not having conversations about Brian Cashman anymore we don't talk about Joe Tori anymore that's the way it goes s had a good year he'd be help we don't talk about seino oh I wish I had srino like we didn't name drop him once since the beginning of this podcast and we go live every day so we we're not interested in talking about the past but if you come through the door are you part of the solution or are you part of the problem and right now Brian Cashman and and I get it guys you'll watch us win and then we're not going to talk about Brian Cashman and being a problem the reason for that is that if the Yankees win a game 9 to8 in resounding fashion super exciting game you think we're going to run a podcast and complain about still things that are wrong in the organization no people aren't ready to hear what's bad about the organization sometimes you got to read the mood of the day and we try and keep it positive and keep it moving forward but man when you blow a game more like we're talking Jake more than 50% of games have been blown the last two weeks from clay Holmes well we are going to talk about it and we're going to talk about who's responsible for that so to answer the question Derek cheeter i' take it I take Derek cheeter I'll say this about HAL I'll defend Hal here might be a little bit of a curveball being thrown I think Hal grew up and obviously part of it is him being um I I don't know now that it's his team he's a little bit more reluctant to spend but I do feel like part of him he grew up he saw how aggressive his father was and he tried to meet in the middle between aggressive and and being conservative and finding that happy medium where we're not throwing our farm system into a blender but at the same time we're trying to win and I think this actually might work if it wasn't Brian Cashman as the general manager to your point they are willing like Hal is willing to spend over $300 million in payroll and while Hal will sign off on any move Cashman makes Cashman still decided to sign Aaron Hicks decided to trade for Josh Donaldson decided to sign DJ lahu again when we knew that contract was not going to age well okay he's decided on these things with that money so part of me I do want to defend Hal in that sense but then Hal deserves blame because to your point he has kept Brian Cashman in charge clearly Brian Cashman is a huge problem Boon is also a problem so I also want to give um I also want to give Blain the how there because I think Boon should have been let go after last year I do yeah well I I agree but I mean let's be clear how Ste is not spending enough money I I I I get it teally win with 300 million but this is not enough you look at the team yeah and $300 million goes just like that most being cheap I don't think I don't think he's being cheap no I think he could spend more but I mean if like to your point if he had like a Derek Jeter who could you know maybe they play a little bit better and closer to the vest and you know go after guys that can help you win based on feel and situational hitting instead of just always worrying about splits because guess what when feel and situational hitting and the here and now actually hits you dead on in the postseason your splits don't matter because at the end of the day you're a human being you could get up there all splits are telling you all analytics are telling you is that more often than not this happens that's all it's telling you doesn't tell you what's going to happen right then in there you have to understand that and so I think yeah having a guy like Jeter I think A-Rod could be thrown in that hat too I think he's a great baseball mind there are a lot of guys out there right I think gerardi would be good because gerardi has a feel old school feel but I just don't I I really to go basically to wrap this up in a bow I think Hal's done an okay job I actually kind of like the sentiment of okay we don't want to and I'm not saying he's ever said this but we don't want to go crazy like George almost traded the core for you know George almost sent Mara and Derek Jeter away for like nothing right because he he wanted the guy now and then they used it to invalidate everything that George did that's essentially what they did I agree I totally agree with what you're saying but I I get if like Hal sees that and he's like there were great things George did having the ability to go out there and be like I'm going to spend the money because I want to win and he cared that much about the fans and of course he care that much about winning to do that but the problem is he needs to have a little bit more aggression and he doesn't have that and if he's not going to have the aggression he needs to move on from Brian Cashman because yes he absolutely killed it with the Jazz Chism trade absolutely killed it and I loved having ikf I I like players like that I like the DD glorious pickup I like being creative but for all those creative moves you end up still you know nullifying them by trading for Joey Gallow which I said was a bad move when they made it by signing DJ lameu by signing Aron Hicks I mean that's the thing Gary is that cashman's had some good he's had a lot of and the reality is no one cares if he has a bad or a good year as a GM because all people are going to judge him for is if they are hoisting up that World Series trophy at the end of the year and if they did that more often than not no one would care about cashmin he would never be thrown under the bus he'd be totally fine the same would be Boon at the end of the day titles can literally win anybody over Kay Holmes right now has a chance to go out there and for the rest of the year move on from this pitch lights out and be remembered as an October hero and a big reason the Yanke won the World Series that's up to him but he has a chance to do that because he's still our closer but anyway point I'm making is that these guys have not won a World Series in 15 years so as far as I'm concerned nothing should be off the table and I liked this um this question but then we had another question from Wolf Rock in 74 okay I'm not feeling very good going into the postseason with this rotation I think they're a little tired at this point except for maybe Cole of course so that's making me nervous but my question is this do you guys think that Rizzo can keep up this amazing play or do you think it's just being all jazzed up from coming back from the injury also what what are you guys what you guys were talking about not being able to give stto a day off at the moment well we could have had we could have if Cashman would have called up Dominguez it's just ridiculous thank you gentlemen much appreciated so Gary um I think I think Rizzo is going to kind of revert back to you know an average player and that's totally fine I don't expect him to continue being amazing um and then the second thing I think yeah I I get what he's saying if if they called up Dominguez um they would be able to give stto a day off so what you know what were your thoughts on this question and then we'll we'll talk about the the lineup and call it a show yeah so let's let's start with the rotation so for those of you who don't feel confident about this rotation well hop in line look across baseball everyone's rotation stinks yeah stinks they absolutely wkak and the only team out there who's dominant every day on the mount is the Seattle Mariners and guess what guys they can't score to save their lives so they're not a contender so outside of that everybody's struggling to get outs everybody and Yankees whether or not you were satisfied with what they did at the deadline we said they needed a couple arms they didn't do that right but based on what they've done let's be clear about their roster if you look at their depth chart Garrick Cole heel rodon strowman Cortez Schmidt potit at one point in the season we had a conversation of whether or not we had a surplus you know why because rhon was pitching really well Luis heel we were some people were arguing with us that he should have started the All-Star game he had an actual claim there mark Mar strowman Marcus strowman has been a roller coaster this season but his overall numbers when you actually lift up the hood look at his stats he's been highly serviceable given his career numbers he's been good okay Nester Cortez at one point in the beginning of the year Nester was really good middle of the year we are we were talking about moving on and then Nester Cortez the last couple weeks has been good again right at that Innings limit that we talked about we've all been clamoring About Schmidt and potit returning so I guess where I'm at is that the Yankees have three or four guys that technically are about as reliable as the other contenders top four guys are and it's going to come down to who scores in October how do you score what's the style that you score in can you go steal a base when you have to can you hit a ground ball and move a runner over hit a sack fly when you really need to when you're not hitting homers and the Yankees went out and got a player like jazz Chisum to accommodate for them being redundant in the lineup it helped bringing speed and athleticism so that's part of the reason so I understand you not feeling confident about a rotation nobody feels confident about the rotation and then to move on with Rizzo Rizzo no he's not going to maintain this output that you saw there's probably a really high like outside chance that happens but as far as Anthony Rizzo and as far as I'm concern he essentially just needs to be better than what you saw at a DJ lahu at first basee today not hard the ground balls right at you routine plays toss the ball over to the guy the pitcher covering first base and then hit 235 take your walks and go sit in the Dugout and be a good teammate that's it because guess what all those things I just listed you DJ lameu fails at that Ben rice fails at that that's what you need to be you need to be League average or something just below that no other player in the Yankees entire system is anywhere close to League average at first base that's his job so that's what I'm looking looking for Rizzo to give us long term and if he does it at the very least we don't have to look at first base as a huge weak spot for this team and then the last thing what else we got we got SoDo this idea of a day off he's look he's supposed to be getting paid north of $600 million this offseason the reason for that is because players like him players like Aaron judge the Bryce Harpers the sh otanis those players when you look at their overall numbers and you see that Otani going to break 50 stolen bases and 50 homers more than likely this year they do that by playing every single day yes they get days off but I promise you as the Dodgers currently sit which they're in a race to win the NLS and the Padre's and the Dbacks are on their heels those days off for Otani I Pro I'm looking at my phone right now it says it's September 3rd they're not coming in September that that's not when those days off for Otani are going to be happening they're going to happen in May in July okay so that where we're at you don't get a day off if you need to rebound well then get a nicer mattress and and go have a steak dinner and hang out with friends and family that's your day off that's your relaxation because as far as I'm concerned you pay these guys the money you pay them because they can play every day and you're asking them to do that would you like to be able to give Juan stto a day off yes but you know what probably would have helped that and then this is where this all goes full circle Jake if we had a close that was worth two Hoots the Yankees would probably be up five or six games in the division you think I'm losing sleep if Juan stto gets a day off tomorrow in that case I'm not but guess what guys you make your bed and now we're sitting a half game behind the Baltimore Orioles because we lost today and they won well and they have another game against the white socks which they'll win so you don't get to come into games in this situation and give your key contributor a day off hey I see you tomorrow no absolutely not the Yankees have a day off in a couple days I believe the 6th of September or the fifth no you don't get a day off that's your day off and if you want a day off well then put other players in better position so that this team can afford to take a Aaron judge or wet off the field for a day another very well said Point um kind of piggybacking off of what you said and we're not going to talk about it I'm not giving Boon credit for the piggy back because we're not talking about this weekend against the Cubs um I'll mention it but essentially what we were talking about yesterday with um starters going with heel and Schmidt like Jack Curry said um Boon is actually decided that he is going to on one of the days whether it's heel or Schmidt he'll decide Nester Cortez will piggy back that is apparently the the term he'll come out of the bullpen and pitch the rest of the game love that but I'm mad at Boon and the the Yankees are losing this game so I don't want to give it too much uh attention so the last thing we're gonna talk about Gary is this last thing totally scrap the rest of the show because most of the show has been clay Holmes and that is rightfully so the last thing is the lineup because I would say today was the closest thing that you're going to get to a punt lineup that they could even conjure okay without taking out Aaron judge and Juan stto trino totally understand why tavinho played we talked about yesterday miss me with the Lefty righty stuff I don't care about that Austin Wells was banged up he was hit by a pitch and he was sore today so I thought for sure yeah okay the Lefty righty thing definitely was going to play but I was like I If Wells is not feeling well I mean don't play him totally understand that so trino totally understand why he's in the lineup DJ lameu no idea none because here's the deal what it comes down to is this Trevino and DJ are not your starters you've already made that clear Rizzo is your starter and Wells is your starter right so if Wells is out you're already down a starter it's like being down your left tackle you know in an NFL game and then you're like well you know that right tackle could use a day and so you're just like yeah screw it we'll put in the backup right tackle why the hell would you do that the whole point of Travino being in there is because the other guy is banged up okay Rizo is fine oh we want to give him a day all right that's fine he had plenty of days but yeah if you want to give him a day I I'll you know I I'll humor you for a second you know what you do you play Cabrera because DJ I'm tired of sitting here and acting like just because he's good defensively at second and third base he should be on this team no they don't even use him in that role so you know what he's not a defensive second base and third basem he's only used exclusively as a first baseman and he had one of the worst plays at first base I've ever seen in my life and I saw a lot of bad Baseball playing Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken at first base let me tell you but DJ lamu's play today on the Tommy Canley Chopper that he generated that was horrible that was horrible what is this yeah they said he lost it in the lights that's what they said uh he lost a chopper in the lights yeah they said that the ball bounced up into the lights which is so ironic because I rarely ever see I rarely ever see a Nolan aado or just you know a third base I never see some of the best why can't we just he's not good at that position yeah he's not good I just don't like the idea that they put they gave multiple players a day on the same day that's actually the biggest problem I've got that if you're G to put Rizzo and say okay well Rizzo is coming back from a rehab assignment one kicked him out to eight or nine innings last week we said okay got through nine innings of baseball call him up he's ready to play in the big leagues he shows up plays multiple days plays well we told you guys hey played well we don't even need well we need League average so expect him to regress back to that point and that's perfectly fine and the Yankees decided hey Wells he got he's 0 for his last nine he got hit on the hand he's banged up we're going to give him a day but once you make that decision as a manager Aaron Boone has to know if you simultaneously decide that Rizzo is going to sit down now you now know if Cabrera is not at first base you've got a black hole in an out at both Catcher And first base how many teams can have two position players be complete outs and expect to win games consistently and then the off chance that you do take the lead with those two guys as automatic outs really well then you've got the worst closer in the league to back that up right after it why would you expect to be better than 500 why I just I don't get that concept so I don't give a rip when you give guys days off because physically they need it that's just life that's going to happen I'm never going to complain about it but this idea that the yes broadcast can sell me will DJ lahu guys don't worry stop freaking out he's not going to play anymore once Rizzo comes back and then two days later I'm looking at DJ lahu as my starting first baseman DJ lahu has no business on a Major League Baseball Field I don't care if he's playing third second first pinch hitting hitting against lefties only he's bad again everything he's not good at any of it and the only way that DJ should be on the field and I I'm actually gonna give him credit for one thing here's where he could potentially ever play is if he's coming in as a replacement defensively at second base only or third that is it that's it I wouldn't even say Third Base because if he's coming in at third base that means Jazz chis isn't playing third Jazz chism's better at third base than DJ lahu no I agree I I'm just saying like to your point he's a liability at first and they're acting like he's doing them a favor when he's at first he's hurting them I'm I'm willing to bet if he continues to play first the rest of the year and and like that'll be like maybe eight more games hopefully fewer than that it should be his war will be in the negative I mean he's that bad at first base how is it not already in the negative because he was that good at third I'm actually looking this up this is an indictment on war actually if we're being oh no his war is way in the negative dude it's negative 1.6 it was actually in the positive at one point no he's booty yeah no it's yeah it it's not good um I also want to point out that Rizzo not only do you need Rizzo in a game like this because you need to win but also so Rizzo's in in a rhythm this is all I learned today Rizzo's in a rhythm let's see if we can take him out of it quicker yeah well their priority is staying healthy and like I told you before your priority always being Health First and not winning first is a recipe to fail and the Yankees think that because they've won a lot of regular season games since 2017 this is actually something that some of my favorite broadcasters with this or Yankees organization they've really sold us on that the Yankees technically are a highly successful team because every year they find themselves in the postseason that's supposed to be an accomplishment that's an accomplishment sp300 million right so if you spend $300 million the Pirates do you think they wouldn't make the postseason every year just because of the Pirates if all of a sudden their owner was like yeah we're going to spend 300 million every year right and then if you do spend 300 million and you don't make the postseason well we laugh at you because that's embarrassing that's something they didn't make it last year by the way why do we even still use that they missed it last year I don't care what they've done they say if heal well I don't care about health everyone hurt everybody's by the way the the and that actually kind of annoys me because what I I'll say is this the Braves are they not going through the same thing the Yankees did last year yeah coia goes out for the season because they got judged back at one point right they got judged back Hur for a while but they got judge back they had Torres hitting in the 270s lahu was hitting well at the end of last year he was I mean what like what how is that even like we' never talk about that but the Yankees didn't make the playoffs last year okay like let let's make that very clear they did not make the playoffs last year and and the the Braves and and the argument is that well the the injuries got to them I mean the the injuries have gotten to the Braves but they're still in the playoff race the Yankees were out of it the Yankees totally out when did the Braves win the World Series was it 2021 I'm fairly certain it was the year after Freddy Freeman right yes so it's 2021 yeah so the Atlanta Braves had Ronald aunia Jr go down with a torn ACL at the warning track in right field everyone said the season was over what did they do they made a couple trades and they went they went out and won the World Series anyways if Aaron judge went down with an injury who knows what would the Yankees have any opportunity at all to win the World Series yeah I mean that's the thing Gary I I think zero chance we give them way too much of a pass not maybe not us but in general like the Braves right now they lineup consists of one guy hitting over 300 okay okay one guy hitting over 270 right now they have 75 wins they have five fewer wins than the Yankees with Aaron judge and Juan stto their lineup right now is uh Michael Harris II Jorge Solair uh Marcel Ozuna who's the best player right now Matt olon in a down year he's hitting 233 yep uh Shawn Murphy he's hitting 215 lorano I didn't even know who that is he's hitting 246 Orlando AR I know who that is uh yeah Orlando arcia hitting 223 Whit marfield like full stop Whit marfield plays games for them like starts and I mean he's at the end of his career he's it 29 right Gio urella they literally took that guy off of waivers the other day and he had two hits today he's hitting 253 he's one of the more important hitters they just got him do you know their payroll by the way I don't off the top of my head it's extremely low but now picture if the Atlanta Braves were allowed to spend $300 million what would they look like and what would coming into 2025 how much of an opportunity would we be saying the Phillies had to win the division and win the World Series we'd probably be saying the Phillies don't have much of a chance the Braves and the Phillies the Gap there is money spent yeah I mean the bra SP 236 million so I mean that's good but that's not so an extra $70 million an extra 70 million well if they had an extra 70 million they'd go after Juan SoDo yeah Juan SoDo juano aunia albez and Ozuna good luck right so that that's what we're saying here is that the Yankees in general technically you can argue they've spent enough money house ERS spent enough money 300 million is enough to win of course other teams win with much less but you guys are not winning so we have to we've got to break down the situation one by one step by step and say why aren't we winning what is the problem is it deadlines is it the off seon is our is it our development is it calling up or sending down prospects what is it and the Yankees want us to believe that it's all these other things that have nothing to do with the general manager that's exactly what they're saying so you guys can take that information with what you will and we head into like we're getting closer now to the offseason heading closer to the postseason we're going to see what happens we're rooting for this team to win the World Series no question about it yeah but it feels much more like a crapshoot than anything else yeah and by the way the dead money also Al you know referred to as retained payroll in baseball you got me looking so now I I all right um they're done with Josh Donaldson they do not pay him anymore next year they only pay one guy and it's ridiculous and I just it's is it it is Hicks they'll still be paying Hicks in 2025 8.7 million but you know what I took away from that there's no excuse at all to say well we can't DFA leahu because of money well now you just freed up $6 million from they haven't said that they said that DJ lahu well the broadcast said DJ lahu is not good at anything there's no reason for him to be on the team they're right well the general manager they haven't come out they've actually said DJ lahu has a role on this team that's what they said they'll be paying Aaron Hicks in 2026 as well that's insane when does it stop is it 20 27 2026 to be fair it's only a million but that's just like it's insane that you're still paying Aaron Hicks um so 2025 real quick before we wrap up the show you have to come up with a movie a bad one oh God okay $22 million uh payroll next year so they better not be cutting costs because they got as far as I'm concerned this year they have 324 million cap allocations right so next year 202 so they have 22 million to essentially spend on you know if you want to match that and next year here are the guys that they have Aaron judge Garrett Cole Jean Carlos Stanton Carlos rodon Marcus strowman who by the way they could get out of the Marcus strowman deal if they wanted to Anthony Rizzo but they have to actually pick up that option DJ lameu Lou trino and Luke Weaver that's it they have nine players so this is an opportunity to just kind of I mean this was an opportunity to go all in this year just win the World Series bring back Juan Soo and kind of reshape your organization for the foreseeable future instead the Yankees they've talked about cutting costs and it you know it's frustrating I don't want to get too much into it but again the point still stands if the Braves this is what I'll say to finish this this point going back to the the Pirates right these are teams that look at prospects like they're actual gold these prospects are the lifeblood of these teams how the hell do you think the Pirates are able to find guys like Paul SK okay I I mean Reynolds right these are guys that they've developed drafted it with the Yankees prospects don't mean as much because they have an infinite supply of money you could say what you will oh but the the you know salary the tax the luxury tax who cares but those to be fair to the Yankees the Yankees are drafting 28th overall and you know this like this is not a mystery the Pirates aren't finding and developing Talent they are drafting number one overall the Baltimore Oriol are not finding and developing Talent yes technically you are developing number one overall picks we get it we understand that there are players out there like Joe Adell who aren't superstars in this league they were drafted at the very top of the draft we understand but more times than not if you were drafting number one through three in the draft you are highly likely to land a very good player in this league the Baltimore Orioles built out their entire roster essentially from losing on purpose that's what happened so the Yankees know they can never never at any point can that happen they're not going to go through any stretch of winning 62 games okay for four years the Yankees fans might burn the stadium down if that happen so the Yankees have to go about their business winning regular season games enough to where all of us jokes are watching podcast for an hour and a half while also figuring out way to get the team from really good and winning regular season games above that to winning a title and the Yankees process should never be compared to what the Orioles and what all those teams are doing it's not similar you need to be looking at what the Dodgers are doing right you need to be looking at that organization and saying okay they've developed players they draft Cody Bellinger out of the fifth round somewhere close to there and he goes out wins the MVP he's a player they were they were talking highly of at training they didn't just talk about him they called him up right away made the big league roster and he's a key contributor but how many key contributors do the Yankees develop they don't so if that's the case then you better be spending $350 million you don't develop you spend if you don't spend you develop it's very simple concept and yet the Yankees seem to be unaware of this yeah and it's just a a reminder though for teams that can develop if they did have that money who knows where they would be so who knows that is uh that is that um last thing I'll say here worst movie or bad movie you didn't ask for the worst movie that's a lot of pressure um good God just a bad movie you know what oh yeah well it is a bad loss so go ahead this is gonna be controversial kind of like the f bomb I dropped earlier um oh Lord I already know I already know it's coming I already know it made sense in the moment so this is what I'm going to say people are going to hate me for this because I know people that love this movie Jaws it's stupid Jaws is a stupid movie get out of the water why are you in the water oh there's a there's a giant shark get out of the water I hate Jaws I hate the entire series um my mom loves it she's probably watching this so uh sorry Mom hate Jaws uh Never Gonna pretend I liked it but yeah if you stuck around for this long um type Jaws in the comment section below and uh my hands are up I do not tie me into what he just said I I have nothing to do did I not say it was controversial it is controversial but I'm putting my hands up now I'm clean I didn't say I'm not I'm not toned deaf I'm very well aware it's widely regarded as as a top movie but my point is that I think it's bad I would personally rather watch jaws and watch Kay Holmes close a game but they're very close as far as me not liking either our average audience is above the age of 30 you are not gonna be you are not GNA be liked after this episode having said that about Jaws I'll tell you that right now I I hate it I don't know I just never like Jaws I don't this man in the comment section I don't like the Meg either I don't like any of those water films get out of the water I like the Meg too I I loved it I love the Meg I just wait is that the one what's the one with uh ah STM is that Meg that's the Meg okay the Meg the second one sucked that looks ridiculous that looked absolutely ridiculous did you see the CGI for that no way yes I saw the CGI it was terrible I like STM love the Meg I like all shark movies deep blue c great movie you're a psycho yep I love shark movies I I don't get in the ocean so it doesn't scare me I'm scared of the ocean to begin with my wife always wants me to go spend money on swimming with the dolphins and I'd rather no I'm not doing that I tell her right now rather do a beat and GRE with Clay holes I'd rather do a meet and greet with the bottom of the ocean just tie weights to my ankles and send me down to go hang out with the the Titanic than to go swim with the dolphins I am terrified of the ocean so do you think dolphins kill you I'm not going to find out I don't care what they'll do because people tell me all the time sharks won't touch you and then I go on Tik Tok and I see in Egypt some dude just get ripped in in half by a shark I'm like can you believe that happened yeah I can he's in the ocean where he's not supposed to be so yeah put Jaws in the comment section if you guys stuck around with us uh we appreciate you guys and make sure you like And subscribe and I'll remind you to like right before we get off of here that sounds like a plan appreciate you guys Jaws in the comments section uh and hopefully we're talking about a hopefully Gary is recommending a movie a good movie not a bad movie tomorrow I hope so I hope so

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