Yankees win MASSIVE Postseason TUNE UP game in EXTRAS

all right folks welcome in this is Yankees unloaded I'm Jake Ellen Bogan he is Gary Sheffield Jr and we are doing this show right after the Yankees won four to three in Extra Innings so Extra Inning win Gary first off Rarity second you know everyone has their pinstripe moment eventually and while Jazz Chism had like eight home runs in the span of like 10 days and that could be considered a moment of time this was his moment to you know it doesn't matter that you know I mean Bobby W Jr made a hell of an effort to even get that thing close at the plate but make no mistake about it this was his moment this is a walk-off hit it goes in the books as such and he has every reason to feel good about it and you know I sent you the the quote Oh this is sick it ain't even October yet can't wait so he's like ready and I'm really this what we try to sell people isn't it like come do this in the Pinstripes I mean that's the cool part and so much for being a clubhouse cancer right remember that story that they tried to sell us on just such a stupid story as if being a clubhouse cancer for the Miami Marlins means a damn thing I me mean you see his face you see his smile you think that guy you think that guy's pissing anybody off yeah he's pissing off the other team he's not pissing off anybody in his Clubhouse Everyone likes him and I mean the Yankees love the guy so yeah I'm I'm very very happy with what Chisum has done and what he's going to do because I think he's gonna have a big October and Chisum I've always said um you know since he joined the Yankees I've been saying like look this guy is best in high leverage that's going to that's going to translate that'll play in the words of Gary so I think it's going to play a lot in October and you know what else is going to play a lot in October Juan stto because Juan SoDo is somebody that's had a lot of October success obviously helped win a World Series stto today took I mean was it off the shin off the ankle he fouls one off and he looks like he's out for the year like when he went down I was like oh my god did he like break something then the next pitch boom just a rocket ship and you're like it was unexpected right yeah I had five or six people texting me right after that F foul ball actually they were just like stto needs a day hey Soto needs a day very Aaron Boon like very unlike a lot of my friends but when you were watching Juan sto it seemed like he was going through something right maybe he was a little burnt out maybe he got into some bad habits offensively I know you mentioned that stto hit a lot of home runs maybe he caught himself trying to hit more right and he didn't look like himself his numbers haven't been atrocious but his battering average just started to creep into the 280s so that's not the Juan sto that we're going to be paying for this offseason it's not the WAN sto we expect to see in October so we were all dumbfounded by what we were seeing and then all of a sudden he just flipped the game on its head just changed the game completely so that's obviously something that players with the talent of Juan stto and Aaron judge can do it any moments notice this is why you play these guys every day because a lot of times when you're trying to give them a day that day that you gave them they can't do something like this now right this is a loss without Juan stto so that's where I'm at with this I feel like I'm just happy you see a foul ball off someone's ankle Yankees of the past probably would have pulled him off the field and said we're going to be careful and pretend that this is a game in may like it's not September 11th right so that's uh it was good to see that then of course the energy of jazz Chism I mean that's the story here doing something when it matters that's why we're all here that's why everybody's listening to this podcast we're trying to figure out and and try dissect what's different about this year that may turn into winning when it actually means a damn right that's the conversation because if I told everybody who was listening to the show I know the future I know that the Yankees are going to have a great September but they're going to fall short in the ALDS they're going to get swept right if if everybody knew that was the future well it would be pretty miserable in our comment section we would be miserable because we're doing this podcast in hopes that we're seeing something different we're trying to look at the trends we're trying to look at style of play we're trying to look at our pitching starting pitching relievers closers and trying to differentiate is this team different than the teams we've seen over the years or is this a team that's going to go out maybe Edge the Baltimore Orioles like they've done in the past with other teams and then fall short in the ALCS and go down without a whimper is that going to happen again or is this different jzz Chisum is a player that does look different for the Yankees he's a player that's playing a different style of baseball he's not just trying to hit home runs he's the type of guy with two outs nobody on he can hit an infield single right beat out a ground ball still second and third and then take off on a pass ball the Yankees don't play that type of baseball you saw with Dominguez yesterday and then you see it with Chisum today I mean how can you not en enjoy watching him no absolutely I mean that's how I feel right um I just think Jazz Chism embodies New York I think he embodies the the stardom um you know he's like a combination it you know because he has that like Robinson Canó swing you know and he plays kind of similar to Canó um he's way more of a like the you know he hustles obviously but he kind of reminds me of Canó he's got like that Swagger about him but then he has kind of those little things that like bits and pieces of an A-Rod of a Sorano of a Jeter um you know and I really very similar to like a Curtis Granderson I would say and so when you you bring all those guys to the table and I'm not saying he's every bit of them he's not like the most Unstoppable player ever where he's going to hit 58 home runs he's half Alex Rodriguez half Hideki Matsui no guys relax it's not he's saying that you're taking bits and pieces of what they do their style and that I completely agree sometimes you watch Robinson canel and he he's the type of guy who's relying on instincts and you see him at third base with Chisum Jaz Chisum doesn't have a ton of reps at third base he just doesn't no but you watch him today you wouldn't have known that that's just an athlete right there absolutely and you know I think he's just kind of the he you know what Jazz Chism is he's the EMB of what it means to be a kid and idolize players and then put that you know idolization if you will of a player that's not even a word whatever um into your game you know what I mean so like for me I was like the Albert phol for whatever reason I mean A-Rod was you know one of my favorite players probably my favorite but I always liked Albert pool's batting stance so I always try to emulate that but I didn't have like his game I didn't have his home run ability I was a guy I'll hit it into you know the Gap and I'll either get to second or if I don't I'm stealing second and third and I stole bases and that's what I did like I I could hit it hard but not very far you know so I wasn't I was Albert PS but I feel like when it comes to Jazz Chism you can see he's always said like yeah I remember growing up and watching Jeter and and Alex and it's like can see that he grew up watching Jeter and Alex because it's there's something embedded into him that embodies kind of that 2009 Yankees team I don't know what it is but I feel like every time he's in the lineup I feel like good things can come of it and you know even when he has a bad day just know like if he gets a walk he's getting on base he's going to create Havoc just his presence there he's like a pass rusher in the NFL you might double team him but now that you've double teamed him you've turned your attention to him where other guys can do things and when Jazz is on the base paths it can get in a pitcher's head it can get in a catcher's head it can get in the first baseman's head because the first baseman who's holding him on he's got to get back into his spot I think a lot of people kind of forget that so you know it can kind of throw everybody off and I really think when you have a guy like jazz Chisum who's already threat threatening and then you bring up Jean Carlos Stanton so he's at the plate when you have a guy like that um you know same thing could be said about Austin Wells like whatever I I think that's what really allows him to Excel and if Jazz ever lost his speed I still think he'd hit home runs and that'd be fine but his speed is what makes him more than just a cookie cutter 30 home run hitter and what turns him into a multi-dimensional player that can literally break open a game and he's made for October in that sense yeah you know what's weird about him I was just thinking about what he does and what he's good at while you were talking I was trying to figure out this player in jazz Chisum and it really hit me I don't really know how to game plan for this player I don't really know what Jazz chism's necessarily excellent at I really don't he's not a type of guy who going to be like oras in San Diego and hit 325 he's not a player who's going to go into a series and hit six homers more than likely in the postseason right the way we've seen John Carlo do the way we're hoping judge does or aotto he's not that type of guy he's just the type of player it's almost like he's looking around the field and saying what does this game need right what does this moment need and I don't want to overreact to today's like walk-off hit or anything like that yeah look at his look at his games in the past with Pinstripes you're looking at a game and you say okay the Yankees can't get on base the Yankees are striking out a lot nobody's anywhere near first base J Chisum all of a sudden will look around and say this is very clearly what we need we need to reach first bace he'll drop down a bunt right but then all of a sudden you'll watch stto hitting homers judge hitting homers and then he'll say okay maybe you don't necessarily need me to play that style of baseball he can go yard two it's almost like he's looking at what these other guys are doing well on that given day and then he just does whatever the team yeah he just kind of adapts right and isn't this what we were asking for maybe not necessarily another star that's going to cost the Yankees 30 or $40 million a year maybe the Yankees needed more players who can adapt as the game goes on maybe you see a player like Reagan on the mound and you say okay he's got commanded this game right but if knows the way that this game's being played he understands very early on I've got to make my way to first base I've got to get myself in scoring position because this game may be four to three right two to one two to nothing in the ninth inning the margins are going to be slim and we're playing that style of baseball the Yankees in years pass you know what it really was Jake it was okay guys everyone striking out no one's hitting any home runs you get up to the next hitter and that guy is going they may have failed failed to hit a home run but now I'm going to try and do it every time like every single time watch right so if that's what I'm watching is that a recipe for success is that a style of baseball that's want us anything I can tell you guys firsthand I feel like I know just as much as anybody else I don't really need to consult anybody the Yankees haven't won in 14 years in large part because in October they're all trying to do the same thing Jazz chism's not trying to play the same baseball as Aaron judge judge may go one for three and hit a ball 500 feet J chism's going up to the plate he's trying to put a stamp on the game and change it the best way he knows how that may be dropping down a bunt he doesn't care how he does it and that's something that sentence right there he does not care how he changes the game he just wants to change the game right yeah that's something that maybe two or three Yankees the past decade can say and that's why Jas chism's not in my opinion he's not this great player in Major League Baseball I think if he was a free agent I don't think he' command any anything close to a $150 to $200 million deal I really don't I just think he's the type of player on this team given what's around him he's going to do the Dirty Work and the ugly stuff that maybe he gets the credit in October maybe he doesn't but he's absolutely going to be part of the solution and that's a good thing no I think that's fair I mean I definitely see like star power with him for sure I mean this is you know somebody that's hitting 298 for the Yankees over 900 op PS and now a decent sample size I mean you know at this point we're talking he's had 32 games with the Yankees so he's been a star so far which is awesome so I mean that's really that was my prediction you know um it's been a little bit since he's hit a home run he has nine with the Yankees um he's got 22 on the year he was going to hit 30 if he didn't get hurt I think but you know um he slowed down a little bit but I do think he has got that 30 home run potential but I think the thing that is more important is how long does he keep playing his game and the reason I say that is because you look at John birdie and you know he's getting up there in age but John birdie plays his style of baseball you know he's had injury issues in the past and we talked about that when they first got him but John birdie make no mistake about it you could put him in as a pinch Runner and he's gonna walk off the game in a sense because I'll tell you right now I told you off air when it comes to like glaber Torres love glaber glaber's not scoring that that run he's not and he's not scor that run on a scooter no he's not I don't think he's sent home you know what I mean I think they know that he's not scoring that run you're only sending home a guy like birdie so I gotta give you know Boon credit for having birdie in there you're sending home Jazz you're sending home vulpi and after today I don't know if I want to send home vulpi anymore that was traumatizing I thought he was out again by the way yeah I know do you know what I just read actually cuz I was just going to ask you the question because I know we were going to discuss the lineup and kind of the way that this lineup was constructed and you didn't see against a really good left-hander and Reagan for Kansas City you didn't see that right-handed bat that John birdie may have provided in left field right and that that was the question when this game started okay we've got a switch hitting Superstar Prospect and Jason Dominguez didn't play right uh very interesting but very interesting very interesting John birdie right right-handed bat can play Left Field can play anywhere in the infield didn't play obviously came off the bench in a pinch running situation and made an impact that's awesome but everybody was wondering where are these right-handed bats and Aaron Boon did provide an explanation after the game and I'll paraphrase it he essentially said that Reagan has reverse splits players throughout the season have been hitting decently well a lot better left-handed against Reagan as opposed to right-handed and I'm assuming that's because of his change up is obviously is a dynamic change up he's got the overhand knuckle curve a nasty fastball right so I don't know if that's an unacceptable answer to me I'm not really overreacting to it because based on what Brian Cashman did say and this was days ago actually is that Jason Dominguez is a player that they don't necessarily perceive as a switch hitter right now they don't think that as of now he's a Polish enough hitter as a right-handed bat to Warrant playing every day which is interesting because when they told us that they were going to be calling him up that he would be playing every day so they almost kind of went against what they were saying in that development because I can tell you right now Jake the best way to develop a player is not to sit him down against left-handed pitching and then tell us that well he's just not good at this okay um if this was the case I guess they should have had him hitting Lefty in the minor leagues all year against anybody so I guess where I'm at with this lineup it makes sense now that that's the answer now that I understand that Reagan doesn't necessarily pitch as well against lefties well maybe that was the criteria for why Alex fugo was in there now that bat despite those numbers against everybody else you're still throwing Alex fugo in the lineup I want people to understand this okay Alex fugo just because he's a lefty doesn't mean it's the right decision and I think that needs to be said it needs to be brought up on this podcast is that just because the splits say something and Jake I know you hate splits you ha well I love splits I hate plon splits I I think the Lefty righty [ __ ] is so overplayed yes so to your point when somebody is really really good Dynamic against right-handed bats as a lefty pitcher but they're not as great against Lefty hitters well you're kind of psyching yourself out by just going into the Trap of splits and throwing a bunch of lefties out there regardless of what their pedigree is Alex Verdugo is a significant drop off in my opinion at the plate in in comparison to Jason Dominguez and what he potentially can provide I understand he hasn't hit great as a right-handed bat but do I really want to put Jason Dominguez on the bench so that I can see what Alex Verdugo does against a against Reagan personally I didn't wish to see that but obviously that was the that was the thought process no I I get that I mean yeah it's it's frustrating I mean I'll just say this I I you know Jason Dominguez I whatever you want to do that but what we talked about off air and this is truly how I feel Jason Dominguez doesn't have enough in my opinion enough at bats remaining before he like now in the postseason for me to feel like he's truly revved up I think they waited way too long truthfully so with that said no he should not miss any games he should be in every single game because if I'll tell you right now he needs to look at this as this is a tryy out for the postseason roster he needs to look at this as if he's not on the postseason roster and he's trying to work his way on there that's how I manyam we 16 he should play every single game period you only have 16 games to get this guy ready when I mean he has a batting average below 100 three games you know it's like we got to get him going and it's like how do you get going when you sit and you get cold on the bench because guess what when he's doing that he's not in Triple A raking he's just getting cold on the bench so he's just chewing sunflower seeds he's not he's not playing so it just age it bothers me and then what also bothers me is the whole Austin Wells rhetoric how oh he can't play every day listen why did this become the exclusive he can't play every day to catch her put him at DH what about Stanton I like Stanton but Stanton who we have literally never called out since the beginning of the year well because the first like the beginning of the year we were starting to talk about maybe he should be DFA and all that which everybody was yeah but he's now hitting 230 his on base percentage all of a sudden is 290 so he has not played well lately behind a lot of different players Verdugo gets a lot of flack from us just in general Rizzo has not played well recently so there are guys in vulpi we called out Stanton's kind of just gotten away with a lot of you know no one's really thrown him under the bus as of late because the home runs if Stanton hits home runs then we take 230 batting average oh absolutely Stanton's hitting 138 in September make no mistake about it he hit 224 in August he hit 304 in June but I mean really he hasn't been hitting all that well as of late the thing is he's hit seven home runs in August and September as kind of this every other day player although lately he's become more of an everyday player right if I have to take Stanton out of the DH role so I can give Austin Wells a shot you know and I don't want to give him a full day at catcher I'm doing it he's more of a run producer I understand he's not as damaging as Stanton because the power there but I don't really think it's remotely close scary I think you get a guy that has a way better on base percentage more than likely is going to get on base and Stanton I mean when he's not hitting he's not hitting so that's how I see it is that you know it shouldn't just be exclusive oh we're giving uh Wells a day well also you're kind of nullifying the day because notice Wells always pinch hits on his days off why why even bother with these days off I I don't know I don't get it Bo I don't get I thought they just told me that left-handed hitters hit better against Reagan isn't that what they told me well and also and this is my big this is where I I can kind of stab a hole in that whole idea of like oh yeah yeah no no no no Austin Wells has barely gone against left-handed pitching and you could say well that's why he's ahead of trino because trino seen more left maybe that's the case but I look at it is there's not any analytics you have out there that are clearly or at least you're not following them to tell an actual story here Austin Wells has have very limited reps against left-handed pitching and you know I also think the thing that's overblown here because splits actually I don't I don't hate the idea of using um you know platoon splits but what I hate is how it's become oh it's a lefty it's a righty come on you're a professional manager how are we going to literally bring it down to a lefty and a righty do you know how generalized that is no here's the thing okay Austin Wells has nine games started against left-handed starting pitchers right that's I care about when you're deciding the lineup based on the starter right he has a 256 batting average he hits better obviously only nine games to 76 as a starter he hits better against left-handed starters he was for 40 yeah if he was one for 35 yeah then I could he's 10 for he's 10 in uh 52 play appearances he has 10 hits yeah but that doesn't matter they've told us it doesn't matter they actually Aaron Boon has explained this he said we do not decide who catches based on if it's a righty or a lefty pitching it's exactly what Aaron Boon said well he literally he said it today he said it today that's why right so if that's the case all of a sudden a lefty was pitching he pinch Hits Austin Wells right so again if we're going based on what Aaron Boon said as to why there were lefties in the lineup today right and I think that answer was completely valid but if it's valid why was John Carlos Stanton hitting today against a guy that lefties okay Reagan gets righties out so why was Stanton in there instead of Wells at DH it just did not make sense so you periodically used your logic and then in other instances you just said we gave that guy a day just for rest purposes that makes no sense at all he's a 25y old kid he can play so if that's the case and we know it is you pinch hit him so if he can pinch hit I promise you he could have taken three more bats today I promise you well here's trino by the way against left-handed by by the way he's better against righties like way not good against not good against either but no no he's actually good against righties he has a 275 batting average like well I mean even if that's the case I don't play him ever no I know but he's got a 724 Ops a 275 batting average if if the the roles were reversed and that was his like say that was him against lefties totally fine would never say anything right yes well against Lefty starters he has a 172 batting average a 284 on base percentage like what what are we doing so I mean I don't want to complain too much I'm glad they got the win I really am oh yeah but yeah that the lineup annoyed the [ __ ] out of me because it just it just felt very disingenuous to the mission what is the mission you you roll out that Thanos lineup yesterday that just has everything right gets people so excited for the postseason it doesn't go well look that's baseball right sometimes things don't go well throw it out again use it again but no we go with this and they won but they didn't win because of that lineup let's be honest here they did not win because of that lineup and Austin Wells if he didn't pinch hit I mean who knows if they even win the game because you know people are complaining oh he didn't get a hold of one and he didn't hit the home run or he didn't have a double all he needed to do was get that run in that's all he needed to do I didn't need him to do anything crazy as far as I'm concerned mission accomplished gets vulpi in it's a three3 ball game allows Jazz to win it in the next inning so that's how I look at it um I yeah I just I'm like really over the whole the platoon splits because it's only used from a generalized point of righty Lefty instead of a right-handed starter and a left-handed starter and to me that's all that matters because if I'm basing my lineup I'm basing it on the starter why am I not using analytics that coincide with a starter I just I don't understand why you would use generalized analytics at that point there's a lot going on there's a lot going on with our lineup too many moving Parts there's a lot of um I guess contradiction when it comes to Aron Boon I mean he contradict himself a lot so I have a few stats I want to throw out there that I found on Twitter by New York Yankee stats who else New York Yankee stats uh first one JZ chisman Jr with his first career walk-off hit so that's cool um the second one MLB three seasons with 30 plus home runs 100 plus RB and 100 plus walks age 25 or younger there's only two guys Ted Williams Juan stto and then the last one I want to throw out here that I thought was really cool is um Luis heel has allowed one run or fewer in 16 starts this season that's the most in the MLB tied with Russ Ford in 1910 by a by a Yankee rookie in a season that's crazy I don't know what to think about Luis heel you you know what's so in interesting about this pitcher is that what it really really surprise me if I told you guys he's going to go out there and he's going to be dynamic in the postseason get us to a World Series right just be incredible and then I could also at the same like on another flip of the coin Luis heel can go out and throw 16 straight balls and be pulled from the M no one has a clue about this kid no one's got a clue one day they talk about oh yeah on the yes broadcast he's featuring this slider right and he's got a dynamic slider he's locating it all day and there's a reason clearly he's featuring it then all of a sudden we'll see him throw 12 straight balls he'll walk five and then the broadcast will simultaneously say why isn't this guy learning to command his fastball why isn't he featuring the most important pitch in baseball this pitcher is interesting as it gets you don't have a clue what you're getting we can have him go out there next star he can walk six guys strike out seven and he'll get a no decision and then we'll go into a wild card or a division game and he'll just dominate so I don't know obviously there's very little consistency with Luis heel maybe that's due to fatigue I probably would assume it is Jake I would say that fatigue is becoming not a problem but just something that remember we talked about that injury that he had maybe this will help him gets him refreshed gets him going again well 135 Innings I mean that's that's insane as aook right so here we are right Luis heel looks like a different pitcher we have to have it I don't know if I'm going to predict that it's going to be there at the end of September and in in like through an October run I don't know where we're getting I have no idea but if we get this version of Luis Hillel we do have a chance right because you can throw out rodon Garrick Cole and Luis heel is a really good one-two punch and it's a lot better than a lot of other teams can throw out there and this as well as by the way Jake you know the best part about today the the entire day what's that is that Keegan Aken right do you know who that is no you shouldn't okay this is the guy who was closing the game for the Baltimore Orioles today against Boston and blew the hell out of the game okay so when people tell you oh the Yankees they can win a game like this against a competi like a very competitive Kansas City Royals team awesome but what's this team going to do against some of the best teams in baseball well they tell you that the Yankees can't go anywhere because of our back end of our Bullpen did you know who Keegan Aken was before today before me mentioning it no you didn't Absol now some people maybe did but you mean to tell me that Keegan Aken a 29y old left-hander you heard clay aen exactly that's all I heard yeah so that's kind of what we're saying Guys these teams are all flawed what you should be rooting for is when we do face competitive teams right teams over 500 teams we're going to be seeing in October the Yankees need to throw a punch they need to land a punch don't tell me about how they project in October that we'll find out now in September we're going to see what they look like this month right before the postseason we're gonna see what they look like in October because those games if you've paid attention to this division you would know the Yankees and the Orioles want no part of winning this division for whatever reason no one will separate themselves they will not put a they will not go on a win streak right and in large part of what their bull pins do in large part of how their offenses periodically will lay an egg well we're gonna find out what the Yankees look like in October baseball in September you play the Royals you play Baltimore you play Boston when Boston's in a wild card hunt we're in postseason baseball time now so if you want to judge this team on what they're going to look like when it's cold out pay attention to them right now pay attention to Baltimore Baltimore's crapping down their leg too so I'm more excited I think than the average Yankees fan I feel like this Yankees team has a a slew of problems a lot theyve got a lot of problems they've got makeshift third basem we're going to try him over here glaber Torres may or may not give you effort he is right now Juan stto is kind of sliding Aaron judge isn't really hitting the way he normally does right Luis heel is a wild card Garrett Cole we don't wow he looks pretty good right Klay Holmes is pitching in the seventh inning today instead of the eighth inexplicably there's so many moving Parts our top prospect didn't play right so much is going wrong or could go wrong and yet you look across baseball and these teams have just as much going wrong there's a reason their record isn't better than ours there's a lot going wrong with over there too so Jake I'm pretty hopeful I am I'm not saying we're going to win the World Series not saying any of that but when I watch this team I look across baseball at the most important game today and that was Baltimore in Boston and I looked up and said oh Baltimore is going to win this game I didn't know who was going to close for him right yeah and Kimbrell lost his job as the closer I didn't know who Keegan Aken was okay playay aen but yeah right I didn't know who that was and so I just put my head down and said wow Baltimore's gonna win this game and we are gonna go into Extra Innings and blow this game just like we usually do and then it just flipped on its head so it just reminded me very quickly that there is no great team in baseball and we've just got to go out and throw the first punch against some really good teams no I agree I mean this this Boston series is tricky because they've had the Yankees number they really have so you gotta come out of the series at least winning three of four oh that means Garrett Cole's pitching in this series and facing Raphael Des should we sprinkle some Peter popof uh Miracle Water over Garrett Cole's arm he's gonna attack he's gonna attack I tell you yeah it's Cortez Schmidt um Cortez Schmidt Cole and rodon so I guess that was shortlived with the uh the Dual the um double barrel yeah that worked too well guys let's not go back to that okay well um maybe they used it just because of the bullpen was tired I don't know right I don't know how you don't keep using it but yeah so Cortez is scheduled to start tomorrow you you guys are watching this the day he's scheduled to start 7:15 on Fox oh I'll miss Michael k um oh then Apple TV on Friday I just died a little inside I actually don't care about any of these broadcasts I understand when they're like oh I kind of like it when this guy's a part of it and that guy gets a chance I personally I just want to have the option to watch I just I want to watch I I feel like I should have the opportunity to do that but obviously they they kind of pimp out the rights and sell it to different companies I get Amazon Prime though like I get it because they have a deal and Amazon almost owns YES Network anyway so it's not a big deal they just roll with yes network but like Apple TV plus like what what are we doing concept they they said how much money are you willing to pay us we'll give up a couple games and when you give up those games you lose the broadcast opportunities and it throws it to somebody else well it's annoying because it's not like we get to watch Yes Network during the postseason that would be awesome right that that would be pretty cool I think we I think we deserve that as fans I think we deserve that but um yes just isn't close to affording it that's actually the real problem you're looking for I mean it's a lot it's it would be a lot to because you'd be simoc casting to yes and essentially like fox or TBS or yeah it wouldn't be I'm sure they could find a way I mean this is what should happen Michael K should get in the booth during the postseason like like have Michael K sign a W9 as an independent contractor and work for fox periodically okay Fox you get the ALCS well get that Jabron off the broadcast and you put Michael K up there and he just gets to stamp a Fox logo over the top of his chest and he just pretends it's YES Network exactly give me these these two play-by-play guys and we're good Michael Kan Joe Davis done those are those guys are made for the postseason give me Michael K and Joe Davis as the one two and then honestly I'm cool with con I'm cool with Paul O'Neal with Michael K and with Joe Davis I don't know like A-Rod I think would be a good one um I mean I'm sure there are other color guys out there well Michael K does the well I don't know if he still does it but he did the thing with A-Rod with ESPN right I mean they they should 100% do that again 100% I have no idea if people liked it or not I mean I don't really consult other people on the on the broadcast because I feel like everyone complains about the broadcast I'm not going to lie to you I feel like if you ask about Michael K people tell you he stinks you ask people about A-Rod on the broadcast they tell you he stinks and then all the former people right like people who used to be broadcasters they just speak highly of them they're like oh Vince scolly which Vince scolly was the best right but then they'll say Joe Morgan and all these different people it's like why can't where are all the people saying that they like broadcasters like where did that go I know well I mean everyone hated on Joe Buck because they thought it was cool but I actually missed Joe Buck calling postseason baseball games right like I yeah he's a he's a little underrated he was so hated that he became underrated yeah I mean him and Tim McCarver that was a good Duo I actually liked that John Smoltz he just hates the Yankees so it's like super super biased anytime I'm watching Yankees baseball it's like I think he's good but it's just clear he hasn't gotten over that World Series loss you know what I mean so it's like I just would rather not hear that and I mean Eduardo Perez I don't have to say anything there um yeah I mean I don't know I think I think uh yeah I think I would go with with A-Rod I think I'd go with A-Rod and Michael K and if if I couldn't get Michael K but I could get A-Rod I'd go with Joe Davis because Joe Davis he was doing the Dodgers for a while I know he still does them to a degree because he does a lot for Fox but like I he's one of those multiport guys can do football as well he's got that voice man Joe Davis is awesome like I I'm looking forward to listening to him actually call games but you know who's gonna call games Bob cus and everyone's gonna complain again I think Bob cus I mean I can't say he does a bad job Bob seems he's a good like he he has that voice it's just yeah it's different I think of the Olympics when I hear Bob cess I don't think postseason baseball I mean that's just me personally I don't dislike him I just heard someone all year in Michael K and then all of a sudden I turn on postseason baseball and then I heard something different I feel like I should be able to have Michael K do the postseason I just that's all the way I feel about it and if you don't like Michael C then too bad pick another team yeah I'm with you um I mean there are plenty of guys out there matd V I love Mt gersan um oh he goes crazy a Santa Maria and people get so mad people send me like hate messages about it they're like can you believe that call how unprofessional I'm like baseball is already considered boring so you know who exactly they need that you know who uh so he called the youed to called Monday Night Football for a little bit and got so much [ __ ] for it Joe tesor that dude is amazing cuz he's a boxing announcer he I have no idea who that is oh dude he's he's great so I don't know if you ever played Fight Night any of those Fight Night games he was the announcer okay that emphatic announcer and uh oh yeah he would just go nuts someone scores a touchdown and you'd be like this is the first time he's ever seen a touchdown scor in his life and I'm all for it you know but because it's funny people will like um what's his face Gus Johnson you know and love how he goes crazy but then they'll not like a guy who does the same thing and it's it's kind of weird but yeah I mean it's not obviously priority number one on this channel but we are fans of the game and I I think really what is important to say here you know before we get into um the mailbags and wrap up the show is that part of the game and part of the atmosphere you know as long as you're not actually at the game part of this whole thing is a broadcast having the guys color having the guys you know you know the play-by-play guys having a good home run call knowing when to pause and just like let the moment come in and then say something not talk too much not say things like uh you know something what was it about oh yeah Siri's not having a good night and and then he hits a walk-off home run it's like it's like oh this is not your night Siri oh and that one's hit deep and it was like I don't know what she was doing oh yeah well nobody knows what she she didn't know what she was doing obviously not gonna say her name but J was terrible yeah I I had no idea but yeah so I guess really like the point is that to me that's part of the experience if I'm watching a telecast that's part of the experience and so I guess like there are s where the Yes Network has a game but the game is actually scheduled for TBS I don't see why we can't do that because I've seen that before where I watched on yes and then like quick pitch on MLB network will literally be showing the TBS broadcast and I'm like yeah but I mean that's what they're doing they're essentially by paying for it and you understand this if TVs buys it they're essentially telling you we paid for the right to tell Michael K to go to Eddie V's tonight dinner go kick Rock you're off the broadcast they get the right to just steal the whole broadcast and then Michael K doesn't get a chance to be a part of it they're essentially saying yes you may enjoy this better but we are gonna strip the whole rots of the game and you may complain about it in the first inning or just before the game but in the third inning you're not going to be hearing Michael K You're Gonna Hear fox or you're gonna hear TBS right so like they're just like I told you before they pimp out those rights they don't give a rip if you like this broadcast or not it's more about hearing hey welcome back to Apple TV's baseball game right it's more about just hearing apple as though the advertisement matters like as though we don't know about Apple everybody has an iPhone anyway right I know it's silly but they pay for that right they just to people to actually yeah it's to get people to actually use Apple TV plus which I do recommend by the way I think it's great service but I just don't love Apple TV baseball if I'm being honest how many services do I have to buy I don't have Apple TV I've got Hulu Netflix right you got all these different programs I have every single one I don't do any of it I go right on stream East and watch the game and everyone's going can you believe what just happened and I'm watching the game 65 seconds before you know after everybody else that's how it goes my phone alerts me when something happens and then I get to watch it on the TV after that because I essentially said okay we got rid of cable it was too expensive now all of a sudden I've got to own 15 different streaming platforms I'm sorry I'm over it I'm like already a 55-year-old man in a 30-year-old's body I mean I to be fair I'm over like we we recommend all these movies and I feel like all these movies back in the day I have to spend like $10 to rent and I'm like what why aren't they on Netflix why aren't they on Hulu why aren't they on uh Paramount plus and uh you know all of those I have every single one I have every single one of them and I will find so many movies a lot of the Christopher Nolan movies are not on any of those I had to like you guys go to movies. one23 they it'll it'll play right there for free some some dude will hold his phone up in HD oh my God I'm not doing that and I'll watch the movie I'll do it I don't I don't give a rip I don't care I don't care how much money I make I'm not buying the movie bro that guy are so all that all that ad revenue is going to his prosthetic arms that's what you're telling me because this dude is not going to be able to hold he is he is gonna need he is gonna turn into uh one of those I forget what the um the gimbals he is gonna turn in he is a gimbal that's what he is um that's so silly but yeah so uh thank you guys as always shout outs to our field level members Juan sepa kid from Li Carlos morero Jeff J W Brian fuches Ryan Hoffman Rich Squires Joshua hman Egyptian magician Nick Gomes Jaylen cero JT Roberts and Mickey G appreciate you guys and we got two mailbag questions to wrap up the show fired away so the first one Jaylen cero I know we're in a super tight pennant race yes but was stto and judge both struggling do you think they are feeling run down this late in the season and do you consider giving one or both an extra day I'll say this they absolutely are feeling run down at the end of the season they've played 140 something games but you can't give him a day all the the rest of the 16 games the Yankees need to win all 16 now they'll find a way to you know get to the playoffs if they don't but realistically they should be trying to win every game the rest of the year there should be no punt lineups there should be no days given off um that's how I feel car Gary are your thoughts has anyone ever worked at a place and you reached the end of the quarter and that's where you're getting judged and all of a sudden somebody tells you hey the inspector coming in this month right they're coming in sometime between Monday and Friday you guys remember that ever happening did you ever get your day off during that week you didn't did you yeah that's September baseball and October baseball for you you don't get a day off your Wan stto he might get a day off tomorrow because he fou the ball off his leg and maybe that they're thinking that that's a reason to do it but I'm here to tell you right now I don't even consider it I don't I really don't why would you he had a piss missile after that I don't even think about putting Wan SoDo on the bench I don't even think about putting Aaron judge on the bench and giving him a reset day could it possibly be beneficial it could be but you think I want to find out by putting Aaron judge on the bench for a day absolutely not he's our best player it's not even close so no to answer your question I understand why people would introduce the conversation I do I don't understand why someone would deploy it that's a good way to put it um thank you as always Jaylen appreciate the uh you know support and the enthusiasm in our mailbag uh Juan sepa with how this team is hitting or lack thereof if they don't make it to the ALCS does Hal clean house or do you see Cashman and Boon speaking to reporters in spring training of 2025 I told you this I'll say this again Gary I don't know if you know where I'm going with this but I think briyan Cashman is a lock to return and I think Boone gets fired if they don't win the World Series I think Boon gets fired straight up okay yeah no I think Boon absolutely is in the crosshairs more for house saloner than and I don't think that's fair let me make that very clear I think if anything Cashman deserves to be fired more he's been here longer okay um but I know that they have that relationship and I mean it's probably like at this point you and I it's like me firing you like I'm not doing that so you know like I I guess I kind of I mean I get it it's it's tough um but I mean Cashman if if they lose and they fall short of getting to the yeah that's another thing if they get to the World Series Boon stays even if they lose if they don't get to the World Series he hasn't done anything to change any of his fortunes so at that point to to me that also signals that Brian Cashman didn't do enough at the deadline you know if they lose it's going to be probably because they didn't have a starting pitcher they didn't have a closer like what H whatever you know and so I think they' both be guilty but I don't think they would fire Brian Cashman I think Brian Cashman is going to be there so long to the point where when he is done he's gonna just move into like a baseball Ops role like he's not going to be like the main guy but he'll just you know take a step down that's what I think is going to happen I don't love it because I'm not a huge Brian Cashman fan um but that those are my thoughts Gary I'm just kind of I'm just kind of over it to be honest with you it's the same thing with the Cowboys it's exact same thing with the Cowboys everyone's wondering is Jerry Jones the owner of the Cowboys is he really gonna continue to make the decisions of what they do in the front office and I'm here to tell you guys right now if for whatever reason the Cowboys we're all sitting there eating queso in salsa and we're watching the Dallas Cowboys represent right in the Super Bowl this year I guarantee you guys Jerry Jones dies before he stops being the ex's and O's guy like before he's making decisions with what they're doing with players and free agency and all that via trade contract negotiations if they made it to a Super Bowl it would never be undone same exact thing goes for Brian Cashman right how Ste brener is going to say oh the Yankees made it to the World Series that's a success yes they're going to say we want to win it when they get there but we're not even calling for him to be fired right we're not calling for anyone to be fired if they beat everybody in the American League it's still technically a failure but we'll take it given the context of what we've been through the Yankees haven't gotten close if they get close you lose in game six or game seven of a World Series we can't live with it at the time but am I calling for anyone's job you lost in game seven of World Series probably not no um and that's the thing like we have talked about is it time to move on from Cashman and Boon but being in September that's not the time that I mean that would be ridiculous way too much of a distraction I don't care what you think about Boon at this point you know we're going on to September 13th and or September 12th and it I mean let just call it like it is if you fired your manager September 12th and you're in first place in your Division and you're one of the best teams in the league it's not a good look you know now all the sudden players in the clubhouse it just it could get bad so I think the time to do that would have been earlier on in the year but um you know when they were going through that rough patch in July but look I I think they're both going to be back um I think they're both going to be back if they make a world series I mean I don't think Brian Cashman there's no scenario where Brian Cashman gets fired none are the Yankees the Transformers franchise it really just hit me oh well we make a ton of profit you guys keep coming back to watch it we're just going to make explosions and all types of stuff right and Michael baay so Michael Bay maybe Michael Bay right it's so weird when you say Michael Bay on a show where we always say Michael K right so maybe the producer Michael Bay who does Transformers maybe he's just Brian Cashman he just continues to throw the same explosions out of you guys and we just keep looking at the pretty explosions and by the end you're left feeling unsatisfied and they're left Rich yeah yeah maybe I I I guess maybe I would I would uh compare them to The Last of Us franchise like how many times are you going to just continue to to remake oh yeah we're we have another uh Definitive Edition well I mean that's not very definitive but like five Definitive Edition this is the best movie you've ever seen you never seen anything like it and then it ends the exact same way you ever yeah well you know the the last of a series right not the yeah I don't yeah I don't watch it yeah so the games they've literally made like the first game part one I think they've they made a remaster because it came out on PS3 which you wouldn't even know because it's on PS5 so it came out on PS3 they did a remaster on PS4 they did a remaster on PS5 they did a remake on PS4 they did a remake on PS5 they did a defend intive Edition on PS4 they did a definitive edition on PS5 they did a deluxe edition or legendary edition or whatever the hell they've been milking that and then that's not that's just the the first part the second part they've they're now doing that so yeah they've been milking that franchise for to all hell when did they start selling chicken buckets and they might as well be selling chicken buckets right now yeah wa oh by the way it is your turn for the movie so I'm just letting you know okay so I came up with the Dark Knight people were loving that by the way the Dark Knight I know it was a safe pick I'm sure but I thought of it I do have uh the Venom uh shirt on I've never seen Venom Venom's a good movie I like it uh Venom 2 I can understand why people didn't like it I still did um Woody Haroldson as Carnage was definitely something else but H where do we want to go you also had another reference uh there was one I forget why it came up in my head but I was thinking you know what screw it we're sticking with the comic book uh movies here I'm going X-Men first Class so good such a good movie um the X-Men series is very heavily scrutinized because x uh the first X-Men film is great X2 is really good The Last Stand should be thrown in the nearest dumpster uh um but the X-Men the first class is like basically a prequel to everything that happened and it's like how like it you know Charles Xavier ends up paralyzed and all that like because it literally goes all the way back to that point and uh and how Magneto became Magneto and they have some crazy scenes in that movie so definitely check oh I know why now I know why you made me think of X-Men first class why because when you were talking about him being adaptable there's a character in that that is this guy that like I forget what kind of charact like he he just basically he's like a you know he adapts to everything and like he he like Kirby Kirby yep yeah you did you play Super Smash Bros yeah yeah I've played it before right and Kirby Kirby's the character where he sucks you in and then he he takes your powers yeah I got to look at this character cuz I I know he basically adapts to so it was uh Darwin Darwinism it's a obviously uh Darwin is the character in X-Men first Class this film came out in 2011 it is one of my favorite comic book films and uh yeah um he basically adapts to everything and then Kevin Bacon as astion Shaw uh puts a [ __ ] lava thing in his mouth and kills himac he looks up Kevin Bacon like oh uh all right you don't know who Kevin Bacon is I I knew the name oh my God yeah I know who this is I mean yeah no the cast is insane it's Jennifer Lawrence Nicholas Holt he Kevin Bacon looks like a wrinkly Jim Carrey Kevin I mean Zoe Kravitz is in it Michael fast Bender James makavo he's in the that one that one that speak no evil okay the one that just that's coming out or whatever that's in theater so yeah yeah I haven't seen any of this but I know who Kevin Bacon is yeah so yeah you're going to want to check out this movie it's very good okay it's one of the best comic book films I've watched so yeah if you made it to this point in time in the the uh video or the podcast whatever X-Men first Class X-Men colon first class so what's with you and the colons crazy I have OCD over that type of stuff okay just being honest cool well like this video

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