Austin Wells HAS to be the FAVORITE to win AL Rookie of the Year

all right folks welcome back in this is Yankees unloaded I'm Jake Ellen and he is Gary Sheffield Jr and we're pretty happy because the Yankees just won a huge game postseason atmosphere 10 to four against a really good Royals team that let's be honest here they were winning this game going in the seventh inning four to3 so to score seven unanswered runs pull away with the w I don't care that it was at home if anything I'm more happy it was at home because the Yankees are better Road team anyway to see them winning at home to see what we saw today different ways of putting runs on the board Gary this wasn't just a home run derby judge with a single in the seventh inning Torres with a single um you know obviously Wells even doubled in the eighth inning uh even after hitting his three-run home run Verdugo homered Cabrera walked in uh you know Dominguez scored on throwing error a lot of base stealing base movement the athleticism was evident with Jason Dominguez in the lineup in combination with uh Jazz Chisum and I thought um you saw some great things out of Cabrera too and I was just so impressed because this is a guy that hasn't played in days and he just he comes in he just does his thing you know so great day and uh yeah I'm excited to get talking about um you know everything I mean we got a long thing planned we'll get get to mailbag at the end of the show we'll get to shout outs at the end of the show we're going to be giving uh make it a big case for Austin wells's rookie of the year we'll talk about Verdugo Dominguez we talk about verdugo's comments which I like uh the playoffs you know the the idea of that rhon the bullpen seems to be back on track we'll talk about vulpi getting benched probably given a day off but still nonetheless uh after he had played every game since what March um so that was interesting and 10 runs without stting in the lineup so fun episode definitely be sure to grab your favorite drink stay a little while hit the Thumbs Up Button subscribe if you haven't already and I also want to bring mention before I send it over to Gary here I have started our Discord Channel I said I was going to do it I did it the link is going to be in the description and I'm going to look at how many people we have in it now looks like people are actually joining which was kind of wild Gary so when I created it Yankees um Yankees unloaded Community I had people joining like they were waiting on me to to create it it's a cool platform let's be honest you get to talk to people you get to hear their voice which is cool and then obviously it's a chat where normal people can go I know Twitter is supposed to be that technically but there are a lot of losers on Twitter too that we don't want to hear from so our Discord is a way to kind of sift through the debris find the baseball mind who are at least maybe not right all the time about baseball but at the very least they're they have a process the same process that we have which is that we can be wrong on any given day and we can talk through some of these issues talk through some call-ups some players that should or shouldn't be playing a much more enjoyable experience so if you want to do that go join our Discord we think you'll have a good time but but Jake let's not wait any longer Austin Wells is the show today and this is a player that before the numbers actually started to come out and suggest exactly what you were predicting we were looking at a lot of dare I say analytics to point us in this direction I know you were judging him based on your ey test you were telling me a lot of times off air that this player is making a lot of hard contact and you acknowledged that's not necessarily his job to just hit the ball hard obviously over the course of a long season you need to put the ball on the ground in the Outfield or in the stands at some point or another hard contact is not the game of baseball that's just nerd stuff but you can use it as an indication can this player turn it around and when we looked at those numbers we said okay we think this guy's got a shot and you made the prediction I think I'm looking at a player who may hit 20 home runs and if you if you actually project Austin Wells over a span of a full season you're looking at a player who could have hit 20 home runs and right now Austin Wells is making a real case to win Rookie of the Year I know he doesn't necessarily have the counting stats you would love and he's not gonna play 150 games but Jake he's the he's one of the best catchers in major league baseball right now how can you how can you look the other way from this player I'm gonna say something that might seem very uh knee-jerk but I think he might be the best catcher in baseball Gary I'm not kiding who else is in the discussion rushman um I mean we we had talked about this before I'd say rushman is definitely there I'd say um from Philadelphia uh real I wouldn't take any of those players over Austin walls right now especially given the fact you're talking about I mean rashman he's having a bad year and he has the talent absolutely to be a better player than Austin wilds and I still think okay but right now we're talking about just today okay not eting for a career right now Austin Wells is the best hitting catcher in the big leagues so take that for what you will and by the way Jake you were trying to convince yourself before we went live about the case for Wells over cowser and the crazy part about it you were looking at the numbers of late right what's happened so far in September what happened last month the most important months of the SE of the year right and yeah what did you find because I want to make sure I tee you up and I don't want to take the numbers I don't want to take credit go ahead because I feel like not a lot of people know these numbers just because a lot of times when you're going who's going to win MVP who's going to win Rookie of the Year who's going to win comeback Player of the Year a lot of times you stare at counting stats Jake take it away yeah so I actually came up with something after this actually I realized that Austin Wells has and to be fair Austin Wells has played in fewer games in the span since May 1 uh 28 fewer games than cower but that matters that also kind of helps him in a weird way and I'm gonna explain why so Austin Wells I mean if if Cower has minus 220 odds to win rookie of the year he is the favorite currently and Austin Wells is second we're talking about Al rookie there I'm not getting into schemes and rookie there as a whole I'm talking about yeah right so if that's the case I'm going to say this right now I don't think it's remotely close scary I think Austin Wells is a lot better than cower cower just happens to play for the Orioles and people have this lovefest right now for the Young Guns that they have which I get it's fun baseball all that well Austin Wells is fun baseball as a matter of fact I heard Nick swisser after the game say he reminded him of course with the mustache of course he REM remed him of uh Thurman mson who's like one of my all-time favorites like going back throughout history I love Thurman mson it's actually one of the main reasons why uh 15 is been my favorite number like just getting to learn about Thurman Monon and I've just always been a fan and so I kind of get what he's saying Austin Wells is somebody that you know as they talked about in in the the postgame show and I thought it was a great postgame show really building the case for Wells as a story because this is a guy like any catcher the Yankees have drafted he was constantly article after article about him moving to First not being good enough to be behind the plate and he's turned himself into a top five defensive catcher and a top five offensive Catcher And I think playing catcher 80 games is I think it actually in my opinion I think it equals the 108 games that cowser played and I would also go as far as to say this cowser keep in mind he has way more at bats all that but in 362 at bats to Austin Wells 250 right Cower has 83 Hits Austin Wells has 65 like okay Ker's got more hits right Ker's got 57 runs Austin Wells has 31 but cowser for an outfielder should be doing that and should be doing more in my opinion this is where it gets interesting though Gary doubles when you think Cower has tons of doubles he has one more double than Austin Wells since May 1 oh that's crazy that's insane my catcher our catcher you tweeted out that's my uping catcher our catcher my mom not going to love that language but whatever it happens uh our catcher has 13 doubles and cower is 14 okay so I I've heard exactly what you said my takeaway Austin WS is a way better player okay yeah he's he's got 11 homers by the way cser's got 14 and he's got two fewer RBI yeah I mean he's a Wells is a much better player so those are the count stats though I was going to get to yeah the the averages right so yeah no go ahead on the averages so his batting average cower and this is not me trying to say cower is a bad player but when we're talking about cases having to be made sometimes it gets a little ugly and sometimes you do have to discredit another player and I don't mean to discredit cower but he's hitting 229 since May 1 that's most of the year that matters so yeah May is not you're not cherry picking the last month of the Season no you're talking about may may is a long time ago Austin Wells is hitting 260 since May 1st his onpiece percentage is 342 since May 1 that's not a surprise though Austin Wells remember his expected batting average was 260 remember his numbers weren't exceptional trino was Finding grass right he was playing every other day absolutely said well it says his expected batting average is 262 it's exactly what it was we read it go watch the show and we said well hold on a second you may have an expected batting average of 262 but you still got to go do it don't tell me what you expect go perform right we said this and you made the projection that you think he can do it but nowhere did we say it was nowhere did we say that this was enough currently he's got to go do it and long hold you had trino have an injury and then Wells found his way on the field every day and since then we've seen Austin Wells be the best catcher in the big leagues so as far as I'm concerned cowser is absolutely putting up counting stats which should matter for something but he's not catching every day he's not catching this catching isn't catching the hardest position on the field and by the way when it comes slugging either no but when it comes to Counting stats this is where my hesitation resides M I can't necessarily say a player is better than another player because of counting stats and the reason for it is because I watched Joe Mau okay I'm going to use Joe Mau as a perfect example obviously Joe Mau didn't have as long of a season as a lot of catchers that we can come up with right and Yadier Molina is one of those catchers he played a long time in this league but yet I wouldn't look at his counting stats offensively over the course of a almost 20-year career and say yeah this is a better catcher this is a better offensive player than Joe Mau no Joe Ma just spent less time on the field he wasn't there as long so we've talked about it and I wouldn't necessarily be pissed if cowser wins because being on the field does matter playing every day does matter I'm not going to Discount that so there's a reason cower is the favorite to win but as far as I'm concerned you would like the better player to win the award that's just my opinion on it Jake I know you agree and there's there going to be other people who agree with that as well but then at the same time there going to be others who say well if Wells was going to be the Rookie of the Year maybe you blame Aaron Boone for not playing him every day when he's probably more than capable at this age and I say fair touche if Austin Wells played every day we're probably looking at a player remember how many times stats are far superior yeah remember how many times I brought that up so on one hand you want to save Dominguez but you literally have a rookie of the year guy that would get you a pick because he was a top 100 Prospect I mean I it's frustrating but I'm just glad Austin Wells is a Yankee um fun fact do you know about the the Austin Wells trade trade uh the the draft day thing no oh you're gonna like this so I I'm pretty sure it was the race the race called him and they're like we're going to draft you and he said no don't draft me I want to play for the Yankees did he really because this is a UFA kid did he really yeah he wanted to play for the Yankees he wanted to be a Yankee he told teams he told his agent I I will not sign there and he forced his way to the Yankees maybe he saw Gary Sanchez and he's like this dude can't catch I'll be catching there in three years I'll be at the big league level that's probably what some of these players I mean let's honest no but I think he was a Yankee fan though which I don't doubt but when you saw Gary Sanchez anyone could have told you yeah Gary Sanchez isn't going to be catching games for the Yankees he might be dhing he's not gonna be catching games for the Yankees in 2021 or 2022 no what by the way how copy and paste was the media there like oh Gary Sanchez can't feel or he he can't be the defensive Catcher And Wells is a first round Catcher by the Yankees let's just copy and paste all that stuff and just remove Gary out of it and just put Austin like I mean it's like that's what they did cuz I remember hearing that and I watched a game Gary this is actually kind of the origin of how I became an Austin Wells Stan if you will um I watched a game that was on yes it was double A and I watched him call it behind the plate I saw all of it everything that you need to see I saw his framing I saw his hitting I think he went three for five in that game with two homers mhm and I was like yeah that guy's the closest thing that I've seen to being a Jorge Posada for this organization right like that the first thing I thought of was Jorge Posada he's not a switch hitter and I want to give Jorge a lot of credit because being a switch hitting catcher is extremely valuable but to me Austin Wells being a lefty at Yankee Stadium he's a cheap code and he is going to be an absolute dynamite in the post season I can already see it now he is going to be a problem and so again it's not to discredit cower I think cower is a good player but I think if you gave cower Rookie of the Year you're giving it to it because somebody has to win Al Rookie of the Year and instead why do that when Austin Wells is clearly the AL rookie of the year if it's not Luis heel well I have a question for you then yeah the Yankees and Orioles right now are in the mid of a they're they're in the mid of a division title right AB Yankees are up one and a half games the Yankees are going to be hosting the Baltimore Orioles at the stadium right and we'll probably be there yep but shouldn't the results of not just that series but the remainder of this season because in my opinion if you use the rest of September right as we head to October baseball to figure out who the Rookie of the Year is well shouldn't the most important games of the season have a huge indication of who wins that's my opinion on it and by the way Jake if that's the case and I believe it should be the case Austin Wells is absolutely in terms of Trends we have way more reason to believe Austin Wells is going to perform well in September and into October than cower for the Baltimore Orioles that's just my opinion and I like cower I do but based on what he's done since May 1 there is no indication he's going to put a team on his back and carry a game in September I don't see that happening I also don't see him catching any games anytime soon I think that should matter so I'm not saying that Welsh should win but to watch Austin Wells dominate another month at the most important position in the field other than maybe short stop I mean you could give the argument the catcher is the most important defensive position in the field well how are we not going to look this kid's way I think we should and I think it to not look his way is an injustice to baseball I agree and I mean I'm looking at CER Savant St because I was very curious Fielding run value a nine so 91st percentile Austin Wells is 95th percentile 11 uh Austin Wells they gave him a negative one base running run value I have no idea where they're getting that oh you know what he got picked off the other day I'm sure that hurt him um and then they gave him an 87 he's got eight stolen bases and by the way Austin Wells they didn't factor in today's game he's got the same amount of doubles as this guy in way fewer games so yeah what about the framing obviously you don't frame any Baseballs in left field so you're you're talking about Austin Wells impacting games where he actually he's a really good hitter butam he goes over for four he is one of the most impactful guys in the field in terms of framing pitches for his right so he's yeah he's just he's a more valuable asset now do you consider a more valuable player the winner of rookie of the year we're going to find that out now I think a lot of people are going to play it safe and use counting STS say well he hit 24 homers he drove in 75 I'm giving him Rookie of the Year and to to that I say fine yeah if you want to play it that way absolutely you want to use games played as an indicator of who should win okay but Austin Wells is the better player he just is and I think that's the last I've got to say of it I am super impressed and I'm impressed by your prediction as well cuz I even said at the beginning of this podcast and this is months ago now beginning of the season I didn't like our catcher room obviously I wasn't very high on tavinho didn't like the way he threw the ball and that's gotten exponentially worse since the beginning of the year off of injury and I didn't like his long-term ability with the bat but I really I can't say I wrote off Austin Wells but he was more of an analytics project and not necessarily results driven and now he's results driven he this is a player that's putting up the numbers he's hitting for average he's hitting for power he can run he can score from first he's framing he can block if you if I ask somebody what does Austin Wells really like what does he really need to work on the list is pretty short it is right it is so he's just a really good overall ball player and for a team that has struggled finding players who are good at both offense and defense right our top prospect Anthony vulpi he's sure as hell I mean he's he's trying someone actually compared him the other day to Aussie Smith obviously he's not at that level defensively but you're telling the story that he's just a glove out there right now Austin Wells is both he's a two-way player and I think that should mean something I agree and I mean this is a guy that I think a lot of people forget you know he didn't have a great year in the minor leagues in 2023 I mean you know he had a uh an Ops is 775 so it's not like you know he was crushing it but I think sometimes guys get stale just just being in the same spot and looking at his you know Season before 19 games uh he had 16 hits 19 games 229 batting average of 743 Ops I mean you know the the issue was is on base percentage was 257 but he had a 486 slugging so Gary when we were doing our predictions at some point we should do a live stream just you and I rewatching our predictions I think that would be cool reacting to that um there is no show in Planet that's doing that because I mean we make a lot of predictions we do a show every day it it'll make look bad and then also pretty good we we did predictions about players like all the players do you remember that I do yeah there'll be a legitimate episode that we can just pull up and we'll have a watch along and people can watch and we'll react and we can even do like Q&A and stuff afterwards or whatever it's just an idea but I guess really what I'm getting at is Wells I knew his on base percentage had always been a big deal for him cuz I mean in the minor he had a 370 on base percentage so when he struggled to get on base at 257 clip last year in 19 games but I saw that slugging and I saw he had four home runs in 19 games I'm like well I never looked at him as like a a slugger like the most he ever had was 20 in 2022 but I felt like more than likely if one of those things goes it's going to be the home runs and I'm okay with it however I actually looked at the four home runs and saw a guy that had that potential to hit 20 and I saw the on base percentage and I was like like they might have like not actually Joe Mau on the level of like his batting average but getting on base hitting enough home runs where you're like okay and then doing what he does behind the plate I mean this is why they didn't make a trade and this is actually why I was against the the Juan sto deal because I'll tell you Austin Wells would have been a part of that that's the that's the thing a lot of people forget is that trading for Juan stto right after you trade all those guys for Gallow I I think that hurt the minor league system and it was an old team with guys like Donaldson lameu I mean he's still there but older team right that was my gripe about trading for stto when the Padres did it because had they done that Wells is gone vulp is gone vulpi may be something I get what people are saying but I'll tell you right now I would not trade Wells I would not as well as a better did he I know he's performing better now so it's easy to say in the short term he's been a better player but if you had to if you had to take a pick whose Future Would You Rather bet on right now as a Yankee not just being here but performing well is it Anthony vulpi or is it Austin well and that's a question that I think a lot of people should have that doesn't mean we're vouching for vulpi to be off this team come November it means none of that but what it does mean is a lot of people have talked about who have the Yankees developed you look up and down this roster Juan SoDo they had to trade for him glabber Torres they traded Chapman to Chicago had to get him here right was a really good move you're talking about jazz Chisum came at the deadline right Jason Dominguez he just got here so Riz traded for Verdugo traded for from Boston so a lot of our roster are players that came from other systems and that's okay when you can spend $300 million but people keep bringing the question back who have the Yankees developed and not just tried to develop actually successfully developed and the list is not very long after Aaron judge there are not many great players in this system that we developed Austin Wells is a player who has the potential to be a great great player and not just we're projecting from something he did in high a baseball no since May 1 he's been a great player that doesn't mean he's going to be a great player long term but how many other players do you know for the Yankees that have been an elite player for multiple months in a row and we don't consider them great players so at some point or another if we have a monster September we're going to have to put Austin wells in a conversation where we say okay I think the Yankees not they don't just have a contributor they may have something here that we didn't think it was like right under our nose and that's exciting because it at the very least it means that we don't have to do this circus oay show at the catcher position for the next deade no exactly and you know they have some guys in the miners uh escara JC escara he's played well um and then of course V who I really like as a backup I mean I think he's a Plus backup like I think he's going to be really good um so I mean I don't think trino is going to be around next year maybe he is but I I don't really see it I think it'll be Wells and they'll move on from trino and go with narvas and I think that's a really good tandem but with the assumption that Austin Wells plays 130 to 140 games yeah I mean that's how I hope that's what gets across with Boon is that you know they asked him today you know where he would put him in the the list or or would he be near you know high on the Rookie of the Year list and he said yes I mean Boon has to know deep down like he might have cost him this award if we're being honest by not playing him well do you remember what I said about the pros and cons to playing him and not and these these Pros everybody's aware of it but we don't talk about it the pros are Austin Wells nothing's for sure we still have to play September baseball but him playing 115 games this year is going to absolutely help him be on the field in October but are you in the exact position that you wanted to be in entering into October based on how often you played a certain player and that's where the conversation stems do we want Austin Wells playing 140 games most of the catchers in baseball that you would consider to be the best catchers in the league they do play a lot of games they do and especially the players who you would consider young and I know 30 30 years old is a young person in real life but in Major League Baseball you need to be in your early 20s or mid 20s that's a young player Austin Wells is that Austin Wells physically could handle this position every day now heading into October he should be fresh so as far as his performance falling off a cliff I think based on the way Aaron Boones used him this should help him really power through the end of September and help us in the most important year you know games of the year so I'm not gonna clap my hands for what happened I didn't like it I didn't no I did not like it in any in any like no no part of my body enjoyed it because I didn't like to watch trino give up nine stolen bases against Boston it was horrible that was but now that we sit a game and a half ahead of Baltimore right heels back Schmidt's back Cole's pitching well rodon was okay today Nester they're doing that two-headed attack so and we got holes out the closers roll so all this is happening and now you look over and say the last step is the Yankees just need to go perform and stay healthy well you just played 120 games so if there's any this is the best reason ever to stay healthy you didn't play that much yeah he should be in every single game in the postseason I mean that's really what it comes down to maybe that was the plan but I think I'm giving Boon too much credit if I even go that route so oh that would be pretty insane to try that to sit one of your better offensive players a player that you have now plugged in to the four spot in your lineup behind Aaron judge and you sat him all year just to make sure he's fresh for late September I mean I wouldn't stranger think have happened I guess yeah I mean the Yankees have prioritized regular season most often right overusing their Bullpen we've seen that a million times not even thinking about October seemingly and then they get to October they're just completely burnt out well this is the opposite this is the exact opposite this is we are going to tread lightly in the regular season and then come October if we have a pivotal game six We're not gonna look at the lineup and see Jose Trevino's name right so maybe this is part of the plan who knows I mean all I know know is that in the fourth spot he's scored 12 runs he has 32 hits five homers 24 RBI okay he has he's batting 305 he's got a 372 on base percent 505 slugging he's got an 877 Ops in 105 at bats I'm gonna go as far as to say that's Austin Wells I'm not going to say he's a 300 hitter but I think he could be so I'll take I'll take 270 are you kidding me 250 remember oh yeah wasn't hitting yeah he wasn't hitting 300 in my predictions and I know I'm asking you to go back to like February but um did I say 270 or 250 or around that I think I said no I think you probably said 250 I might have even said I was fine with 220 in in uh 20 home runs yeah because it was Nowa defensively that he was a good player back there so once okay Austin Wells can catch only I definitely said I I think I definitely said I think he can hit 270 with 20 home runs like really it's like okay I think we'll have to go back we're gonna have to do that like off day next off day we'll do that okay that's the deal game for it so you guys look out for that when is the next off day I don't know they play the whole week I'm pretty sure good so I know you know what's even better this Royal series we can actually bask in it because there's no Day game thank God there's no Day game I hate Day games I know they're the worst no someone actually told me the other day they're like I love Day games I get to watch the Yankees play and then I can go do what I want to do I'm like really because Day games are on Sunday and everything closes on Sunday they early then they tell me oh everyone's got work tomorrow I go what do you mean they have work tomorrow on a Sunday they have work tomorrow on a Tuesday it makes no Day games there's jus cling early on a Sunday makes no sense no it's awful um oh we got we got uh the West Coast time coming up okay so so now we know so Kansas City this takes us through Wednesday 705 games Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday is the Boston series that's a big series um Boston stinks right now yeah you have to win those games they've had your number you have to win those games uh Saturday and Sunday 105 and 135 something about scheduling 135 on a NFL Sunday seems insane to me but you know is what it is Monday is the off day that's when we'll do it September 16th if you're around okay I know you're leaving soon so yeah I may be on a flight to Tampa but we'll see okay yeah if if we can do it um if not the next available off day between you and I we'll uh we'll go over it I think that's cool I've never done that with any of my content so I think that's probably a smart idea uh Seattle they go to Seattle 940 940 and 410 Tuesday Seattle can't score a damn run if we can't be I'm sorry if you can score it all you put up three runs a game against Seattle and those are dubs they are and then you got the a can't score a lick then they play Oakland yeah all on the west coast which the Yankees dominate the West Coast if you've been paying attention this year so they need to win those games and then the Baltimore series which we're likely to be at so yeah this is true all 75 games by the way can we talk glaber Torres we can because I Torres was I mean glaber Torres you actually text me this is way earlier today he's hitting 250 now which I know it shouldn't be exciting to see a player hit 250 but if you knew the context of what glabber Tes had been doing for the ma I basically say the first three and a half months of the year after him being benched just a completely different player he's made errors right he's had plays where they were to be desired he's had some boneheaded plays but we can live with it if you can rake and Gaber Torres is not on the field to run the bases he's not on the field to drop down a bunt he's not on the field to do the Dirty Work he is a second baseman that can rake and what tells me that is what he did last year and the year prior he was our second best bat last year so having said that if you're going to be on the field and not traded because a lot of people talk to us about this what do the Yankees do do they trade them do they flip them to Miami who clearly has liked them over the years what do they do with this player and the Yankees decided we're going to hold on to this asset who is an expiring deal right he's a free agent at the end of this year we need him in October and everyone said you need this version of glaber Tes he stinks and guess what guys they were right they were right glabber Torres was awful he wasn't valuable to the Yankees in any way not on defense not on the base pass not in the Dugout not offensively with a bat in his hand he was awful at everything and after he was benched by Aaron Boon we gave him credit for holding him accountable for a lack of effort in performance what's happened since then glab Torres has essentially been an over 300 hitter and he's not slapping singles he's slugging so oh and by the way the best thing he's been doing is getting on base and seeing pitches well guess what guys when you're a lead off hitter in front of Juan stto and Aaron judge who by the way Juan stto and Aaron judge I know today it was a different story they've not hit very well this past few weeks they haven't they haven't been their usual selves Aaron judge isn't hitting homers the way we're used to but you know what Jake when he is you know who's on first base a lot right now glaber Torres so when that's happening am I supposed to doubt Aaron judge is gonna turn it back on no I think he will everyone knows it it's this we're just waiting on it yeah yeah he's he's gonna get a hold of one in this series and then Aaron judge is streaky with his home runs kind of like Stanton he goes on these tears that like you wouldn't believe when you see him that's the thing he'll go like he has 51 right now right mhm 52 is it 51 it's been a while I honestly I don't it's been a long time since he's hit a he even hit a homer I actually have idea 51 okay cool yeah but here's the deal he hits one he's gonna hit like seven in the next 14 games that puts him at 58 pretty much wraps up the season but that's kind of where I see it is like he's one of those guys where yeah he he gets into a run um it's so funny because ESPN was debating uh judge and Otani like even without like the pitching and uh they made like a big deal because like Stephen A was debating it I'm like Stephen a thought that Ste is watched three baseball games this year I'm not kidding two of them were Yankees games and he was sitting in his socks in his condo and he was going to tell me he's goingon to weigh it on the Yankees and Otani he hasn't seen one Otani at bat this year it's so stupid it's but also by the way do we care about the homers from Aaron judge because I know that we've talked about runs the Triple Crown you know what I care about you you see the stat right there that says RBI 126 this is a run producer produce runs remember we talked about October baseball and what Alex Rodriguez did and what David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez did in October and Derek Jeter even Derek Jeter not considered a run producer he sure as hell was in October wasn't he so yeah why do we really care about home runs home runs are awesome it's the best thing you can do on a baseball field but you know it's the second best thing you could do you can uh hit a single when a guy's on second or third base hit a ball in the Gap with a man at first base that can run and when a run is scored you think I care if Aaron judge produced a run via home run or via a hit or even Walking With The Bases Loaded no he's in a three or four spot in this lineup to produce runs and so that's what I'm paying attention to Aaron judge is not hitting his the way he usually does right now and that's okay but is he finding ways to produce runs for this team that desperately needs runs we have to have runs in September you cannot afford to not just go on a streak where you can't hit a homer but you also with a man on third base and less than two outs you're struggling to put the ball in play and to get that run in the ugly way he's a run producer that's why we paid him we didn't pay him just to hit homers we paid him to get guys to touch home I agree and by the way judge has a outside shot now of Bobby with jun's down to 335 yeah and Aaron judge is at 322 so is Vladimir Guerrero Jr who quietly is having one of the best seasons I've ever seen for that type of player so impressed because he did kind of like what we were talking about with like heel how you take something off for more control he's not swinging for the fences anymore I think he's flattened out his swing a little bit better he's becoming more of a pure hitter and I I want to give him props for that because I don't think people are paying attention to that but that's that's a cool thing that like just as a baseball fan I appreciate um but yeah more that in our game by the way we need more Bobby Wht Juniors we need more people that take pride Aaron judge is one of them take pride in seeing your average up on the big screen and it says 325 and not 245 and then the med ask you hey are you comfortable striking out 230 times they say they pay me to hit homers that's not a baseball player that is a home run hitter what they I I'll watch that with Pete Alonzo at the Derby don't show me a home run hitter show me a ball player no I I agree with that um so yeah Gaber you and I are very high on him right now rightfully so he's playing at the just I think he is going to be Electric in the postseason electric I I don't he doesn't need to hit home runs though and he doesn't need to to go crazy on the base pass cuz he's not going to but I'm talking when he comes up in a tight spot he's going to be able to do it he's going to set the table he's going to be another run for juano Aaron judge Wells right I'm really excited for gabber Torres because we know he hits well in October I mean he did that age 22 against the Astros he did it during the covid season he was unbelievable in October I was sitting there with binoculars looking through at Petco Park watching him rake Gaber Torres in his last seven games he's getting on base statistically I don't even need to read it to you half the time half the time glav Torres reaches first base it's unbelievable yeah and I want to point out something because I before we get into because Alex Verdugo had a great game today so I want to give him props but before we get into that I have to point out I thought this was cool we've talked about this before how glaber with two strikes will shorten up his leg kick and it becomes like a toe tap right did you notice he was doing that today and it wasn't two strikes no I didn't nice when it was a 7-4 game that that hit he had to knock in a run that was on a toe tap I think he only had one strike count on them okay and he served in a center I just feel like he's becoming a better player like slowly but surely he might not have better stats than years past but I think currently in in September what he is right now is the best version we've seen of gabber Torres because I don't need him to hit home runs he understands his role and he's putting the bat on the ball and he's doing it at a great clip so I just I have to give a lot of credit to glabber Torres because he's been a lot of fun to watch and his at bats I mean he will sit there and battle he's hitting 357 in uh in September right now okay he has 10 hits and 28 at bats I mean he's got an 870 Ops he's got a 441 on base percentage I understand that's only I don't even know how many games that is it's probably like eight but 357 and then a 441 on base percentage and he's a leadoff hitter who's got an 870 Ops to start off this month it's not easy to have a a large ops because the leadoff hitter you're gonna have on base but you're not going to really be able to slug that well as some of the others so I don't even know if I care about short sample size October baseball postseason baseball short sample size people get on Mike Trout for not hitting well October because he got there like once and he didn't play well and then he gets to the world baseball class everyone's like geez why can't Mike Trout play like this in the posy never plays well Mike Trout has like two it bats in October so exact you can't judge players negatively and then all of a sudden they do something positive in a short sample size in the most important games of the year yeah it's been a short sample size but would you rather glabber Tes hit well in May or do something and get on base half the time in September when everyone's saying Aaron judge isn't his usual self Juan stto is not his usual self don't we want this player to figure it out when it matters because I'm as far as I'm concerned when it really comes down to it if the Yankees win the World Series huge if not likely at all right it's not likely for anybody to win the World Series very hard to do if the Yankees won the World Series in 2024 and gabber Torres played a big role in it he was getting on base half the time in October he won like a Championship Series MVP and then the year ends he's no longer a Yankee now we're going into negotiation in the open market don't you know everyone would say yeah I want this player back if he helped the Yankees win a World Series everybody regardless of what they tell you they want winners back and you know what Gaber Torres was really making a valiant effort to do in 2020 help the Yankees win you know who else was doing that Jean Carlos Stan JN Carlos Stan was about to break the all-time record for homers in a postseason and you know what if the Yankees had won a World Series you know what they'd still be talking about right now with John Carlo the fact that wow do you remember all the great runs with Hideki Matt sui and they'd be throwing John Carlos Stan's name in that they'd be throwing him right in there with him and it sounds crazy but it's not we judge players in October here in Pinstripes it is what it is it's a short sample size but this player in glabber Torres the way he's playing of late not just the last week but the way he's done the last 30 Games his on base percentage is almost 400 as last 30 games played he's prepping himself for October baseball and we have to hope to God this player continues because if he does the Yankees aren't just a two-headed attack anymore we don't have to make that stupid headline on YouTube anymore we can actually say this offense slaps they're good so in large part because of some of these guys yeah Alex fugo is hitting 300 in September he's got over 350 on base percentage now and you know were talking about how he doesn't slug right well right today to give him some props that was a big big big home run big they were losing two to one in a game that looked like it was going to be a two to one game yeah felt like the postseason right it felt like the DG Gregorius home run you remember that Homer against the twins no I don't you you don't remember okay so we were losing I believe I don't remember if it was a wild card game or if it was the ALDS oh you're talking about the playoffs okay I know what you're talking about okay so DD Gregorius ties the game I I thought you were just bringing up a random home run out of 162 Game season I'm like Gary Come on the only Homer you remember DD gor is hitting now he was a pretty decent player but that was the Homer that mattered what he did in October so that Homer that Verdugo hit because I don't want to say oh we weren't expecting him to do it and it doesn't mean anything for tomorrow all that's true but you have to tip your cat for someone who helps you win today it is what it is whether or not you think Alex Verdugo should have been in there or not we made our comments very clear earlier today but when a player is a part of winning today in September yeah we're gonna talk about it we're not gonna shy away from it and what it at least shows is that if Alex Verdugo can slug which that's there's a big if there then you can justify his Bat potentially Off the Bench but if it doesn't continue the Yankees have other options because of their health and because of call-ups where they have other players who are better they just do but we have to hope that Alex Verdugo finds something whether it's the batting gloves whether it is maybe a player coming up from the minor leagues is pushing him to play better you never know what the issue is or what's actually a solution but but Jake when you perform like this in a game that we talked about before the game ever started this is a must-win game for the Yankees and the Royals both of these teams need these games desperately and when Alex Verdugo hits a Jack like that and it turns this game on its head well we're we're going to clap our hands it was big absolutely and I mean we're not anti Alex Verdugo like just in general we've been anti what Alex verdugo's been I mean go back we have a YouTube short we were literally talking up Alex fugo like like in the fit yeah we have we have a show in which we were trying to make a case whether or not Alex fugo makes sense to be brought back MH like like how it he could change what they do with Spencer Jones that's that's where I like to be in that realm to be honest though I I don't I don't think that's who he is but I think he's somebody who could get hot could be an October savior be one of those like Aaron Boon that can come through with a big hit and it's just like the unlikely hero I think he can be that I think he can be that Off the Bench um I want maros scooter being one of the best no one of the best World Series hitters ever did you that so fun fact that because I used to play MLB 2K4 baseball I think it was or 2K 5 um yeah it was 2K well 2K 5 I think had the 2004 roster they were always like yes they did so yeah because the Yankees were cracked in that game like you had freaking Randy Johnson you could just throw 1011 you had your D you had A-Rod Jeter all that so Marco scoo was in the game I thought he was a created player I thought he was made up right I I did not even think he was real and then I realized he was real when I saw him his performance in the postseason I was like oh see because they used to have those awful like because I would do like years of franchise mode on MLB 2K and they would just have like these generic like random names like they turned like Barry Bond's name was Reggie stalker because he would never be in a game um and he was John Dow in MLB whatever it was called famously yeah MVP baseball um so funny funny though it was like I totally like I would see like random names and then Marco scooter came I'm like that was a generic like that was a totally generated name like what the hell you know and then I saw him in the postseason I was like you got to be kidding me but to your point though um yeah I I mean I think I think Verdugo can be one of those guys I also think Cabrera and it wouldn't surprise anybody if he came off the bench Boon you know tries to make a big manager decision like hey this guy isn't hitting well should probably keep him in but I feel good about putting in Cabrera here in a tight spot he comes in hits a pinch hit home run that would shock nobody because people believe that is what Cabrera is a clutch guy he's been ra laan moment yeah why not gonna be though think about it oh God it's brish that awful looking swing if Trent Grisham hits a big Homer in October and and I like Trent Grisham not necessarily as a player on this roster but I mean be an emergency guy he'll be on like so you can have emergency players for the postseason they'll keep him around he's not be Harrison Jr was the left fielder in emergency in ninth inning and eighth inning for the World Series team you wouldn't think Jerry Harrison Jr is going to play some pivotal role for a World Series team but he did have a role yeah great players are not going to be all over the field go look at some of the best teams ever you'll watch a Fly ball get hit out to right field and you're like who the hell is that guy who is that right you wouldn't look at Pablo sandal and be like oh yeah everyone had it penciled in that Pablo sandal was just gonna go off against Justin Verlander and couldn't Max sherzer can't get him out right Anie ball Sanchez they just can't get this guy no nobody would have made that prediction but what October baseball really is about it's about scheme and Style style of play that's actually been the biggest gripe the Yankees fans have had over the years is the Yankee style of play trying to hit home runs not caring about striking out not taking pride in that right and that's the reason why we were so excited about Jaz chism's emergence it's the reason why we said yeah I'm not sure if you want to keep Gaber Torres but if Gaber Torres plays well if Alex Verdugo plays well the style of which they play the game is the opposite of the way the Yankees typically play and maybe that'll have an impact in October but as of now we have no Assurance of what's going to happen you know when it when it gets cold out because that's when the important games start getting played when you start seeing people's breath that's when the the real baseball players come out to play and we just have to hope some of these guys stay hot Wells glaber Torres Chisum and then we also need guys like Aaron judge and Juan stto to be their usual selves because if they are we are the most deadly team in baseball we are unproven we are the Cowboys as of now but Jake that can change really fast yeah the Cowboys just destroyed that playoff team that everybody was high on potentially winning the division in the Browns so you never know I I don't know if they're good it's week one but I don't know but I want to talk about Alex fugo's uh quote because I thought interesting go ahead yeah I liked it uh Alex fugo on Jason dominguez's promotion uh Max T Goodman shout out to him for having this he's going to come up here he's gonna play he's gonna help this team win whatever that means that means right if I lose a little bit of playing time I lose a little bit of playing time at the end of the day I want to win the only thing that matters is getting to the playoffs and winning there see this is not by the way and do not spin this as this is how you answer not you Nester Cortez cuz I agreed with how Nester responded this is different they flat out asked him about another player potentially taking over his playing time and this is what he responded with this isn't PR he said he talked how he talks he didn't say yeah you know my teammates and blah blah blah blah blah no he was Alex fugo in the moment this was authentic 100% he showed the fact that he's human so he's like yeah he's going to play he's going to you know it's the whole it is what it is that doesn't make you a bad person for saying it is what it is you could be down you could be annoyed you could be upset you might not love the way the thing went but if you say it is what it is it's not anything that's like people are going to reach on Twitter and say that's passive aggressive I don't care I mean he's not coming out and saying I'm better than Jason Dominguez screw that guy or he's not saying I'm the starting left fielder right he's saying I want to win and I'm gonna play because I do believe that I'm good enough and they believe I'm good enough but he's also going to play because he belongs here too and the reality is all that matters is we get to the playoffs and we win it's that simple and yeah I mean let's that's how he's going to be remembered right so Alex Verdugo knows how he's played I mean a lot of us as Yankees fans who watch every game we feel like well we it's in 4k it's on my big screen TV they feel like they know Alex fugo's performance better than anyone and I'm here to tell you guys right now you know who knows it better than you and this isn't personal to anybody listening or us Jake who run the show no Alex Verdugo knows how he how he's playing more than anybody else more than Boon more than Cashman no Alex Verdugo knows he's stunk up the joint he knows right just like Joey Gallow knew so these players are fully aware of how they've performed and whether or not they deserve to play but here's where I love this comment if I had to sum up this entire comment into what it really meant it meant I am probably going to lose a lot of playing time but Boon I'm going to stay ready because the way I'm going to be remembered is what I can do when it actually means a damn in October if Alex fugo gets on the field and pinch hits with a man on third base and less than two outs in the sixth inning of some random postseason Game and his one job is to drive a ball out into the Outfield right and you've got class up there throwing 103 and somehow someway he gets Barrel on a baseball and hits a line drive down the right field line hits a two-run homer throws the game on its head never plays again the rest of October he does that one thing we are going to remember him he will be talked about on Plenty of Yankees unloaded episodes and not only that Jake when he gets to free agency every other baseball team is gonna say he can make an impact he can make an impact this player he might not be great he may have hit 165 for three months but when a player is a good teammate he's liked in the clubhouse and he says the right thing and then all of a sudden he shows up in the most important games you're facing the best teams now all of a sudden you did one thing well we're going to remember the one thing you did well when it all mattered most we're not going to remember what you did in May can someone tell me Ral Aban when he hit those two bombs pinch hitting for Alex Rodriguez in October against Baltimore hit a walk-off can someone tell me what he did in July you can't can you you're going to have to go Google that no one remembers nobody cares because we only care about what you do when really matters we might get mad at you in may we will but in October baseball you can undo it all this is the reason why Aaron judge can play as well as he has and yet if he stinks up the joint this October it's going to be a topic of conversation because that's what we really care about it's the reason why we judge Aaron Boone as harshly as we do Brian Cashman as well house Ste Runner as well if you don't do it when it really matters to hell with what you did May I agree I absolutely agree I think looking at the comments under this type of tweet you can see I think he's really that jived in the Yankees Universe for sure because I think a lot of people just unfortun and I feel bad for Alex Verdugo I do because obviously he doesn't want to go out there and play the crap no you know and he was really embraced early on with the Yankees like a lot of fans liked him the whole dog thing like he was playing well and then he wants to continue playing well and then all of a sudden he gets into the slump that just does not go away and then then he gets discouraged and he's not hustling so you know now he has us on him even though we were on his side when he was hitting well and now it it's not that you and I view it this way but I think it's easy for fans to then assume like the way he's playing and then he's playing over Dominguez like it's almost like they create this like caricature of him almost like I'm trying to explain it in a way that's that kind of makes sense because I I don't know if you can tell where I'm going with this but like he's the Arrogant one like he's the one pulling the trigger decision making it's not his fault it's not his fault he's a person trying his best and that doesn't mean we need to coddle him and and and shed here no we we need to acknowledge he's being put into a position that he can't fix on his own there are some other variable that he can't distinguish if he could be hitting 315 for the Yankees he'd be the first one to want to go do that he would oh yeah Absolut the reality is same with Joey Gallow but everybody told you this guy's got enough flaws we don't think he can fix it here in New York we think it'll actually get worse okay so that's where we are these players aren't saying oh Jason Dominguez your top prospect if he showed up and said I really think I should be playing Left Field he just wants to play who wants to lose their job who no one no one wants there's nobody it it don't I don't care you could be look at this in the dating world you could be dating the most okay the your favorite girl in the world and all of a sudden if she just leaves you and next thing you know you find out she's Brad Pit is right behind you she's now dating Brad Pit well guess what you know he looks better than you yeah so what are you gonna say oh yeah I totally see why you did it no you're still gonna be upset you're still gonna want the girl and that's that's the situation that we're in we are in a situation where Alex Verdugo is taking it on the chin and he's saying hold on a second I will do whatever I don't care take me off the bench put me in Center throw me and right for a day I don't care where you play me I have to do it when it really matters and that's probably going to be a super small sample size Alex Rue is probably going to get four at bats in October even though some people are going to say I wish he had zero he wants to fight out there and start but he might get four at bats if two of them turn into big hits I guarantee you our comment section will be saying oh Alex fugo super clutch he won the Yankee helped the Yankees win his first World Series since 2009 the whole narrative will change so I'm not saying it's going to happen but that's what he's looking for no absolutely and you know again see in the comments like oh I I I think I was too hard on him like now people are read that's what happens by the way that's all Gallow had to do for the record it's all he had to do if Gallow came out and you know admitted how poorly he was playing and then actually make it you and you and you and blame New York and blame the F oh my gosh and the shift I mean he handled it so poorly and I wanted to feel bad because he was a Yankee fan growing up and he was so excited to play for the Yankees and I hated the trade and I knew it wasn't going to go over well but then his act actually match the caricature so to speak right and I feel like Verdugo just kind of in my opinion he just nullified all of that by just this one quote and it's just a reminder like if you're authentic and and you come out and you admit and you're like okay yeah like this is happening and I just want to win I'm not you know not making a big deal about it it's a simple gesture but everyone notices so uh hats off to Alex fugo um because this was the right answer um you know and I'll tell you right now he basically in a way without realizing it made it even look worse from the organization standpoint they could have had Jason Dominguez up here a long time ago and he he's basically saying he would have been fine with it that's not what he was asked but if this happened in July when he was ready he would have been totally fine with it and I think that's that's actually a testament to who the the teammate Verdugo is it's why everybody loves him I keep hearing how much everyone loves this guy in the clubhouse well if everybody loves him you'd have to imagine then he's not going to be somebody that's going to throw a fit if all of a sudden you call up the best Prospect you've had since Aaron judge and you tell him yeah we're gonna be splitting time with you you're not going to get as much playing time I don't think he would have thrown a fit about that and this kind of shows it so um you know I wanted to uh to bring up rhon talk about the bullpen and then you know wrap the show up because I think rhon did Pitch I think he had a good game I do it might not look that way I think the the first off the error the throw on Chism I don't know why he bounced that he he normally I mean he's got a cannon so I don't know why he bounced I he just like rushed his throw but it was an error because if you guys missed at the beginning the ball bounced and Rizo normally makes great plays on that it's a tough play in general to make that scoop and it just knocked out of his glove and he caught it barehanded but guy was already safe so I thought rhon giving up six hits in six Innings three runs like I'll take that right he he didn't give up four he gave up three earned he had one walk nine strikeouts the reason people will look at this start and say eh it's because of the Renfro home run and because of the Perez home run and I'll tell you right now you and I talked about it on the live stream if you guys haven't checked it out you can after this it's already posted just look up uh it's the Jason Dominguez video we literally right before we we gave up on the the not gave up but we we ended the live stream right before the the game I went over the at bats uh the the the um the lineups the AES all time against the pitchers and Perez had some of the most crazy numbers I've ever seen against any pitcher in my life yeah career-wise and I said he's hitting a home run today because rhon has given up at least one home run because he gives up at least one home run every time it seems like he pitches he's dominant but he'll still give up a home run he'll give up one hit it will be a home run I don't understand how Vador Perez was pitched to not once not twice not three times four times four for four now I know rodon didn't face him four times but rodon should not have pitched anywhere near him and you would mention on Twitter which I'm glad you did his splits are insane against lefties so was not happy about that at all I mean by the way is that when you seeit like that and you're talking about somebody that you know hey just letting you know it your profession something you're paid millions of dollars to do and your job as a pitcher is to get guys out no matter the assignment your job is to get guys out maybe someone sees splits and it's the same thing with Aaron judge you see Aaron judge has six homers off you career and he's hitting 600 and you just don't get them out right Rafel Des with Garett Cole have you seen Garett Cole get out ever never you've never seen it happen because it's never happened he's 10 for 10 with 10 grand slams it feels like your Ace is never going to walk the best batter that's like no because Garrick Cole it's the same in this situation salvi Perez is coming up to the plate Carlos rodon knows the numbers it's not like we're telling him stuff he doesn't know he knows the numbers he's reading it like they have it on sheets everywhere yeah in the clubhouse he knows it yet you come into the game and you say I'm going to go win the battle and I think sometimes ego can get in the way of the game plan and you need to be realistic okay what is my actual job is it to get every hitter out or is it to get this team out and to win your job is to help the Yankees win the best way you can do that is to pick your battles Garrick Cole when you go face Boston later this year please for the love of God don't try to pick a battle with a player we know you're not going to get out just pitch around them and Pitch to the next guy and and that's your job your job is to help the team get through the start that's it and so I think right now based on if I had to judge that outing I think he executed pitches missed location on a couple but that's okay that happens all the time I can deal with that what I can't deal with is a lack of execution because you ego they call in Call of Duty ego pushing where you just take on a challenge that you know in your right mind you have no business taking on I think that's what we saw with salvi Perez and the Yankees paid but luckily the offense our number two rated offense in baseball bailed them out Austin Wells helped bail them out so I was thankful for that and well and in all in general rhon wasn't bad enough to pitch us out of a game so that means something no I mean the magic number five that's always the magic number they win 90 at least 90% of the games when they scored at least five runs um so rodon gave him that I thought rodon pitched well I had issues like I said going after Perez um because I mean dude you know what is the funniest split to me salvi Perez for no reason at all day games he hits 212 at night he hits like 280 like he sees the ball better I don't know he's getting up there in age maybe he's losing his eyes but um Jake cousins spectacular out of the bullpen again I don't care about the walk all you're trying to do is make sure you don't give up a run so two strikeouts really liked I saw from him Luke Weaver if that wasn't an Fu fastball I don't know what was when he threw that and he had all those guys on base that was huge that was a great strike out from Luke Weaver um I don't know why the hell he was in the eighth I texted you a bunch of expletives I'm like why the hell not that but obviously I was like I don't know why he was in in the eighth it was Boon being creative remember he told you he he did say that and then we never got to find out who was going to be in the ninth was it actually going to be Ian Hamilton or was it Ian Hamilton because it's now a 10-4 game who knows we'll never know know but Ian Hamilton made his first uh appearance since let me pull this up in June 16th his first opin appearance since June 16 which by the way Ian Hamilton I said when we were podcasting in June I said I think he's injured I he's not this bad yeah you did say that he had a 995 RA in June I was like he's injured he went four games in a row giving up a run he gave up one run against the Dodgers one run against Kansas City three runs against Kansas City and two against Boston brother looks like mmore he looks like he hates the world and everything in it but you know what I like Ian Hamilton a lot I always have and uh get him going and he's going to be a valuable asset for the October and that doesn't mean he pitches in the ninth or whatever um actually his splits would probably lead him more towards the seventh or eighth he's not great in the ninth normally but put him in the seventh because Kay Holmes clearly has the eighth inning locked down I think he's got it figured out there for now so let's let's go ahead and that for now yeah I don't want anyone quoting me or clipping this so oh yeah someone clip it and be like Gary said Kay Holmes is the greatest thing ever he's better than Mo Rivera he's better than Miller that that's what they'll do so yeah whatever yeah I hope uh you know Oakland's enjoying keeping that seat warm for the Yankees because uh Mason Miller someday is gonna be a Yankee someday maybe when he's 35 but he will be my heart dropped just now by the way because I was thinking that it was my turn to offer a movie but I saw that I thought that one did not look good you it looked like you were going through a moment there yeah I was like oh my gosh I forgot you're responsibility so so Jake What's it gonna be well we got to do the shout outs in the mailbag okay do the shout outs in the mailbag and you can kill time and stall to come up with a movie you really want to do I know your game go ahead go ahead and Google while you're reading he knows me so well I know you so well so the field level shout out shout out to Juan sepa kid from Li Carlos morero Jeff J W Brian fukes Ryan Hoffman Rich Squires Joshua halikman Egyptian magician Nick Gomes Jaylen cero and JT Roberts and we have two mailbag questions Ed W sorry we we definitely had to um do to time constraints as Mike Matt vasgersian says in MLB the Show when you do a like a quick move or YES Network during rain delays oh yeah du due to time constraints we uh kind of paraphrased your question but the the basis of it you were basically asking if Stanton and vulpi have anyone working on mechanics with them and the answer I have for you is I have no idea I do not know what about you Gary do you know anything about that I know nothing about it but I'm going to say this when it comes to hey does someone work on their mechanics like for example Aaron Jud clearly has somebody else outside of the Yankees organization helping him with his mechanics but I don't really care who works on it with him personally I care about the results and if you're not getting the results that you need to be getting then you need to be working with somebody else or you need to get more talented get gooder is what they like we like to call it get good get get good okay so is Anthony vulpi remember when Anthony vulpi was hitting well at the beginning of this year we were saying oh yeah I think stto swing and Cabrera swing is having maybe sto's having an impact on this locker room and then suddenly three months go down the road and vul's hitting 215 well suddenly now Juan stto has no impact on what he's doing right all these guys who helped him flatten out his swing suddenly they they weren't leading him down the right right path I think personally to answer this question I just think they need to take responsibility regardless of who they're working on like who's working with them any of that stuff so yeah they they clearly need something else you know something else to help him I hear you and then the the next mailbag is from Jaylen cero vulpi continues to struggle hitting especially his last 30 games on base percentage is becoming a big problem what's your course of action with him do you consider Jaz a short stop birdie at third base or or two to give him a refresh maybe even Oswaldo he did bring up uh the um what vulpi did after the allar break as a explanation for this but where are you on that and then I'll answer after you okay I believe Anthony vulpi should just stay at shortstop they shouldn't even overthink this at all I just believe in general this is sort of like the Brandon Crawford of the roster you're going to go hit eighth you're going to be a gold glove Short Stop in October we're the number two rated I cannot I cannot gloss over this possibly in this answer we are the second best offense in Major League Baseball not just American League so the need of having an offensive short stop not saying the Yankees couldn't use one absolutely they could but a lot of those guys that we talk about replacing him at shortstop they're going to be massively worse way worse at shortstop so I just think based on what vulpi provides this team in the short term and that's his glove the Yankees with a team in terms of fit they need a really good short stop given our defense in the infield I I think vul's fine at Short he could hit a lot better we've talked about it we've spent hours talking about it and that does need to get better if he has a future long term with this team but as far as the short term you leave them alone yeah I I agree I thought today I'm not going to say we the reason but vulpi hasn't had a day off since March and we put out a video that was uh yeah they lied to us about vulpi and all this stuff we went in on vulpi and then all of a sudden for the first first time since March he has a day off so I don't know if they're listening but I still find that that timing is just it's there's been timing in the past that's been like you know the the Jazz Chism stuff but I think you know we knew that they were going to be interested in him but there's been stuff that we've seen um I think they listen they probably don't make roster decisions based on what we say probably not but they listen I know for a fact they do listen and maybe you put something in someone's ear year and they on their own say that they're going to make that decision and and again I'm not saying and doubling down that we made Anthony vuli sit today I don't think that but yeah no we did talk about it and the chances that he sat were pretty slim so that was cool so uh I would say I like the the idea of it but I would want Jazz to stay at third On Da birdie want like plays I would put him in left field I think um I'm not giving glaber a day the rest of the year I I need him in the lineup I need him as my leadoff hitter yeah I mean I I think um I might even give vulpi the day off tomorrow I might give him a little bit of a refresh I might take him out the rest of this series and then bring him back for the Boston series okay I I don't know just a quick refresh right that's fine because the Boston series is a pretty light Series in terms of who he'll be facing on the mound so that's good Boston can't pitch a lick that's the reason can't win I still need his defense against the Orioles so I'll he'll be playing against the Orioles but I feel like giving him a refresh I like I actually really like this question Jaylen I think you're on to something there so yeah I I'll say you you keep him out the rest of this series and this isn't something where if he's in the live tomorrow I'm going to be complaining like it's Jose trino in the live because that won't happen um but you know I personally if I was in charge of the Yankees right now I give you're cracking up over there I was going to say I hope we see Jose trino at shortstop tomorrow that'd be the ultimate Fu to Yankees unloaded from Boon oh my God yeah I think uh tomorrow I think I would play birdie at Short tomorrow play Cabrera left in left field um okay I I would uh yeah that's probably what I would do I probably just put Cabrera at short and I don't want to I mean I'm poaching your idea if if you're giving vulpi a couple days off you're essentially stealing the idea of what Boon did with glabber Gaber Torres glaber Torres didn't sit one day he sat multiple yeah I think it makes sense maybe it's a reset and we've talked about a reset before with other players gabber Torres was one of them Verdugo was definitely another player that we talked about with a reset or just getting rid of but mainly a reset his favorite thing is hearing give him a day it's like Prime like and always in his prime there are two things Gary hates in this world it's when someone says can you give just give him a day and well he's in his prime every time you get Amazon shipping next day shipping you should click it and it's Boon saying give him a day give him a day it'll be at your your doorstep I mean hey Amazon is really close to being majority owners of YES Network so you know oh really remember we talked about that they have almost the Ste in it yeah oh that's right find so funny like you always make Amazon mentions it's like oh it's right on brand um I have the movie by the way so we had some great I could even tell you were Googling right there nice work yeah no I wasn't Googling it because I thought about it I was like oh this is obvious I even tweeted about it earlier today if you know me I'm a huge Marvel fan if you didn't know that then I guess you don't really know me that well but I'm a huge Marvel fan and to the side to my right side it's cut off I'll tell you guys right now there's a well I'll just show you let's see how am I going to do this without ruining everything you will um I don't know I this is this is risky let's see oh boy let's see where how do I do this this is bad oh GG's it's it's j I don't even know what to do trio that is it just the I'm just waiting on Anthony rizzler to do something so I can go with the rizzler the r i yeah I don't know is this it oh no it's not that seems I mean we're backed off well yeah that yeah that's all I was trying to do yeah so my Spider-Man mask okay so today we got news if you're a Spider-Man fan there's also Michael Myers so I hate I hope I didn't uh you know get people excited for a new Michael Myers reboot or whatever but anyway you didn't no because I literally said Avent I said Marvel so anyway um we got news on who is going to direct Spider-Man 4 it is Destin Daniel cron who did shuni and I am hyped for it absolutely stoked I thought he did an incredible job with that movie so okay I want you what you didn't like shuni no so is it so it's just Spider-Man oh yeah it's it's going to be Spider-Man but it's Spider-Man all right but what the question is what movie yeah so I'm gonna say what ended up being my alltime favorite movie Spider-Man no way home okay it was fan service Nostalgia and I thought it was just a great film and uh yeah I mean those those films are awesome I I think Spider-Man is one of the best IPS ever I just wish Sony didn't own it so oh so it's like the Yankees you wish how St didn't own it it would better I want go that far like I said I I kind of lowkey don't have an issue with h like I you know very I mean my biggest issue is with Cashman I would say okay I mean that's no absolutely one 100% so Spider-Man I almost said no way wait no no way home right yeah yeah no way I was almost say homecoming I was almost gonna say homecoming that was my least favorite well no no no The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is my least favorite of all the Spider-Man's because I thought the CGI is incredible it was it was absolutely incredible but I didn't like the take on Electro I did not like the way Jamie Fox looked he looked a lot better in no in no way home um but I did not like his take on Electro and the Green Goblin I they didn't have to make him look like ridiculous like you know what I mean should made the villain in Spider-Man Jango oh my God just like he comes out with the guns and stuff it's like it's like what like it have been better all right so so no way home Spider-Man put that in the comment section if you're still around which we know you are because our audience always is well Spider-Man no way home what are you a foreigner like well no I I don't I know Spiderman I'm Yoda is what I am the the the Yankees New York unloaded Yankees yeah Sheffield Gary He's corporate guys he he's he puts the last name before the first name all his notes probably have judge Aaron they should I'm just messing with you my guy but yeah yeah so put Spider-man you better have the hyphen I I I take that very seriously spider hyphen man it is not Spiderman it is not Spiderman it's Spiderman so hyphen Spider-Man no way home I don't need the colon for no way home it extra points if you put the colon Hy Spider hyen Man colon no way home and we'll know that you made it to the in almost 30 Mark so yeah almost a full length film well a good fulllength film most films that only last this long are probably not very good so we appreciate you guys and uh we'll catch you on the flip side and like this

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