Category: Sports
When you meet you do bu dogs you're going to feel a [music] bu stande hello everybody and welcome to row 60 at georgia football podcast my name is clark gaines joining me today as always adam thoron w yes sir welcome to show number 84 adam d g it we stomped on those sorry climpson tigers smoked them... Read more
Category: Sports
When you meet you do bu dogs you're going to feel a bu stande hello everybody and welcome to rose 60 at georgia football podcast my name is clark gains joining me today as always adam w baby and this is show number 79 adam yes sir one more closer to our clemson preview man we're just knocking them down... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome back to another professional picks nfl season it's our third year dropping our analysis for you guys and we got a lot of games to get into so we'll jump right into it and i'll pass it off to w to preview our first match up yeah first game of the year that i think we're all excited about we got... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] show time in the stadium so bright we can't sit still cl dogs in a c chill we go out just for the grill chead us do a dance crowding a football tr present be in every hand living life like we play last go we won't slow down in this why our football show let's f go we'll make some noise in this... Read more
Category: Sports
This is b the sports betting network the numbers told the story they always do it's one of those idiots who believe in analytics this is a numbers game with gil alexander gone v good tuesday morning to is a numbers game at b where sports betting lives live from circa game plus iart radio youtube... Read more
Category: Sports
What's up everybody we are back with another nfl season and that means another season of survivor picks the goal of this video that we'll be posting week le to help you make the most informed and educated decision when it comes to making your survivor picks each week i know a few people that left in... Read more
Category: Sports
R [music] heyy hey mon on the beat [music] mon on the beaty [music] heyy hey hey [music] w what is up youtube my cowboys family here bringing you guys another game day reaction live stream and of course the last of the preseason games this time the next game day live stream will be the official kickoff... Read more
Category: Sports
Let's start off week one on the right foot where are you going for your survivor cool pick of the week i'm going to go with the cincinnati bengals early in the season i just want a winner in week one of my survivor pool they have the largest spread of the week we sort of know what the bengals offense... Read more
Category: Sports
इलेक्ट्रिफाई एंटीसिपेटेड मै एक्सपर्ट कमेंट्री एंड एनालिसिस फ्री टू वच एंजॉय द गेम विदाउट ए हैंस योर व्यूइंग एक्सपीरियंस ट्यून इन टू स्काईला स्पोर्ट्स फॉर एक्सक्लूसिव कवरेज ऑफ दिस थ्रिल अका कप क्लिफ ली वर्सस मरोक्को वर्टिकल बार लाइ स्ट्रीम फ्री मैच प्रेडिक्शन वर्टिकल बार स्काई लाइ स्पोर्ट्स प्रिपेयर फॉर एन इलेक्ट्रिफाई फुटबल शो डाउन जॉइन अस फॉर लाइव कवरेज ऑफ द हाईल टीम्स बैटल इट आउट फॉर अ प्लेस इन द प्रेस्टीज ट आउट फॉर अ प्लेस इन द प्रेस ी आर डॉ टू आफ्रिकन विटनेस द... Read more
Category: Sports
Without a ton of marquee matchups on the schedule for notre dame i think they really need this one here if they want a shot in making this 12 team playoffs can they at least cover here terrell or do you want to go elsewhere in this game oh no i love texas a&m in this one my elco is just the coach that... Read more
Category: Sports
Let's go ahead and let's move into the prime time slate here number 13 lsu and number 23 usc will be traveling to the sin city three picks in the top six overall picks came from these two schools as well usc has lost 10 of its last 11 games against ap ranked opponents t i i don't i don't know where... Read more
Category: Sports
Patriots and commanders you're going the under the small number 33 and a2 yeah i think it's a small number 33 and a2 and i understand why it's so small because we're getting to that point in the season where yes this patriots team does have a quarterback battle going on and they're trying to figure... Read more