JD Vance Completely Loses It And Tells Kamala Harris To ‘Go To Hell!’

Donald Trump's campaign is still reeling  from the horrific event that took place   at Arlington National Cemetery this past  Monday when Donald Trump, of course, showed   up for a photo op with his own photographer and  videographer gave his big thumbs up, giant smile,   standing over the grave of a fallen US soldier.  And of course, the bigger issue is the alleged,   uh, altercation that took place between  Trump staffers and a cemetery staffer. So   couple days after that happened, JD Vance  was doing an event in Pennsylvania, you know,   trying to win over those swing state voters.  And true tofor, JD Vance went out there and   actually made things so much worse for the  Trump campaign. I mean, they're reeling from   this. They're getting attacked from all sides  for this horrific event that they orchestrated   may have broken the law by doing a campaign  thing in a, a national military cemetery. And instead of trying to smooth things over,  Vance came out and attacked Kamala Harris for   criticizing them, telling her to go to hell.  Here is the full statement from JD Vance that   he told reporters in Erie, Pennsylvania just  days after this event happened. The thing our   veterans care a lot more about is that three  years ago, 13 brave innocent Americans died.   And they died because Kamala Harris refused  to do her job. Okay, well, first of all, no,   Kamala Harris was in fact, not the commander  in chief. It is a tragedy that 13 United States   service members died in that attack. That is a  horrific event. Sure, no doubt about it. Those   families will never be whole again. But you don't  care about the people who died. And, and I'm gonna   keep reading a statement in a, in a segment, but  in a second, sorry, but I, I wanna finish this   because Vance doesn't actually  care about the people who died. Trump doesn't actually care about the people who  died. They're using this as a political stunt to   try to hurt the Harris campaign. Harris, by the  way, again, not the commander in Chief of the   Armed Forces. So it wasn't even her decision not  to mention the fact that 64 service members died   in Afghanistan while Donald Trump was president.  So if you wanna compare apples to apples here, jd,   how about we talk about the people who died  while your guy was the commander in chief?   Huh? Where's your sympathy for those families?  Why aren't you showing up and doing photo ops   with them? Why are you ignoring the fact  that people died under Trump's watch? Oh,   because it's not politically convenient for you  to acknowledge those people. But anyway, Vance   continues, and as I said, it gets worse. There  hasn't been a single investigation or a single Firing. I, I don't know, I don't look,   sometimes mistakes happen. That's  just the nature of government,   the nature of military service. But to have  those 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire A single person Is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is  disgraceful. We're going to talk   about a story. Uh, out out of those 13 brave  innocent Americans who lost their lives,   it's that Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel  that she won't even do an investigation into   what happened. And she wants to yell at Donald  Trump because he showed up. She can, she can go To hell. He said, Nope. Wrong answer, bud. You  had the opportunity to try to make things right   for a horrible thing your campaign did earlier  in the week. And instead you got more political   politicizing the deaths of these service members  and telling the vice president of the United   States herself to go to hell. You are, without a  doubt, the worst running mate we have ever seen   from a political candidate in my lifetime. And  you are going to be the one, believe it or not,   that sinks this campaign. And when it's all over,  I genuinely do hope Donald Trump blames you for   every bit of it. And I hope that that destroys  whatever could have been left of your career.

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