Microsoft Update Crash Crippled The World & EVERY AT&T User Exposed In Massive Data Leak

Microsoft Update Crash A minor glitch in the software update last week  caused chaos for the banking industry. Airlines   and hundreds of millions of people across  the globe could not get where they wanted to   go. This massive outage could have been avoided,  but the company's responsible have sent millions   convincing regulators to back off. We're doing  fine. We don't need any help. We don't need any   regulations. Well, look, it's so apparent. You've  got Microsoft that is trying to blame this on.  Yeah. They're saying the CrowdStrike update. The CrowdStrike. Yeah. Okay. Well, no, that is   nonsense. The truth is, the federal government  said to Microsoft, and they said to Amazon,   and they said to Google, you guys have a big  problem because you own everything. There's   no diversity in the cloud system. Everything's  going into the cloud and being controlled by   companies that don't have the capacity to  do it. And they said, no, if you do that,   you're gonna interfere with innovation. We've got  this. Don't worry about this regulator. We've got   it under control. You think back, it was the same  thing with railroads. This is the closest to the   railroad monopoly that I've ever seen. And for  some reason, we act like it's different. It's   exactly the same thing. They need to be busted up.  You can't have these people controlling all this.  Right. The FTC has been on Microsoft's  back for over a year telling them, hey,   this is gonna cause a problem. We really need to  have some hearings about this. We need you guys to   respond. And every Microsoft response was, you  guys are overreacting. Everything is perfectly   fine. Who do you think you're talking to here?  We've got this under control. In fact, as recently   as two days before the outage, the federal  regulators were warning, something horrible is   going to happen because you have not diversified.  It is so consolidated that something as simple   as a software update crippled the world. Yeah, understand, an update. This was   run the update and everything stopped. And the  point, this is a massive threat to the economy.  It is. I mean,   if somebody figured out how to make this  an element of war, we'd be in big trouble.  Well, and I guarantee you, after seeing  what happened, they're working on it.   They absolutely are working on it. No question. So you have this argument,   you can't regulate us. We're so smart. We have  a security system. They knew they didn't have   a security system. Matter of fact, it showed they  didn't want to spend money on the security system.   It would've cost them too much money to do what  the government was telling 'em to do. You have to   have a security system. And they lied, basically.  They absolutely made up this lie that we've got it   under control. There's nothing to worry about  and that the consolidation of our companies,   there should be no limits. If it's Amazon, Google,  and Microsoft, we should be able to control the   Big Tech Arrogance world of tech. And you see how dangerous  this is. It's just so freaking dangerous.  Well, honestly, I think you bring up a really  great point here with the arrogance of these   companies. Look, we're the tech guys. We're so  much smarter than everybody else. You can't sit   there in Washington, DC, with your law degree and  tell us how to run a tech company. You don't know   anything about this. Well, they know enough  to have warned you for years that this would   happen. You dismissed it and then it happened.  But they've also spent so many millions of   dollars lobbying these same organizations  and lawmakers to not do anything about it,   that it probably would've been cheaper just to  invest in the security than buying everybody off.  That's an interesting point. If you look at  the multi-millions of dollars that they paid   to politicians to make 'em vote their way. And you  just said, okay, let's regroup on that. Could we   have done what the government was telling us we  needed to do? That we needed a security system   and had we not lied to them about, yes,  we have a security system. That all this   consolidation and all this power being held up in  the handful of service cloud service providers,   if they had been honest, and if they had  just taken that money and made it work,   we'd had never had this problem. You're not gonna  change this unless you sue them and I think that's   what's coming. I think you're gonna see some big  lawsuits on loss of business that, matter of fact,   we're being asked to do that. We're being asked  to handle some of these big companies that say,   look, they cost us gazillions of dollars. I  mean, look at the airline industry. They're   still don't have it under control. So, as  this progresses, it's gonna probably take   a couple of more events like this, hopefully  not as serious as this, but a couple of more   events before anybody starts paying attention. And then you have AT&T. According to AT&T, the   ATT Data Breach company recently suffered a massive data breach  that exposed calls and text messages. It exposed   all that data about all of their customers.  This massive breach wasn't even a blip on   the media's radar, but hundreds of millions of  people have been violated and they don't even   know what happened. Well, the reason the media  didn't report is because the mainstream media   or corporate media, it's not mainstream anymore.  I wish they'd do away with that term, mainstream   media. It's not. It's far from it. But they  wouldn't tell this story because the advertising.  Yeah. The advertising is monstrous that   AT&T is paying MSNBC and CNN and Fox and CBS, ABC,  they're paying so much money that they weren't   about to do a story. This is a serious story. It it really is because this is not,   like you said, okay, it's not just, uh-oh, some  data got out. Every customer, if you have AT&T,   I have AT&T, my data was part of this. Everybody  who has AT&T your data was part of this. They   got your call logs, they got your text message  logs. Now the company swears, they didn't get   the content of your text messages. Oh, they got enough.  But they got your location data. I mean, this  is gonna be used by, probably improperly, I   imagine by police. Right? Uh-oh, look, we got you  talking to this guy. We got you in this location   where a crime was committed. This is horrible and  has horrible ramifications. But the personal data   itself, and nobody knows that this happened, this  was a big news. And honestly, this is a one page   story. I mean, my God, this is such a huge data  breach, one of the biggest in the history of data.  But it's just like everything about dysfunctional  corporate media right now. Can you imagine   choosing, having the guys in the top office say,  no, don't do this story because these people pay   so much money for advertising. Right.  We've seen it firsthand. You've seen it. I've seen  it firsthand. They'll make the call, you better   kill this story, or else. Matter of fact, my  daughter, Sara's working on a case, a baby formula   case that is killing preemie children. Okay. There  was a $60 million verdict in the case. And so Fox   said, yeah, this is a big story. People ought  to know that you got a product out there that's   killing people. But it was Abbott. It was these  companies that make this stuff that advertise so   much on their station. They killed the story. They  killed it like, a week before they were supposed   to do it. So this is just another example. And  then I guess the thing that really is concerning,   they say, well, they don't actually have your  social security numbers or your date of birth. Can   you imagine how easy it is to find that with just  these little traces of information that they take   from your calls and your texts? I mean, it's just  a ridiculous argument. And the other part of it is   we're, as taxpayers, we're having to pay the feds  to go out and do all this investigation and find   out what happened. And AT&T, they, what the hell?  They don't care. The feds are spending the money,   taxpayers are spending the money, to stop all  this. They're not spending a dime from the   standpoint of really making this a safe system. Well, and thanks to the Patriot Act,   they don't ever punish any of these tech  companies for the massive data breaches   because they rely on them when they need  to kinda skirt what's legal and what's not,   because we've been covering that for 20 years now. Yeah. Talk about that. People don't get that,   this symbiotic relationship between  the feds and these companies.  Yeah. And again, we have covered this for 20  years now, the fact that these telecom companies,   they get in trouble a lot. They screw up a lot.  They never get held accountable because every   time it says, oh, okay, well, AT&T or Verizon,  whoever you are, you did something really bad   here. You let everybody's data go out to the  public. Okay. But we're also working with you   and providing you with all of this information,  we've got these government contracts to work   with you so that you can have this surveillance  data on all the bad guys. Do you want to lose   access to the so-called bad guys? No.  So just forget the data breach. Forget   all the bad stuff. We're your buddies. We're the best. We're your friends. Yeah.

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