Melania Trump Pushing Conspiracy Theories To Help Promote Her New Book

Melania Trump has a new book coming out at the  beginning of October. So she's been releasing   several, you know, 30, 45 second videos on social  media to hype it up. And in one of those videos   this week again, where she's trying to hype up  the book that she's hawking, which I'm willing   to bet she didn't write, but that's neither  here nor there. She decided to, uh, dive into   the realm of conspiracy theories in order to  entice some more people to come and buy her   garbage. Here is what she said in one of those,  I believe this one was like a 37 second video.   The attempt on my husband's life was a horrible,  distressing experience. Now the silence around it   feels heavy. I can't help but wonder why didn't  law enforcement officials arrest the shooter   before the speech? There is definitely more to  the story, and we need to uncover the truth. Now, several things wrong with this statement. Of  course, she is implying that somehow the police   may have been involved. The police let it happen.  Either way. A very irresponsible thing to suggest,   even if you're not outright suggesting it,  only implying it still very irresponsible   and definitely a conspiracy theory. Secondly, um,  there are investigations into this. Uh, you know,   we got a bipartisan panel in the House of  Representatives, like people are looking   into this. So don't sit there and act like we need  answers. Why are things are happening? Okay? Like,   chill out. I mean, the, the director of the Secret  Service resigned, so they're working on it. It   is not something that just happens overnight. And  third, do you honestly expect any of us to give a   what you think about a man you clearly don't give  a about? Because that's what gets me about this.   You are not saying these things because, oh, I was  so worried about this poor man, you recoil when he   touches you. You don't sleep in the same bedroom  as him and haven't for years. You don't like him. You expect us to believe you when you  say, oh, it's terrible. Oh God almighty,   I don't know what to do. Nobody's  buying this crap. Except of course,   the die hard Trump supporters. And that's who  you're playing to. You're trying to entice   these people to come and buy your stupid book.  That's where this is. I don't think that she   thinks there's a conspiracy. I don't think  she even cares that it happened. And I also   definitely don't think that she cares about  the fact that nobody seems to care that it   happened. She cares about selling books, and  that's what she's doing. So she knows if I   go out there and appeal to the crazy people,  the crazy people will buy my book. So that's What she's doing. But she does hit on a point that  I'm sorry, but I gotta talk a little bit about   this right now. The silence around it feels heavy.  Donald Trump was almost murdered on live TV in   high definition. That would've been a shocking and  gruesome thing to see because there were cameras.   This was being broadcast live. And by an inch and  a half he survived. Good. I'm glad he survived,   by the way. But it was still a harrowing  experience, right? It's still a horrible thing.   And nobody cares. . I mean, this was two  months ago, not even. And everybody's just like,   whatever. It's to the point where Donald Trump has  had to repost the picture on social media and be   like, don't forget this happened. It's actually  what they said, because nobody gives a. Can   you imagine being such a horrible human being  that you almost get killed on live television? And the reaction on social media from a lot  of people was like, good, that's crazy. But   it speaks to your character. I'm glad that you  were not killed. I am glad about that. But the   fact that the public moved on in the blink of  an eye kind of tells you that maybe you need to   work on being a better person. 'cause right now,  most of the country, and I feel like even most   Republicans have already forgotten that it  happened because they simply didn't care. That   speaks a lot to your character, but also it speaks  a lot to your wife's character that she is trying   to literally make money off of your assassination  attempt. So that's pretty disturbing as well. If   you guys slept in the same bedroom, I'm sure  it would probably give you lots to talk about.

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