Nathaniel Hackett On What Will Be Different In Jets' Offense In 2024

Published: Jun 30, 2024 Duration: 00:27:45 Category: Sports

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[Music] well what's it been like year two as opposed to last spring coming out here a it's it's it's been great it's anytime you you're in a second-year offense it's a completely different feel from you know when you first start you're installing plays you're installing alignments and you're talking about guys just trying to understand what they're doing now you can really detail it up you can talk about the intricacies of the route you can experiment with new plays new motions all kinds of different fun things so um it's been really good I think the guys have really enjoyed it do you sense some of the veterans in the system even like a young guy like Bree Hall they feel more confident and they'll be able to move quicker because they have a better grasp of the system without a doubt I mean you look at you know guys like Garrett guys like Bree those two guys came in the first year had a whole system change so I had to learn a whole new system they didn't even have that same system two years in a row to now this their first time having the system two years in a row guys like Xavier uh you know being able to come in and have a second year in the same system so he's not again learning what this route is now he's truly running the route how does the system change because after four snaps last year you had to totally alter what you were doing because Aaron is a central part of what you were going to do in 2023 hey yes I mean when you have a guy like Aaron you want to build everything around him I think anybody uh would want to do that and um when he went down we had to make adjustments I still think about that game quite a bit you know I give so much credit uh to that group being able to come together and still find a way to win that football game and um but yeah you have to make changes you have to work with the guys that you have and having Aaron back we get to work with him having a guy like Tyrod Taylor another veteran experienced guy um it allows you to do a lot of those things you were just talking about Garrett before and I mentioned Bree what does it say about them like you were talking about that it was their second year in the National Football League and they were still able to produce like that Garrett played with four different quarterbacks last year becomes the first jet ever in back-to-back Seasons to start a career to go over a thousand yards receiving and then you got Bree who's playing in a new system you have quarterback instability and he still goes for more than 1500 yards from scrimmage off an ACL yeah no it's it's impressive I mean you look at Bree and just you know the amount of work that he put in to get back and be able to play at a high level and it was a little slow to start as he was working himself back in but I'm watching him slowly get better and better as the season win I mean that check down versus the Giants that went for 50 I mean shows what he's capable of you can throw him a two-yard pass and he could go the distance a guy like Garrett to have so many different guys in his first two years throw him the football and still be able to have the production that he has you know it's a credit to those guys and and it's frustrating at times because you want to have consistency across the board um but they've you know kept their heads down they they do their job and they continually try to strive to get better different personalities but can you talk about the similarities with Garrett and Bree Bree was just talking before he said you know I probably had too few many drops last year and Garrett's always talking about I haven't done anything in the National Football League yet you know Breece I I was crazy to think that those two guys were one and two in most receptions I believe I think it was right around there with Conklin in there um but you know Bree is a humble guy you know I mean both of them are humble guys as and but they're very fiery competitors and uh you know there were a lot of opportunities that we could have taken advantage of to get him the ball more I think and uh we need to take advantage of those and Garrett you know I mean just to be able to get the production that he has like I said without that consistency you know when you get that consistency it's going to be it's going to be fun to watch him out there what's different about those guys because I don't think you get the sense just watching on TV as opposed to maybe coming out here and taking in practice like we have the opportunity to you're coaching on the field but Garrett just moves differently than other people C can you speak to that the thing with Garrett is is he truly wants the ball every play and whether you know it's it's there or not there I mean it's whether you know we could do something different I mean he he wants I mean he just wants to make as many plays as he can I mean he is the ultimate ultimate competitor I mean he switches has this switch that he turns on once he walks out it doesn't matter if it's practice or a game and uh and you got to love that I mean that's what you want from a premier player you want them to want the ball every second no matter what no matter what the period is whether it's a walkthr or a or a practice period or a game and and so I just love that about him and and uh you know he is a fiery competitor and it's going to be fun getting him the ball can you talk about the connection that he has with Aaron we saw it last year before Aaron going down but you've seen it here throughout the offseason as well just continuing to grow oh it definitely is and it needs to grow even more uh as we get closer to the game they still don't have a lot of game experience together um so it's one thing in practice to continually do it but versus a very good defense that we go against every single day uh but they got to get out there on the field and and get that feel for each other and and be able to from the different checks and different audibles that we love to do if we have advantageous looks and uh and just continually develop together what kind of different looks do you expect from defenses after Bree put together that season but now Aaron's coming back and he's healthy you can't say to Aaron roders oh we're just going to load up the box we're going to stop the Ron go ahead you know try to beat us because we've seen how that has worked nobody is ever going to approach defending there like that yeah you know being with him those three years at Green Bay it it was it was fascinating because you know as coaches you do everything you can to try to find different ways to get guys the ball and you look at all the Tendencies you look at all the analytics you look at all the numbers and you know I've been in situations when you know you tell tell Aaron that hey this is this is what you're going to get this is what they're going to do and they give you something completely different um so it really ranges by game some guys have philosophies that they're going to just do exactly what they know because they feel that's their best chance some guys wholesale change and they'll play completely different defenses than they've ever done or uh go you know out of their comfort level just to try to mess with Aaron a little bit so we have to be ready for anything and everything all the time with him out there what's the luxury as a play caller if you're in a walkie-talkie out here or it's in game you're in the booth and you call that play knowing that Aaron has seen every a defense could possibly throw at him so there are times maybe you're sitting there up there as a play caller and you get cut off maybe you don't like that play but he has the ability to help you get into something else yeah the great thing about Aaron is whenever we talk about a play uh everything for us is about the intention of the play um you call it for a purpose something that you're truly trying to attack and not every play Works verus everything otherwise everybody in the NFL would probably call that exact same play over and over again so there's different ways to take things away so Aaron gives you that ability that he knows why that play was called so he can get you to something else I think that's something that we're always pushing and striving for is we know we wanted this verse whatever we were looking for hey they didn't give it to us they change it up okay Aon let's get to something else and let those guys get used to that potentially changing so we can get a premier play can you talk about his memory uh the way he reflects on maybe something that happen in 18 or 15 like everything as far as this is where they had Edge rusher come free from the left side the safety was sneaking up over here I saw that can you talk about those conversations that you guys have in the meeting room and it's isn't it something truly unique as far as what he brings to the table from the mental part of the game it is you know as a coach I feel like we memorize every single play that we've ever called or been a part of yeah and uh some players have that that ability some just kind of play each play and then you know don't remember it I mean this guy you know anytime you're going to present him with something you have to be sure you've checked it all the way back to when he first started playing because you you'll be sitting there and he'll say you know oh I remember in 2010 when I threw this ball to the right and had a s side step left and I mean you're just like really and then you always want to go back and check it and the farthest he'll be off is maybe the quarter you know from the game he might have said second quarter and was first quarter but uh it is it's uncanny oh what's he been like this time around coming off to Achilles because you guys talked about when he came back to practice last year I know brick was in here just a couple days ago saying you know he's slicing and dicing us up pisses you off when you're playing against him but knowing that he's 40 knowing that this is the second time around he's going to turn 41 into number and knowing a lot of people are counting them out this time how different is it I heard the the new the 40 was the new 20 so um and and that's kind of his you know how he's presented himself you know I mean he's young and spry and uh fired up I think he's really enjoying himself we're doing as much as we can to try to stimulate him and uh because there's certain plays that he's done so many times and so you want to try to find ways to spice it up for him whether it's with different players or different looks or different personnels different formations and I think he's really enjoyed it and all the things that we're trying to do to uh just try to help him grow and and enjoy himself have you been able to take a sigh of relief games haven't been played I know this but that's awfully difficult for any play caller in the National Football League to not only lose your quarterback but you had 13 different offensive line combinations now when you see Tyron Smith and you see John Simpson and you see Morgan Moses you see all fashu you see these other depth pieces who've been able to get some good reps out here like the Carter Warren of the world or west or Max and the list goes on does it get you excited for the potential of this group up front after everything you guys endured last year yeah no I mean you're right there was a there was a lot of things that that we had to it was a lot of adversity and I think with adversity builds strength and like you had said I think some of that experience that the guys had whether it was the young wide receivers the offensive lineman that were just coming into the building and starting right away or having to go right in um it's something that that is great for them to be able to grow and get that game tape feel more confidence and uh for us you know you can't necessarily get excited yet they're still a long ways away like you said before that first game we still have a lot of work to do the guys got to get on the same page we need to have some consistency and uh I think as that you know we slowly get closer and closer I think that's when that excitement will build what's the most impress thing about Tyra I mean he's a very very big human being that can move well I mean it's that's that's probably the nicest way I mean you see him walk out there and I mean he's a specimen and then watching his body control his ability to run I mean he had a couple uh things he did today that I mean just some moves that he was able to pick up with you know very elite quick twitch defensive ends that I mean it's unbelievable he's so natural so fluid it's crazy it is it's he doesn't lose a step he doesn't waste a step and he's unbelievably talented so uh you know it's been fun to get to know him he he's really really good dude and um I'm excited to have him here what about John Simpson he really revitalized his career in Baltimore with a breakthrough and now you guys bring him in I I'll tell you he had really great tape last year I thought he did some really good things and we were so excited to be able to get him and it's another guy you know it's another just from a personality standpoint I mean such a great culture fit to go in that room and you know he's had a lot of success he Morgan mes playing together at Baltimore and and the success that they had and being able to bring that leadership and that experience in there is great and uh just watching John out there play and run around I mean another really big athlete that uh has a great attitude was it big for you guys to find a permanent home I'm not going to put this in ink but you're gonna pencil it in Elijah verit talker who Robert Salah said today we expect him to be ready to go for training camp he's working off to the side going to be a Right Guard now a it's going to be great for him I think just to be able to stay at one position lock it in there and and really try to develop and you know maximize all of his potential uh I think he's excited about it we're excited about it and I just want him to be able to be back out there it's been since I think like week five or so so it'll be good to have him back I know and you guys get the Broncos here so you don't got to worry about going to Denver uh this year unfortunately each of his last two years ended it done for Broncos are coming here we don't got to worry about that this year Mike Williams um obviously he's working his way back from the ACL it's probably a similar plan that you guys had with Bree in terms of medically what did you like about the tape that Mike has put forth throughout his career as a charger I mean he's been an elite player in this league for a long time I mean his ability to get down the field uh whether it's the contested 50-50 balls uh routing people up doing different things I mean he's shown that he can consistently win and I think that's something you know for a guy like Aaron for Tyrod those two guys to have a guy like that out there you know a veteran guy that can stretch the field can do some of those big body things that's something all quarterbacks love do you like his personality he seems like a fun guy to be around and we can say that about a lot of these guys it's a good group of it's a real good group of men I mean I'm I'm really really excited to work with all of them and adding Mike to it I mean he's been a great addition I mean he hasn't been able to be out there with us but you see him on the side he's working his tail off and that's all you can ask for and he's picking up the system and getting ready to get back how was the rookie Malachi Corley adapt into the league just in terms of practices and what you guys are asking him to do because at WKU they're trying to get the ball in his hands but you guys are going to do a lot of different things in terms of what you're going to ask him to do route wise yeah you know he he had a great College highlight tape I mean we talked about him being the yak King and um you know when he gets the ball in his hands he is dynamic I I mean it's all over over the tape I mean he's hunting up contact he Embraces it um but you know he's a rookie and uh rookies need some time to develop and it's a new system there's lots of formations lots of routes and we we're trying to kind of throw everything at him and see what sticks and and see where that goes what's he like in the classroom because he seems like he's got a good way about himself he does he does it's all all the rookies got to work hard it's it's a big change once you get to this level speaking of big changes you mentioned Xavier before you sense something different from him now that he's got a year under his belt oh it's like we said I mean that that the the experience that he got last year is priceless I mean he we all know about his speed we all know what he could do punt returning and and and the confidence that he got last year I think he had a touchdown on on a sweep and had a couple catches here and there but you know it it was brand new for him you know it's it's a long season you know 17 Game season for all the rookies it's hard to kind of get used to that that first year and now he knows and got that experience I mean he's a tough tough kid awesome person love being around him and you know we just want to keep pushing him and and let him utilize that juice let's talk about your W uh tight end group the guy keeps on popping on the screen to me who had an under under the radar season last year Tyler conin I mean he had 60 plus catches last year so there was a career high um I'm just wondering what his capabilities are playing with Rogers for full year but can you talk about the group as a whole not just conch but Rucker we see you B out there flashing Zack Co enter near too yeah all those guys I mean they're such a versatile group I think anytime you have a tight end position you're always kind of searching for that guy that can do a little bit of everything whether it's pass protect run Block Run routes stretch the field and from that standpoint those guys are really good I mean you could put all three out there and you could throw the ball you could put all three out there and Pound The Rock so um I think call and they all work well together they they all really cheer each other on they support each other they love working together they love being out there with each other and that's what you're looking for first and foremost so just to see them develop as a group you know coach Middleton I think has just done such a great job with those guys I mean rucks doing all kinds of different stuff Tyler like you said I mean he's doing a lot of stuff in the past game and and still excelling in the Run game so uh all them it'll be fun once we get the pads on to to see how much farther they can go but but it's a good group to be with what what's kic's best ability receiving was what what sets I can't give you that secret I you know people have talked about contested catches I'll tell you he had a couple really nice ones last year I mean when he had a guy draped all over him he was able to jump extend his hands out there and make those tough catches um but he has this natural Savvy about him when he when he runs routes whether it's the first level or second level uh he has ability to snap down shake some people up it's it's one of those things you don't know if he can but he's just got a little bit of Wiggle to him so it's uh it's been fun to watch that develop yeah I think he could have a big year for you guys um how about a couple new assistants on your staff Sean Jefferson leading up to the wide receivers OG I mean he's a guy I mean obviously did it for a long time in this league uh and and he's a great man getting to know him i' had only met him a couple times before he came here but uh you know he he he's a great man I mean he's been doing this for a long time and he's old school as old school comes you know I mean it's it's about running hard and and really but the guy's gravitate the guy's gravitate towards him he played like you said he played in in the league but at the same time he asked a lot of them but nobody's saying nah I don't want to do it that way no doubt I mean it's you know kind of like having a guy like Ron Middleton you know you got Ron who played years in the league you got Shawn that's played years in the league both of those guys you know gone to the Super Bowl won it all that kind of stuff and um I mean it's instant credibility you know they're not going to ask you to do something that they didn't do themselves I think that's something that those guys uh really really appreciate what about Tony duth now he's working with a lot of young running backs behind Bree there and Bree is still young himself yeah no doubt I mean Tony's another really great guy and um just being around him his energy and his love for the game uh his voice it carries across the whole field now you can hear him from a mile away and um really have enjoyed working with him and uh you know I think he's going to be great for those young backs you know he's worked with some young backs some decent backs past couple years at Tennessee it was a pretty good one there so uh and he knows his system he knows what we're looking for and he holds him accountable and and you hear it I know you're not going to get ahead of yourself and you cautioned me when we're talking about rookies but what do you think about brilon Allen and Isaiah Davis here early on in their career and and what they bring to the table maybe what they were asked to do a cently and what they've done in short so far no you know they've done a really good job I I it like I said it's always these rookies you know you you get very excited about them and but it is a different speed it's a different level you know from the pass protection demands that they have to understanding the routes and then at the same time just being able to run the ball so there's so many things to learn in this game and uh I think that they're really just you know head first diving in and trying to grasp as much as they can and then you throw a guy like Aaron Rogers back there that that puts a lot of Demands on them also but just their communication uh they you know they're really working hard to learn it all so they can come out and help us out help us on the field one of the things Brian balding and I were talking about last week was was one of the plays that you had Isaiah moving he went in motion and Aaron was working some Cadence which he always does and you saw Isaiah go a little bit too quick and then that's part of the learning process right especially for a young back is and those offensive line I'll tell you with Aaron's Cadence it's everybody that hasn't been with him it that definitely takes him time he he has been a Cadence Master for quite some time now and it takes him getting used to but uh but those guys that's just another thing I didn't even add that on the the other list of everything so um but they'll slowly get it we just those rookies it takes some time have you let your mind think about hey we are built to be an all- weathered team here when you're talking about what you guys did with the offens of line Bree added some big young backs to the Mi as well think we have the biggest running back group I mean these guys are huge what but was that when you guys are going through the scouting process and J D is bringing you in and you're talking to the staff and things like that to your point are you guys thinking Hey listen we got a lot of pieace this year but we we want a mindset where when is December and January we can lean on you that's when you got to play your best football and I learned last year pretty quick I think it rained every single game uh that we had so you know you can never predict the weather it's something that you always have to adjust to but it's always good to have some big backs and big offensive linemen so when you need to you can run the ball downhill how about the competition on both sides of the ball I know you got a A lot of respect for Brick but that defense that you guys have an opportunity to see every day how much does that help you from a coaching perspective also the players as far as that talented group so much I I mean just like you said you you know brick is awesome I mean such a great guy the whole defensive staff uh you know getting to know them going into that second year again it's not putting in a system it's not putting in the formations the plays the run plays the pass plays the pass protections and you're so focused on getting those guys ready that now just even the interaction of talking with the defense hey how can we push you what can we give you what what would make it harder on you just all those conversations are so good for us just as a team because we want to test them they want to test us I mean they're already going to test us cuz they've been together for I mean gosh they're going on their fourth year a lot of those guys have been in that system so they know the intricacies and now we can dive into that stuff and and give them the things that we think might hurt them and and they can adjust and we adjust so it's it's just been great collaboration have asked this before I think your dad was out here today former Jets offensive coordinator Paul Hackett how has the game changed from an OC spot from from the game that your dad called in the early 2000s and where are we going right now overall oh it's so different I mean we we look at some of that tape from back in the days it's funny I always talked to my dad uh you know he never called One play When the quarterback was in the gun alignment so you go back to those days when when they were really good in early 2000s and the quarterback was under Center it was two minute he was under Center I mean that just shows how much the defenses have changed over time in the past 20 years that you know they're giving you so many different looks you almost have to do that just for protection issues um so it has changed in you know just I think the movement you know the players you know there's there's some differences there just different things but um in the end it's still all football we we ran a play today that was a play that I know my father's called numerous times they were able to score a touchdown on it so uh even the old stuff still works sometimes did you win at him or what uh I haven't gotten to talk to him about it but I know he's going to say something tonight so but speed and space game though because this is something I was talking to Brick about when he played in the National Football League in the early 2000s um with the San Francisco 49ers he said hey I was first and second down linebacker then I came off the field I said hey brick could you play today's NFL you know he's a humble guy much like yourself so he said no I couldn't play in today's NFL but Quincy Williams is a great example of the modern day linebacker and you can make the argument that he is the he he is one of the best middle linebackers in National Football League I don't even think he can argue about it but he is so good fast but but speed and space can can you can you talk about that that you want to get the ball in your playmaker's hands and stretch the field but also how the counter is the evolution there I mean we're always looking to have the defense cover the whole field whether it's sideline to sideline in the Run game or vertically and horizontally down the field and you know when you have elite players these days especially some of the guys on our defense I mean they're so fast and when they can just play and react I mean you have to be on point in everything you do on offense because uh that's the essence of the defense is they're simple but they know all the in intricacies of it and you know guys like Quincy I mean you want to run outside you better you know those linemen better run because he is going to he's going to roll and then you have to have counters off of it it forces you to have to do whatever you can to create as we like to say consternation so that they can't just react fast we want to make them hesitate or think and make it so they can't play as fast because they're already unbelievable athletes so it's it's a great chess game back and forth you guys got some speed on offense no I mean I know you had it last year but when you think about the big pitcher you got a lot of guys out there sub 44 who could get somewhere in a hurry yeah no it's always good to have speed say speed and intelligence is is an exciting thing all right so what's the plans for this summer how you going to get ready for this thing you got to get you got to get away for a little bit got to get away as we've all seen we've got ourselves a a heck of a schedule especially early you know you've got a long training camp but I think this is the time now for all the coaches to get away be with their families the players to be with their families train uh just enjoy you know just not having to do anything and then because once we get rolling there I think it's July 24th or 25th whenever they all report back it's full go it's on no doubt yeah you like those uh joint practices nowadays with the three preseason games I do I think it's a good you know training camps are so long you have all those weeks before then you got the three preseason games and you got the two weeks before the first first season first game and uh so it's just it's extended period of time so to break it up I always think that's something good see a different defense not having to go against the same guys all the time uh brings that team camaraderie together because you're cheering for your defense the defense is cheering for you instead of going after each other every single day so uh I think it's always a good way to break up camp all right so let's end here when you start looking at the ners [Laughter] hey I'm just trying to get through these next couple days thanks Nate appreciate it all right anytime [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

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