Football is BACK in Southeast Missouri - SEMO Sports Zone - Episode 01

[Music] welcome to the Simo Sports Zone presented by acorp Sports we're happy to have you for this inaugural episode my name is Drew I'm here with Dave David how we doing today I'm doing just fine about yourself I'm doing great uh it is one of my favorite times of year football is back it is back back for college for the NFL and mostly importantly for us for high school sports so uh tell me a little bit about yourself David like I've been here in Southeast Missouri pretty much my whole life I um uh been around High School sports man I went to my first game in the early 80s I'm I'm dating myself a little bit but been around it covered it for over 20 years for the uh P saon newspaper and um I've done some radio and done some TV when at YC and so I've around it for a long time and uh I love High School sports foot especially High School football and high school basketball that's uh that's kind of my uh my thing and um you know I'm I'm I love talking about it and uh that's kind of why I'm here awesome uh if you don't know anything about me my name is Andrew Moore I am one of the main producers for acorp sports now uh I signed on when it was still yhc in 2021 so anything you see on screen during streams games like that that's usually my part into it but I'm also a big efficient Auto when it comes to high school sports at this moment uh coming from a college background I worked for ESPN so coming back to this area and getting in touch with it has been great experience honestly so just kind of jumping into it I don't want to ask who's your favorite team in the area and pigeon hole you like that but is there kind of a team that you're leaning towards for liking how they're looking this season you have to look at Jackson I think to to start that I mean Jackson they've kind of ruled the area for a good decade or more and they they show no signs of slowing down they just continue to rebuild and and reload actually not even rebuild they just uh they're always good but I like cape Central uh I think Cape Central they made the state semi-finals last couple years coach Gibbs do a great job he was at scon for a long time and and did a great job there he's he's got a really nice team this year and uh you know they've got some two electric back so I think they're going to they're going to make some noise and I think Dexter is another team they are yeah you know they've kind of haven't had a lot of success in the last you know 10 12 years but but they look you know they have everybody back they they look to be strong this year have a have a good schedule I think for them I so I think I think those are the top three teams I'm kind of looking at this year is probably maybe the three best in the area yeah no I can completely agree with that I mean going to see Jackson just even their facility they look like a college Level facility in themselves Cape Central's kind of in that same vein too like they just look like an official program Dexter is really interesting for me as a Dexter Alum it is nice to see them on the up and up right now it is kind of just a little worrying that oh are we buying into our own hype though I I agree and for me a lot of it is the uncertainty with everybody else in the area you've got a lot of new coaches a lot of of your better players from last year graduated you know like Scott City had a bunch of seniors new matter had a bunch of seniors so you have a lot of teams that are are kind of you don't know a lot about it's kind of their they're kind of uncertain but Dexter has a lot returning they've got their coaching staff returning for the most part and so you know you you kind of lean on that is oh hey we kind of know what they're going to be we think they're going to be good uh but but again you never know and and it could be a lot of hype but it you know you just just never really know till you get in there I saw new mattered last night at the U at the jambur and syston and and you know I've heard a lot about oh hey you know they're going to be down this year well you know they look pretty good at times I mean they they've got all over the field they've got a quarterback who can get get the receivers the ball they've got some speed and so you never know they they may still be one of the top you know top teams in the area as well so a lot of uncertainty I think leads to that maybe the the hype that some of these teams that you're not sure about yeah no I I think that's completely accurate point I think the biggest issue right now for a lot of teams is this coaching Carousel that many teams are going through which is necessary because some of these down teams have needed to kind of reevaluate and replace what they've needed to is there any certain coach that you think is coming into a position that you kind of see as like okay he's kind of changing that program I think coach May saon I think they they may they may struggle a little bit this year there's just not a ton of talent there but I think coach May is going to get them on the right path um you know he's got coach vickory used who coached saon for I think 26 years that's his offensive coordinator uh he's got coach ker who is a head coach at Dexter and molden as his defensive you know works with the defense uh he's brought some other coaches back that had had been out of it for a while I think their coaching staff uh is going to get the most out of the out of what they have and I think uh it's a culture change we were talking a little bit before we went on there it's kind of a culture change you you need sometimes you just have to reset and change that culture and get more kids out and I think that's what syon is going to do I think that's what coach May will do there I'm also interested in Ian penod over at East prair um coming back home that he you know he was grew up there he had a lot of success down at Portville the question is was it success because of coaching or was it success because he just had a great group of kids I think he's a good coach and I think East PR's got some good players this year but so we're going to see um we're going to see what he can do this year at East prair see if he can get them up to that to take that next step and uh so that that'll be very interesting to see too I'm no I'm definitely excited to see what East prair is going to do uh just watching Ian success in Porterville over the past two years has been great to see but him coming into a situation like this is definitely I I want to see how this rebuild goes because he told us in an interview he said this is coming into this situation he's mostly trying to reforge this team into something that suits his standard and for the most part I think he's doing a great job of it setting that mentality he's also trying to keep everybody kind of more protected in a way uh which is which is fine for your first year as a head coach I think kind of going a safer route is totally okay uh he said you know we don't know where we're going to be like in the later weeks in the year I want all my players to be healthy and like okay just because you know if we enter into that I want to be in the best situation possible so I think he's coming in with a mentality too of just like well I've seen success I know how to breed success I'd like to see him do it in East Prairie yeah and East Prairie I you know they've had some good years you know coach Jamerson before he went to Dexter he had some success there coach AOK had you know they've had some good teams there in the last you know 10 12 years so um you know he there's some good players there I you know the the biggest thing with East prair has always been their numbers you know they they they start off you kind of strong but then you know they don't have a lot of numbers injuries really can take their toll and so and that's what that way with a lot of schools you look at Malden and carsville in the past few years I mean you know the the numbers just haven't been up and um you know I think kville is getting their numbers up a little bit this year you know I'm not sure about malen but uh you know a lot of these smaller schools chaffy you know that the numbers play a big big big thing in it because when some of your better players get hurt you know you're you're bringing in freshmen who haven't ever played under the Friday Night Lights and and then you uh you kind of run into problems so I think the that that's a big thing that um you know East prair is going to have you know can he can he keep that team healthy and if he can I think they're going to have a lot of success well I think that's the biggest thing for a lot of teams around the area too especially these smaller ones is like you said when freshmen have to come in they're a little more skittish about everything what I think kind of is instilled in them though from what I've seen is when you're in that situation and a lot of them are it kind of builds them up for those later seasons though that they already know kind of like hey this is the most intense thing I've been a part of but now that I'm kind of in it more actively it's built me into a better player that can kind of withstand all that pressure and I think that's more of that's more of a situation of just hey I kind of got thrown in here you kind of have to adapt on the fly but I do think that instills a better player method and just kind of like I don't know it's it's interesting to see these smaller schools kind of recoup with a smaller like depth chart right and and you see that a lot you know you'll see that you you'll see them well they're not very good this year three four years from now they're really good and that you know that's those freshmen getting that getting those reps getting that experience and for a lot of the small schools that's kind of the cycle that you have to have you got to have those young those young kids get that experience and build up then you have a couple good years and you know you're going to have you know a couple down years but you know it just kind of it's just a cycle of it and and it's just the way it is with all these smaller schools yeah I mean kind of what when because we went to 15 schools over the summer to kind of look at their practices interview their players interview their coaches and what I kind of took away from it was when you've got these bigger schools like cape Central and Jackson they've got a program that's kind of situated around we have all the depth in the world to play with these smaller schools I guess the word that always came to mind was grittiness and just how every player seem like well there's a phrase every coach every player use was buying in and I think that's a big part of the culture shift is that when you have a smaller School everybody has to buy into it and I think they're I think as down as some programs might be this year I do think that's a culture shift that is really affecting the minds of all these these kids coming in is that no I mean if if you're going to play You're going to play and I think they're starting to get ready for that yeah I agree 100% And you know the buying in thing for me has always been well you know you you buy especially new coaches they're always trying to get their kids to buy in after you're there a few years then it's harder to get those kids to buy in because they've they've you know seen the down years if there's down years and so you know it's harder for them to buy in but it's always you know you always have a sense of excitement with these newer coaches when they talk about buying in usually you get your players to buy in and that's usually when you start to see your culture change and things like that like at syes and East Prairie and and uh you know hey tie they've got coach Robinson back down you know he's back down there and he he had a ton of success uh whenever he was around the first time so you know coaches like that you know that have been around a lot lot longer and had some success they're going to get it's easier for them to buy in than coaches who maybe have never done it before exactly no uh he Tai looks solid uh just watching their practices I mean they look extremely athletic and extremely disciplined and I think that's going to make a big difference this year yeah ha Tai you know when he TI's got it rolling they are really good really tough to stop in class one and we've seen that over the last the last few years they've just they've just had a few down years and like we said sometimes that Talent you got you got to rebuild that talent and they've had some good good young talent I know they I believe it's their sophomore class this year looks really good and so you know they're just kind of continue to get better and and Coach Robinson you know he he knows football and he's going to get them going down there and and it'll be exciting to see them in the next couple years so kind of moving on so it was you know jamary night last night was there anything you watched the syes and jam was there anything from the four teams you saw that kind of stuck out in your mind um I thought New Madrid was going to be better than what I thought they were going to be they've got some size I wasn't expecting and of course you know they've always got athletes uh their quarterback mongle he he he played a little bit last year when BJ Williamson was out and uh he looked pretty good so I think new matter is going to be better than people think and um you know I watched saon seon's got a new quarterback this year looks like Pierce Baker is going to be their their starter and um you know he can get the ball out he's kind of mobile um so I I think he's going to be a big Improvement for them someone that they can rely on uh they've got some some speed at the receivers but but you know I I think it's going to be a a learning process for them but I think they're going to be better than they were last year and and kenet kennet looked you know like they're still going through some Growing Pains but they you there's some bright moments uh some some deep passes I saw them complete so uh you know those three those three teams kind of stuck out Frederick Town which we really don't cover but they look pretty good so um they've got some some bigger guys and and they look pretty good but New Madrid I thought stuck out the best out of those four teams which is interesting I mean I think everybody kind of not just for football but for basketball 2 I think the biggest loss of Jadis Jones and BJ Williamson are probably going to be the things that stick out in most people's mind but uh from what I've seen I think this team can like they can really hold their own regardless so I think that's they're definitely going to surprise people this year yeah I think so they got a tough first game against Cape Central but um after that I think the schedule's a little more manageable and and I think they're going to continue to get better I mean I would want to play them early as opposed to late because I think they're going to continue to get better because they've got a lot of younger players uh they've got some freshman out there and some and some sophomores and and they looked they're very athletic and they look like they're going to be pretty good as the year goes along so I would want to catch them early as opposed to late exactly uh I took a look at the Portville jamere so I saw Dexter East Prairie Kelly and Portville playing uh I didn't really get to go in depth on all those teams uh Kelly looks good this year I'm I'm really surprised with such a young program how well put together they are they're very Scrappy uh they they will talk a lot of trash and but I think they can back it up too which is always interesting to see uh as a Dexter Alum I I kind of have to advocate for I hope Dexter does well this year at the same time I think Porterville is one of those teams I want to see succeed they look really gritty but they also are just interesting as a program coming back from what they did last year I don't know if they're going to be down or not that's the question I haven't seen them like in approving ground but at the same time they're just a very interesting storyline with Coach Rayfield coming in uh he seems like he's just having a good time too which is which is always interesting for a new coaching situation yeah I mean Porterville last year I mean of course they had just a great senior class so so so many unknowns we were talking one of the portsville players had actually transferred to syon and we were talking last night about you know they mostly played most of their most of their guys that saw all the time last year were were seniors so you don't know what they have they may have some really good you know sophomores and juniors uh from last year that are that are Juniors and seniors this year that we just didn't know about so they could be really good and and you know so they are very interesting and and it you just don't know about them they're they're kind of one of the unknowns until they you know suit it up on Friday night you're just not going to really know and one of my favorite things about them and this is just an anecdote that I I find interesting uh the Parton Brothers QB and wide receiver are twins so you know there's a story line of in my mind is like they got that twin connection yeah I've seen that a few times with some teams that have had that over the years and it's always they've always had that good good rapport you know I mean that's that's you know you throw throw to the one you know and the one you trust and so if you're going to trust your twin oh no it's it's extremely interesting U mostly because like these are teams that also have to play defense at the same time which is always a tough situation but they seem to take it in stride yeah the smaller schools are just kind of they just take it as that's what going to be I know some of the bigger schools U you know cap Jackson I think sa is trying to do that this year where you're just playing on one side of the ball not you're trying not to have a lot of two-way players but your smaller schools that's just you know they they expect you to play both ways and it's just kind of common place for that and and but you know in those 100 degree days that we're going to have I was looking at the weather for Friday night it's supposed to be you know 92 degrees or something 93 degrees you know a kickoff it's going to be brutal for those guys going both ways a lot of cramps um drink a lot of water guys because uh it's it's going to be a long long night but uh and but you feel for those guys that are playing both ways and but they just expect it and that's just kind of what they they know they're going to have to do it and and they train they train for it no it's it's an exciting time definitely uh this buildup to this Friday night I mean I I can't wait for it I can't either kind of going into just the schedule for the teams that we're kind of looking at Crystal City at syon what are your thoughts on that I think syon rolls um syon had to get a schedule that was a little more manageable they they had they start off with Hillsboro last year at open the season Hillsboro played for a state championship and when you're down that's not the team that you want to start off with so Crystal City is a team it's a little smaller school it's and they're kind of undergoing I think a coaching change up there so uh I would I would think syon at home will win that game they're the bigger school I would think they would win that game and and get a much needed win to start off the season it's definitely if they get a win it's going to build momentum for that week too um going against Dexter I mean that's going to be a that's a rivalry game to begin with but that's going to be kind of a tough thing to go into if you don't bring home a win in this first week uh it's it's definitely going to set a tone right and saon thinks they should have beat Dexter last year even though I think it's was 20 to nothing or whatever it was but saon saon felt they were in that game and that they they feel that Dexter is a winnable game for them this year you know just talking with them some of their coaches and stuff they feel it's a winnable game so that that'll be an interesting week too but you got to get that win on week one well especially in this early part of the season I think that's a mentality a lot of teams should have every game should be a winable game um and you know I mean that's just kind of the way the game goes too you never you never know what a game's going to be like until the end so right uh next up uh kennet at Porterville who knows that's that's an unknown yeah I don't you know I saw kennet I did I mean you didn't take a get a lot out of it of their scrimmage last night they looked okay at times other times they looked like they kind of needed some work but again we like we talked about a little bit ago you don't know what pville has so I mean you know Ken it being you know what they've been the last few years and Porterville losing what they all they lost last year I would kind of lean kenet but but who knows that pville could come out and and just have the you know the clearly the better team we just don't know at this point well I think they're two very physically aggressive teams uh so I think if I I don't know because that's that's one of those things like if if you just keep on your run game I feel like you're just going to be smashing two walls together right so I think the passing game on either side is probably going to set a Tempo I no it's just it's one of those unknown games I can't it's it's going to set the tone for the rest of the season for these two teams oh absolutely uh next up East Prairie at Scott City well I like East Prairie we talked about them earlier I like East prair they've got some good players they should be healthy starting the season uh Scott City with uh you know Coach Bo Bean it's you know you they're kind of an unknown they lost a lot from last year pagos did so much for that team um they were really good last year and they l L you know a couple really really good seniors but you know I don't think they're going to be completely down I think it'll be a close game those two always play high scoring close games and I that's kind of what I expect again but East Prairie with you know what some of the some of the players they have back they've got some Dynamic players back I I would I would take East Prairie in that game uh just to advocate for Scott City from what I understand from the players going from coach May to Coach Bo has not been that big of a change I mean a little bit of a change of course but just from the offensive aspect of it they're still maintaining that pass heavy game uh mixing in runs when they can which I don't know how much success it's going to breed we're going to have to see but it seems like they're pretty comfortable with their offense still yeah their quarterback last year uh gloth he he played some when pagos couldn't you know was was injured a little bit I think he played some against Dexter early in the year and um you know he he showed that he could he could throw it so so yeah I don't expect them to be you know down down I I just kind of you know it's tough to stay at that same level you have with with the guys that they had last year so I think they're going to slip a little bit but again that them and East prair that that game could that game could be a very high scoring shootout uh game I'm actually really excited for uh theer at hati yeah fair is always good they always bring that Smashmouth ground game but he TI's got that speed and you know uh the's kind of you know taken it to him the last few years but uh I'm going to go ahead and say there because I still think he Tai is still building toward it but I think it it will not it's going to be a close game I think it's going to be that's going to be a tough one for he Tai but but um I think it'll be close no I can totally agree with that he Tai seems ready for that game which I think is it's one of the biggest telling things is that they're not kind of like oh we don't really know how we're going to do week one they're like nope we're looking at a State title yeah which is great mentality to have uh Charleston at Kelly I think a lot of people are sleeping on Charleston they were they were kind of down a little bit last year um but they've got two players in this year that a lot of people may not know about um Tres Clark is a running back that they transferred from saon and their quarterback this year is Kirby from Malden he was at malen last year's dad was a head coach he transferred over and with his dad his dad's the assistant now at Charleston and I saw him throw around a little bit last year before the before one of their games whenever I was doing radio and and man he he's got an arm and he he looks he looks real solid as a quarterback something that last year they had cion Owens as a quarterback he was kind of um you know he did a lot for them but I think this brings the passing game in a little bit more I think they're going to be better than what people think um I'm not sure that they can beat Kelly Kelly's pretty solid you know Skyler Stills back as their quarterback and he's he's very impressive and uh you know they they're going to have a good running game they've got a good line I'm going to take Kelly but I think it's going to be closer than people think and I think Charleston is going to surprise some people this year and have a better season than what a lot of people think I no I'd love to see Charleston succeed they're their fan base is extremely faithful to them so I I can see too that it looks like some of the younger kids are starting to build up to these positions too which is always exciting to see yeah and they have some size on the line too that's going to really help that run game they they've got two pretty good running backs so it'll be it'll be good good for them this year I think they're going to be better than what people think another kind of exciting unknown is new Mader County Central at Cape Central yeah I think Cape Central is really solid this year they've got two really good running backs um you know you look at I mean they're they've been state semi-finalist in class five the last two years and they've got a lot of guys back from that they've got a great coaching staff I I look for them to kind of have their way with New Madrid in this game but that's not a indication on what New Madrid can do I think new matter is going to have a good year going to be better than what people think they got a lot of young talent that I think is going to kind of build kind of like the uh BJ and Jay just classed it I think you know they've got some freshmen that are kind very similar I think they're going to continue to grow so I think they'll be pretty good but I think I'm going to give Cape Central the nod in this one no I think I think that's a fair assessment to make Cape Central just they've got the depth too they've got weapons everywhere and I think that's just going to be one of the biggest failings of playing a smaller school like New Madrid is that no matter how much talent you have if you can't keep it up the entire game that's always going to be a risk yeah and and for new MD though it's it's a good it's a good measuring stick to see where you're at early in the year and show these younger guys look this is where we want to be this is what we want to be and you in week 10 we want to be you know you know a team like this so I think it's great for new matter to play them early and kind of get a look and then then get back into their schedule with teams that are more their size and and more their more their speed uh chaffy at Hillsboro um yeah Grand View Hillsboro Grand View they're um they're they're normally pretty good game with chaffy my nephew went to chaffy a few years ago and just graduated a few years ago and they always played them in really tough games close games being up there it's always a tough place to play um but I think U but chaffy you know they they've got they lost some seniors from last year but they're they're they've got that running game this is the third year their coach altenberg I believe his name is um so I I I'm going to give them the nod I I think that they they've kind of you know were 500 last year they've kind of got that taste of winning uh the the kids that are there I think they're very um they're very hungry to continue that success so I'm going to go ahead and give chaffy the nod in that one but I think it'll be a close game got some size on them too that's something that I don't think a lot of people think about but once you're on that field like there's a lot of guys that are you know pushing like 6'2 so they've definitely got they've got weapons for sure yeah they've got two receivers I think one's 63 one 6'4 and so I mean they've got some size of the receivers too somewhere where they can throw the ball so uh you know that's a that's a that's a big thing for them they just got to stay healthy chaffie chaffy biggest thing is just stay healthy keep because they're not very deep so you you keep them healthy and but and so early in the year I'm I'm I'm going to take chaffy but like I said they always play tough games with crany those are always close games go down to the wire so that'll be that'll be a good one there uh kind of one of the most high-profile games I would say Jackson at Cardinal Ritter that's going to be a tough one um both of those teams are really really good Cardinal Ritter just has unbelievable athletes D1 athletes at several different positions um playing there is going to be difficult um man I don't know Jackson's really good though though they they they returned their um bulk of their their their team from last year they uh their offensive line is huge man that's going to be just a great game if if you had one game to catch and want to drive up to St Louis that would be the game to watch uh I'm I I would take Cardinal Ritter um just because it's at their place I think that that's that may be the deciding factor but it's going to be a great game and anybody could win that one no that's definitely going to set a tone Jackson when we interviewed the players they said this was the most important game for them of the year was Cardinal Ritter which I can totally I can totally see I mean yeah that's going to be a tough game yeah absolutely but I mean if you look at Jackson the way they've kind of manhandled most of the teams from around here um you know year in and year out you know they had a slip up against POA Bluff a couple years ago but other than that they have pretty much just dominated the local competition over the last decade and it's boy that's I mean so so you do you look toward you know like games like this as your main G that's an important game because we know we can get this one this one and this one but that Cardinal Ritter that one that's was a big game in the state you know they're they're both teams State ranked and that's yeah that that's just going to be an outstanding football game well it's also funny to see uh when we interviewed the kids from Cape Central we asked them like what's the game you're most looking forward to in the season and they said of course it's Jackson it's always Jackson when we asked Jackson They said Cardinal Ritter it's always Cardinal Ritter yeah the way Jackson's handled Cape Central the last few years too just kind of makes that it's more of a rivalry for Cape because cape cape wants to get them and Jackson's like yeah we're not you know we we handle those guys I think it's going to be a little bit different this year I think it'll be a little bit closer Cape thinks it's their year to do it and and it could very well be but at the same time they've thought that before and uh Jackson just continues just to steamroll teams around here they're just so good and have so much talent but uh you know that that that'll be a fun game later on in the season but uh but yeah Jackson Jack Jackson I think is a class of the area this year uh so final game that we have on our listing is our AC Corp sports game of the week that we're going to be broadcasting is Dexter at malen yeah I would think Dexter be heavily favored in this game um it's it's nice to see them play early in the year and I know malin's had to Forfeit that game a few times in the last last you know three four years uh because they just lack of players and so so it's good to see that one actually get played um you know back in the early 90s that was a huge rivalry Dexter malen and it's kind of as malton's enrollment kind of dropped that the the Rivalry kind of dropped as well but uh um you know I think Dexter's got to I mean I think they're going to have a good year they've got a lot back from last year they're very experienced and so you know Malden with Coach bully who was at syon the last three years I think I think he's a great hire for them I think he's going to get players out I think he's going to bring some um enthusiasm to the program I think I think he you know it's it's going to I think it's going to work out well I don't know how good they'll be this year um I think it's going to take some time for them to build that up and it's a tough game to start off with when you get an experienced team like Dexter but um but I think mold and I think they're going to like coach pulley and I think they're going in the right direction there I really hope so watching them the past couple of years has been it's been hard yeah and you never want to see that from a program especially a local program like that but I think after getting to talk with Coach py I mean he starts off with his said My Philosophy is alignment assignment aggression attack and I think he's really trying to instill that into the players he has and for the most part I think most of those most of those seniors and juniors are kind of buying into that and they're kind of trying to push everybody along which is really great to see yeah it is and I really like coach pulley a lot I think he's he's a really good guy and he wants the best for those kids and it's not always about wins and losses and um for for them right now it's just getting kids out getting them to stay the season and and just getting them to improve and I think he's going to get all that I think I think they're going to get some wins this year you know I know they've got a pretty long losing streak there that that I think is going to get snapped this year and I think that's just just going to continue to build but I think if they give Coach pulley time give him give him some time I think he's going to build that program to where they want it to be and um it'll be you know um I think he's very good for that school no exactly I think I think you're exactly right as far as the game itself goes this uh Malden has not beaten Dexter since 2019 at this point And as far back as mish's records goes which about 2007 it looks like wins and losses against each other malen is eight Dexter is four so you can see there's a history of how Malden has kind of dropped off but I think they can come right back oh absolutely and and honestly before malen kind of Co had that little streak there with Coach Wyatt I think it was I think it was like 15 16 straight wins for Dexter or something like that since the the mid 90s I think they they pretty much dominated that series if I'm not mistaken and um yeah it's yeah it was a um it's it's been tough to see them fall the way they have after this good as they were with Coach Wyatt playing for a state championship and and just being so talented there for about you know four four years or so they were just so good and it's it's it's tough seeing that fall but you know I I I think a turnaround is coming for them and like we were talking it's all a cyclical thing and I think that um uh you know Mal and seeing that a little bit they were down for a few years but I I think they're going to build that back up I've I've heard their younger programs their youth programs are doing really well so and and Coach pulley is very good about getting into those younger programs I know it's syon he's really he really helped build some of those younger programs unfortunately he's not going to see the benefits of that in a few years but but trust me that those those younger programs in saon are are are really starting to develop and Bloom and that's all because of Coach pulley and I think he's going to get down to mold and do the same thing exactly the transition period is the hardest so I no I'm I'm very hopeful uh I guess just on the Dexter side of things I mean we we talked about their situation and everything I think coach Jamerson is a great hire for the program he's shown that uh even their losses from last year I mean those were for the most part I feel like those were winnable games they could have they could have taken that season even further than they did so if anybody is prep for success I would say Dexter's kind of in that ER parent status yeah and they've got some teams that you know Park Hills all their seniors graduated last year so they'll be they're they're kind of going to be back down to the level that um Dexter you know Dexter can play with down there they're not as you know that Park Hills team last year was just loaded and um that's just tough to tough to get them St Genevie is going to be good again um as they always are um so th so those are some teams though that you know Dexter's going to have to get past but I think their schedule's very manageable they've got a lot of winnable games on the schedule and um I think they can have a really good year you know they've got some good young talent coming in to mesh with that the older Talent so um I I I really do expect them to have a good year this year I think they're expecting a good year uh coaches and fans alike I think they're they're all expecting them to have a good year so hopefully they will and live up to expectations I can't wait to see it you can catch that Dexter malen Game on acorp Sports YouTube channel at starting around 6:45 on Friday so we are definitely excited for that one yeah first football season starting first game of the year it's just so much excitement I love it it's I you know every team right now thinks they've got a shot of the State title and that's that's the best time and um it's a it's just a lot of excitement in a lot of schools you'll see a lot of fans out for these first games and and uh let's hope the weather kind of cools a little bit for that that first game but uh yeah it's going to be a lot of fun I think it's going to be a really good year with a lot of parody I think and and I think it'll be a fun year to watch I can't wait to see just how that that week one pans out for everybody just so it gives it gives us a little more meat to dig into just like well this team looks like this this team looks like that I can't wait to see that yeah I can't either it's always it's always fun to see how things kind of you I was right about this well I was way wrong about you know it's always it's always kind of fun to see that stuff and uh um but so I'm I'm I'm expecting a great year of football just like every year I I get so excited around this time of year just because I love seeing all the different teams and and um you know and just just I just love High School football no exactly it's it's a you never get that atmosphere anywhere else all right uh any final thoughts David no just can't wait to smell that grass on Friday night and get out there and um we'll we'll see what we'll see who has what but um yeah go out there and enjoy Friday night game I mean just no matter where you go just go out and enjoy it and it's it before you know it's going to be over because those these Seasons seem to fly by so yeah I just can't wait just excited it's only nine weeks for some people but you know hey we're going to we're going to look forward to postseason 2 all right this has been the first episode of the Simo Sports Zone and we'll catch you next week thank you for listening [Music]

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