The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Drama CONTINUES To Get Worse

you feel like there needs to be someone to replace her yes and no I hope she comes back because we do need a villain yeah I don't want to say that but it's true but like that's the thing like who else is going to be the vill I don't want to be the villain like none of the girls do guess who watched binge watch the entirety of Secret Life Of Mormon wives yesterday off yesterday so I literally spent the day and the evening watching the show and the thing is about me you may know it if you've been following me for a little while you may not you may love it you may hate it I do love a bit of reality TV when I tell you this show is absolute Gold Dust for a very first season there was like Eight Episodes it was so good and it's not just the drama that's happened there it's the drama that's happened after is what I want to be talking about one guilty count two guilty count three guilty let's believe that Whitney and Taylor have been feuding Whitney is still going off doing her own little thing and then we then have Zach oh my God go I could do a rundown of just how much I detest this man magic M concert do you want to go to that no I think it's more of like a funny thing if we do end up going being divorce and taking care of two kids would be kind of tough so I guess you make the decision if you've watched it you know exactly what I'm talk about well his mom's now gotten involved his mom and it like people have been dissecting the text messages that were being sent Jen and him are like moving to New York she's sending little like saying goodbye to the house thing it's all looking like Ultra sad I do not want Jen to leave but yeah after the show I'll be honest like yeah I'll be completely honest there there was like a few moments where I was like I don't know if I want to be in this relationship anymore I no woman deserves to be spoken to that way but especially your wife and the mother of your children it's a whole entire mess we're going to be going through that we're going to be going through the whole Whitney thing and what's been going on since then because Whitney has been all over her socials trying to set the record straight I do also think that this is going to be probably a reoccurring video cuz I want to do a whole bit on Taylor and the reason why is because I watched an interview that she did where she was actually explaining the night of the whole swinging incident and there's other bits that I found along the way as well to let you know as well this video is probably not going to make a lot of sense to people who have not watched the program um and it's very hard for me to go through every single thing but like the briefest brief rundown basically in a nutshell you have mom talk which basically started off with Taylor Frankie pool and Taylor Frankie pool if you remember her she was the one who got involved with that whole entire like Mormon swinging Expose and then also I did a video on this last year or this year I think it was last year where she was arrested outside of her baby daddy's house and it was like a complete and utter mess she was arrested and it went kind of Silent from there and that's where we leave on the very first first episode of the show now I will just say that there's quite a few of these women so Demi and Jesse look really really similar so the way that I separate them is Jesse I think Jesse is Great Demi when I was first watching this I remembered her as fruity cereal and then as it then got further along the line I realized that Demi and Jesse are very much my favorites along with Macy as well they categorize themselves as he's like Progressive Mormon so they're Mormon all of them are Mormon some of them are more following the rules and others some of them don't drink some of them do occasionally drink I didn't realize that in Utah they had so many soda shops uh stores whatever where they're called like I don't know what they're called but they're called something crazy like where they go and get like 12 gallons or whatever of this soda with loads of stuff pumped into it they don't follow the rule books per se they're trying to push the barriers I think the overriding message that they're trying to give is that they want women to have more autonomy and I think that's a good message I know that I'm really picking out the message here and I'm really trying to find it but they do mention it quite a lot that that is what mum talks about what about mom talk guys when really like I didn't know anything really about mom talk before was very moment the main criticism that I have seen of the show mainly from Mormons themselves is that the show does not represent Mormons accurately and I would just like to say as your resident ex Mormon who was in the church for 24 years I have never seen a more accurate representation of Mormonism Taylor Frankie pool Whitney there was a clash over who was leading mom talk and you it paints Frankie as the villain at first and I wasn't that Keen on her and then after episode one it went on to episode 2 you realize what a calculated coldhearted bee Whitney actually is bother me that you didn't come to my shower just told me like hey I I don't want to be friends with you like I thought we were friends so when you didn't show up I was like it was a big deal well I don't regret anything I'm glad I told Jen I don't think that was wrong I'd still do it well then you're a shitty friend and then I guess don't be my friend okay I don't want to be your friend if that's the way you're going to be that's not a friend did you called Taylor white trash were you planning on dressing that to Taylor is that your place to say it wasn't and you don't care you don't give a [ __ ] I wish I could say I'm surprised by Whitney's Behavior right now but I'm absolutely not she goes from friend to friend bees about them all behind their back which is kind of what most of them do and she stirs up drama she can't take it many people label her is a narcissist I don't like just labeling people like that cuz I do know that obviously it's a disorder it's an actual thing in itself and she really wanted to be the moment she was jealous of Taylor the whole entire time she couldn't work out why Taylor was so loved despite doing all these different things why couldn't she have that moment to shine now Whitney was that woman who did this dance in front of her extremely sick child if we remember this she was just shocked that nobody would forgive her for that but the swinging thing it I don't know I feel like The Swinging thing is way more forgivable than doing that in front of your sick child I think I was jealous of the Forgiveness that Taylor got during that time of her whole swinger drama that I feel like I didn't get wait forgiveness for what just like the RSV video first couple days were a bit scary but then he was getting better so I'm thinking like let's you know do something fun and I made a video everyone was so quick to forgive Taylor online or swinging I just feel like I still get shreded into pieces almost every single video now by the end of this whole catastrophe Whitney had one friend left she had Macy she had the one friend left and Macy was supporting her for most of this drama llama think on episode 7 she had this great big product launch for maternity gummies have I got that right she had this great big launch and lo and behold Whitney wasn't there Whitney wasn't there and it was extreme SLA in the face because Macy had basically been her only friend this whole entire time cuz Whitney had gone behind the scenes and Beed about everyone else to then not turn up to her friends launch that she had been working so hard on this was a really big problem because it went from one person liking her in the whole attire Group by the end of it to none of them describe Whitney as a person I have different feelings than they don't ask me still very close to to always defends her we're still good friends but we're not like as close as we were when the show was filming Whitney then comes back on and she has posted a series of screenshots where she's trying to prove to everyone that she did in fact let Macy know that she wasn't going to be attending her launch she basically said I love you to pieces but I'm not going to be as close right now nothing personal but I really just need space I'm not pro processing things healthy Healy lately I'm depressed and unhappy and angry all the time I just want to be alone right now I won't be going to your event I don't want to see any of them I'm so sorry again I love you and appreciate you and I'm grateful for you issue that we're having with this right now is that Whitney didn't go to Macy's launch party but then decided to go to I think it was Michaela's rolling disco party where quite literally none of them wanted to see her but she still made it her mission to turn up and make everything excruciatingly awkward ruined the birthday girls day I look over and I see Winnie come through the door I am in utter shock like I cannot believe she's here considering she didn't show up to my launch party I'm do for Micha but you and Micha are front yeah want to talk to Micha SCE just take it with them I don't want to want your gift I'm going to open them later okay so uncomfortable she's not going to go to her best friend's launch but she will go when she's not even invited and it's extremely hostile like the whole entire her giving the gift to M it was just it was just so uncomfortable someone said it's okay girl I pretend I didn't know I was a bad friend too someone else said let's blame Hulu for not being a good friend said of course let's blame Hulu and Whitney said oh honey it's not Hulu Taylor then comes into the chat and she goes oh no and Whitney says you also knowing the truth but not saying anything insinuating that there is just some sort of a thing going on like I said like Taylor and Whitney did not get along someone said but I'll show up to a birthday party I'm not invited to even though I don't want to be around any of these people and Whitney says don't worry I've got more receipts so basically she's been painted out to be the villain in all of this and to chop it all off some of the girls went on a podcast and they were basically saying that like they kind of need Whitney in the show to be the villain because otherwise one of the one of the other girls is going to have to be the villain and no one wants to do that to any of the other girls that's the thing like who else is going to be the V want to be the villain like none of the girls do and I don't want to turn on any other girls cuz I love them so um that scares me but then Whitney you would have to sign up for that again yeah she would and and I I I don't blame her if she doesn't do it again like her mental health is obviously more important so like I don't blame her either way but I would love for her to come back and get a Redemption when people say they're not friends they're like more work colleagues than friends and I do really get that Vibe Whitney is still basically saying that yes maybe you know she doesn't want to think that she's the problem and she seems to think that Hulu have painted her in a certain way that is not very reflective on her actual character and I feel like only reality TV can only do so much it can only do so much I thought she had a point at the very beginning and then after episode one I was like who was this lady and then she then just spent the remainder of the Season being like Oh I'm a homesteader now I want to do homesteading and it's like do you really want to do homesteading do you really want to she looks like she doesn't even like animals I was so confused about the whole thing she didn't want to film with the other girl she didn't want to be involved whenever she was involved it was just messy leads me on to point number two is Jen her name is literally Jen Affleck that's her name and the funny thing is is because she is married she is married to Zach he's called Zach Affleck and yes he is in fact related to Ben Affleck the director producer yes he is actually related what has that been like um just having the world know that you're an affle I think it's so funny because I was named after JLo her name's Jennifer Lynn Lopez and my name's Jennifer Lynn Al I just happened to marry an Affleck which is so crazy so I'm like from the beginning I'm like I've always been I was meant to be the original Jennifer Affleck and now I'm the only Jennifer Affleck Zach's family have now spoken out because they don't think that he was betrayed very well he was awful still in school to become a doctor a surgeon or something leaving his wife Jen to basically look after the kids earn the money she's also the bread winner by the way um and he just controls every single ounce of her life I don't like his hair I don't like his Parker I don't like his the way he talks to her I don't like anything about this man and most people agree with me the the end of it was basically when they went to Las Vegas he followed her there basically like not followed but he went along cuz he didn't trust her or whatever no no no he was then given like a load of money like thousands like I think $2,500 because oh yes he won't allow Jen to go to a Chip and Dale I think that's what it was called night he won't allow her to do that he calls her sinful and a bad mother and this that and the other even though she didn't even watch the show she just went and met them but he can go and gamble I thought gambling was a sin they literally said in earlier episodes that gambling is a sin I don't think I even saw any of the other girls going gambling but Zach can go gambling not even with his own money with Jen's money can you just stop for a second and just like think of me as a person and my character did you just think about me [Applause] please human being I did nothing wrong in this situation like he doesn't want to be married to me if I do stuff like this oh my gosh he really does want a divorce like what it basically I'm thinking what did I do cuz Jen is the one who goes out there and provides and to make matters even worse he was actually given a load of money for medical school guess what he did with that money he blew it on gambling and I get that yes people have addictions and normally I would be like 100% like well yes he's got a problem and we should all be mindful and yes yes yes obviously but the problem is is that he belittled her called her a bad mom called her um said he wanted a divorce uh said horrible horrible horrible things uh that all the girls were basically rallying around her and going this is exactly why we have mom talk because we can't allow these husbands to treat us like this when he bleeds her dry of all of like her money she looks after the kids she cooks she cleans I think they've got a nanny but that's beyond the point she earns the money and she gave up everything so that he could go to med school and the very second that she kind of goes along with what the girls want to do he asked for a divorce he says that she's a terrible person honestly I was like what the actual hell and the thing is is that I'd be like oh Mormons Mormon in but the thing is is that he whilst he was saying all of this he was in a casino in Las Vegas gambling it's not even the fact that he is like following strict Mormon rules because he really isn't well after 27 attempts I finally stopped my TV in the perfect spot to actually capture what that text message from Zach was after the chip andelle show here it is for context I'll read it seriously I don't want to hear one more time about your heart start taking accountability for your actions in the situations you put yourself in you're a grown woman doesn't matter your intention you were there and that's the image you portray of yourself Family Church Etc apparently gambling doesn't portray a bad image the image you portray of yourself Family Church Etc everyone you present with this platform the fact that you would have to ask me is our word h would you ever find Katie asking Kyle that no because she respects her own values and her husband and would never put herself in that situation the fact we are even having this conversation is sad especially after everything with the temple and it cuts off a little bit here but do you realize how dumb you saying you're a worthy Temple something holder and sticking up for something and it kind of cuts off he's something huh he's just an a-hole that is his problem he's just an a-hole the season ended with she was basically saying like you know Mom talk earns US money mom talk makes me happy and this is what he had to say the mom talk group what if like my engagement just stops and how am I going to provide mom talk that is important to me and I do feel like I've established that here like I'm happy with that but I really don't I don't really care some of the headlines are hilarious it's like Ben Affleck's crazy cousin labeled a narcissist on Secret Lives of Mormon wives said I'm extremely disappointed in Hulu his wife and these fake girls that's what Zach's brother wrote on social media in a Reddit post that shared screenshots from comments made by Zach's brother AJ Affleck and his mother Crystal Affleck the two of them spoke against Hulu and even Jen it is clear that they don't appreciate how Zach is presented on the show but fans are insistent that Zach's text and harsh words towards Jen are his own doing Zach is one of the best guys in the world ask anyone who knows him personally AJ wrote on Instagram according to the Reddit post though his comment was deleted after a screenshot was taken I am beyond saddened by the fake manufactured representation of him I'm extremely disappointed in Hulu his wife and these fake girls this backs up the very reason I decided to never be shown on the show it's a fake nasty representation of an amazing religion and people I pray for my brother and others deeply affected by this nonsense I think you mean by his nonsense cuz yeah fair enough like some of the stuff could be considered a little bit trashy in the show but then again like your brother whoever whatever is just horrendous like you can't it's like Whitney how are you supposed to spin this in any other way elsewhere Zach's mom Crystal commented on an Instagram post that shared a statement from the Mormon church about the show in the statement the church wrote that various Productions about the Mormon religion that depict the faith rely on sensationalism and inaccuracies I love everything about this statement as someone who has been personally affected by this let me tell you Hulu is in the business of destroying marriages and families so now I pray we can all judge less and love more and let our lights continue to shine to show the world who we really are cult anyway so what what's now ended up happening is that Jen posted this Jen it looks like that they might actually be going so after all of this she's still like it will make you happy if I go it'll make you happy if we go because I just want to do what makes you happy which is extremely common in the Morman culture extremely common extremely common I dislike him more than I dislike Whitney loads of people are like jumping on Whitney and as much as I think she's a villain she's a very calculated villain but she's kind of like wearing it at this point whereas this guy he's not he's not nice he's not a nice person and yeah so I I wanted to do a whole entire I wanted to do another video if you know people actually want to watch it on uh other situations because if I were to sit here and say everything that has been going on since after this would be like a 2hour long video and I'm not in the business of doing video essays but if you'd like another video where I'm going to talking more about Taylor Frankie PA she's done a number of interviews and you know following her journey cuz like I've said I was always very skeptical about her online because of the stuff that I'd heard and and then after episode one I feel that I don't know I feel like she's chaotic but not in a mean way she fully accepts that she is chaos um and I feel that you know hopefully she understands what's been going on and you know some of the stuff that came out about her wasn't very good she has in fact owned it and I feel like she is a likable person whether or not that would change subject to what goes on in season 2 I could be eating my words but I find her actually fairly likable she seems quite human despite being flawed but all of us humans are flawed and some people might say well what she did was inexcusable which yes it was very inexcusable however you have at some point you have to be able just to be like well it's what you're doing now you know if everyone held everything against everyone at all times you'd never learn and grow so I'm hoping that she does in fact learn and grow from that but oh my gosh this has been a very long video but if you want a part two please let me know and I will do so but have a wonderful day wherever you are in this world take care of each other take care sales and I will catch up with you guys in the next video

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