The Secret Lives Of Mormon Wives Is The TikTokification Of Reality TV

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:41:11 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: secret life of mormon wives
Intro what happens when you give Tik Tok a reality TV show the demilio show now what happens when you give Tik Tok an Mormon wives a reality show The Secret Lives of Mormon wives Hello everybody welcome back to my channel if you're new here hi I'm Eric I have a stutter and I grew up incredibly Catholic and if you're not new here what up whes so I just finished binging The Secret Lives of Mormon wives and we have to talk because there's there's a lot to unpack and I feel like this is what reality TV was made for this is it we've we've reached Peak TV now if you're not familiar a few years ago there was a group on Tik Tok that became sort of famous for doing silly little dances and no I'm not talking about Addison Ray no I'm also not talking about Charlie demilio I'm talking about mom talk mom talk is a group of moms Mormon mommies who I guess started dancing like teenagers and gained notoriety and I wasn't familiar with them before this show but I guess I'd say they became famous because they portray this image this uh romanticized image of religious women that follow a Life of Christ of tradition but also have fun along the way the mom talk went viral in 2022 when one of its main members Taylor Paul announced her divorce from her husband Tate Paul or Paul Taylor or whatever the his name is she announced a divorce because they were swingers and according to Taylor they had a set of rules which were the other person always has to be in the room and you're not allowed to go all the way with someone else but Taylor broke that agreement when she fell in love with a different man and they decided to call it quits she also mentioned that several other members of their tick Tok group were also involved in The Swinging Scandal but she never named any names and that became like Scandal right how are these Mormon wives becoming famous for being Mormon and for following tradition and religion but also being super fun and Dancy and then Here Comes one of the members oh actually we've been each other's husbands which goes against their religion again I'm not I'm not making the rules the rules are their churches but in all fairness Mormon swingers in this economy no and that somehow landed them a reality TV show with Hulu Hulu apparently loves to make either very good movies or really trashy reality TV shows and I live for it in Comes The Secret Lives of Mormon wives think of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City but with younger mommies less established and a little bit crazier they put out all eight episodes and I binged the entire season I just couldn't stop and it was not what I expected I uh I honestly don't know what I expected but it wasn't this and though most of it is just normal reality TV stupid drama there's a lot to talk about in terms of how religion applies to these women and how it conditions them that I think it is important to bring to the Forefront to to the discussion so let's get into the show and into into the mommies but before we do make sure to like this video subscribe to my channel and click that Bell notification so you'd never miss a future upload from me also follow me on my socials Eric Silver C on Instagram and stutterbox on Tik Tok and uh yeah stick around to have a lot of fun because this is this show is wild I should start off by saying I'm not a Mormon but uh someone described Mormonism as a sexually conservative belief system where Chastity is a virtue homosexuality is a sin and the father is the presiding Authority in his family misogyny and though the point of Mormonism is to have these women marry super young and just pump out kids Non-Stop and have the Man Boss them around it's refreshing to see that so many women in the cast are actually divorced or even single and they're having children out of wedlock left and right which is also a sin and though some are more Mormon than others there's a a Mormon undertone throughout the entire season so there is eight members and there is so much to say about each and every one of them even the ones that don't necessarily have much of a storyline Michaela I'm looking at you and one thing that I'm grateful for the show is that they're constantly showing us their name and their ages because it took me the longest time to tell these women apart especially Jesse and Demi in fact I'm still not convinced that they're not somehow Twins or at least sisters it was episode 6 and I still could not tell these two women apart but eventually we got there we got there and I now know them all by heart and boy oh boy there's so much to say about them and stick around to listen to all of them because there is one in particular in this cast Whitney I'm looking at you that you may recognize her from a little viral video on Tik Tok Jessi let's start with the more levelheaded adjusted ones first off we have Jesse Jesse is 31 she has a a hair salon business so she actually has a job outside of Tik Tok she's the most modern woman of the mall in the sense that she is Mormon she did practice Mormonism but she's also a very modern woman that doesn't follow every rule of the church she definitely has more fun than everybody else she's not as restrictive with her behaviors and all the other mommies love to point that out she's been divorced in the past but she now has an age appropriate husband and they have three kids together like these women all have a bunch of kids she's also had like three boob jobs and had a labia plasty while on the show which I think is fantastic because they're all against stuff that like damages your body they're all against putting unnatural things inside of your body but they're all fine with plastic surgery which is one thing that they mentioned throughout the show is that like how funny is it that the Mormon Church allows them to undergo plastic surgery without any issues but then drinking alcohol is like a cardinal sin Jesse is also very in tune with her feminine energy she's constantly inviting all the women around to to share that femininity and that and get in touch with their sensuality which often rubs some of the other moms the wrong way because they're so uptight but if I had to characterize Jesse out of all of them I'd say she's like the feminist of the group her and Demi which brings me to my next one Demi Demi or Demi I don't know they call her Demi so I'm going to call her Demi Demi is 29 and um she's married to a Demi 46-year-old hot man I'll say he's hot I would climb that man like a tree she's super confrontational and she has no problems in in calling you out on your [ __ ] which I love in fact in episode four she just goes off on this other girl Whitney and it's just a joy to see but bringing it back to her husband and their age Gap they're 17 years apart or 16 I'm normally not against an age Gap like this when both of them are consenting adults like she's 29 he's 46 she's had time to you know develop her brain and develop a personality and live a little bit to know what's out there until I came across this Tik Tok of hers I'm sorry you guys met when you were 10 and he was 26 I listen Okay the age Gap is one thing but to know that they met this is giving very Woody Allen Vibes to know that they met and she was 10 and he was 26 I just mm- no like no no like no against it completely like get it get it out it's it's creepy it's very creepy it's very creepy it I cuz it's one thing when you're like with your partner and you see pictures of them as a child and you're like oh my God you were such a cute kid it's another thing when you remember that she was a cute kid because you were there as a grown-up meeting the child and then you're just years later and you get so though I I love Demi I love everything she stands for she's a bad bit out of the entire past she's the the one redeeming ray of light her and Jesse but this just then there's Michaela Michaela Mikayla doesn't have much of a storyline through the entire season in fact she's kind of just there in the background the entire time until you find out that Michaela's 23 she has two kids which is incredibly young in my opinion but she met her husband when she was 16 and he was 21 one and they got married when she was 17 and he was 22 and then she pumped out two kids between the ages of 17 and 23 and no one says anything about it no one thinks it's weird the church doesn't think it's weird people that go to church and pray for the Salvation of God knows what I it's not even the fact that she got married super young and had kids way too young it's the fact that she met her husband when she was 16 and he was 21 that's grooming because she was a literal teenager and he was a young adult that is that is grooming that's that's gross and the fact that the church kind of encourages this because again the role of a woman in in most religions at least in this one apparently is to get married super young and pump out kids as much as possible before she's past her Prime and it's the fact that the church is like not okay with gays cuz that's like a cardinal sin get away but then they're okay with with grooming it's creepy right it's really creepy but as I said she doesn't really have much of a storyline I guess they didn't want to shine too much of a of a light on that because people would probably be a lot more pissed than they already are and that brings me to my next one that was a terrible segue by the way Macy she seems like the most drama-free cast Mayci member of them all she's definitely the the voice of reason in the group she's the one that tries to bring everyone together she's never like angry at anyone she never has any dis agreements even when the entire group turns their back on Whitney which who will we'll get to in a minute she's the one that stays kind of neutral she's like the Switzerland of the group and she has such a tight face like clearest skin in the entire cast I don't know how she does it and she's definitely against controlling men in fact she's the probably the only one that calls out all toxic men that are dating her friends and the only thing I can say about her is that she launched a brand in this season called baby mama which is products for for mothers for postpartum pre-partum during partum just mommy products and she called it baby mama and I don't know I was watching and there was something wrong that this white Mormon woman called her brand baby mama it felt slightly racist and icky but yeah she has a brand called Baby Mama so good for you oh also she had a child with her husband who then passed away back in 2018 which is sad but then she's remarried and yeah she seems very happy in her marriage she's she's an avid participant in the church she seems well adjusted apart from that weird brand name Leila's next Leila is my favorite of the cast she's the only Layla black woman in this group of white women which can't be easy first and foremost she's 22 she's divorced single she also has two kids at 22 which is insane but worse than that she's never had an orgasm Leila please if you're listening you need to you need to do it you need to find someone that can provide you with that orgasm and like this is cruelty surely right being 22 having popped out two humans already and you've never had an orgasm oh my f God like girl go out and get some dick get dick down or maybe you know try women I'm sure they could give you what men can't apparently and I find it interesting there's an episode where they're talking about this and she even mentions that every time she's come close to climaxing she's kind of gotten scared and held back and that just makes me think that this is the the religious oppression that she feels that she maybe isn't allowed to enjoy sexual pleasure almost like the church is telling her that it's okay for her to have children at the ripe age of 20 but she's not allowed to to enjoy sex which is crazy but I do think that that's what's going on in her mind that she's not allowed so whenever she comes close to that she pulls back which I think is very sad like it's very no one ever should have a child before having an orgasm and I don't know what's what's going on out there but men are y'all not giving these women orgasms what is what is up with that like what is up with that do you just not know how it works do you not ask questions like does this feel good does this not do you guys not communicate with your partners do you not like understand how the feminine body works please do something like someone someone please help this woman because I I would jump off a and the only memorable thing that she does throughout the season is throw a party to celebrate her divorce and it's it was quite funny to see her walk out in a black dress like almost like she's serving she wasn't but it was so cute to see she was really feeling confident in the moment and I'm glad that she she had this opportunity to to show the world that she is single and ready to mingle now let's get her to mingle please next Jen is Jen Affleck she's 24 and yes she is Ben Affleck's cousin once removed she's married to Zach the blonde and I will get to Zach later in the video because there's this whole section of the Season that I want to talk about but I if if Zach sees this I want you to know that you're a like you are a bch you are the definition of a Zach and his family can all honestly rot in hell he's a misogynistic controlling manbaby that we will get to later because there is there's a lot to say about this [ __ ] walking red flag Jen is the most Mormon of the group she's definitely very proud of how Mormon she is of her outfits of her practices of her family she's constantly yapping about it people even call her out at one point on episode 4 like you're just rubbing it in people's faces like we get it you're Mormon we don't have to constantly hear it she's also the Sole Provider of her family so she has two kids with Zach and not only does she support all of them but she's also putting him through Medical School apparently his dad was a surgeon and his grandfather was a surgeon and now he wants to be a surgeon and she's thinking I'm going to help him now and when he becomes a surgeon he's going to take care of me because that's how Mormons work the man provides and the woman stays at home taking care of however many kids she can pop out and Zach is definitely self-conscious over the fact that his wife has to be the bread winner I personally don't have anything against a a woman supporting her husband if that is her choice but at least be respectful towards her like have some respect well you should have respect for your wife regardless if she's paying for everything or not but the fact that she is the Sole Provider should give you an extra push to being a decent human being which is not the case then we've got Taylor Taylor is the the the originator of the mom talk Scandal she's 29 and Taylor honestly she's a health hazard she's I don't I don't know what else to say but um after The Swinging Scandal she starts dating Dakota Dakota is this guy that slid into her DMS and I guess she just was so attracted to him that she couldn't resist he's an addict and she's been I guess helping him overcome his addiction he's also very like like he wants to be Mormon he doesn't want her to drink but like yo you're a an addict like pump the brakes and when they start dating there's this like period of time where he may have cheated on her a couple times with an ex-girlfriend may have not and that becomes a point of contention for them both throughout the entire season where Taylor's constantly like did you cheat on me and he's like no I didn't he's like well I don't believe you and it's like he went out with his friends then met up with his ex-girlfriend Jenna and kissed her and that was it according to Dakota but then rumor has it that he may have slept with her and Taylor maintains throughout the the entire season that if she finds out he slept with Jenna she's going to leave him and I call [ __ ] I went to their Tik Tok to find out if they're still together and I don't know I was confused by this last one he is a liar as you say well absolutely he why did you work for him Savannah slow down like what does that mean are they together or are they not together like mind you they shouldn't they should absolutely not be together they spend the entire season constantly arguing doesn't help that Dakota is the biggest manbaby of the show yes even worse than Zach here you have Dakota with a heavily pregnant wife in in in her third trimester like weeks away from giving birth and instead of supporting her because she's obviously super tired probably and she's like exhausted from having to carry this massive belly around he's complaining that she's not giving him enough reassurances all because she doesn't want to get married to him straight away the season actually starts when she finds out that she's pregnant and then the episode ends the pilot ends with her getting arrested for a domestic altercation they start screaming at each other she's black out drunk the police arrives take her in and then episode two we do a massive time Jump where she's now heavily pregnant like close to giving birth they are super toxic they're constantly fighting the entire season and she's constantly bringing it up like if I find out that you've cheated on me I'm going to break up with you and I think that's dumb like if you're with this man in a relationship it's because you accept whatever has happened but by holding it against him the entire time it becomes toxic both for you and for him so honestly the best solution for this would be for them to break up but I don't know I guess they're still together Taylor also has a super nosy mom by the way she's constantly meddling forcing her advice on her daughter there's an episode where she throws a baby shower and a friend doesn't show up and the mom calls the friend to like to know what's up and I'm like wo like why are you meddling ma'am that's a full grown ass 29-year-old woman but I kind of get why the mom is like this because the the daughter is kind of a child a literal child she she comes across as just immature she's also not keen on getting married because again she had a a messy divorce with her swinging husband and Taylor I guess is like the main face of mom talk because she's the one with the most amount of followers and then we have last and Whitney certainly least Whitney Whitney I think is the second most followed of this mom talk group and there's you may recognize Whitney Whitney is 30 years old she has two kids and a gay husband she's better known for a Tik Tok that went viral you may recognize it if you see it now I tried to find the original couldn't obviously she's deleted it and then apologized but I did find someone who screen recorded it and here it is [Music] I'm sorry but let's let's let's bring it back so her baby's in the hospital he was taken in because of low oxygen and Whitney is in the room with the baby filming a dancing Tick Tock smiling from ear to ear just giving that that hip swivel like my baby's in the hospital he's got low oxygen bam I'm a Tik Tok Mom I'm laugh because it's funny as F first of all it's hilarious that she she literally her baby was in the hospital fighting for his life and here she is next to him just doing a little dance on Tik Tok and you can see the baby in the frame like look at the he tested positive for RSV which I have no clue what RSV is let's see what is RSV a major respiratory virus that is common over the winter period so her baby got a virus a respiratory virus and she posted a dancing Tik Tok now there's there was a lot of backlash against her understandably because the it's just wrong on so many levels like first of all your child is in the hospital fighting for his life and and you're you're filming laughing Tik toks with your baby in frame but then there's an episode when everything comes crashing down episode 4 when either Dei or Jesse point out that I think it's Dei that they did adamine therapy which apparently is a thing and coming out of it Whitney said that she did this Tik Tok for clout likes and Views and sympathy ma'am I don't think you need sympathy I think your child just needs health care which I I can see he's getting so why are we why are we doing a little quirky dance like this is the tiktock ification of baby's Health it's wild it's wild now she since apologized deleted the video tried to move on she even moved to Hawaii for like 2 months to get away from it she used Taylor's swinging Scandal as an excuse as to why she had to remove herself from the situation but no it was actually her husband had a Tinder account and was talking to other women now listen when I was watching this with my boyfriend we saw her husband and the first thing that came out of our mouths was he's gay I'm not saying there's a stereotypical way of being gay I'm saying that this man is gay and I found a Tik Tok a little compilation of all his different looks and I mean you tell me another one thank you another one thank you another one thank you another one thank you another one thank you another one thank you another one thank you another one thank you someone said he had all of these different looks to stay in cogito from his grinder hookups and it honestly makes so much sense but also the first time that we see him on screen he has a mustache and my boyfriend had a really funny joke that I wanted to share with you guys cuz credit where credit is due why does Connor only have a mustache because his wife's his beard someone said that Whitney's punishment for being a horrible human being is having a gay husband and I cannot unsee it again it's it's there for y'all to see proof is in the pudding and it was so funny because when she was talking to the girls about the fact that her husband had a Tinder account and was talking to other women she she prefaced this by saying they have this secret this huge secret to share with people and I genuinely thought she was going to come out and say my husband is gay but we've decided for the sake of religion and our children to stay together because we love each other very much you know one of those like very platonic gay and lesbian relationships where they stay together for the sake of religion but then behind each other's backs they just like [ __ ] anyone that they want that's what I thought they had an arrangement where he gets to take it up the butt and she gets to eat women out that's my other theory is that Whitney is secretly probably a lesbian also at the end of the season Whitney announced her new pregnancy because she got pregnant again third child she announced it by putting her pea stick the literal pea stick the pregnancy test inside a cake that her father then cut open in a restaurant I get announcing your pregnancy in like a a a fresh and fun way that catches every by surprise but putting the Pea stick inside a cake I would have been so mad if I was part of this family group and the cake came out and I was like oh so excited to have cake oh wait no I'll have to drink Whitney's piss if I want some cake that is just mean that is rude that is dis that is the real health hazard of the Season there's a small storyline in the season where she's offered $20,000 just to post a picture of her holding a sex toy on her Instagram now I would have posted so many pictures I would have posted it on my story I would have promoted it across all my socials but Whitney's having this internal debate like should I promote a sex toy which goes against my church should I not first of all why is this church against anything that's fun like they're not allowed to do drugs or drink alcohol or gamble or have sex before marriage I guess now sex toys are also out of the equation how do these women survive surely having children is not enough for the rest of your life because those kids are going to have lives of their own at one point they're going to leave the oh no I guess that's why they have like two three four and five cuz then like one leaves the home but you've got a bunch others to take care of sure okay but I bring this up because she was so hesitant to post a picture on Instagram and now you go to her Tik Tok and she's just fully posting videos promoting sex toys and saying I started using this Lelo like a few weeks ago I am obsessed and look how she's cute it's made from Premium bodys safe silicone and it's completely waterproof woohoo you know what else I just learned that obviously they help with our physical health but they also help with our mental health that's what I'm talking about ladies there's no shame in wanting to use this absolutely zero love yourself treat yourself and you know what go get this Lelo SAA 2 cruise for you for you for for for for for for you for you for you and I agree there is no shame but it is funny to see her so torn between posting a picture or not and now she's just making videos about it I wonder how much she got paid to post that video on Tik Tok I don't even want to know I guess it's the modernization of the Mormon woman also they don't drink alcohol instead they indulge in these massive drinks every day and I just pity their health when they reach 50 because this this is just a mountain of problems waiting to happen most of the season is Birthday divide just them living their lives and like we get to know them here and there but there's like two incidents that are like the the the major changing the major pivots in the story episode four we've got de's birthday they go away to this like Penthouse in the middle of nowhere and they play this game called The Honest box where you write a question anonymously put it in a box and then someone reads it out loud and the group responds and what started off as a little silly game to try and bring Whitney and Taylor together because Whitney stopped talking to Taylor God Knows Why turned into an allout war that led to like a separation of of the group into two groups the Sinners Taylor Jesse Demi and Lila and the Saints Whitney Macy Michaela and Jen God remembering all these names is really difficult and one notable thing I'd like to bring attention to is Whitney is the most manipulative member of the cast she has a tendency to to befriend different people get some dirt on them and then just spread it through the rest of the group she makes everything about herself right she everything is about her and anytime that someone confronts her what does she do she turns on those white tears literally every single time that someone tries to confront her about her bad behavior or about her jokes and poor taste she just switches on those tears and just you know makes herself the victim that is such a dangerous type of woman because no matter what the circumstances are no matter how evil she is in the situation she's always going to frame herself as the victim as the the the person who was attacked and even though episode 4 sees a divide in the group eventually they all kind of realize that Whitney is super toxic so they kind of all get away from Whitney except for Macy Macy's the only one that stays friends with her remember the drama free girl that just has no bad blood with anyone but then Whitney leaves their mom talk group and it sort of becomes Whitney versus everyone else and every time I see them arguing I'm just thinking if I was in that friend group anytime that Whitney try to argue with anyone i' just be like hey Whitney don't you have a video to make in the hospital room of your baby that is something you'll never live down Whitney even has the nerve to say that she felt like people forgave Taylor for her swinging drama a lot quicker than for her Hospital video she wants to compare the two as if if you forgive Taylor you have to for give her it's crazy it's wild but moving on to that let's get into Zach the big because I've got so Zac the RED FLAG much beef with this blonde [ __ ] I swear I hate this man I genuinely hate Zach and I hate his entire family so let's put it into context Jen is supporting her family her kids and Zach and is putting Zach through Medical School Zach has a rich family his dad was a surgeon his grandpa was a surgeon we even see when they have the baby blessing at his at his dad's house honestly that was scary look like the the intro to a white cult where all the men hold the power because they are seen as the the the leading figures of the family so like the men are blessing the child while the women are sat down away from the circle because they're not seen as the leading figures of the F crazy crazy crazy and towards the end of the season they all go to Vegas for the weekend organized by Jesse fresh out of her labia plasty they all go to Vegas for the weekend and Dakota and Zach insist on goinging Dakota because he wants to be close to Taylor in case she goes into labor because at this point Taylor is like 17 days away from her due date and Zach goes because he is an insecure little man with the tiniest microscopic you'll ever see or not because it's so tiny you couldn't find it everyone like kind of points out that Zach is super controlling and this is obviously him trying to control Jen his wife from doing whatever she wants and to make matters worse Zach has a gambling addiction gambling is against the church now Zach's parents gave him a chunk of money to help put him through Medical School a chunk of money that he very quickly spent on gambling then before they go to Vegas Zach has the nerve to ask Jen for some money to go gambling and Jen is like well of course he has to ask me for money cuz he doesn't have a [ __ ] job and she gives him money and then while in Vegas Jesse the most like liberal of the group I'd say organizes a a little event for everyone but she doesn't tell anyone what it is until they get there and the event is a Chip and Dales show if you don't know what chip andales is it's like a a strip show in Vegas and they get there and Jesse even got them VIP passes so they can go backstage and meet the dancers all because she wanted Leila the single one of the group to to loosen up to have some fun they even get Lila to oil up all of these hot dancers which is great for her she's clearly having fun everyone in the group is having fun by the time they get there some are apprehensive about what their husbands are going to say and by some I mean Taylor and Jen Jen is worried about Zach cuz Zach is a control freak and Taylor is kind of worried about Dakota but at this point they're fighting over everything and anything that she doesn't even care anymore mind you behind the scenes No one is touching the dancers except for Lila everyone is just like around laughing having a laugh and Jen in the corner is just like I feel so uncomfortable like I I I don't know where to put myself like do do I leave like do I stay like this is something that my husband will probably divorce me for and it was just a car crash from then onwards like the women knew that her husband was controlling but to this extent no because she tells them we're going to chip Andals and he was like oh okay he's kind of okay with it and then he starts blowing up her phone blowing up her phone like calling her disgusting saying that he doesn't love her anymore he doesn't want to be with her if she's going to act like this he doesn't understand why she would put her herself in that situation and if this is who she is then he's going to divorce her meanwhile Jen is like but like all of my friends are here and their husbands were okay with it and he's like oh why are you comparing us with all of these couples I would want to be nothing like and then he starts insulting all the couples like that one is married to a 50-year-old that one is a 22 single mom that one walks all over her boyfriend the other one isn't even married is having a child out of wedlock eventually Jen leaves and then she's home texting Zach and the other girls are like trying to to console her like you did nothing wrong she never touched the dancers she took a a group picture she was in the middle clearly visibly uncomfortable and the entire time I'm thinking is she uncomfortable because of her own beliefs or because she is scared of what Zach is going to say and then Zach at 2 a.m. sends her his location and is like if you don't meet me now we're done I'm leaving you and I'm taking the kids as if he can afford to take the kids you don't have a job buddy oh but his family is Rich so I guess now they can pitch in and Jen leaves the house at 2 am to go meet him the fact that first of all he would force basically his wife to go out into the night in a city that she doesn't know in Las Vegas of all places by herself and the fact that her friends let her leave the house at 2: a.m. what is wrong with these women like what is wrong with them wild and then after a whole day gone missing she comes back and he like yeah no me and Zack are super fine that was a conversation that we needed to have for so long he apologized he feels really bad about the way he treated me and they're like um Jen if you're over it so quickly that means that this is like a common occurrence and then Jesse into me start laying it thick like Zach is an ass he's a toxic abuser not to mention that he insulted all of our marriages but like you did nothing wrong and he's calling you disgusting saying he doesn't love you that he's going to take the kids and you're here acting like it's all normal clearly it's not and it's happening all the time and Jen starts crying like it's hard to hear all my friends validate the feelings I'm feeling but she doesn't leave him she stays with him not only does she stay with him but in the last episode we find out that her husband got accepted into medical school in New York which was one of the top choices that he had and she's like um I maybe we need to take a year off because I don't think that I can just like up and leave to New York like I can't just go to New York and leave Mom talk what if my engagement goes down and then you know I I stop having that income that supports us both and he's like I hear you I'm happy with all of that I just don't really care you don't care that your wife the bread winner of your family is going to lose her literal income what what and if that wasn't bad enough in the last episode we find out that she moved to New York with him and she's left Mom talk because he's a controlling psychotic freak and apparently now Z Z's family is dragging her through the mud online Zach you're a b you're a it's an abusive relationship it's a toxic relationship and a lot of them keep pointing out that Zach is the the stereotypical Mormon man of Faith he is what women expect men to be in their religion and they're all like super grossed out about it which just goes to show that first of all y'all don't like being Mormons and that's great just say that leave the church but also the fact that the only man that actually follows the Mormon religion to a te is also the most toxic piece of [ __ ] that we've seen on this show the way he treats Jen the way he blew up on her and started insulting her and and her character and demeaning their entire relationship just because she saw a [ __ ] strip show like is she meant to punch herself in the eyes anytime that a naked man is in front of her does she go to the beach is she allowed to be at the beach or does she have to go blindfolded is she allowed to watch movies or or is she only allowed to watch cartoons because what if there's a shirtless man on screen what is she going to do is she going to sin by by seeing them like God forbid God for bid sorry I'm I'm really heated because I I just hate men like this with such a passion and it's so blatantly obvious for everyone that Zach is a piece of [ __ ] he's a blonde bit he's a and she's just with him she's just so brainwashed by the religion that her response was like yeah I know that he's a bit of a narcissist and we've we're having all these issues but like who's to say that a different marriage wouldn't be worse ma'am that is not the question that you should be asking the question shouldn't be oh maybe in a different marriage it would be worse so I'm just going to stay with this piece of sh no no marriage should be like that you should be supported and loved unconditionally that's the entire point of of a marriage God y'all need to leave that Fu religion man because this is this Tweet someone said I am learning more Secret Lives of Mormon wives drama apparently now Zach's family has taken to social media to start trashing Jen the entire Affleck family will crumble anyone who watches this show how can you come to the conclusion that Jen is the problem Jen is literally a saint a suffering Saint a martyr for still being with this man who by the way his his shade of blonde scares me his shade of white scares me it just scares me because he's this shade and then he acts like this can we spell white supremacy another one said Jen bling twice if you need help Zach is a piece of she hands him $2500 to blow on gambling which isn't allowed in the Mormon Church by the way and he calls and makes his wife ball because of a chip and Dill show Zach you are abusive and insecure cuz that's what's even crazier about the story is that Zach is literally gambling that is a literal cardinal sin and you're giving your wife for going to a show oh my God if I ever see Zach in front of me I am pushing him into oncoming traffic Zach is a it's a Fu like go to the dictionary look up the word and Zach's picture is there I bet and that's basically the gist of this Final thoughts series it's it's wild it's crazy I hope they renew it for a second season and I hope that Jen has divorced Zach's ass cuz that man deserves nothing but Solitude and misery and unhappiness and his family who's trashing genen online y'all need to go burn in hell as well I've said it I don't care Mormons come for me what are you going to do you're not going to do worse than the Catholics did to my mind growing up so give me your best shot and what this user said about the men really sums up my feelings Zach is broke controlling and addicted to gambling Dakota is Unfaithful abusive and addicted to lying Connor is Unfaithful closeted and addicted to pornography Jace is a predator who married a 16-year-old these women need to be set free in immediately and that's pretty much it that is it yeah oh my God let me know what you guys thought of of the series if you've watched it if you haven't are you going to please please do Cuz oh it's so juicy but also so bad and so good it's crazy it's it's what reality TV was invented for and I think with that we've reached the end of this video we've gone through a lot of these people definitely need a break from this my god um if yall see if any of you see Connor on grinder hit him up tell him that we support him in coming out we even support him if he stays with Whitney who's probably also going to come out as a lesbian mark my words they're each other's beards and they're going to carry each other to to the tomb and with all that said thank you so much for tuning in if you lasted this long damn thank you make sure to like this video subscribe to my channel click that Bell notification also comment down below your favorite part of the show or of the video what had you the most gagged and will you be tuning in if they renew it for a second season hope you stick around for more videos and until then stay safe stay sane stay stupid and stay stuttering bye guys

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