Aaron Rodgers Retires At Age 41... Madden 25 New York Jets Rebuild

the New York Jets one of the biggest sleeper teams going into the 2024 NFL season last year not really going to talk about too much of what they did because while they did have some pretty impressive performances some impressive wins that they weren't expecting to get the moment Aaron Rogers went down as realistically when their season ended obviously they had some pretty damn good individual seasons for a lot of their players especially on defense but as a whole you could definitely tell that morale wise just Outlook wise the team was basically done for on the spot this year they've decided to go with a little bit more insurances by grabbing more players to the offensive line guys that have done it at a high level for a long time and more depth onset offensive line and of course this is an offensive line that definitely looks vastly improved receiver room they added Mike Williams but I will say about this team is this is basically the IR Squad you've got guys that have spent significant amounts of time on IR over the last couple of Seasons not saying that they're all Trends or it's going to happen again but guys like Bree Hall missed like the majority of the season when they got injured Rogers obviously missed last year Tyron Smith has missed a lot of time in his career Mike Williams as of late has been injury-prone uh I feel like Morgan Moses might have been on that list too I don't want to lump his name in there but I feel like he has but as far as what the talent is now and how this team looks going forward like I said it is one of the biggest sleeper teams in the league Breece Hall is an amazing running back when he's out there Garrett Wilson you know it's we don't know if he's will or won't but he looks very good he look like will he become one of those top 10 guys with Rogers possibly we can't say for sure and I think that's why EA teetered between giving him Superstar or not as an 86 overall but this is a year where you expect him to take that next step Mike Williams obviously is one of the best Highpoint receivers in the league when he's out there Tyler Conlin had a super sleeper season and once again this offensive line looks really really improved you of course have their first round pick fashanu who I think is going to be playing guard for us because unless I'm going to push Moses to the side I think this is a pick where you don't expect Tyron to even play maybe the full season or Beyond this year and you want the future to be set at that position of course if he does stick around for another year maybe MOS is the guy that's gone either way this is a tackle situation that you don't expect to last too long in the league at this point uh but offensively they look assuming injuries aren't a problem they look perfectly promising and that's also why just for insurances they did bring in Tyrod Taylor as well this is a team that has learned from their mistakes and they want depth especially at some of those more important skill positions on offense as far as defensively goes don't know who Eda hates the off ball linebackers of the New York Jets but they do CJ Mosley had an amazing year Quincy Williams had an amazing year yet both of them are at some of the lowest devs you can see especially for their overalls 90 overall star 84 overall normal it's completely highway robbery I'm not going to change them because the whole point of a Reb build is to rebuild the team as is but kind of highway robbery I got to be honest safety definitely in the one of their weakest position groups but when you have a front four that they do assuming Hassan reic doesn't hold out and you have cornerbacks that they do and the off ball linebackers they do I mean unless every team is going to be over you know throwing over the top on you every single play it's a damn goodlooking defense like we talked about Germaine Johnson really step forward probably could have been a higher overall Quincy uh quincon quinnon Williams uh one of the best DTS in the League last year and then Assan reic is always played at a pretty high level uh and he's going to be the starter here it seems Corners s Garner he's been amazing ever since joining the league and then DJ Reid has really stepped forward the last like two or three seasons in the league and been really really good but yeah this is a team that on paper looks really promising easily a top 10 roster in the league the question is how long will they say healthy and then of course the big other question is does Rogers still have it it's really been almost two years since we've really seen the true Aaron Rogers cuz of course was injured last year and then when he played his final season for Green Bay he had one of his worst seasons of his career because there really wasn't much talent going on there was a lot of drops there was a lot of wrong routes being run and it just wasn't a pretty performance it wasn't a pretty situation this is obviously almost his Tampa Bay Buccaneers Brady moment let's see if he can stand an answer to the call of course the AFC is tough but we'll also see is he going to stay for more than one season cuz this is going to be a rebuild of potentially also the quarterback position anyways if you guys end up enjoying this video maybe leave a like subscribe if you're new we do a ton of franchise stuff on the channel including rebuilds obviously and then what team would you like to see next I've been seeing a couple of panthers in there I know if there's one of you guys that really wants to see a Cowboys rebuild I will do the Cowboys and the Chiefs this year even though they're busted and it's more of a Reload than a rebuild I will do them so be patient when will that be kind of when I'm feeling it to be honest it's not like a oh I'm too lazy to do it just like kind of like does this feel like a good week to do it maybe but at the same time if I hold off on the Cowboys and the Chiefs and you know one of those teams struggles in real life maybe it's a better situation for us to be actually rebuilding them you know you never know so of course maybe hold off a little bit longer I'll click the story lines they're always bull crap and they take up all my time but I'm going to do it cuz you never know uhoh what's this my personality what motivates you when you're in the Patriots franchise was it the Patriots or was no it's the was it the Broncos rebuild actually he was like the cold okay like how does the cold motivate you what do you mean oh crap oh crap what was he talking about I need to change my paying attention skills I want you to be more of a leader I don't know what he said what's if his like biggest motivation was like helping sick kids oh so he actually he actually took my advice okay personality change make him a leader if you're a leader you're typically someone that's going to take less money right yeah buddy I'll be like you know what I think of you as a person that should take veteran minimum so we can pay more players thank you uh ready for the press conference position battles H this is the one I hate they it's like there's no such thing as a position battle okay I want who I want just listen to me I'm the coach damn it no battle the players are really mad that uh is not a battle because they should be able to fight for the job it's like yeah would you do that for I'm not saying Germaine Johnson is but would you do that for like Max Crosby Nick Bosa and all them would you just I'm just saying at the same time I don't know if the game actually would tell you there should be a position battle if it was one of those guys so maybe I'm talking about of crap for nothing also did was that Jaylen War traded the Patriots wait does the AI do trades I'm so confused do they that's kind of sick hold on there is some disgusting Behavior acting has this always been a thing by the way or is this new because I swear I never remembered trades happening oh of course the Eagles give freaking Makai beckon into the Chiefs that is a real Chiefs move too I'll be honest with they get a safety and they the Eagles do need a safety has EA been cooking this whole time without me knowing there's no way there's just no way that EA actually Cooks there's no chance this is all like a facade I don't even know all right this team apparently actually has a lot of money although they do have some big names so why aren't they paying Hassan reic again is this not actually like real representation of how much money they have is that what it is I'll pay three year for freaking Assan reic I worry about the age a little bit I will admit but I'll pay that and of course a DJ Reed I'm hoping for a Dev up but I'll pay a three or 30 am I just like an idiot or like is this easier than it should be Tyron Smith in real life I'm not sure you's got to see what happens but in game I think he'll easily be here for one more year as a very high overall player Mike Williams I don't know maybe a one-year deal if he's playing really well maybe we'll give him an extra year but uh yeah for the most part I do want to save money for Jermaine Johnson Garrett William Williams Wilson and S Gardner see now this is a devup challenge that's kind of like in line with what we usually would see you know all Michael Carter needs is a tackle for a loss A for fumble or a sack to get a Dev upgrade which that's definitely more fair and doable but some of the other ones where they're like hey uh I think maybe this guy needs three sacks two Force fumbles and a tackle for a loss what about you you think that's fair it's like no but sure I don't really have much of a say do I do we do it hey Michael Carter starev one of the best lock Corners in the league actually the choke job of this season has been nasty work it has been nasty work and I'm fully expecting us to miss the playoffs oh the freaking clutch at the end was also pretty filthy though uh Rogers number three for yards in the league let's look at this I mean eight and four at one point and then lost three of the last five games I mean technically worse than that kind of I mean look at this like loss win loss win loss win loss loss win um yeah barely making the playoffs at 10 and 7even I don't know if I would consider this a down year or an unexpected year like oh I think the Jets should be better than this but I think this is fine I would see the Jets as a 9 to 10 win team uh Aaron Rogers 30 touchdown 17 interceptions is very high I don't know if that's because of Rogers himself for the scheme we'll find out when he's gone assumingly after this season ends 4,000 yards is great though breea really good season uh Garrett Wilson pretty good but just under a thousand Mike Williams just under a thousand Lazard getting forced the ball 810 yards and then conin with another really good season just like real life blocking I very Tucker was great uh fashion was pretty good and the rest I don't know giving up that many sacks as the center is definitely something Quinn Williams was great Germaine Johnson was pretty good Assan reck was down which I don't really like five picks for Quincy should go to Star should have already been star could should go be going to Superstar and then Mosley could also go to Superstar so some Dev UPS potentially for the linebackers Greg zerline missed five out of 25 kicks I've seen worse Mor said was great yeah this is like the retire IR Squad it's like a bunch of their best buddies just decided hey we're going to try to win a Super Bowl in front of all the League's youngest players uh but as far as award wins go we got best running back could go to X Factor and then we got best linebacker which if that doesn't at least get him to Star let alone Superstar I'd be genuinely surprised but here it is the Dolphins a team that actually basically allowed us into this spot so if they lose this game they're going to feel really dumb and it's raining any odds on if uh the team survives without injury any anyone want to take those odds 14 to7 14 to 10 21 to 10 looking pretty good but the Dolphins are not going away just yet it's 24 to 17 at halftime it's all tied up 24 all they get a stop they don't do anything with it though we get a touchdown it's a seven-point lead with a touchdown there we're actually going to beat Miami Dolphins on the road Aaron Rogers with that Golden Hair okay it's back by 14 clutch win what if we just win the Super Bowl year one rebuild over Aaron just killed it best uh game probably of his whole season uh well one of his best playoff games in his career to be fair uh looking at receivers you know some decent numbers there limited Tyreek Hill and waddle as much as physically possible Bree Hall had a big play Sachs three for quenon one for Bradley one for Phillips and yeah I I don't know I just kind of say names randomly like I would say most people when they say Bradley chub they don't think about Bradley they just think about his chub I mean his name new ability unlock who the hell got that oh yeah I forgot he's Superstar Dev he's insane divisional round it's the Colts I mean I've seen the Colts do some damage but at the same time on paper we could have had worse could have been the Chiefs here old versus young at quarterback almost double the age of Anthony Richardson this is kind of insane we get a really good start I think we get a stop and a touchdown and then we get another touchdown 14 to3 looking pretty promising 17 to3 I didn't change anything about this team other than the depth chart you know moving them around a little bit maybe release the player that doesn't normally get released you know just releasing players I think that makes the most sense cap and depthwise up by 14 the Colts will not go away though and the Colts can win it they will not though and the Jets are moving on to the championship round you know as a Packers fan I would love to see it personally I would love to see a world where Rogers gets back into the Super Bowl I think you know the disrespect put on that man's name because he only won won Super Bowl so what Dan Marino's ass now are we really all about to agree that Dan Marino is not one of the greatest ever okay okay buddy are we saying Payton manting second ring was actually legit okay relax when is Super Bowls is hard damn it how many of you have I have zero personally okay I'm not going to die in this hill if you hate Rogers go for it do whatever you want but Championship round we win it uh the divisional and are headed there and it's the Chargers let's take a look at this thing let's take a look at this could this be like our shortest rebuild obviously I'm not going to end the rebuild if we win this but like there's like something to be said about potentially ending the rebuild after two more seasons cuz we don't make like a dynasty happen but we'll see what happens exactly you know whether we even win this game or not on the other side you saw the Packers and the Cowboys so oh that would be insane could you imagine the Packers oh my like when's the last time something that insane storyline wise happened I'm trying to really think about it there's got to be something and I just like I'm not seeing it like imagine the Jets and the Packers against each other in the Super Bowl that would be insane going to the end of the game come on I want to win this so bad not just for our chance of winning Super but obviously if the Packers win Jets versus Packers Super Bowl that would be crazy the Chargers are not playing around though huge Drive fourth quarter I don't know who has the ball we're about to find out it's them fourth and five we get the stop field goal game fourth and three you got to go for this you got to go for this I'm actually like more invested in US winning this than the Packers rebuild we did I want this to happen oh my God we're not going to have it happen oh Rogers sucks damn it that's my fault I think might have just been the angle too oh it was there he got open last second third and four oh you need a stop fellas they get the stop a touchdown still wins it this defense Rogers hasn't had a defense like this in like ever you know he he makes his defense have to you know get a stop to win the game it's it's j you he's not having that all right here it is for all the marbles realistically this is the game of all the people to go to in the clutch we could have maybe went for it all but Tyler Concklin baby clock is dripping but I'm going to let Rogers and Company try and do this on their own oh my God to the six in for the touchdown down 34 seconds left though the Chargers don't do it and you can argue I made a big play and help this team get to where they wouldn't have but I don't care 28 to 27 over the Chargers the jets are in the Super Bowl year one with Aaron MF and Rogers and there's a chance he could be playing against the Packers I'm not going to force any wins or anything even though I think it would be sick to do so I think it would just kill the whole point like it's like oh wow you forced them to win real cool Dicker missing a kick was clutch for us by the way guys if it happens that's insane if it doesn't happen so what we'll just have to beat the Cowboys for a Super Bowl what what do you want that would be a ridiculously crazy storyline though I'm all here for it did they do it okay they're not going to show us or maybe they did show us and I missed the opportunity I think I seen something with the Cowboys there who is it it's the Packers no what was what was dak's face there for then like I said I wasn't going to force anything I was down to you know whatever happens I wanted the Packers to win cuz I want to see this matchup That's crazy dude you know as much as EA kind of hates me and sim a lot of times they do give me some of the craziest story lines and I kind of I kind of love them for it just for that only only that though nothing else zero other things both teams are 10 and seven what a storyline I've only mentioned it a few times now Rogers didn't go up and Dev which maybe hurts his chances at coming back I don't know Bree Hall didn't go up and Dev which hurts my feelings I will say that Tyler con goes up and Dev I don't know what the hell that does for him he's old as hell but the dude's been balling out so what can you say defensively I need these linebackers deved up I don't want to I don't want to hear it we're not arguing this Quincy goes him a Dev but unfortunately CJ Mosley doesn't which pisses me off okay uh everyone else same Dev as before here it is for all the marbles is Rogers going to retire a two-time Super Bowl champion and the way he does it is by beating the team that he got the first Super Bowl with the Packers are only 81 overall I don't even know how they're here I really don't know how this storyline happens if we lose I mean I don't really I think it would be more legendary if Rogers won but it doesn't really change too much it's still a ridiculous like thing for this have happened it would actually probably be one of the most fun like kind of scenarios we've seen in a while it's been a lot of like Super Bowl repeats and whatnot 7 to3 7 to three man a lot of back and forth nothingness 10 to three Rogers going back to his old playoff ways against his former team 17 to 17 uh-oh Green Bay clutches up on Third and 10 it's going to be a 5y run for Rogers and they punt the ball third and seven you got to get this stop it's all on the line I really don't want to be in this I really don't want to be in here for this I think I'm going to lose us this game to give me a run we're going to try to get over there okay instead of losing us the game I actually absolutely won us the game well didn't win us the game game's not even over but that was a clutch Tackle by us holy crap all right we're running the ball okay this team is like utterly hopeless oh it's over we're going to get the glitch oh I didn't even think about it the clock was running I thought it wouldn't have been running I can't hike it any sooner than this oh wow we got instantly sacked anyways wow I hate that the clock did that but at the same time the scenario was it was pretty Doomer it would have been insane to see that in real life 119 Rogers with a a timeout left in the pocket but yeah absolutely got smoked there at the end stupid clock glitch though it's so annoying 40 seconds left and we're two blocking well it's all irrelevant here because the New York Jets do not win the Super Bowl Rogers is denied by his former team and as much as that would be a pill that's tough to swallow this could be enough for Rogers to call it and of course I still don't understand why the Gatorade looks like it's straight from something from Nickelodeon was this like sponsored by Nickelodeon the uh the MVP is true Mitchell Tris sitting somewhere where where's where's Tris where's that damn MVP either way uh Rogers did outplay love technically but love was able to put up more touchdowns uh as an offense really disappointing stuff Don reic with a sack rashan Gary right at the end with a sack not that would have mattered but still would have had a chance field goal kicking both sides missed a kick uh don't think that mattered too much but still sucks well now you know that I didn't force the scenario cuz I would have preferred Rogers to win in this case but where do you go from here as a team like M Mike Williams was decent but he didn't want to accept a one-year deal I don't want to pay him longterm here it is retirements is AR gone he's like gone 90% of the time so I imagine and he is dead he's dead so is Tyrod we have no quarterback well we do we have uh Travis is Travis the starter I mean he is for now pick 31 in the draft that's what it's going to take to get get us a quarterback damnn son the Jets I mean they would absolutely love the uh the hype uh make a splash we win let's make sure we win the draft but yeah the hype and get into the SE it was totally worth the trade at that point right but at the end of the day didn't result in a Super Bowl win unfortunately it is still kind of crazy that how much the Packers got for Rogers I know you have that chance of him like playing as long as Brady which if that was the case then you know the money's totally worth it but or the trade value totally worth of it for a guy that probably won't play more than like two more seasons okay s obviously get the Fife option cuz you're not going to get cheaper than that for S anyways he's a 99 overall Garrett Wilson we wait and pay and then Mike Williams we already showed that you know he's already regressed hard the money he would want on a three-year deal is it's I just think it's not worth it okay Germaine Johnson might be worth that Fife option but I'm rather just going to sign him longterm as well I'm also curious to see what overall Hassan reck is cuz 85 overall Superstar did he regress at all You' think he'd be a little premature damn he already regressed I mean he keeps Edge threat right which is like the biggest thing for him but in Sim wise that is significant need that Dev up pretty big for him to be good but Edge threat is Big Edge threat is monstrous but once again in this Sim situation not we've dropped now down to an 83 overall after losing some of the guys that we are projected to lose and we did uh Mike Williams is there I just don't want to pay him I mean he wasn't bad at all but just too costly I think yeah maybe I should have paid him I don't know I don't want to pay a threeyear cuz he's already regressed but are we in proper rebuild mode again the Jets just can't avoid that long term it's always going to be a rebuild every once in a while every like two years kind of seems like we are and I got to be honest with you I think Russell Wilson's calling our name here just in case the draft is ass for quarterback I'm going to give Russell Wilson if I can a oneyear six one year six and a half and yeah maybe I should have done like a onee I don't know what I could have offered should have done like a one year 16 just to keep him around for one more year but I don't think that's going to happen anymore there's teams willing to pay I mean I'll keep that on there but yeah I'm not willing to pay that much three years he's already regressed two or three than Tyler Conlin as much as he's played well for us and in real life you probably give him the contract cuz he's not really showing signs of aging in game is a different story unfortunately so we're going to have to get a new tight end as well oine uh we don't need a new tackle cuz we're just mooved fashion to right tackle Ryan Kelly we have money you know what maybe Conor Williams maybe we pay a little bit of money for Connor who I think no it was a one- year I think with Seattle wasn't it but we're the high is better for Connor he's a pretty good overall as well so I'm down with that contract every day of the week any other players we definitely need defensive tackle not really going to get like a long-term youthful guy there though Edge we're fine for now off ball linebacker definitely going to be a problem do you go with a bobby Wier trying to keep this like winning train alive cuz if you get a decent quarterback in the draft or maybe even Russell Wilson's good enough his team could go right back on another run so I'm going to pay Bobby wner a little bit more than I normally would and uh wait did I like did I let Michael Carter go to free agency I really did didn't I yeah you don't let one of the best slot Corners go for nothing 25 mil left we have some big names assigned next year but trying to keep our signings to like a one-ear minimum right we don't really have that here but one year for Mike if we get him uh Wagner's a one year Russell's a one year so I also don't think we're going to get Mike so all that money is in Return To Us in a second uh we get Michael Carter and Wagner who else was on the list there wait I didn't get I got scammed on Connor Williams we're the number one team of course he joins the Packers and win the Super Bowl so I can't even complain about it either damn there's no complaints what can I say and nobody wants Russell I guess well that kind of sucks either way let's head on to the draft realistically all that money back though all right we're entering the draft with a 31st pick there is not really many quarterbacks but there's one that looks pretty good and his name is uh Flores he's a top five projection with a 1 to two talent but we also have Mobly who is a day three but a 3 to four uh true Talent grade good enough throw power he's pretty athletic he's got like a special build uh his rank dropped like a lot like netive 94 which tells me that maybe he still has high Dev uh you can obviously see that you know you see players go up and down all the time but like it looks promising but I think if Flores is there ooh Drummond is also a true Talent one and he looks really good like he's got some pretty good ratings he's obviously insanely fast I think if Flores is there five we try maybe to make a trade up but if not I'm going to trade to trade up to like oh crap did I actually didn't turn off this uh I'm going to try to trade okay yeah we're going to have to change this I'm going to try to trade up to like 25 for a wide receiver all right Flores is still there one of these teams needs a quarterback right like surely the Raiders if the Raiders don't take one I'd be genuinely shocked the Rams could also kind of use one and there he goes at eight I you know I was the more I was thinking about I was like you know what pick five for a one to two grade guy I mean yes we need quarterback but I believe we got Russell Wilson and we can grab Moy if he's halfway decent maybe he gets the job Drummond is the question mark when do you go for someone like him he's around one true Talent do I go at 20 if he's there also looking at the teams that are here I mean any one of them could take him you would assume the Dolphins don't need him though if he's oh actually I can't trade off this I'm going to try to go to the Dolphins pick if possible we have that extra third round pick I don't know if that was something they did in real life I'm not sure but it says we have an extra third round pick so I'm going to utilize that I think here with a trade up for this wide receiver we need a wide receiv receiver two really badly and uh if he's halfway decent like it looks like he is you know we might be able to get in this is obvious low Ball but I want to just just to see you know what are we looking at uh and honestly we don't need 95 cuz I think 95 is when we're going to take the QB so let's try to get rid of well not get rid of I'm trying to just make a trade up H fourth next not even going to do it fourth and a six next this is a pretty big trade up still technically damn this is a lot of pain cuz this is a lot of picks okay that is like crazy how much they want like am I not getting fleeced it's only 10 spots like this feels like a fleecing I'm going to take a look at the wide receivers I I might still go through with it if I don't like our other options but I'm pretty sure I had two options that I liked oh I didn't wait I scouted McIntyre as well cuz he looked pretty good too cuz he's fast I mean I think him and McIntyre are pretty similar types I don't want to lose Drummond I mean any one of these teams could take him I think realistically Niners would be the first of the list but but you just don't know could be the Chiefs there it is we ended up trading a first a third a fourth and a fifth this year with a fourth and a fifth next year to get 10 spots up for what looks to be in fairness a future goon wide receiver in Mr DaNell Drummond he's also 6' one with that speed please be hidden though that's all I ask 12th and true Talent oh and he's normal wide receiver Dev UPS have been really hard to get for us lately yeah I get he's fast but man we should not have traded up I have learned things today looking at what we need though we have a lot of needs In fairness but uh as far as what we can realistically get maybe tight end perhaps uh we also want that quarterback obviously the o line Andrew little with a round one grade looks really good too the safety hannes is still there what about the tight end I had he's still there too and he was athletic I don't know what to do here cuz we really need safety I think I I offered uh Nick Ross don't know if we actually got him but I imagine we did cuz nobody wanted him there was no offers on him I don't think hannes is the guy cuz he's slower than I thought and then Dalton he's a little bit faster than you know expected that tight end's hard to pass though Calvin rck I have obviously seen better tight ends but I think I'm going to go Calvin rck because we just have simply no good tight end right now he was 40th in true Talent thankfully hidden there we go not going to be normal Dev like that uh I really want that lineman but I think we've already traded up enough I think we're going to go to 31 for Moy but yeah not uh normal Dev like the damn wide receiver that would have been really bad oh we need a DT as well and we just seen one go there safety I wonder if we can make a trade up for that position as well Moy though I think we have no choice he had a high potential please be hidden he was 90 in true Talent it's a c 90 throw power 89 speed but normal Dev I wonder if that's one of those wide receiver type quarterbacks we'll have to see not that it matters but I'm interested safety um let's go to the next round let's go to the next round after that and see if any of those safeties are there you it's pretty hard to fill every single positional need you have with a you know Bonafide starter uh we do have safeties here and Reese is one of them at day three looking raw obviously but pretty damn fast so I'm going to trade up for him I think I had to trade up four sixth round picks to move up to this fifth round I obviously you know is basically moving up 60 spots but man I'm hoping this safety is good because uh yeah I moved up quite a bit to get him Austin Reese he's raw as hell but you never know he is a C+ I don't know if that's good normal Dev might just be Starter by default cuz we are really that like thin at that position I also don't think we did get Russell Wilson kind of worries me that we didn't get Nick cross either but Moy hopefully is the guy anyways I would prefer oh we still have the round pick I'm probably going to look for a punter SL kicker but I would prefer to uh start the young guy anyways and we found ourselves kind of a goon at punter a 4594 with literally everything under Elite I mean I don't know if that's going to make the thumbnail but that is kind of crazy everything is Elite we're going to grab him is 71 in true Talent hidden Dev with 87 speed this is a strange guy okay so obviously we got to take look at this punter uh everyone else is cool 75 overall wide receiver 75 oh the quarterback 71 actually safety was probably not worth all those six round picks Brian Haynes tackle and block shed aren't good so he doesn't look like a Defender throw power is not good so he's not a quarterback any receiving ability Juke ability very interested in here what's his Dev Superstar so he was generational uh no he's not a he's just an athl a letic punter I mean it's cool it's really cool but he is just an athletic punter fair enough he's kind of goated I'll be honest but yeah I thought he was going to be maybe like a multiplayer but nope he is not a two-way or anything like that Moy 93 power 77 debackers 73 medium 84 short I mean I think especially with ideal this is going to be uh qb1 especially since Zack will Zach Wilson Russell Wilson will mention a name there that uh people don't want to here probably is Jets fans um yeah I think that's probably going to be the move a little raw with some of the route running but Drummond with all that Speed high potential there I mean definitely a wide receiver too number 83 is a little disgusting but what can you do something unique uh number 16 now that I will not let slide very athletic for the tight end who has all of the catching traits as well except for feet and Bounds which I don't actually think rookies can even get like CPU generated ones I'm not even sure if that rating does anything or that traits stard Dev for him uh really wish we could have had that lineman as well but uh two players I definitely want to take a look at is the other of the quarterback Flores and the other the wide receiver McIntyre so OB we see McIntyre we might have been able to save a little bit on if we would have waited on him uh but Flores all the way to number eight 75 overall hid and dead damn really accurate so really accurate really fast this guy looks to be the real deal he looks like a player that was definitely worth a trade up if we made it but unless he's higher than star which is's not I don't really mind it too much I'm okay with not uh trading up for him to be honest let's take a look at the wide receiver when did McIntyre go is it shortly after our guy it was significantly after he went all the way at 19 in the second round he's also normal Dev I mean he looks like almost a photocopy clone of the guy we took yeah they didn't have to trade up to 21 to get him that kind of sucks what can you do thought we were getting a really goated player with that round one true talent but he's just good just very good with uh potential but needs to get some Dev UPS which wide receiver has not been easy for us like I said so the team is upset you didn't keep the promise you made to upgrade the Ross the moral is Dro by 10 uh it actually asked me who do you think is a sleeper on this team I said the QB and it was like most draft experts wouldn't agree with you while most draft experts can suck one to be honest um in this Madden realm in real life they're all pretty cool I guess um but yeah it's uh it's not true that they disagree because he's a 71 overall we took in the fourth round that is a leaper that is a guy that you know we've seen in Madden's most recent ones uh you know ratings that you know some of those quarterbacks were 7071 overall in the first round so Landing that in the fourth we kind of found a sleeper I don't care what you say so season one was very very uh insane year two I don't know what it's going to be looking like because obviously this team is taking a bit of a hit wide receiver 2 is nowhere near as good as it used to be left guard nowhere near as good as it used to be and then quarterback obviously nowhere near as good as it used to be but still because of last season's uh efforts the quarterback uh the running back the wide receiver one uh fashion uh some other players They Are Up In overall obviously and then defensively we have Bobby Wagner on the squad safety is going to be Rees which is definitely uh not our best effort but uh we ran out of draft picks and this is where we stand henin is dt2 kind of like a kinlaw type of replacement Edge we're probably going to need a new one for in the future and you know Will McDonald because of how old of a rookie he was I think he was 24 it's just not not going to work out in Madden too often right $156 million Bree hul needs a contract going to get it gett Wilson obviously going to get it ver Tucker not bad actually definitely going to get the contract Germaine's costly so we'll see how he's playing uh and then Quincy I can't pay that for a 29-year-old star tyan if he's still around we'll pay him um going to be honest though I worry about a lot of these regressions a lot of these older players is Jets team you know this is why I almost chose them as my franchise team because yeah they look so good year one maybe even win the Super Bowl year one we almost did but after that the the age catches up it's not really the money that's a problem but the age absolutely does but really good players like Brie Hall you don't have to worry about losing Garrett Wilson will do a 5year deal worth I think 118 should do it still not enough I thought that was almost overpaying avt I will pay because uh I think the price is right but as far as the rest though I don't know I got to see Germaine Johnson because he's only an 83 overall and you know he's 26 and whatnot four sacks I mean he's on par for another seven or eight sack season which for Madden is basically like a real life 12 to 14 so I guess we pay him I really don't like that money per year but we need Edge and Hanan reic is going to be like dead soon enough not dead but you know what I mean uh yeah got a lot of money just the talent is starting towi a little bit if we win this game we might make the playoffs if not and we might slightly Miss but I'll be honest we're exceeding expectations I expected this to be a crash and burn type of year uh with just all the drop offs we've had and we do lose which puts us at 8 and n i mean that puts us right on par with the bills though which I mean the bills aren't you know that great quarterback is still potentially in our Horizon but if the guy played well we're going to give him another chance to start you know as a fourth round pick so it's not like we invested the world in him so we're not like draft capitally or I would say imagely uh tied to him lot of picks but the yards and touchdowns are pretty good it's very similar to what Rogers did so it might just be scheme related Wilson was pretty good as a rookie was pretty good hope he got rookie the year cuz at normal Dev man it is hard to get those Dev ups at wide receiver uh defensively quenon was a down year Germaine Johnson and reck are terrible I mean I just don't know what you want you know like what does EA want you got to be a 99 overall to put up double digit sacks I we have seen like very average players in the NFL these days put up like just barely double digit sacks or have average seasons and they they still put up double digits I'm not saying it's easy to do but it's not as hard as EA thinks it is like we have guys playing full seasons at Edge as 80 plus overall players and they can't even get past five sacks like what are we doing like the the floor for most Edge starters is like seven let alone players that are actually good like Assan reck and Germaine Johnson either way it's Cowboys versus the Browns in the Super Bowl and winner of the Super Bowl is the Cowboys let's take a look at any Dev UPS we would have maybe had a quarterback were lucky a lot of yards and fairness could have ah that sucks G Wilson goes up Dev though that's great Drummond does not though unfortunately uh did we even look at the awards I think we did it was just nothing to show for Garrett Wilson Superstar Dev and even if I didn't look at the awards it doesn't matter because obviously Drummond didn't go and Dev which means he did not win the award MO is in 78 overall so unless there's a Bonafide Beast qb1 I'm probably not going to make the play for him Hassan reic you regress harder in uh the first season's regression than he just did now uh not really that bad you know still going to keep Edge threat will it matter because he's been playing kind of poorly probably not but qu Williams went up to an X Factor I believe and no other Dev ups were found unfortunately Mosley has dropped down to like unusable status Quincy's on his way we've got to replace like five six starters on defense and it's going to follow even more when we need to replace reic and DJ Reed offensively um left tackle retired we need a left guard as it stands and then quarterback wide receiver could be problem so we need like half a roster still sweet and we don't have any pick pass like the third round other than maybe a seventh not good not good let's take a look at these negotiations not really going to be many here Quincy maybe you want to do it just cuz you're like trying to not have to replace every single position in one year one year 12 I mean that's going to be like 30 mil cuz they're going to think he's an edge rusher you know what else do we have most of these guys are backups I mean CJ Mosley at that price is not worth it he's at this point basically like a mentor backup but yeah I'm not really sure how we're going to feel the usable team this upcoming season going to have to probably do some trade Downs unless there's like I said a really really really really good quarterback that we feel like we can't miss on I'm probably going to be trading down Brock py is a great option but it's just not realistic that he'd be a free agent don't need a corner Wyatt teller we could use a guard so I think I will be willing to pay him a 2-year deal worth 35 see if anyone is contesting us kind of but I think we'll be fine uh Jameson Williams wide receiver I mean technically I'm going to just trust Drummond develops linebacker if nobody wants Quincy I'll try to offer that one year 12 we originally offered actually pretty showing a lot of interest for one year which usually doesn't happen and we could use a safety so if any of these Corners could play safety I would be absolutely down we also technically need tackle do we pay Zack Tom I mean he's costly but I can't afford draft Capital wise to replace all these players in one draft so we're going to have to spend some money in free agency that's usually how it works right you don't have enough draft Capital you either have the team already or you have a lot of cap space or vice versa you know usually that's how it goes Zack Tom should be uh jet Joel bonio no white teller hopefully should be a jet dline we could use DT reader I don't know if I really like the scheme fit for him probably will be drafting DT in this draft what about line backers any off balls uh it looks like Wagner retired too I don't see him anywhere think Wagner retired on us Quincy we're going to try to hopefully get back in a one-year deal Corner we talked about if we can get one to play safety tyon Matthews already super slow unfortunately so is Kevin oh Kevin byard's actually not too bad I mean we just need somebody to fill in Kirby Joseph Kirby Joseph I don't really like the fact Kirby Joseph is only a 77 overall though oh Amerson look at the Zone coverage I'm going to pay Amerson these guys are paying him like he's a cornerback I'm going to play him pay him like he's a cornerback but he's playing safety 4 year 40 that's 10 million per deal that's not bad we're spending some money this offseason let's see if we actually get any of them signed on and we do we get all four nice even Quincy okay we still have a lot of money and we also filled a lot of our issues sweet we've bought ourselves another year of being at least on par for the playoffs I would say really does piss me off how much red regression we have though it's so annoying to see so there is a decent quarterback but you pretty much have to go in the top five to get him I don't think that's really worth it so we're going to be rocking Mo for another year who did have a lot of XP in verus uh we're going to end up with pick number pick 12 which is really good cuz we're going to be trading down from that spot and hopefully fill most of the needs we have not all of them but most of them if possible uh there's some other really good players like do you maybe go wide receiver again cuz there's some options got a couple of one to two grade o line we'll definitely try to get at least one of them safety scouted Sands further I'm not 100% sure who we want I think it's going to be a lot of DT type so we're going to try to move to like 25 and then take you know whoever is remaining at the DT spot there's a couple of uh halfway decent guys here I would say that tro is probably the best but I'd also go with Gates so uh yeah we're going to go to 25 I think and then if we have the trade back up we will but hopefully going from 12 to 25 we should at least land us a second round pick if we're lucky uh this is pretty good too yeah I mean the Buccaneers are basically good giving me what I want here cuz I'm getting that second round this year as well which I really want it to be this year I think that's going to be our move we're going to go with the Buccaneers who are going to give us a bunch of other picks as well might be able to use those to move up if we need to going down to 26 I still feel like this is kind of a scam cuz it costs us how much get from 31 to 21 but sure whatever I don't really care that's their prerogative we probably could have got more to be fair but usually it's pretty damn close to what they're going to offer you on the trade block trades if if anything they usually give you more on those oh the sneaky little Devils the Jaguars jump the the rankings there a little bit and steal Treo from us but I do like Gates as well uh I don't think he's as good but he's got that a block shed I mean we'll see what happens but I think he's worth it so I will trade up one spot with the Ravens I think hopefully it's should have cost us more than like a six round pick you know if they've got two guys which we technically have two guys as well so if we have to we'll just not trade up you if they got two players why not grab a six round pick for moving maybe it's only going to be a seventh for moving one spot it's pretty damn close of an offer so we'll give him a six round next year to make it feel a little bit more fair boom call it a day okay I guess they want the seventh as well you can have it all I don't care it's only one spot but I'm going to really like who does this like imagine you're on the phone like actually give me that one as well and also give me that one look at all those chickens a full you know what best of luck to you you grab the guy I wanted best of luck to you I'll take the last one I don't care yeah just enjoy wasn't taking a tight end anyways idiots so stupid man like just take the damn trade we have three players as well we have Tucker later on how good was Tucker I can't remember Tucker has an A and A Power move do I take Gates this high when I have Tucker later we got a couple of A's in there yeah I'll go Gates if he's not hidden though never again am I going to do this let's be honest I will 12 and true Talent hi Dev okay we don't have to worry about me lying about the future cuz easy clap we did our job next pick should be 12 in the second round don't know if we had any other players there but I wasn't really you know looking to trade up again wide receiver sermans is still there ooh 63 21 years old I mean the guy we have now he's not bad but he's not hidden if that guy's hidden then the guy we have now would be a perfect slot anyways safety we could just roll with what we got but Compton does look pretty good too he had a C to F Zone I don't actually know what his Zone was I'm pretty sure he was athletic though 447 is pretty good you know what we got Mol safeties but not multiple wide receivers I'm going to go Tyrell Surman please be hidden 31 a true Talent yes there you go hi and Dev true number two wide receiver all right and you know what as much as I want a safety I'm I'm always just down for best available pick Compton just went so we might still have a chance at a safety o line is still there the one to two and we do have a safety his name is Bruce Brenton Bruce see how good he is 442 I've been up down 442 is pretty fast he is 25 in true talent and also so hit and that is an amazing pick that is so nice what other the picks do we need we needed a linebacker for sure we need like multiple linebacker we got to go to the next pick we can't afford to trade up for like a lineman I'm going to let the lineman go I need linebacker bad we don't have two third round picks either we need linebacker so badly I think we only have one above like a 65 overall right now who the hell is rer by the way is around one I'm never going to grab him though he actually doesn't look that bad he's just kind of slow but any linebackers we have some lineman as well let's see what we got we got three dudes who is the best best out of these three are going to be so far these two so I'd definitely say chandler broal is up there too hayward's okay I think Chandler is by far the best though so I'm going to take Chandler ran Chandler 6 fo tall athletic welome to the team he is a true Talent of 63 they gave me a B+ for him even though he's normal Dev not really sure what decided that and we need one more linebacker so I'm just going to until there's only one left and then try to trade up if possible oh it's already a trade up I don't know if we're going to be able to pull this off might be another veteran lineman uh linebacker filling in like how are we supposed to get to this it's going to cost me a second next year and we don't know how bad we're going to be I do not want to give up that good of a pick I'll do a fourth and a third next year there you go I mean it's a little bit of an over trade kind of but that's a pretty good third round selection so even if we were the first pick overall in the third round I think that's a good trade especially since you're skipping a whole year another problem is I didn't think about it but I actually did have a really solid looking Corner George Manning the 6'5 guy if he's normal Dev it's a wasted pick if he's not normal Dev you've got yourself the future at corner which we do kind of need to worry about 441 linebacker BRS how good was BRS anyways yeah he's pretty slow I'm going to go for the corner actually we are pivoting time for George Manning the 65 corner it's about time we get another Superstar come on true Talent 61 okay I don't know if he's going me Superstar but he is hidden I was going to go with that linebacker until I saw those true grades for the speed worthy of a trade-up we got ourselves a future corner on this team set up every other draft pick kind of sucks here but uh not bad we need another linebacker we could have future proofed o line we got ourselves a sa we did well we did well we even got a Bonus position of a wide receiver you know why not we got some pretty good players here this is actually a solid looking draft overall wise not bad either you know it's all about hidden so obviously I'm going to call it a solid Draft before even seeing them because of the hiddenness power finesse I think the other guy probably will be better but our guy was hidden and that's you know 90% of the battle with these players developing them is just the dev which we get star Dev you know before it kind of felt like getting a Dev up was pretty easy for any DT safety but wow he guys are to a 77 as a DT as well speaking of but now with you know devops being harder to accomplish especially through breakout o injury concerns of course joining the Jets with injury concerns yeah it's uh Dev is more important than ever before Dev star nothing crazy but still star Dev is star Dev we'll take it safety I think he's going to be starting at strong safy we got Amerson playing free got Nick cross as our backup very raw without a doubt but got some speed got some hit power to the dev is while he moves over to strong safety stard Dev okay what are the positions we really wanted to see we definitely want to see the other D end was this guy actually hidden he was normal actually I remember he'll be our left out very bad in coverage curious to see what Hayward was like I think it was Hayward that we were looking at was it yeah it was Hayward and then we had the other guy then of course Manning Moment of Truth is he Superstar even if he's not that's a great pick 6'5 90 speed corner with insane press great man not great at catch in I'll admit but uh hidden Dev even if he's just star should be able to develop pretty quickly and he is one of the superstars there you go been drafting so many normal Dev 65s that I've almost given up on them about damn time and of course there's the quarterback doesn't really like the good 90 or 80 overall for two of these Players let's take a look at the uh the players we could have had and didn't get so where was the DT we took oh yeah tro was the actual name of the guy 75 overall normal I would have definitely taken this guy over our guy which you can maybe even argue depending on how you get your upgrades that 82 power move could already make him better than our guy even with star just simply for the fact that obviously getting that power move High means that he can uh develop quickly just by you know getting to the quarterback and sacks getting those numbers up uh was a couple of safeties I mean do I really care too much probably not not really caring too much about those guys what other position cuz we got our guy he's a hidden de that's all that matters uh where was the other player was it Hayward it was Hayward 70 overall 88 speed of course he's hidden he was more raw than our guy which means technically we made the right call we just got unlucky with the dev that's basically what that means right star Dev fair enough I think that was it right I I think that's the gist of it I don't think we really care too much about any of the other players didn't really pass on anyone else that linebacker but I mean he was slow as hell so even if he's superstar X Factor I you know I made the educated guess here we are for season 3 Moy actually went up pretty high in overall like seven or eight overalls I believe uh despite not really having that great of a year yards and touchdowns are decent but a lot of picks as well uh o line uh you know we we keep pivoting you know it's a different o line I want to say it's a worse o line than when we started because you have Wyatt teller now and Zack Tom's capable uh wide receiver two a lot of potential there with a hidden Dev and then Drummond didn't say we move on from him we're not really moving on from him we're just upgrading the receiving room we have three very capable receivers now Edge will be the next Focus I think and then of course linebacker we've been struggling to get players in General Blake cashman's back as the middle linebacker one safety however looks a lot more promising and then because Manning and Superstar and Reed has regress a little bit and he he's obviously a little bit of a smaller guy that can play the slot we're going to play him in the slot Gates is the new dt2 uh I think right now we're in a really good place we only need one more draft to really have like the proper starting lineup uh you know for the long term but hey we're looking pretty good I might change the scheme up though to something a little bit more pass I don't if I would say pass heavy but I need to get those numbers up I'm not really sure how to do that like I don't know who had a good season last year passing for the league like the Vikings usually do pretty well don't they but it could just be McCarthy let's try it whatever West Coast Zone with Minnesota actually having a pretty good year s needs to contract will pay it titman has been great so we're going to pay him well gr at upgrading I would say cuz uh he's been a little up and down statistically but uh you know the sacks allowed are just all over the place Dicker he's always been so Random he's you know the kind of guy that gets signed a lot through these rebuilds cuz he's you know kind of young and decent but yeah he's usually pretty bad so I'm not sure why I keep signing him uh but we're going to pay the guys that are up front the top two and uh worry about the rest in the future I mean this is really cheap money right I mean well it's not cheap but you know what I mean for how good of a player he is we'll do a 5year 123 guess I have to pay more we are headed to the playoffs pretty good season I don't know if we're going to finish out and make the postseason but we uh look pretty good up into that point 11 and six let him cook Brie Hall really good stuff there as the number one rushing yards leader uh would have won you know like six straight if not for the uh the final loss there uh let's take a look at the numbers statistically of course I actually went with Miami I felt like they spread the ball around to a lot of really good wide receivers more than really anyone uh and the rushing numbers are pretty good passing numbers are pretty good and the receivers did really well so I mean maybe the move it might be the move tedan didn't really get involved as much as I would have hoped titman with one sack allowed glad to have paid him defense I don't think I changed it actually we've been doing really poorly numbers wise and I didn't change it Dicker was ass oh my God Dicker in S I don't know why I had to say that but uh not on MVP I thought maybe would have snuck onto the list Rookie of the Year sermans defense of the Year Gates could have been the guy but he wasn't best quarterback at not on the list I thought we were good enough I guess not run back at number two wide receiver at number six and seven oine at number seven and N I was about to say number four as well not nine uh four and seven about I say he had to be on the list even as a center Quinn Quinn Williams with four uh no one at linebacker no one at DB and kicker nowhere to be seen cuz he was awful but yeah I'm going to pay attention to some of these sack numbers so who has the best defensive line I need to see these numbers cuz I'm sick of it damn it I'm sick of it I want to see some actual sack numbers who's got like a 43 that's exceeding expectations the Broncos okay I mean they're not even a 4-3 I don't think but sure the bills we usually do see good numbers from the Cowboys maybe Browns we not really seeing anything crazy going on here you know even like Max Crosby at 11 is pretty low kofus Bosa with only eight Broncos are 34 though but their numbers are kind of like cooking up who is all the way up at the top there the Lions I think it's just Aiden Hutchinson doing that to be honest quen and we obviously had a really good season with anyways uh I don't know I mean none of these numbers look good to me they're all very mid I guess bills CU you got Ed Oliver and rouso I don't know but let's take a look at this playoff game against the Buffalo Bills speaking of can we win we made the Super Bowl that one year we're at back at a 90 overall the quarterback looks to be potentially franchise end of the game let's see it division rival as well so it's like a double win you get to move onto the playoffs and take out the division rival and make their fans drink your tears their tears I don't know why they would drink your tears I'm so happy 21 to 10 28 to 10 yeah we don't have to worry about any of that as we are getting laminated I don't even know if that's like a thing people say but lamination I always loved when things were laminated I don't know why it's like you just knew things were going well for you if you had something laminated I'm not sure where I'm going with this Mo you know touchdowns wise no picks wise great but Allan showing that maybe sometimes it's about playing those extra rist he threw an extra pick but he also threw an extra like 60% higher than our yards cook was terrible for them and we couldn't win I have never seen an 11 for negative-1 yard game a 0.0 yards per run attempt run season that's so bad we should have won this game we like they look worse than us at everything except for completion percentage all let's see the Super Bowl winner is who lost to the bills even though we're a much better overall than them which kind of sucks could just be QB overall uh Cowboys versus the Jaguars did the Cowboys already win I think they were in there I don't know if they actually won it though I forget the Super Bowl winners all the time because like I just you see so many damn Super Bowl winners you know and I'm doing this all in one go so far uh and I just I can't remember the Cowboys do win though Russell Wilson is retiring could have been on our team instead he's a Titan suck one I don't know I'm I'm just being mean cuz he didn't join us but going to be honest with you probably wouldn't have matter we would have started Moy anyways he has higher potential we lost a bunch of retirement level guys Mentor types it is what it is adjust lineup see what we got Mo goes up Dev nice surmon also goes up a Dev no one else did though but that's fine those are the two biggest Dev UPS we needed specifically Moy obviously cuz he is a quarterback what overall did he end up as 83 I'm going to guess it was an 84 actually okay we obviously already seen it so it's not really much of a guess but once again not remembering uh stard def beautiful we need linebackers though hopefully that rookie linebacker we had actually went up and he did nice Quincy's still around he's still all right looking at the defense though no Dev up for anyone but Chandler Quincy still usable we'll see what we want to do there hushan reic might even be one of our uh points of emphasis is Edge but uh yeah I mean he's still usable technically still has Edge threat which makes him really good but fair enough he's uh he's a player if you will defensively though I mean looking at what we need to change two linebackers debatably that edge with Hassan reic everything else is fine and then offensively uh did we sign teller to a 2-year deal I can't remember but offensively I mean nothing maybe and of course uh fashanu I I just want to say fashanu cuz it just looks like it needs a Fife option which honestly you could probably argue that it's worth just doing cuz it's going to be around that price anyways so I am actually going to do it we've been doing a lot of Fife options in this uh rebuild it's been F you know it's been fitting and why not you know why the hell not I mean I'm kind of desperate I'm surprised he took it it's one of those like I kind of wish he didn't but I need to offer cuz I'm going to feel like an idiot if I don't all right what do we got for free agents anyone special Trent MC doofy oh my God Trent McDuffy is looking kind of good car lus as well okay the Chiefs are busted they're broke they're done they're finished but uh yeah can we make that move and not go broke that's worry about our quarterback's still on a rookie deal so probably Pace I don't think it's worth it probably shouldn't have taken Quincy now but I think we're going to try to go caraus was it someone else I wanted was it just carus I mean I I mean Hassan reic hasn't played well and obviously he's regressed to like oblivian how well has kofus played if he's played well he is on our team that is like once again like 15 sacks normal M like real life mode and he's not asking for many years so I'm kind of willing to go above and beyond here a 3 or 78 which is even lowballing for the market do I really want to do I'm going to actually do the like 2-year longterm not two-year longterm the two-year expensiveness so then I can resign them if I want longterm on a cheaper deal technically am I really going to to pay him more than 30 million per cuz it's the open market see this isn't like a I mean to be fair the Chiefs we know are going to go broke at some point they got too much talent too much expenses but I don't feel as bad like realism wise when I'm spending this kind of money cuz it's like okay I can see why they didn't sign them cuz nobody can afford them let's find a way to do this a 2year 64 that's a lot of money and it's still not enough I don't want to lose him though cuz like we have the money and it's a big positional need so like why wouldn't I oh is it in the green really I mean it's only a two-year deal so if we are paying like ridiculous money that like gets people thinking whoa then yeah I mean it's worth it if they you know stick around after that oh my God I mean if I'm going to pay that much and not have a guarantee I'm just going to keep it whatever happens happens was there another player I thought there was one more maybe a linebacker I think we'll just draft one though we've had pretty good luck so far in rebuilds you know Drafting and developing got some other options though In fairness but yeah I think we're fine I think we're fine we just want we just want one thing and it's caraus we're not going to get him though yeah I'm sure he signs a 2-year $44 million deal with the Titans when we just offered them was it a 2year 74 I I think it might have been something like a 2-year 74 dude it's just like I get it I don't want it to be stupidly easy to get players but at the same time when stuff like that happens it really makes you want to turn off the stupid motivations is there a way to like tone it down at least maybe oh crap well to be fair when you put on low I'm pretty sure it's like really easy I want to see what it would have been like if we nah I'm not going to do it I was going to like revert the Reign the signing and all that it's really unrealistic there's no way he would decline that in real life but yeah I'm not going to revert it or anything like that damn that sucks and there's really no one else we need here that's available so it's back to the draft again yo all right we're at that point where it's really really luxury time so we could easily trade down into the second round and be very fine with that especially since I don't believe we have our own third round pick or even fourth round picks for that matter I don't I don't believe uh can we do something like in the second round and not get completely fleeced out yeah that's not bad Seattle's going to give us 42 and 74 which I mean we probably should have been owed a little bit more than that remember how much we had to give up for the uh the trade up from 31 to 21 but uh you know what we're not as greedy we are we're more contempt we just want our trade Downs damn it uh we have some lineman here a two to three tackle with a one to two grade that might be enough for me to be like hey screw it I might be doing that I think I might be doing it let's get one more look he does look really good the Reps though I started yelling at you I'm so sorry but the reps are just not great obviously a lot of these guys I find out about you know some of these uh prod Day stuff because at first I'm just looking at key ratings and then I Scout further and then you know when it's time to go to the draft I'm like okay let's see what we got and it's like oh not great uh really good pass blocker though that might be enough I'm going to take him anyways Lashley 31 and true Talent took him at 41 I didn't look at the dev I completely forgot which is actually massive because if I'm looking at lineman later do I decide on a new lineman or not based on the dev alone you know I usually do that so uh could go old line but I think at this point we do need linebacker I scouted stricklin the furthest because he was the guy I knew the least about I don't know who the best player is here uh there's a lot of question marks from what I can see though I like over the most I think well actually no I don't I think I like wimbley the most but he's a 3 to four you know what we like those linebackers a lot so we are going to moved down into the third round and the Browns are going to me an okay trade I suppose let's go to the next round take wimbley if he's there he should be so we have 68 and 74 that should land us two linebackers which is mainly the things we needed wimble oh we also have these two though these two guys are still there and they're two to threes which could also be considered a bad thing cuz I it's like well why are they still there if they're not you know if they're good uh overing does look really good though how fast was he he had an F in there as well got to figure what that is finesse move oh I don't really care about that let's go over Junior over 30th and true talent and dub that is a dub there's so many linebackers there we'd have to be so unlucky to not have another one five or six picks later and really we're more unlucky for the fact that most of them didn't go church was the only dude that went we have that offensive lineman as well I think I like wimbly the most though right I mean looking at these ratings he looks the best but we don't know about that block shedding so he could just suck but obviously as far as we know for all these other players he's by far the best remaining right so Nigel wimbley oh he's 23 oh no yeah it looks like I didn't even look at his age Strickland he's a two to three which is not man do I go for the 23 strickling that freaking block shed though is so crazy Freedman looks raw as hell let's take a look at Freeman's speed though Speedman do I really take a young player over a 23-year-old that looks great let's one more look at Strickland F block shed I'm taking them anyways six5 in talent and that athleticism it spoke to me as it always does let's go to the next round just in case that lineman wants to stick around we don't really actually need a lineman assuming that tackle was actually hidden which I'm hoping he is uh oh crap I forgot about Edge we don't like need it need it but like we kind of want it let's go to the Cardinals that guy looks okay he wasn't the most athletic guy but good enough to ratings maybe you get lucky with a hidden Dev now they don't even need these picks we got 35ths uh that might be enough on its own yeah okay I mean we almost over traded by like a lot not sure we even need that fifth round pick but we'll keep it it be trayed down all right let's go with the edge rusher every other player on our board is gone what about these other guys you got a couple of two to threes one to twos Rick Thompson huge kind of play both Styles pretty athletic so we're going to grab him hope for the best he is a 98 in true talent and he is unfortunately normal Dev we're going to be trading down with the Buccaneers giving us a bunch of stuff for next year 56 and a seven I mean they kind of like it just it resonated me with me like that's the kind of trade I would be looking to do so you know kind of resonated with me I was like hey that's a me trading up I like to trade up with me why not there's actually a couple of decent sers but the best one is named Robert foot his literal last name mentions feet so that's going to be our guy he is a okay I would imagine generational two and true talent I thought that was glitch for a second 99 kick power hidden Dev I mean the guy's name is foot obviously he was going to be generational was pretty obvious there landed two generational kickers like a punter and then a kicker obviously not the same year or anything like that but yeah just look for high kick power it's always the cheat code 79 overall thread end actually wasn't even terrible either Lashley was he hidden he was future starting tackle of this team at some point maybe might even need him right now as a guard actually do we need him as a guard I don't even know either way he's going to play there for now until we actually know what to do with him if there's even ever a time to know what to do with him uh over we don't actually need two linebackers just yet really good block shed but we need at least one or do we need two we might actually need two already what am I talking about I think we might I'm not sure but we got to and that's all that matters it doesn't really matter what we needed it's about what we've got uh do we look at over M oh we looked at okay fair enough I don't know why I thought there was a player in between there uh yeah I mean stricklands were pretty raw I got to be honest I'm really curious to see what that 23-year-old looks like let's see if he can change my mind let's uh put number 55 why not versatile number star Dev I'm not sure where we want people but someone's got to play middle linebacker I don't know who and the rest I don't really care about let's take a look at the kicker I suppose 99 kick power with what is that accuracy 85 I mean we already know he's a generational so and if he is in oh big deal he stard Dev I don't really care let's take a look at the linebacker we could have had he was 23 and it was enough to deter me what was his name though that's the question oh it was wimbley wimy wimbley and neev okay fair enough uh pretty good balance bre uh breast okay sure you know where my mind is press only 41 whip it out wimbley only star so yeah my uh my smarts to avoid the age is good our season 4 roster uh Mo starting to get up there a little bit but uh we are potentially going to be losing Wyatt teller and then defensively uh when is quenon going to be starting to go 29 years old so he's only going to get worse from here on out it seems or very close to it but the team is about as young as of a team we have seen through year four of uh one of these rebuilds uh most of the time where we're starting to lose like you know one to three uh well maybe not lose but we're having one to three really big time starters for us start to regress but now you know after Williams and reck you know are done after this season you know it's it's all youth from there on out but uh we'll see if we can make it happen last year was close the Rogers year was really close and uh we'll see if the team is there yet obviously the Moy quarterback he can definitely get up even higher so we'll hope that's the case get him to maybe in the '90s and maybe year five will be the magic final number year or maybe we win the superow here who knows or we don't win any and we go to sleep crying it's Cub breakout time uh our quarterback needs three plus total touchdowns and zero interceptions for a Dev upgrade that's actually really doable like don't sell Mo please if you don't mind it doesn't even say anything about winning some of these breakouts we've seen have been really busted hard but that was really doable let's see if he does it uhoh is this good or bad goach you talk to oh God about to find out yes I know you always wait a ah yeah thanks for telling me about his still star Dev Elementary let's see what it was did he not have enough touchdowns did he throw the pick that's not bad but it is kind of weird cuz it's like you're basically wanting people oh mo was terrible he had one touchdown oh it's CU three rushing touchdowns a Bree it's I don't know dude I wish they would make it a little more team oriented I think it should be like get Mobly three touchdowns in zero interceptions or have five total touchdowns on the team cuz like that's a good performance for the whole team if you have five touchdowns it doesn't really matter just about the quarterback it's all about if the whole team is scoring you know but one of the newer features is the part two we have a part two uh for the quarterback getting a scenario giving us another chance at it potentially having a pretty damn good year $139 million qun Williams needs to oh my God how much money is that 38 per can we go cheaper 2E 74 nice I mean that's still a lot of money but it could have been worse Carter he's regressing Tom I mean we have Lashley I mean it's not like money's a problem but Moy needs a contract soon maybe even now actually because I forgot he's he wasn't a first round guy that name man it's just one of these days I'm going to accidentally say it and it's it's jover let's uh pay W tell though he's worth it I think boom I like if there's ever a player that I'm going to be rooting to not do well it's probably going to be him because if he becomes a really good player there's a better chance that I end up trading for him or something signing him or something I'm not doing it I'm not doing it uh yeah but we could afford anyone just do we want to do we want to pay Tom I I don't think so how well is he playing like is he at least like doing something that most tackles don't do which is not allow Sachs he has been good though one year man I think we just use Lashley I don't know we'll find out we'll see cuz money will become a problem soon like you know we have to pay uh drum in there if we decide to do that then of course the quarterback's coming up especially becomes a superstar here like we see with his breakout chance but here you go uh 325 plus passing yards and one or fewer interceptions for the dev upgrade which is kind of tougher sort of yeah it's actually way tougher what am I even talking about really good season we're having though unbelievable changed the defense to the Buffalo defense we still got Miami offense wasn't a flashy per wasn't flashy from him but not a bad performance H so it's almost like the first one is kind of easier and then the next one they're like okay you're going to get another chance at it but it's going to be tougher and I don't know if we just had an easier schedule or what but maybe this is the goat combination the Miami offense Buffalo defense the the AFC East is just cooking 16 and one that is like the best real rebuilds um record we've ever had taking advantage of this by way to come up with a wrinkle for the rest of the playoffs okay sure secret weapon um probably none oh Drummond for sure he's the best of those three by like a mile catching spectacular catch deep route uh probably catching deep route's very nuanced if you will we already have deep route for him I think five to catch in for the playoffs it's pretty cool I like that we'll take it let's take a look at the uh schedule you can see uh some of the teams in there we got that bye obviously which is amazing we lost to the Jaguars and every other team we beat nice season that was I mean the best season we've had in a rebuild so far uh Bree Hall is number three for yards could make his way as an X Factor Moy was great 38 touchdowns three interceptions just under 4,000 yards could be MVP actually Bree and look at all the touchdowns the running backs had 35 rushing touchdowns and 38 passing that's got to be the leader in the league Wilson can open and Dev sermons didn't really you know it's not as good of a year but it's still good rck was great and then Drummond not as great uh oine was amazing they only gave up uh 13 sacks which hell some of the seasons we've had that that's a one-year level season reic with 14 sacks nine for Germaine nine for quenon eight for Gates and not a single one for anyone else Garner was amazing I mean everyone that was supposed to do well played well this was like our best team effort Seas season ever and of course Mahomes wins MVP slightly over Moy and any award wins we get over with the Rookie of the Year on defense best running back number two for quarterback number five and six for wide receiver o line at 2 and five I would have been nice if win that one Hassan reck at number three and Germaine Johnson at number 10 linebacker no DB number one for S kicker at three best season we've had by far and hell just even in rebuilds for Madden 25 could be that as well honestly there been a pretty special year who do we go against oh come on the Texans who are you playing at I really don't want to lose this cuz I'm going to look stupid if we do now winner of this one's going up against the Ravens in the championship round left to right is them we didn't really have a great start but it's a three all game now looks like we are turning the ball over or something but hey both teams are getting stops halftime score of three all this is not bod well for us our offense should be doing a lot better than this finally we get a touchdown and the defense is going to win the game pretty much 7 to three defense was not playing around in this one the Jets defense is back to that Elite status the the status that got Mark Sanchez sanchz maybe we would like to call him here uh back-to-back Championship rounds that was such a good freaking defense uh wasn't Frank Gore on that team pretty sure right uh pretty good sack totals pick for Lassiter who's so slow I don't know how he pulled that off they missed one field goal but it wouldn't have mattered as they lost by 14 the Ravens are the next next up to the Ravens I think the Ravens beat the Dolphins I don't know who else beat them though like who beat the Chiefs like that's that's information I need to know I want to see who beat the Chiefs is it a team that is it the Ravens they you know we about to face off against a team that beat them kind of crazy to see the Ravens and the Chiefs in the Wild Card round against each other cuz you know those are teams you wouldn't expect to have to face off that early it was the Texans actually that did beat them I can kind of see why they're defense was pretty good Ravens beat bills by 21 then they beat Miami by seven who's it in now the Cowboys and the ners so whoever wins this one in the AFC is is looking at a tough one it's a tough one no matter what the Ravens are an 89 we're 92 we have the better team can we win win or lose though I do want to see who the ners quarterback is unless they got pry back from free agency cuz remember he was in free agency that one time seven all already a way higher scoring than the last one huge drive we get three I wish it was a touchdown but that's still better than nothing 17 to 7 one more touchdown could do it and man I don't want to speak too soon but this defense has been unbelievable in this playoffs they have given up basically no points they are basically the 85 Bears it is ridiculous this Jets team is on another level they are on a new level it's insane uh touchdowns three for T Moy with zero touchdown or interceptions why couldn't he do that during the breakout who knows Lamar Jackson doesn't do too well rushing their running back is Milstead whoever the hell that is Bri Hall 75 yards and a touchdown uh Garrett Wilson cooking up yeah mean just a really good defensive performance it's the side that really carried the most really just not giving up points all right I don't even know who you want to win this I guess the ners cuz I think the Cowboys playbooks a little bit better in Sim I'm still a little surprised that we're where we are 16- one with two dominating playoff performances like that's just not expected with a quarterback that's you know sub 90 unless he is a 90 now which he could be and it will be the ners headed on to the Super Bowl the Cowboys are only 9 and8 as well I mean we've looked already so we might as well take a look at how the ners did it CU we've been paying attention to our side but haven't really looked at the NFC side uh do they have the bye they did not they beat the Cardinals by four then they beat the Vikings by 24 they beat the the Cowboys by six and then they lose to the Jets by 20 I'm freaking hoping let's take a look at these devups also kind of want to take a look at Moy see if he actually did get to a 90 he is an 88 overall super superstar X Factor is that when did he get to Superstar offensive oh he got it for offensive player of the week in week 17 it is so rare I have not had it actually happen to me while I'm playing a franchise which does kind of make sense like if you think we play maybe three to four seasons of a franchise two times a year that's what 8 years versus the I don't even know maybe 200 years of Sims we do per rebuild season and we rarely see this we see this maybe like eight times in a rebuild year but hey that's clutch as he's an X Factor Bree joins The X-Factor Squad freaking Garrett Wilson joins the xfactor squad I think even the tight end went to Superstar I don't think he was before was he he might have been now I think he might have already been Superstar wasn't he nope I lied he was not this a hell of a year this is the year to do it this team had a hell of a glow up I mean how many Dev up so is that on offense that's 2 3 4 five technically in one season then you look at the defense uh overing was Star right no one else went up at that but that's fine it's still a good year all right here it is the ners for all the marbles 16-1 versus 11 and six our overall is much higher well maybe not much but three overall is still higher here it is can we win it all left or right looks to be them I don't know for a fact though and it is right to left is us we get three they get seven is it raining so raining in the Super Bowl huh great Super Bowl location boys good choice 17 to 10 one touchdown could do it up by 10 up by 13 the ners won't go away but this defense has been unbelievable I'm going to say it right now it's going to be the hottest take this is the greatest rebuild defense we have ever had I'm saying it I'm not saying the whole you know start to finish was that Gatorade bucket was empty um but I don't know who the hell was sipping on it but hey they must have helped us win but as far as this specific season I've never seen a defense dominate the way they have I mean they literally locked teams down it is crazy they couldn't do anything they they literally could not penetrate this defense it's like what 30 points in a whole playoff run or less I don't even know but uh Moy was pretty damn good I suppose 72% completion perc two touchdown zero to picks just the yards are a little low but I mean the yards on offense are just in general this offense it wasn't that great it was pretty good it was efficient and it didn't really turn the ball over but as far as like putting up big numbers they really didn't do it it was the defense that was obviously the star of the show and with that another successful 4year Super Bowl run of course we try to aim for five uh and you know we beat it by a year most of the time not always sometimes we would even win a Super Bowl at all but lot of year fours I would say that's it's like you know where 60 70% of our rebuild Super Bowls come from is year four once again I'll show you guys the uh the win loss there we cooked up Dolphins offense with the uh what the hell the bills defense if you guys want to see it just in case you're like yeah but what about the other scheme is it a vertical Zone you know so what I ran I I did it we did it I kind of went with what I think this team has in real life accordance to those teams and let's see it Mobly the 88 no 89 overall quarterback excuse me he really glowed up that deep accuracy is terrible but you know this isn't really a deep accuracy type team anyways it's not a deep route team it's like a short to medium range team like you can obviously go deep with any of them really but you know Garrett Wilson just based on his speed and size and the way he kind of operates he makes more sense from the medium range and then you have sermans who uh was definitely worth the draft pick right he was worth the draft pick because the dev package from Drummond we weren't really seeing the dev Ups Too Much Garrett Wilson finally got some Dev ups but he's like a super high overall Drummond though he's still really good and he's young and he would get that contract from US release is great deep route is great good catching he's the true deep route guy if you want to talk about any of them being deep route guys Bree Hall the 97 overall 26 years old xfactor he's going on for a long time going forward thought he faster than that by now is that like literally his base speed in Excel I would argue that I thought he would have been faster than that as a base player like 949 5 speed to be honest but Calvin rck the tight end fast really good catching great route running uh really good blocking too has every catch trade that's kind of like the Highlight for him Olan fashion I keep I just I want to say fashanu and every time I I second guess myself when I see that name but not much of a run blocker but an unbelievable pass blocker like how the hell do you even like beat him I don't think you can uh we have a couple of other Jets players on here usually you don't keep uh the o line intact but we did another really good power blocker with Joe titman and we're going to take a look at avt aliens versus Tucker I don't know he's got a great blocking ratings but his power blocking is kind of iffy which as a guard you know maybe move over to tackle I don't know but uh let's take a look at the defense now not a whole lot of like longstanding been on the team for a long time you know carrying the torch names which is why I'm really shocked that this defense was as good as it was like do they actually factor in the fact that Manning's 6'5 maybe and it's like Whoa We got to go against the goat cover Garder he's like impossible to beat and then we have to go against a 65 Corner that can make up for a lot of mistakes because of how much reach he has Bruce wow okay 87 man um Zone and 85 man coverage that's really good could play damn cornerback if we needed him to that's really impressive uh do we look at uh Garner I'm not going to look at that other guy we just landed on Garner 99 man 999 Zone 99 play wreck uh you know 93 jump 97 press he's ridiculous 99 awareness he's just insane I'm going to say it he's crazy with it Quincy Williams also winning a Super Bowl with us is great uh did Chandler get looked at I don't even know I think yeah he definitely did we 100% looked at him linebackers we kind of like went back and forth on that's why I threw me off let's take a look at the dline Hassan reck he's still here he's regressing and he's 32 now but he is still here and he he he's viable especially if you were going to use her with him cuz obviously he has Edge threats still and no Outsiders but yeah as far as like Sim ratings going I'm a little surprised that he even did well as well as he did Germaine Johnson 28 years old we're getting a freaking Hassan reic style here right he's going to be superstar Dev when he's 85 86 but he'll be 29 and it's just like the trend continues but hey that Trend allowed us to get a Super Bowl so maybe it's not the worst formula in the world really good block shedding okay pass rush ability from will Gates who obviously had like 67 power move I think when we drafted him so he's working his way up there and then quen Williams the 97 overall 29-year-old who just got like 36 million per from us ridiculously good obviously the anchor of this defense besides SAU I suppose but yeah that's another oh no no no no no it is not a success well it is a successful one but you know we're going to be taking a look at the special teamers these guys are actually pretty unique cuz obviously they're both super well we don't know what's Superstar but I mean that's be real he's obviously Superstar 99 kick power was an 85 accuracy uh and then Haynes surprisingly only a 79 overall 96 kick Power 90 accuracy insanely fast it's annoying that he doesn't have any tackling no Zone coverage no receiving ability no running it's like what are we doing let this guy be a tight end damn it even though he's like 63 or whatever 62 63 but regardless if you guys enjoy this one a little bit of a different type of rebuild where you know you start off really good you're okay after that but you start dwindling down because of the age money was never a problem though which is a little surprising you bring in who I think did take a little bit of a pay cut and you bring in all these other veterans and I know they are like one-year type players but you have the money to resign them if you really wanted to and yet we had a lot of money I don't know if the Jets are really that financially sound in real life it would kind of make sense CU they do have one of the younger teams but yeah this was not the most challenging rebuild but it's really cool to get a quarterback in the fourth round and develop them into an xfactor normal Dev to xfactor you know we haven't really been seeing that many Dev UPS in you know this Madden so far which I mean I kind of get and uh yet was another successful rebuild so we'll uh we'll take that if you guys enjoyed like I said maybe leave a like subscribe if you're new if you're not new I do appreciate K supp on the channel follow me on Twitter jnel care second Channel Pi care plays for not Madden content and then let me know what team you want to see next we obviously have a bunch of challenge rebuilds we still need to do it's a long Madden Season so obviously I'm not in too much of a rush to do one thing or the other but there's something I really like I maybe push that up to the top of the list of things to do and that's about it thanks for watching hope you guys come back for next video which should be a Patriots franch episode tomorrow I was going to do one earlier today I was like you know what let's just separate them a little bit but until next video see you

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