Everything You NEED to Know About SNL Season 11 (1985-86)

everything you need to know about Saturday Night Live with John Schneider and James Stevens welcome to everything you need to know about Saturday Night Live I'm John Schneider from the Saturday night Network and I'm James Stevens and we're here to take you through the 50-year Journey of sketches characters and backstage stories that make up the history of SNL so here's everything you need to know about season 11 of Saturday Night Live [Music] when Dick everol decides to move on from Saturday Night Live in 1985 NBC president Brandon tarov turns to Lauren Michaels to return home to lead the show he created after 5 years away working on other projects Lauren felt it was time to leave Hollywood and return to New York to reimagine Saturday Night Live Michaels retooled the show with a Fresh Approach deciding to introduce an entirely new cast this would Mark the first time since season 6 and the only other time to date that an entire cast was replaced prior to the start of the new season taking a page from EA's Playbook Lauren had his sight set on some proven talent to fill the cast including 23-year-old Joan Cusack from New York City sister of actor John cusac 20-year-old Robert Downey Jr also from New York City who had just recently started in the John Hughes film Weird Science and Son of director Robert Downey 17-year-old Anthony Michael Hall from Boston the show's youngest cast member to date who had starred alongside Downey in Weird Science and had made a name for himself in two other John Hughes projects 16 candles and National Lampoon's Vacation and 35-year-old Randy Quaid from Houston who appeared alongside Hall in National Lampoon Vacation and had been nominated for an Academy Award in 1973 for his work on the Last Detail for the remaining cast Lauren turned to some up and coming Talent 33-year-old Nora Dunn from Chicago who had been working at 30 Rock as a waitress in the rainbow room at the time auditions were being held 28-year-old John Lovitz from Los Angeles and Alum from the ground 32-year-old Dennis Miller a standup comic from Pittsburgh 35-year-old Terry Sweeney from New York City and SNL riter during the sixth season and the Show's first openly gay cast member 31-year-old denit trance from Chicago a stage actor and Second City performer became the Show's first black female reparatory player and 25-year-old Damon wein a stand-up comic from New York City would be credited as a featured player plenty of changes were made also to the writing staff as Lauren pledged to move away from safe recurring Mater material and back into the Thrills and risks of live television the only holdovers from the previous season were herb sergeant and Jim Downey who would return as head writer Don Nell was brought back as well as original writers Al Franken and Tom Davis this time as producers other members of the writers room included standup Comics a Whitney Brown and Carol leafer writers Jack Handy and George Meyer who had previously worked with Lauren on his short-lived 1984 sketch program the new show members of a new new Canadian sketch troop the Kids in the Hall Mark mckenny and Bruce muli and comedy writers Lan Laney Robert smich and John Schwarz Welter the season premiered on November 9th 1985 with host Madonna and musical guest Simple Minds hi everybody my name is m and I'll be your comedy love slave for the evening the episode marks a revamp of the SNL band which is noteworthy in that this would be the first episode for band leader and guitarist GE Smith and saxophonist Lenny picket in the house band newly designed homebased stage is modeled after the old world theater with the band playing in a loft above Saturday night news reverts back to its original name Weekend Update now anchored by Dennis Miller who rarely appears outside of the update desk that's the news I'm out of here we also see the debut of Randy Quaid and Terry Sweeney's Ron and Nancy Reagan Impressions I couldn't help but thinking her Royal Highness isn't the only one who's married to a prince denitra Vance's teenage mom character Cabrini Green Jackson I speak for teenage mothers I speak for just about to be mothers and for don't want to be mothers I've been all three and limits of the imagination a Twilight Zone spoof that would be a season 11 staple we've managed to trace the calls they're coming from inside the [Music] car also magicians pen and Teller appear as special guests their first of many appearances this season we are here to prove that men that to card tricks are not whims the episode was criticized for having a sophomoric and inexperienced cast while NBC president brand tarov faced considerable heat for his participation in the cold open which had him issuing the newcast urine tests under the pretense of curbing the show's drug abuse I Michael Hall swear to remain drug-free as long as I'm associated with this network tarov would later make a public apology and the sketch was removed from all subsequent reruns the next episode has Chevy Chase returning to host for the fourth time this studio has so many memories for me as you well know for instance I used to play Little League ball over there we see the debut of Nora Dunn's Pat Stevens character former model turned morning show host someone said to me once Pat you're wearing an animal that's endangered and I said no you're wrong this animal is dead and John litz's pathological liar Tommy fenan I'm a member of pathological Liars Anonymous in fact I'm a I'm the president of that organization this episode has been noted by cast members as being a difficult one to produce with Chevy making derogatory and insensitive comments towards cast members throughout the week PeeWee Herman would host The Following episode marking the second time a host remains in character as an alter ego in season 9 we saw Don nello host as Father Guido Sarducci and now Paul Rubin plays Peewee for the full 90 minutes I'm in your living room speaking of Don nello he along with standup comedian Dan Vitali are both credited as featured players in this episode futurecast member Phil Hartman friend and frequent collaborator of Paul rubben is credited as a guest writer in December John Lithgow would host for the first time bringing us the debut of another John litz character the pretentious Shakespearean actor Master thespian look the face of death is near and so I feel the episode also presents the first of many guest appearances from intense standup comedian Sam kenneson I don't have a home and have a car I didn't eat yesterday I had to borrow these clothes from wardrobe she took it all on December 14th 1985 we would welcome now SNL Legend Tom Hanks making his hosting [Applause] [Music] debut in his Premiere episode we see the debut of the standup sketch why are they called french fries I mean what makes them French and I've made them French no way and hey French toast same deal hey I make it in my kitchen me too as well as a guest performance from standup Steven rght what's another word for thesaurus our Christmas episode features third time host Terry gar in an elaborate monologue that has gar playing Pope Lois and Don nello playing Pope Maurice he is the the founder of the people's Catholic Church the church where all members are Pope the segment is a continuation from a weekend update piece during the PeeWee Herman episode we also get another performance from pen and Teller merry Christmas everybody the first show of 1986 would be hosted by character actor Harry Dean St you got me [Music] anywh making their National Television debut musical guests The Replacements were reportedly drunk throughout the night and and after chaotic performances that included swearing the band would not be asked back lead singer Paul Westerberg however would return years later as a solo act the show also includes another standup set from Sam Kennison where have you been feeling like a man Dudley Mo returns to the show next 10 years ago I did Saturday night I hosted Saturday Night Live the first time it was such a success that just 10 short years later here I am again uh so if tonight goes great I'll be back in 1996 the episode features the first of many appearances of John litz playing [Music] mephistophiles and alongside the SNL band Dudley Moore presents a unique pairing of chaikovsky with I got you [Music] Ron Reagan would host next he haven't lived till You' hyperventilated on live television an episode that features a lot of lampooning at the expense of his parents Ronald and Nancy [Music] Reagan take the episode marks the third and final credited episode for Featured player Dan vital who had been in and out of rehab throughout the season writer a Whitney Brown makes his first appearance on Weekend Update with what would be his trademark segment commentary on human affairs with the big picture nobody's going to break out giggling just because Dan Rather announces that dark colored rings have been discovered around Uranus Brown will officially get added to the cast as a featured player three episodes later this installment of Weekend Update also brings us the first appearance of the Weekend Update dancers a season 11 running gag where female dancers would interpret a top news story using a current pop [Music] hit also Penn and Teller returned with more tricks up their sleeve model actress Jerry Hall would host the next episode you know Mick Jagger oh yeah we were in Vietnam together the cold open includes Hall's longtime boyfriend Mick Jagger and a cameo alongside liar Tommy fenan this guy some guy named Tommy who thinks he knows you oh yeah uh I know him you do really yeah you remember last weekend when I didn't come home uh I I I was with Tommy that's that's right we were um we were we we were fishing together that's the ticket standup comedian Jay Leno would host the next episode I like the new ad campaign you need TV Guide because TV's getting more complicated every day boy I know there are people out she we'd like to watch The Dukes of Hazard we just don't have the educational background Leno's episode is notable in that a dog is credited as a special guest you wouldn't mind if uh if I got a picture with you with you would you no oh can I give you a kiss okay okay fine the picture was great thank you Mike the dog appears in just one sketch relying on the same gimmicks he performed in the 198 6 film Down and Out in Beverly Hills I thought I would be terrified but I'm not really I mean I'm actually quite um I don't know Serene by the time actor producer Griffin Dunn came to host there were rumors surrounding SNL being in danger of cancellation a cold open featuring Tommy fenan would address those rumors now as you know the ratings have been astronomical through the road why better than the world the super The Cosby Show at this point in the season feature player Damon wayin is frustrated with his lack of airtime he has had enough and decides to essentially quit the show on live television during the Mr Monopoly sketch yeah you going to jail for a long long time wein makes an onair choice to change the characterization of his police officer character playing him with a stereotypical effeminate gay personality distracting from the original concept get out of jail free you're that guy from the game miss the Monopoly sure enough he was fired after the show although this wouldn't be the last time we would see of Damon wayin this season and Penn and Teller return once again this time demonstrating a trick viewers can perform at home in an effort to draw upon any positive publicity from the media and general viewership the next show would deliver possibly the most unique episode of all time as you all know uh the network has decided to bring in Francis Ford cop to direct tonight's show the episode's running premise would surround the network bringing in Academy award-winning director Francis Ford Copa to grab ratings giving him complete creative control over the show what'll happen to you well I'll still be here in a supervisor role before I move fulltime into wrestling George Went serves the role of host and experimental minimalist composer Philip Glass as musical guest I have to say this has really been a hectic week for me quite a contrast from the past few months you know when I basically just been sitting around on a bar stool drinking beer all day then of course uh before that I was working very hard on Cheers I cut great great why are we stopping now well don't worry George you were great but I want to get one more take you know just to be sure the conceptual nature of this episode involved a considerable amount of creative risk especially for an episode of Saturday Night Live I want set design in here please set design it is that fact along with a self-deprecating attitude towards the show's uncertain future and the Gen respect shown towards creating a live broadcast and the homage paid to the history of Studio 8 that makes this episode essential viewing 8 H the home of the craft television [Music] [Applause] theater so how'd you like doing the show the horror the horror how do you think we feel we're we're the producers Oprah yes Laur they told me in wardrobe that you haven't tried on your Ana cost Oprah Winfrey would then host the first show of April just 5 months before the premiere of her legendary daytime talk show like I said I don't do an jamama and furthermore I'm not doing the maid sketch I'm not doing the BR rabbit sketch and you can just forget about me in the refrigerator Perry sketch followed by tell television actor Tony Danza an episode that featured yet another outing from pen and Teller between the April and May shows it was publicized that NBC president Brandon tarov who had been a real advocate of the program had considered cancelling Saturday Night Live after some meetings with Lauren's agent Bernie brilin and Lauren Michaels himself tarov would ultimately renew SNL for season 12 only guaranteeing the show half a season to once again retool and figure it out Dynasty star Katherine Oxenberg and now three times host Paul Simon would co-host the first show in May so can we get out of here now it includes pen reading Casey At The Bat while teller escapes from a straight jacket and Dennis Miller shares a bit of good news on Weekend Update well you know Saturday Night Live was renewed this week for its 12th season here's the thing folks did anybody think to ask if we want to come back I don't get a call no nothing what am I easy you better believe I'm easy I'm a neelon [ __ ] it's nice to be back this Mother's Day episode ends with Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia Katherine oxenberg's mother joining the cast on stage for the good nights journalist and 1986 politer priz winner Jimmy breesen would host the penultimate episode some call it slander I call it getting paid special guest appearances include professional boxer Marvelous Marvin Haggler 159b and Sam kenneson who celebrates SNL's renewal for the next season of course you know the show got renewed next fall so I'd like to lab and everybody thought away the episode also features a musical performance by actress EEG daily singing say it say [Music] it we end the season with another unique pairing Academy award-winning actress and director Angelica Houston hey I'm talking to you and professional baseball player and manager Billy Martin this to raise money for the homeless those bums Al Franken Who is credited as a featured player for just this episode returns to the Weekend Update desk his first appearance since the season 6 finale you see after leaving the original Saturday night you know the one with all the incredibly talented people people like me Al Franken Franken goes on to give an update on the Al Franken decade and promotes his upcoming film one more Saturday night and guess who steals picture that's right me Al Frank and although he was fired from the show earlier in the season Damon wein returns to perform standup your sister's so black every time she go to night school the teachers Mark her absent closing out the episode a now legendary sketch written by Robert Smigel and Bruce McCulla leaves us with a cliffhanger ending feeling you're drunk incorporating the episode's running gag of Billy Martin being fired by Lauren after his supposed drunken Behavior you're fired out of here good good Billy seeks revenge by setting the cast Ablaze in a dressing room does anybody smell gasoline listen Michaels if I'm fire then I'm taking the cast with me Bill are you crazy if you set the cast on fire they won't be able to do the show next year that's right big shot but not before Lauren saves one particular cast member what are you doing I got to away goodbye don't ask any questions John just go downstairs to my limousine and wait for me there and with that the infamous 11th season of Saturday Night Live comes to an end when Lauren returned to SNL in the fall of 1985 many people expected the show to return to its Glory Days instead while individually talented most pundits felt that the cast struggled to work together as an ensemble as a result the season finale would be the last for cast members Joan cusac Robert Downey Jr Anthony Michael Hall Randy quaade Terry Sweeney and denit trance as well as many writers on staff uh there's some candies and chocolates in the dressing room going in there help yourself Lura Michaels is given one last chance to put together a cast with staying power that would blend with holdovers nor dun John Lovitz and Dennis Miller and so in the summer of 1986 Saturday Night Live would hire some of the most legendary performers in its history if you are enjoying this series don't forget to like And subscribe to our YouTube Channel and follow us on social media to see our posts of all the sketches you need to watch from season 11 of Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live season 11 is available now on peacock for all of us here at the Saturday night Network I'm James Stevens and I'm John Schneider that's the news and we are out of here [Music]

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