The Only Black Myth Wukong Review You Need

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:16:59 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: game black myth wukong
This Is about Me black myth Wukong is mostly a great success he's scared for me this game has been slowly hyped up for years hope long noise me I'm right here me basically my message is the monkey this game is about me the rules have changed nobody else told you I find you nobody's eared the right to review this game except me this City's afraid of me this is between me and China 4 years I've been waiting man The Day Has Come the day has come I thought it would never check my P bro but now there is no more hiding between your Unreal Engine five trailer your video nothing but and mon game from China you and me I [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I [ __ ] you now I want to make this perfectly clear I will review this game Lord and on so I have so much to say bro as always but today extra plus much more nobody was more hyped for this game than me to all these other reviewers stop my dog there's no review copy because I'm come for legacy R black myth Wukong is breaking Red Hat Black Myth Wukong is Breaking Records over 10 million units sold already the most played single player game of all time on Steam Chinese companies are giving their employees the day off to play it no joke this is big like Game of the Year question mark it does something that we have never ever seen before it makes you fun of [ __ ] B and then it does something that ruins it like a Kill Shot don't come to the zoo tomorrow but before we continue this this video is sponsored there is no ad bro there is no sponsor come on black myth W opra Jacks is the best browser I ever never seen are you ready for a revolution it's easy to remembera like Jes and x March the spot uh excuse me it's so customizable you don't even wouldn't possibly doubt opax no problem use opax to customize opax into not Opa GX want to hear I come this you enjoy morning Skyrim cool does that H becomeing hit start moding your BS out now I put the money rain on my screen you should try the correct screen mods use background music Keyboard song You Know Sandwich Artist you can be browser artist my favorite feature is the GX they show you the current deal is about the games what's this guy actually saying and this counts across various platforms but for me the release calendar is particularly useful do you know when Kam toak comes out I do and all this is free anyways use my link below to download Opa GX today just try it anyone who's willing to sponsor the top monk deserves some respect okay so put some respect on Opa GX all right A Technical Masterpiece so black Miss wuk sorry but I'm a serious reviewer can be taken seriously to wear a monkey costume you know what's [ __ ] crazy when BMV was announced in 2020 4 years ago and we first saw the gamepl we thought games will look like this it's over and now we're here and yes they do and it's not even that crazy look at Metal Solid Delta look at how they too Space Marine too I'm not trying to say that it's nothing special anymore but in a way yeah this is the new Stand Out fora what a time to be alive my friends shout out to everyone who uh pass away the game is in a marvelous technical State I had no bugs no crashes it is gorgeous I see W I want to feed the monkey un engine five the cut scenes are keino the music is bang the voice acting The Headless Chinese singer guy I love him I don't want to spend any more time A True Labor Of Love glazing the game's visuals because you don't need me for that you can see it with your own [ __ ] what you might need me for is to tell you guys that this is special you might know The Monkey King from other games but this right here is something else this world this narrative this attention to detail this love for the source material a novel written almost 500 years ago there was no Tik Tok no medicine if you [ __ ] you die this is an original story the novel has concluded and black with Wukong seamlessly continues where it ended I've been having a geek off with a close Chinese friend of mine who always helps me with translations and straping guys I'm going deep every enemy you fight gets a gorgeous handdrawn journal entry in this traditional Chinese style why is the Panda Express menu not like this it's accompanied by a poem and anecdote about the creature look at this VF in his story and the story of of the the VF and I can summarize the entire B with one word charm every character in black myth Wukong has irresistible charm no matter how small how unimportant how much they look like they're all a joy to listen to and watch them gesticulate they quote ancient Chinese Proverbs and expressions here's a quick taste [Music] the Buddhist temples and Chinese architecture you come across I love this so much I cannot fit it into words no my re to see my culture represented in a big budget game to this degree is an amazing feeling and if you think I'm B because I'm Chinese I'm sorry I annoyed you with my ethnicity maybe this is how you seem did you know China and Japan are actually a different country did you know that the game has 81 bosses and in the novel has to face 881 calamities through his Journey to the West did you know that the max cap is level 342 which is the age of wukong's death as deemed by the king of hell did you know that this Merl right here the PS wukong's first teacher did you know that his high pitched voice it's because of the classic TV show that I watched as a kid the devs even got approval from the original composer of the theme song and remix it into something similar but freshh [Music] the list of nods and small references to the novel to the legendary TV show are endless and prove to me that this was a labor of love I don't even want to mention the murals that you see at the end of each level or the animated cut scenes it's just in gain for but now let A Story To Remember? me ask you the million dooll question who gives a [ __ ] legit who gives a [ __ ] who cares World building and story go hand hand just because your world is awesome and great you're nerd you love Chinese culture you love ordering the number 43 to go don't mean the story is any good and it's not let me put it like this for me it was like watching a play at a theater cultured but lame as [ __ ] I never found it particularly engaging it's fun to see it unfold in front of you every chapter is its own little play with its own characters and you along for the right so to speak yeah I enjoy that for what it is but I also it's it's it is lacking an overarching story an overarching villain a continuous threat your character is a mute monkey with zero personality and emotions I can't relate to that I talk a lot the game fails to build any subsense and my advice to the developers would have been be a little less concerned with paying respect to the source material but focus more on telling a story that works today because the story you told just doesn't okay let's leave all Flawed Exploration this story [ __ ] behind us who gives a [ __ ] it's game I play watch exploration AKA invisible BS these game play yes they're here they're everywhere get ready you walk 5 me the environments are very limiting you really can't explore off the beaten path now that doesn't mean that there's no exploration on the contrary there's tons to find gas bone the locations are huge but it just takes a while for you in the game to get to know each other learn to read each other's signs but the way the monkey jumps and climbs and Clips around vertical obstacles is janky and cursed there's a reason why there's no platforming okay it just wasn't made for it I know all this sounds kind of bad but I did get used to it pretty quickly and I'm also inclined to forgive it because number one I'm a nice guy number two how the [ __ ] would you know I wasn't your [ __ ] me there's so much optional goodness in this game I'm not going to spoil anything for you but there are several completely Secret locations massive optional quests hidden items secret equipment cut scenes and story elements that most people won't find the amount of content here is gigantic 35 hours for my first playthrough and I realized after talking to my friend that I've missed some epic stuff so please do it explore each level now you guys know me you know me when people ask you who's Bron you guys always respond ah Bron tall and smart one of my admittedly very few negative characteristics I have the orientation of a goldfish that's why I could never finish the KIRO number one number two after taking the right at the third branching intersection I look back and I'm like goodbye now why do I say this because BMV also has no map zero nothing not even an abstract tle with some artwork on an or compass that leads to Shin you know how kto had Meir I want sh to point me in the right direction every time I R my books Ron's penis so small I should hate this but I don't it's just not that bad here and I think the key reason is because the world is separated into distinct locations you can't get lost forever so to speak you're locked in an area I like that you can travel between them if you miss something there's a nice golden shower that guides you in the closest in active Shrine it's nice especially cuz there is a bigger issue than no map due to the significant amount of backtracking traversing this world can get tedious for the game either needs some type of Mount or an ultra Sprint where you can go monkey mode and just run on all fours there's too much running through end for those of you who want to 100% the game this is a bit of a pain in the ass just know this okay ladies and An Incredible Accomplishment gentlemen all this [ __ ] is now out of the way finally I can talk about what I want to talk about enough with the ping pong argument black myth Wukong just used every other AAA game as paper WIP WIP the [ __ ] from as the bosses in this game I'm going to say it I'm going to say it the bosses in this game take a dump on Elden ring bosses that is a f a brutal F brutal and raw like me in bed me enemy variety boss level enemy design end level the best boss I've ever seen in a video game no exception done over and out don't believe me just man was more than me bake big black busted bear with big beats and if you think that's a spoiler it's not because black m Kong doesn't just deliver quality it delivers quantity so much so that the cope online is laughable Boss Rush game every person who says that should be bullied into a Work Camp it's not a Boss Rush game oh my God it's just a game with a lot of bosses and you're just not used to getting spoiled like that fighting bosses is still only a fraction of the total play time you're still exploring a ton and fighting normal enemies all the time but the sheer amount of Boss Battles is unprecedented and something that you have to witness to believe trust me you don't know you haven't seen this so just cuz a game went above and beyond where you can conceive that PE brain of yours don't lash out what are you doing with your life what are you doing right now watching a random video good that's good that's great love you for that I have lot of passion and anger the wrong direction and even if it was a BOS game so hecking was bu it's not but would that be a bad thing ever played furry n you can take any 10 main bosses from black m Wukong and fill a full-fledged AAA game with them and people would applaud and say amazing that's how good it is and now it makes complete sense why this game took so long to make designing prototype play testing these bosses must have taken years a boss fight is where a game truly needs to shine it's where everything has to come together it has to be fun memorable challenging enough and these [ __ ] from game science they said more more more to an unreasonable degree and the payoff is galactic I want to show you so many more of these bosses but I don't want to spoil it just you have seen nothing there's one optional A Personal Highlight mini side boss that I do want to highlight though it's a mon that just stands around his hands behind his back only fighting you with his legs I love him the design is minimalist but memorable his mve it unique and fun he's also a tough cookie and has a second pH where he unleashes his arms it is brilliant it made me fall in love with this game and it's just one tiny mini boss and some people may miss okay so what an amazing game my final rating for black with fukong is a Failure [Music] n there's a fine line between right and wrong and somewhere in the shadows they send Ron in to find it rent on big trouble people Gamers Asians listen here black with Wukong is not a game of the year Contender for me it has a problem and it's so massive that I want game signs to unrelease this game right now here it is the combat is a button mashy shallow vapid repetitive disgrace that breaks this game's back spinal the combos Game signs where are the combos you're hiding them under the floor point you here's how you play Black M Wukong in the first hour here's how you play Black Mong in the last hour I press x x you only press why you have combo finisher it cost the focus point and that's always the same what what what happened here where at the combos all the abilities you have they're cool transforming cool freeze cool Spirits cool rock solid that's me but the basics you forgot the basics man the foundation this house is crumbling there is next to zero variation it it it makes me sad to be clear here this isn't even about finding your go-to Combos and sticking to them I'm not a combo fanatic I don't need 100 combos I don't like bloed combo system so don't even there just aren't any mother you play this game the same way I play it everybody plays it the same way spam X learning curve nonexistent oh no but I use the Frog and I use the quados scope [ __ ] out of here with one click one of abilities bro and if you're only 5 to 10 hours in and you think it's not that bad I can do the BK you at the beginning once you get deeper then talk again the difference dances pathetic it does basically nothing but change what animation you can play after button spamming all this is unnecessary and should have been Consolidated into button combinations I.E come on separating this already bare bone system by different stances was this brain shoten brain bust R doesn't need comos because elen ring is one hit Dodge one hit Dodge one hit Dodge you die really quickly no time for combos but Wukong isn't the souls life bro it's not even a fascinating new genre we've had plenty of games like it before didn't we with similar combat systems dark headers 2 Stella blade Force Unleashed even God of War they all [ __ ] wukong's combat up the Caboose where are the grabs where are the Aerials where where are the combos I mean picture this you play yeah the game just keeps getting better and better the boss is awesomer and awesomer all the while you're still [ __ ] using x x x x x x x but here's another boss fight and here's another boss fight and here's another boss fight what does it matter how many boss fights you have if all of them play out the same way this is a game designed fality a Kill Shot you killed your game with this unrelease it add the combos come back and get your knif do it you need to fix this what the [ __ ] it's killing me I can't accept this I need to address the developers in Chinese really quickly okay wait and it gets worse there's a severe lack of innovation across the board everything progression related is in mind bogglingly uninteresting we've seen it a million times before the skill trees the crafting the items somebody called Snorlax cuz the he can sleep some more keep sleeping so don't call him none of it impacts the game in a meaningful way remember D this Inferno oh distinct skill TR and Holy Ghost with the size and Holy Ghost with the CL completely change the way you play but not here you will press X Until the End of Days Every system in black myong is either uninspired or just plain boring I beg you game sence I I will go on my knees this cannot be the final product please combos what a waste my final rating for black myth Wukong is a generous s out of 10 [ __ ] my life it's a good game just barely thank you for watching subscribe follow me on Instagram Fon out [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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