Category: Sports
Countdown [music] [applause] he [music] intro, bombers win over roughriders this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael [music] reis what is up everybody happy september it's back to business after an incredible labor day weekend here on winnipeg sports talk welcome... Read more
Category: Sports
H [applause] [music] this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael remis hey what's up everyone welcome to winnipeg sports talk daily andrew patterson michael remis with you we did the winnipeg media league fantasy draft last night and no wa no more waiting we got nfl... Read more
Category: Sports
Countdown e [music] [applause] [music] my intro, bombers win banjo bowl this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael [music] rean hey what's going on everyone welcome to a victory monday edition of winnipeg sports talk daily not just any victory monday but banjo b victory... Read more
Category: Sports
Countdown [music] [applause] [music] he [music] intro, nfl last night, perfetti update, jets youngstars this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael reis [music] happy friday everybody and welcome to winnipeg sports talk daily huss and re with you for the next couple... Read more
Category: Sports
E e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [music] he [music] this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael [music] remis uh what's going on everyone welcome to winnipeg sports talk daily and patterson connor rab with you we got a very busy show today of course we're going to... Read more
Category: Sports
E e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e he [music] my [music] this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael [music] remis hey what's up everyone welcome to winnipeg sports talk daily as we countown to the labor day classic cannot wait for the weekend shout out to everyone joining... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] [applause] [music] he [music] this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael reis hey what's going on everyone welcome to another edition of winnipeg sports talk daily we got a big one tonight down at the ballpark blue cross field the gold eyes look to move on to... Read more
Category: Sports
E e this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael remis hey what's up everyone welcome to uh another edition of winnipeg sports talk daily and i know this time early to mid august sometimes it's kind of slow waiting for some hockey news we've got a ton to get to today... Read more
Category: Sports
Countdown [music] jets lose to penguins [music] my this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael [music] remis all right let's do this winnipeg sports talk time here andrew patterson michael remis with you great to have everybody with us live on youtube and of course all... Read more
Category: Sports
Countdown [music] [applause] [music] intro, bombers sign chris streveler this is winnipeg sports talk daily with andrew hustler patterson and michael remis hey what's going on everyone welcome to winnipeg sports talk daily andrew patterson michael reis with you got a very busy show today lots coming... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro [music] hi friends thanks for joining us labor day weekend a bit tipsy do us a favor smash that subscribe button we can't thank youall enough for the huge growth we've had from winnipeg blue bomber nation bob benny where can they find us on social w this is going to be a good one this is going... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro, bombers win banjo bowl [music] hello everyone and welcome into another edition of wst weekly my name is conor rabak we've got a ton to break down this week the blue bombers won the banjo bowl over the ruff riders the winnipeg gold eyes advanced in the american association playoffs and the winnipeg... Read more