very demure, very mindful | WSTE MGMT - EP 66

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 01:32:54 Category: Comedy

Trending searches: very mindful very demure meaning
trump cranking 90s I'm starting the OBS the OBS has trouble getting started itself these days of course it does computer's probably not powerful enough it's probably got a huge handicap on it my computer zero handicap I have an RTX 590 it's not even available to the public yet Intel gen 90 gen 90 not even out yet I'm 80 gen ahead I just kid that was like what my CPU processing speeds allow me to run fortnite with more FPS than ninja it's true folks I'm not better than him but I can run it higher I can't lie I can crank some 90s no I can crank 90s mad 90s and now that they've had a doctor Tom into a fortnite I get to play as my favorite Marvel character that crooked shooter when he tried to shoot me down no golden scar he couldn't get me thank God really thank God he didn't have a golden scar hey man what's up crooked Hillary sorry welcome back to silly Wednesday it's silly Wednesday everybody it's silly Wednesday it's silly Wednesday I uh today is August 17th you do the math um anyway welcome back guys welcome back to the show welcome back to the show uh it's a good oh God it's so good to be back again the second time in a row we're back for the second time again now forever forever nothing will ever change well all right cuz it never does do you imagine if we move in together how successful this is that that would be we could have a a room for the podcast is that what matters to you is that when when I'm in your vicinity you become successful all of a sudden is that our is that what our relationship boils down to for you because that's kind of what it [ __ ] sounds like yes that is what that is exactly what I said and meant I am not here for business bro I'm here to [ __ ] build I'm here to you know I'm I'm Foster a relationship I game recognizes game you know what I'm saying I'm down I'm in the weeds I'm trying to [ __ ] fight leaf cutter ants in the jungle [ __ ] and and get a million views okay it just so happens on the side that you live in Upstate New York and there are no leaf cutter ants it just so happens on the side that I I own stock options okay right I own mutual funds my funds are mutual okay yeah but not because my game is is hot there's a lot a lot to unpack there some of which I'm not really sure how to flaming hot mutual funds explain my roommate gave me a bag of um Flamin Hot mutual funds lays wait sorry what that's what I'm saying right like I didn't even know that was a thing you could buy like regular Lays potato chips lays but Flamin Hot barbecue flavor and it just I was like you know what I like a little bit of spice in my life okay when I go to the Mexican restaurant I don't cringe okay I don't ask for the I I I don't say to the the the weight person I don't go give me the least spice because I'm white and I can't handle it okay I just say I I would like the car assada please now and they go and they go oh it's a little place and you go that's fine I that's fine that's totally okay that's Bueno I buenos I don't know why I said it like that yep um but I'm having these chips and one they just don't taste good they're just not good no the flaming hot flavor by itself is ass but then I was like [ __ ] it's hot like it's they're not good and it's way hotter than I thought it would be yeah it's it's kind of just like they just put red 40 on a chip and they were like wait [ __ ] no this needs to have like a flavor to it yeah yeah and then they put I don't know it's not even red 40 though it's like [ __ ] spiky orange a thousand or something like it was bad bro my mom would hate to hear about this one like normally I'm a Spice guy I like spice I love like Thai food and [ __ ] I sound like a terrible person right now I love Thai food I love Mexican food you could just say you like food culture Jackson that's what they call him they do call him that right yep but I I was like where the [ __ ] did you get these these are like an Indiana Jones like artifact that you got out of like a temple somewhere I didn't Temple is called Kroger Kroger Temple I don't actually wman wealthy W you guys have Wegman yeah or I go to we have like all these as as jackson doesn't like aldi's well all these good Aldi good all these just cheap though cuz I great cuz I'm poor I always go to ALDI and I get like the lunch meat or something like that and then later I'm I'm mching on it and it just you know it feels like uh it's got a twang to it maybe not that there's a twang to it necessarily but it just you know you got to you got to do the thing where like you take a piece of bread and you got to you got to like rip it to get a bite you know what I'm saying oh I I do and I'm just like uh this I don't think that's a thing that's supposed to happen with meat though no it's not that's the thing no especially not like you know preprepared lunch meat yeah I think I think my distaste for Aldi comes from the fact like that the the closest Aldi to me growing up it overtook a Spirit Halloween and I'm like oh that's like bad Omens you know yeah we love Spirit Halloween and the fact that that their successful business model stems from the fact that they're open for only two months a year not so successful Spirit Halloween that's what I call them the one in uh like by where I grew up is just a vacant store like for the rest of the year don't out Spirit Halloween and then it was a Harley-Davidson and then it was an Aldi the Harley-Davidson goes hard though it does but um I don't you know where I live I don't live in a place where people would want to buy a motorcycle uh no yeah not at all not really like it's more truck Town yeah you know or it's their with their 2017 Toyota Corolla or something yeah well they have like a tiny like normal car and then they have like a giant truck that costs like more than their mortgage right yeah cuz they need it to move things sometimes you need what if you have a heavy thing what's the heaviest thing that you know poison bullets that I know that I know uh uranium maybe I I just found this out the other day apparently there are uranium bullets that you can use in like guns and you're like oh sick poison damage no no it's just because the bullets are heavier that way oh which is like kind of lame to be honest cuz they should give you poison damage right I feel like they give you poison damage but it's like it's like long like they give you poison damage but you don't live long enough to like receive it you yeah yeah you would probably just die from the bullet not from the cancer yeah cool concept though it's just to make the bullets heavier I'm like why do the bullets got to be heavier in the first don't you want them I mean I guess you want them to be heavy enough but you don't want them to be so heavy that they just right you you want them to be able to like tear through flesh yeah effectively like a like a some sort of Chainsaw we're kind of bullet experts so I think yeah we we would be able to determine we are what bullets are used for yeah I have definitely shot a gun I know what used for so many things bullets are used of stuff so I put a bullet um in my grilled cheese that's true cuz it makes it tastes better I have a bullet in my kitchen but it's like one of the like the blender guys and you like yeah you know one of those bullets they're pretty cool I have a there's a bullet train great movie that is a good movie holy crap yeah a good recent movie that's come out who's the guy that's in it uh Aaron Taylor Johnson I was not going to get there thank you drop dead gorgeous beautiful hunk of man his a four house if he wanted to his wife is like 25 years older than him really yeah and they started dating when he was like 19 look it up it's crazy it's wild she is definitely potentially I'm not going to say definitely that's that's kind of she's probably maybe M cougar for sure so that's you know guess what I'm a Uma cuz I buy from brand allegiance Dick Sporting Goods boom points yeah um I don't have any brand Allegiance that's not true but I have brand allegiance to Nike I love Nike all my shoes are Nike my shoes right now are as6 so I guess I can't as6 Bas as6 basic they're like some of the bestes I've ever had A6 they say they say it's the new these genen Z but they're uh I call them basic Asics okay they're a little basic for me I can I be honest buy my golden Jordans or whatever they were yeah dude those things are so not cool at all actually no they're not they're so they're cool if if you're addicted to uh gambling hey aim into that like if you're really if you're still in on safe Moon after all that [ __ ] that happened hey man I'm gone okay all right right I'm not saying you're still in no more no more brand Allegiance I am no longer there's a lawsuit I haven't owned it for a really long time it was a fun little fun little experiment for me fun little Excursion yeah you ventured out into the woods of uh make believe I ventured out I and some I shot and killed an elk and I uh was able to you know gain something from doing that but I didn't go out and shoot anym more elk afterwards you gained some game game recognizes game right the elk was like damn he did that with his extreme knowledge of bullets and I was like yep yeah you use the uranium bullets cuz you know they're heavier right and Elk the elk was like [ __ ] he knows what he's doing yeah so so classy, demure even yeah it was pretty cool um can we [ __ ] I don't know about you um I I finally redownloaded Instagram after being off it for like two months um I mean you you just you go in waves on Instagram I do um what the [ __ ] is going on what are you talking about I feel so old why like all the time I feel like I can't keep up with the slang anymore and I'm only 21 like I don't know what's wrong with me what slang are you confused by what is demure Jackson why is everything so demure okay this came out of nowhere for me too I was like Dem I swear I was like I was looking I was looking at architecture I was like like this girl that I follow who [ __ ] posts like architecture content I was like oh cool and she was like going through her drawings and she was like ohy so Demir and I was like what the [ __ ] is going on I was like I've never felt I've never felt so out of the loop in my life Demir is kind of it means like um [ __ ] not not uh not like basic but like simp it's like yeah it's like simple and classy oh my God simple and classy I can't pick up your phone call right now and chill chill Vibe aesthetic it's very hash athetic I think is the way to put it um I think Demir kind of comes from the same group of internet people who are like you know like people on book Tik Tock and stuff like that who like read you know like cheesy fantasy romance novels and stuff like that and they're like I just finished my fifth book this week I'm and I'm feeling Demir because I have my I have my green coffee mug and it has it's like it means it has like a little bit of class to it right maybe no CU it's like you're living a classy this to me is humble modest it's like a status thing kind of like it's supposed to be humble or modest right like that's what the word means but it's used in a way to uh to show opulence to show stronger intelligence compared to your contemporaries right yeah I um I I I was scrolling through my like recommended post and whatever of like people that I follow and Minecraft was like what do you think is the most Demir M MRA deir I was like what the [ __ ] is this dude I didn't see that and I was like oh I feel like I can't keep up anymore I can't do it is Minecraft deir Minecraft is not the Mir I feel like Minecraft is is demure I think it's it's anything that can be associated with like pixel art or chip tune just cannot be de right you don't think so you don't think it can be classy and and and simple and beautiful I think Minecraft can be classy but I don't think it can be deir because Demir is kind of a it's a level Beyond right oh we're g to go beyond yeah like like it's kind of the same thing as like the between if something is sick or if something is Flames or if it's like 100 emoji you know what I mean like there's levels I totally that was it I'm good dude that [ __ ] okay all right so it's like on fleek no it's not like on fleek at being a diva getting turnt all no on fleek is like is like cap kind of not really at all actually now that i' thought about it for two seconds it's on fleek is like yo oh that [ __ ] turn people don't get turn anymore have they do not get turn well I think they do get turn they just don't call it getting turned well the Demir kids are not getting turned they are definitely not getting turned they're getting Demir they drink like um like a one martini and they're like oh this is so de yeah they're drinking wine wine is so bad they call them Demir Divas no being a diva is awesome Diva I don't think being diva is awesome um doesn't it kind of have like a negative connotation to it kind of like s girl I would think so but I feel like in popular culture being a diva is like oh you know like I'm I'm killing it I'm dramatic I'm being living my best is like when Taylor Swift uh releases a new version of her album on the same day as Billy ish yes so her album sells worse because that matters to people on the internet for some reason isn't that so cool no not I don't think so all I'm being sarcastic but I just we need to give Billy her her is billie eilish demure Demir flowers yeah dude do you think Billy Billy deir cuz she's kind of like Street rat but she's she's got deir you know what I'm saying no she definitely has I don't think Billy ish is like Street red she's cool well she just dresses like a rapper from 200 I would say street vibes like she gives like cool like Street Wear Vibes but I don't but she but she's Demir in that way she is deir but she's always wearing like basketball jerseys I think that's kind of sick I'm I'm not saying it's not sick I'm just saying she like I'm saying can we can we Clash these worlds together is is deir such a specific sub genre or is it kind of a a blend of of rock and hip hop uh like Kid Rock like Kid Rock wow what a beautiful way of putting that falling I think we can all be Demir in our own way regardless of of our genre of life you know that's kind of beautiful isn't it I think we can all be simple and I think we can all strive to be more humble I think we can all pick up a shitty fantasy romance book club novel and we book club apparently some of them are really good okay yeah probably Tina was telling me about like the new like the big series Cheetos are really good they give you cancer that is true but like the uh the a court of rose and Thorns question mark roses and Thorns courts of the roses and the Thorns uh it's like a book I don't remember which book The Roses the Thorns they Court together but it's like she was telling me about it she was like oh yeah they are like these elves and they're fighting like the draggs I was like where the [ __ ] was this like 10 years ago when I liked that and I'm a huge nerd but now it's like cool like what the [ __ ] no you're just reading fanfic no you don't get it magic treeh house is really cool Magic Tree House is cool [ __ ] you what's the book uh what's the book series where it's like uh it's like a spirit world and everyone has like a you get like a spirit animal and it's like mine is a bird and I get Harry Potter I I don't know are you thinking of petronis no that's those from Harry Potter uh there's a book series where it's like we're [ __ ] elves or but we're humans like every book written between the year 2000 and 201 I don't mean it's like they have animals and they [ __ ] they go around and they fight evil and you know they're worried about their parents catching them having gay sex or something like that all right I'm going to need you to explain this like like just a little better like books like they they are animals they turn into animal they're people question mark people elves but they and they like when you come of age when you become like you know 12 or whatever you get like a spirit animal that you can and you can use it to like fight question mark to fight evil to fight the evil in the world uh is it just just called Spirit Animals is it I need to I need to see the cover hold on uh here can I can I put it in the chat yeah yeah yeah if this is it I'm going to be happy that I found it that quick if it's just Spirit Animals dude yes it is this I've never remember this bro yeah these books were fire I think I don't really remember them oh okay I remember the green one the green one I like I remember the cover of the the green book book two um I don't remember I never like finished the series but I was it it it peaked my interests as a as an young adolescent trying to broaden my horizons right you know I was like damn these these characters are complicated they they have feelings and dream mes and I thought that was beautiful yeah it's beautiful to be introduced to such fine literature young very deir it is demure I I don't like that word because it in my mind I I put like different mud words into like camps in my mind you know what I mean so it's like yeah like summer camp they hang out kind of so it'll be like you know Swag and on fleek that's like in one bag or they hang for sure they're buddies and there's another one that's like deir and and with Demir I put like mud and like they just feel similar to me mud is like a sick word though yeah but I I'm I'm just saying like mud and Demir they hold the same kind of genus in in the way that I categorize words in my head does this make sense they come from the same like biological family yeah yeah yeah it's like they were both a million years ago they were pterodactyl pterodactyls right but now isod and one is mud do you describe things as mud no but I'm just like the word mud is geniusly similar in my mind okay I think I think differently but I I understand where you're coming from I get it the picture in my mind is clear yeah Crystal fact well what is what does Demir mean to you I feel like I don't know I I it's such a new thing you have you've yet to gather your thoughts on it I have honestly I have I can't really put it any other way than that I feel like it seems like oh like I don't know like it's like cutesy all i need is my iced chai but like like classy in cutesy from deir at all like like not not like sophisticated I think the Demir is sophisticated like I don't like cuty like this is cutesy yeah little Yoshi little Yos he's pink you kidding me he's [ __ ] adorable look at him ad he's adorable y my man he's so cute but like but not like like cute in like a shy way but not in a shy way that's like oh like a bookworm like oh my name is yeah like you're just Riley and I'm socially anxious and that kind of thing sure right no like I and she wears glasses and she wears big glasses sheing they're round they're round yep and she and you know what she [ __ ] Read Magic treeh House and she thought it was just okay and we oh okay well we'd be good friends like she likes Harry Potter more than Magic treeh House I that's fine those are definitely better books um but like like it's about like being ma modest I like like accepting yeah like wearing sundresses oh dude sundresses are so awesome anyway um anyway um but you know like like sort of like a you know we're all striving for this like material culture of like wanting all these fancy things but it's like me I don't want all these F I'm demure man I'm modest I don't need to you know I'm I'm classy but in a way that I don't you I don't need know these things right these objects I'm satisfied with my book all I need is and my iced chai all I need is my ice chai and my and my bookcase holder thing that you put up against the books because you don't have enough books to actually fill out the Shelf hell yeah yep the books and I need candles from Bed Bath and Beyond okay well now I kind of feel like I'm being targeted a little bit maybe I'm de that's that is like a candle flavor deir oh 100% yes yeah for sure that's like oh I a day in the or I guess it's not a night in the getting ready to go to night bed with me on Tik Tok now and it's like getting getting ready for bed Tik Tock and you you put on your jir candle and I'm youning by reading a little bit of a book and yes and then I I put my night cap on and I I put the oils on my face or whatever and you go to bed if I put oils on my face I will break out in hives and acne no but it's like healthy oils it's like yeah like uh kitchen oil rose oil it could be rose oil rose oil is great for your skin carbon oil like I feel like like I I like the trend of being demure I feel like it's like you know like I don't I don't need all these things I be happy with okay I that's I don't like the trend but I like that that is a thing thing that we are trying to strive for I I think they're striving for Demir they're striving for humbleness but but I guess also the purpose in the opposite way like they're they're using it as like a virtue signal to all of their friends it's like oh you [ __ ] read this book but I I read sophisticated books about doctors you know I read the the thesaurus and you don't yeah I read the dictionary and I became a lawyer that's not deir that's lame and sad yeah that's cringe as hell that's not deir I don't know but you can be a cool lawyers cool lawyer my uncle it's hard it's really hard my uncle is the chillest Viber I've ever met and I didn't find out he was a lawyer until I was like 15 and I was so taking it back I was like what really he was like yeah I I I work in law I was like but you're like fun do you know what kind of law uh it's not like something very like he does a lot of like legal documents and but not not for like corporations I know that was not very helpful doc literally everything involved in the legal process like I know duh duh sorry but like like personal like uh like business stuff like stuff he does wills and like you know uh like a medical power of attor like he handles like personal okay like civil civil things sure I don't the only kinds of lawyers I know are divorc lawyers Tim mney and divorce Tim mney um I know there's there's criminal lawyers there's um personal injury lawyers that's Tim buney yeah medical malpractice that's I mean I guess that's just personal in that's just yeah that's personal injur it's an extension that kind of thing you want to know actually actually I'll talk to you about this later okay I have an I have an idea of something funny for to do okay I like that yeah I like little is it deir uh it might not be it might get a little messy oh I like it's not very we go in the mud we get a little bit in the mud we might get a little bit in the mud I love that we're definitely going to be uh hurting some people's feelings muddy Mason there will be extreme bias in this idea okay I like that but what did what did do you think there's a lawyer that do lawyers play video games plays video games because I don't think there I don't think such a thing exists can I can I say like other than my uncle does he play video games he does yeah okay wellow he's not he's not like kind of he's not like a gamer but like okay well that's kind of what I mean though oh okay okay I want I want like they've SP a gamer lawyer no shot I want like they've spent 1K on fortnite skins oh hell no yeah not him yeah he like sets up like when when I go over to their house like still sometimes to this day he'll set up Life the Game of Life on the Wii no he will he will come up with challenges for us to do in Minecraft and then all of us have to like compete against each other to do them that's kind of fun it dude it's sick as hell I we actually done one okay well I'm like 12 so you have 12-year-old brain for sure I will collect the lava bucket before my cousins and I will I will win my challenge this is just what Minecraft YouTube is he just watched a video and he's trying to replicate that yeah but he did it like before dream was a thing so okay but sure he did but people have been doing that kind of thing for a long time I feel like it feels more genuine cuz I know him in real life and I love him okay and he's very Demir and he reads books and also he doesn't have a million subscribers and isn't a pedophile so they're all you know he's got so many things going for him that many Minecraft youtubers don't I like how the things going for him are just things that he does not have yeah but they're good things to not have but like most people don't have things you know what I'm saying like generally you want the good things about you to be things that other people don't have yes like honesty I would hope that most people are honest I I think I don't know if we've eighty seven percent honesty talked about this on or off off the Pod I don't remember but I feel like everyone is like 80% honest yeah I think that I think that's fair to say I think I stride more towards 90 but I'm still like I'm like 87% honest I'd like to think I yeah I was I don't I don't ever typically lie to anyone unless it is for their own benefit not mine yeah like how I am surprising my girlfriend this weekend oh oh my God it'd be so funny if I just said what I was doing for her right now because she's not gonna well I guess well this isn't going to come out you're right well I was going to do it is like a test to see if she's like watching which I know she's not um but it's whatever we're going to Nashville this weekend um and I'm not telling her what we're doing and I guess I've lied technically because our friends are going to be that do count though well she was like I was like yeah just you and I are going to Nashville which is a lie but it's it's a white lie it's harmless right it's a surprise well not even a white lie you're just it's not surprises aren't lies to me I agree if they have you know if there's like proper planning yeah you know what I'm saying but like technically I guess I'm I'm it's more that I'm omitting the truth I guess yeah I like to convince myself that I don't lie by saying I didn't lie I just didn't tell the entire truth I think that's fine which is different it is different it's ontologically different I think Plato would argue yeah and he was a smart guy they named like that funny tasty clay after henry used to put playdoh in his mouth him no I don't think so no you don't think so how did they get how did they come up with Playdoh I think it's just do that you play with it's not do though but it no but it has like a similar texture it is literally is not is it not spelled exactly like play D no it is yeah oh it's do my bad yeah whatever it's D it's close enough to dough yeah that's it's like what is it made out of it tastes like salt so salt I don't I don't think it's salt I don't think they would put salt there's got to be some salt Play-Doh why would you put salt in a kids toy doesn't make any [ __ ] sense that's like that's like putting bleach in a toy fire truck like what is the purpose behind that but like salt is not harmful if you drink bleach you're going to [ __ ] no why would salt be in a kid store that doesn't make any sense dude I don't know man it tastes salty okay yeah that's right when I was a kid does taste salty have you never eaten Play-Doh no I'm normal okay whatever I mean yeah I haven't did you eat like a lot of Play-Doh no I've never okay how about this I've never eaten and swallowed Play-Doh but there has definitely been Play-Doh in my mouth multiple times in my life Wow uh yep so that's going to be on the internet forever so anyone who ever interviews me for a job that is true um and if you ask me that question I will not omit the truth that is true and Henry said your company sucks ass what the [ __ ] are you talking about Henry said he's going to take a dump in all of your toilets and not flush okay I would never [ __ ] do if he job I would never ever ever in a million years do that Henry's gonna he's gonna do graffiti on the bathroom mirrors and he's going to steal everybody's lunch food from the break room I never [ __ ] do that I can't believe you would say that about me you would do that bro I would not are you kidding me you've done that before where okay I'm never getting a job ever again I don't I don't think the average recruiter is is good enough at their job to to find this podcast yeah but what if fortunately unfortunately we ever become relatively well known you know what is identity fraud is hashtag trending unfortunate did you hear about the the social security number leak no what yeah so every United States citizens had their social security number leaked on the internet cool what's mine um I didn't look at it because I am a proud supporter of the law and I respect my fellow man so I chose not to look it's twoo um but now it's like everyone's number is known so now you could probably put it into social security number who is or whatever and and you just look at up and it comes up with a fact sheet Henry's you put in Social Henry's social security number favorite food tacos favorite color you is that Tacos No also no favorite book um Magic Tree House uh it's not Magic Tree House anyway favorite book 451 what were they that's a great book what were they leaked through I don't know just saw the headline to be honest just like some government database yeah I would imagine so who else would have it right uh everyone that I've ever worked for and also the bank and also all my credit lenders you're the worked for wouldn't have everyone's number only the government has everyone's number I guess that is true right so it's like I don't know what they're gonna do about that I'm like do I have to get a new they got to give me a new one what are they I I feel like we're out of numbers right how could they give me another one we can be out of numbers people are always people are born all the time when someone dies uh do they just give the number to the next person born like how does that no shot right I feel like that I feel like that would be way too complicated for them to I feel like that's not that complicated like I feel like it's not but I feel like they wouldn't cuz what if like what if you had debt like after you know pass away you get someone to pay it off so it still be associated with your well not not unless you take on responsibility for the debt right like if someone has a credit card and they Max it out and then they die but they were the only person on like the credit State like you will have people come after you and you are you know they come after you to assume the responsibility of the debt but you're not legally required to do that but sometimes what's [ __ ] up is like people's parents will like you you know use their children's names to commit like credit card fraud and then the kids just don't know until they go and get a credit card that's crazy and then they they do legally have to pay it off because it's technically like their name that's so [ __ ] up yeah okay cool so life hack if you want a free Rolex you should go you go open a business and you open a credit card for the business and you put it in your kid's name who just turned two last week Yep they're good at purchasing things they know what it means and you buy a Rolex man they know the word for money you buy I I silver & gold actually I'm past you know calling things watches wrist watches such a such a such a peasant term okay I'm more Demir than that I I wear time pieces not a watch I hate you okay oh okay yeah cool I don't I don't wear jewelry okay I wear silver I don't wear gold I would never wear gold yeah it doesn't seem it's not my color I don't think it's really anyone's color unless you're I feel it's a lot of color actually it's just Jay-Z I feel like it's a lot of people's color I I don't know man gold is just uh it's sticky right like once you have gold attached to your in any way it's like very difficult to un STI unstick I just like it's difficult to detach that from the way people view you I think cuz gold is like it's not like it's a step up but it's like oh you got gold you know what I mean I feel like it kind of just has to do more with like like color and like outfits and whatever but yeah I guess that too to like I wear silver cuz I feel like gold just doesn't look good on me yeah I'm too pale I'm just saying I think you got to be a a step extra to wear gold yeah yeah I guess so Mak you know what I mean you got to be up there you you got to be demure as hell you could to be like Lil Wayne and [ __ ] I guess actually wearing gold is maybe not very demure it's not very humble no it's not very wearing gold is not Demir at all no it's very mud it's it's UND Demir in I'm going to start calling [ __ ] mud I think that's a good idea I think I think your hair looks like mud um I hate you okay so I think my we got some mud on our heads hair looks like mud too my hair is very mud my hair does look like mud Zach has some damn mud holy [ __ ] yeah he's got some [ __ ] mud bro actually honestly I think Zach's hair is growing on me man I don't he's kind of rocking the look right now yeah I I'll say that I'll say that publicly on the internet okay he's probably not going to watch this for like multiple weeks so he might not ever watch it might not ever watch it Z if you're out there listening to this I want you to look up to the sky zach click here !! and uh it's night and there's stars in the sky so you can see them and you you wish upon one of them and you say I wish and then I want you to text me what you wish for Tex text both of us in the group chat actually yeah text both of us together you say I wish for not having mud hair I wish for um I wish to be railed in a sundress or something like that oh gosh yeah that's just a real thing to wish for let the people know yeah what do you yeah you wish upon a star but it has to be a mud related wish what do you wish for what do you want to be unmodified a mud related what why do I have to unud jackson makes a mud related wish something I want to unud my [ __ ] eye bags man that's what I want who's that who's that guy in Batman that's like the mud guy or I guess he's clay you know what I'm talking about in like Lego Batman the first boss in the game is like clay guy and he makes like mud [ __ ] bricks that he throws at Batman name this name is just clay [Music] face I don't know I'm not a Batman fan dude no I don't I didn't either I just looked it up what so do I have to unud something or can I mud something you could mud something also I want to Mud um every Library why because then it it it would force them to think about if they're Demir actually or not oh dude what no we have so many nice libraries in Columbus it's like weird I would unud real answer I would unud snow because snow is very mud I want you to elaborate now snow is like before I retaliate in a negative way snow is like mud because it's it's [ __ ] I disagree strongly I think snow is very snow mud is a nuisance and snow is mud is a huge nuisance I snow becomes like like fresh fallen snow that's like doing a line of cocaine it's beautiful so it's Majestic it's like a baby deer alone in a in an open field right surrounded by flowers it's gorgeous but then once the snow melts a little bit then it's mud I think once the snow melt about snow is that it always melts except for if you're an a mountain if you are a mountain if you have to be any mountains listening uh you am I wrong anyway uh no I didn't say that okay uh I don't know I think snow is demure no snow and also once maybe it maybe H maybe you're right maybe it is a little mud but I think it's beautiful that it's mud because once it melts I think mud is clear once it melts just a little bit it becomes just solid but also soft enough to make perfect snowballs and snowmen and what you can do with snowballs you can throw them at your enemies and that's mud as hell but I wouldn't want to throw that is mud as hell I wouldn't want to throw something demure at my enemies they don't deserve that I want to throw mud at them because I hate them yeah and so I actually I take it all back I agree with you I think I think that was very well said I think freshly fallen snow very demure watching the snow fall outside of your window as you curl up for the planket m and maybe some tea or hot coco and a nice book holy crap well I wanted to be and you're reading Spirit Animals Book Two lactose intolerant friends out there shout out the Green Top you're reading the green you're reading Warrior Cats and you're having the greatest time in your entire [ __ ] life you're playing Battle Cats battlecats (not sponsored) on your phone what the hell is that you don't know Battle Cats is battlecats the game that was made by the same people that's cut the rope that would make a lot of sense if that's true is it is it like you build like a machine and then you like fight the machine you can like send out cats that fight and they're like they're like Warrior Cats but they're different there's like a buff cat and then there's like a knight cat or something something like that oh oh yeah sorry this was not this is not what I was thinking of okay um but yes I do know this game yeah cuz they battle each other and they cats this is like a tower defense game it's kind of it's It's not Bloons td6 though oh no new monkey just dropped is anything the the crown jewel of tower defense games oh my God yeah no I added a new tower hey guys so it's been a great episode um I have to go to the grocery store wink and just had he was the most excited I've ever seen him ever in my life ever Henry Henry wants to use the mer monkey it's what and it looks like a twink holy [ __ ] I'm just saying all the words you like right now yeah you are talk about fish talk about fish tell me he likes fish uh there's no fish well there's there's the Beast Handler that has the fish oh I know the Beast Handler Beast Handler is awesome I love the Beast Handler I [ __ ] hate the Beast Handler bro I think he's cool I'm not going to lie he's just annoying to use yeah totally yes but I think conceptually it's cool yeah I I don't I love me a good I love me a good concept I guess it does suck when the good concept is executed poorly that's sad but the Merm monkey you can you can make him have uh lots of tentacles from the from the nether region from the void oh okay is what I meant to say and some other stuff you know what is cool is that if you do the the top path on the mer monke you can put the water towers on land if you place them next to him what that's kind of fire right holy [ __ ] that's fire as hell are you kidding me what M that's what I'm saying man that's so sick they changed the game bro damn now I can finally put the the boat on Park path dud there's nothing more I've ever wanted to do the boat is probably my favorite tower on the game the monkey Buccaneer dude they're goated the boat is fire don't get me wrong favorite Tower though maybe okay maybe not favorite Tower is ever I I think I go like wizard they made a paragon for the wizard monkey that's like been out oh God I haven't played the game in so long that was like a year ago or two years really yeah that okay the last one that that they added when I had played was the master builder oh the the NG yeah the giant like like four armed engineer monkey yeah yeah that was a while ago man you got they you got to get back on the btd6 guess I guess I do it's a fire game man oh it's one of my favorite games of all time and btd6 kind of the um the only saviors of the game drought I really got to make a list of my favorite games of all time and publish it publicly so that people can make opinions about my taste okay if you want to I just want to find others who like Pikmin who like Pikmin as much as I do henry really likes pikmin there it's called the subreddit man I know I'm on there all the time just you're just too scared to interact do you post on Reddit do you get in the comments and you're like you're [ __ ] stupid the wingk Pikmin isn't bad you sick [ __ ] I love the wi yeah it's fine uh not not really that's just I don't really like to argue that much if you don't like the wing Pikmin it's not my [ __ ] problem they're go yeah sometimes I I like just arguing on Reddit it is kind of it does I like when will more seriously than me yeah you I was browsing the other day um on the Last of Us subreddit or I I bella ramsey hate threads wasn't on it but it like popped up in my recommended on my home feed um and for some reason there's an insane amount of post you know The Last of Us HBO show came out yeah like a while ago a while ago it's it's been too long for people to be still be thinking about it right now uh which transitions me into saying that there were so many hate threads about uh Bella Ramsey who's the girl who plays Ellie in the show they were like some of them were like she's ugly legitimately and those comments had like a lot of up votes for some reason I was like that's crazy to say that's so what why I think they just wanted her to look like Ellie from the game but she just she just doesn't it doesn't matter though I know she doesn't but like the and then there were a bunch of threads about I can't believe they picked Bella Ramsey she's probably the worst actor of all time and I'm like isn't she like 12 like chill out the whole point is that she's like a child and that Ellie is a child and she doesn't look like Ellie for so and that matters I guess who [ __ ] care doesn't also like I don't really think that uh Pedro Pascal Pedro Pascal looks like uh [ __ ] Joel uh what's his name Joel Joel okay no he's not an exact match either but he's they they same they're both Demir in that way they're both very deir right like I don't Bella Ramsay's also just like a young girl with like brown hair she's 20 she's not even that young what I don't know I watched the show I thought her acting was like I not like the best ever but she was good I I I'll be straight up I have not seen it I know I'm I'm just trying to give content like I don't well but I I know what happens in I know I've played The Last of Us like I feel like I know what happens in the show right yeah yeah well the the show's different oh really yeah there's one like they kind of expand the lore a bit there's like the one episode everyone was freaking out about when like the show was still being released um about I'm trying to remember the characters names it's like Bill and Jason or some [ __ ] it's the gay couple in the game who you never see them interact but in the show you do see them interact there's a whole episode just for them is that a bad thing no I'm just saying it is a like they're just expanding you sorry I guess I don't mean that from you I just mean like in like do people not like that no people loved it when that episode came out I think that's like the highest rated episode of the show probably oh okay good yeah it's a fantastic episode but I don't know I was so surprised I was like the last of us a game series and a show that I love people were just like [ __ ] Bella Ramsey should die and and it's like what are you talking about man people love being upset about [ __ ] everything like calm down bro it's not that serious yeah chill man and you get you can be a hater I I have a lot of respect for the haters okay necessarily hater license but you you got to you got to hate with a license yeah you got to hate with a with a little bit of love you know yeah a little bit for sure like you should hate uh other haters who hate more than you you know I mean you you should hate haters who don't have a basis for hating right like there's there's a lot of haters out there who are just hating to hate exactly but I hate with a purpose yes I think hating with a purpose is fine for re I hate because a thing is is being misrepresented in the public Consciousness or I hate because Taylor Swift just isn't that interesting which I don't care you can behead me for that uh she's not I agree with you listening right now I think she's cool and I think she's a good role model but I I think she's very demic she's very demure she's a little too demure but I think honestly the only thing that I don't like about Taylor Swift is her fan base I think Taylor Swift is awesome yeah I I don't think t I mean she she doesn't ask for it but like she kind of gos it on a little bit you know what I'm saying she yeah she does a little bit right yeah and then there's like a private jet thing which I don't really love but I could care less about that to be honest yeah we're going we all die anyway to die anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter yeah bro just [ __ ] diet Coca-Cola piece of [ __ ] just drink a regular Coca-Cola man yeah who car yeah just die like you know we're all going to die man life's going to Life's a life's a piece of [ __ ] and then you die as they say so you know take that people on R noap what the hell is that oh is that just like the that's the no fap Community I got it it's pretty self-explanatory it's two words totally understood and it describes it almost perfectly yes always like they're always like I stopped jacking off two week ago and I can see through walls and [ __ ] yeah today's day seven of no masturbation and I actually floated up to the Sun and I touched it with my bare hands and now I'm back day 153 of no masturbation and I met the president of the United States He said I'm noof fap uh Franklin noof fap Franklin they call him he does not fap ladies and gentlemen it's true he doesn't he's getting into heaven guaranted SE I spoke with the big man upstairs well if he was fapping already and he just stopped does that mean that he's just like good now he's like chill oh I guess I guess noof fap implies that he did fap at some point yeah not necessarily Franklin I got some bad news for you yeah Franklin apologies didn't want to mislead yeah poor guy so you might as well just keep doing it you know yeah keep doing it you know if you did it that one time you're kind of already screwed I mean you murder once you know you kind of have a free ticket to do it again if you want murdering someone must feel so the sweet release of death good no can we say that can we say that you can say that I don't think that I agree but it probably feels awesome I I feel like that's just not possible imagine you have an enemy and they're like really evil oh no need to imagine I'll have you know you have an eneme never they've never done anything that's not evil totally yeah evil 100% evil and bad have you have a gun in your hand okay and you go um okay and and then you reload and you do it again you do it a couple times okay and then and then what do I what do I do next and and then you be I must imagine that feels good in a certain kind of way no maybe um maybe it's like relieving maybe yeah it's like stress is taken off of your like oh my God my enem is causing so many issues in my I feel like you have to like really get to a certain point to the point where I would like really want to actually kill someone I'm I'm just saying I think if you do get to that point where you're like oh I have to kill this person and then you do it that probably feels great sure man you know what I'm saying probably like that's like having your your spine rebound if you were a book that's what that feels like yeah like when like when they killed Thanos in adventurous endgame you think they were all they were all like holy [ __ ] this is so awesome yeah this might even this might even go on my better than sex list I think that felt pretty good or like if you were a rug getting rolled out for the first time oh holy [ __ ] it's over bro yes you could kill me right there yeah well the inverse would then also be if you were a snake and someone grabs you by the tail and they whip you like Indiana Jones does and then your entire spine goes you know I feel like that's got to be awful or you use the snake like Kazooie and you can shoot eggs you kind of like yeah you you stroke you you [ __ ] it and it it fires you stroke that you you oil that snake you oil that snake up and you say let's get to squirting I feel like that probably feels pretty good for you definitely not very good for the uh for the snake though you know no I think if you're the snake that feels awesome I feel like if someone picked me up and and like thrust me so hard that all of my vertebrae snapped in like a sports fan filled Stadium doing the wave type motion uh type way I don't think I would feel very good this is just like a massage though no like you go to those massages where like you know it's it's a small Asian lady and she drops a boulder on you or something right she throws bricks at you and you walk out you go you go and you're you're like damn my feel pretty loose my upper shoulders can like they have new range of motion yeah D I never knew I could feel like that yeah okay yeah I get what you mean then okay like it hurts like this is like um if you get a Brazilian wax like getting the the hair waxed off of your entire body like hurts but afterwards you're like I'm just a little baby bosom sure yeah you know what I'm saying yes yes I can I felt a similar feeling that I'm not going to disclose but yeah it's pretty cool massages very Demir very Demir super de yes unless you do the the nuru massage hot cup suction [ __ ] nah that shit's cringe that's cringe it's lame we get a real we should go back to Japan and we should get a newu massage what is that it's a it's a it's a massage where both both people are completely nude and there's a happy ending like you and the massuse yeah there's a happy ending there's a happy ending we should do that I can't nor want to do that why who's stopping you um I don't want to cheat on my partner it's not cheating we're paying for a service it's their job Henry you don't understand they emotionally attached I hired a stripper it's the surface no no no this is not a I'm not I'm not saying this is the same thing just similar situation it's this a professional in the field are you saying that that sex workers aren't Professionals in their fields no those are professional it's a very different kind of professional this is a professional masseuse okay it's a completely different field they're going to massage me from the inside [Music] well they're going to massage you from the outside too I oh oh oh well okay well then yeah I guess that makes it fine but then there's a happy ending what is the happy ending what do you mean what is the happy ending it's a happy ending like we move in together and we get a bed and breakfast or like I slay a dragon and we live happily ever after yeah you slay a dragon with the naked masseuse oh okay cool yeah so it's kind of like and she pulls out your sword oh she and and she she takes a w she remove it from the stone please tell me no she takes it from the stone she brings out her wet stone she sharpens it maybe the sword gets a little bit longer I'm understand metal you I'm understanding now I was understanding before also but I'm definitely understanding now and you put you put the sword into the dragon's you know cave into the dragon right and and at the end you have a a horde of gold and cups and things cups and bracelets and and other like things as well Treasures D Bloons you know okay yeah cool cool cool so what I'm saying we should go to Japan and we should get a new room massage um okay yeah yeah we can think about it for sure well no no I think we're going to do it I think book it for us I feel like I feel like you're having reservations about it I am having reservations why what are your worries I will I will quelch them oh I'm going to be coated with gel yeah do you not like the gel newer massage Falls legal prohibitions against prostitution and props now wait a minute P what what oh newu means slippery yeah uh interesting doesn't that sound like a fun time this just sounds like sex with L why don't they just call it that whoa whoa whoa sex uh this is not sex this is a massage full full body I'm reading direct direct quotes from the Wikipedia page full body contact while both the missure or missus and client are nude and coated with gel yeah what what about that doesn't say what about that says sex to you because I'm confused because to me that's a massage ready because it entails lubricated full body contact between the person giving the massage and a client with a happy ending with the dragon you slay the dragon if I click on this link that says happy ending and it just and it just pulls me to the Wikipedia page for orgasm I'm going kill you okay click on it okay it just takes me to erotic massage so I guess it's different that's what I'm saying nothing about this is sexual it literally says erotic and sexual massage no no oh so they put gel on you at sexual now no that's not the sexual part what's the sexual part why am I naked and why are they naked to to to uh arouse you okay so what uh you have to be aroused for the massage okay cool you know man yeah let's go cuz if you if you don't fully give in then your body will will reject the benefits it's an ancient Japanese tradition it will reject the seaweed gel how how are you going to slay the dragon if you are not if you are not prepared for battle if my sword is not fully ready I understand now okay you see what I'm saying I do yeah there's so many fun things we could do in Japan yeah man let's go get a new room massage yeah let's do it dude it'll be fun okay this is a the third link down for Nuru Massage is just a Reddit like post and it just says I think newu massage is banned from being searched on Instagram now oh that's so funny yeah they they henry wants to start a gang would put restrictions on that [ __ ] they were like oh you have a tattoo can I see your passport so I know you're not part of the [ __ ] yak and I was like all right fine like there you go buddy I'm the whitest dude you've ever seen in your whole life I'm not from here I swear I don't speak a lick of Japanese you can hear it in my voice yeah well also your passport would just say it if you were from there you would have a Japanese passport right that is well also I mean you know I could be an agent I could be a foreign agent I don't think the Yakuza have foreign agents they don't they're probably I don't think gangs and and mafias and cartels have people from outside their cultural Circle that's like the whole point right don't you think that may okay so yeah and I'm white but like hypothetically if I was a Japanese man and I showed up with a with a US passport a fake US Passport I could theoretically sneak in you know yeah with with you could but I guess I yeah so I'm not Japanese I don't know man I yeah yes what are they worried about you getting a new room massage that's what the country's [ __ ] known for dude I don't think that that's I didn't know what that was until about 15 minutes ago that's unfortunate you should have done one while you in Jaan oh they have them in they have them in Springfield Illinois lovely we can go to that one we can do a little pilgrimage can we do can we do a podcast while we're getting a new room massage sure man and we can upload it on pornhhub this is the sure this is the craziest Reddit post I've ever seen it's just on r/s Springfield Illinois and it just says does anyone in Springfield offer newu massages great question it is a good question no they don't okay now see Vegas Vegas locals asking about nura massages that makes the Vegas people they know what's up that's definitely a Vegas thing you know yeah yeah for sure I mean what do you supposed to do when you hit it big other than get a new room massage and buy a Ford GT right yeah you know those were my plans exactly hit it big buy a Ford GT yep get a new room massage yeah the Mexican cartel I want to join the yakaza they're cool if I get a cool tattoo I want I don't think gangs are cool gangs are not cool um we should make the first cool gang like they don't do like violence or like compete for Turf we just like sing like cool music Christmas carols we yeah we like hang out we do a lot of vegging and chilling mostly we could be a gang but we hang out in Target parking lots we hang out in the Target in like the like candle aisle okay yeah we sniff all the candles and but we don't get high we just like smell them and then we review them at the end as a group I don't know if you've been in a Target recently I think I might have invented a club yeah I don't know if you've been in a Target recently I know I have not but um chip and joanna gaines protest inside targets that I've been into like the last time I was there there was like a a little setup kind of thing for um this [ __ ] on HGTV Joanna gains she has like her own Furniture thing cuz she does like the interior decorating of the of the show uh and she has her own little thing in Target now yep because she's allowed to do that and want to I think we should protest the Target to get rid of that the Target in and around like where I live in Cleveland does have the exact cardboard cutout of Joanna gains next to all of her uh Home Furnishing offerings at and there's a book and she's like oh if you read the book you can find out how to put a chair in a way that's Demir or whatever the [ __ ] that book says dude I uh I like Joanna gain I think she's cool I think she has dark secrets I think chip her husband Chip definitely has Chip Chip was in the Yakuza dude no one names chip has lived a totally 100% morally correct life except for Chip and Dale well Dale he's done nothing wrong don't talk to his brother too late at night you know right right they get down to some [ __ ] chip does I I think that's Group Dale in there I think chip we could we could take chip to Japan could we know and we could get we should get a massage with him why is this the theme of today's episode I don't want to get a Nuru Massage with chip from Chip tail why not you like him he's cool he's in the yaka so he's cool now gangs are cool chip no I want to make the first cool kewl kids klub gang it'll be called the club and we hang out and our feelings no will but we spell it all with K's no that one is I guess they're not a they're a cult not a gang right I think they're crazy I agree I don't know are they like a religion no they're not a religion I think they believe that Jesus is white so I think that they're a religion that's true don't don't they like burn crosses that's religion activity yeah they do yeah no they have some religious affiliation yeah yeah I don't I I don't know what you would classify them well I would classify them as like a racist terrorist organization probably yeah okay something like that but is that like a club or like uh it's nothing that would get approved by the after school board you guys your little Club you guys they have CL they have matching outfits yeah we're going bowling next week yeah thek annual bowling meat in our we they go in their gowns what are those called cloaks robes I feel like robes you go in your ceremonial dress and they all have matching bowling balls yeah and they're all white they're all made of pure marble and they order a lot of appetizers like there's not that many but of them but there's it's a lot of appetizer like they're single-handedly backing up the kitchen bro that is kind of yeah that's [ __ ] up you know what I'm saying bring enough to share dude can you imagine you're on like a like a High School varsity bowling team and then the glue clux Clan shows up to your meat and you [ __ ] lose imagine you lose to the clue clux Clan at bake it's like it's all those clips online of the dude being like all right I'm going to shoot this three-point shot to end racism but like literally if you don't roll if you don't bowl a turkey you're [ __ ] you're racism wins and it's on you and it's a bad day yeah yeah RI break out in New Orleans the second you lose probably yeah oh man now I'm just the amish are menace on the court imagining the cluck Clan like playing basketball dude they're ass at basketball you know it did you see that video of the Mormons being sick at basketball no what or not the Mormons the Amish so it's like these guys with like insanely long beards and they show up in like black suspenders and [ __ ] and they they hit the fade back bro someone in the comments was like they have perfect form LeBron would crumble he would dude we need the those guys on the Olympic team bro up there with KD I always think it's really funny like just just the tiny just the tiny little differences in like you know uh like people's lives and whatever like where you grew up and how how different that can really make your experience cuz I remember I I just got back from Arizona this week I was visiting my girlfriend where she grew up and we got back and we saw like Amish people in the airport and she was like why are those people dress like that and I was like they're Amish they're Amish she was like what the [ __ ] is an Amish and I was like crazy she didn't know no wild zero clue and I was like well yeah I mean where you live if I was Amish I wouldn't survive I would die right um for sure I could not survive 110° Heat every day with no air conditioning you would get like the last pick the last cut of the elk meat and it has like black mold in it and you would simply just die yeah no that that would be it for me I would totally die but is this a is this a TLC video I I don't know about that but I don't I I think it's funny to like like they had to have been watching the TV right to like be that good yeah do they have courts out there I feel like they can't that's what I'm saying like where do they practice uh he is currently describing a a court several miles from his home that's all it says okay it's in K it's in Kentucky Kentucky and it does look to be very rural like it just looks like a middle school like normal like asphalt black top like with a basketball hoop on it there's no marks on the ground or anything where we're from the Amish like do barbecue they don't play basketball and they like build couches and stuff they build a lot of [ __ ] they're really good they build a lot of [ __ ] they do it fast and they do it nice very talented stone masons and Woodworkers and stuff Woodworkers shout out similar Carpenters sorry Woodworkers also known as professional newu massage therapists they they know how to work wood that's that's what I'm saying it's in a different way but you know we could call them Carpenters they work at dude I [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate LinkedIn okay that's crazy for you to henry hates linkedin say that because every time I'm on LinkedIn I see you have liked like three posts in the past day uh yeah well I just like like my friend's posts un LinkedIn that's gross but it's not because I want to I it's just because I want to show support you care about [ __ ] Natalie finishing her internship with I don't know what Natalie [ __ ] Smith and Wesson or whatever I care about my fake friend Natalie finishing her fake internship at Smith and Wesson but I [ __ ] hate seeing fake ass Natalie post on her LinkedIn to be like I'm so excited that I had the opportunity to meat riding meet riding meet riding meet riding meet riding like oh my godell I don't mind that so much especially are you king drives me up the wall no cuz I I feel like most people are like grateful about it they're like you know I worked at this company for a long time and I want to give a shout out to all the people that like helped me grow and like learn how to be a better person in the workplace and that kind of thing what drives me up the wall is when you see those posts that are like here's the top 10 things that I did to to wean down the the list of applications and it's like a hiring manager being like you should put your name on your resume if your resume doesn't have your name on it I throw it out immediately and it's like that kind of why would my resume not have my name on it I I'm just making some [ __ ] up but you know what I mean like it's always but I think it it plays into the culture so much more when every time that you have like like I have an internship in terms of my career uh goals and aspirations I am at the lowest like lowest step of the totem pole right now right which which I am very thankful to have the opportunity that I did but to do so I just like wrote notes to All of like my co-workers I wasn't like oh I'm going to go and I'm G to go and Linkedin and oh prospective employers look at this look at this uh look at how thankful I am like I don't need to [ __ ] post it on social media though is like it's um those notes that you give to your fellow co-workers they don't reach the prospective employers which is what LinkedIn is about I know but it's about making the connections that give you the future jobs because that's how you get jobs in this [ __ ] up America World I know but like half of the people that I think the reason why I hate it so much is that the people I see posting that same stuff I'm just like you don't actually [ __ ] think that like you don't you would never talk like that ever in your whole life you're not actually thankful I I think the average person is thankful I yes I think we are thankful you know what I really [ __ ] hate is like Bill Gates on LinkedIn his ass does not need to be there no he has the best job in the world curing polio or whatever maybe not the best he doesn't have to do anything for the rest of his life if he doesn't want to yeah yeah 100% Bill Gates it makes me unreasonably mad I hate Bill Gates on LinkedIn because he tweets like he's president he's like oh I just met with [ __ ] this person you've never heard of with the growing more sustainable wheat Foundation or whatever the [ __ ] I'm like no one cares bro respectfully well okay post this on Instagram not LinkedIn dude you make me feel like an [ __ ] I'm getting my godamn cheese ham sandwich out of the fridge during lunchtime I don't need your ass reminding me about your [ __ ] Microsoft stock options bro all of the money that I will make in my entire life is how much money you make in a day like one yeah no it it makes it makes me mad just be like there's this one girl that I went that that I currently go to college with and she posted that she was honored no it's not Natalie she was honored to visit the office of like a perspect she doesn't work there yeah she doesn't she didn't do anything except go to the office she went there well she was honored she was she was honored to be there I mean no you're not not everyone gets to walk through the offices of you know Coca-Cola or whatever I think you can that's like the same thing as like having an interview no but the interview maybe gets you a chance of like working there I I don't think you can go to any company in the world and say hey can we tour your office you can't go to [ __ ] ernston young auditing firm and say hey can we like walk around your office no absolutely not but I do think that in your field if you you know you use your little your your little LinkedIn Network and you reach out to your little minions and whatever and you're like oh I'm a prospective student or not a perspective I I'm I'm currently a student like perspectively looking at like in the field like can I come stop like I don't if you unless you talk to literally no one ever and you have no friends and reach out to no one I feel like I know so many people that I could just reach out to and be like hey I know you work here can I come in and like tour the office like can you show me around your lunch break yeah like maybe that's a podcast episode and maybe and you know maybe that is just like a privilege to podcast in their office their corporate office um we could probably get an interview with like an ex at some company yes we definitely could we should do that that's such a good idea do you want to do that oh we should we I mean we need to find a company we'll write that down we'll write that down Jackson while you're editing this put this in the calendar yeah but it's like I just feel like I I just people are like making mountains out of like mole Hills and I know that we have to do that to get jobs because like the little CEO at the top of his little million dooll companies like Mary I call her but it's like you don't [ __ ] have to post on LinkedIn to be like I'm so thankful that I had the opportunity to like [ __ ] walk around the office that iing I don't I just don't I'm glad that you had a good time but it doesn't add anything to your work experience that you went into an office your time is definitely like better spent like messaging the people you talked to on that day in like a private message and being like thank you so much for like like your facilities are really interesting I like the projects that you do here I got to see more in depth how it works behind the scenes like on my tour it was really interesting thank you for the opportunity I'm I'm always mad linkedin slop at this girl who uh is like the poster child for some of the stuff we do here at school CU she had she had a thing I don't know if she still has it but she had a thing where like on LinkedIn she would promote the fact that you can like [ __ ] it schedule a calendly meeting with her so like she could go over your resume with you and I was like that [ __ ] is annoying yeah like that's actual like LinkedIn slop yes you're not contributing to the world in any way but I I mean LinkedIn is just like a terrible place to be yeah I just hate Corporate America and so the longer I'm on there and everyone's like oh I'm so thankful to have this opportunity where I went to my life soul sucking job where I get paid $15 an hour to get like my talent abused by someone who works for like 10 hours a week and makes 10 times my salary I'm so thankful for this opportunity shut up I hate you I do hate those people I it's just like I I understand why and I understand that we need to do it to get a job because why would you want to hire an employee who doesn't care about any opportunities that they have and they're not thankful and they're not fun or Pleasant to be around like I get it but I just do that in real life and then I go and I interview and I am positive and bubbly cuz I want to make friends and if I want to work at this company then I will be and if I don't then I'm going to leave or I'm not going to you know continue searching any further for a job there but like I I just hate LinkedIn it's just so fake I [ __ ] hate the way that people talk on LinkedIn do you think it's like when you when you read a LinkedIn post does your mind go through like a a tree of options that like is like is this AI because I I keep reading posts and I'm like I don't know oh man I'm don't I don't think I think LinkedIn has a disproportionate amount of like AI written stuff compared to other social media right now oh it's way higher way way yes even compared to like Facebook you know there's all like the Facebook slop compilation yes well and I think that's why it makes me mad because I read that [ __ ] and I'm like you would NE that's I guess maybe that's what I mean being thankful for opportunities is very good and I think you should yeah which is why like I totally understand posting and Linkedin being like I am thankful for this opportunity but I read this [ __ ] and I'm like you would never speak these words ever in your whole life yeah not once because it is always like it's a person you've met and you're like I know how you talk and you just don't talk like that no not all like there's a way to be grateful and not like do the normal like business speak that everyone corporate culture feels like they have to inhabit for no reason yeah I think that's maybe more what I am I am trying to get at is I just oh my god dude it just feels so disingenuine I think like your point speaks more to about uh business culture than it does like LinkedIn as a platform well and I think that's more what it is cuz I feel like there there's this culture now of like oh yeah but like we don't want to make like obviously work is work yeah but like oh like that one [ __ ] guy I don't remember what he is he's I don't remember what his name is but the guy who's always like oh I don't have to go to the office I get to go office go to the office and it's like dude shut the [ __ ] up like some people just have jobs because they need the money and they work in a field that they know how to do something they don't do it because they love it they do it because they need to yeah and so every time you go to the office you're like oh today's the greatest day of my whole life and it's like what about Greg who just has to sit there and [ __ ] like file people's taxes and they do it all wrong and he has to make a million phone calls and Greg is Greg knows what he's doing but no one else that he's talking to no think about Greg he just wants a new room massage bro he just wants to slay a dragon with his sword is that so hard but it's like I just feel like it's so it just undermines like there's nothing wrong with the fact that sometimes your job sucks and that is how it is yeah but I feel like that should be more transparent and like I feel like we should be able to talk about that and it's like oh it's like oh I had this really difficult experience at work today and this is how I'm going to grow for it like from it it shouldn't be like oh I was I was blessed to have the challenge of like being on the phone with customer service for 10 hours today yeah what a great what a great opportunity I've been given what a good test shut the [ __ ] up that sucks no one likes that you're lying right and I just think he's dis genuine and I think it's dumb and stupid you would feel better if would you feel better if like the business culture in person changed and that flows into how people talk on LinkedIn or would you just prefer people to be more open about genuine experiences on LinkedIn like what makes it better uh option two I think that the in-person work experience is like for the most part fine yeah it's like the same thing that I I feel it's the same way that I feel with other social media it's just glorifying reality to make it seem better than it is which makes people who may be like struggling ever so SL just feel like that much more alienated that they are totally alone and everyone else is having a great time and it's just them and it's their fault that they're having a bad time everyone else's job is great and they get paid well and they get great benefits blah blah blah blah blah because then that just encourages CEOs and people who own companies to just do the same [ __ ] and recruiters to not read through people's resumés unless they have their name on there it's like like it's just [ __ ] like that like the average person's life does not need to be horrible all the time yes I agree with that I know it's a crazy hot take but like I one happy ending yes but like by glorifying it on social media to be like oh my life is great all the time like no one ever talks about things that are bad and therefore it's not normalized and then when something bad happens to you it just makes you feel way more alienated it is always on LinkedIn it's like the the person you know is having like the worst time they're always like the happiest about oh we had uh a community lunch in with our founder who graciously decided to show up today even though he's a do nothing loser who communicates through you just complained to me about the owner of your company like an hour ago what the [ __ ] are you talking about yeah like that's what I mean I just feel like it's just in genuine and fake and I hate it yeah I agree with that especially because like work is you spend so much of your life life at work and doing work you spend most of your waking hour I guess maybe it depends on what you do but a lot of people spend most of their waking hours during the day like at work and so if that becomes an environment that's just like the expectations of what you're going to do at work that day or the type of life that you're going to have are just like totally unrealistic bad pigeon hold into feeling like they need to live their life at work as they would present on LinkedIn yes yeah which I think is bad I agree I think it's fine to have a bad day and I think that we need to be honest that sometimes things are bad and that's okay and having a bad day very Demir very Demir very classy very classy sometimes you need to sometimes you get home at the end of the day and you just need to you go to one of those uh one of those rooms where you can just break all the [ __ ] yeah you know I me throw vases around but then there are like people who talk like that on LinkedIn and they're like oh like workplace culture does suck and like we need to make it better but the way but the way that they talk about it sounds super disingenuine like it just sounds fake the way they talk about it it's always like like they want change but the change they suggest just feels like how it is right now yes which always upsets me because it's like oh you want the workplace to be like [ __ ] happier or like I want people to be more involved and then you get everyone to come to like the Day of Service in the office where you put together bags of stuff for right people who need stuff or whatever and then you post about it on LinkedIn and look look everyone's smiling we took a big group Auto everyone's happy now yeah but it's because we're all together and we got to take a break from pretending to check our email or whatever yeah exactly like grow up dude yeah it's just yeah it's like what do you act you don't actually know the things that could change the workplace for the positive it's people like you that rely on these like [ __ ] like qual trick forums that you have to like fill out to be like what do you like about your job and then if you say something bad your boss is like um you know they're like 80 years old they're like um fired much and then you get fired dude right and then your life is way wor you don't like my b style well how about you take the swag style of the streets [ __ ] yep now you're on food stamps yep and then you're and then you're [ __ ] and then you're [ __ ] and I think that sucks and I think that's sad tune in next episode where we learn tune in next time! how to change it all learn how to we learned how to [ __ ] delete LinkedIn goodbye now goodbye now goodbye now

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