Brydon & Matt Willis: “This is not what I signed up for!”

Published: Aug 13, 2024 Duration: 00:26:48 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] don't forget you can hear the fulllength longer version wherever you get your podcasts see when you're a pop star you get licensed to do all sorts of things from how you behave to how you look and Matt Willis for it is he has come in today and he just look at you look at the way you're dress I'm I'm in a I'm in a cheeky little cardigan Rob oh come on but it's nice like it's brand new I wore it especially for you really literally I pulled it out of the cupboard today I was like it had a label on this morning I took it out I I'm pulling this out today it's not see I wear a cardigan as Uncle Brinn but it's not the same as this is it's not the same as brinn's cardan you've got although I think Brin would very much like I think he would you're a lovely looking boy Matt and I'll tell you for why you've got a youthful appeal about you oh oh thanks and the glasses have got a little bit of Michael Kane about them haven't they you know they have they have they have I like these these are new as well I'm a bit of a buyer of stuff I have a bit of a Obsession and a problem you got a dopamine hit a little dopamine hit yeah yeah I do love to buy something you know it's not Ferraris and things it's like some it's it's Amazon Parcels how often do Amazon deliver at your house most days most days yeah yeah well it's start with books and things like that that I you know would acquire do you read the books a few of them a few of them I have lots of them which I haven't touched I don't want to go off your clothes yet such a strong look and you've got some chains hanging I would love to wear chains I will sometimes wear chains when I'm on holiday yeah what kind of chain well something from that my kids have got you know I think one of them's got some leather with a with a shark tooth on it I occasionally put that on and look in them and going if my life had gone in a different direction this could be me now this could be me this could be me I could be a surf instructor yeah wouldn't that be aive he you've never done surfing no well that's not quite true I went um in I went to Australia once and I had my picture taken you know when you kind of get pushed on the on the on the very end of the end of the wave and you kind of stand up and you have your picture taken standing up is an achievement well it didn't last very long it lasted enough for them to take a picture and then I fell off it's it's hard to stand up it's hard yeah was that Sydney it was Sydney yeah hondai yep absolutely you weren't with big wave Dave were you I mean potentially cuz I had a lesson once and he said my name's Dave they call me Big Wave Dave big wave Dave yeah love it love it good name perfect name were you there as part of your duties with busted um no I was there um shooting the uh spin-off show for I'm a celebrity so we did um where we did um the spin-off show for two years so um the second year we we finished shooting that and we kind of went to Sydney for a week you won didn't you I did yeah yeah when you're in that what what are your thoughts the the competition element I don't people don't often talk about this they talk about do I to eat this or that but how much is the competition in your mind um to H it never really entered my mind never once but I I never forgot that I was on a TV show people kind of say oh you just forget that you're on TV I was like how there's a massive camera in a rock opposite you like it's like you're in the camp and there's some some rocks opposite you and there's three huge television style cameras in there old school ones you know so I was like I never really forgot I was on telly but um no I never really thought about the competition bom is a huge part of it yeah massive yeah yeah it's really boring if you don't do a task yeah and you're starving and you really are like I lost over a stone I think I lost6 or something while I was in there wow in three weeks wow yeah so you're eating nothing stomach cramp hungry or um kind of yeah like constantly thinking about food I think that's the thing that they they they must struggle with the edit because all you talk about is food you know and you're in there with kind of like really show busy people were who were you with I was with um I mean David guest was in there with me who was the most entertaining man yeah bless his s he was um he was the most entertaining man I think I'd ever met for people who don't know he's passed now hasn't he yeah he has yeah David guest perhaps most famous for marrying Liza Minelli uh a huge star from another era had dealings with Michael Jackson tell us a little bit about David guest he was so out there never met anyone like him ever he was really funny but in a kind of um a very unamerican way like cuz he was super American but he was quite British in his humor I I found and um and we just connected straight away because I was like you're funny and you can pass time for me you know so um in the end I was actually his [ __ ] for most of the time I was in there I was just doing stuff for him he had a way of kind of just making you do stuff for it is that right like so I was combing his hair you know I was kind of a how would that come to be I don't know like he just he just asked me to do stuff he asked me begin with like fetch me some water or something like that where you at and he was an older guy so you know I was kind of like of course I will you know before I knew it I did um and also you had um like tasks in there so you had to do like a job and ours was the dny you know so we had to empty the Poo you and David me and David guest and of course he didn't do anything so I was there with this massive tank of blue liquid filled with you know Jason Donovan's poo oh Jason was in there well yeah Jason and Ming class and oh it was that year in the Rock pool and all that stuff yes it was um but he was wicked he was brilliant he just tell these incredible stories and just lie just make up like lies about things that was but it was really hesitating so you come out you're going to be Mr Outdoors Mr Healthy but then F it's it slides back very open about problems with with addiction and and mental health and the the podcast that we want to talk about on the menend is all about that is it not yeah yeah it kind of I kind of I always wanted to kind of um find out more about this area you know something that affects me every day you know like I mean every day yeah addiction is is part of me so today how will it affect you today um well I've just put a nicotine pouch in my in my mouth you know I'm kind of like anything you can take too far I've even done it I'm doing it now or I'm thinking about it you know so there's like um so there's there you know luckily lots of them don't kill me anymore which is nice but um you know like it's um it's a constant thing that I'm aware of and it kind of like um and it it really does come up now because like I'm very lucky you know like I'm I'm I'm very gratefully clean and sober and I've worked really hard to be like that you know and it's a a daily thing for me but because I've taken drink and drugs away this Behavior pops up in every aspect of my life you know so I'm kind of constantly and if I don't pick up on it someone I know go Matt what's that I'll like oh and what's that becoming obsessive about something becoming having addictive traits towards a thing yeah pretty much anything you know like um or Theon anything you know like it's um you know exercise it's um it's um you're in good shape what how often what what are you doing I mean I I well to be fair I've got a photo shoot tomorrow which is quite a big one and so I've been trying to get in shape for that which has been quite nice because I've had a reason so what do you do so I do I do a mixture cardio and weight training you know with a trainer or on your own on my own I did have a trainer I had I had a I had a trainer for like we went on tour last year we did a big tour and I was kind of and I'm 41 now yeah and I was like I can't jump around like a 20-year-old anymore but I want to you know so what do I do so I got to trainer my mate Rob who's amazing Rob suly and he literally just trained me like to be able to jump around so like there was loads of hopping and loads of things like strengthening all these things so I didn't get injured um I still got injured cuz I'm old older you know and um you know so it was very much specific for the tour you know now it's about something different now it's about just feeling good and kind of looking you know not terrible so you do something every day I do I do something every day yeah like I was in the gym this morning at like 6:00 a.m. but um yeah but I like that I like getting it done first because otherwise the day gets in the way and I I say I'm going to do it in the evening and I don't but also I'm obsessed with um with cold water therapy right this cold plunge that's taken over my world you know I'm one of those guys so am I are you really are you really yes amazing are you really this is great we could talk about this fantastic I've got someone else I can talk to about it this is so great because everyone thinks I'm a weirdo it's completely changed my life when did you get into it uh well it was about uh when did it arrive it arrived about J February I can't remember I so I I was at a festival last year and started chatting to some people that were demonstrating and I'd been interested I first of all I got into SAA in right me too yeah so I do that as often as I can every day if I'm at home yeah anyway yes so it's been many months now tell but we're not here to talk about me tell me about you oh I want to hear about you in cold though because I'm sick of boring myself talking about it you know I have been um I I started taking cold showers right I heard about that guy whm Hoff you know and before he did that TV show I kind of heard about him I heard him on Joe Rogan's podcast and other podcast years ago and so I Ted I started to do cold showers and um and at the beginning it was horrendous then I got to like two three minutes under this cold water and I was like I'm all right with this yeah you know so um I went online and I found this company this was years ago a few years ago and I bought a cold plunge you know and it goes to like 3° and I started at 11 degrees and I gradually work my way down you know and um and dude I can't tell you how incredible I feel like when I get out like and there's something in it for me like I'm being you know I I don't really like putting these labels of addict on myself but I am you know like so I need to get over that you know but um there's something about dopamine which I love I love it I love me bit dopamine and if I can get it that doesn't kill me and hurt the people I love I'm going to get that you know so um I I then started to read about all the benefits that you can get from Cold War so um the dopamine increase um is four times base level it lasts about 4 hours and slowly Peters off you know when you think of cocaine that is a 100 times Space level dopamine it lasts 15 minutes and falls off a cliff that was you be my second choice but but yes what be your second choice a Kit Kat a Kit Kat exact well Kit Kat probably does it twice you know so so it's better than that it's better than a Kit Kat but not quite cocaine you just straight cocaine like it was the obvious other thing you said it was total like the most normal thing to most people cocaine is not a normal thing it's it's outside most people's experience should mean it's very moish it's very moish so um uh but I love that you know so I I get out of this cold water right and it's um and it's a physical attack how long do you stay in 2 to 3 minutes yeah you know that's kind of my my normal I always do two minutes but I I'm most days I I end up staying for three cuz I feel all right I try and do four do you really oh God tell you a funny thing that happened yesterday though it and I was I was at about I was six deges now I'm competing with you in my head I'm got to do four minutes tomorrow okay well no wait till you hear this okay so I would always do it after a saer right right so I saw that I try and towel off the excess sweat otherwise the water gets horrific yeah right and I get in and I'm going and I put some music on y absolutely and I say hey Siri I don't want to say it out loud because it'll ask me what I want um set a timer for four minutes and I'm listening to music and I get in you put your legs in first and then down I go right and I'm then I'm good it's good and I'm feeling good oh this is great this is great and I get up to about three and a half minutes and here's a thing I remembered a thing I was a little bit worried about right a health thing that is since proven to be nothing to worry about in case listeners are concerned and in that moment of remembering that I had that sort of horrible feeling in my stomach that you can sometimes get if you're worried about something where you go a bit cold yeah and that just set me off and I get out and I was shivering I never normally get that isn't that fast it took me ages so so what I'm saying is the mental aspect of it absolutely it's huge it's massive like um like I learned Lots about because um I went into whim Hoff quite a lot and I did his breath which I had to stop actually because I was getting quite um addict like about it you don't have thought it like because you can that um you kind of do this breath and then you you breathe all the air out and you hold your breath right and I could hold my breath for about 3 and 1/2 minutes with no oxygen in me and then you take this breath right so then you breathe in hold it for 15 seconds and that is euphoric and I loved it so I knew that the longer I held my breath the better that feeling would be how does your wife cope with this side of you and what is she like um she's the opposite of me which I think is what works so well she's so not she's so not like that she just rolls her eyes at some new thing like that I'm into like at the moment it's golf I've become that guy you know like um and she just like rolls her eyes you know but um yeah she's um she you know she's very quick to to pick me up on something to kind of say you know you maybe you need to watch how did you meet her She interviewed the band in 2004 on TRL yeah and um and uh yeah I mean I know exactly who she was like because we went there I me mean when TRL first came came out TRL was on MTV and it was the American show of it and they were going to bring bring TRL to the UK and we were up for the first show and so it was B it was going to be busted and the Foo Fighters on the first TRL show and we were so excited because it was a big deal you know and we were doing this show with them um MTV in America at the time so it fit in perfectly and the last minute we got dropped for blazing Squad right so I was devastated you know because they wanted a bit more I don't know like difference of Music in there and they thought we were somehow similar to f which is bizarre but um so um so we missed out on that so when I did go there I'd obviously watched it and was like who is this incredible woman on television you know so um I was very aware went in with that attitude and then you met the woman who would become your wife who would become my wife yeah yeah but I never thought I stood a chance you know kind of like I was just I was just like she's the hot girl from MTV so how did you play it Nat well I I didn't do anything really the the first time we met we just she just interviewed us and then the second time we went on the show I had to get married to a fan like they did like a fake wedding cuz we had a song called crash a wedding so they kind of like did like some fake wedding where I got married to a fan she was a bridesmaid it's very weird looking back on that now you know and um and uh and then we didn't see each other for a while and then we were shooting this TV show that we were doing with MTV in America and she was out there filming for the um MTV video awards and we were both at the event and um I found out where her team were hanging out and me and one of my mates who was filming with me went down there and then the rest is kind of History tell me about the the Muk busted thing yeah that's really interesting that's quite nice which which which which two from McFly um it was all of McFly it was all of M all of McFly basically busted hadn't been a band for eight years Charlie left the band in 2005 and we split up and we were me and James kind of had the chat about carrying on but we me and James tried to do it without Charlie like when we first started it was just me and James when you say do it without Charlie you mean without the the the band member yeah yeah yeah I mean heaven forbid doing that Charlie but um you know so we um we um we had uh you know we went to record companies just me and James with the same first album we'd written the first album in James's bedroom you know so we had this album we had the songs it was just me and James who's weirder looking than I was you know we just would walk in these record companies and they go we like it don't really get this thing you know you two so um so we got turned down by everybody then we auditioned Charlie in two weeks later we had a record deal so I kind of thought you know doing it without him would just be pointless you know so we split up and then um and so we hadn't really done anything for eight years I'd had a failed solo album and James had been off James lived in America now he still does you know and so we we hadn't really been around why had Charlie gone why did he leave Charlie was in a metal band called fight star and um and he loved it and he just wanted to do that you know it was just kind of like he didn't really like pop you know I mean when when he when he first got in a band when we first wrote all these songs like I said we were influenced by Green Day and BL2 we made Demos in our bedroom we thought we were going to be that right you know and then before we knew it we were on the smash hits tour with Atomic Kitten it was a very different vibe to what we kind of thought it was but me and James were like this is wicked crack on you know Charlie was like this is not what I signed up for oh that's funny so um he so he goes right the mcbusted thing so um so then basically James uh was backstage with McFly at when they gigs in Manchester and they and their support actor got sick and couldn't go on so they said James go I've been sing a few songs so he went up and sung two busted songs um with just an acoustic guitar and like and in a in a theater in Manchester and the place went nuts and um and then he kind of rang me and was like um do people still care and I was like I was like what you know scene in a bio pick yeah yeah it was such a nice ni feeling that he' done that and people sung every word and it was like wow you know and it was an album track as well it wasn't like Year 3000 or one of the big songs it was like an album track and so I went with him and he played in London with them and um and I sat in the in the audience and watched and saw everyone sing along and the place went crazy for him and I was like oh man this is great and so we literally got we I went backstage and McFly were like you guys need to do something again we're like well you know without CH I don't really know what we'd do you know and then we kind of had this idea to go on tour together and it was going to be busted and McFly and we would sing each other's songs and we kind of like all be on to stage together and before we knew it we kind of like made this new kind of super group called mcbusted which made sense McFly busted mcbusted and we just um and we just went on tour together and it was awesome and you would you would do all the all of you would do the songs of both bands yeah both bands because that must have been great it was great it was great it was like a like a little six piece band it was just really fun but also it's like a breath of fresh air for McFly to get to do your songs cuz they get to do something different and for you to do their songs I mean we never expected it to be quite as big as it was because I mean fly were kind of playing theaters at the time and sold 30 Arenas so it was like it was a big jump you know for them and for us we haven't played we haven't played since we split up when we were doing Arenas tour so it was like it was a big kind of like wow we're kind of back doing this stuff and we were stoked to be playing again 30 Arenas yeah I mean it went nuts and then we played High Park so we played you know at the end of that um at the end of that tour we sold out High Park at the end of it which was just I mean it was crazy you know tell me what you've done in the last couple of days over the weekend we we had a gig and we took the bus to Bristol we had a gig in Bristol Sals which is in BR Bristol like in the um Marina there which is amazing yeah we got on the bus and we drove overnight to Sterling Castle play that gig we played with the darkness who I was I'm a huge fan of that band they were honestly man I stood at side of stage for their set yeah and they are so good like Justin Hawkins is so amazing that band is brilliant and um and then we goove through the night down to chisik so Bristol Sterling Park is that is in the park the pared for us we've not done them before you know I don't know if we'll be invited back we we got a lot of complaints for swearing but it's quite a uh it's quite it's quite um you know a kind of um nice Festival a nice festival and we're like you've just come from Sterling Castle with the darkness with the darkness how the [ __ ] you doing everyone's like oh not sure about this really you know but we play one you know chisik was awesome we played one in Marlo and I've never had so many complaints on in like well I've never really had any complaints on Instagram about about a busted geig but I had so many going we had to leave it was vulgar you know well it's Marlo Marlo Marlo is but Marlo is lovely I've never been there before you never been to Marlo never been to Marlo want to go there all the time the land of milk and honey absolutely how would you adjust to the festival crowd compared to your own audience oh it's very similar is it yes it's very similar I mean we're lucky to be headlining most events so it's kind of like a lot of them a big are there for you yeah like I was worried about the one in Sterling cuz the darkness were on who we obviously got a massive audience I was worried that it might be more of a Darkness crowd but they were on just before us so we um we went on after the darkness which I was a bit terrified cuz they were so good but it was a really warm crowd so it was great but remember that line in spinal tap where he goes yeah I mean they were still booing him when we were on yeah absolutely absolutely we haven't had that yet yeah like we played we played download Festival a couple of weeks ago which is like a metal Hard Rock Festival busted I mean when it came through the offer came through we were like what you know cuz it's like this is the thing is this is i s too I don't know how how to come across here but the I I I love that Festival I love these bands that play it and I kind of like and to be welcomed at that at this point in our career was a big moment for me so I really wanted to go well and um and we played this we played a tent which was 10,000 people in this tent and 35,000 people turned up so like it was uncontrollable you couldn't get anywhere near the the the field like it was insane and it was the it was a really it was an amazing moment in our career cuz we're like we've been accepted in a world that we respect you know you know from those days of Smash Hits with atomic K without playing down being accepted there so it was nice it was what would Charlie have made of that he loved it you know so he back for that uh oh yeah Charlie's back in the band yeah fully fully back yeah yeah Charlie came back in 2014 oh sorry yeah yeah so Charlie came back in 2014 after mcbusted or 2016 right some so he had his little going off to be more metally more metally then he came crawling back for the money cuz he love a Ferrari no I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking we we became friends again you know we kind of started chatting and hanging out and you know we kind of talked about music and what we kind of wanted to do and we just became mates again they kind of came back in the band and we haven't looked back since when you're on the festival circuit who would you look forward to running into other than say Justin Hawkins and do you do you see similar people each summer and you go hey haven't seen you for a year yeah I mean it's normally McFly you know you but our kids go to same school so I see Tom at the school gate every morning you know right Bo morning where where do you live now I live in just by Watford in radlet right okay yeah yeah it's lovely yeah yeah so life is good then life is beautiful man I'm in a really good place at the moment you know I've kind of been through some [ __ ] but right now for really kind of like know it feels really good and the podcast thing yeah you you probably have like loads of control over that you sit down you interview people you've got coming up on this next is it the next c yeah will be coming out in oh no well no this says we're we have Vicky Patterson on she Ruby wax Ruby wax has been on she's coming out Nikki Lily has been out she's she's great Robbie's done I know I heard him on your podcast it was fantastic it was fantastic you had a big conversation about socks that's right yeah yeah yeah he wanted you to take your shoes off didn't he get comfortable I love that that's right yeah no he didn't mind if I had my shoes on on his furniture yeah and that was a little bit that was a step I met him recently um I mean I met him a couple of times back in the day but I was always off my head you know and so I always one of those things that are kind of like I massively ad adire that man you know like big hero of Mine He's a proper full on pop absolutely massive popsite you know so it's Robbie Williams you know but um I had a documentary about addiction and um and he watched it and he messaged me about it on Instagram so I I went around to his house and had a little catch up on a chat in Holland Park yeah fantastic isn't it lovely he's not done too bad is he yeah yeah he's nice house yeah he's done all right you know who knew 100 million records as you were right didn't it yeah well it's lovely to talk to you and and continued success thanks man with everything man thanks and I'd like to see you getting up to four minutes in the cold PL I'll walk tomorrow morning I'm going to do four minutes I'm going to think of you in that last minute yeah but don't my B sinking inside of me don't think of something that scares you right I W I won't I won you just got to have nice thoughts the whole time abolutely just breathe your way through it cuz I don't want to hear the singer and presenter Matt Willis has drowned in a barrel in a barrel cold water exactly thank a tiny shrivel penis thank you very much I can't believe tiny shrivel penis is the last thing people are going to take away [Music]

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