MVE summer party , bake with me and car boot sale haul

Published: Jul 20, 2024 Duration: 00:29:56 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: dianne buswell
hello everyone welcome back to another Vlog must straighten that little bit here I'm in a little tiny hotel room and when I say little tiny hotel room I actually mean little tiny hotel room I booked this room because tonight Joe has his MV summer party for MV his company well I say he has we both have cuz I am obviously a part of MV as well um not an owner but I I'm one of their talent I am one of mv's talent there you go um and so we have that tonight in London however I have been in London since 10:00 a.m. this morning cuz I had a meeting and I had a few little errands to do and I wasn't going to go back home to come back in to get ready so I bought my little case with me and we're going to both stay here tonight because it's just handy however the party is sort of Central in central London and this was literally the only place I could find but I'm not mad about it cuz it's I think it's so cute it is just this little room so you've got It's called The Z hotel and it's in SoHo it's in such a good location I paid an extra £10 to have a window cuz I thought without a window it can get a little claustrophobic especially in such a small room so you come in you get your little bed which is a double bed a very small double bed but it's a double bed then you have like a little tea and coffee section here you come up here and you have have your toilet a little mirror and your bathroom and there's my window and the window kind of looks out onto Soho it's a very happening streak so it's going to be quite loud tonight I feel however you can close the window but I'm so glad I spent that extra10 in go window cuz I do feel like I'd probably get number one very hot in here if I didn't have the window and number two a little bit claustrophobic so there you go I'm actually currently still waiting for Joe I don't know where he is but I'm pretty sure he's meant to be here by now cuz we've got to be there at 7 and I think it's almost 6:30 uh outfit let's talk about that I decided to wear this little yellow top that I got from the car boot sale which is in my latest video uh my little Zara um skirt that I got a very long time ago and probably my favorite part of this outfit these are my Louis Vuitton black high boots and they're all it's all very uh I've gone for a very velvety material so these are velvet Louis Vuitton found them in a charity shop may I add uh for like I think like £60 but I mean that they were almost brand new came in the box came with the everything came with everything this top is a Top Shop one that I got from car boot sale the little skirt um I'm into chokers again at the moment and um yeah that's that's my that's my summer party look I have my Zara jacket as well to go on top because let's be honest it ain't summer it's kind of more winter out there than summer so got to keep myself warm and I'm going to take my little Gucci bag I'm actually watching a little bit of tennis as well while I wait for Joe and I shall update you when Joe arrives and we head out to the summer party look who's arrived hey Jack from the Titanic without braces but do you know I paid extra10 to have the window did you yeah no cuz a lot of rooms don't have Windows you have to pay £1 to close it what do you mean cuz it's you can hear the street we're so not used to like but I I genuinely think once we close that love this little little room though you do it's all you need it is but also there's a air con so if we do get hot yeah that bad boy there is an airon but how do you feel to be going to your own summer party same as last year um scared to do a speech yeah just don't want to do a speech I let do that um he's been prac I'm happy to do a short and sweet one hi everyone thanks for coming great to see you all oh hando over to Casper yeah thanks for coming enjoy it's a 15minute walkway as well so soon I think we're going to leave also look how cool this is this is where the rooms are all situated but there's this like little outdoor bit which I don't know what that's for if that maybe is the cafe I'm not sure but it's got a cute little vibe to it yeah there's the um to the left it's the see-through elevator are these Dickies pants are they Dicky pants no these are actually Asos oh I like it I wish I had eye drops as if I had eye drops to wake my eyes up I had eye drops we're both feeling very tired today yeah we are I even had to stop and have acupuncture today um which made me feel even more tired to be honest but I had a bit of sore neck so here we are I think you can go through that way really I think so there's another exit there but I mean there this is the outside of the hotel it's got Harry Potter over there and it's in such a good location the Z hotels what area is this Charlotte Street this is Charlotte Street I think I forget how beautiful London is like London is actually so nice the first Wine Bar place ever went to oh vagab you go pick your own wine there's just something about London at nighttime that's very beautiful so many restaurants as well yeah this is where so much should choose from we're here poor DJ's had to turn his music off because the game is on come on England that's not good group chat my group that's not good you nearly made me say come on England out loud as well my group chat I put my pocket bars and I knew straight is not a good thing we're on a slight delay what are the other I know I've asked this a million times who's the other team the Netherlands yeah the Netherlands just scored damn it cas's Chang now he was front row he on the foot like what's he doing now [Laughter] do oh [Music] stressful time stressful times first time I've ever properly watched the football well I'm not even really watching it to be honest I'm just watching everyone else's reactions but apparently there's a penalty going on that's got to be a penalty no it can't be I don't think I don't think I'll get it really has to thinks about it yeah happy what are we reckon come [Applause] on my name oh I mean they're very close it's Harry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kane go [Applause] you believe it theth minut the 19th minut [Applause] [Music] you about to go yes [Music] [Applause] tell you what we are just not party animals anymore are we I'm I've been so tired today but it was good fun though yeah it was it was really good fun it was proud of you different to last year there's no official speech this year no no speech so we didn't do a speech so we didn't do a speech that's why I didn't film any Speech cuz there was none um I had such a good one planned as well yeah you were practicing in this room one year I actually planned out a speech I didn't get to do it but so proud of you got a good good little team going on yeah it's nice it's always nice to see I mean a lot of familiar faces but also a lot of new faces as well yeah lots of new ones um but no it's always it's always a pleasure it's I love I do love summer party it's nice I just wish that I had the I wish I was still young so I could still party with the young with the young kids yeah keep up I can't can't anymore no I'm I'm the same having a good fun but do you know what can keep up what the length of my eyelashes look how long they my God yeah like proper long so long you're really into coloring the bottom bits blue as well moment yeah a little blue lower lash do like a blue lower lash and did you see someone commented on him when we first walked in did they yeah still blue now have you taking it out no blue through throughout the night that some of the blue does come off I even bought the blue in my bag with me like hey nice nice blue lower lash yeah but anyway we are now back in our little Z hotel and we have ordered food way doesn't say it's on his way yet oh no and we got the priority boarding Speedy boing Speedy boarding as Speedy boarding so the good news is as well they won England won so for uh a Shake Shack oh you must be Shake Shack when you were ordering it you licking your lips W yeah oh that's a massive box but I think hopefully it's got your stuff in there as well chicken bits where's my chips though oh no did they forget a always forget something have the chicken bits cuz I don't want them no you have honestly you no um it's fine end the world what was it going to say the burger more upset the burger wasn't here and you got your extra can have one pickle that's what I add it in there pickles okay Oho good morning everyone it's the next day and we woke up in our little tiny home I was saying to Joe imagine if we lived in a little spot like this in the city I would love it but Joe said I'd be too messy I'm not going to video you because you're naked in the shower Joseph see [Laughter] yes uh but uh we woke up around 7 a.m. because I mean obviously we are in the city so you can't complain about the noise but it was quite noisy however that I don't think that's what woke me up I think it was the the light coming into the room cuz we didn't shut the blinds last night um but I was really cozy and comfortable I slept quite well going to go and get some Joe in the juice for breakfast and then we both have our own little adventures to go on until we meet up again at home this afternoon so um I'm actually going off to a place called remedi London and they do my cryotherapy they do um um there's like a little chamber that I think I might go in today it's like a meditation chamber and also a lymphatic um thing for my muscles I'm going there and Joe has a meeting and then going to head home oh thanks for inviting me yeah this is my umad one my many one of my many J juices fun fact that's actually me after the uh Jo the RO exactly morning after yeah the business what a view we got best little spot in the house the Nutty smoothie I got a little coffee and the a aai berry [Music] C contains nuts Joseph that's naughty is it nice I'm TR oh s Berry so good right I'm in the underground I did a little bit of shopping at Zara Oopsy Daisy now I'm very confused because and I need to get on the Northern line basically ah here we go so if I go Tottenham Court Road to Liverpool Street then from Liverpool Street I can get on the Northern line okay okay let's try that cuz I genuinely have no idea where I'm going this one is a bit foreign to me I'm going to give this a wh you when you just do something oh Northern line that way it does say Northern line okay I think I can get on the Northern line let's see I make it to where I need to be I got ask for directions that means I'm a honorary English person I should basically have have my Visa now so cool gillard's wall of kindness if you are cold please take an item of clothing oh it's so lovely back at my C chamber remedi um London place today I think I'm at 4 and 1/2 minutes that's a long time uh but I haven't done this in a while and honestly the feeling after this thing is so good so it does never gets easier but the feeling after gets even better each time I feel so yeah I have all these little bits I have to put on take off my jewelry cuz that gets very cold and um and in know hop I'm already got goosebumps cuz I know what's coming but I really recommend the cryotherapy obviously everyone's different so be careful if you do they make you fill out forms and stuff anyway in case you're not eligible for it but if you are eligible for it it's really nice and I'm look at my nose I'm done 4 minutes with the last 30 seconds being like a super Blaster oh gosh so good I'm cold but I feel good it's one ERI does that mean like in it Italian yeah goodbye I think that's I think that song's called World in motion and I'm pretty sure it was for the might be wrong here Italian 90 World Cup there you go I had no idea I think um Joseph just picked me up thank you Joseph you're welcome I'll send you the invo it was weird cuz I left you left London like probably about 30 minutes before me yeah then I left London then Joe got home and I said do comeing to pick me up so I did but you did have a suitcase so it makes sense I did have a suitcase did you ride back yeah oh nice one easy and I also got my camera out cuz when I came in look how good my little apples are looking it's actually Madness how many apples we have so cool last time I touched this there was a big old caterpillar on it but there isn't one or slug or whatever it was but they've just got gotten so red they're almost proper apples in they they they are I want to like chop them up and put them in a salad or something yeah should they're so nice hi everyone good morning good morning it's the next day gosh I don't think I could drink this that was a lot of smoothie I already had one big GL I can't drink that no it won't that was a lot very co uh so next day we woke up a little bit late today and I am now going to make some bread because we got told on our little Retreat that we were intolerant to yeast and obviously in most bread is yeast so I'm going to make my own and I saw this on Tik Tok and it looked really good so and I'm going to reorganize dishwasher cuz Dian still doesn't know how to load dishwash properly oh no y I'm SC oh do you know what I need my recipe what I'm going to do is I'm actually just going to put it all into the bowl and then let you know what it is because I need the recipe which is on my phone so that's what I'm going to do put it all in the bowl let you know okay so my first thing I've put in there is three cups of oat flour and basically what I did is I got my uh just normal oats and I mixed them up in the neutr bullet and then it created the oat flour so first ingredient is three cups of oat flour I've just added two teaspoons of baking powder half a cup of almond now the actual recipe had soy milk I didn't have any soy milk so I've used almond milk and you all know that the almond milk I use is just three natural ingredients the plenish this is the only one I get actually I order this in bulk as well from Amazon I get like a crate of 12 and it works out a lot cheaper one cup of sparkling water don't know why but yeah one cup of sparkling water I think it just does some sort of chemical reaction last but not least just like a little dash of salt in there that's it and apparently that is it so I'm going to give this a little mix and I do need to go back on the recipe I screenshot the recipe but I didn't screenshot the method so I could have done that all wrong to be fair I don't think I did I think you just literally mix it together and then put it into a baking dish and Bob your uncle does look like quite a runny kind of mixture so you can go on her blog it's called the conscious plant kitchen I just saw it then so I went onto her uh page and actually it's amazing she did say on there that this will not be um a like hard doughy it'll be more of a runny thing so actually we got it right it says on there to um sort of get your parchment paper out and get a little tin and then pop it in there and goes in the oven on 180 for 50 minutes or so like just check on it so actually I feel like it's going to work so anyway it looks like that I'm going to pop it in the oven now for 50 minutes I totally forgot about my bread please don't be burnt please don't be burnt ooh I don't think it looks cooked enough hang on let me check it okay I think it needs a little longer cuz it's still a little bit gaggy one would say in the middle however it is looking good but just a little gaggy for my liking so I'm going to leave it in for like another 10 morning everyone I just realized I didn't Vlog anymore after taking my bread out it worked however the taste a little bit weird tastes like a really hard porridge I will show you it but basically I had to put it back in the oven as well for about another 30 minutes cuz it just felt a bit gooey in the middle but yeah it's the next day vup got me smoothie Joey's actually off to the Wimbledon today that's exciting for you have you figured out what you're going to wear yet well I think I might just go like this good choice mhm make a statement yeah exactly how's that PD for you I put my nipple chass on first oh yeah nice at least have some decency as Wimbleton but the sun is actually out today for probably for about an hour and then it will go o it smells so good love it you got plants yeah I know it looks really good much very green out here the mint's got a bit too big what can I make with the mint look at these how good are these like a p look at that I haven't seen you water them in a few days though haven't needed to it's been raining so much oh yeah true it does look very nice out here Joseph the only little section I'm not happy with is that one right there yeah what going to doing that going to put a planter there okay oh yeah planter would look nice there I feel like I want to get into gardening really he your M about that I really feel like I want to start gardening right I still haven't shown you my bread I'm going to leave you to the end so everyone watches till the very last second but I am about to go into little and do a little bit of a food shop and I always choose little for my food shops because of the middle AIS I'll let you know what if there's anything interesting in the middle aisle I'm back from Little now there wasn't anything too exciting in the middle aisle apart from I got some ice cube trays and that is the only thing I got from middle aisle it was still a successful little shopping trip because I got all the bits I needed got a lot of fruit and bedge actually and I got two bunches of flowers so I'm going to put them in a vase I'm going to put everything away first and then put my flowers in a vase but yeah that was the only thing I got oh hello this is just getting embarrassing now every time that doorbell goes and I'm on a vlog it's for Joe I've been getting so many packages but that one is for Joe so I'll leave that for when he comes home I do want to open it though I love opening a package love it right I'm going to put my washing away washing away put my groceries away real little treat and Novelty I feel to get yourself some flowers now Amanda da taught me this to cut the end off your flowers and they'll last longer so fun little trick that I learned oh does flowers just make you so happy just stunning oh there's even a little Rose in there how cute okay that's one and I'm going to pop that over on the table then I also got I don't know what these are Oriental oh lies and I got some L as well pretty sure this vase was a boot sale purchase oh these are stunning kind of wish I got two big ones of these gorgine love it not sure where I want to put them yet but I'm definitely going to put this one over on the table and now I am going to perfect serve up some of this leftover soup I made this big pot of soup the other day it's broccoli uh leak and and what was the other vegetable I put in there broccoli leak and cette and it came so beautiful so I'm just having the leftover for my lunch now yum and all right I'm not going to leave it till the end but this was my bread I've been sort of taking the top bits off cuz they're kind of the best bits that's what it looks like it's actually not too bad um but I'm going to dip a little bit in it's actually really good Joe did try a little bit hated it but it a very sorry it's a very dense heavy bread so you can't have much of it um but yeah it's quite nice it's quite nice I probably wouldn't make it again I'd probably try a different type my soup however chef's kiss I'm now going to go sit outside and have it um just for a little 5 minute break and uh enjoy the little bit of sun that is out there today morning everyone it's a Sunday and I've just been to the car boot sale so I want to quickly show you what I got this is my quick little hole I think wouldn't be a Sunday if I didn't show you my holes so probably a smaller hole than usual but I didn't try this dress on but I loved it so I'm going to try it on now I'm so in love with it it's beautiful yeah I'm sold love love love I got this little first Christmas for little Roman it's a beet Trix and Potter and this was £150 it's got the little hat and it's for 3 to 6 months so hopefully this will fit him perfectly by the time they get get here again these were brand new and I got these for my mom for like Christmas in her little Christmas stocking so she can wear these like around the house or whatever and they're like nice and warm they've got the um like furry bit inside and these were £3 and they were originally £26 and never been worn still got the tag on them SO3 I got those for oh these were a bit Rogue I just really like liked them I got three little like this one here this one here and this one here so oh this one has a olive pip in it I think that's mine for my bag uh these three one two three I have no idea where I'm going to put them yet but probably somewhere in this dressing room but I just thought they were super cute so those what else did I I think that was actually all I got that was it for today I'm very happy with those purchases so that's was a little quick little haul today didn't get as many clothes but what I did get I absolutely am in love with this dress is really beautiful I really really really like it so I'm super happy with that fun now I'm going to make an apple pie

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