day out in Brighton baking, cooking ,strictly rehearsals and Nancys birthday

Published: Aug 06, 2024 Duration: 00:29:21 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: dianne buswell
intro good morning everyone it is a Saturday and I've spent the whole week rehearsing for strickly and it was so much fun my legs are very very sore but today is my day off and um I said to Joy like working a Monday to Friday you really enjoy the your Saturdays off and so I said let's go down to the beach this morning so that is what we've done look at those Pebbles in the morning daylight going be such a nice day today as well right in the morning is just a perfect time everything's still quiet the weather's nice the Sea's calm yeah it's actually lovely look look tight out wa here here oh it's so nice down here we got some jokes Jo the juicy juices we're just going to have a little day in Brighton I think gorgeous so nice the fact as well that on the beach they have merry go rounds is it's very like we we don't have that in Australia we have many beaches but I don't think there's a single beach in Australia correct me if I'm wrong in the Australians oh big feather correct me if I'm wrong but I do not think that in Australia we have any Beach that has a marry go around but here we do an old school one like that that is so cool the mer go around is going to town with wise men see oh has it chain I actually love the fact there's so many little bits and Bobs on this beach it's a kind of tacky in the best possible way it's not quite Blackpool yeah that's the vibe it gives me sometimes is a little bit of Blackpool Vibes Joe and I have now come into the games arcade oh my God Joe's in his element here I was just saying these are my favorite ones the 20 the 20 cent machines do you know my mom my mom's addicted to 20 cent machines really yeah Reena loves a 20 cent Reena loves anything that you can win money on yeah gamble yeah but I remember at any show we would go we'd all go on the 20 cent machine right what are we going to play then we need the pinball I thought you should go on this what the dance one like they're all right I don't like you holding your phone above these cra cracks look if my phone goes it's meant to be cuz I tell you what I need a new phone that is for sure uh we've just been on the on the pier apparently I say it wrong it's Pier oh no is it Pier or P it's scarying and we were watching all the kids on their rides honestly I just like it would be the last thing I want to do no no yeah not not in a weird way in a way of like wow how can they do that yeah when you're young you have no f Fe fear is something you inherit I feel like I definitely would not have gone on it as a kid either yeah I definitely had the fear as a kid too but Joe has one more pound to spend we spent five four pound so far on the pinballs but there's one I want to go on but there a guy there a serious pinball are already on there yeah so hopefully he's they be there all day yeah I was going to say he's probably still on it Joe so we're going to go see now Joe's found his shop shopping we're now going shopping he's excited because there's a Ninja Turtle uh range with Lush at the moment and he's really excited about it so we're coming in here to get some Ninja Turtle stuff you have you have all the ninja turtle stuffy total power happy camper we're currently in an art shop and this little book is so cute it's called The Day the Crayons Quit and it's all about um like different colors and you writes a letter to each color it's such a clever little book purple like it goes through all the different colors I've just been sat here reading it while Show's shopping for art stuff but yeah super cute The Day the Crayons Quit by Oliver pictures by Oliver Jeffers by Drew daywalt we're in it's called wolf fox and it's a really nice coffee shop but it has like a little store attached to it but Joe was just like oh that guy's getting his haircut outside look how's this for a Barbers that is so cool proper little Barbers outside I absolutely love it so cool [Music] okay we went home and I've gone out again because I'm getting bits to make a birthday cake for nany cuz her birthday is next week and if you remember last year I made a shoe cake cuz Nancy's shoe I made her a shoe cake and she loves shoes this time I'm trying to make a chili cake so I want the actual cake to be chili flavored and I also want the cake to look like a Chili so I've come into I actually don't know what this shop it's cold but it's it's brilliant um and I'm trying to get all the bits and Bobs I need to make this chili cake stay what I bought tuned I'm back from the shops I was in B&M is it B&M is that the shop that's in down the road Joe B&M the new one B&M yeah yeah B&M I really enjoy B&M the shop um I bought this from there actually I feel like everyone one like Joe said everyone has this mat but this get naked mat for my little bathroom cuz I liked it um and when we were in Brighton I forgot to show you what I bought you know how much I love a MOG by the way yes I am changed because I'm going to be doing a video now for ny's chili cake and I just thought I'd put my little dress on and my chili necklace uh but anyway back to the cup look at these cups that I got from Brighton you sit that on there look at that isn't that such a beautiful cup so that is going over there in my little cup section I got two of those and I absolutely love them it's from a little Boutique shop in in Brighton and for Christmas we actually went there and got these as gifts for people so I'm so pleased we went back and actually bought some for ourselves but because I have been thinking about them ever since so they're going straight to the pool room and um also I was clearing out the fridge and it made me really sad because nobody ate my apple pie that I made Joe you didn't eat my apple pie good chat good cooking chat what are you doing nothing guys I haven't stopped all afternoon I've been creating this cake for Nancy which here are the cakes and look they look they don't look that great now but trust me I feel like this process will work oh got red lipstick why am I dressed in a fancy black dress and fancy earrings you'll find out on my Instagram or Tik Tok go and watch over and there I'm sure it'll be out by the time this is out uh but now I'm going to make now n soup for me I'm going to make a salad for Joe Joe feels like a salad tonight and I really really feel like Nancy's soup so that's what I'm going to make so everyone has been asking how do I make it and every time I go to make it I forget to show you guys so I'm going to just talk you through it now and you're just all blessed that I'm all dressed up for it hang on let me put you on a stand so at least I can okay I'm going to put you around here actually cuz I think that might be oh look at that fanciness there we go right so my first thing I'm going to do is well what I've already done is put a little bit of oil in the pan she didn't actually even put oil this loud oh I knew that would happen probably a little bit too hot uh I'm doing Nancy soup and I'm going to make you Sally Three Tomatoes into the pan just like that should probably this little bit of salt and pepper I'm adding boiling water not that much and just letting it continue to cook now you can add whatever you want to I'm actually going to add some green beans to this one tonight cuz I want green beans in there so I'm putting some green beans in you then get little rice noodles and put them in some boiling hot water for like a minute I'm adding some tofu and the rice noodles and that is the Nancy soup Dy and then wal BM we've had our dinner it was so good watching Sky like I recommend try that soup that Nancy made um but we finished watching Sky what was it Sky love in sky or love Sky love love in the sky basically it's about these Russian couple this Russian couple that um climb the highest buildings in the world and we it's very Moorish like you want to keep watching it but at the same time you want it to stop very quickly because it's makes makes you feel really sick yeah I don't know how they do it I do not know how they do it oh well and considering I did the the walk the plank yeah on freeze your fi and I was harnessed up and I still was like petrify how they do it without a harness or anything or yeah but it's worth a watch but if you're afraid of heights could be a little triggering um but we're just saying we're so tired in the film Drive no a Hollywood stunt man driver Mullan oh I love Brian goling is is good I feel like he says three words in the whole movie really but it was quite wait maybe I have watched it good but it also wasn't I I didn't really get it I remember watched it when I was younger a lot younger drive 2011 it's quite gory at the end I remember correctly we're just going through we're just going through a true story of Philip who made a death defying unsanctioned Highwire walk at top of between the Twin Towers in 1974 oh jeez I'm like no why is all these people just doing crazy stuff like good on him I could not ever ever do that that is what's his name I have one foot on the baking hello good morning it's a Sunday and I'm not sure if I showed you my cups yesterday I think I did had my coffee this morning with my brand new cup and I loved it every last drop out really really nice cup lovely handle lovely size lovely color St now I am going to make pancakes cuz it's a Sunday day and it's a lovely day outside uh but yeah pancakes is pending the only thing is what recipe am I going to use a look at what I can use or actually what about if I used almond meal pancakes that could be nice almond flour pancakes boom let's go actually I'm confused if ground alond and almond flour are the same thing let me do some research here is ground almond and flour the same almond flour is made from blanched peeled almonds almond flour versus almond meal didn't really help me at all okay let's change my let's go alond meal pan cakes almond meal Pancakes there we go see Google's just incredible isn't it boom we're going to make them two Ls two salt one cup of finely ground almond milal uh 2 tbsp of maple syrup I love making different kinds of Pancakes cuz you can really see these ones obviously are I think these are glutenfree 2 tespo of golden [Music] syrup baking powder two tablespoons of olive oil two these are going to be interesting I it's good though might been too much salt maybe there's a little bit of vanilla extract I don't have vanilla extract however I have a little vanilla pod I could probably just not sure whether I should have done that that tastes really good okay let's try them okay they didn't come out too bad sorry I've got so much mess everywhere um you just have to I feel like I probably burn them a little bit so yeah I think I was a bit impatient and turned the heat up too much fresh blueberries also put some yogurt and some cocoa together it's coconut yogurt and cocoa and the final stack what will I put some bisco spread couple of blueberries little almond it's ready beautiful these are the almond meal pancakes so there's literally zero gluten in that I think I don't think alond meal has gluten but yeah let's see what let's see what he thinks morning morning look look at you there you go that's amazing hello tennis everybody it's the next day actually did I Vlog anything this morning oh yeah pancakes I did we have come to play tennis who look at the greenery on this one or two uh Court one no court two CT two yeah CT two you sure yeah I thought this was Court one wow look at the gwn it's like grass but not Astro but it's gorgeous before I haven't either actually feels like the ball wouldn't bounce doing a bit of work which side do you want to go on we both have glasses on so either or fun fact for you all I actually used to play tennis as a kid me and my brother and my mom was really good at tennis so uh Joe you're for a whooping I didn't win at all like we had six games best of six I got one game down Joe got five oh Joe was going to happen we keep zapping each other the static obviously you wear rubber trainers in here is it you get you you cause static energy no way and it has to get released somewhere so it goes through your fingertips into metal that's so bizarre I never knew that anyway great day on the court and from tennis facial to sitting in the sunshine having a little juice waiting for Joe I actually had a um a facial and Joe is now having his facial so we had the half hour facials each so relaxing oh my God I fell asleep she was like she dinged the B and I was like surely it's not done yet surely not surely there's more to go but it was so lovely and um yeah now I'm just waiting for Joe and I think we're going to get some dinner here as well but such a nice spot really loving it feel very relaxed look at that hair Joseph's back from his facial tell you a story and he's ordered some olives and a listen to this let me tell you a story about a little thing about the stars look at the stars look they shine a I need poo doing in places everyone this is a continuation cake of the Vlog as per usual I told you all I was making nany's birthday cake it is finally the day and I have to put ny's birthday cake on I don't know what I got to put it on to be honest I might actually keep it in this box or do I put it in this box sorry you can't even see the box I'm oh my God I should wear NE I should wear the chili necklace today I should wear my chili necklace although I like these earrings but maybe trying to find it where it is yeah I know where my chili necklace is ah right okay so oh how am I going to do this do I think that I don't think that's going to fit in there it's going to have to stay in this box let me show you the cake first how cute is that cake I actually love it so basically I made this chocolate chili cake for Nancy and then I had leftover cake from like the out cuttings so I made little baby ones um and I believe that Michelle has made cupcakes so it's going to be party Fiesta today at the studio but I'm just so happy with it cake itself is chocolate chili cake uh and it is delicious so I need to somehow okay I'm going to take it out oh it's very soft so cute these little mini ones I hope the Cake's still good I hope it hasn't dried out no it still feels so moist amazing okay so I'm going to lift that up please don't break on me you I think if I do it like that and then put the chili on top I think would look cool this is going to be the hard bit oh my God it's breaking oh my God it's breaking no it's snapped okay I think guys I'm going to have to just leave it as is what you done CRA where oh that's fine just more I think the more you try and more you try and do that it's just going to I would tell you I would just buy some candles and stick in that crack take a picture of it now just in case it arrives and it looks nothing like that so you can show what it did the time has come to transport the cake to my working office I'm a bit nervous about it cuz it has already cracked a bit and it does that does upset me just a little bit but let's just hope it uh let's just hope it all works out I will probably have AIT hand there to rehearsal guys um but the cake I don't know why I could have probably just lifted that up but decided to go in there so I'm going to leave the cake in here until we're ready to use it in here yeah I went underneath no you lifted by S I'm in a bar should I just put it on here this exact I've got the cuz I've got theivy I didn't want you to put it let me see the fragility know it's quite fragile I love that it's fine I can beep it out I love that reaction that's the reaction we want oh so you're filming you're not on the phone with family no no okay good I'm not on the phone with family don't worry except it cracked on the way in it wasn't like that before but it's fine I'm I'm going crack pepper it's chocolate chili okay like the actual cake is got a chil you need to write in here 21 21 according to her she's 21 oh she's 21 today okay I need to put a 21 candles thank you I'll come and get it later no problem success we made it here cake tasting I think he thinks he's dreaming and Amy's in his dream he's like oh Amy galini come here I wanted to play the Aeroplan play the Aeroplan the Aeroplan Maybe not maybe maybe not when you were fell as asleep maybe not it's your birthday it's your birthday it's your birthday it's your birthday it's your birthday I'm going to drink somebody maybe you should do the airplane for your birthday oh yeah do the airplane go on yeah do come on give us the airplane since is my birthday please watch since it's your birthday do the airplane my gosh how much I trust this guy do it softly I've had the time of my life There She Goes [Applause] sh [Applause] sh where's the cand we love you a [Music] knife ch ch ch chocolate it's actually chil that looks beauti you should go on B only shes the shes well done [Applause] gor the midle have PL really is it nice moist it's like a brownies it's really tasty honestly it's so lovely can you taste the chiliast can you taste it you can't really taste it's not much chili it's like an after effect can you take [Music] it cut it sister cut it oh the competition's on oh you're dying it's strictly B competition [Music] [Applause] diis going to give me his load down of my cake because last year last year you did the red shoe I did which I loved it remember that I give you m this the you know why because I love when the chocolate is very like intense and compressed it's never too early for from B from B you know from gorgi because I can I can taste the chocolate is very compressed and after once I swallow I can start to to feel the viice of the chili on my T and in my throat here so well done and there is the layers of G in the middle which makes everything very moist you you would not think [Music] it so lovely this is your drink moment now what's this on it's coconut it's this one here Co oh yeah Coco Key Lime Pie coconut M and a go let's try and give us a feedback we need to we need okay we need to do a toast first yeah we need to do a toast before I drink ah so nobody drunk yet well I think it's bad luck okay so we wait for the toast we wait for the toast dream on Gorge I love it isn't it perfect yes Nancy okay I'm going to make a wish make a wish make a wish baby to an amazing [Music] 2024 to [Music] [Applause] [Music] ncy Cheers gor and I love my dream cheers dream

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