ISRAEL: Inhuman! Hamas terrorists publish farewell videos of murdered hostages

We look at the Middle East, and it is a testimony to the brutality of Hamas terror: The hostage takers made videos of the Israeli abductees who have now been found dead, in which the two women and four men address their families with messages of greeting. These images were later shared on social networks. These were supposed to be the last signs of life for those abducted. On Saturday, Israeli soldiers discovered their bodies in a tunnel near Rafah. It is a martial video, inhumane towards the hostages and their relatives - a staged last message from the six abducted people, apparently recorded a few hours before their murder. Among them is 24-year-old Eden Yerushalmi. Her family has agreed to the publication of the farewell message. "This is a message for my family that I love. I miss you, father, mother, my sisters Anni and Mai. I love and miss you so much." Eden Yerushalmi lived in Tel Aviv. With these pictures, her family remembers her as a happy, carefree young woman. The 24-year-old was working as a bartender at the Nova music festival when Hamas came and abducted her on October 7th. According to the Jüdische Allgemeine, during the attack she spent four hours on the phone with her sisters, who overheard her attempt to escape, until she said: "They got me." Like Eden Yerushalmi, all six victims were apparently shot at close range just hours before they were scheduled to be rescued . This is what the autopsy of their bodies revealed. They have now been buried in Israel with great sympathy, as has 23-year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin. “My dear boy, now you begin your journey. I hope it's as good as all the trips you've dreamed of. Finally, my dear, finally you are free. I will love and miss you every day of my life, but here in my heart you are with me,” says his mother, struggling to compose herself. Israeli President Herzog apologized to her and all other survivors: "I want to tell you how sorry I am that we failed to protect Hersh on that dark day and that we failed to bring Hersh back alive." Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu also asked for forgiveness and promised retaliation.

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