Ken Rosenthal, Paul Sewald & Weston Wilson join; Christian Yelich out for season | Foul Territory

Published: Aug 15, 2024 Duration: 01:57:30 Category: Sports

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and I can hold it much longer let go [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy summer Friday people Braun dancing arratz and Cleveland's finest The Legend who was back in town Mr banana ball Jason Kipnis dude good to see you we've known about it for a while so we did a good job keeping it a secret but how you doing dude you you got another knock look at you I can I can now finally say like my last de bat was a knock so it was a hit by pitch before better that's better official at that but now we're ending on on a base hit so I'll take it you could say this so my last at bat was a hit by pitch or my last plate appearance whatever and then you could say my last AB in Cleveland was a knock well that already was true I'm actually very proud I have fun story of my last Cleveland at bat um that's when I broke my handmade bone and had to miss the last month of my last year in Cleveland uh I broke in mid at bat and still I was like well I know I'm done for the year I'm finishing this at bat and still doubled the broken handmade bone dude you went out on top in many ways this B the banana ball thing was just outstanding for me um because my one chance of going back uh after I was done playing there was with the Cubs in 2020 it was a CO year empty Stadium no one was allowed in so I never got the Hat tip so it was a nice full circle closure moment for me um to show back and forth appreciation between me and the fans um they gave me the love and I wanted to return it too and uh so my heart was full it was a great moment it was a great night for me all around and to have another chance to step in the Box in Cleveland was fun that's awesome you got the double ear flap helmet you got the Darth Vader helmet on too what's up with that they know you're a big leager that's all that's all they had I wasn't I wasn't too picky I used uh I think I used a pitcher bat I went through like the the Cleveland side back there to see what bats they had because I didn't bring my own so they gave me batting gloves there was awesome they do such a good job with that the the Jesse the owner of the bananas it's just him and his wife who run it um they are definitely a fans first uh industry that they're they're kind of Paving the way for they really only care does this benefit the fans or not that's what they ask their questions on and um they yeah they they're very enter they put on a great show kids would love it was it loud was it loud when they gave you the standing o it was it was and I wanted to make sure that like I didn't know if I was doing it too long or not but I just I I didn't want to take away from the game but apparently I like I wanted to soak it in and um and give each each corner of the stadium its little tip and uh it got loud they were on their feet and so it was very much appreciated that's awesome did you see the Lady In that clip that they went to in the crowd shot real quick when they were he was going calling your name that was you didn't see that which I'm not sure no maybe pressure on on our Superstar director gab to see if we can do it and obviously she was going Hammer me she was she was getting into it I I don't know if she's a big banana fan or she's a big Kip fan but I'm gonna go a big Kip as a banana we go watch Kip watch this reaction where am I looking the screen you see pretty obvious wait just way for it yeah gness keep that helmet on though we don't want to see all that thinness there hey I had the the Hat head going that was not a good here it is right here you'll see it in next screen I think she's going I mean she is so they the walk out I had was is with the saxophones by the end of it they it was known they loved it I loved it uh they had inflatable saxophones down the right field line it's like this little Kip Corner um so they they knew the song as soon as it started playing playing it was it was it was such a cool moment for me so something I'll never forget she was a little younger when she played so she might you might have captured her heart when you were a there Kip it was it was not just the dancing it was like like the as if like your your you know favorite band then just brought out your second favorite band and they're collabing for one song that you've never heard before or something like that it was that level of passion that I really loved that's the the good stuff from the fan cooler tweets and uh messages and DMS that I got were uh I'm so happy I got to see like one more bat of his or he got the a bat that he needed or wanted this whole time and but then I got stuff where this lady was like I'm I've they she's like I Jason got me into baseball and was one of my favorite players and now I'm going to games with kids and I finally I couldn't imagine I get to show my kid who I wanted to instead of being like I got to show them live instead of just like a video of it so so being stuff like that is a special moment to for them me so that's awesome those were the coolest ones I got that's awesome I just got chills I got chills good for you K yeah so it was it was really special weekend for me yeah I love it all right that was great breakdown all right so let's charge the outs get to a few big topics charging [Applause] the not a fun one to start could go in a different category but it's a big name who was in the MVP discussion don't forget about it Christian Yelich had that kind of re breakout year I'm not going to call it bounceback it's not like he was bad but he was just getting back to the level that he was at from years back and he does it all right he runs he plays good D obviously has the hit tool for days the power was there and he is done for the season he was out for the second time here on the iil with a back issue and he just did everything he could he's got to get the surgery so let's hear from the man himself because I always appreciate when you get the firsthand experience from the athlete telling you what he's been going through it just got to the point where it wasn't getting better tried everything I could ran out of options and it came time to make a decision the surgery scheduled yeah for Friday this was the best option you know that we really had left it's it sucks you know there's no there's really no other way to put it other than it sucks it's it's terrible but as part of sports you know I think these things happen you get hurt you get fixed and you get back out there try to stay as positive as possible about it it's going to be for the best it's a POS POS a short-term terrible longterm like it's going to be all right it's so weird when you're hurt like you're on the team but you feel like you're not you know you're kind of just there like you you help out in any way you can it's just like you're not really in the grind with the guys and and really have any impact on what's happening out there but it's a great group of guys and they're playing extremely well and happy to watch them and see what they're going to do and hopefully they can win the division in the playoffs and then once you're in the postseason it's like who knows what what's going to happen you know just you get hot and could be a cool run so excited for them and yeah hopefully they can they can pull it off and I think they'll be just fine somebody who is one of my friends somebody who is super laidback you hear him he's like yeah you know it sucks you know they'll pull it out he plays like that except the difference is what they're going to miss yes all his production yes his ability to go out there and change the game they're going to miss the fact that that dude posts every day and I'm saying that about a guy that's having surgery so he's not posting today but the fact that he goes out there and if other guys don't go out there it's like those guys feel bad about it I saw how Ryan Braun who wouldn't necessarily be able to play every day cuz he had back issues when he was when we were playing all together all three of us were playing together and Yi would be out there every day and it would kind of made bronny like hey wait wait no no no I'mma stay out there like he wanted he wanted to be out there for his nine innings he didn't make it every nine innings but so yelli the way that he plays the way he just goes about his business without telling anybody hey this is how we're going to do it everybody follows him so it sucks and I hope someone else can can step up to be that leader that's out there on the field every day because that's what yelli brought I agree with that I'm going to Echo that um if you're if you're MVP who is playing every day and having a good year uh that's that's a tough tough loss right there because he that there's people who lead by stats there's people who lead by example and he was doing both um you hate to see a guy go down and you hate to see it be one of the better guys in the league um it's tough it's going to be tough on them he's absolutely right on this where when you're hurt you feel like you're not on the team um he it doesn't have to be that way uh and I'd like to see him be lead the the front charge of that to kind of change that because if you know you're not coming back you can put in a little request you know you're going to get your rehab and stuff done before the rest of the guys come to the stadium and all that um but hang around hang around the cage as much as you can hang around the guys uh keep keep the thing going that's that you're already there every day keep that kind of feeling going for the guys and keep talking hitting with them and all that stuff and be um approachable on all that and I think he will uh it sucks though because you never want to see someone like this go down especially for a team that's in first place I think um so they're they're GNA feel this loss so but if you're having surgery it's obviously a serious injury and he needs to get it done yeah back is no joke and he was an extra coach Mentor the whole deal in addition to being the best player on the team you know for the first few months months of the season and an MVP candidate and I remember I think it was him he dropped like a bunt down there he was leading team pregame bunting drills like it was just non-stop Yelich impact he is that guy now like he is truly a veteran amongst very very young players like the Bryce sangs of the world and the Brewers are going through that kind of youth movement with a pretty good farm system that's been graduating players to The Bigs the one part I'll disagree with him really hard on is he's like oh you they I think they'll be fine without me they won't you know they'll be fine will they be World Series winners probably not like you need everything to go right if you're a team like Milwaukee to win a World Series in my mind no Katz you disagree I mean you think they're GNA win a World Series this year I don't know I'm just saying like you need that y like you can't have the season where Yelich goes down and you're not going to have that kind of bat in the playoffs that's my opinion because it's not like they're going to blow the world away with their starters I know they said a really nice series against the Dodgers but I I think that's the part that I'll disagree with obviously I know what he's saying but I'm saying dude they're gonna miss you I don't think but I don't think they're GNA miss him a ton for sure but unless you can say well this is why they were winning in the first half because they didn't have Devin Williams they didn't have you're talking about losing guys they didn't have Brandon Woodruff they didn't have Corbin Burns Devin Williams was down they didn't have Wade Miley who was going to step in like to say they're not going to win the World Series right now on August 16th you have to be able to tell me how have they been winning up until August 16th if you can tell me well this is why they've been winning if it's because of Christian Yelich then okay maybe but like they've been winning despite all of their injuries and everybody counts them out why is an a different in the playoffs their division sucks no I'm kidding well kind of I mean the NL Central is a dud this year I am saying the Brewers are good though I mean I'm just saying you know he adds whatever you want to call it but it's value he gives you a few percentage points at least in terms of your chances to win a World Series anyone can kind of win a World Series once you get to October to an extent but you know I still think Milwaukee doesn't have it to win the World Series to win at all but we'll see what happens all right we'll step aside we'll talk to Ken rosenal fcor Insider coming up next little inside scoop when we come back [Music] [Music] later on we're going to talk to um Weston Wilson who I'm excited to chat with he's coming off the cycle I'm not going to spend a ton of time on this so I figured this is good for just our first little break you guys like Cycles are they big are they big amongst the players as well because Kip you weren in here yesterday but we talked about how Shay langers didn't know or claims he didn't know that he was a triple shy and then he popped one into the corner in his last AB it was fumbled out there and there was a chance that he could have turned that into a triple and it was the situation to do so and he said that's why he didn't do it no one told him and he didn't know no one's supposed to tell you you you should just know you should know what kind of game you're having K you I saw a little head knot at the very end I think big deals um they're not as they're they're great games they're phenomenal games and they're just cool a weird Stat one where you get four hits because a lot of guys have four hit games but to do it of each kind to get one of those uh it's Unique um so it's not as rare as like the no hitters or anything like that but it's definitely a fun thing to know about um and kind of surprising it's like when you have a three hit game or and you're sitting there you're like oh man I have two extra base hits already or something you're like well which one I don't have I your wheels are usually turning it's a little surprising that langers didn't know that um or talk about it so I don't know it's a straight but four of a kind's better do you think do do you think like you said you said ah you don't you know you shouldn't talk about it I if somebody's if somebody's anything short of a cycle like you definitely talk about it he's saying like nobody told me I don't think I was like nobody supposed to tell you like it's not not a no hitter where you can't speak about it I'm saying it's like okay okay okay in charge of telling you what your stat line you should know what you're doing that night or it's like should be obvious yes it should be talked about I just meant like you're there's no like no hitter where you can't speak its name or something like that he's a catcher he's busy may do do you think there's any because AJ was like no chance he didn't know and I'm like do you think there's any any chance that he's like focused on the billion picturers that the A's are shuffling through and no and that he didn't just think oh wait I actually had single double Homer already I say a fast no because I give Kats and other catchers they're so locked in with their daily routine they know what they're trying to do and what their pitchers are trying to do and they're also just athletes and baseball players and they're going out and playing the game that they they can handle two thoughts at once they're they're fine they should know that they're one hit away catchers don't get enough hits to forget that they've had three hits in one game [Music] [Music] inside scoop time with Ken Rosenthal back on the road for some games we'll get into that in a little bit our ft senior Insider joining us you can check out Fair territory which he put together yesterday I was on there it was nice to be on there to fill in for Alana but anyway Ken let's get into your latest notes column we'll take a couple couple points from it but encouraging everyone to check it out in the athletic and get a subscription can I start with what you let off with and Garrett crochet the pursuit from the Phillies and the Dodgers and were you surprised it got to that point uh oh uh oh ken hold on is that that's not just me right he's a little low funny we'll do we'll do a r ret hold on yeah did you lose your voice he could clearly he's far he's far from the mic he could clearly hear you hold on hold on not far it's coming in we're coming in we're coming in all right quick quick re Rey I got we got you now but um Ken yeah we're talking about G crochet the Phillies and the Dodgers and also how they didn't end up forking up the very tippy top prospects in their org to go after someone like crochet so I think there's a lot to the story good to go Let's test you good Ken how's it sound any better is better not great yet we might have to all right let's let's chat for hold on here how about thisy yep yep that's better that sounds great yeah um for some reason my mic is faltering I'm going with the computer mic all right now answer the question what I reported was that the Phillies and Dodgers were in as late as the final 24 hours and that the Dodgers were still talking to the white socks in the final hour now you might say well why were they doing that knowing that he would want an extension to pitch in the postseason that was very much public and the reason is his talent and the teams that were looking at him were looking at him not just for this year when who knows what they were going to get one way or the other it's his first year starting but for 25 and 26 when the fact of the matter is You' be getting an ace starter at reasonable arbitration salaries combined probably about 15 million Max in those two years and he's a guy who has pitched like an H this year so for that reason those teams stayed in and you can understand why they stayed in now why didn't it happen it didn't happen simply because the White Sox did not get the package that they wanted and you might say well how high were they aiming my understanding is pretty high and you can understand why they were aiming pretty high here's a guy making $60,000 above the minimum he's pitching like an ace this year you got the two more years coming and that's a pretty rare thing in the market and basically in the opinion of others in the industry the white socks were not out of line to ask for a team's very best Prospect now they didn't get it but maybe in the off season they'll try again fact I expect they will try again did you get all this information only after the deadline or did were you hearing some things like that or were you just hearing the teams I was hearing some things before the deadline Eric but I don't hold back when I get stuff so I continued pursuing it in the final or the last week or so and one reason I continued pursuing it was Jason Stark who you guys had on yesterday he heard right after the deadline this was right after that there was some big Prospect names thrown around that the White Sox could have made a deal that this was more serious and close than we thought and I made a mental note to myself to check back on that when I got back from vacation and that's what I did Ken question for you because I think a bunch of us are sitting there scratching our heads at the deadline where the white sock should have and had and should have had the high uh asking price for a bunch of their prospects whether it was crochet or uh Luis Robert or anything like that why does it feel I'm gon to switch it up just a little bit why does it feel like they kind of settled on what they took for Fetti and the other deals instead of and why did they come down on that asking price instead of these other ones that's a great question Jason a lot of people in the game are asking that question that when you trade fedy and Tommy fam why are you only getting what you got back in return Miguel Vargas and two minor Leaguers that to me is still something that we're going to have to judge in the years to come we'll see how these players perform for the white socks whether they do really well or not but it was in the estimation of some a very low return or a light return put it that way and as I always say these things are hard to judge in the moment because we don't know how these players are going to perform maybe that trade looks better over time maybe it looks worse but it was interesting that you had fedy who was very much in demand he hasn't pitched that well for St Louis but at the time he was I don't know one of the top three or four starters available flarity was ahead of him crochet was ahead of him Snell if you want to count him sure but fetty was along with Zack effin in that next group so they could have maybe done a better deal but they chose what they chose and again over time we'll see how that plays out from the white socks to the Marlins Ken I want to ask you about Sandy Al Contra obviously his name hasn't come up for the most part this year because he's been recovering from Tommy John surgery we saw the Tweet yesterday from Craig Mish saying the team actually informed him that he won't be traded in the off season is that normal and also is that like a Steve Nash Aly to Amari stamar maybe I'm dating myself a little bit because uh you know I don't see trades often with Tommy John guys coming back even of his ilk if they stink and it's May it could be a rise again no absolutely it could be and it's awfully charitable of the Marlins to inform Sandy Al Contra that they're not going to trade him his value is down of course they're not going to trade him but the moment his value starts building back up again after he returns next season yes they've got two more years of pretty good money I think it's 16 17 million a year of course they're going to entertain it so that report of course it was a fair report reasonable to report that but from the Marlins perspective I was thinking okay great you're not going to trade a guy coming off Tommy John congratulations are the Marlins getting close if they if they do that if they do that in May next year a contra comes back and he gets traded are they at risk of being investigated for the similar thing that like the Pirates were investigated for not competing because it is a stark just ter down of everything if you go and trade that that pitcher who could actually help your team in some way or is that is am I completely off on that no not at all they were one of the teams named in that Players Association grievance along with the Pirates the A's and the Rays if I'm not mistaken now that grievance has not gone anywhere it's several years old now but you can make the case that yes they are not spending to the level that they should be considering the revenue sharing they're receiving the other side of that Eric is that they've accumulated a lot of talent and the way the game is as much as we don't like it but the way it goes is that basically teams are allowed I guess is the right word I don't know maybe that's not the right word but they operate in a way that they can just basically be free in how they go about it so maybe the Marlins could make the case yeah we're doing this we're tearing down but look at all the talent we've collected and now we're going to build back up again teams have the right to operate basically however they want now the Players Association can file a grievance when they feel these teams are not spending to the level that they should be but it's kind of hard to prove that as we've seen hasn't been established yet when you have a team like them or like the Orioles a few years ago kind of just collecting talent and looking for a better day I don't like what the Marlins did coming off a playoff appearance I hated it but this is the route they're choosing and we'll see where it goes all right talked about it yesterday with Jason Stark about the the double Hook and the six inning rule where do you sit on it in the sense of how close are we to implementing something and I know I'm really broad stroking because Rob Thompson just said last night after reacting to the article he said well has to be something that's instituted in the minor leagues before it's in instituted in the big leagues how close are we to moving in that direction I don't sense that we're all that close Eric and yes Rob Thompson made a good point that something like that the sixth inning rule in particular would have to be phased in over time you can't just go zero to 100 with these things and the double hook to me you could Implement that tomorrow and I don't know that it would be a detriment to anyone I don't know why they wouldn't do that but as we both know sport moved slowly and for all the talk about these dramatic changes that were in effect last year implemented last year took a long time to get to that point so I don't expect anything to happen soon right now Major League Baseball is conducting a start study on the health of starting pitching and how to keep pitchers healthy in general I imagine they want that to be kind of completed before they go forward here but all of these things that have come up first when Jason and I wrote In May about this and then of course yesterday when Jesse Rogers from ESPN wrote his story these are ideas that are kind of percolating and there is seemingly a consensus that the sport does need to revive the starting pitcher I don't know that anyone would argue that for the sake of entertainment now it might not be the best way to win a game in the present circumstances you might say I'd rather have my guy I go four Innings then bring in my parade of 95 M hour relievers okay that might be the best way to win aame name and that's the way front offices have to operate it's not necessarily the best product and as Jason pointed out yesterday and as we wrote in that story in May it used to be the question every fan asked before going to a game was who's pitching tonight now that question has been diminished yeah I'm with you I hope it gets solved but we'll have a lot of time in the offseason to hit it too um and he's he's right I mean man we were talking 10 years ago about the pitch clock and then it fin finally came to play what you know last season so all right let's get back to the field I you just you just said it was like so many years ago you looked at okay it's a starting pitcher well so many years ago there was there was the game of the week was on now we live in a generation of I want this now for 10 minutes I want to do the I want this so aren't isn't the game kind of Shifting with like hey I just want the best pitcher I want to see most velocity hardest swings go get them you know in a sense you Sayang it there Eric no question it shifted to that my question in response would be is this the best product now for people who like swing and miss and who like seeing guys throw 95 and blowing out yeah it might be the best product I don't know that ultimately it is the best way to keep your fans engaged to the highest level certainly fans are engaged now the sport is doing fine but starting pitcher and the role of the starting pitcher the stud guy on the mound hopefully for six seven eight Innings that's kind of disappeared and I do believe something has been lost in this transition to where we are now it's disappeared but hasn't it been like then doesn't it mean more when you have one of those guys who consistently goes six seven eight Innings instead of like forcing it that becomes a luxury then like hey we got guys who can save the bullpen arms and pre-b back like go back so we have a a bullpen game the next day or have our full strength the next day I feel like it's a luxury to try to force it to happen or to make guys go the kneer reaction is that it's not about health that it's not going to be like hey we're going to hang this guy out to dry when he doesn't have his good stuff or he's gonna if he comes out early it's always gonna have to be an injury or something like that or I don't know I just it feels like you're forcing something that doesn't need to be there and this might not be the best way to solution I think just starting pitchers getting better and stretching them out and going to the worrying less about vo and maybe still a little bit more about pitching I think is the answer for instead of trying to create a rules that's just mine Jason no Jason you have a great point there and I don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying the problem is to get to where you're talking about stretching out starting pitchers and bringing the game back to that way it was before you might have to legislate it because the teams are going to operate the way teams operate trying to max out every night with their bullpens and best stuff available and you're not going to have the starting pitch emphasized under this current condition that the game is in to get the game to that point just as with the pitch clock you had to have the pitch clock because the players just would not abide by what was trying to be enforced by the umpires well you might need to put something in effect here to enhance the role of the starting pitcher now again as Jesse wrote there would have to be qualifiers you'd have to have I don't know 100 pitch limit if a guy is struggling in the fourth inning you'd have to get guys out of games if you needed to it wouldn't be an absolute hard and fast you have to pitch six Innings but at the same time it's an idea worth exploring as all of these different proposals are and I know a lot of people and Jason maybe you're one of them feel there's been too much change in the game and we should just calm down a little bit and there's something to be said for that I get that argument completely I just again believe from an entertainment standpoint not from a competitive standpoint entertainment drawing fans in making your game more attractive bringing back the shers and the Verlander and making those guys getting more of them that would be something in the game's interest doesn't that diminish the role of the manager then real quick if they always have their best guys available and all that stuff like because then you're losing the the risk and the decision making of the top managers where how can they juggle a bullpen how can they which guys to play on this day knowing they have this guy tomorrow if you always have like your best guys going or something like that it's what's the point of a manager kind of well I would suggest that the role of the manager is already diminished the front office is calling a lot of the shots so where we go it doesn't matter all right lastly let's finish with this you got Cardinals and Dodgers this weekend you know I know we addressed the Cardinals you talked about them yesterday on Fair territory so maybe we can go on the Dodgers side but go wherever you want to go if you have something to share with us I mean I think the main Point here is um you got to win the division first or you would think I don't think the Dodgers are going to be very pleased if they end up as a wild card maybe even without home games if they fall out of that round I don't expect they would be pleased either but considering their performance as a bu team the last couple of years maybe that's the way to go okay they don't want to lose the division they obviously want to win the division it's down to two games the Diamondbacks and Padre's are redot can they sustain this both those teams the rest of the season that remains to be seen and the Dodgers are getting healthier they're in a situation where Muny and edman are going to come back with book with bets already there so I expect they're going to play well down the stretch maybe not well enough but we'll see and what's interesting for the Dodgers is all that matters and we've talked about this all season guys is October and what is the best path for them in October I would suggest it's not going through four rounds it's going through three considering where their pitching has been all season long but it's going to be a really interesting stretch drive and the Dodgers Bullpen it's going to get better in the weeks ahead too and trining comes back and brazer comes back but that's been a question so it's kind of a fascinating thing right now to see where they are in comparison to those other two teams and from the Cardinals perspective they're facing a tough part of their schedule now obviously starting with the Dodgers and they've got the Brewers and the Padres this is Make It or Break It for them and they cannot afford to Dilly around anymore they're under 500 they're the third worst run differential in the National League which is astonishing to me worse run differential than the Nationals and they're team that has been in extreme disappointment I don't expect things are going to change much for them in the weeks ahead so they're going to face some really difficult questions at Seasons end if the season does not get any better for them because I looked this up the other day this is amazing think about this would be if this happens the first time they've had back-to-back losing seasons in full campaigns not strike interrupted or covid interrupted or anything like that since 1958 59 haven't had back-to-back losing seasons in full season since then that tells you about where they are that is incredible yeah Cardinals Fan should be like wow I mean look at what we've done um for a long time you're spoiled and on the Dodgers side Ken you know I just thought about when you said that the ba has had times in the last two decades where you buy a super team and then you win and you're a dynasty and all that and you kind of know what's going to happen MLB has super teams and they have definitely a much lower percentage chance of winning a World Series let alone putting two together well to revive an old argument this is why when fans scream and yell about the Dodger spending too much money or the Yankees spending too much money I always think no it's fine these teams aren't guaranteed to win that's first of all and the second part of that is when you have a Cleveland or a Milwaukee to me it is that much more satisfying when those other teams go down and you're there so I'm not saying that's going to happen and I'm not saying the sport is in a right perfect economic situation where there's balance no there's not we know there's not economic balance there's too much disparity I get it but with where we are now if I were a fan of one of those teams one of the smaller Market teams that's having such success I'd be loving every second of it yeah the Underdog Story it's so cool the story lines are great they're unique and it's not predictable so Ken enjoy the weekend we'll watch you on Fox C Cardinals and uh Dodgers on Saturday and we'll talk to you next week thanks guys thank you ft senior Insider Ken Rosenthal hosting Fair territory Mondays and Thursdays Thursdays are live with Alana Rizzo who will be back in the seat on Thursday 12:30 eastern time for that one Monday gets released usually around 12:30 as well on YouTube and wherever you get your pods be right [Music] back I figured let's stay right here for the YouTube fam for a moment first off subscribe to the foul territory territory YouTube channel I can't talk today and the Pod but also Kip just to continue the combo on the pitching rules do you like any out there in particular do you think the double hook would work there's parts of it that I really like and this has come up for the last few years because Jason Stark has written about it he brought up the downside and the downside is what scares me you won't have a David Ortiz in the eighth or ninth inning right having the most crazy moments I also just like the DH in general like we need offense and some of the best hitters can't play the field well what about sh Otani I mean unless you H you'd have to put him in the Outfield otherwise you can eliminate his position in a game if you're the Dodgers I know the Dodgers are going to be voting against this I absolutely agree with the downside of that um double hook I'm guessing is just the old NL rule just to clarify for myself and fans basically that they're out before the fifth and you lose the DH do I have that right yeah if the pitcher's out what do you mean by old NL rule like you get back to having no designated hitter and the Pitcher is in the spot yeah yeah yeah so um I again I'm just for starting pitchers figuring it out and stretching being stretched out instead of just trying to throw as hard as they can for four Innings um that's why I think when you find the guy when you have a Paul skines who doesn't but also pitches um you're you should be rewarded for having those guys or for creating them or for developing them rather um instead of just trying to have everyone be on the same that way I think you should be you should be lucky to find guys who can save your Bullpen arms and all that stuff um I just I feel like we're we're we're trying to make something that doesn't need to be there yet I guess but that's that's my personal opinion on it uh I'm still learning all of it of all the ideas about it so I will be the full transparency on that one as well no that's fine and Katz I'm a big disagree on what the modern fan wants the modern fan wants story lines and spice now more than ever you know if you say Paul SK is pitching tonight that matters that draws me if you say you're G to see all these dudes throwing a 100 I'm like who are they what's their name what's their story right that's less appealing I I got two things it's less appealing there is only a handful of Max scherers Clayton kers Shaws that's why they're going to the Hall of Fame that's why Paul SK has created this you can't expect a team to have five Paul schemes but if you give them an incentive maybe they'll create more guys so you need to incentivize the teams yep I like that to look at [Music] it that's a good way to start out hot corner there's a good Al MVP race going on between Bobby wit Jr and Aaron judge we can cue the Tweet here because we don't have the video but people and we don't catch everything so sometimes we rely on the hard workers on social media they're not always accurate but according to mkg Sports on the Royals broadcast they just said if Aaron judge played for the Royals instead of the Yankees this season he'd have 29 home runs instead of the 42 he has playing in a little league park here is the true MVP you can also tell where the Allegan is based on that little profile picture you see the profile yeah see who's in there he's a Chiefs fan so so Bobby whip plays for the Chiefs yeah now there's parts to this story because I wanted to find it but I couldn't see it either anywhere I'm like okay I wanted to hear what they said did they just like mentioned oh you know how where his home runs would go in Koffman Stadium based on sast metrics like where is the the juice behind this but also the fact that Fang grass projections Kip said that juano would only hit 33 home runs because Yankee Stadium would suppress his power he's already at 33 home run so how'd that go why on Earth would fan graph say that that's their Zips model that's what it said cuz he only had hit 35 before like 35 was his career high so they were like well this is the most he could do even based on Park adjustment do I think that uh Park adjustment is a real thing I do I think he absolutely benefits from playing in that do I think that's if you're GNA open that can of worms now you're opening then how many times does Bobby Wick get a face the white socks how many times look at the Visions comparison look at like there's so many away games too like are all of Judges at home no they're not so um listen it's a it's a I think judge right now is I I don't think anybody would argue that he's the clear number one um I think if Kansas City was a little bit higher in the standings which they're getting there I think in um playing more I think it's it's it's it's a lot closer than people give it to because I'm such a Bobby Wht fan where instead of like you compare judge's intentional walks that he gets to Bobby wht's stolen bases and defense that he plays um so I think it is closer but I don't think anybody's taking Bobby Wht over judge right now does anybody give him a vote or is it if it ends today is it unanimous is it unanimous Aaron judge no no no I think no it's because a lot of writers go off a lot of numbers these days right because they just have a hard time quantifying things and and play a premium position for a team that was terrible the last few years I know that judges to I got you I got you I know I know shortstop gets I'm just saying shortstop gets Merit too it's not like you know there's a there's I would still say the shortstop gets the Edge versus the center field SLC Corner DH no it's not like Bobby Whit's playing Gold Glove defense like he's got like a 1.5 War I don't think he's the highest at Short Stop like it's not really good dude he's sick he liability he's not a l no no I'm not saying we're talking about MVPs we're not talking about we're not talking about we're talking about MVPs I'm not saying like he needs something that is going to push him over if he's playing Platinum Short Stop shortstop glove yes we're talking about getting he's the best he's the best shortstop in the league right now okay so one of my favorite actual stats that I really do like and believe in is what outs above average right because I I watch enough okay so let's go over the outs above average leaders for all of baseball right now okay Jacob young is number one no Jacob Young's number one you often get center fielders and Jacob young is sick we have not talked about him enough just because the NS aren't relevant right now number two is a tie between Marcus semian and Bobby Whit Jr both 16 outs above average so so that's where he'll get say Bobby Wood Jr has been nasty at shortstop and I would agree that this is the best short stop we've seen from him and he is an elite top three short stop defensively in the game right now so Kip my point is when when you have the numbers and his bang grafts war is I I think last I checked identical or right very close to judge 7.9 8.2 yep 8.4 well no that's baseball ref Fang grabs it's 8.6 for judge 8.3 for wit so there that's about the same and Ellie Del Cruz is leading the anyway what wait I missed you I was laughing too hard time that you just said of their Wars vanr say 8.6 for judge 8.3 for wit the Yankees might not make the playoffs without judge I don't even know right I mean they didn't have for half of last year so you can't totally use that story but the Royals making the playoffs with Bobby Whit playing like this will certainly get him some first place votes in my mind if it's 8.6 to 8.3 and then we just got the defensive War judges minus. 7 and WIS 1.5 so that actually like to me you combine those puts them above it so it's not like no this is total war though but when you ask unanimous and all that stuff I'm just like yeah it's not unanimous at all it's to me to me that defense pushes it to not be unanimous exactly so then the question is the whole all this discussion to talk about what does Bobby Wht need to do because he almost hit 500 in the month of July what does he need to do to surpass judge here in the last month and a half keep going same thing going yeah kinda he's got to do more like judgie judgy got 1100 Ops right now what does Bobby Wht need to do keep going another 500 month that would wouldn't hurt him I mean that would very much help but you're saying to win or to get votes to win it who cares if you get votes he's getting vot he's just he's second place if they well right now yes he's second place and right now if they both kept going at the paac as they're going Aaron judge will win right well if he kept going and Aaron judge falls off a little bit Bobby wits needs to be it's gonna be a lot closer vote than you think um and don't don't undersell the uh the luxury of having a Juan SoDo next year in the lineup that I don't think Wht has so you think that will diminish like if if their numbers start getting closer then you're saying because judge is wan sto then that might take some votes away a few because they're a product of a a a great lineup I think I maybe not T I think taking away from Judge is not the right way to award it I think awarding wit for doing it without that is the better way to look at it okay agreed agreed I mean obviously salvi's had a nice year but the line of protection on one side versus the other is still blaring there's been times where you look and you're like it's only judging stto obviously right now you're getting you know John Carlos back and Jaz good for a week but I think you know Kansas City what Soto's in front of him in the order yeah yeah guy is what is on base so judge is always hitting with someone on base yeah you're always put it's pressure spots for the pitcher I'm with you and actually there's been plenty of Articles written about how line of protection is not real by the numbers and I think it's total garbage I've read the yeah there's plenty I'll send you a couple I I've I've read some smart people that I like try to do research on on it and say that it's not really a thing I'm like you're wild because every meeting crats goes over a player and how you're going to approach them no I mean give us give us a quick sec on this and why it matters it matters because you have to be able to execute pitches to guys in the lineup and you never get a breath when a lineup is absolutely dominant like look at a Dodgers lineup you're not getting a breath until right now fifth or sixth in the in the order yeah you might mix in there oh this guy doesn't doesn't you know face my slider very well this guy doesn't handle the heater up but you can't just like heater up heater down breaking ball this that you got to have Elite stuff to go through lineups that are deep and protected and the Yankees are deep and protected like wotto should be I'm thinking number three in MVP voting yeah yeah exactly and sometimes that that hurts you we've talked about that you know in past years where you have two really good players and sometimes they can cancel each other out so good debate let's get to UD Darvish he's working out John Heyman with the report and this of course would help the Padres because he's been out for a minute um he also said he thinks the Padres will pursue Blake Snell in the off season assuming he uh does not stay with the Giants which I Al also thought was interesting of course Blake was just there um and pitched really well he was a Young Award winner but thoughts on the Padres right now Kip because the Diamondbacks have made a surge of their hottest team in baseball the Padres though are probably one be or two since the second half uh began they're playing some awesome baseball I think that we'd be talking about them even more so if it wasn't for the guys in their own division being the one team that's hotter than them so they are playing some inspired baseball right now um you are not you are not comfortable if you're in a Dodgers uniform right now and it's it's fun watch as a fan because it's the first time in a long time that they haven't been um normally they're up like double digit game lead right now and can Coast kind of into the playoffs so it'll be very fun to see that not only have one but two teams on their heels and um you're almost like it's you got nothing to lose kind of if you're both of these teams if you're the Diamondbacks and the Padres so I think the Padre's are playing some great baseball it's it's isn't it weird though that's it's like they let go of Snell they let go of stto like they don't have that uh huge amount of money lineup anymore they still got I mean obviously some guys but um that's just the game of baseball that Ken was talking about where it's like it's always fun to see when the lower I'm not going to call San Diego a lower payroll team uh but just when you could be addition by subtraction in this game that you normally don't get in any other sport maybe the Padres should back off a little bit and not put so much pressure on the Dodgers because other years the Dodgers cruise into the playoffs and then the playoffs hit and Wham they're out of the playoff yeah you don't that's what I mean like I'm just saying obviously they can't do that they want to chase them down for division just like the Diamondbacks do but Dodgers have to keep pushing here and you've seen it that teams that have to keep pushing into the playoffs sometimes get hot and sometimes the teams that don't push you're like well you know they're cruising in how do you make how do you make that push how do you get that urgency who knows we'll see it'd be nice to get darish back that's for damer that they would love that and he's going to keep throwing hopefully getting healthy I don't think you you have him going through all this and setting the schedule up for him to return without it being realistic possibility so even if it's for a middle relief guy or um something maybe yeah I I think you'd love to have a pitcher a healthy U darish on any roster so yeah I think he'll be back I mean the pitching's good it's playoff good too I mean I've talked about it a lot on this show but the high leverage arms they have even if a dude gets cold or a dude goes down they still have just in my mind so much more trust in their High leverage relievers than almost any team in baseball has you know in terms of the amount of names it's not just like oh we got one or two guys that are going to be Auto eighth and ninth inning for us I mean yeah what's the number there Kats maybe five that you feel really good about I mean I can I can name four you have Suarez you have have Tanner uh Tanner Scott you have um Jeremiah you have Estrada Jeremiah Estrada and then you have um oh freaking a so I can't name four I Nam three yeah you do no no I have I have well I was gonna add two more Jason Adam oh right right they P I knew there was somebody else that they picked up and I have won I mean he's not in that category but I definitely would rely on pretty heavily for playoff Innings and Adrien MO H so like and then you go to a next tier which still could feature some arms that you'd feel good about but I think right there we at least came up with four or five that you feel really good about pitching in late inning in game exactly exactly all right coming up next we're going to introduce a new segment that puts bad teams to bed not the worst teams we know they've been sleeping for a while but the teams that had a shot that now get to play golf soon [Music] hey Tommy we haven't had you on since you signed so I know in the offseason you spoke about how you know we were trying to go to a contender and when you joined the white socks obviously you wanted to just get back into the game of course and get going because it was a late signing and what was your thought process on how free agent played out and where you ended up here free agency was a mess for me um I I don't I don't really know what happened man several several teams called um you know in comparison to the previous offseason I thought things were going to be different they were going to be great um but it it just didn't work that way um I didn't get my first offer until February 25th you know and um I I thought that was odd because you know that's that's after spring training has has started um several teams called it looked like we were going to get close and it just never really materialized with him um they you know I was always kind of like their plan B so um that was uh that was a eyeopener to me but yeah I didn't get my first offer till February 25th then the second offer came in days later [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] I'm modeling today for fou territory it's probably my favorite website it's where you can find shirts hats hoodies polos wristbands coffee mugs stickers the whole deal fou territory support the ffam wear it take a picture of it show us maybe tag us on Instagram and we'll restore it [Music] uh oh new segment they're cooked so we know who's been cooked for a while this is not the segment for the white socks the Marlins the A's all that let's get a tier up and talk about teams that were at least talked about in the playoff picture for some time and also we're going to get to some teams potentially if we have time that are still very much in the playoff picture and see if we feel like they're about to be cooked but let's start with the Pirates so congratulations to the Pittsburgh Pirates you made a really nice run for the first what 75% or so of the season but the last quarter is talking about your prospects and what's happening next year Kip they've lost 10 games in a row they've been a fun team to follow especially because of the emergence of Gyra Jones and Paul skes but your thoughts on Pittsburgh given it the good old College try and letting their fans down and when I say letting their fans down I mean ownership Habachi they're cooked you can't these are when teams are needing to play their best baseball and making their moves and you see Guy guys like we just talked about the Dbacks and Padres and you you want to catch people and uh losing double digits in a row right now does not scream playoff team to me one bit 10 in a row after the allstar break 10 in a row it doesn't look good when we talk to when we talk to the Pirates next year in spring training they're going to say coming back they're have a nice tan from golfing all off season but they're going to say well you know we were playing well remember we were game and a half out and H we just riddled with some injuries you know we lost Jared Jones and then they'll start like they'll start rattling off all the injuries that they had throughout the entire year like they're the only team that had injuries the issue is the ownership does not set them up to have those injuries the Phillies are one of the best teams in the National League they've had injuries the Brewers are the best team in the NL Central the division that they play in and they are a small Market they've had injuries their ownership sets them up their system sets them up to be able to withstand injuries so this is not the players fault the players are doing what they can and I love a lot of pieces from this team they just couldn't withstand losing a Jared Jones they couldn't withstand a down Year from ke Brian Hayes and that's what they need to supplement their organization and their team we got two things here first we got our cutting board F territory cutting board that's what the we're gonna use that for to cut up the Pittsburgh they're they're they're Habachi right now uh secondly one of my favorite things that ranona Tito would always say in spring training and that's what I'm what Kats I'm going to Echo what you're kind of hinting at is the rosters are 25 men um 26 Now 26 excuse me but if you want to be a real chance to win it's going to take a lot more than 26 guys you need to have depth you need to be set up to withand injuries to battle with this stuff he so he would always Every Spring training he's like we're gonna break with 25 at that time 25 guys he's like but in order for us to win we're going to need a lot more of the guys that are in this spring training room so it takes about 40 45 guys to really be a good team to because there's just so many games in the season's so long you're going to have stuff that goes wrong you're going to have injuries that pop up and if you want to be a team a good team you're gonna have to be able to withstand the negativities and the downsides of the a long season and Pittsburgh's just not set up to do that yet that's a great point on the injuries from you two so when you talk to team broadcasters or team people sometimes they' be like oh my gosh we've been through it this year with the injuries and I'm like you're in a bubble okay you're in a bubble that we'll point out there are I I would say there are a few teams where you look and you're like wow this has really been nuts and it's superstars that are all out like say Strider and aunia something like that with the Braves but there are so many teams sometimes will'll be like guys we've been through it our seventh inning reliever has been down since May I'm like stop enough it's ridiculous so the Pirates have been fine replace that if you can't replace a seventh in relever and that's a that's a direct quote from people it's like what are you expecting here the Pirates have been I would say probably one of the more healthy teams this year they hav't been going down left and right ah I mean okay you know you know when the you know when every one of the Braves gets hurt because almost all of the ones in the starting lineup and the rotation we in the All-Star game last year you just don't know when the Pirates guys get hurt because you're like didn't really know about him because he's got like three qus of a year got like a year and a half you remember when the stars get hurt so that's why we put up the graphic of you know oh the Dodgers have an entire All-Star team starting rotation on the iil that's all they have they only have allst stars that's why it's a quote dream team the Pirates need to supplement their team with legitimate guys who are ready to or have helped teams win in the big leagues and then they supplement it with the young guys ownership puts them in a situation where they can only have a team young guys yeah I'm looking at their IL right now for their 40 men there's almost no position players on it so just pointing that out there part of problem the luxury of the big Market teams too though they can afford guys who are better at stepping in who can who can who can if someone gets injured you're not going to miss the production as much because they have a chance to have higher production guys there anyways they don't invest in really any free agent offense for the most part that's always been their thing it's a massive man massive ownership plague so let's ceue up this tweet because I guess there's talks now which is fair because it's been years on the jobs of Ben charington and Derek Shelton right so here's one tweet given one reason give one reason why Shelton charington should survive Pirates collapsed I'm I'm a big I mean I know you're probably gonna say the same thing Kat I'm a big Derek Shelton fan and for me charington you know is is given the same template as a team like Baltimore and you're not going to get every tanking team to become the Orioles so it's a tough sell I I think it's way more a combo on the front office side than it is on the coaching side I think they have outperformed expectations the last couple years and I know for a fact that that coaching staff has created an environment in Pittsburgh where they will win when supplemented I've said the word supplement too many times but they have people put in positions to have success and so if there's a one two ranking here it is a far it's unanimous Ben jingon over Derrick Shelton but I can't really say what what Ben did I think I liked the stuff that he was able to pick up in the off season he was able to get you know an aalis Chapman he was able to go and get a mar Marco Gonzalez like he made some moves boring he made some moves within the you know if okay if we're gonna rank Bob nutting Ben sherington and then Derrick Shelton I love that coaching staff and I have personal you know I have personal relationships with some of those guys but I love that staff because of how they treat guys and they're I think they can build a winner there with those guys in that spot yep and let's show the graphic and then we'll hit the break because we got the big men from yesterday joining us next nice nice yeah was that a was that a cookie was that a cookie that they put on there because I'm not I'm not about cooking a cookie like let's just eat that John it's like a fancy burnt ends that they placed all around the perimeter and I don't know but yeah it's a good try I feel bad for Pittsburgh fans I love that City and the fan base but they just need more TLC from the big man all right let's step aside we got the big man from yesterday Mr cycle uh joining us next on Ft we are very excited to talk to Weston Wilson of the Phillies nobody's called him Mr [Music] cycle I'm gonna call him Mr cycle when we introduce it's gonna be weird it's gonna be weird it's gonna be cringy it's gonna be like me saying Riz around my kids I won't say okay here's my negotiation okay because I have to do this every day yeah I have to blab back and forth with Katz and introduce all these dudes especially a Philly why don't you do it take over and you give me you give me what what the kids would say to introduce Weston Wilson or just like a cool way to introduce Weston Wilson get get my corny ass out of here 2500 2500 minor league at bats if you don't lead off with 25 minor league 2500 minor Le at bats a dude that was grinding an absolute grind to get to the big leagues he had to spend time in the Milwaukee minor league system he had to go to mville every year didn't get shot once you can start with that Mr cycle maybe like Senor C something like that Kip I overlooked this part when you bring on a player that has gone through it in the miners the man above you in the Box lights up but I mean but I I played professional baseball let's be honest like I wasn't in the pros but I was playing professional baseball like I was playing a game but you were playing in the minor league so it's different you're in the bushes and he was in mville mville Kip it ain't no it ain't no good year next to the airplane Boneyard but at least you're not getting shot there if you're rooting for him why don't you want to give him his flowers if he hits the cycle call him Mr cycle I don't know I just don't think think Mr cycle Christian Yelich like calls his Cycles like that's Mr cycle you get you get two or three of them no he Brock Holz got us Brock Holtz got a cycle in the playoffs he's the only one ever let's it I did it in you didn't Triple A Triple A playoffs single away from back-to-back Cycles no backtack games I got I got called up uh from introducing him what you're introducing him one cycle guy to the next I can pass off the torch now no but uh I was always I was a hit away a bunch in the in the pros never got in the pros so you gotta tip the cap give his flowers there you go okay soats get ready for the intro we're coming right back and also by the way we have a Philly show under the Ft Network it's called the Philly show they do great interviews on there but we're talking to Weston Wilson in a moment on Ft a hit away is not a triple away either so that doesn't count I was [Music] humorous all right we're back on Ft arratz former Philly spend some time in the miners take it away all right they asked me to introduce you Weston Graham Wilson okay soon to be father okay Philadelphia Phillies fans favorite new player Weston Wilson 25 over 2500 minor league at bats but not just regular app bats you went to mville every year for spring training and you have no bullet wounds that we know of is this true or not true th this is true I do have a player a teammate not from marville but he has a bullet wound uh but yeah there was there was a lot of times where they'd shut the complex down kind kind of of shut the gates and not let people leave uh helicopters flying around definitely a shady spot wow and look at him now Mr from last night so I I I had to do it so how dude how was it right so obviously bringing you on for many reasons but here's one of them perfect timing congrats on the cycle yesterday Big Win obviously for the Phillies but thank you how was it how was the experience for you take us through anything interesting that fans should know about you know was were people saying stuff to you The Dugout um yeah so first a bat struck out next bat got the hardest one out of the way the triple uh almost Ed around second base um I I didn't really see the ball car him off because of the video board uh kind of Blended in at first and um yeah kind of had like a straight line at second base and had to cut the corner tight and uh almost ate it but yeah got that one out of the way and I think the coolest hit it was probably the single H like 43 miles hour I think is what what they said U blew me up man it was a slider that went the back backwards um but yeah just uh it was the top of the eighth we came off the field and Harper was waiting there at the end of The Dugout and he goes hey Wes I don't care where you hit this ball you're going to not stop running until you get to second base um so just uh uh you know hearing that kind of made me laugh and you know everybody was so supportive so a double was the last one correct double was the last one yeah that's what I'm saying that's why I don't so we were talking about langier as being a hitway and not knowing it before I was like if you have three hits and one's a triple already too you know you're a hit away and you know what you need once I hit the Homer I knew um yeah it was it was after the Homer I knew that I was hit away that's yeah so that's why I don't believe langers said he didn't know he claims that he a which one did he need uhp he needed the triple but he still had trip ones yeah that's probably why I'm just happy I'm trying to Kats and me think you should get your flowers and you should because the last time I was on here and talking about you so I'm not on as much was your uh debut where you hit a home run but it was overshadowed by a no hitter wasn't it it yeah it was but that that was way cooler man to be a part of that no hitter on my day debut was just incredible that's an awesome debut too but I'm glad that that you're still trucking away and you got a cycle under your belt which not many people in the league can say so that's fantastic yeah no I feel very blessed and um just it's kind of a blur right now just putting all this in perspective uh was telling somebody earlier um last year I hit my home run in my first at bat and I didn't really get to sit down and watch it um um until after the season I was driving home from somewhere and I just put the game on and uh watched the whole thing so that was the first time it really set in um I think this one's going to take a little bit as well what's something you've probably done a million interviews since since the game what is the momentto what's the what's the like Keepsake that they gave you or presented to you that you're going to be like that's awesome I'm I'm definitely Juiced that I'm keeping that say that again it cut it cut out a little bit oh just what is the momento that they're giving you like did they give you all the bases did they like take your bat and you know put a sticker on it what what what were the things that they gave you that you're like this this means more than like any other first home run ball or anything like that yeah um as of now I think they've authenticated the bat the single double which was the one to get it and then the uh triple they did not get the Home Run ball um but I got my batting gloves and my cleats all that's authenticated um and I'm actually probably going to do a shadow box um cool story Reese Hoskins last year after my debut um I came in and they were like hey what do you want authenticated from today's game you can do whatever you want and uh they said you know one of your teammates is gonna get you a box to put and um so it's actually at my at my house now and uh yeah re re hooked it up so wait after your your first home run and all that stuff you didn't watch that until the season was over I saw clips of it but I never watched the entire game um to where you know I could see the interviews from my parents and all all that stuff that okay that's a little different have you watched your your cycle from last night uh yeah I did I did get to see that right all right enjoy it a little bit that's one one of the coolest parts and it just it's almost assumed or you would think of it as like a play as like play as a fan one of the coolest Parts you have a good game go in bed and you're watching ESPN Aton night and see is one of the most underrated parts of playing in the big leagues it's one of the coolest things why did I hear a Grumble out of cats on that one because I completely agree yeah it's one of the the big the one of the coolest unspoken perks of playing a professional sport is seeing yourself on ESPN after a great game and being able to watch it so I want you to watch yourself a little bit more and enjoy it when it happens because you deserve to I will yeah I I've seen it on uh Instagram and stuff but yeah um last year was cool because you know I went to the hotel right after the game and was able to watch it with my wife on the news and on ESPN this one I didn't get to see on ESPN or anything so you know I'm I'll go home and do that tonight with her it's AAL game so if you got something that's going to boost you up and make you feel a little bit better a little strut the going to the ballpark dude use it use it absolutely and and I'm gonna and I'm GNA couple off that I'm g go right off a kip on that one what did it feel like waking up this morning because I know what it felt like waking up after going 0 for four but you get a couple knocks and you're like you get up and you're like am I even going to take BP today because I'm pretty fresh you can you can attest to it so take us through what it was like you woke up this morning I I didn't get to bed until late last night just couldn't couldn't go to sleep and uh then I was like all right I need to put my phone down and go to bed um set my alarm for 10 o'clock and I ended up waking up maybe around 9: and I was like you know what I'm GNA go outside and walk to a coffee shop and uh go hang out and um I don't know just relax I mean it's obviously it's it's really cool you have great games to just relax and um definitely like you said a lot different feeling than when you go for four the night before and you want to uh you know correct that the next day so are you looking at the lineup today and you're already at the field but are you coming into the field like I kind of want to savor this four for five game like maybe don't maybe maybe topper doesn't put me in the lineup and then we got a bunch of lefties coming up here but or do you are you like get me up to the just let me lead off schwarber you go hitting the bottom of the order I'm leading off which is it I'm I'm going leave schorer there man sh schorer is the man he does a great job but to be honest with you I just want to play as much as I can doesn't matter who it is I'm playing against righty or Lefty um I just want to play as much as possible and uh you know I'm in there tonight so see if we can do something again oh yeah hey won how many times did you go through that annoying experience of either thinking hey it's it's not going to happen for me or somebody even telling you that right like I I've talked to players who have made it when they logged many minor league at bats and they're like yeah my agent was like maybe you should think about something else um yeah I mean it's definitely tough you hear you hear people saying like hey It's usually the comments that are harmless they just don't know what they're saying um like what have you thought about after baseball or um just those kind of questions and uh I always truly felt in my heart that I would play in the big leagues I just needed an opportunity um came close a couple times felt like I deserved a shot a couple times but um you know I was telling some earlier uh at this Kids Camp that I was doing today um asking about what it was like getting the call for the first time and you know my dad always told me it's going to be when you least expect it and uh that was definitely the case um felt like I was playing well enough to get an opportunity to play in the big leagues but uh I just wasn't expecting it when my manager in Triple A told me so uh just really cool really cool man before I get to my question where were you doing a camp at because I live 45 minutes outside of Philly where were you doing a camp at uh it was like a Q&A in the stadium um so they I guess it's Philly baseball academy I'm looking at it on the board right now um but I guess they come here and do some stuff and then they get to come into the media room and uh someone you know ask some questions and then they get to ask questions um so it's just like a little hour thing all right so he asked like okay hanging them up well look like let's be honest you weren't hanging them up last year before you got called up 30 31 pumps 31 pumps in Lehigh which it's no Columbus where Kip where Kip like sharpened his tee Columbus you probably would have had 45 dingers but anyway lehi's big hey Columbus got me right this year and got me called up all right all right let's just cool it let's just cool it let's go let's go Columbus that's where that's why that's why Kip was just multi-year Allstar not not more than that but how close were you to Japan because 30 pumps in the bushes that just automatically just dings on Japanese Radars how close were you to thinking that was a possibility uh definitely was I had teams contacting my agent left and right um had opportunities this off season um had opportunities last year in in Triple A to you know go over there halfway through towards August um but you know the Phillies wanted me here and um yeah I'm glad I got an opportunity and they wanted me here this offseason um obviously you know sometimes when things aren't you know progressing like you think um you know maybe an opportunity isn't coming up like you you think it might uh people people come in and ask if that's a a shot and you give it a little weight but obviously I feel like I can play in the big leagues here um and don't feel like it you know it's something that I need to go do right now but um just want to help this team win man whatever way that is starting games coming off the bench uh we got a great group here and um you know my hearts here last night was a blast to watch super happy for you and obviously for the success of the ball Club this year so thank you for joining us Weston this was great I want to rate Katz's intro uh at the finish line here yes Eric I knew sorry this is this is GNA kill me my producer is gonna say one more and I'm interrupting you twice in one day Scott I have to tell you Wes you don't know me from anybody but my kids and I were watching the game last night and when you came up they have never been more glued to the screen 15 and 17year old boys got away from their phones and were glued and audibly cheered when you got your double so just know and they're not even they're not even both Phillies fans one is a Phillies fan other one's a Yankees fan but just so you know like it it makes an impact and that people will remember you for what you did last night that's awesome and honestly that's that's what it's all about is how can I you know impact other kids or whoever whoever it is but you know now they're able to hear about my story um you know the long journey that it was to get to the big leagues and and you know hopefully it impacted some people yeah see you Sunday yeah there you go yeah you see him Sunday hey Weston thank you so much it definitely is making an impact keep doing your thing appreciate the time absolutely thank you guys thank you Weston Wilson with us from the Phillies and yes there is a Philly show part of the Ft Network it's with Ruben Amaro Jim Salisbury and Todd zi I love when Ruben does the point like watch us listen to us check out the YouTube channel and type in that name wherever you get your podcast Paul sewald is waiting for still be joining us [Music] next can you figure out can you put your finger on why why they don't ever just Veer from this rhetoric of oh it's going to be good oh we're going to keep this person at a trade deadline what what can you put your finger on it or is it several things I think that it's it's this the you know one thing will say for art it's a misguided idea but it is the idea that he doesn't want to have like a rebuilding you know a year where you go in and you know there's no hope um I think that's the biggest thing here that's that is you know the the driving force behind it the issue is they haven't really spent in free agency since they signed Anthony renon I mean I think Perry is's fourth year the largest contract that he signed was rice El glacius which was like four years in 56 I think and then they salary dumped him three three or four months later uh so this was you know they really haven't had the flexibility to sign guys and so if you're not going to operate as a big Market team which I think the Angels should be in their market then if you're not going to be like that then you have to operate like the the Orioles and the Reds and the you know the Rays and teams that are smart and the teams that are building up their farm system to the point where they're able to compete with a lower budget the Angels just they're not investing in in the back end and they're not investing in free agency right now and I think they're hoping that this young core they do have a decent young core they do have some good young players but it's not enough to win games uh at a consistent clip uh it's just the facts I mean this is that they have enough evidence year after year and including this year to see that if they if they stay on the current path without you know building up that farm system with with you know players that can make a difference at some point then it's just going to be the same thing next year and the same thing the year after that [Music] he [Music] there he is Paul seaal of the Diamondbacks back on Ft what do we got today was this t-shirt we're rocking rare but real it's about wind Williams syndrome so uh Amiel one of our assistant GMS his daughter has uh William syndrome and we all uh they had a charity event for for the or cause the organization a couple weeks ago and everyone got a shirt in maure and so I can support her but also it's just a really comfortable shirt so it kind of works works in both ways that's awesome no and that's why you make shirts too so we can bring that up like you don't get that without the T-shirt so really cool exactly great start great start to the combo I love it all right so tell me about your ball Club because since we last spoke have you guys lost no we have not lost not lost the game uh haven't certainly haven't lost the Series no it's been good it's been good uh it's funny you got you had Ken rosenthall on earlier he was at the game a couple days ago and I saw him and I just went up to him I said did we have to win 14 Series in a row for you to come out to Arizona to watch us I haven't seen you in a couple months so um yeah it's been good been good the boys have been have been on fire and um just to you know we're starting to get healthy we're starting to get kind of all the pieces that we thought we were going to have in spring training and and you know this team's just been unbelievable and and even people that we didn't expect to be you know major cogs have turned into have turned into really really important pieces and that's just a credit to Mike making sure that our our roster is as good as it could possibly be and and you know the players who put in the work and here we are I won't mention the team but we were discussing another team that is out of it now out of the playoffs they had a shot they have some really good players on their team kind of homegrown talent but how much do you need all 40 or 50 guys in an organization and for a owner exactly what you said about Hazen the GM building a team that has depth because I I'm pretty sure you guys are having a good season four up in the wild card and you guys have had injuries right so how much of that is is needed we had a discussion for about five minutes before this before you came on yeah I think you guys know there's plenty of guys there's 75 guys who bring in Camp and yet there's always somebody who wasn't even in spring training that makes an impact on the team so you're talking not the 40-man roster not even 50 guys 60 guys you bring to camp we're talking about 80 guys get used whether it's a prospect that you trade for a big leager you know that's one of those things that you know gets underappreciated it's it's the more prospects you have the more you can trade them for current Major Leaguers and to make your 26-man roster better so not only is it important to have you know a deep 40-man roster so when you have injuries you can bring somebody up but you got to have a deep farm system so you can trade for pieces and bring back you know AJ Puck and dlan floro and make sure your bullpens bullpens as good as it could be um getting Josh Bell when you really need them that's you know that's just a credit to the entire organization about making sure that we have all the pieces that are equipped to give us the best chance at making a run here in October all right I don't need to rehash exactly your up and down season but you've been lights out or lights off so I'm not sure which is better but I have to adjust it to the question is moving in Direction how soon is too soon to take somebody who propelled their team to the World Series out of the closer role um you know that's that's up to Tori and that's up to the organization and they made a decision that they thought at that time was the best time to reprieve me of those of that role and and try to give some other guys a chance and and see if you know that gives us the best chance of winning he he's in charge of making sure that the Diamond Backs have the best chance they have at winning and at that moment he didn't think that I was that me in the closer role was the best chance and so he decided to make a move and um he said it's not NE necessarily permanent it's just one of the things that we're going to go with right now and and you know that's just one of those things that you know as a player you you know you're very much concerned with yourself you're not necessarily considered the the best part of the entire organization so that's uh that's up to them and they decided that that was the best thing that's that's for us and you know I'm just out there trying to make sure that I do what I can do to help the team whether that's going to pitch in the sixth inning whether that's you know if I get the closer roll again I'm going to go out there and do the best I can to throw strikes and and get outs and make sure that we have have a chance to win because ultimately we're in a we're in a great position that winning really matters in these next six weeks and and the more we have the more the better chance we have going to October and doing what we really want to do I appreciate your honesty with that answer because that is a tough question but I know you're very honest and how much is it motivating how much is it also when when Tori has that conversation with you that he's already had other conversations cuz I always talk about manager building up building up that that like that cache that that balance with you like he's communicated a lot with you so when he has to have a tough conversation he's withdrawing from that knowing that it will piss you off but knowing what kind of person you are how much of that is how does that whole process go with Tori yeah yeah Tori and I have a great communication system he and I go back and forth he and I go back go back forth about a lot of things not just my career and um so I feel like we have a good we have a good relationship where you know he understood that he had to deliver that message but he understood that I you know I wasn't going to walk out of there with a smile and excited that you know I got demoted from the role that I've had for so long but um I think he understood that when I took the message and I took you know that that idea that I was G to do the best that I could to get it back and and to be the best picture that I can possibly be and um we need to make adjustments to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be and so that's what that's all I'm focused on what can I do to be the best version of py world I could possibly be and that's all that really matters to me that's all that's all I'm concerned about that's all they want me to be focused on and and you know like I said we we're in the middle of a pennant race if your feelings are going to get hurt from stuff like this like you just don't belong especially in our damn Diamondbacks Clubhouse so um I'm just out there trying to figure out how to be the best pitcher I can possibly be whenever they tell me to pitch I'm going to run out there and I'm going to do the best I can I love it I love it I think I just put it together by the way that your little brother was at Arizona state that that you guys were related for the first time I think I just put that together you know I'm gonna and I saw you were on this I don't know if you know this you and I have a connection do you know that you and I have a connection we were almost traded for each other we were almost traded for each other in 2017 I do remember that that rumor um you got to be an honorary ASU fan at this point because I see that's where you met your wife or during the fall league and then your brother went there I'm I'm pretty devil I'm pretty devil I you know I didn't go there myself I wasn't nearly good enough to go there when they were pretty stacked when I was in college but uh my brother going there and my and my wife going there I feel like I have an honorary ASU sundevil to me and and so that's pretty special being back in back in as back in Phoenix um you know it was one of the three reasons I think we were so we were so happy we weren't we were just taken back by the trade but the fact they get to go to Phoenix go to a place where I met my wife where we have so many friends where we have family was pretty special hey I love Arizona and it's great weather and great Vibes and all of that and this is great we can we can go back to this but you can't you can't do that you guys can't do that can't be like oh we got that little connection where we were almost traded in 2016 like I need everything now I mean especially because it's been a long time give me everything like what was the deal what were you hearing like Paul you want to start and then Kip can fill in the and it was a straight up I think so I was on the Mets Kip was on the was on the Cleveland team whatever you want to call them at the time and so you know this is kind of just like hey like uh you know there's rumors going on you see on Twitter it's like there's a there's a trade kibis is GNA go to the Mets for player and then next thing you know it's like 10 minutes later there's another tweet that's like uh the wi Pond family canel the deal they're not going to do the deal and it and you know in my opinion I'm like oh we're getting Jason Kidman sick this is gonna be awesome and then I found out like three months later I found out in spring training uh some reporter got a hold of like well who was going to be the player that was traded and they said it was going to be Paul sewald and so I was kind of like all right well I guess I wasn't going to be teammates with Kip because we were going to get swapped so um yeah so that's the story so it was it was like it was done deal they had the GMS had it agreed upon the will ponds canceled it at the last second next thing you know I'm still on I'm still in New York and Kip is still in Cleveland and and uh here we are today I think this the first time that you and I have talked about that or uh anything like that and then you then we share a fun at bat where it's like oh we were almost when we both knew it was like we almost traded for each other I'm pretty sure Paul blew my doors off so uh I was like okay maybe maybe they're smart to hold on to them so that worked out that worked out well for everyone um what I wanted to ask you kind of because since you've now were there for last year's run um what would be the main difference or similarities do you see from last year's playoff team to how you guys are playing now you know what it's we're completely different team but at at our core we're still the same team right our our team goes with catel Marte and Corbin Carol that's what we did last year and Marty you know had that 25 game hit streak in the postseason that's what you know he was the NLCS MVP he very much carried us to the point that we wanted to go and our team goes with Corin Carroll he's you know he's essentially our best player he when he goes He sets everything up he's on the leadoff spot he's fast he creates chaos you know we have guys on base for people to drive him in it just is you know those two are we're the core of our offense last year and they're still the core of our offense this year the difference is that we're so much deeper this year at every position I think think you know we just need to give our front office an incredibly uh incredible praise that they created a really really deep team right we have much better starting pitching than we had last year in September we were doing the bullpen day two out of every five right you know it was like it was uh it was gallon it was Merill it was fodder and then we kind of prayed for two days to see if we could get through it and now you know now we're looking at hey we have six really good starters how are we going to how are we going to come down to five and make sure how we get the best 13 man uh pitching staff we could possibly have and our lineup just gets so deep you know you just talk about Jake McCarthy was getting very limited at bats a month ago now he's hitting seven million in the month of in the month of July and August and so um he didn't get three hits a couple days ago so that was you know he'll try to fix that and we'll just try to go from there so I just think just generally at the core we're still the same team that's who we are but we are just so much deeper and and I just think so much better than we were last year we just had Jake on the other day and his mustaches just impeccable it is awesome so if that's what it is just perfect right now okay that's good he can't he can't do anything wrong he had a great headband on yeah everything everything was awesome perfect perfect so another perfect man you mentioned him Marte catel Marte we talk about NL MVP candidates what you've seen the rest of the national league is he the MVP of the National League I'm fairly biased but I would say that he is the most valuable player in our league I think there's not to take away anything from any of the other players who are being nominated and we still have six weeks of the season right this is why they don't give the award um on August 15 we had we have six weeks to uh to do what we can but I think he just provides so much for our team he's been absolutely the best player in our league I you know it's it's difficult do you want to say the most valuable or do you want to say the best and and just you know I think he's done both I think he's been extremely valuable when we when we were lacking a little bit of offense and we were lacking some health he seemed to carry us we you know we made the joke in the bullpen that he was Greg Jennings just carrying the team on his back all the time and and you know now we started to get a lot of pieces rolling and it doesn't you know it hasn't stopped him the second half you know you kind of thought like maybe there's a he he really wanted to be an allar since he was snub last year and you thought he was extra motivated and it's like all right now the All-Star game's done what's he GNA come back with and he's been even better than he was in the first half and I think just a lot of credit to him that he's been our best player and he's carried us to the point that we're in right now and I would say um when you're leading the wild card that's extreme value so I think you talk about most valuable best player Marty's done it all he's been incredible and and I can't say enough good things about him um as a teammate and just as somebody who I get to watch you know every day play two things how is his ankle and how concerned was everybody when he comes out of a game CU it it was like two or three games out of four games where like he came out in the middle of the game because that ankle how many guys go into the training room and are really concerned when that happens yeah so I'll give you two-part answer I actually I really don't know even if I do I probably couldn't give you the answer but I I honestly don't know the health status of his ankle um all of us are just hoping and praying it's really nothing you know super super severe I think he probably just he was still sore but he's a gamer and he's like hey I want to get back out there as quickly as possible and and he probably just needed a couple extra days of not doing anything so good thing he didn't play two days ago we had the off day yesterday we have a couple of off days here we have like three in 10 days so maybe this is a great chance to maybe you know sit him a day or two or try and make sure that he gets as much rest as he possibly can so then when uh When September Comes we need him as much as possible so um lot of lot of concern right I just talked about how great he's been when you see a player like that go down your heart stops and so you start to worry um but he's really really tough so if he can play he will play so I appreciate that I appreciate who he is and Hope we just hope that you know with these couple extra off days little bit extra treatment that he's going to be just fine okay so I'm going to take us in a different direction here I don't think I've ever asked you about him but maybe correct me if I'm wrong you're friends with Chris Bryant right you've known him for years okay a long time his brother and I were on our very first Little League teams together ever at like five or six so it's been 30 years or so since I've I've known Chris like so we we go back a little bit yes yeah so you followed Superstar College obviously superstar in The Bigs wins a World Series with the Cubs the whole deal do you keep in touch with him or follow where he's at now because it's it's wild I mean he is a lifetime Legend in Chicago and in addition to obviously not performing well I mean part of that's tied into I don't know if people even realize like he's back on the I I don't know if he'll come back this season he's got like really bad chronic back issues so just wanted to get your thoughts on what he's gone through in the second half of his career kind of Disappearing yeah it's just a really it's like a sad story right it's been his his Chicago story couldn't have been any better and his Colorado Series has been about as bad as it can be unfortunately and it's just it's really devastating to see um as a friend and just somebody who enjoys you know we kind of want the best baseball players on the on planet Earth to be playing so that everyone can watch him and he's one of those guys when he's healthy he just can't stay healthy and even when he's borderline healthy he's playing through it and so he's not the same you know KB that we've all kind of grown up watching and and loving and you know it's just really disappointing just the you know father time and I'm not saying he's done playing baseball but just injuries start to pile up the older you get and and he just had so many miles on him so early playing you know you know he was in the big leagues at 22 it just is very difficult you just start to add up all those games and and never got a day off in Chicago and you're going to the postseason every single season so you're adding stress there and um you know then you go to Colorado and everyone who's been there knows that that's a that's a tough place for your body to feel the best it can feel and you know it's just disappointing to see and and I hope I hope nothing but the best health for him moving forward I know this back stuff has seemed to get him for the last three years and so um just praying he finds whatever the answer is find it get a procedure do the work whatever you can possibly do to just get healthy and and kind of finish that finish that contract in Colorado like we kind of hoped it was going to start do you hear any guys talk about not specifically Chris but I mean it applies to him because he's had the injuries and N now it's like a tough back injury about Colorado being a bad place to recover or do you feel it when you just go in for a three or four game series and you know two different Series in a month yeah anybody who's played a lot of time there or a little time there knows that like you just don't feel as good in Colorado and so um you know snowbirds don't move to Colorado to get you know to make their their body feel good uh people move to Arizona they move to Florida they move somewhere where it's very warm and a little bit of humidity and in Colorado just doesn't have that and um I know from experience you have to do everything you possibly can to recover there it's not a workstation series when you go there it's a Recovery Station Series so um I know I know I always bring Epsom salts to take a bath there to try and make sure that you bring inflammation down and it's like it's just this constant battle and you know I only go there two times a year at the very most and so um playing 81 games there can really toll on you I know Mike Dunn and I uh grew up working out together when I was early in my career and early in the minor leagues and he signed there and he had he had nothing but great things to say about Denver and I love Denver the city but as as a place to try and feel your best when you have to perform at a physical level it's a really tough place it's a really tough place and so it's just it's just one of those things that I know Chris is going through right now that's a tough place for you to feel your best unfortunately and if you already have problems those they just start to compound I feel like there and that's why I'll say it there are certain cities certain teams that have to overpay for free agents that's one of them just based on what you're talking about often it's pitching but it's position players too just like Toronto it's just about Canada it has nothing to do with the Blue Jays or the organization just a it's a pain to have to deal with customs and all that for families right yeah absolutely it's just it and you just said it there's just there's nothing to say about it they just have to make up for the inconveniences and that's a that's a drastic inconvenience and and especially as a pitcher you know you're not going to be as good there as you could be other places and so if you want to get a pitcher you have to figure out how to get in there and it's a little more dollars and and that was KB's biggest offer and and that's you know when you get to free agency that's your right is to take the biggest offer you can possibly have and um he's got four kids now so you gotta he's got he's got to make some money for those kids and so um I don't blame him for that at all but I do understand that you know it's it's a tough place to feel your best and I only go there a couple times a year so um 81 games there would not make you feel as good as uh as other places that's for sure yeah I'm with you well Paul this was awesome um great to have you on you know if if you mix in a loss or two here and there it's okay just tell everyone it's okay you know make sure they feel okay um you know we'll grab you again in a few weeks but you tell the guys in San Diego the same thing I mean I look up and I'm like we haven't lost since the second half started and we've gained no games on them how is that even possible we haven't lost game I don't remember the last time we lost a game and those guys are still ahead of us so um they have the same thing in mind they are you know they're they're focus on being a really good team in in October and um whoever plays them is going to have a certain challenge to like anyone who plays us is going to have a challenge so um when you have a Padre's guy on you need to tell them the same thing because we're going through the same thing they are Don I'm going to use the same joke next week easy done but you're right NL West has been lit so aul this was great we'll talk to you soon okay I appreciate it always good to see you guys yeah great to see you too Paul seaal from the Arizona Diamondbacks always a fun combo be right back on Ft with locks and previews [Music] [Music] all right here we are show is flying I hit a I hit a triple in Colorado and I was out of breath for the entire series it was my first at bat I could not catch my breath he's it's it is just different there wild too what you didn't no no I was just gonna say like like I tried to like push it because they always talked about it like I tried to push it and I never felt that like like where it was like it it took me took my breath away like some people think like some people talk about I think I was only there twice the other time I'm with you I didn't feel any difference but the first time just to like started off with here's a here's a triple and I was just could not catch my breath for yeah for a day yeah and Kip I mean I think this is a compliment like you weren't The Lumberjack where it's like oh this guy's gonna struggle with that like you played soccer I mean You Gotta Be You gotta be high on the stamina meter to be able to handle what you did and then for you to say you go to Colorado and the body was taking a hit for a sec there or for a few days that's meaningful I know I know a couple guys who have he wasn't kidding when you have to make changes when you go there um especially when you sign there uh I know a couple buddies who like to players who would stay after have a couple drinks after the games or he just would always drink beer and he told me he's like I had to get rid of that or I had to switch to vodka or something where it's just like I couldn't just sit and have like beer after the I would feel too sluggish and I would feel much more the next day than I would in other cities so it's a real thing yeah it's a real thing and I that's why I wanted to bring up Chris Bryan I mean I don't think we've said his name the entire year like he played I mean I don't know how many games but I would occasionally tune into a Rockies game now he's out and I mean I doubt he's coming back but he's played let me see how many games this year he hasn't had a reason for us to less than I thought 133 at bats this year he hasn't had what yeah he hasn't given us a reason to talk about him too much he knows it no no he's not hitting yeah he doesn't hit no I mean when when he does interviews you know postgame in in the clubhouse the ones that I've seen he's like kind of saying my back's screwed so just letting you know obviously you know fans don't care but that is what he's saying so yeah it is what it is all right we'll come right back let's do Locks [Music] he [Music] [Music] B mjam locks here we go first off MLB free game of the day streaming on the app you got to have the app and have a funded account once you're logged in you can watch for free depending on your location the Twins and the Rangers on Friday the Blue Jays and the Cubs on Saturday and the Royals and the Reds on Sunday all right let's do those locks so quick look back at yesterday AJ picking up a big dub look at him on a parlay and he's not here to brag about it don't worry he'll bring it up on Monday yeah yeah Philly Minnesota and San Francisco the Minnesota was the tight one I mean that was 22 for a good chunk of the game I was locked in on that one because Minnesota and Texas was I think really the only relevant game later on because Washington was getting blown out by Philly obviously you had the Weston Wilson story but you could just watch his abs so anyway Katz falling a little short there good pick good pick on the Orioles game yeah brutal not even close on the Socks game that's okay it's all good all right so bounce back what do you got for us today I got my Lane I got my Lane I'm going to stick with my over unders buying them down I love I love plus money so I'm buy I just buy the games down that I really really like into plus money so parlay I'm going to go the Dodgers Cardinals how can how can you not I mean the Dodgers are going to get you five runs Cardinals they they'll score you three so I just need one somewhere else and I bought that down to eight and a half I think it was opening at like 10 and a half so I bought it down to eight and a half and the Padres Rockies Padre's absolutely swing it in the Rockies Bullpen after quantro comes out we're going to get some we're going to get some a big Bullpen day because walren hasn't really been going very long and so together I'm getting plus 122 there you go okay we're swinging it over to Jonathan Papa bond for Pap's pick next ft F what's up it's your boy parlay Pap coming to you live today I got another parlay two game lock for you we're going to keep the winning streak going here we go New York Yankees total runs over four and a half Houston Astros total runs over 4 and a half we're going to put a 100 on it both those L for smoking hot Astros are going up against the white socks too they might cover that one in the first inning so get that cheese yeah let's go Kip and that was like I would say you know medium range Pap some days he's running through walls I'm I gotta get some of his coffee I'm laughing at you saying his Pap on a boat I was texting that he's rocking hey we've all been there all right Pap I like it good luck my dude all right Kip you're up I'm gonna keep it simple and now that I've gotten a little bit closer to even I don't have to make all these big time parlay so we're just going to go Cleveland minus one and a half vers uh Milwaukee I think Gavin Williams has had two of his last three starts one bad versus Baltimore but the other two have been really good so I'm going to look for another good start out of him and Milwaukee they're going against uh no Yelich anymore I'm wondering if this could be where they start to feel that and they're going against seali who used to be on Cleveland so it's little little personal thing there and so hoping uh Cleveland pulls out minus one and a half plus put down I am going against what I started with but I think I think I said a thousand to Jeremy I'm getting nasty all right a g down scare money don't make money bo you know it rich get Richard do it come on now hundo here for me plus 137 we can show it I got the Phillies money line fading Patrick Corbin with that Phillies offense I was almost going to go run line I'm just like nah I'll add a game Dodgers money line obviously that's much closer that gets me well into plus money I have the Dodgers bouncing back after some tough losses to Milwaukee Cardinals offense has been really quiet lately I like pitching match up for them so anyway those are our picks and for bmgm customers we have the jackpot promotion bet for a shot at 50,000 in bonus bets you put down a bet 10 bucks or more on any player to hit a home run on a weekend day Friday Saturday or Sunday and if you get a grand slam out of that Homer you can win the $50,000 daily Prize or a share of the prize with every other winning better if you have a home run pick you got to go here but MGM is doing it better gambling prom more concern call 1800 Gambler be right back Steven Quan home run pick I like it boom Grand Slam I'd like [Music] it aren't these conversations already happening like didn't somebody say hey we want to go to the closest we can to beer league softball uniforms for all the greatest stars of our game and then we're going to put in a splash of bright pink too yeah well keep in mind I took people took that answer as like oh they're going to change them back I didn't take it that way at all I mean Scott I don't know how you took it but like I've listened to Rob mord speak one too many times where like he said there will be conversations keep in mind they're paying Nike or whoever it is Fanatics I don't even know at this point to make these jerseys so what are they going to do they're going to turn their back on that money they're going to have these companies make 30 different uniforms for each of these guys I don't see that happening either uh from a logistical and like a they're trying to make money perspective right you want people to buy these uniforms that's why they make these special uniforms so I took it as like a yeah we'll talk about it we know people hate it but you know maybe it'll go away I didn't take it as a we're gonna fix these uniforms we know there's a problem um this to me was the most easy answer that I thought a lot of people took as hope that MLB would change it and I don't see any signs pointing to MLB changing it unless they work out a deal where they either stop this sponsorship of Nike and they give up the money uh to go back to their old ways again like what is the incentive as AJ said it is always about the money and I don't know how they're going to make money here if they say yeah go back and wear your old uniforms it's fine let's go back to the Nostalgia for Nostalgia sake I mean we we're putting ads on and patches on uniforms now but we think we're going to go back to the Nostalgia of it all I I just have a hard time with that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] players weekend coming up cat hats you can show off what you have cuz then every player is going to show off their fancy numbers on their caps this weekend super fancy so custom man good job baseball I fig Weston Wilson's on why not why not mix in the Sunday Phillies hat the old they wear these with the with the nice off-white Unis very very crisp very solid we can show up that Jackson Merill bat oh Kip's bringing up some showand tell too from players weekend let's see we got Thor we got an Avengers cleats that we put on oo let's see nice with big Marvel guy nice you could wear those every day now you can wear those every day so players weekend it's like ah like cool we're gonna give you the players weekend and we're actually gonna stronghold it on you can you do this bat any day no I don't yeah know so I'm try yeah they're some awesome ones I think they're great oh man yeah that'll play good job our producer today J he came up a really good idea what if somebody came over with a bat where you hit it and you can see on the bat like if the bat is black it turns orange where the ball is hit and I mean as he said it I was like man I would never want anybody to know where I just hit the ball like two too close to the label don't want to don't want to show them I just got jammed there's some cool ideas it's fun I like that they do it um but yeah you the line's already being raised for how much they [Music] can very true very true here's your playoff weekend here's your playoff weekend and here's your here's your handcuffs too we're going we're going to keep handcuffing you but here's your playoff weekend thank yeah players weekend you said play playoffs [Music] playoff one show

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