George Conway: Trump in JAIL PANIC MODE Over Kamala’s Surge!

Published: Aug 15, 2024 Duration: 00:40:28 Category: News & Politics

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Intro I think the thing to remember about Trump is that he's not just running for president he's running from prison this is his only way to guarantee that he does not see the inside of a jail cell is to be elected president of the United States he get end up at Riker for goodness sake and I think all of that is Weighing on him I get along with these dictators and people say that's a personality defect like where did that come from it came from us we are in his head you need to get into his head and you need to get in there and stay in there and bang bang the trash cans hey there welcome to George Conway explains it all to Sarah Longwell I'm not Sarah Longwell she's on vacation Sarah she deserves it I I look I look youthful I look slightly more youthful than Sarah uh just very slightly uh I do I can say that for sure uh hopefully she's not listening uh she has a well well-deserved brief vacation she'll be back next week Sarah Longwell is not a lawyer and neither am I so we have that in common and so this show George Conway explains lawyer stuff to us and then and then we make fun of Donald Trump at the end and maybe all the way through how does that sound George how you doing man yeah we just um brother Tim I mean I I I uh we I I we should make fun of trump the whole way through how's that okay yeah the whole way through legal stuff Donnie Trump towards the beginning and then maybe political stuff towards the end uh because there's a little bit of political news I want your take on in specific but that's going to be a teaser for the end uh okay let's do the legal stuff first uh uh Donnie Trump uh wanted uh to be you know judge Mara to recuse himself from the sentencing because now that KLA is in the judge's daughter one time I don't know got a donated to who the hell knows something has some very tenuous connection to kamla uh and uh and I guess that was rejected talk to us about the state of play in New York yeah the state of play is what it has been for some time I mean you know Donald Trump's legal motions are often like his political riffs where he just plays the old same old Greatest Hits again and again and they you know have the same results again and again and just the way the way that he's been running against Hillary since 2016 and running against Biden still now and so he's made this motion to recuse several times it's it's not it's without Foundation a a a Judicial ethics body has found that that that that you know that there was no basis for uh the judge to not sit on this case uh the contribution he made was very small had nothing to do with Trump and um or this case so he he gets to sit on the case and he's going to get get to sit on the sentencing that's coming up on September 18th and the question is will Donnie be sentenced to prison and you know I mean the betting is I think he will be um maybe he won't be maybe he'll get some kind of a fine or a suspended sentence or something but I think as I've said to Sarah before that uh there are a lot of things cutting against him I mean what's cutting in his favor is that he's a firsttime offender at least officially even though we know he's you know basically been a bad guy his entire life um he had this is his first criminal conviction I don't think it will be his last um but that counts in his favor on the other hand he shows absolutely no remorse uh and in fact he has shown utter contempt for the jury uh in this case and the court and he was held in contempt of court by this judge for violating his orders with respect to uh attacks on public attacks on Witnesses and prosecutors and um 10 times so I think that's all uh very aggravating also the off you know he's convicted on 34 counts so I think there's a decent chance uh that he will be sentenced to term of incarceration but the term incarceration would not go into effect until all his appeals have run he can't appeal until the sentence is entered on the conviction and the conviction is thereby made final so that it can be appealed um so if he if he does end up serving a sentence it will be um sometime in then you know couple of years from now um assuming he's not elected president in which case if he's elected president then all bets are off it's not I don't think it can is constitutionally possible for a state or the federal government or anybody to incarcerate a sitting president in the United States got it so the 18th just as a practical matter they he let's say he gets sentenced to whatever who the hell knows three months in prison or something and What happens when Trump is sentenced he then immediately appeals he gets to leave like what I I've never been sent before so like what happens there you're sitting there he will he will file immediately a notice of appeal on the Judgment of conviction and the sentence so he doesn't get cuffed he doesn't get I mean in theory um in some cases a criminal defendant who's convicted could start serving his sentence during you know like a murderer or something who has basically who they have dead to rights but I I can't imagine that the the the court the trial court judge or the or the appell at court would I can't imagine they wouldn't give him a stay of execution on the Senate such that he would not be serving the sentence during his appeal that's unfortunate all right he's going to be he's he's not going to Did Trump meet with the probation officer jail for that case anytime soon do we know has he had to meet with the probation officer he did with meet with the probation officer I think it was via Zoom um and uh you know I I guess the probation officer went through um all of the questions that probation officers ask about the criminal offender record and and other questions that allow the probation officer to make a sentence recommendation to the judge in in state court in New York State Court the sentence recommendation um or the pr sentence report that it's called I'm not sure it's a specific recommendation um is is not publicly released although it would be would have been released in in federal court if it were Federal Jack Smith asks for extension of deadlines conviction all right um let's move down to DC Jack Smith um has asked for an extension of deadlines um he requested this was maybe a couple days ago now a 3-week delay in in his filing uh after the Supreme Court ruling um uh that is I think for anybody that was still hoping that there was going to be an evidentiary hearing or any testimony ahead of the election that seems unlikely at this point but talk about that delay and what you think might be happening in DC yeah I mean one of the one of the Mini trial um possibilities that we've been talking about I mean you know paully Anish it may as it may seem now in hindsight was that even if the Supreme Court made took all the time that It ultimately did take and then remanded the case to the district court for some kind of a parsing of the allegations of the indictment to determine which ones uh could be tried and which ones could not be tried under some concept of immunity um one of the one of the possibilities was that the district court would have to parse these U allegations out by holding essentially a mini trial uh where whereby the district court Court would hear essentially a an abbreviated or streamlined version of the prosecutor's case and then say okay you can you can try you can you can you can bring this put this before the jury you can't put that before the jury and one of the one of the hopes I think of of of the people who you know who who who including myself who um want him to be brought to Justice sooner rather than later was that this mini trial could start almost as soon as the case got back to the district court and judge chuckin uh gave them a couple of weeks to basically tell me tell her what they what the parties think the schedule would be and then uh the justice department said we need another month which is very was somewhat surprising because the justice department uh Jack Smith All Along has been pushing to move the process along as quickly as possible including by trying to LeapFrog the court of appeals on the immunity issue um and then by seeking asking the Supreme Court not to even take the immunity case and then now all of a sudden for the first time he's asking for a delay and we don't know precisely why that is um the motion submitted and and the motion was granted it obviously was not the motion for delay by Smith was granted it obviously was not opposed by Donald Trump's lawyers because Trump's strategy has been in all of these cases to delay and create as many legal and procedural obstacles as possible uh so the court granted that motion and now um it's going to take a few more weeks for Jack Smith uh to tell the court what he wants to do and the thinking the speculation is that he's doing that because Merrick Garland doesn't want to have a mini trial that would look political and look like the pro the the justice department is attempting to influence the 2024 election oh you think that's it you don't think it's because I think well I don't know why I can say we're just speculating that's interesting I would have thought maybe it was just because they're going through the Supreme Court and the the three-pronged ruling about what he's immune I I I don't think that would be the case because I think even Special Council though I would not have predicted prec the precise parameters of what the Supreme Court held and I've been critical of it on past podcasts with with I think we it has always been a distinct possibility that they would do something that would require the district court to parse out the allegations and that being the case you just have to put on a Mini case I don't think there's any magic to it you can you can kind of wing it a little bit and modify what you're putting on before the judge as you go along but I you know if um if it were special uh uh special Council uh Norm Eisen my friend Norm Eisen and I running this case we would have had we would have gone into Chuck in immediately and said okay we're ready we're ready next Monday and here the here are the 10 Witnesses uh we wish to call um but obviously and and we don't know why why Smith doesn't didn't do that he did say in his pleading asking for more time that he needed to consult with other elements of the justice department which indicates there are some discussions in the justice department or that there may be some agreement in the Justice Department about what exactly to do and from that little tidbit the speculation is that Garland at this point says it's too late we don't we're not going to we're not going to try to push this in front of the public uh now because it would look too political and they're just going to basically sit and and let let the clock run out um before the election and I think what we will see one way or the other we're not going to see any evidence and there's going to be a lot of evidence that we have not seen even though the January 6th committee investigation was and Report was very thorough there's a lot of evidence that justice department must have because of the nature of its investigation and the grand jury powers that it that it that that that can be exercised I I I think what if I had to guess what's going to happen is there's nothing's going to happen this year but assuming Donald Trump does not become president of the United States again um we will see probably a superseding indictment next year in which Donald Trump and a bunch of other people are indicted uh one of the reasons they obviously they I mean one of the things they did to get this case moving along is they they they they had they put out a laser focused indictment they got a laser focused indictment out of the grand jury to make the case simpler and easier and quicker to try right and there's no point to that now um if you know if the object was to get the case done in 2024 so why not not just throw in the entire the other defendants and that that would probably be the uh the way that they're going to go but we don't know and and whatever whatever matters whatever whatever they end up doing uh nothing is going to happen before the election this wasn't on my news list but just listen to your talk I just I'm just overcome with curiosity about what George Conway's grade is on Merck Garland like how you feeling about mer I hesitate to be as critical of him Merck Garland as some others have been um and because I I I I don't know exactly it's it's hard to speculate and Peak behind the curtain what what prosecutors are doing you can kind of see externally the effects of what they're doing but you don't know what they're sitting on and what they have to contend with internally and what and and um what all the steps that they were taking but I have a slight feeling that he he took a little too long to get this thing cranked up and I I understand his decision at this point if he has in fact made this decision not to push a mini trial before the election because it would be something of a show and uh you know and from a political standpoint Trump was actually advantaged yes not by the conviction in the in the New York case but by the trial because it got him out of the you know the public eye in a way we don't we didn't see him sit in the courtroom falling asleep sleep sitting in the courtroom falling asleep instead of running around talking about Hannibal Lector and and and elution and and whether somebody's black or Indian you know as far as I'm concerned from a political stand putting my political and non-legal hat on I want him out there I want him I want all Trump 24 hour 247 on TV so more rallies give us get uncut more r I would like if he could if we if if you could follow him around with a GoPro I'm all for put the neuralink in his brain I want to know what's going on and www 247 I would love that you know you know we can hear him call CA Harris and and and whatnot and and and yell at his advisers it would be wonderful I think he'd love it himself because he's such a narcissist he'd be the center of attention it be the greatest reality show of all time we should Flo that idea to his new old adviser did you see just before we came on to tape who he's bringing back no but not a Conway a lowski Cory stabby stabby eyes lowski is back this is perfect he needs that expert on the women's vote he's got it now oh awesome awesome I mean you know JD Vance has been having trouble with women I I think they should they should team leowski up with with him it's perfect he is the perfect addition to this way assed congratulations Cory thank you oh Cory you're going to do such a great job oh well he drunkenly assaulted that Mom in the Benny Hana um that's I guess this Corylowski this is also a legal podcast effort because there was a court filing about that uh it was I we'll put it in the show notes it's the it's it's the best police report I've ever read it was the police report telling I will send it to you after this it is it is a police report where of telling the story of where Cory lowski is at an addiction awareness fundraiser in a benih Hana gets blasted and he starts getting very handsy with a married woman at the fundraiser I I I remember that was was like a donor or something she was a donor to Trump her husband was a big donor I remember that it's out there the it's worth reading the raw police report though okay with that we've got to pay the bills I know our sponsors excited to hear about Benny Han sexual assault stories and and being associated with that and and you know what our first sponsor is on skin and if you're getting wrinkles just hearing about Cory lowski being back the answer for you is one skin uh you know it's the summertime especially your skin starts to get dry and you know you need to make sure you're moisturizing this is something I've been telling Tim Walls for a while now something Cory lowski 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The Listener can get an exclusive 15% off your one skin purchase using the code ask George when you a when you check out at on as summer heats up give your skin the UV protection hydration and cellular support it needs with one skin it's more than skin care it's about skin longevity targeting the root causes of Aging to help you look and feel your best at every age get started today with 15% off using Code ask george1 that's 15% off on with code ask George after your purchase they'll ask you where you heard about them and you know tell them you heard about them from us all right George uh what else we got here oh boy I just the Cory thing is so delicious the Cory thing is so delicious oh I loved this one I was just kind of going through the recent stories from legal experts and like I'm like what what do I want to hear from George about here's one ex-federal prosecutor Randall Eliason Ellison you might know Eliason Eliason yeah he uh he wrote a column uh telling Jack Smith that he thinks that he should take Trump's passport and I don't I have no idea whether there's any Merit to that but I'm down absolutely I mean I normally uh a criminal defendant gets his passport taken away from him uh in federal court um and in State Court they have the right to do that because uh you know you don't want indicted defendants leaving the country and so I I think in the ordinary course he would not be allowed to have his to keep his passport and it's particularly the case given that he said just the other day to Elon Musk that he's going to go to Venezuela if he loses the election um that's an interesting choice of a country why do you think what was no extradition or is a joke be my guess I have not done the research I am not an extradition lawyer um I I you know he's he wants to go somewhere where uh I me it's got he's got to go to a country that's just has a has a minimum level of corruption right so Venezuela is way up there um at least it has been uh there got at least be one or two abandoned Villas that they have like you know take you know that the corrupt government is taken from like a political dissident or something they could just move him right in too yeah I I you know I don't know that he's going to like the water I don't know I mean is the water good to can you drink the water tap water down there I really don't want to be around him if he gets you know Mont Zuma's Revenge but have to bring a lot of bottled water on the plan Trump water Trump water Trump water Trump water where were you where are you where are you going if you had have to run from the law I would well we would be running from Donald trumping you and I because you and I will get ad joining cells in guantan yeah so where where would we go do you think do you have any place uguay is what I was eyeing but I'm curious if you I was thinking of the south island of New Zealand cuz I'm a skier and I was checking out you know I check out the prices the the dollar the New Zealand dollar is favorable it would be really nice down there um but you I don't think we're gonna have to go now I don't think so either we should go we can go we can have a victory trip up to uh up to Beaver Creek or Aspen or something together in be great that would be great um other things uh about liit andek instead of instead of so hopefully we're taking his passport away that's that's our advice to Jack Smith if you're listening um uh there was something that was a lot of I know the answer to this but uh this is the one time I'm asking a question I know the answer to but a lot of people were disappointed by this video yesterday of trump going to early vote slump shoulders very grumpy very upset cranky but but people were tweeting at me they're like Tim why does he get to vote don't don't felons not get to vote in Florida and so I don't know do you have any expertise on that you want to share I don't have expertise but I do know the answer um and the answer is felon disenfranchisement this Florida has two different rules for felon disenfranchisement one is the rule that applies to instate Florida Court convictions and the other is the rule that applies to Federal Court convictions or state court convictions in another state and for Florida convictions if you're convicted if he had been convicted of these 34 felonies in Florida State Court he would not be able to vote until such time as he served his sentence including any uh parole or probation but since he was convicted in a New York State Court he a separate provision in the Florida statute applies that says that we're just going to do what the other state does and in New York the rule is that you can only be stripped of your right to vote when you are actually incarcerated so since he has not been sentenced or and not been incarcerated he can vote until such time as he becomes incarcerated and that's why he was able to vote yesterday in Palm Beach that was distressing um the uh the image did you see the video of him you saw it we were on T yeah when he's coming out of the Palm Beach County clerk's office or wherever it was yeah you're you're an amateur psychologist he looked a new yor trumpology is it is that just me was I projecting or did he you're not projecting he he looks very very subdued and kind of kind of sullen and um you know he's not he's not in a good mood and and that that's what the reporters who are talking to the people who leak on Trump and makes that which makes Trump very grumpy even more grumpy they're saying he's not in the the best mood you really don't want to be around Donald Trump and I really want to know whether the whether the Iranians got the goods on ketchup supplies at marlago I think they probably are dwindling at this point um uh do we think that there uh the the moral that reminds me like Trump has been like Target of these influence Ops I I feel like that we have much more to learn about the maral Lago membership roles as the years go I have to say I mean my theory about Trump is that we are going to be finding out about him for years that we didn't know about or we had only an inkling about you know for example that story that came out recently about about the um $10 million that was dumped into bags at an Egyptian bank I had Carol L who wrote that story on the B podcast yesterday it's it's actually even more and I I'm always predisposed to think he probably did it anytime there's stories like this but listening to the reporter and kind of reading between the lines of the of like what she wasn't able to get in makes me feel like they at least Carol Carol is not she she's Rock Solid okay I mean she does not you know she does not speculate or you know she she's a hard-nosed hard edged fact-bound reporter and you can just you can just tell that she thinks there's something going on here um all right one more um on uh the uh uh the legal sign before we get to I want to do a little politics um this was my favorite story of the of the week I don't know that we really need your expertise on this but but we need your joy in in hearing it this is just a good head line uh Mike Lindell company must pay attorney's fees in prove Mike wrong case order follows the my pillow Founders $5 million loss in his challenge to disprove his 2020 election fraud claim uh like this is what civil court is made for is it not absolutely absolutely I mean I you know um he's going to the DNC did you hear that I think he's going to the DNC to do something my pill yeah I think so maybe maybe I'm wrong how is he not on out of money I don't understand his ads are everywhere he's propping up multiple Mega Media Outlets he's losing lawsuits left and right this is all from pillows they're horrible pillows no by by all accounts I have no idea I he he deserves what he gets you know and I got a I got like a text today from Rudy Giuliani begging for money not not a personal text but you have to you have to clarify that cuz you had you you've probably gotten a personal text from Rudy no I've never I've never never 9s 2000s never won no no I only met him like once in a who whose sign were you on in the 08 primary oh I Rudy that's a good question wasn't it wasn't Rudy I I don't remember honestly you don't remember who your was in another planet in Another Universe 2008 right are you just embarrassed to admit that it was my who was it it wasn't M juliani mitt Fred Thompson Fred Thompson probably for for what short Fred Thompson time he was in yeah for Fred Thompson I like Fred because I like you know I mean I thought um he was a terrible candidate which is the funniest thing because he was a great actor had a great presence yeah but when he he was completely undisciplined when it came to campaigning he would just do kind of like Trump and just say what's everever on his mind whereas if you give him you know obviously you'll give him a script he could be a submarine he could be a Navy Admiral like he was in in in in the jack that Jack Ryan movie I mean he he he's he I thought he would he should have been a better politician than he actually was yeah sometimes it's hard to predict Kamala Harris we're we're getting the inverse with our coconut pill lately you know a lot of people were saying we're worried about KLA she's not going to be that good she's indecisive I there's Democrats high ranking Democrats not just never trumpers were were concerned about this and she's been knocking out of the park she's been knocking out and Waltz who you know you say oh you got a high school teacher from Minnesota like oh and he was an assistant football coach it's like that doesn't sound like okay AR you that sounds kind of boring he's great he is a natural politician and they and the two of them together are absolutely they're a great great act um great team so they are I wanted to get into anti psychopath pack on the other side but we've got to pay one more Bill our second sponsor today is mudwater uh George uh before mudwater happened I I was struggling with this problem right which is I need coffee I need to keep my brain agile you know for all these podcast interviews that people listen to I don't want to feel groggy but uh I'm I'm getting into middle age so if you Mudwater start start drinking too much coffee in the afternoon then you pay for it at night and so mudwater is the answer for caffeine junkies who find themselves in an endless cycle of coffee highs and lows it's a coffee alternative to get your energy fixed without making your heart race every morning or late at night in my case mud water is like coffee's chill yoga loving cousin who went on a spiritual Retreat and came back Moren without any of the Jitters not only does it give you the morning boost you need but it has also packed with a bunch of stuff I don't know about like adaptogens and antioxidants and other FY fancy Health words that make you feel Superior to your coffee drinking friends mud water it's it's mushro there's a mushroom brace here and I got to tell you George I don't know if was there ever any was there ever any food type that like you hated your whole life and then you turned like 40 or in your case 50 you can't be much older than 50 and you're like holy it turns out I love this that was mushrooms for me they grossed me out for the longest time I never had a negative negative feel I like mushrooms more than I did when I was a kid but I never really hated them I love mushrooms on Pizza yeah my six-year-old love this is what happened my six-year-old loves mushrooms on Pizza that grossed me out even the thought of it but you know just to be a good Papa I started eating them and I'm like you know what I love mushrooms so I was happy to have the opportunity and mushrooms are like that's that's those are my favorite pizza toppings mushrooms and what sausage sausage sausage and mushrooms maybe a little onion in there that's good so now I'm just trying to expand yeah I'm trying to expand my mushroom pette now and uh that is including mushroom coffee like mud water for limited time our listeners get up to 43% off your entire order free shipping and a free rechargeable fro when you use our exclusive link head to mudwater docomo uh and grab your starter kit that's $4 3% off your order at Mud slask George after your purchase they ask you where you heard about them please support our show and tell them we sent you okay anti psychop path pack you got some new Billboards out but before we get to like what exactly you're doing I just want to go to your expertise um as a as a psychoanalyst of Donald Trump I I think that like amateur all armch yeah armchair all of this stuff we've been talking about the first half hour I Legal Stuff Coming Back like I I I it's sinking in like that the legal stuff's coming back don't you think like don't you think he felt like he was was you know in the clear and this series of events happens to him where he's winning the polls Biden can't talk or the debate then he's immune thanks to the Supreme Court then he almost gets shot and you know all of a sudden he's winning the his poll numbers are higher than ever he's invincible and now all of a sudden like the rug is pulled out from him I feel like it's got to be affecting his psyche in a very Trump Running From Prison real way yeah no absolutely and you can see it in the way you know we saw it in his demeanor at the Palm Beach County voting Place uh polling place yesterday um and we've seen it I think we saw it also at his rally in Asheville North Carolina I I think you know I think the thing to remember about Trump is that he's not running for president he's not just running for president he's running from prison this is his only way to guarantee that he does not see the inside of a jail cell is to be elected president of the United States and now not only is he going to be is he fearing the humiliation of losing to a black woman okay he is realizing that the next his next step could be he could he could Trumps Next Step end up at Rikers for goodness sake he could end up you know he could end up at a federal penitentiary and it's not looking good for him the way it was looking about a month ago and I think all of that is Weighing on him and also I think that the fact of the matter is um I don't think he's ever been attacked the and confronted with his own failings and his own bizarre behavior the way he has been over the past few weeks um both from you know outside sources I mean uh our pack but also the the the um you know the the campaign the the Harris campaign has just done an The Harris Campaign absolutely tremendous job in refocusing the campaign to be about Donald Trump and it's something that I'm sure you've said and I've always said is like for for Trump if this campaign is anything about is about anything other than Donald Trump he's going to win or he has a chance of winning this has to be about Trump and why he is unfit for office and that's what it's becoming and that is fatal to him and now he doesn't know really how to deal with it he doesn't know how to deal with that he doesn't know how to deal with kamla Harris and he doesn't you know when he's very easily distracted by attacks on him because basically he knows they're true I mean he's like the he's like those dogs in in the movie up whenever you see say squirrel he's like you know he can't he can't help it and perfect example happened yesterday at his rally okay we Trumps Personality Disorders at psychop Pac have been talking about his personality disorders and two in particular in the DSM antisocial personality disord and narcissistic personality disorder and one of the things I've been saying for years and I said it in our launch video is that to understand Donald Trump you have to understand his personality disorders his psychiatric disorders and those disorders explain basically everything about him including and I specifically said this in the launch video that we put out including his love for dictators and his authoritarianism um and there are other things as criminality everything else is is lying and all these other things but we said that in particular and yesterday at his rally in Asheville nor Carolina he said oh and I get along with these I get along with these dictators and people say that's a personality defect like where did that come from it came from us we are in his head and um you know it's not hard to get in his head I think a Harris campaign staffer said yeah it's not hard to get in his head I think that's the you know that's something I've been trying to encourage everybody out there in the political realm who opposes Donald Trump to understand is you need to get into his head and you need to get in there and stay in there and bang and and bang bang the trash cans and he you know once once something gets in there it rattles around yeah repeatedly and and it's it's very hard for him to get these thoughts out he's you know he was supposed to give a speech yesterday on econom he couldn't do it he's talking about his personality defects he's talking about I don't know all sorts of crazy stuff that he normally bar Hussein Obama Barack Hussein Obama I mean know he cannot how so how does some that personality defect deal with like the feelings of impending demise you know I Losing Touch with Reality mean they this is called sort of a narcissistic collapse there comes a point where a narcissist a malignant narcissist sort of can't keep the game up anymore right you know it happened to to you know it happens to dictators all the time when they they kind of run out their string um and they they take that one step too many and they start to lose touch with reality they can become delusional and they can become even you know psychotic and I think we are starting to see some of that with Trump I mean Trump has always had a loose connection with reality but this attempt I mean this tweeting the other day or the tooing the other day about you know this claim that Donald that excuse me that um came Kam Harris's crowds were AI I mean that's just I mean that's that's more bizarre than than saying that the moon landings were staged okay the moon landings maybe they were staged because who was there is anybody out you know they were they were probably is an underground bunker somewhere but these rallies there were 50 60 70,000 people in the Agri at least at these rallies tens of thousands of them had cameras and they were taking video and not you know it's it's absolutely he's you know if he for him to say that is like he was like a mechanic it wasn't even just it' be one thing if it was like some Bluster it's like oh our Crowds Are fake they aren't real that would still be crazy but it's like this was like a post he said a mechanic who was there blew the whistle on this and said there was no one there and you can prove it based on the reflection of the plane and that's somebody that's like really deep in the they're deep in no he I mean it is Trumps Downward Spiral really one it's probably the most delusional thing he's ever said for a guy who's actually said a lot of delusional things over time and um I don't think he's going to get better he always gets worse and the what happens with him- which is why he has gotten away with this for so many years is he gets worse and then he kind of plateaus and people get used to that as The New Normal The New Normal of abnormality and it was like that so I I think you know I think he's getting to the point where he's run out his string on that I mean it just looks so bizarre and I think the the the Harris Waltz campaign is doing a great job by talking about weird which basically covers everything from uh from from from JD Vance talking about menopausal women to this kind of delusional stuff by Trump and I you know I think it's getting to him I think it really he really he's really you know one of the things that sustains a narcissist is all the crowds right and people praising him and people saying boss you are brilliant um he's not getting as much of that anymore and then he turns on his television and and and he sees a psychopath ad talking about how you're or Donald and whatever and it's just it's really really getting to him and I think that's this is to me is the key to making sure he doesn't get reelected is to basically show um that he's a nut job and to get him to demonstrate that he is a nut job because that's all going to make him behave even more like a nut job and I think he's in a downward spiral and I want to do everything I can and I hope the everybody else out there who opposes him does everything that they can to to en encourage this downward spiral all right well that's good you've been putting your money where your mouth is and your time and we appreciate anything else happening with psychop pack anything else coming around the bend anything you Outro we have some we have some stuff going on I'm not at Liberty to disclose all right um but we got more coming all right we'll be we'll be keeping our eye on that George Conway I love you brother I appreciate you you you'll be explaining it all to not me not Clarissa but to Sarah Longwell again next week all right okay she'll be back from vacation uh listeners we appreciate you make sure you're subscrib to the feed tell your friends and uh you can see me on the daily Bull Work podcast so catch me over there and we'll talk to you all soon peace George Conway he's a man with plan got to sit down with song well take a stand explain all the legal problems they're piling high with Donald Trump oh my oh my oh my he said Sarah let me break it down for you there's destruction Justice corruption to the legal Tangles and troubles growing fast it's a storm that's going to last and last oh Conway tell on well about it those legal problems can't live without it from the m to the Russian [Applause] [Music] ties oh Sarah listen close

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