JD Vance Claiming Haitian Immigrants are Eating Pets Isn't Even Good Propaganda

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:21:00 Category: News & Politics

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Sanity/Petty Corner now let's get to San Petty Alyssa I'm gonna have you go first this week sanity Pedialyte caps corner or do you feel Petty I'm a little petty so couple weeks ago and it's like a larger thing but a couple weeks ago I uh you know I'm getting older my body's not working the way it's supposed to my doctor's like you know what get a little right set yourself keep Pedialite in the house drink some Pedialite blah blah and I was like great and so I go out and I buy the P I don't like the the powdered stuff I like the actual bottles so I bring the pedite home and I like wrenched my back trying to open it and the reason that I'm here is not for middle-aged white ladies like myself who are just like I need a hit of Pedialite so I don't get woozy when I go outside it is because pedial is for children which ostensibly means that they are shrink wrapped to hell as if Tylenol has just been tampered with in the 80s because they're afraid they like are trying to protect children but from being too hydrated yeah from liking that salty liav but like but I get it I get it they don't want it tampered with right like no tampering but I Aon specifically thought of you I'm like if I have a kid who needs Pedialite and I need the jaws of life to open this thing like how am I supposed to get it done and then it also made me think about how mean some of the half and half containers are because it's like I specifically buy one that has a big enough lit like that I can screw it cuz some of them make you think you have like arthritis because you try to open it you're like whoo do I have arthritis why can't I get a grip on this but the pedi I just want you to know I need a steak knife to get the foil shrink wrapping off the top and it it also made me think of like formula containers I'm like what are people supposed to do you have a crying baby like maybe in one hand and you're trying to just like rip open the py and it's just I knocked it over once trying to get it out just so anyway I was feeling Petty for me but like more on behalf of everybody else okay I can appreciate that it was crazy I me imagine a college age student hung over trying to get that PD there's no way there's dehydrated they're just going to be dehydrated you know what you're going to do if you're a college student you're just going to take a straw and stick it through the aluminum foil just do it that way all day totally yeah that actually that sounds like a kind of cool way to drink pite I you guys I actually just gave myself let her cook let her cook okay yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so I Toddler WNBA apparel am feeling Petty um about something that normally makes me feel like very sane and happy something that's made me feel very happy this year is watching WNBA basketball I haven't been like a like I haven't been like a junkie about it but if there's a game on it's like excit it it just is like really exciting and I know that the WNBA has been exciting for many years um and there have been players that have been playing for many years that are just really cool and fun and exciting but those games have been hard to find they haven't been easy to watch this year there's just like so many games on like I watched Liberty Aces play each other even though Wilson was out on Sunday and it was like just a really fun game point is I'm watching a lot more WNBA and so are a lot of people why doesn't the WNBA have a good selection of toddler and little kids clothes why can't I buy my little three-year-old a Asia Wilson Jersey why can't I buy her a Ricky rickia uh Jackson Jersey like I it just it's like but I like part of the reason that it's so fun to watch the WNBA is it's like oh look at all these little girls in the crowd look at all these people watching like these women be awesome nothing's cuter than a little person in a jersey nothing is cuter nothing is cuter like and there's you know there's so much Indiana Fever gear now people are s they're selling out of Kaitlin Clark stuff even like Aaliyah Boston is doing great like there are so many opportunities and I feel like there's also a lot of dads and moms but dads who have like little girls who are sitting and watching the WNBA with their little girls and they're getting to know the players and it seems like just such a I just want to get a little W lwh hanging fruit right do they want to make money yeah I know and like have you checked Etsy I mean I don't want see that's the thing I would like I know I'm just saying that's what I'm I'm I'm tipping the hat to the WNBA to be like you can do it yourself or we can just go to Etsy yes exactly for that are don't make us do it we've got the the Valkyries are about to launch uh as an expansion team up in San Francisco in the Bay Area and that's a really cool ass name for a team and the colors look really cool and Paige Beckers who's the best college basketball player right now is probably going to either go to the Sparks or the Valkyries next year and so it's just going to be just can you please make some little kids jerseys please that's all I'm asking thank you okay Akila s or Petty um I mean I Republicans saying Haitian immigrants are eating pets kind of feels like a mashup of the two because I'm I'm trying listen we're going to go back to the debate but I will say that it's it's it's vaguely Petty so we have to talk about this Haitians eating animals thing because it's so ridiculous um but the reason I'm feeling Petty about it is because it's such a poorly crafted lie um they're like people are saying they're abducting animals I don't know if you've been outside lately but there are cats everywhere if you're really Keen to eat a cat you could just go outside give one it doesn't have to be somebody's cat so of course that's a lie um but then they're also also cats are notoriously like not easy to catch like if you're trying to chase a cat you're not going to do very well I also feel like most cats are like really bony like who's eating a cat for food cariv honestly they're not tasty morsels okay they're like beef J you're crunching through tail like there just it's not delicious it sounds like a ridiculous thing to say but so that's like the Baseline but then you escalate to the they're at this the park abducting geese I don't know if you've ever met a goose scary territorial mean mean are they also abducting wild turkeys because they're a good time if somebody is actually taking on a goose in person first of all I have a video I need you to know my phone is in my hand because that goose is going to kick its ass there's no doubt I'm my money's on the goose so I'm watching secondly if you can best a goose in a park to take home to eat you deserve to eat the GH it's it shouldn't be in a front like Don Junior's out here you know protected in a van shooting wildlife and you all are like yes prize amazing but you're making up lies about immigrants taking on a fearsome Predator like geese are not they do not suffer fools so I'm like you're making up this lie but now we're mad about it suddenly suddenly you're the party that cares about cats suddenly you're the party that cares about the wildlife kiss my ass is how I feel so I'm feeling Petty about it because I'm like if you're gonna lie lie right like tell a lie that's believable like JD Vance hump in a couch I believe it whether happen or not that you look at that man and you're like he's humping I mean if he's humping anything it's probably it's probably a cushion it's not a living thing so I'm just saying if you're gonna lie to our face make it believable I hate that I think it's so lazy because also we are living in an ecosystem of lies and misinformation so like if you're going to just take the easy win do something that makes sense but also another affront to them because like there are 300,000 Haitian people in Florida you think that the this state that is now a tossup doesn't have you know people who are now independent working with Haitians they're not coming in there saying like Trump was right about you guys eating cat they're saying I'm going to be real quiet about my support of trump that's what's happening so I think that they're just painting themselves into a corner and what a joke what a joke what a waste of the American people's time lie better and on that note lie better thank you Aila and welcome back you're listening Rebel Spirit Podcast to hysteria the podcast for biscuit likers Aila is still here with us and she is hosting a new podcast and I am really excited to talk to her about it so Aila why don't you tell our listeners a little bit about Rebel Spirit yes okay so Rebel Spirit has been a labor of love for the past year um and it is different than what a day it's the episodes are much longer and uh it just took a lot of uh I think research for a specific area it felt very very like I was back in Jay School reporting um and so Rebel spirit is about my hometown I grew up in Florence Kentucky it's about 20 minutes south of Cincinnati Ohio and uh if you're a history buff you know that Kentucky was neutral in the Civil War and it touches Ohio which has this crucial passageway to freedom in the north for enslaved people so the area is pretty rich with history but the kind of History we don't want to talk about right now because CRT Dei whatever acronym they're going to come up with a shame black people whatever long story long uh my high school Boon County High School in Kentucky uh has a confederate general for a mascot named Mr Rebel the team is the rebels and uh there's so much going on there and I just think that they should change it I think it would be a huge opportunity for the town H for their athletic department uh a moment to step forward and you know what I saw as sort of this easy Light Lift make change you know locally effort became this much further reaching thing because of the level of lying and denial and um just like bureaucracy that was put in place to stop these sorts of efforts and so the truth is Rebel spirit is like a parallel for I think making change anywhere in this country it doesn't happen with a wave of a wand it doesn't happen overnight it requires forming a coalition and attending meetings and you know coming up with lots of creative strategies to sort of just move the needle and in every bit of that needle move you do feel where you're like oh wow we found an accomplice oh wow we found you know um people who we absolutely thought would be on the other side of this issue who are like ready and willing to you know speak up and so yeah it's uh 10 episodes but we have four more coming because there's been some movement yes it's all very exciting but if you love uh weird goofy mascots if you love biscuits if you love Justice if you love uh a Virgo locked in reporting the facts at a library then I think this this is a fun ROM for you Akila what was it like you went back to your high school like you physically went back you like what was that like I mean it is I still think I'm processing it and the last time I was there it was juneth um and it's it's strange so I graduated in 2005 um I skipped two grades to don't do any math on my age right I'm young okay whatever but in any case um and you know I think the most Stark thing is how different it is like I think we all feel time passing as we age whatever but like just to see the stark contrast of like diversity in the area that there's a mosque across the street from the school now that there are like Spanish grocery stores and like you can walk down sidewalks that exist now because like there were no sidewalks which I feel like I really make a meal out of on the podcast but like imagine walking to walking to your friend's house in like I don't know a sort of suburb and there's no sidewalks you're just like on the side of like a highway there's like trucks passing you're like I'm on my way to your house you don't have a cell phone so like you could be dead in a ditch at any point all the time and that's just like life for kids there so to see that like you know they can get to the mall even though the mall's dead and like the mall being dead was such a I think moment for me like it's just it is so different but really the high school of it all um man if there's any high schoolers listening I just want to say like when you are this far removed and you're looking back so many of those problems seem so small like I'm like what was I I I remember high school so I don't know as I did a lot of extracurriculars I was like super involved but I never thought of myself as like popular or anything cuz again there were like five black kids it was just like we were not at the top of anything and so all of that those feelings I carried with me it was like now I'm like the bad in charge coming back being like this is what it's going to be okay change Aila so I have a question I get a lot of local news here in Upstate New York and Through the Years there have been one or two stories that have made the local news about changing mascots um especially up here we have a lot of native tribes and a lot of Braves Chiefs Etc and did you find in researching the Pod that changing mascots is actually much more rampant and much more something that people are doing beyond the like one or two stories we hear about every now and again totally uh I had a great conversation with a man who runs this website called mascot db.com so it's a mascot database and he does it just for fun and he really tracks like where the schools started and I mean also you know professional teams but where they started and where they've ended up and he you know came prepared with his Excel documents it was just like this is the trend like since and especially since 2020 like I think that we all sort of feel like beat down by the black lives matter summer because conservatives have really been like you know Dei was a mistake and CRT and why do we have to hear about people who aren't white men and you know there's this huge backlash that we're currently living through like you know the affirmative action case being overturned and now there are fewer black kids in you know higher education at Ivy League schools like that immediately happened so like I think that as progressives it's easy to feel like let's just not talk about it but the reality is like these are small towns making that decision every day since then um because in those small towns there is more diversity than there was um and so like you know maybe I'm a coastal Elite now that I no longer live in Kentucky but like there are still tons of mixed kids and black kids and international kids who've come to the region and they don't feel represented by that sort of stuff either so it's like it has been really heartening to see that like there there is just a push to change there has been massive movement and like es and you know the thing that I think is kind of dark about it but you know it's just what it is is that these moments of change happen during racial tragedies um when there is that inflection point and so after Charlottesville when you have white supremacist after January 6th when you have white supremacists you know like that's when these schools are saying we can't be Associated like and so the next episode so two episodes have come out the third episode is about the half measures that the school has taken over the years and they always coincide with um things that have happened you know like in 1992 um there's Rodney King and so suddenly there are no more Confederate flags in the school um in Cincinnati in at towards the end of the 90s um there was you know a police officer killed a man named Timothy Thomas it the city shut down down and so the school then got the Confederate flag off of the gym floor um you know they get rid of Mr Rebel in that same Fell Swoop and so while I was at the school we didn't even have that guy coming around but we still had you know the sort of Confederate sympathizers within the the school base and in 2017 post Charlottesville or you know the the timeline's a little wonky but right around then in the time when they're getting rid of all these Confederate statues and monuments um that's when they retired Mr Rebel but they're still the re it's the last thing and so I guess just to answer your question also like when we spoke to that man who runs the database um what he also pointed out um was that you know not only are these the like you know is the trend that we're moving away from these hateful mascots but it also like they follow a very specific formula where it's like you remove the mascot then you wait sometime then you introduce a logo that's just like initials for the school and there's nothing and that is the last step before they eventually just change it and we're already at that step so let's just say it's worth listening to because things are moving as we speak if you're on Facebook which I don't recommend but everything for some reason in the area is on Facebook there's a lot of discourse currently amazing um yeah Aila I texted you about this but my uncle does that kind of work with Native and uh indigenous tribes in Wisconsin my shout out Jeff Ryan he's a teacher teacher at at Prescott high school and I get DMS from former students of his sometimes because he was a beloved teacher who was like not he was like not afraid to be like hey guys uh the tribe doesn't like this this is uncool I just want to say no one's riding with this yeah they don't like it and here they are to be like hey we don't like it and then I it's kind of hard when like you're being faced with somebody who's like hey we don't like it this is directly offensive to me and they're like yeah but tradition my feelings like did you get a lot of push back from people did you get like any particularly hostile responses as you were trying to get this change made absolutely and like some of it was shocking like I would say that you know I the push back from the district was very bureaucratic and just you know the runaround but then there was also like you know we were put in contact with black people who my mom would describe as like Al Sharpton like they're just there to cool out the black people people like don't right like they were just and I I went into it so earnestly and naively being like and great we're going to meet and she's going to get it and cuz she's black and we're going to move forward and she was like a parent in the district and she was really like well why does this have to matter you know like who cares and I'm like who cares like so there's like you know there's that level of it um but then you know I did some press when I was back home and we spoke to the Cincinnati Inquirer and so they posted the interview on um on Facebook and that I think was sort of this moment of like locals who are very online who are very you know in their bubble very conservative just being like we don't want this woke here take it back to LA no one actually cares the school district has a PR woman who was like she's the only person who cares about this meanwhile there's a petition that has thousands of signatures it's like change the mask and so it's just like it is a lot of sort of vitriolic push back um I'll say it's weirdly less than it was when I went back for my high school reunion and wrote about it for some reason that was more offensive to them um but I will say I I didn't mean to plug it but I have it right here on the desk I was actually above the full like above the title of the newspaper they were like oh my gosh change the mascot so it is like a real story there um and so I think it's really exciting because it what's actually happened as a response is I'm getting so many messages from people with messed up mascots across the country that are like we'll do our place next and I'm like please listen to this as if it is your hometown with the messed up mascot because it is the same story like there's nothing unique about this city actually it is the same problem everywhere that you have these mascots um and it is this last gasp of just like why can't we have white supremacy and without it who are we and I'm like let's write that next chapter let's just go let's just stop caring about what this was like it's embarrassing right El what was your high school mascot uh we were the Rybeck Indians oh oh did you change not not anymore now I think I think they're the Rybeck Hawks okay I think they're the Rybeck Hawks now that's cooler that's cooler anyway like that's cooler anyway um we were the Frederick Vikings oh we're still pretty good we still the we're still the Frederick Vikings so far I mean in the whole town is like Swedish people and so like colors it's like on board yeah it's on board everybody's on board but not enough orange cats if we're truly going to be Vikings we got to have more orange cats okay well Akila I am so excited to listen to the rest of the episodes of Rebel spirit

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