Cam Jurgens & Dallas Goedert hang out with the media at Eagles training camp

yeah I'm soaked did you have to go back to a certain kind of weight or way you wanted your body to be having to go from Center to the guard and out back to Center uh no I mean I look at Morez what weight can I be at to be the best athlete and football player I can be and you know I kind of feel good where I'm at they they work with me in my weight range I'm pretty similar to what I was last year um you know I think I was a little undersized guard and so it's it's a a little bit closer to what rate I should be for center learning how to ride a bike going back to Center pick it up right away is that that easy uh it's an NFL nothing's easy but it's uh I feel a lot more comfortable being back there and but the nice thing about being at guard last year I I wasn't um I wasn't going up there and just worrying about my blocking assignment I was still thinking like I was a center and what protections and what calls we were going to make and still going through my normal routine just cuz I it was so ingrained in me that's kind of all I've done so that that aspect of it hasn't changed as much and it's a little bit like riding the bike just um we're blocking 300 lb dudes 350 who knows what you wor about Center that you that you might not get a guard uh it's just it's a lot of Hands-On it's a lot of communication um I mean I just enjoy it because I love talking and getting everybody on the same page and communicating where guard it's a little less and it's a little more uh physical you you have a little bit more physical challenges throughout a game than you might have at Center we were talking yesterday and he said at the line of SC kind of deferred to Jason a lot because of his you know his status in the organization how long he's been here he wants to take a a bigger approach I know it's early in the process but that collaboration between you and jayen you do you know where that's going is that still a work in progress yeah I think we work on that every day and it it's fun you know again to meet with him and go through and see what he's seeing and what I'm seeing and how we want to mesh and and who uh who wants to control what and how we can do it together this is a it's a team it's process and and I don't think anybody's going to have full control of anything and I think that's kind of how we want to run you know everybody's going to have a say uh and so that's that's great you know this offense is it's it's fun to pick up and start to learn has he taken more of a a role in that yeah I think I mean it's like all of us I I'm learning so much this year and obviously I can tell he's learning a lot too and I think as as we both grow and get a little more uh fluent in the offense it's going to be a lot easier to communicate and talk between the two of us and it's been good so far and it's it's fun getting to see you know how defenses evolve every year and even how ours is and and how we can talk and work through that in Camp Spight that position how did these last two years help you get established uh just putting in work and and getting to where I am today um just that's all it is working sitting behind guys and learning and playing alongside people and just listening to the vets um I'm blessed to being the Eagles organization where I come into a room and I got Jordan Mada Lane Johnson Jason Kelce and Landon Dickerson Isaac some all like it's crazy all the vets that I had when I came in here and and how much I was able to learn so it's easy to get to the point where where I am to to learn all this as long as you know somebody's coming in putting in the work over there Kelsey's been around the uh facility a lot in the off season has a locker in the coach's room how much is he still in your ear or are you looking at this like you got to kind of Forge your own way now oh you know I think he's always there if I need to call upon and ask him some questions um so I I I know I can rely on that if I get stuck and need some help or something something like that when you were you kind of like going through what calls you would make and like were you kind of comparing it to what Jason called last year uh just making sure we're all on the same page you know if if I thought it was something and he may have thought something different then we can talk through and see uh which one we wanted to do you know um I don't think it was too much comparing but just making sure that we're in the right call the blz now how we going to handle the blitz calls uh I think that's all of us you know it it's different cuz it's a process if if uh if a tackle's job is is to look at a certain spot and see if you know safety's rolling down or somebody's covered in a guard spot maybe to look at a different position center is supposed to look at a little bit of everything everybody's feeding each other information and same thing with the quarterback all all our calls are feeding each other it's not nothing's going to be all on one person's plate and that's kind of how it's always been it's how it's didn't take a little more of the um responsibilities there he he did he just saw a lot of it and you know it probably took some off of the other people's responsibilities but yeah it's it's full uh everybody's looking and they have their own responsibilities especially when it comes to the Blitz game wer follow so was more like you saw saw it first else I think everybody everybody saw it you know so it it it's still very similar to what it's been and you know everybody's got their own responsibility and job like it has been so it it was never all on one person's plate and it's not going to be like that anymore and it's never was you wer you wer you weren't at Center last year but you guys had trouble late in the year picking up blitzes what when you go back and look at that as you try to correct it for this year what do you think was happening in terms of were so good at early that it kind of fell off later in the year um yeah I think uh a lot of it is just you know making sure we're in the right play and figuring out hey if we're not in the right play and if we're not in the right protection can it still work and making sure we have the right Hots and things go along with it and I think we we got in too much trouble last year making sure everything's perfect and when you try to make everything perfect it's not always going to be perfect and so if you if you can make sure that you have answers to a lot of things whether you're in a perfect call or if you're in a a not perfect call uh it helps a a lot of the things out think season you got a lot of those snaps when Jason was injured how much did that help you in hindsight yeah I mean I played center in college and I I played center right when I got here and now I'm back at Center and so that helps just uh be able to feel a little bit of the game out and get to play those preseason games and and get along with the team you know Jaylen was a quarterback back then when I was playing Center uh all throughout camp and now I get to go through another camp with him and so that that communication just kind of picks back up and evolves throughout uh camp and so I think that helps a ton so thanks thanks guys coming with the offense I know we're two days in it's early but what's your sense yeah I think the offense is really clicking right now um you know we spent a lot of time uh learning it dissecting it uh figuring it out during uh OTAs earlier and then coming back just uh the way we've been moving the way uh things been installing just rolling in practice I feel like uh you know everybody took that step uh you know just kind of absorbed it in OTAs and right now it seems like we're firing on all cylinders obviously we got more to install and uh things like that but right now uh I think the whole offense would be pleased where we're at early but what have you seen from the new look defense you guys are going against yeah uh you know just uh my biggest thing is uh the movement up front uh the different fronts they play uh you know it kind of reminds me of the defense we had a few years ago um but I think I think uh they're going to be really good uh you know it's always fun to watch uh the two big men in the middle JD and uh Jaylen Carter uh they're they're special so I'm excited to watch those two grow their career and uh just help everybody else out by you know stopping the run and getting pressure spoken very highly about Grant sort of unprompted what have you seen from him in his development over the years seems to be taking a lot of well Personnel reps with you how much have you seeing him just just step up yeah in my opinion you know uh Grant's first year he had a hamstring early in Camp and uh you know it kind of set him back that first year but uh the last two years I feel like you just see him grow every day uh you know he asked me a lot of questions what I see why I do that and uh you see him just uh putting his own little flare in the game uh he does a good job of finding a way to get open on the top of routes and uh you know he's one of the people that just knows what he's supposed to do knows where he's supposed to be when he's supposed to be there and uh when you do that you just gain a lot of trust from the quarterback and the coaches so uh it's been seeing it's been really fun seeing him grow over the last three years and you know hopefully we can on the field a lot together is this off a lot different for you and and your responsibilities um yeah there's definitely uh different things uh some of the verbiage has changed things like that um but when it comes to football and uh being a tight end you know uh you kind of do the same thing the routes are the same it's just might be in a different scheme a little bit the quarterback reads when he gets to you might be different and uh you know I think that's cool um how we've been uh dissecting it um you know you know where the quarterback's reads are you know uh if you're not not the first read you're not the second read you're the third read you got a little bit more time at the top of your route at the stem of your route to buy time and uh you know it doesn't matter if you're open too early uh if the quarterback's not looking he's not ready so uh just trying to make sure we're on the same page uh getting open uh when the quarterback gets his eyes to you uh something that I've been really trying to focus on uh during OTAs and up until now do yeah so uh you know he might start to the left and you're on the right uh running a deep route and uh you could say you have a did a basic you know which is 10 to 12 yards uh you know if you're on the front side you might have to run it a little bit faster because his eyes are there right away but uh if you're on the backside you know he's looking here here and then he comes back to you so you can spend a little bit more time at the top uh because if you get open and then the defense closes and then he gets his eyes on you you're not open so uh it's trying to make sure you're open when the quarterback is ready to throw it to you of motion motion will bring to the offense and maybe attacking on all levels of the defense yeah uh we've been definitely motion a lot more um I think it's been really big for us so far uh getting the linebackers to swap size getting the safeties to run um all the Tells it gives you when you're motioning and then uh it's it's it makes it harder for the defense to stay Gap sound in the Run game um so I think the motion is going to really help us and uh hopefully it brings a lot of big plays for us what's it like to practice against CJ every day man uh CJ he he's definitely a special dude uh you know my biggest thing for him is he's the same person every day he's uh you know he's over the top with excitement uh he loves being out here playing he loves talking trash but at the same time uh you respect him he respects you it's nothing uh disrespectful and it's it's really fun uh just going out he brings the energy so uh you know if you have a bad play he's going to let you know about it if you have a good play he's going to give you a high five and that's how it should be uh he's going to hold everybody accountable but that's the same thing he holds himself to a really high standard as well pictures with you and some of the younger guys at a workout with Jaylen hers maybe in Houston how beneficial was that especially for the younger guys and for you kind of getting in sync with the offense yeah it's uh always good the more time you can spend with the quarterback the more trust you can have with them uh the more opportunities you're going to have uh getting the ball um and it was cool going with the younger guys and uh John John Ross was there too and uh you know just being able to have Jaylen uh ask for a route and then uh me be able to with the years that I've had with Nick and uh how how we want the routes run things like that can help these young guys so they can hit the ground running a little bit faster um but I feel like we had three great days of work down there and uh you know it's only going to propel us forward two more for Dallas uses multiple tight ends like a lot of coaches how would you say as a group it functions in his off um yeah there's just so many different things you can do uh with two tight ends I think uh the biggest thing uh I've noticed with Kellen is how much uh things marry whether it's the Run game into the pass game uh motions could be a run or a pass and it just uh keeps the defense honest you know they're not seeing the same thing over and over where they can uh you know have a really good feel of what we're going to do and uh kind of rely on that so the more we can be in different tight ends put me and Grant in different spots uh just gives different looks to the defense which like I said keeps them honest numbers could be if you if you finally had that healthy season yeah uh obviously I want to you know obviously every person that has a chance to catch the ball wants to have a h 100 catch thousand plus yards uh but for me I want to do whatever I can to help the team win uh you know I just if I if I can run a runoff route to get somebody else open but I'm good with that uh as long as we're winning uh I'm always happy all right thanks guys

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