Kate Gosselin Did What To Collin?! Ruby Franke Vibes

hey everybody Welcome to the dad challenge podcast my name is Josh thanks for joining me today we're talking about Colin Goslin has been doing the rounds uh last month or so just kind of putting out his story about him being a part of the show with Kate Goslin and John Johnny Kate Plus 8 which you guys know I absolutely I think TLC is one of the worst arbitrators of child exploitation that has ever existed and should be sued into literal Oblivion they're terrible terrible terrible people and still to this day like don't give a about any of the people that they've ever worked with they only care about money and this kid suffered for it right kids are normal kids are going to grow up kids are going to do kids thing teens are going to do teen things not saying that he didn't cause any problems but teenagers do that stuff but I am going to say that he has been a victim of his mother and everybody else especially TLC and these big channels of his whole life it's really really really sad so let's take a look at his story [Music] now I've done stories on John and him before I've actually reached out to John and John said he would talk to me but you know kind of just got lost in the translation I'd still like to talk to him about the whole situation about the idea of the exploitation of children and how alluring it is how much money you make and then how it changed and what shifted in his brain and his heart and in his gut over time because he came out eventually and just said you know it's the worst thing that ever happened to us like it destroyed our family and Kate's still out there making money doing all this and has alienated basically this kid's brothers and sisters against him so col Colin gosin has been speaking up on a couple of channels I got two videos here one is from uh Sun Media or something like that one's from another one that he's just doing his rounds and he should he has a chance to speak out and he is and he's using his voice to tell everybody the truth of what really happened she's the original Karen with the original Karen haircut if you didn't forget okay they had a very public divorce the kids went with very public garbage and she still even after that still tried to exploit them for cash this woman has no discernable talents is never going to be able to do anything else but be this person and so this guy gets to finally speak out about it and it's giving Ruby Frank for reals so let's take a look at what he has to say my mother became physically aggressive multiple times she had said tied my hands and feet together tied his hands and feet now who does that sound like Ruby Frank right imagine being this woman like they're showing a picture of her Cup in their mouth like these are babies this woman deserves to be in prison okay does not deserve to have be famous does not deserve accolades does not deserve the money she has made she should she should be sued by her children right she does not deserve any of this John was there too don't get me wrong but he's the one who had the change of heart later on even though you know even if it was at a spite to shut her down okay if spite what it's going to take to get your kids off the internet and stop exploiting them spite so be it let's do spite I don't care whatever it takes to get these kids off but this woman was an abusive her whole existence and is one of the most hated people of TLC you know my mom always told me nobody would believe me I was fully isolated from everybody I had know friends nobody I was 100% treated differently I remember saying that I'm I'm not trying to trick you because I remember thinking that nobody believed me as a kid yes that's heavy opening up about his childhood for the first time John and Kate Plus 8 star Colin Goslin has made several shocks allegations against his mother claiming she isolated him from his seven siblings locked him in a basement and physically and emotionally abused him and I believe it I don't like he's coming out and telling his story and his truth and I'm I believe every bit of it and the fact that he like maybe later as a teenager like caused problems and she isolated him and sent him off to all these things was likely because of the trauma that she induced on him right so if he's having all these issues again if there's any proof of how garbage it just have this many kids right there is another reason that there's going to be one kid or two kid they're going to fall they're going to be left behind they're going to be hated sorry there is just no way people like Dr D does in large families ever have time especially if they're making TV shows and Vlogs and putting their life on there that they have enough time to love their children equally or love their children at all with any time because they spend their entire time doing there's just no even if you didn't do vlogs and TV shows if you had 12 kids how hard would it be to possibly parent and love that many children it's almost impossible I'd say to stretch a human that thin as a parent would be almost impossible so someone's going to fall through the cracks and it's Colin in this case an exclusive interview with the US son while millions of viewers tuned in to follow the lives of John and K Goslin their Twins and their sex tlets making it one of TLC's highest rated TV shows of the 2000 Brave Colin has now revealed that offscreen there was a horrifically dark side to life in the Goslin family yep it was rough it was it was rough um I definitely went through it a lot as a kid um from my mother's end so it was tough look at all the proof that they have too of her just being a total disgustoid there's like it looks like she she just she is spanking this child and I'm sorry with with the damn hair that damn Karen haircut you guys know where I stand on hitting children I you should never use violence against children ever and and people like well spanking is not violence violence are you hitting them trying to hurt them as a punishment then you're using violence against children that is never ever going to be okay there is never going to be an excuse for it there's always another way okay hurting a kid some people like well I got spanked and I never did that thing again it was only one time in my life I'm just talking about like literally using violence and the threats of violence to your children so they behave you're abhorent if you do that okay and if you do unfollow me okay I don't want people follow me who beat their children okay you're disgusting for doing it it is never going to be okay never acceptable ever and I mean this is backed up by Decades of research okay we were in a we grew up in a time like ' 80s that was even before us kids who grew up in the 60s 50s 6070s they were beat even more than the kids in the ' 80s and we were beat okay it is just a different world psychology tells us today that that hurting kids is not the answer because then they're going to hurt people they it's a learned behavior it don't do it okay I was beat as a kid and I will never ever touch my children ever in a way that would hurt them okay never once I just I don't believe in it and I think it's I think it's wrong my mother at many many times and most of the time became physically aggressive um verbally verbally very abusive with the things she would say and and obviously that carries over to you know the emotional side of things where you know a young child doesn't know any better the one that has the most bumps and bruises is definitely KH he falls like 56 times an hour but he's not tough what a what okay what for just saying that he's false 56 at this haircut 56 times an hour but he's not tough what the hell why would you say that about your child on on TV who the hell who oh my gosh this woman deserves to fall down a well and like be forgotten gets upset very very emotionally abusive relationship and um when my mother would put me in that room multiple times and look at you talk about kids giving consent to doing these things TLC should be ashamed themselves because look at these pictures consent is one of the most important things that we talk about especially with our children and adults in together consent is huge consent just because a kid doesn't say no like no I don't want this doesn't mean that they can't show you that they don't want to do it okay cuz look at the pictures of this kid he's never happy and yet they continued to do it she had said tied my hands and feet together and bolt locked the door turned the lights off and had cameras that just watching me and had cameras watching him that room that my mother had built um often times she had tight line hands she he's saying this out loud that she built a prison in the basement to put him that had cameras in it that had a lock on it and she would tie his hands and feet and put him in this room if that is true like she she should be in jail that's prison she should be in jail feet together and kept me locked in there um for most or all of the day for multiple days holy and that doesn't just make you feel helpless but it John goon's mother called ex Kate accused him abusing son and assist mom of a emotionally damaged teen was the fact that I had I had nobody in my life then I didn't have my siblings yeah where's your dad in this I didn't have teachers at school I didn't have anybody I didn't have friends you know I wasn't allowed to visit my father yeah he's saying here John gosson claims exkate gave their son calling PTSD from abuse after denying he hit and kick teen father I had nobody to go to not one person to talk to I had no relationship with anybody um I was fully isolated from everybody I know friends nobody that's so scary as I'm older now and I I can kind of look back and see videos or pictures of myself younger it it definitely is it's it's a crazy experience because they need to chill on this music chill Sun media shill you know I look at my younger self and it it upsets me you know I don't even like why is he always on the outside of the pictures oh Kate Goslin you such you're such a douche to look atct he's been alienated from brothers and sisters since a young age and today to this day apparently he's completely alienated from all of them I hope they wake up someday myself cuz it just reminds me of you know those kinds of things and it also makes you realize like you know this is that's not that's not okay what happened um and you realize that no kid should have to go through it that's not okay at all it got to the point where I was um where you know word was getting out and Child Services were being called me being at home in the house there was just too many ways that my mother could have been exploited things took another catastrophic turn for Colin when age 11 his mother had him sent to Fairmont Behavioral Health a mental health facility in Pennsylvania after having him diagnosed with multiple mental health and behavioral issues including autism ADHD and bipolar disorder conditions that recent medical reports show he does not have so how did she get the diagnosis so she got the diagnosis so she can stand there and write it off as a tox thing is that what it is terrified young Colin was to spend the next next 22 months of his life at the institution at 11 in in her desate protect herself um she placed me in this institution with no F there was no notice it just I one day it was like up and gone you know it just it was a very very um quick and just you know I one day I was sent away from home and placed there and no goodbyes nothing just sent away that's this Savage bastard she is un Kate Goslin deserves to be really in jail like prison prison time for a long time because like I know that Ruby Frankie like did a lot worse but this is pretty bad too and she should have been in jail and I was scared young Colin desperate and alone managed to send a secret letter to his dad I remember this Dear Dad I'm not trying to trick you but I still love you and I told Mom I want to live with you she said no but right she can't choose for me I'm old enough now I'm your son not her she was abusive to me after I left your house I'm so sorry to take this to court because it I remember this and it's so sad because she was she obviously employed pear into alienation against JN against a lot of his kids against him a absolutely against the kid to the kids too like this woman has no business being out there being a mother begging him to take him out of the facility for the first time since he penned the letter in cran 8 years ago Colin emotionally read it aloud to the US son there was a lot of nothing I didn't know where I was I'd always been alone at least it was that is so effing sad for an 11-year-old a place away from home but it was still very scary so for 22 months I didn't step foot in one classroom I didn't do one almost 2 years this kid was literally alienated from his family that is a heart that's heartbreaking worksheet nothing um excuse me this letter was um dated in June of 2017 I mean I'm sure he knew why I'd been trying to reach out to him but it you know I was scared to write this it was a leap of faith that I had to take and I'm looking back I'm really glad I did that for my younger self in integrating back into like Society with like you know kids in My AG group it was tough um it was like this kid was institutionalized for almost two years like prison it was prison for a kid and yeah that would be one of the hardest things to get back out that's I'm I did not know it was as bad was the end of middle school and um you know I I remember finding some academic work a little difficult and I didn't really know how to talk to my peers resilient Colin defied All Odds graduated from high school and embarked on his lifelong dream to join the military I didn't really know that it was the Marines when I was younger but I always knew that I I you know I had that patriotism in me and I wanted to serve my country and you know I I always knew it was there um and I I remember like signing that contract and going off the training and and and stepping foot you know on Paris Island I I just remember like on the yellow Footprints I remember like as a kid I never really knew what that dream was but when I got there it it just all clicked and I was like Yep this is what it this is this is what the dream was and um that that Brotherhood and that camaraderie and the leadership and just how you know my TRN instructors and all the Marines on Paris Island carried thems it it's truly an amazing it's amazing it it it's breathtaking and it it's such an amazing organization and this country is is lucky to have the US Marines sadly Colin's dream was to be shortlived when on July 21th 2023 mother Kate who we had no contact with since he was hospitalized made an extensive post on Instagram where she claimed he had multiple psychiatric diagnoses oh my gosh pulling a Docker dozen here remember when do dozen danced in front of the damn screen of her kid's diagnosis from Tik Tok craziness the craziest thing you've ever seen I've never wanted to have to do this but I feel like I've been backed into a corner and left with no choice it's your child it's your damn Offspring although it saddens me to do so I need to speak out publicly she just don't speak to the courts speak to lawyers do it in the back end why would you do it this publicly holy I hate this woman my son Colin whom I love don't you dare say my son calling whom I love and then outing him publicly has received multiple psychiatric diagnosis over the years this is this is absolute for the safety of myself his brothers and sisters for his own well-being he was placed in facility following years at 11 at 11 the reason why she did that is because she could hand because she can't handle that many kids and she's trying to be famous and she's got a TV show to run and she just couldn't be bothered it's not that she couldn't physically do it as a parent or couldn't afford it she just didn't want to deal with it that's the problem she could have easily done it if she wasn't so wrapped up in her own farts and fame which proved insufficient for his needs the decision to admit him was made by emergency room doctors following one of his many attacks outbursts this one involving his use of a weapon fast forward to the present day he's 11 he's 11 no and following John's removal of Colin from treatment my son's unpredictable and violent behaviors have sadly continued regularly towards John Hanah and the others Colin's distorted perception of reality is one of the many issues I hate this woman accused him of having a distorted perception of reality and accused him of exhibiting unpredictable and violent behaviors this post went insanely viral and in this post my mother talks about how I have a a large large list of diagnosis I couldn't defend these attacks I didn't even know what was going on until my friend actually mailed me a picture of this it got around and it raised a lot of questions things started to get looked through on Paris Island and what a what was discovered was that I was in an institution and from the from the side of things in the Marine Corps they you know couldn't tell if these if these claims on social media were true about these diagnosis they couldn't tell if they were true or not that ultimately led to my discharge because she got discharged from his dream because his mother made an Instagram post and she was probably just laughing and happy about oh I got my revenge on my child I got my revenge on my effing child I wasn't able to provide sufficient um evidence that these were false until I got home and that's when I saw Dr Sergeant bus I completed a comprehensive psychological evaluation to un call Goon as per your request for an updating diagnosic exam I was provided with a copy of your letter asking professional determination um as follows unspecified bipolar disorder and Related Disorders I reviewed several documents this was a reevaluation following knowledgment uh which were reportedly later discontinued upon my reevaluation the initial recommendation has been to return to training subsequently there was a report and occation that led his emotions get the best of them and one incident of pushing another recruit despite a medform and indicating so he's had some issues in the military too and then his mother posted that out to get a professional psychiatric evaluation done a full eval ation was completed and the doctor States here Colin goson does not meet does not does not meet criteria for any of the diagnosis of concern in your evaluation request and that request was um from the Marine Corps um nor I see evidence to indicate any other psychiatric diagnos diagnosis or behavioral disorder in his current functioning due to these allegations that she posts on social media my dream of becoming a US Marine was crushed that's son oh son of a now I have to fight and do everything I can to fulfill that dream still and it's important for me for her to come forward with the truth because I want nothing more than to serve my country you know you think your mother's on your side of things and I and I wish that things never went through that way and I wish I didn't have to come forward and put all this information out there but this is very important to me I'm constantly having to defend myself I'm constantly having to State the record very Behavioral Health System the mental health facility in Pennsylvania where colins state issued a statement to the US son while we cannot offer I don't care two sides to every story and when things represent patient care is overseen by a multi-disciplinary team led by a team of psychiatrists Attorney Richard paleo who represented Kate in past legal cases said there's always two sides to every story and when things take place in the past it's hard to determine because people have differing Recollections and damn lawyers perspectives however I can personally ATT yeah and his perspective changed and it was made worse when he realized that's the that's the part that no one's talking about that's what happened to me as a kid people who kids like me who were abused When We Were Young that was our reality and we didn't know any better so we didn't realize it was bad as you wake up and get older and you start realizing oh my God that was terrible holy it's crazy because that's when PTSD and things can happen and Trauma takes hold and you get anxiety and you can get panic attacks because you start waking up to the real realization that what happened to you as a kid also it wasn't your fault but it was actually abuse and it was terrible and that doesn't happen that it happens on a on on a wide range for a lot of people during different ages of of development too I didn't actually come to the realization of all that stuff till it's like in my 30s like I started being like Oh my God and I started looking back on certain things like holy if this was today I would not be with my mother I would absolutely be in a foster system the things that the Abus that I suffered that were normal to me were not normal and you don't understand it until you're older like this guy okay and and as he gets older he's going to see that even more and more so that's you know perspectives do change but in this case they change for the worse however I'll let her read it to this situation as I knew Kate and all eight of her children since they were small and I don't believe Kate ever did anything intentionally to harm Colin so she didn't tie him up and put him in a room in the prison that she made with cameras she didn't do that I think she did whatever she did to protect herself and her family from some of his trouble Behavior he was 11 as a child that's not to say he's got psychological impairment I'm not a psychiatrist however I think if Kate did the things that Colin is accusing Kate of she would have been investigated by the authorities she should be she should be investigated by the authorities now he probably didn't realize that it was wrong until later till now probably just thought that was normal cuz it was his normal and prosecuted additionally I don't think the Marine greine Corb saw Kate's post and decide to throw Colin out could Kate's post have had some influence sure I that's what he said think it may have made them delve into Colin's history but blaming his mother for being thrown out of the military is misplaced oh of course K cson why would she comment in the story she's a coward ass okay and then there's this video so he made the rounds back in September to do these videos and nothing's kind of like this is last or back in August I think yeah and he's still making the arounds doing this stuff right now it's really important that he gets the story out that's why I'm using my platform Colin you want to come on my show and talk to me what it's like to be a child growing up and exploited on the internet and in TV shows it's your what you have to say is super valuable get your story out and you can talk to the parents to do it because they watch my show all the people that I talk about they all watch me every single one of them they do it okay and I've had multiple who have reached out to me and have said that they watch my show right and you know how I know they watch my show if they don't reach out to me because I'm blocked on Instagram without ever talking to them okay so I have a platform that we talk about this and Colin has this message and it coalign with what I'm talking about and I'm happy to have man share his story a little bit more just to warn these parents and these kids who are watching that that there is hope out there that if you are being exploited here what you can do here's how you can see the signs early so you don't wake up one day when you're in your 20s and be like holy crap I can't believe all that happened that would be a really important uh video I think I even if it doesn't do with me I'm just saying Colin I encourage you to get out there on YouTube yourself and and and and take advantage of your platform and your voice and use it for good in this way it would be a really cool thing I canot believe it's been a couple of years since we last saw you life has taking its twists and turns I'm doing well um mostly working preparing for college um not much else going on besides that hanging out with friends you know Life's good partner we first met Colin in 2009 as Dad John picked him and his siblings up from school just 2 months later John and Kate would divorced Colin started that effing haircut man having issues at home by 2016 things got so bad Kate felt the need to send him away your mom put you in an institution and this was in about what 2016 you would have been 11 or 12 11 or 12 years yeah I I didn't know what was going on I didn't know where I was going and I I told all my family this I mean I that was most scared of probably ever in my life um up until then I was at home with my siblings with my mom mhm um and and she didn't give me any information on where I was going what was going on your siblings didn't know where you were going did you say goodbye to your siblings I didn't even say goodbye to them that's so sad man he didn't get to say goodbye to his mom just like secretly just sent him away and siblings woke up one day he's gone well okay let's go to Starbucks everybody knows goodbye did your mother ever come to visit you she came to visit me once it was about for 30 minutes and the entire time all she did was lecture me me and told me that I destroyed our family so in 2 years she visited her son once this absolute our family was under a spot like 24/7 mhm my mother especially following her divorce was there was this light cast on her as as a single mother MH taking care of eight children and and I believe strongly I know strongly that the reason I was sent away was was for my mother to protect her reputation that's crazy this evil last year K made public statements about colins saying for the safety of myself his brothers and sisters and for his own wellbeing he was placed in a facility following years of Outpatient Treatment he push way that's normal kid Behavior by the way Colin spent nearly 2 years in that institution in 2018 he moved in with his dad John and sister Hannah they're now the only family members he has a relationship with I love my that's and if you don't think that's been done by parents parental exploit or like alienation you're wrong how does that happen like that's it's Insanity very very much I would never hurt them I would never trash their names in the media but I what I do believe is that my mother is behind the things that they say in the media she's behind their opinion of me I think if we knew each other today we'd be very good friends Colin says his past is still impacting his future he had dreams of serving the country are you currently in the marinees I am not not not not any longer was that a choice of yours or did they ask you to leave I was discharged you were discharged yes why you were discharged just towards the end of training very close to graduating MH um the paperwork was looked into and they found out that I was in fact in an institution at one point in my life are you not allowed to be in the military for you were institutionalized as an 11-year-old like what does it matter that's that seems crazy unless you just you're supposed to put it on the thing when you apply and you didn't then I can understand and see they don't need any deeper reason being in an institution that's that's good enough for it you know to discharge you to discharge right it was the fact that I was in an institution that's so sad and again as an 11-year-old like the military doesn't like okay let's take a look it seems like you're normal now though so what and that's that's it Colin is working to appeal the decision I have very few other wishes in life that would top being a United States wow in the meantime he plans to attend P imagine want to serve your country and your country's like you know what that's okay your mother ruined it for you but we're just we can't be bothered it's a major in finance how's life living with Dad uh it's good it's good I'm staying with him till I'm out for college um you know I'm sure we're going to miss you know being around each other but I think he's looking forward to me going on my own paths he also has a girlfriend how long have y'all been dating uh few months six 6 seven months now oh wow it's going well we're happy would you uh ever return to reality television again I I think there's a good possibility um and here's the thing that sucks about that like yeah she's taking everything else away from him I honestly think he should but in a capacity of like I mean reality television show wouldn't have him on in the capacity of like fighting against it but man he should he should start his own YouTube channel against a fight against the stuff like he would it would go Gang Busters this guy knows firsthand the horrors of it damn I don't know as a full-time thing but you know I I think I might as well use that name and you know use the history of it and just return to it you sound a lot like your father I think if we had editorial control and you know all the stuff that we learned in the yeah past editorial control you think anybody's going to give anybody editorial control look at the secret wives of Mormon lives or whatever it's called like they're crazy like they're not going to give any of those women editorial control those women look like a bunch of dumb asses cuz they are but like even more so and what we would want to show publicly and still maintain our privacy but we don't really have privacy now so it's like what's the difference well if we're going to do these interviews or film our own show and then do more interviews and do other things we might as well monetize it or the benefit you can't quit being famous it doesn't work sure you can you absolutely can you can quit being famous I mean if you just stay at the spotlight for a long enough time people will forget you and even if you're once to we get recognize but you're not going to be like in the drama yeah you know he's made made some good points about it yeah I'm older now and it would be your choice it would be exactly that's the difference I'm all for people making choices when they're old enough to do it one of the main things that I I stand on in this channel is the exploitation children against their informed consent they cannot give you informed consent to do it these kids clearly didn't give informed consent and they and they wouldn't have been because if they were informed of what it could mean they could say no but none of them did none of them were able to right so might there be something in the works oh I mean I I I would hope so yeah I have some um Ambitions okay for a certain you know area of shows but okay I I definitely 100% think that I mean I don't blame him for wanting to use a platform to make money and cuz it's a like you use it you know there's a silver lining there you can use something that was screwed you over for the rest of your life and just take advantage of it as long as again you don't get taken advantage of more I I have very high Ambitions about it so would it be you your dad and Hannah I'm not sure we haven't really discussed don't do a TLC if you're going to do something tell TLC to kiss your ass oh totally go to Hulu something oh I don't know in closing today what would you like to say to your mother and to your estang siblings if you had the opportunity to say mom kiss my ass brothers and sisters you're cool something to them face to face I would tell my mom to just like I always like to do just pursue the truth I just want it to stop I don't I don't want this this battle anymore yeah if that F her what's been going on with Kate Goslin then just this Kate Goslin accused of tying up Colin keeping him in like this is relatively new forcing him to live in the basement she's not going to make any comments she's going to keep her mouth shut now she's going to keep her mouth shut after she ruined his chances of being in the military now she's going to keep her mouth shut about this because if it's true and her and even those kids who are on her side know that that happened and they all lie about it and it comes out that it's true like people are going to be in trouble like there's got to be some lawsuits Brewing right now my mother had a room built in our unfinished section of the storage basement she had a room put up with cameras in it tiny window in the corner and was bolt locked from the outside that's that's I think that's illegal by the way I think that's absolutely illegal Colin agree alleged in a bombshell interview uh that on September 10th that it was like containment room literally it had a mattress on the floor that's how I lived that's again Ruby Frank all over again you can't you can't deny that yeah it's just the lawyer her lawyer came out she didn't say anything where is Kate goson now yeah she's still on Instagram just living up at 434,000 subscribers the most recent post was 17 oh 17 weeks ago no more teenagers in this house happy 20th birthday to my forever babies love you um hope you heal and menend the relationships with your kids and between your kids happy birthday to the 6th fact that you don't include all six of your children turning 20 in this picture is disgraceful as a mother you should love and include them all equally Colin and Hannah deserve the same as the other four children narcissistic behavior always I always hope Colin would tell his side you need to be institutionalized I knew it from the first episode way back in the day Kate Plus 8 you abandon the eight what kind of mother does that then you always got a white nighter in there like who's this guy ran bran look at this guy going a white night in for Kate goson with a haircut girl bye you don't know her life yeah we do she put on the damn TV for everybody to watch you turn your kids against each other just read what you did to Callin horrible uh being a dead beat mother is the biggest shame I literally don't know how you sleep at night aren't you missing a couple kids or they see or will they see you next Tuesday H see what they did there Colin deserves better than you you tied up your kid you still institutionalize your kid or Nah Ruby Frank Vibes there it is Mommy dear is exactly what she is there's got to be I hope there's a damn lwuit like again come out on channels Colin come out on the channels come on my channel come I I bet you any of the Big T channels or anybody out there would have you on their show to talk about this start a GoFundMe for your legal defense and Sue the out of your mother she should be in jail you should be making police reports I don't know if the what that's lapsed or whatever that's called if it's been too long but you realize now that this was starting to happen and it took you a while to come out with it but you're starting to realize that that wasn't normal if you can't get her legally put in jail for what she did at least she can use a court of public opinion on your side and get lawyers and sue her financially something tells me you're owed a lot more money than you ever received you should sue TLC into Oblivion as well so she was forced to make this post July 21 last year okay um such a loser of course you decided to comment in on the story by the US son if you're telling the truth why not comment I'm sore as a mother I would never stand in the way of my child's dreams of serving our country they question why you hate Colin so much Kate way to go un covering your ass before this story blew I need to hire your PR peeps what the f is wrong with you even if he does have mental problems keep this quiet why why did you single calling out I bet he wanted to live with John from the early age you made R and made you rage and seee don't buy it people are pissed off there was always something about you you weren't loving a mummy it was painful to watch you claim you love him with all your heart but he just came out saying you zip tied his hands and locked him in a basement maybe get off social media stop seeking attention and victimizing yourself focus on your family is she on Tik Tok again she's still using Kate Plus 8 because that's all she has that's literally all she has man so she's not really I mean she's still out there but she's not doing anything Colin listen Kate obtained her multi-state registered nurse license in North Carolina June 30th 2021 so she's a nurse you imagine this lady rolls up into your thing as a nurse after knowing that she tied up her kid and put him in basically a prison cell and alienated their children against each other and is a complete and had that haircut you imagine that nurse rolls into your room be like you know what I'm going to request a different nurse please thanks lot and they didn't even like for how popular they were they didn't make that much money it's all gone all of it is gone inside Kate goon's life in North Carolina nearly two decades after Fame this was posted February 3rd of this year so very recently K gosson may be most known for time sharing Johnny K plus 8 looks bad uh but it seems like the mother V has opted to slow things down January goson was spot a walking her dog near North Carolina home Kate was bundled up in Gray sweatpants black puffer jacket and a beanie with gloves you know and the fame is going to follow her she should be sued into Oblivion into poverty her kids are old enough now they can go off on their own and do they're not like she needs to support them she should be sued into poverty goon's fluffy white pup was leashed close to her as she walked around Waterfront her waterfront property the New York Post reported Kate made the move from Pennsylvania North Carolina in 2022 A source told the outlet at the time real sh is very happy at the piece in a new downsized lifestyle although Kate made the move just two years ago the report Outlet reported she purchased a four-bedroom five b home for $750,000 in North Carolina it's a big ass house five bathrooms in four-bedroom house in 2009 Kon John and ended their marriage at the time Johnny Kate blah blah blah over the time of course of the weekend John's activities left me no choice but toile legal procedures in order to protect myself my children anyway she's not doing much he's not doing much good I mean get wrecked get off the internet so there you go that's what's going on with Colin Goslin and again appeal to him come on the show buddy you're welcome to come tell your story and talk to other kids if if you don't come on anybody's shows I encourage you to like make a a video reaching out to other kids who are like you grw up like you or growing up like you right now lebrand kids doy dozen kids you can make a video and just they would listen to you you are you have that lived experience and you have a huge incredible powerful voice in this topic and you could Lobby politicians you can Lobby social media platforms you this can be your future and you could make a real big difference and be funded doing it and like like you want to serve your country this is a good way to serve your country too you're serving and you're helping other kids that's what I would encourage you if you want to reach out to me I'll help you do whatever you want to do man you need help editing getting equipment to learn how to do all this stuff you you holler at me I will help you free of charge I'm not joking absolutely would love to see you take on this battle for all the other kids who have to suffer through this like you did and I know you wouldn't want to see them do that absolutely he's a good kid seems like he's grown up really well and matured and wants to serve his damn country and has been barred from doing it and it really sucks man but you can have another battle you can fight and you can do good things and I hope you do every everybody take a deep breath we need those K gosson can kiss everybody's inside of their butth holes okay everybody's and TLC too you can also kiss the inside of everybody's you guys are just absolute dickwads and you don't deserve anything in TLC how do those people live with themselves who just exploit people's stories and people and children all over their the whole channel is that way The Learning Channel F off but you don't F off you f on okay you're amazing incredible valuable don't you forget it and I'll see you when I see [Music]

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