Javon Kinlaw Breaks Down In Tears When Talking About Everything He's Been Through

Published: Jul 28, 2024 Duration: 00:18:58 Category: Sports

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Tyler Conklin it seemed like it was a bit of a you know rough day for the offense just kind of how do you learn and just continue to get better from a day like that yeah it was it was a little frustrating today I mean I don't mean as an offense especially after having some really good days together um excited to put the pads on like you don't want to go out there and um you don't have a bad day like that I guess you could say but in days like that I feel like you learn a lot about yourself um you know and obviously there's a lot of camp and a lot of practices to to figure stuff out so um you know it's just part of the part of the process seem pretty upset at times on various things happening in practice is that uh how would you describe his temperament today yeah I think that's the beauty of playing with you know a great like that right like you have someone that's going to at all times hold everybody accountable no matter who you are what happens uh and I think that's kind of been something that's you know not every team has that not everybody uh um so I mean I think that's really a blessing at the end of the day to be able to have someone that cares that much and uh you know has a standard like that that's going to you know that becomes our standard as a team but to have a Hall of Fame rest won a Super Bowl been there done that uh you know I think that really is um I mean it's necessary you seen them that hot before um I don't know I kind of just don't really pay that much attention to it right I kind of that's I'm the one getting yelled at I try to should I try to avoid being in that situation as much as possible um you know I don't know if I have or not but you know it was all for a good reason I guess you guys Go full paths I know you take care of teammates how far can you go as a blocker or you still have to pull up a little bit because it's a teammate what's the mindset on yeah I think it's just I think it's just being smart about it right like you're not going to go out there and Chip somebody when they're not looking and try to knock them on the ground um you know if you have like some of like the Motions or kind of sifts back across the line of scrimmage where it's like you in a DN like you're not going to go out there and try to blow each other up and you know and kill each other so uh you know I think it's just kind of use in a little bit of common sense right like we all want to be healthy for the season we all want each other to go out there and have a job and um and what not no one wants to see anybody go down so I think it really comes down to you know caring about your teammate a little bit but also on the other end of things you know you have to go win a job and you have to go out there and get better at what you do and um I think we have a you know the way we practice and as a team uh we do that pretty well we have a good balance you seemed like uh the tight tight ends with Aaron have had a lot of success throughout the years when he was in Green Bay just kind of does that exite you and then have you um looked at film from when he was with the Packers with other tight ends have done with him understand yeah definitely excites me right uh I me I think you know one of the cool things is like you're never going to really be in a bad play right like uh the fact that he's always out there kind of playing against the the DC and um I mean there's a play today where like a stick nod and he you know he killed it so the nod part was off and it was just a stick and uh you know we got to catch on that uh and he just had such an unbelievable feel for the game so um let me answer your question like I went back and watch some of the you know Tanya when he had his 11 touchdowns jichael Finley I watched you know um Mercedes all those guys uh jarro cook um and it really just comes down to he has such unbelievable feel for the game uh you know if you can try to see it his way and kind of feel it out and not just be a robot and do this and really have feel for it I think that's really you know for any any position wide receiver tight end a running back that's going to kind of give you more opportunities is just trying to um you know be a smart football player you see anything different from Lazard so far this year I mean last year he had his struggles and everything like that but what have you seen so far this year yeah I mean I think uh you know the start Camp he come out strong right I think he's had three touchdowns out of four you know four days five days now um he's made some big plays in the past game uh you know obviously him and Aaron have a lot of chemistry you know from playing together for a while and uh you know obviously you know he had his ups and downs last year and I know just from talking to him that you know that not wasn't necessarily him and that he's excited to come out here and you know do what he needs to do and I think it was 2020 Robert tanion had 11 touchdown catches from Aaron I know you said you went back and watch some film what was going on that year what did you learn from that and how can you kind of channel that and and have that kind of year too yeah I think I mean it's kind of the FI thing and it's kind of hard to explain because so much of it is just trying to see the game through through Aaron's eyes right and that's kind of impossible because he's kind of like the Oppenheimer of football right like um you notice the way he sees the game and processes the game at the speed that he does it is impressive um so it's kind of you know I don't know that how to exactly answer that but it's kind of just you know when you go back and watch the film and like you see maybe a play you you know could have did something different on or like he was looking at you at this point in the route and maybe you should have peaked or maybe you shouldn't have peaked cuz there was a blitz or something like that uh you know talking to him like Hey like should I have done this on this um just trying to like really try to do your best to see it through his eyes and I think if you can do that then uh you know it's going to lead to a lot of success does that just come with just watching film with him and just you know get notes and everything so so you can try to see it as much as you can through his eyes yeah I mean it's a little bit everything right like sometimes you're watching film on your own you're just like you like okay he was looking at me here like you know should I did this should I've not done this was he just looking me off since we know he loves throwing no looks you know half the time you think the ball's coming to you and it goes all the way across the field um you know some of it's like in meetings when he's just out you know he'll randomly ask certain questions and just uh you know try to challenge you of like uh you know why did I read this how you how should you run this and that kind of gives you some insight into how he thinks about it um and then yeah obviously you know trying to get in there with him and uh you know talk to him about it and go through stuff and um it'll be interesting to see how that all plays out as we prepare for games and stuff like that what's it like seeing brandan Allen out there in the open field yeah I mean that was fun today right um we'll see how that I mean I think the cool part about it was I don't even think really lowered his shoulder he's just so big he was just running a straight line uh so that's kind of one of those iffy you know protect protect the team moments right there um it's also first day pads and you know everybody's excited but uh yeah since he's been here I've been excited to to watch him play uh one of my old teammates in college he was actually his running back coach at Wisconsin Deon Spalding and uh he had nothing but great things to say about him so I was excited to see him out here and you know obviously to see him in pads um I was excited about it I think he did a hell of a job it looks like on your Instagram Javon Kinlaw you took up some new stuff in this offseason a new training regimen or anything like that can you just talk about what you added to it and what was the purpose of it uh I mean other than Pilates I mean Well Pilates I've been doing that for like three years now uh but just the way I've been lifting and working out and conditioning I mean my goal was to put on like 35 lbs of lean muscle mass and I did and um it's been paying off pretty well so far so so how can that uh at the added muscle help you throughout the course of the season um just to staying on them double teams you know I felt like last year um I was getting moved a little bit probably just because I just didn't have enough muscle you know but when I take on these blocks out here you know I just feel way more sturdy you know what I mean so 35b since the end of last season uh since probably like five four months ago yeah what did you play out last year like 3:05 I'm like 330 right now so what does your diet consist of in order to get to the add that 305 lbs well my girl she'll make me like nine chicken eggs in the morning a whole avocado handful of spinach lunchtime I'd eat like six chicken breasts um yeah a little salad on the side then lunch I'll probably eat like a little pasta like a like a pound of ground beef but then like a few noodles mixed in that's I did it every day you know and it it paid off I'm still eating that same way right now but a little less though I don't want to be like too bulky you know so so was that prior to creaty that just change your diet just I just wanted well just as soon as the season was over I knew I wanted to change some things up so yes sir just how your thoughts about how you fit in with this defense and then just playing with a guy like Quin Williams besides it um I just loved everybody I love everybody man I love the guys it's a great team great overall atmosphere and uh playing as Quinter it's going to be amazing you know because I've been a big fan of his since I was in college um just a big big fan um I love the way he power rushes is two the ones his counters it's amazing um just the way he plays the run is also amazing as well you know his feet is always hot in the Run game you know and I I like to try to look at his game as much as I can and try to uh blend it in mind and um I think I fit in very well um just another Power guy um I think I'm very explosive as well just as as much as uh everybody else that's on the D line you know and um I just can't wait to get the battle with these guys I don't know if you heard what I asked coach Salah but a lot of tackles have come here and really turn their career into an upper trajectory like Sheldon rankins and John Franken Myers Quinton Jefferson I'm wondering if that's one of the reasons I know you have a relationship with Salah but that one of the reasons you came here is cuz it seems like guys come here and get better uh they they just you know said I had an opportunity you know and I'm all about opportunity you know I work very hard even though I've been through a lot I've always worked super hard you know and the chips they they fail where they may you know but I never gave up on myself and um I've had a relationship with Salah of course white cotton as well he was the assistant dline coach when I was a rookie so played a part in it as well you know and I'm just looking to maximize you know every opportunity I get this year you talked about this some things just not going probably the way that you planned just how do you keep that positive attitude when things like that happen I mean well I'm very religious you know uh just talked to my mom a lot and she she really was well my mom and my family they really was the reason you know I I've had a lot of dark days and you know just to be able to touch that grass it's it's a big blessing man you know and I I've been through a lot bro like like for real like my fault I've been through a lot bro so take your time yeah I've been through a lot bro that's all I can really say but I never gave up you know a lot of people would have gave up but I never gave up is there anything else you uh when you and quinnon were in the SEC you were two of the best defensive tackles did you guys kind of have a rivalry you know just trying to be that best guy in the SEC uh you know Quinn came out before I did so but still you know I I always looked at like a lot of the best guys and I wanted to I always like dreamed of being a a top guy you know I still do every day I'm super hungry for it man I'm super hungry for it guys around here throughout the we Super Bowl quite a bit you've been to the Super Bowl you were just in the Super Bowl sir what uh what does it take to get there and do you see the early returns that this team has some of those kind of makings um it's hard bro it's it it's hard bro it's hard work man it's hard work every day day in Day Out and it's like you get to the playoffs and you play against teams and you could just kind of feel them wanting to get out of there you know but that's when you step on the gas even more you know and um I'm just glad that I can bring that you know to this team to let guys know like that's when you really put your foot on their neck you know you can hit a guy and you can feel it like just the energy is not there you know and uh for sure man just it was it was a great run you know but this team is this team is special man n was what the ners was but this team is very special you know and I'm just glad to be here I'm blessed to be here what is it going to take to get it you know to that level uh with the 49ers and potentially cont for Championship hard work you know these guys they work their tail off you know I just and I love it you know what I mean I love it I love it I love when people just work hard and just go at it drop your head down and just get to work and um that's it that's the only thing it's going to take hard work consistency and discipline you know um at All Phases mind body and spirit you know what do you think that week one team is going to be like being for me it's going to be like any other game honestly um I'm I'm not even really looking at it like that for me you know another another opponent you know what I mean week one to week 32 you know what I mean like it's all the same but it's going to be awesome you know what I mean can't wait how good did it feel today just getting the pads back on after a long offseason m in the first four days of practice oh yeah it was awesome man I know it was a lot of emotions out there everybody had a lot of stuff to get off their chest you know so and I was one of them so no it was cool it was cool man you know a lot of banging you know what I mean probably some people on the ground you know everybody you know it's intense but that's what you want to see so I know you maybe don't go one-onone with them or match up in a while but what's it like seeing Tyron Smith on the other side of oh you know that's the Og man you know I I could remember I told him I was like bro I remember like I was a kid like I was a kid and I used to watch like you was on top 100 like I remember people saying you sleep a lot like all type of crazy stuff like but it's awesome man just seeing the great out there like a Hall of Famer you know what I mean and that makes you want to get better just me being inside right there seeing him out there it's like okay like yeah I got to get on my exuse my language you know for sure here with Alan Lazard what have you Allen Lazard 1-on-1 thought of the first couple days of training camp so far hot hot and humid but you know these are the days especially you want to have them early on just to kind of go through that grind um just develop that callous um and know p especially once we get to the preseason game into September go on to Florida twice this year to deal with that humidity and everything so it's been great you know just be back out here with the team um being all together grinding and you know obviously Chang things around this year in terms of your you're a vet in this offense in particular but the guys around you a lot of them entering year two with Nathaniel hackit what have you seen early whether it's throughout the spring or early in Camp like do you get a different sense of people's understanding of this scheme yeah you're sens you know people are breaking the hle Huddle a little bit earlier because once they hear the play they know exactly what to do they know where to line up they're focus on the details and you know they're not really questioning themselves and second guessing themselves so they're going out there playing free and playing fast and that's what it takes to be a good offense for you touchdown catch yesterday touchdown catch here in front of the fans for the first time what did you see on the end of that last play what what was the period like and what happened on that play yeah was kind of almost just like yesterday Aaron um you know I was definitely like the last read of the progression and everything and I just felt the void in the zone a was scrambling out towards me and you know obviously he just put a good B out there for me to go make a play coach solid said something in the spring how something along the lines of he feels a different A Renewed attitude from you what's your reaction to that and what what is your attitude entering training camp yeah just to come out here and be the best me you know um not only for myself but for my teammates in this organization do whatever I can to uplift them and to ultimately achieve the goal that we all want which is racing that lombardic trophy at end of the year for you individually and as a team what's the goal here in training camp especially early um just become comfortable with each other you know understanding that what plays we call during Camp right now they might not always go as we plan them to go but to be able to have that um that improv to the offense and to the game of just being able to play with each other and to understand that you know this may be my guy to block here but if he does something different and I see someone else take him then I know who his his man is and I can play off of him and then we're able to still have explosive plays even though we scheme it up a little bit differently but as long as we go out there and execute it's all that matters do you think the vibe of this team whether offense specific or not is similar to last year or a little bit different I think everyone's just a little bit more calm a little bit more relaxed and just comfortable into the system um the players and stuff and and ultimately just playing with Aaron you know he he demands um a higher Focus um a higher intensity in practice and games especially and know obviously missing him last year for the for the season season and everything we kind of lost that and didn't really get to establish that so um having them back in the spring um here in training camp and everything being healthy it's just great for for everyone to to develop that comfortability with each other and then lastly in the receiver room like first play today long well to Garrett you see a difference in Garrett feels like every year since he's been a jet he just gets a little bit and a little bit better yeah there's no doubt that Garrett's um one of the best if not the best receivers in the league so to see him develop every single day on every single year it's a pleasure to play play alongside of him and to help him um achieve New Heights so you know it's going to be exciting when he gets a All Pro both this year and definitely earns that all awesome appreciate the time thank you thank you guys here with John Simpson 1-on-1 offensive lineman John Simpson John what are your early thoughts of training camp so far um it's cool man uh just the competition uh it's crazy um going against Q uh Javon all those guys s all those guys man they they're making me better um and I hope I'm making them better um you know and like I said it's iron sharpens iron here and that's that's all you can really ask for in any on any team so I'm happy with it what aspects of javon's game and Quinn's game are helping make you better um just uh cues his quickness um Javon you know he's a big guy you got to get him up out of there sometimes so um just you know focusing on on the little things and trying to get better at those small things and you know like I said they're just great players so it's always good to go against guys like that now obviously you're a vet in the league but you're new to this offense and this team what would you say are the adjustments that you have been focusing on making um there's a there's a lot of adjustments um you know just um hand placement things like that uh just learning the snap count and learning uh the the different calls we make at the line and stuff like that it's just you know like Minor Adjustments but those things will take us far so what about quarterback Aaron Rogers Cadence how have you been adjusting to that so far um you know some ups and downs um he's the best in the league at at his Cadence um and that's just something I got to get used to uh cuz you know the the the train don't stop so I got I just got to get on board with that and what would you say is this offensive line group's main focus for training camp um just sticking together um no matter what shutting the outs outside noise up um just getting better together um and like I said just just coming out here as one um no matter what team you like first second or third team um just know that we're all all one and and we're trying to compete to be the best so awesome appreciate the time John problem thank you

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