Raiders vs. Cowboys Live Stream Scoreboard, FREE Watch Party | NFL Preseason Week 2

a [Music] [Music] rer Nation what's going on it's Mitchell Ren here host of the Raiders report and this is the most important Raiders pre-season game of all time why we're going to get to figure out who's going to be the Raider starting quarterback between lonell and Gardner muu if you haven't yet make sure you vote at the live pole up top who has more to prove AOC or Gardner muu but also for me this is the most important game ever because I live here down in Dallas my fiance is a Cowboys fan Jeremy's wife's a Cowboys fan there is a lot of bragging rights on this one on top of that the two biggest channels that we have here at chat sports the Raiders report the Cowboys report well we got to take down the Cowboys report today in a Super Chat battle if you want a shout out here on the Raiders report who's rocking with me today can I get a [Music] ra it is late it is 10 eastern time on the East Coast it is 9:00 or what 8:00 here the game doesn't get kicked off until 9 I'm going to be bringing the energy today and the only way that I'm going to be able to stay awake the only way that I'm going to be able to rock is if y'all are rocking with me we got already 600 people tuned in the show and I see early Rider Raider Sancho Jacob sir Uncle lad what is up what is up man two Lil BR your ass getting blocked peace Uncle doobie what's up Uncle doie giovan tahada I got Maurice Johns Z lesbo Ron raspberry tyo said that he saw you and your daughter she's performing tonight right I believe if my memory serves me correct I see Patrick B right Rob 1996 Gage Bentley VT Holmes here rocking with me last King Tuck Gage Bentley reminder anytime that we do anything here on the show I want to be able to interact with y'all but just like if you were at a game if it's third down I want you spaming three if the Raiders score a touchdown show me those TDS we're going to be having a good time today we're going to be cracking some drinks open and you know what dur at tailgate every time somebody bangs I'm going to throw one back cheers to the nation I had an amazing amazing time on Wednesday with every want tyo David on man oh man did we have a good time we do have some Super Chat deals to get into our raffle item today is a $10 raffle item which I'm telling y'all right now really really sick raffle item if you want to get a part of that bad boy and just because you know we do sometimes a little bit differently if you want to keep the first time super cheers you can do that that's totally fine but uh in the tailgate portion of today's show we're going to be getting a little bit wet and wild what's up Doc Holiday appreciate you tuning in my man Darren Pratt what's up with you my man reminder if you want to get some questions or comments on the show it's hash Raiders or you can Super Chat to skip the line because I got a question for all y'all who has more to prove today is it Aidan oconnell or is it Gardner muu this is still aoc's job to lose right it's still a aoc's job to lose but Gardner's getting the start today Gardner's playing the entire first quarter Aidan's going to play the entire second quarter and then I would imagine it's the Nathan Peterman and maybe Carter Bradley show in the second half but it wouldn't surprise me if it was only and I mean only Nathan Peterman oh the first one of the day rolling in from husar Ray B what what's up Husker Raider every time somebody bangs here on the Raiders report during tailgate time who's drinking with me if you're over the age of 21 whatever you're cracking open crack One open with me right now shout out to Husker Raider for getting this party started show Huskers some love down below I want to see some Huskers spaming down there in the comments section let's start the night off the right way whoever is the MVP at tonight's show which is whoever bangs the most I'm going to wear your jersey next week when the Raiders play the 49ers another late one August 23rd on Friday and yeah it's at 10: p.m. eastern time Husker cheers to you bro oh man woo that in the back of the fridge dude that one was all the way in the back of the fridge Jacob SD said Jameson shots I took all the Jameson shots that I needed Wednesday was on bro we we went to a fancy dinner a steakhouse dinner spot aher Joel's Chop House what does Z get pickleback shots they weren't that bad but man after the day we had it was kind of rough I'm I'm not going to lie to you that's a fact so we do have two BigTime sponsors here on today's show Doc Holiday King Ching I see that you put in your supers evil Mitch I'll get to y'all in just a moment after I tell you guys about rocket money first thing is first I've been trying to save up some money for a wedding I've been trying trying to save up you know honeymoon I've been trying to save up for a house these are all things that I've been trying to save up money for luckily rocking money has helped me understand where I'm spending a lot of my money and if anybody out there has a lot of subscriptions especially if you're like this is me being real with y'all if you're like a dad or a husband or somebody where you're may be managing a lot of other people's finances as well I think rocket money helps you keep your money in check but also understands like where everybody else is spending some money so go to Rocket LV Raiders that's rocket LV Raiders I personally love them also I'm super excited and I'll show you some of my piics here for prize picks because we got them and shout out to prize picks for doing this right we actually have more or less on a bunch of different players today so if anybody wants to go along and play with me giggity uh today on priz piix go to LNS and if you want to put some money where your mouth is on these like tonight the the games tonight this is for week one of the regular season I have picks for tonight so I I'll be able to show you guys those in a little bit later but like if you want to go with my picks for tonight if you want to go with the picks for week one these are my picks that I did for week one I have Devonte Adams he just always torches the Los Angeles Chargers Brock Bowers I got the less on those and then Justin Herbert I'm going to go more just because he probably is going to have to pass the football because I expect the Raiders to be winning Mo majority of that game but again anybody prize picks also again Rock and money those links are available to y'all down in the comments in the description of today's show uh chugs next time we do prize picks can you show my picks for today's game it's made if NE next time yep so my picks for today's game are this now I know there's a lot but Gardner muu more than 56 and a half passing yards because the uh Cowboys probably aren't going to be playing a lot of their starters today Tom told me maybe 5 to 10 though I I don't know how many you're going to see out there so I took the mor at 56 and A2 I think Garner can get that in a quarter Christian Wilkerson I think he going to play the majority of the first half took the more there Trey Tucker 22 and A2 give me the more there I think he's going to play the first half sincer McCormick he's going to play probably majority of the second half in a game that I think the Raiders are winning and maybe they don't want to put so much pressure on Carter Bradley more a Kindel 60 and a half more it's the pre-season who's riding with me on the more train I'm going on the more train giggity giggity goo all right y'all let's get some questions starting to come in here if you want to skip the line you can send in a super chat or like a genuine question is # Raiders in order to get them going Doc Holiday send in a Raiders earlier King Chen said what's good Mitch I'm here at the Raiders game that's what I like to see man let's go to Evil Mitch I don't even know what that means no idea but you know what thanks for tuning in Josh looking for Menchu to take the job tonight at the end of the day I don't want Aiden to lose the job I want Gardner to win the job you know what I'm saying like I don't want this to be a job that Gardner wins cuz he played okay and Aden okono plays bad I want this to be a job where Gardner goes out there slings The Rock and he looks good and then guess what Aiden in the second quarter does the exact same thing and looks good if we come away from tonight's game and it is Gardner muu plays well Aiden oconnell plays well it's aoc's job if Gardner muu plays well and Aiden plays really bad then it might be Gardner's job the only way that it's even a shot though is in that scenario and I'm never going to root for a Raiders team to play bad especially up against the Dallas Cowboys you feel me we got 1 th people tuned into the show right now and which Raiders player are you most excited to watch today obviously I'm excited to see the QBs heck Nathan Peterman deserves to be in that conversation as well but I did a video earlier today and for everybody asking Devonte he's not playing today so just you know not going to happen I wanted to be able to see him go out there especially with some of the ones uh I am sticking by my word of it did concern me a little bit that Devonte is not playing in this game but uh it does sound like him and Antonio Pierce have an understanding but like I want to see Tyrie Wilson this is a big game for Tyree Wilson I'm telling you that because I got some H I can't tell exactly but Tyree Wilson is a big game for Tyreek Wilson that's all I'm going to say there Byron young big game for Byron Chris Wilkerson big game for Byron you got DJ glaze there mford who are you most excited to watch today Jason Mayfield says Dylan lby Ryan's going to go with Aiden oconnell Gardner muu Aiden oconnell and JB is that jakori and Bennett oh boy we got some Cowboys fans in here get them the hell out of here get them out of here get them out of here I want to see some LVS some Raiders I don't know what the hell just happened probably our Cowboy show probably told some people to come on over here yep no if you see a Cowboys fan in the chat today you tell them to get the hell out of here you tell them to get the hell out of here man see you later ger germ said I'd rather watch figure skating than the Cowboys I'd rather watch and I'm not kidding you that woman do break dancing from Australia that's must watch television I saw the other day on uh social media somebody made their windshield wipers her legs where it's just like like the weird dance move she was doing maybe that's what we got to do to take this show to the next level I'm going to start break dancing Australian style I can break dance that way I could be an Olympic break dancer in Australia straight up man how many people in here could be an Olympic break dancer from Australia I think I could I'm not kidding you I actually think that I could what's up CSR I see you my man what's up no Nico LZ Rolland Thunder Tyrone white I see yall and I appreciate it man really really do so today's deals are as followed every 20 shares that we get on today's show we're going to sing Happy Birthday to trian and then we're going to take some birthday shots for trian trian is a Mount Raider more member and if you're like like Mitch how many shares are we at right now I'm looking we need about 15 more shares in order to get to this so if you're watching this show click the share button you can share it on Facebook you can share it on Twitter heck you can even share it like via text message I know trian would appreciate it if you are a firsttime super chatter which I actually saw that Josh looking for menentu to take the job tonight if you're a first-time super chatter what I want people to do is we're going to party Oakland style we're going to party Allegiance style we're going to party Raider style I don't drink alone in should y'all so cheers there to Josh every $10 Super Chat that we get here on today's show you're going to be entered in to win a Woodson jersey so I got a Woodson jersey and essentially what it is it is not signed by Charles Woodson we do have a picture of it if you want to show it chugs it is a basically what this company does is they get Charles Woodson to sign a piece of paper okay and then they take a machine and then they laser print Charles Woodson signature on a jersey and I can it's a laser imprinted Charles Woodson jersey so again it's not signed by Woodson it is a laser engraved Charles Woodson jersey does that make sense so today we're going to be giving this away if you send in a $10 Super Chat we're going to do a wheel raffle at the very very end of today's show so somebody's going to have an opportunity to win this and if you send in a hundo it's a bang if I'm rocking your jersey on game day the only way that I'm doing a boot is if you hit the gong so that's just a friendly reminder her out there I do have to wear Justin adin's Jersey today I also have to rock John schiffler because we had a tie last week for our MVP race so just something to keep in mind out there to the thousand people that are tuned in right now to the Raiders report I'm just looking down we are three shares away from singing happy birthday to trian I actually talked to trian today and he said he's already a little bit lit he's already a little bit lit which you know what I don't quite blame him so I got a question out there for the nation man who's got the better wide receiver room and if anybody wants to get in for a 5050 raffle it's a $20 venmo at Mitchell Ren 365 in order to get in right now Jeremy I'm going to send you a message when you have time got that one oh man and early on here we are rocking and rolling on the Raiders report cuz husk was the MVP and now we got ourselves a nice little tie [Laughter] justinen bang come on aen fire me up one time fire me up one time ajin if you want a free entry to get in for the chance to win the Charles Woodson Jersey I want you to spam Justin Ain down below or how about ja that's probably a little bit easier we are going to be giving away some free entries tonight so just keep that in mind for everyone that's watching but please you got to stay till the end of the show to claim your prize I don't want to have to go chase you down at it's probably gonna be two or three o'clock in the morning when chugs and I get out of here ajin cheers to you man what's up doc ray guns break dance 15 Minutes of Shame humiliated an entire continent I'm actually going to disagree with this and the only reason why that I say that is because she's somebody who she's like a scientist or I forget what she does in her real life but I mean she went to the Olympics and performed I mean I've been saying for years that the Olympics need somebody like me a normal person to compete in more Olympic trials because like you don't really truly understand how amazing athletes that these people are like truly like the swimmers the sprinters Javelin I don't care what is this pole vating I would do it all that way people could understand how amazing of an athlete they are and you kind of got to see it a little bit in there with ray gun so but you know what man you are in we got 43 minutes to kickoff every hundo that we get leading up till kickoff I'm doing a beer bong once the game starts that Deal's done once the game starts it is nothing but focusing on the game and the game only what's up Nico enter me you know I will Mitch do you do friendly bets with Alex's fan when we play the Cowboys or is it gloves off F the cowg girls we got a we got a date night so basically if the Raiders win tonight though she did tell me that she thinks that the Raiders were going to win so then we started talking about like the Raiders were six and a half Point favorites she doesn't think that the Cowboys are going to lose by more than 6 and a half so I essentially need the Raiders to win by seven points or more today and if that happens Alex has to pay for the next date night and if not I got to pay for the next date night though I pay for most date nights so this is one that I really need man this is what I really need what's up Lewis you're up next to your Viva Los Raiders Lewis bring it man I need you to bring the heat every single day Louis that's what I need Nico said my my girls fam is also Cowboys fam oh dude it's there's times it's really brutal and but like this is a game that I'm very confident that the Raiders are going to come away with a win just because so much so many more of our starters are going to be playing in this one what up Ari Javen I see you let me get on that Jersey Raiders lfg how about a full case of happy dads in I mean I'll say this I got what I'm already one two Ron raspberry gets the free entry that's what Jeremy just told me I uh I don't know if I got a full case of happy dads in me today we could try hey we can uh we could try we got about I'm not kidding you when I say this about 30 racks 30 racks of happy dads here in the studio Paulie Anthony cheers to you bro for tuning in to the show it's greatly appreciated which now that I'm seeing it Paulie Anthony that was a first time Super Chat and Louise first time Super Chat cheers bro thank you so much for supporting the show why do you wear football jerseys backwards so that way people can see who supports the show on the front don't get me wrong I'm a I'm a Raider fan through and through there's a lot of amazing people that watch this show so you already saw Justin abgen bang today right here that's who that is Justin abun oh dude better Edge rusher Micah Parsons are Max Crosby MP for Parsons MC for Max Crosby I think anybody that watches the show knows where my vote is going to go on this one I think Max is the best defender in the National Football League I've made multiple videos this offseason stating my point because I do and I get it he might not have the most sacked numbers but when you look at best run Defender he's been the best run Defender according to the PFF two straight years back to back he leads the NFL and tackles for losses since 2021 nobody has played more snaps than him when you compare him to Micah Parson TJ watt Nick Bosa when you look at just overall double team numbers nobody has got a higher number than Max Crosby and I think finally he's going to get the recognition he deserves this year because people won't be able to double team him as easily as they were in years past Christian Wilkins Adam Butler John Jenkins Malcolm kums hopefully Tyreek Wilson get his act together here a little bit because hopefully we can get uh get it rolling here with that guy man also Jeremy we just crossed 20 shares which means Tran happy birthday to you man happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Tri happy birthday to you TR [Applause] B whoever spams trian the most you know what I'm going to give away two free spots here for trian trian it's your birthday every time you bang today I'm giving away two spots giving away two spots for somebody to win a Charles Woodson jersey come on trian fire me up one time trian dude I'll tell you what being able to go out and just hang out with the nation being able to go out and hang out with Zan all the guys all the guys on Wednesday it was a great time like legitimately we had we shared some good stories Dyan I'm I'm thinking about growing out the handlebar you think I can do it I don't know if I can um let's go Giovani tahada Giovani tahada and then let's go oh this game is late late late Raider soncho Raider soncho that's a good one Trent Hamada yeah in abun you in Trace Laver you in Jason gos you in Charles G A Spivey says go [Applause] Raider let's freaking go man come on let's go Spivey you know what to get this duck race Juiced up here a little bit right now if you send in a $20 venmo you'd win 50 bucks the next person that sends me a $20 venmo I'm going to give you two entries into our Duck Race which we're going to do one at halftime of today's show and then we're going to do one at the very very end of today's stream Li what's up li been a minute want to send the love Nation Raiders out loud from Li I see you down there below Ricky beers Ron raspberry lfg Nation all right chugs I'm going to send you can you send or ask Tom what they are at in our Super Chat battle so today for those that do not know we are battling our Cowboys show who is the biggest channel that we have here at chat sports and a Super Chat battle some of the most legendary battles that we have ever gotten into here at chat sports are between the Raiders report and the Cowboys report it's going to be a Monumental type of race here that's all I'm going to say riimo send Tom this number for us oh man rashis Sim AP getting cheered at practice was a Vibe honestly AP AP just giving that hype speech before practice even started I have the whole thing videotaped and I was going to make like a video around it just because it does like everything AP does to me dude just fires me up like I am always ready to go to B I'm always ready to go to battle for Antonio Pearson I think I think that this team is ready to do the exact same all right man we got 1,100 people watching this show chugs I got a deal for the nation out there can we get to 500 likes if we get to 500 likes I got another deal for you if we get to 500 likes I'm going to throw back some beers if we get to a th000 likes okay a th000 likes in the next two minutes I'm throwing down a boot can we get to a th000 likes here in the next two minutes when that clock down below I'm going to say says let's go with 33 I'll give you I'll give you a little extra time when that clock down there says 33 do do0 that's when the deal's over if we get to a th000 likes I got to do a boot for those of you that are like Mitch what the hell is a boot three beers 36 o and I'm doing it for David on I got a do I want to do a Zan Shake we'll do a z Shake I don't know if Zan's here we'll do a z Shake hey VT we need boots to set this off right I don't know if I need boots to that off right but I'm always down for a challenge and I'm going to challenge the nation every single day I do this show I'm going to challenge y'all think of me as the person that's on that loud screen that's freaking out hooting and hollering because Patrick be B if you don't know what the be stands for then you are definitely new to this show here Patrick rck B Mount Raider Moore what's up Patrick B reminder whoever bangs the most here on today's show you're going to be the MVP and I'm going to rock your jersey next week when we play the 40 winers I'm watching to see how gatsy calls this game watching the o line defensive line quarterback depth just win baby I want to see what gsy looks like in the red zone and you know it's only pre-season and I don't want to be the guy that's really really overreacting to the preseason but when you're in a quarterback battle as close as that we are I do think it's important and last week against the Vikings I thought the Red Zone play calling by gsy when Aiden was in the game was really piss poor so I want to see a little bit more out of gsy in that regard the offensive line to me needs to show up and I'm not just saying with Garner and Aiden our backups in that second half you simply got to be a lot better the defensive line I'm looking at Tyreek Wilson Byron young got to show me something there with those two guys the cornerback depth today I'm going to keep it very close eye on to camri and Richardson MJ davenshire is going to have a little bit of a bounceback day today maybe jakori and Bennett see how he ends up looking but one of the safeties that's very important to watch today is Jaden Grant Trent uh Trey Taylor's battling a knee injury I don't think that he's going to be playing in this one so because of that Jaden Grant could be a sneaky sneaky player to make it in over Chris Smith I'm just saying Patrick B bro I'm ready I'm ready whoever spams Patrick B the you're getting a free entry for a chance to win a Charles Woodson jersey Patrick B let's go to Rubio I'm 19 I'll have to watch the Raiders report from Mexico or something so I can drink with you I'll say this you're going to have your entire life to throw back some drinks with the nation wait till you're 21 it's going to be worth it uh I will say like when I was in Germany I went to Germany for the first time when I was about 17 and A2 years old and having a beer over there was cool but at the same time like you can you can do this show in other ways like I actually know one guy every time I do a beer bong he does 20 push-ups you want to get absolutely jacked you want to take this picture that you have and then you're going to turn it into like one of these you do push-ups or sit-ups or turn it into a workout you're going to be absolutely ripped bro let's go to Jonathan Martinez what up man enter me giggity and the giveaway let's go Raiders kids and I are tuned in Jonathan Martinez bro it was uh really nice meeting you and the entire Fam I'm glad that you know you were able to come up say hi I know that not everybody I think there's often very times where I love when people come up to me and say hi and sometimes people are always hit me with oh I didn't want to bother you I want you to bother me you know what I mean like I'm sure I do this show all the time and I bother the hell out of you guys sometimes but that's what friends do like that's what families do and I just want the opportunity to be able to put a face to a name so now that I finally know who Jonathan Martinez is that's really dope to me so please if you do watch the show and you ever see me in person even if I'm out to dinner with my mom my dad Alex take two seconds Take 5 Seconds say hey appreciate what you do believe it or not it goes a long way we have tough days too oh Angel cash Angel cash you're getting the free entry for the Charles Woodson jersey Uncle doobie what's up Uncle doobie much love to Mitch chugs and the rest of the nation 24 Woodson is a legend I think he is legitimately one of my favorite Raiders of all time probably the greatest of all time to rock number 24 yeah you think he's the greatest Raider of all time to rock 24 I no it's not Jonathan Abram I think one of these guys are one of the best in the biz the goats to optimize your fan finances I know that's what you guys were thinking about go to Rocket LV Raiders maybe you weren't paying attention to me I'm say it again rocket LV Raiders rocket money is a personal finance app that helps find and cancel your own wanted subscriptions monitors your spending and helps lower your bills so that you can grow your savings with rocket money I have full control over my subscriptions and a clear view of my expenses I can see all of my subscriptions in one place and if I see something I don't want rocket money can help me cancel it with just a few Taps I love my fiance Alex but man oh man she is the queen of signing up for a free trial and forgetting about it and today against the Cowboys I'm keeping an even closer eye on that rocket money helps me and her make sure we aren't just throwing away money I've been saving up money for a house I've been saving up for a car I've been saving up for a wedding and also I love it because you can also check your credit score so guys you should definitely go to Rocket LV Raiders they have helped over 5 million users and have saved a total of 500 million in cancel subscriptions saving members up to $740 a year when using all of the apps features stop wasting money on things that you don't use cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to Rocket lb Raiders let's go to the next one Rubio only y'all can make a preseason game fun you know there's a lot of people that make a lot of great content and I say this all the time that legitimately I think Raiders fans have the best content creators in the biz from top to bottom with everybody that makes it and you know everybody's got like their own stick I want people to be able to hang out with me and chugs and watch a game and even if it's the preseason we can make it fun that's what I'm going to do I want this show to be like us just hanging out at a bar us hanging out at a legion us hanging out in lot J throwing back some beers talking a little bit of football and just having a good experience overall let's go to C bands I'm going to the Raiders vers Steelers game y'all should pull up it's my first game always wanted to be growing up I mean I'll say this C bands one have you had a few beers already I don't no the way that you're texting is the way that I sound when I'm about 12 in so maybe you are maybe you're not I would love to be able to go to this game I I just don't know if I'm going to be able to if I'm being honest we we always try to go out to some games but this season it's a little bit more difficult for chugs and I we got a lot of other I'll call them responsibilities here at our company chat sports so but uh I'm hoping I'm hoping I can get out there for week six against the Steelers what's up doc ray gun is not a scientist she's a college professor professor with a degree and gender studies okay I I I didn't know doc are you even a real doctor or you just a holiday I I don't know I just knew that like she was doing well and I at the end of the day if you told me right now Mitch I want you to be in you name an Olympic sport I'll do it even if I've never done it before I think that would be an amazing amazing experience a free trip to a country though the Olympic the Olympics is in Los Angeles in 2028 I'll wear nothing but Raider stuff actually I don't know if that's allow um I don't know if that's allowed I'm just like if I was like I'll go to the LA Olympics I'm going to wear only Raider stuff and I'm going to break dance for the United States though I think they already took out break dancing as an Olympic sport I think they I think it was a oneand done hit it and quit it James Mitch trying to defend ray gun then calls her a regular person trying out for the Olympics from an athletic standpoint she's a regular person from an athletic standpoint like I mean like let's you got to give the the actual break dancers a little bit of credit you know what I mean like when you watch somebody that can actually break dance to the Olympics and then you saw ray gun I mean it would be like me running up against name an Olympic sprinter though I I would love to see Tyreek Hill take down Noah Lyles all right we got to get rid of those Bots get rid of the Bots spam B spam B they are everywhere anytime you see a bot on our Channel anytime you see a bot please spam B that tells YouTube to get rid of them it really does help us out Derek super excited for radar Nation 2024 winning the division Bank it baby I hope so chug and I bid a million bucks that it would happen which by the way if anybody is upset that I posted a picture of Jeremy and I and Zan saying that we bet a million bucks all you got to do is not be lazy and you can look at the ticket number like you can go on the internet you can look up how much we actually bet I'll tell you this it's not a million you can go look it up but we did bet on the Raiders to win the AFC West Autumn Wind Raider our hippie is winning the quarterback position I mean right now that's not true like right now Aid and this is still Aiden's job to lose and I said it before if if Aiden is not the starting quarterback the start week one it means Gardner played really well tonight and Aiden did not play well like there's not a scenario where if Gard goes out there and he balls out and Aiden plays well it's Aiden's job the it's it's the only way that it's going to be Gardner plays well Aidan's got to play bad today and quite frankly I'm not going to root for Aiden to play bad that's not how I want Gardner to win this job I want Gardner to win this job I don't want Aiden to lose the job let's go to Mo how was the live practice I'm going on the 20th also which Jersey would you get Bowers or Jack Jones that's a tough question the live practice was a lot of fun I'll admit it wasn't as like high energy as what I was hoping for I wanted to see a little bit more energy uh just like live action if I'm being 100% honest it was really cool to hang out with Raider fans like to me it was way cooler to hang out with Raider fans and interact with Raider fans than to watch the live practice like I'm not afraid to admit that I think Bowers is an amazing Jersey but Jack Jones is a swaggy Jersey you know what I mean like you see a Raiders fan walking around with Jack Jones and you're like that guy's a real one like come on like that's a real one now I would say like Jack Jones is a jersey that I would wear out in Las Vegas on a Saturday night when me and my guys are getting ready to like rally like we're getting ready to party I'm wearing a brock Bowers Jersey if I'm going for like lunch or brunch on that Saturday before the game now either Jersey I think as long as you're rocking a Raiders jersey on game day you could do it but to me Brock Bowers is a jersey I'm going to wear to like a Raiders brunch Je Jones is a jersey I'm trying to wear 8 9:00 at night partying up with my boys in Vegas little different both sick jerseys but you in Brandon Jasper what's up tuna it's been a minute that Woodson jersey would look good framed up in my man cave wall next to Bo car and my Mount Raider Mo jerseys and it is officially official Devonte Adams is not playing in today's game so just something to keep in mind I know I made a video today earlier around the situation and I'm not afraid to to say like the whole Devonte Adam situation does concern me a little bit I'm hoping that him and AP had a man-to-man heart-to-heart conversation and you know decided to agree on a a situation that's going to make both sides happy all right y'all if you love the Raiders and you hate the Dallas Cowboys make sure you click that like button right now we are can we get to 500 more likes 1,000 likes can we get to 1,000 likes I'm going to do this I'm going to drink half of this beer here okay and one once we get to a th000 I'm going to finish it I got half a beer half a beer going down once we get to a th000 I'm throwing it back oh man we're at 600 I like to see it all right I promise people that if you send in a 20 whoever the first person to do it is going to get a free entry the person that's getting the free entry is Husker raid so Husker you get the free entry I also see Jerry ker or ker excuse me in Tony my favorite last name nutson in Live Oak you in trian you in chis perz you in oh dude some of these BTS BS burps are gnarly dude my computer right now is freaking out Patrick be you in Patrick B you are in all right so $20 venmo as it stands right now you would win $140 here on the Raiders port and we're going to do this at halftime of today's show now I know earlier today I said I'm not I I the only way I'm doing a boot is if somebody who's rocking my jersey hits the gong here's going to be my final deal of kickoff okay we are five bangs away if we get five bangs in the next 10 minutes minutes 10 minutes okay actually I'll give you until that hits 10 minutes down there I'll do a boot if we get five bangs by the time that hits 10 I'll do a boot let's go to riimo you looked lit at the practice Wednesday good seeing you though honestly I wasn't lit my biggest problem which this is the problem every time I go to Vegas it's always 116 degrees out and Yeah like we always throw down some drinks like you're drinking the whole time but I was so dehydrated like I had the hiccups I could not and I mean I could not get rid of the hiccups for the life of me but like chugs and I we had an amazing B we had a bunch of burgers was on I just had so much salt and I was so dehydrated that I couldn't like I just felt like I was drinking so much water I couldn't quit peeing it was a uh it was an uphill battle I'm not going to lie but it was a good time James should Tay be traded after this nonsense no like he's still and I mean you know he he's still one of the best receivers in the NFL and I think that's just like I will admit I don't love the fact that Devonte did it but I also said this I understand it right like he is one of the best receivers in the NFL I I get that he's getting up there in age but in my mindset like if you're going to be a Raider or like like max if Max Crosby's goingon to go out there why can't Devonte Adams and AP trying to preach this that like we're all the same nobody's better than anybody else so like that was the only part that I didn't love and somebody who was a captain like Devonte you know you just want him to go out there and show it especially when we're trying to figure out right now this this QB battle that's that's going down right now but I get it from Devonte standpoint but it does make me you know I'm like ah I didn't love it and I think that we're all we're probably all in the same boat I get why Devonte don't want to play but I would like for him to be able to go out there and get it done let's go to MOX Zillow Adam should play no one is a above the shield again I don't disagree with you but like if Antonio Pearson Devonte Adams had a conversation and if ap's okay with it and Devonte is okay with it and the rest of that Raiders team's okay with it I'm going to be okay with it but I am allowed to sit up here and say like it does make me feel a little bit weird about the situation I am concerned based on all the rumors that we've heard all the speculation around Devonte this off season and now he's not you know wanting to go out there and play because he feels like he doesn't have to and again I I don't blame him but it's a interesting situation TR B but wait [Laughter] Justin F bang and another one for the bir boy to ro by so I'll tell you what I might be in a little bit of a pickle here we are two more bangs away and I got to do a boot you got eight minutes to do it but if ajun bangs three more times cuz I'm rocking his jersey then I got to do a boot for abin which that's not quite what I had in mind today but hey you know what we're going to have a good time none less we got 1,400 people here rocking with us on the Raiders report and if you haven't yet please answer the live poll who's got more proofed today Aden o Connell Gardner muu if we can go back to that question real quick my personal opinion is I think Gardner muu has more to prove today because it's right now Aidan o connell's job to lose so again the only way Gardner is going to win this battle is if he goes out there and I mean he balls the F out if he balls out balls out and Aiden plays bad then I think it's going to be Gardner M's job if he struggles a little bit then he's got a ball he's got to go out there and he's got a ball what do you guys think here though I see har Blaze says aen lonnell uh Raider soncho Garder mchu Raider Rudy what's up man reminder whoever spams triban and Justin abun the most we're going to put you in for a chance to win Charles Woodson jersey you all right over there oh Raider run B oh my goodness Ron Ron you're back I missed your musk I missed your smell Raider Ron dude wait you skipped one I didn't even I didn't even see this one come in husker Raider bang dude all right I got to go fill up a boot I got to go fill up a boot chug his computer decided to take a 3 minutes before we went live his his charging ports he's here with me he's just trying to figure out a lot of stuff his charging port stopped working so he can't charge his computer so he's got he's got a system going on back here man he's got something crazy crazy crazy going on back here all right I owe a boot but real talk man there's a guy his name's raer Ron him and David Z have done a lot for this show I got the r and R if I get up that high I got the RN r on my leg for a reason Ron you know I love you man uh I hope all is good it's so good to have you back here it's believe me when I tell you this we've uh we missed you a lot around here in these streets all right I got to go fill up a boot I'm going to when I come back I'm going to throw that one down we got 15 minutes to kickoff y'all 15 minutes to kickoff chugs he's going to hop on the mic here real quick we're going to give away some free entries into Charles Woodson just because we have so many people that are spamming stuff right now all I want you to do is this I want you to spam Raiders okay and we're going to give away six spots six spots because we just got six bangs six spots for a chance to win a Charles Woodson jersey spam Raiders let's go I see Josh Childs you're in you've been spamming that thing King Javier sadino you're in you're so in let's see who else wants a spot who else wants a spot I see early riser is spamming one two three so we got three more spots to give away who wants it who wants it let's go oh they are rolling and I see VT holes you got a who else who else is ready to rock and roll with us today Raiders cowg girls tonight midnight be there b square Let's see we got John Doe very ominous and I'm gonna go with Chris Perez uhoh those are the six yeah in all of y'all are in man real talk Raider ROM bro I love you it's good to have you back cheers to Raider run cheers the Husker cheers the trian going absolutely nuclear on his birthday which right now trian is the MVP of today's show Huskers got two bangs abin got two bangs trian got three bangs and Raider Ron the man the myth The Legend Live o raer Ron change of pants I'll tell you what right now I I need a change of pants after that Raider Ron bang I I mean I just I haven't seen Ron in such a long time and I know Ron you know it's all love here I know you're dealing with a lot of stuff I just it's like an ingame whenever all the superheroes start coming out of the thing like the like the other dimension and it's like rer on I mean I went to go see Wolverine and Deadpool during the week cuz Alex and every time she's watched she's like oh my gosh I can't believe that person's in there but I don't I never really watched a lot of them oh D I gotta sneeze nope um it's going to come in like the second quarter or something like that that's how she was though the entire time run that's what she said I miss your Musk Paulie so my girlfriend is a Dall ass girls a cowgirls fan wow I told her if we win tonight she's coming to the nation for Life Raiders F Dallas my wife is a cowgirls fan as well and yeah we might have to get we might have to get a little bet going we might have to get a little bet going between me and the wifey oh dude I know she's watching if I uh when I get home and if the Raiders win Alex has to be to work tomorrow okay by 6:30 wait in the morning yep she's got she's got work in early ship she usually works on Sundays because we usually work on Sundays during football season so in the preseason it's a little bit wonky I'm just saying I'm getting home tonight probably like 2:30 yeah she better hope the Raiders don't win she better hope the Raiders don't win hey Seuss just walk in the at 2:30 It's Your Birthday Raiders oh Chuck will be fired up who's the guy that sends us the Instagram uh Demetrius I don't know if I can I mean I think it's Demetrius I well I was like I don't know if he wants us to give us real name but well it's just so his uh IG is Henny boy Raider dude I I literally messed I'm like fire I freaking love it every time last year the same guy it was it was amazing every game day on IG yep would just send us a video like maybe 20 seconds in the morning and it would just be him and' be like [Music] Raiders dude I love it every game day every game day heny boy you sent me that y'all thought I was doing him dirty by by like doing the voice and saying it that way that's how he says it I love it ra every week man if you tag me on IG or Twitter before a game day I'll share it man we're trying to get this thing popping we're trying to get this thing popping let's go to oh dude aggressive Taye just set the diva tone in motion for a trade don't like it but it's true AP should have set his foot down and had him play at least one drive in my opinion again I I think at the end of the day you got to hope that Devon and AP had a had a man-to-man conversation and I think Antonio Pierce hopefully was able to do that I will admit I don't think it sets a great precedent because you know we're supposed to have all these players be on the same same path but I can also understand if I'm Devonte Adams and I'm 31 years old and I'm sitting here going you know I mean if I get hurt at this point in my career that's that could be a big issue he obviously doesn't want to get injured in a preseason game you know it it's not great but I can I can understand why it's happening you know what I mean like I can understand it like I I don't know what else to say besides it at this point we got 10 minutes till kickoff here got plenty of supers to get to Raider Pace T said no way I'm catching death balls from Gardner today I mean death not sure Raider Ron happy birthday to Tri van Raider run yeah in Austin what's up Austin is this uh is that a first timer nope I thought it was a first timer though I did see Paul Anthony and Jes Su Sanchez those were first timers cheers to you man what's up crash dog looks like the fam has already been partying and it going crazy what's up fam what did I miss let's go Raiders Raider Nation for life real one for life simpy he didn't say what did I miss but I think he just yeah I think that last part I think it's implied I think he just always just keeps that last part in there I think it's implied that he said what did I miss I think so silent ninja I want a spot let's go Raiders oh la Kash dog you in Austin 5566 you in again Jeremy we got eight minutes until kickoff here I think this is a perfect time to tell them about your picks for today's game all right so I love prize picks and I'm I'm really excited that I was able to actually put down my picks I made some of those weigh-ins for the more or less so I want you guys to go in and let me know what you would have done with these so prize picks I love it it's the number one daily fantasy uh Sports app out there we've had them for quite some time on this show and they are America's number one daily fantasy sports app over 5 million active users download the prize picks app today use code clns for first deposit match up to $100 that's code clns on prize pick for a deposit match up to $100 pick more pick less it's that easy so for Gardener muu passing yards today it is 565 yard so would you go more or less now again he's only playing one quarter right he's only going to play one quarter I took the more on it so like if you like doing these type of I guess educated guesses is that would be the right word you can go more you can go less Gardner menu 56 and a half more or less Michelle says more I see more from quite a few people I see more from a few people I I want some more live V you and me both my man Michelle Brown says more keep them coming Jay's gonna go less Nico says more Steven goodier says less chess Smith says less maybe maybe they think he's going to play a little bit more maybe he they think he'll do better against the backups but they're projecting Aiden oconnell a little bit higher at 60 and a half 60 and a half and do think it's because there's going coincidence I think not there's going to be some more backups in the game when Aiden plays but again the Cowboys are not expected to play any of their starters and I believe if you give Aiden and Gardner at least two drives in this game they're going to get hit those numbers I really do that that's what I believe man Uh Kevin says y'all have a duck race yet we do it's a $20 venmo Kevin if you want to get in for our Duck Race which right now a $20 venmo you would go home home with we $200 $20 venmo for a chance to win $200 we're going to do that at halftime of today's show five minutes to kickoff can we get to a th000 likes can we get to 1,000 likes this is the most important pre-season game that I have ever covered quite frankly I said it earlier today I think it's the most important Raiders preseason game of all time you're going to figure out who your starting quarterback is going to be at the end of this game today well maybe not at the end maybe it's tomorrow I'm hoping that AP announces it on Monday but AP said that this is the game that they're hoping they can figure out who that starting quarterback is going to be and then on top of that I got a bet rid on on my fiance I mean this is a big one dude we gotta gotta gotta get a dub today gotta get a dub today oh Jonathan and Martin by kids request let's go much love man that is that is sick dude all right you know what then Jonathan maybe I can get my phone to work maybe I can maybe I can't chugs I'm going to send you a photo at some point if you can hopefully I can find it quick oh dude I don't know if I'm going to be able to find as quick as what I want all right I think I did I believe this is the right one uh chugs I sent a photo if you can if you get time to put it up are they're not working your computer's F I still have my laptop oh that's right all right Jonathan that's on me reminder chugs his laptop is effed that's crap I got to send you what everything I know I know what to do Raider fabes football is in Vegas's back is this his photo this is a Super Chat he just didn't pull you guys planning on going to Vegas this year had a great time with you and chugs last year at Tropicana I wish I remembered Tropicana better that's PG's fa Express yeah that was bad dude PG 2869 I saw PG on Wednesday and he was like do you want a shot no the answer is no I I did not need a shot PG no doubt about it that one was brutal I'm going to pour this up though for Jonathan Martinez Jonathan I sent him the picture of uh that we took with like your kids now again obviously I actually I probably should always ask you if you're okay with me posting something like that but hey uh chugs Bobby Hernandez has a question for you in the chat can I get a [Music] hoya Hoya can I get a oh yeah Lance Smith said three minutes to go all right I got a challenge out there for the nation every share that we get in the next minute wait when we get to 2:30 every share we get in the next minute I'm going to do a reverse jumping jack starting in three two 1 go every share on this video Twitter IG Facebook if you literally share it to a person on your phone I'm going to do a reverse jump Jack he's going to do it I'm looking at him coming in share the video I want to turn this into the biggest Raiders watch party out there we also going up against our Cowboys report show oh I three more Derek Constantino over 100 yards for mchu today okay yeah I want him to sling it I want Aiden to look good I want Garder to look good I want somebody to win this battle I don't want somebody to lose this battle that's my talk I owe a few more Carlos hey Mitch what are your thoughts on Nick Cage being cast as John Madden in the new movie I I I actually don't know enough about Nicholas Cage but do you know about the Declaration of Independence yes I just to me and I feel like this is just the truth it's always so hard casting for anybody that's as legendary as John Madden do you think they used a couch maybe for the for the C probably not with John no Nicholas Cage he seems like somebody who knows the casting couch I to be honest though I I don't know enough about movies or acting about Nicholas Cage but hey Paulie yo fellas can I get a spot on this 24 raffle it's $10 Super Chat to actually get in so if you send another five I'll just do it for you but normally $10 Super Chat to get in so the way the reason why we say 10 it's because like when we go back and we look at it we look at all the tens Rustin so hyped for this game and regular season Rustin you and me both all right y'all we are 43 seconds away can we get kickoff 2,000 LVS in the chat kickoff go come on fire me up 2,000 in the chat before kickoff oh see raer B whoever spams LV the most you're getting a spot you're getting a spot for a chance to win a Charles Woodson jersey OC Raider let's go man Jonathan Martinez also is got a bang today oh my God Rebel love this one I did what I had had to do and saw it through without exception I planned each Charter course each careful stepped Along by the way and more and more and more this is I did it my way I'll tell you what I wish I remembered that song live better than what I do but that was a generational performance it was a generational type of performance man Rebel also sent in I don't it's not pulling that one for some reason Rebel but he also sent in going to be a little bit behind the stream so he can match it up with his TV which we recommend that if we're a little bit ahead of your TV yep just go ahead yeah I mean we pay for the highest quality of cable like internet the highest quality the highest quality uh so I will say if you watch this game we are going to get it before you see it on TV just something to keep in mind all right I want the LVS coming in can we get 2,000 LVS Raiders football man I'm ready I'm ready to [Music] [Laughter] go I see Lance Smith a David Felix King Dominic Shawn 1997 up Jeff zast hazy dispensary Elroy come on man Raiders football pre-season action before we get called this game against the Dallas can we just get one more big one just so they can hear us all the way wherever Tom and Chris are I just want one loud Raiders just so just so all the C I want every single Cowboys fan within a 50 meter radius of this building to be able to hear us I was wait for 50 mile radius 50 meter that's probably a little bit better you ready right come on right ERS let's go I don't give a if it is pre-season I am hyped man 93 NAB man you're in Sean Morgan you are in come on man got to get this dub got to got to got to get this dub today need it need it Ron's asking chugs what is this Super Chat battle at which Ron I think we're blowing them out though I want to double them I want to Triple them I want to put some dicks in dirts you know what I'm talking about put the nail in the coffin Brandon Nation from Alaska dude that's craziness that is craziness hey Brent can you relax a little bit bro I don't disagree with you but there's a lot of crazy that happens on this show Raider ROM put up the cowg girls challenge so I I don't know what they're at we'll uh we'll get the update of the Super Chat battle I think John Goodman would be a good one to play Madden here's my I don't know actors I am probably one of the worst pop culture people out there exd we are playing I'll tell you what the fact that that's your first Super Chat ever I love it oh Lord vik it in a bliss b come on man Lord Viking in Bliss AOC will win this job today Raiders for playoffs baby I hope I hope that the Raiders make the playoffs and I hope that somebody does win this job today again I'll say it like this if Aiden wins the job awesome if Gardner wins the job awesome I just don't want somebody to lose the job you know what I mean like I don't want Aiden to play eh and Gardner look bad so they just give it to Aiden I don't want Gardner to play good and Aiden's just bad and then they just give it to Gardner menu no I want this to be a situation where Aiden plays well Garner just balls the F out and maybe he play plays that well where they give him the job I don't think that that would be the case or it's Gardner played good and Aiden just showed that he's clearly the starting quarterback for this football team clearly the starting quarterback of this team so right now yeah Ron asked for it so here's what we're up we are up about eight bangs on the Cowboys report I'll tell you this Jeremy just said can we triple it if we triple this what we're we're two bangs away from tripling it I know I said I wouldn't do a beer bong after tailgate time let's triple it I I got another one in me oh God you see that guy just running through the studio yeah that was a full Sprint ahead just the hair was just lusciously flowing in the wind lusciously flowing in the wind you love to see it you love to see it 2,000 people here can we get to 1,000 likes for the love of God once we get to 1,000 likes we're singing trian happy birthday again today's trian's birthday he told me he's turning 83 years old Happy Birthday to trian happy birthday to trian I don't know how these Bots keep getting in here these Bots man go get a life go get a life we are 70 likes away from a tri an shout out the last time the Raiders and Cowboys played I can remember it was Thanksgiving it was a great great day what raer run bang come on run and we got a new and M VP I'll tell you what be careful y'all better be careful Ron's here this could get messy really really quick when Raider Ron is in the chat the man who holds the record for the largest Super Chat venmo ever sent in on the Raiders report literally it's why I got my leg that shout out to a Raider Ron the goat bro we are eight likes away from singing Tri van happy birthday who's it going to be who's it going to be who's it going to be who's going to oh dude we're at 999 likes on my screen who's going to be like a th000 who's going to be like a th000 I don't know dude we're one away one away somebody click the like button we got to sing Tri ban happy birthday I'm going to throw this back I'mma throw this back right here for Raider Ron Ron thanks for being a legend and chugs I would love to hear some of those vocal cords again oh man this is going to be a struggle happy birthday to you you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear [Music] happy birthday to come on Raider Nation we're almost ready to get this game kicked off reminder Gardner mitu is going to be the starting quarterback today Raiders will receive after winning the coin toss let's go we're going to be able to get to see Gardener muu what's your confidence level in muu today scale it for me from 1 to 100 one you're not confident all 100 he's the best and it's going to be caught here at about the two yard line taken out of the end uh taken here by Alexander Madison and he's going to get hit really hard at about the 24 out of the landing zone out of the landing Zone I I saw zone and I was like I can't believe I just said Endzone coming out from the two here we go Raiders Cowboys their defense does not look like there's a lot of backups Tom did say a player to Target for the Raiders is Eric Scott Jr he has not been good this off season so maybe this is where the Raiders decide to go starting offensive line it is theer Munford Dylan porum Andre James Cody whitehair and then andris Pete that is your starting offensive line so exactly what it was last week menu's in at QB you got three to the right it's DJ Turner jacobe Myers are going to send Michael Mayer In Motion Trey Tucker on the left back at running back is zamir white Gardner drops back looks right pumps throws caught and it's going to be a gain of about four yards there to Michael Mayor and I mean you could see that he looked like he was trying to go to the right side maybe the jacobe didn't love what he saw the offensive line got pushed back a little bit they're going to give him five yards second down and five but what I like about that is that pre- snap motion again that's something that Antonio Pierce said that he wants to do a better job of wants to do a little bit more this season they brought Michael Mayer over in that pre- snap motion that helps you figure out where that linebacker is going to go and then that's where the ball ends up going second down and five mitchu shotgun got zamir white on his right hip mayor spread out wide jacobe and DJ in the slide it's going to be a handoff zamir he's got blockers zamir oh man he took a lick but it's a first down Riders I mean beautiful play design there by gsy where you got three to the right Trey Tucker by himself over here to the left beautiful block there by Andres Pete holy and great job by Samir to be able to clean it up also that's a hell of a job there by Andre James to come over from Center fill in that Gap spot and create a beautiful lead block there big time first down there by zamir Raiders first down at 10 ball at the 46 yd line here menu's under Center going to bring over Mayer again going to line up at tight end Trey Tucker the receiver mchu fake hand off to zamir mchu drops back looks throws middle of the field oh throw a flag I think he got hit early Jacob's oh man I don't know that was a bang bang play I got to see that one again I think he hit jacobe early if if mitchu was able to put a little bit more hair on that ball that's a 20- yard pickup that's where you see that ball just Flo in the air for a little bit that's that's pass interference that's pass interference I mean he clearly hits jacobe before he caught it that's Pi that's clearly Pi I mean I I I I don't know I don't know how that's not Pi second down and 10 jobe's going to go in motion Here Gardner fake hand off to zamir really bad throw he's looking for jacobe Meyers they tried to do like a wheel route of some sort they brought jacobe on in motion Gardner called hike threw it right away but I mean that play had that that play didn't have a chance that play did not have a chance and yes I mean that I mean that was a great block by Andre James man that one was a great block by Andre James third down and 10 here come on Raiders we go Gardner you got to get this one done Jacob's going to move here Cowboys are showing Blitz Michael Mayor by himself to left it doesn't look like Brock Bowers is going to be in this one throw to Trey Tucker and he's going to be short of the sticks you're looking at about fourth down and four if I'm the Raiders let's go sack up here put your offense out there and let's make a play happen you're on your own side of the ball if you got confidence in your defense let's go they brought a hell of a blitz quick slant there you're in Cowboys territory I would go for it would you go for it they're not they're they're going to go for it here love it fourth down and three mitu even if you try to draw them off sides this is what the preseason is about they're going to go empty backfield set Alexander Madison was back there with him now he's spread out wide mitu got three two one calls hike mitu drops back looks almost a pick six holy that was a bad throw yikes and I mean yikes of a throw there by Gardner dude he's uh he's he's lucky that ball was to pick six I'm telling you what right now yikes throw by muu oh man I'll tell you what that ball that might have been a pick six if that's the regular season that's a bad ball it's going to be a turnover on Downs I mean it's just uh not not a good throw there that was a bad throw he he he he was staring down his receiver the entire time linebacker jumped the route and if you're thinking Minch I'll tell you what if you're somebody like me who I'm like minu is going to win this battle he's going to be the qb1 that was not the drive that you were thinking that M was going to have that's not the start he needed what's up Caleb Scott Landry what I want is for Adan oconnell and Min you to be so good it doesn't matter who starts the season I hear you yeah I mean definitely s before the drive I hear you man I just think it's you know me being as honest as I possibly can about this quarterback situation I said it before I actually think the Raiders have a top 10 overall roster offense defense when you exclude the quarterback position the QB position it's going to be the Achilles heel this season it's can we win football games with our quarterback you got to try to prevent to lose football games with the QB like the Raiders lost a lot of games last year cuz your quarterback spot this season you just got to go out there not turn the ball over execute in the red zone and not be a horrific offense the QB play does scare me a little bit that first drive was not great but again Brock Bowers I didn't see him out there that first drive maybe maybe I'm wrong I I didn't see Brock Bowers out there so maybe he's going to play a little bit later on maybe with Aiden Rustin who will be the Raider MVP this year and who will be the sleeper breakout of the year I love these questions here and reminder when we go live here during a preseason game I want y'all to ask me questions like this so Rustin chugs if we can remember I want to get Rustin in Rustin I'm gonna pay for uh a 5050 raffle spot for you Rustin long and these are the type of questions that I want Raider MVP this season I the the easy answer I'll say is Max Crosby right I mean he's he's the best the biz legitimately I think he's the best in the biz at his position and then I'll say the sleeper breakout this season Isaiah paau is that a good one I would like to say Tyrie Wilson all right here comes the Cowboys and the Raiders starting defense is out there you got Divine Diablo Robert Spain I can't tell if Max is in Max Crosby is in the game followed by John Jen it's it's going to be hand off up the middle and it's a big running Lane there is that by du vaugh no it's oh that's dowel yep Von's what 42 so they double team Crosby Malik Davis okay and it's uh I'll tell you what early on the Raiders I was really hoping they'd have a little bit better of a run defense they got beat up a little bit last week against the uh C the the Vikings that was a good solid first run there by Malik Davis for nine yards and they're going to do QB sneak to pick up the first down with Cooper Rush I mean that's that's not even Cooper that's Cooper rush I was goingon to say is he always 10 I thought in my mind was he seven at one point eight okay so it's Cooper Rush Jaylen Tolbert Jaylen Brooks Tyler gon uh Cooper BB aim Richards TJ bass their offensive line I'll be real I don't know too many of those Cowboys players under Center Cooper Rush drops back Raiders bring some pressure and it's broken up by Jack Jones that's a hell of a play there by Jack and I mean that is a great play great play by Jack Jones I mean that ball hits the receiver in the hand he's getting ready to bring this in Jack's playing a little bit soft reads it really well puts his foot in the dirt and I mean but like that's a high quality play there that a cornerback one makes like that's where I'm thinking like Jack you want to talk about a sleeper that could be a good sleeper for the NFL World maybe not for the Raiders but the the NFL world that's a high quality play to be able to punch that one out second down at 10 ball here at the 42 Cowboys showing they're going to run the ball get Crosby's all over it baby Crosby's all over it cleaned up there by Nate Hobs Max Crosby Max Crosby I'll tell you what take him out of the game just take him out man I see enough he's the real deal dude it's he's the real deal chugs thir d Wow Come on Nation I know if you're at a legion Stadium you'd be screaming your head off right now let's get some threes Rush third down to 10 Raiders bring four Rush drops back throws deflected in the air by Jack Jones lands into his receivers hands I'll tell you what Jack almost had another pick that's a good play there by Jones is there some extracurriculars going on what's going on here there's some players I think some chirping going on if I'm Dallas I go for it you're uh you're at what it's probably fourth down and four balls here going to be at the 36 yd line they're going to punt or are they going to kick kick a field goal they're going to punt bro 53 yard field goal attempt all right just the way he was doing I thought he was punting he was the the the place kicker here for Dallas was lined up 20 yards back I'm like what the is he doing what's he doing here 53 yard field goal attempt honestly maybe I I'll give Tom credit here he did say they would try to kick some field goals fourth down and four kick is up this one looks like it's going to be right through the middle it's good Cowboys are up three nothing over the Raiders so 9 Minutes 53 seconds we got to get another Gardner mitchu Drive going here got to get another Gardner mitchu Drive that first one did not look good it did not look good but again you see this Raiders defense B a little bit didn't break totally oh break what's another word for break broke if anybody out there is broke it's probably because you're not optimizing your finances and I got an app that's going to help you guys with that go to Rocket LV Raiders that's rocket LV Raiders now Nation chugs and I we tell you guys a lot about different things but Rocka money is a personal finance app that helps find and cancel your unwanted subscriptions monitors your spending it helps lower your bills so that you can grow your savings with rocket money I have full controver all over my subscriptions and a clear view of my expenses I can see all of my subscriptions in one place and if I see something that I don't want rocket money can help me cancel it with just a few Taps rocket money has has over 5 million users and has saved a total of 500 million in canceled subscriptions saving members up to $740 a year when using all the apps features stop wasting money on things that you don't use cancel your unwanted subscri subcriptions by going to Rocket LV Raiders that's rocket LV Raiders one more time rocket LV Raiders I've been trying to save up for a wedding my dog Chuck's expensive and you know what to everybody watching the show right now let me know down in the comments section with a me how many people out there does your wife spend more money than what you spend does your significant other spend more money than what you spend do your kids spend more money than what you spend my point is this I have a hard enough time being able to figure out what I am spending and then when you add everything up like there's so many times where I'm like I didn't realize Alex was spending as much money as she was rocket money is going to help you do that rocket LV Raiders I'm saving up for a wedding a house I've been saving up for a lot of different things man Gary announcers said no Tay and no Bowers Cowboys aren't playing starters apparently correct yeah Cowboys aren't playing any other starters today when I talked to Tom who's our host of our Cowboys report he originally told me that you could potentially see 5 to 10 starters in total like 5 to 10 starters in total now again I don't follow Dallas all that closely so I would be lying to tell you whether or not I knew how many starters were playing on offense or defense doesn't look like any of them were playing but the Raiders are out there they're trying to do some of their good things I am curious though maybe you know is Brock Bowers banged up cuz we were told that every player was going to play uh this ball goes out of bounds and the Raiders I believe are going to get it at the the 40 okay I don't know if that rule changed so the ball was kicked out of bounds the Raiders going to get the ball now at the 40 yard line yep 40 yard line first 50/50 raffle is going to be at halftime of today's show by the way so right now if you send in a $20 venmo you would have the opportunity to win to $30 here on the show which again we are going to do that at halime of today's live stream all right y'all we got 9 minutes and 50 seconds to go here in the first quarter of action Gardner muu is at a shotgun shotgun mayor's going to go in motion muu shotgun fake hand off to Zeus muu pump fakes looks throws down the field open caught Trey Tucker first down Raiders give me the more you want some more tray Tucker bro what a freaking throw what a throw by Gardner by Gardner mitu What A Catch by Trey Tucker so that's already I already got two of my prize picks hit on that throw alone first down to 10 we're in the Red Zone Rocka Raiders Kobe he's going to come in motion Gardner handoff up the middle Zeus nowhere gain of about one second down and nine coming up here ball at the 11 come on man fire me up bro like that's a hell of a route by Trey who just had lasc surgery this not just had lasc surgery this off season to help him see a little bit better but I mean I mean My Oh My like you want to talk about making us he had one-on-one coverage Trey's on the out side of the right runs a bit of a post route kind of running towards maybe even like the pylon if you let him kept going DJ Turner is going to go in motion now he's next to jacobe on the right side is Trey Tucker Gardner muu is under Center and it's a fake hand off to Zeus Gardner pressured oh boy Pete's probably going to get called here for a holding mit's got to throw it and he's just got to get rid of it oh man and the Luke getsy Red Zone woes continue yeah I'll tell you what Trey Tucker stre down that field bro he was moving all right so Gardner was looking honestly nobody's open I that's a terrible play call by Luke getsy that's terrible and I mean terrible play call by Luke gatsy in the Red Zone again I mean it's a bad play call he's got a bounce back here third down to nine empty backfield set three to the right two to the left Jacob's in the slot mayor's in the slot as well vu looking left the entire way throws and it's just not even close it's just not even close I don't know where he was looking he looked like he was telegraphed that one a little bit probably going to have to kick it I mean the these Red Zone play calls here I I don't I don't know what gs's doing what is gatsy doing in the Red Zone what is gatsy doing in the Red Zone I I what I don't understand is like and again I I get they they had one really really big play you get down the field but that that first play called the pass on second down to 10 that had no chance nobody's open there there's there that's a terrible terrible play call I got to see that other route again what is gsy doing bro we got 3,000 people here watching the show right now if you hate the Cowboys hit that like button and I've been told that I'm a man that likes to make a good deal chugs I'm a man that likes to make a good deal we got 3,000 people can half of the people watching the show right now click that like button if we get to 1,500 likes by the time Daniel Carlson kicks that football I'm doing a beer bong I'm ready man it's the pre-season I don't give a I got to get ready too I got to get ready to I see a few people just entered our Duck Race by the way and the people that just entered the duck race I see Gilbert Moreno what's up Gilbert in Jarrett Watson in and then Armando what's up Armando Armando sandal it's been a minute $20 VMO you'd win $26 here on the Raiders report what Jarrett what's up man who will be the breakout player on defense this year I hope it's Tyree Wilson I think honestly the only other answer that I can give you is jakori and Bennett and the reason why that I say that actually I'm gonna change that jakorian Bennett would be a good sleeper the breakout candidat Travon Merrick I think legitimately Travon Merrick by the end of the season you're people are going to be talking about him as like legit top five top six safety it he won the Jim Thorp award he was an unbelievable safety Prospect coming out of TCU and he's just continues to get better and better this Patrick Graham system is awesome for him he's having a hell of an off season so like a true breakout player I'll say Travon merri another breakout candidate I'm hoping it's Christian Wilkins he's somebody who's never made a pro bow for and playing next to Adam Butler John Jenkins there's a guy named Max Crosby he's pretty good too I think Christian's going to make his first ever Pro Bowl the fact that he's working with his old buddy Rob Leonard fact that he's working with Patrick Graham Antonio Pierce I mean you saw this Raiders defense kind of take that next step last season when you know AP took over they were the number one defense in the National Football League over those final nine weeks when AP and Patrick Graham were running the show so like I I really do believe in this defense man yo Jak by man we are 50 likes away Carlson hasn't kicked the ball yet I'm challenging all y'all click that like button come on if we get to 1,500 likes before he kicks that ball and throw one back come on bro we are I'm not kidding when I say this we are 20 likes away 20 likes away you got three two one bro we did it and it's going to be caught at the one yd line oh boy it's going to be a decent return missed tackle there by Jaylen gton and he's going to be pushed out of bounds by Isa PA out so one thing that Tom told me is the Cowboys are trying to figure out who their other kick returner could potentially be uh Turpin he's not playing in this game so Tom Toma he said don't be surprised if Dallas returns every kick no matter where like if it's kicked in the back of the end zone he L told me he's like don't be surprised if they return every kick all right I shouldn't have doubted the nation we got there what's up spoken sup Mitch what's up spoken rough day I needed this show oh hey man I hope at any point anybody ever has a tough day if you tune in to this I do this show because just like y'all this is my therapy session and i' like to be able to vent I like to be able to hang out with my buddies so sup to uh spoken 2 won here I need a drink Chuck can just hold this down real quick here we go second and seven for the Cowboys shotgun formation for Cooper Rush takes a snap play action three-step drop Quick Pass oh and he gets it in there Marcus EPS is saying it he's saying that it hit the ground I got to look at that again dude that's close they're saying it's completed they're saying it's going to be about third down and one EP though says that something he said that it's on the ground illegal hands to the face that's going to be on the Dallas Cowboys so it's not going to matter anyway it's going to be a repeat of second down illegal hands to the face second down and 17 bring him back beep beep bring it back now y'all one hop this time uh right foot last St left foot last St that was on M go second down at 17 you got two to the right one to the left oh man I think he jumped a little bit might have been Adam Butler throw drop I'm curious to see if they throw a flag here Butler I thought might have jumped no flag Butler might have been off sides on that one it's okay though third down and 17 if you're Las Vegas watch the screen but I'll bring it some pressure here it's the [Applause] down come on I want to see Gardner back out on the field Cooper shotgun two to the right one to the left Raiders are going to bring four it's going to be a delayed handoff tackle made here by Roberts Bain and they're going to be forcing a punt Tyree Wilson in on that play actually was getting some good push got got some good push there oh man super chat from Blake FR what's up Blake it's been a minute Mitch jugs I'm going to be a dad to twin girls this November future Raider fans I know it's preseason but let's beat them cow girls hey that's an amazing thing everybody for the nation right now let's give a loud Raiders for blae D frin Raiders Tucker catches it at the 20 really good block gets to the 30 TR Tucker cut in a field all the way down to the 40 seven yd line but there's a flag I think it's going to be blocking the back I think it's going to be blocking the back that's a hell of a return by Trey Tucker I'll tell you what that guy can move I there's not a player I I don't know if I there's a player that I don't want to see in the open field more you know what I mean like respectfully if I had to put a hand on Trey Tucker that sounds weird like twoand touch if he's got a full field half a field even you're not getting a hand on them Blake that's an amazing thing uh I will say this though twins you got to see who else have twins in your family twins runs in my family my mom's a twin I got an aunt that's a twin my cousin's a twin got a lot of twins favorite baseball team oh the Mets sorry more rush yards this season Zeke or I don't know who that who's that other person who's that zuess is that French Z or Zu is Zu more rushing yards this season Zeke or Zeus I think it's GNA be Zeus I think it's going to be Zeus that's good dude that's amazing I think it's gonna be Zeus I actually don't think Zeke's even GNA lead the Cowboys in rushing yards I don't think Zeke's y I'm telling you right now Rico D he's the running back to get for d from multiple people down here in Dallas Zeke's not even going to lead the Cowboys in rushian give me Zeus Zeus to me he's probably going to be somewhere around a th rushing yards this season at least I have him I have him sted at somewhere between like 800 to about a th000 rushing yards this year for Zeus I'm going with Zeus man I I I would not touch Zeke with a 10- foot pole in fantasy football I'm he's looks old he looks slow not the guy you want I'm telling you right now Eric Eric Jones what's up Eric Jones you in Eric Jones says Mitch enter me you know what Eric I got you bro we got 3,000 people here in the building chugs I want to I want to get some shares going now Alex is one of her favorite artists of all time a share that's not quite what I'm asking for so here's what I'm asking for every time we get 20 shares on this video I got to do happy birthday song for triband so here's what I want to do chugs I know we have some fireball out in the fridge uh if you could go grab it when you get a second we are I'm not kidding this is perfect one share away from doing a happy birthday song for triban trian I know you're old I you're what 86 now um I'm gonna do a fireball shot for trian hopefully trian you're still awake if one person clicks that share button you know what if we can get 20 people to click the share button I'll do two shots or I'll do one Chucks can do the other Garner mitchu back out onto the field second second down six minutes and 22 seconds to go mu shotgun Alexander Madison's the back Madison's going to get the run here it's going to go up the middle oh man give him about five yards give him about five second down of five it's a good run there by Madison you could see early on I think the Raiders they want to run more to that left side they're trying to run behind andr Pete and white hair more so than on the the right side but I mean I want to see him throw the rock like I know you're probably still trying to run a balanced attack here but no disrespect to all the other players I would be okay if they came out and just Slang The Rock the entire game wilkerson's going to go in motion fake hand off to Madison mitu throws DJ Turner and it's a great open field tackle there by Dallas Booth who actually just got acquired in a trade Andrew booth he was traded from Minnesota who did do you remember who Minnesota sent them nishawn Wright no you're right nishawn was right all right this is a big this is a big one right here third down and four third down and four cheers to the nation Tran happy birthday bro they're GNA say it's third down to three Trey Tucker's going to go in motion here if I'm looking for the open man it's going to be DJ Turner muu looks throws quick slant oh man what a route there by Michael Mayer absorbs the hit and it's a first down Raiders come on man I'll tell you what I like this it's almost like a little bit of a it's kind of like a route that you usually see like a running back run out of the back field where they kind of do like the angle I don't even know what route that's even called what Texas route kind of like it first down and 10 ball here at the thir yard line that's a big first down there by the Raiders muu first drive not great moving the chains here a little bit now minu under Center got to get in the end zone here big hand off to Madison he drops back oh he wanted to take a shot deep he's getting pressured using his feet oh bat it down he wanted to take a shot deep wanted to take a shot deep and he was like man I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it what the hell is that do you hear that what on Earth you guys hear that am I the only one that hears that cuz it sounds like Jared Watson B come on Jared Watson whoever spams Jared Watson the most you're going to be in for a chance to win a free Charles Charles Woodson jersey handoff Madison he runs directly into the defense and I mean I that was bad Vision there by Madison not great blocking either Raiders have been pretty unsuccessful when it comes to running the football minus that first run there by zamir they're shown the instant replay here I mean you're asking Harrison Bryant to block a defensive end also I mean what is Alexander Madison doing on that run that's a bad run that's a I mean that's that's a bad run by Alexander Madison and he ran directly into the defender I'm I'm not quite sure third down and 10 ball to 30 minu drops back Pitter patters looks throws beautiful rout caught first down Trey Tucker what a freaking throw by mchu and he finds Tucker again first down move the sticks I mean imagine again so Tucker he's lined up on the outside he runs directly to the first down marker muu kind of just throws a soft one up there Tucker Dives catches it perfect I mean perfect ball perfect route perfect catch there it's been a hell of a start here for Trey Tucker who looks really good man first down and 10 mitu ball to 41 what are we reviewing oh they're going to review to see if he caught the ball I didn't think there was any question I'm also a Raider fan though they're going to see if he caught the ball was it a catch why for yes or an end for no let me know down below was it a catch why for yes or an end for no Jared Watson Super Chat said you guys make the game so much more interesting really enjoy y'all I love supporting the channel your whole team at chat sports is the best thank you so much Mitch chugs and everyone there Jared I mean real talk we're only able to bring the energy when you guys match it with us like this show is not fun if it's just Jeremy and I I mean that's a catch how is it not a catch that's a catch right that's a catch I mean if that's not a catch then the NFL should just stop all the catch rules right now that's easily a catch that's a catch let's be real Jarett Real Talk man I appreciate that seriously seriously I real real talk greatly greatly greatly appreciate that one Jarrett Watson all right Gio Vonnie hang on a second here Jared Watson the bang chugs I'm going to send you a number here for our uh MVP race today if you can or you can't build it can you if not it's okay here's our MVP race today Raider Ron's in the lead he's got four bangs trian's got three abin and Husker both got two Patrick B OC Jonathan Martinez and Jared Watson have one bang whoever bangs the most you're the MVP I rock your Jersey next week when the Raiders play the San Francisco 49ers so it was a catch I think it was clear as day Matthew rodrigus Raiders what's up man Giovani I don't get how NFL Network always changes the Raiders broadcast last second literally shows Cowboys Raiders and then they replay the Browns game here's the thing NFL Network sucks first down at 10 fake hand off it's going to be a screen here to Mayor that's a tough honestly he got tackled gains maybe a one yard I actually don't love that play call that's you're asking your tight end to do a lot there I mean for him to catch the ball two yards behind the line of scrimmage like tight ends this might shock y'all don't have the acceleration that running backs and wide receivers do and you need that acceleration to be able to instead of second down and eight if a receiver or a back catches that it's probably second down and six a little bit more but uh Matthew Rodriguez cheers to you bro second and eight handoff Alexander Madison Madison bounces off a tackle give me that first down late flag hang on a second here is this helmet to helmet I I didn't see anything like that but for a flag to come in that late what who's it on that was a late flag holding Christ on the offense is can we get volume on this a little bit which one is it the C curvy what well it says which way does it go just yeah turn it down a little bit so they went Alexander Madison on the right side who's the hold on they called that on the Wilkerson all right I was going to say there's no way that's on there it's on Christian Wilkerson not great it's going to back him up here a little bit second and 17 reminder muu is only going to play the first quarter Aiden's going to play the second quarter though I'm curious to see if they let muu finish this Drive Gardner drops back he's looking he might have to tuck this one and run he's going to throw it it's going to be completed also to Alexander Madison here he's going to get I mean it's probably what third down 11 yeah third down 11 gain of about six here who are you going to who are you going to here third down 11s Christian Wilkerson Trey Tucker I I want to see nothing but 11s man I don't believe jacobe Jacob's not in the game anymore they took him out if I'm the Raiders I'm looking for Trey Tucker he's been on a heater tonight he looks good dude he looks real good Gardner out a shotgun got a running back on his left hip you got three to the right one to the left Trey Tucker screeching down the field mit's got to scramble trying to make something Happ with his legs mitchu almost threw a pick Christ I mean he tried to make something happen there he threw it to Michael Mayer it's a 5050 ball nobody came down with it just he's getting pressured here I'd like to be Amir dulu was in the game I think they tried to go deep again with Trey Tucker they did just nobody's open so he's trying to make something happen here it's a ballsy throw I he trust his guy nobody's open nobody's open I think muu just knew that that was going to be his last Drive of the night and I'll tell you this right now it's Aiden OK connell's job unless Aiden is a disaster in this second quarter I think it's Aiden's job I mean that that holding call on Wilkerson really and I mean really hurt this drive flag coming out here and here comes the Raiders defense actually think I saw Amari Amari Gainer walking out onto the field udfa I said I he was a player that I mentioned today about a guy to just keep an eye on because Luke masteron to me I think a lot of people anticipate that he's a lock to make this roster Amari G he's been making a name for himself that's all I'm going to say good udfa from North Carolina I thought he actually should have been drafted if I'm being honest with y'all if you haven't already make sure you guys click that subscribe button I want to get to 172,000 subscribers tonight if we get to 1 172 I want to get to 172 can we get there if you appreciate the show if you love the Raiders click that subscribe button I think Crosby's still in the game Trey Lance now in at quarterback and the Raiders still got their starting defense out there Lance it's going to be a handoff up the middle and it's going to be Duce vaugh that's going to be a solid gain of about five they're going to give him six yards here second down and oh wow seven second down and three coming up I mean the Raiders pass defense has looked really good this preseason their run defense their run defense hasn't been amazing it hasn't been let's be honest if anybody wants again for our 5050 raffle at halftime reminder $20 venmo you would go home with $270 right now second down and four du vaugh oh man he's just makes multiple guys miss I'll tell you what du Von looks good dude he's cutting up the field he's missing a matching guys and that's a first down ball here at the 27 it's kind of a counter play really good job blocking there I mean he made Jack Jones he made Jack Jones look like he was trying to get him on Ice menu finishes the day eight of 15 for 89 yards and that's it That's it man I mean as long as AOC isn't horrific it's his job it's true I mean mchu was good wasn't great I think that the play calling by getsy in the Red Zone was bad again like that's another very concerning thing to me but he had three drives what the first drive G muu probably should have threw a pick six second Drive beautiful throw deep to Trey Tucker set us up in fuel goal range unable to convert in the Red Zone kick a fuel goal second Drive the Raiders were marching bad hold call by Christian Wilkers Sim kind of backed them up but I mean you're going up against Cowboys backups muu up against Cowboys backups eight of 15 for 89 yards and 55 of that came on a deep throw by Trey Tucker so like I mean if if I'll tell you this right now Aiden's got to be horrific in this second quarter he Aiden's got to be really bad in the second quarter for him not to have the job will Dak be a cowboy next season I to be honest I don't think so I don't think they're GNA pay him I don't think that they're going to pay Dak Prescott he wants and I mean he wants upward of $65 million a year based on reports that have come in I think Dak is a top 10 quarter back no doubt but paying him 65 mil man that's a tough one that's that's a tough one and I know why you're asking a lot of people think that dak's going to be the Raiders quarterback next season and I mean I'll tell you this right now I think Dak has just a chance to be the Raiders QB next year that Aiden and muu do it's close and that's a probably a crazy thing to say out loud but if if Aiden gets the Raiders to the playoffs we're not having this conversation if Gardner gets the Raiders playoffs not having this conversation if the Raiders and their team is this Tal is what they are which I do I think that they have a top 10 roster outside of the quarterback position if they don't make the playoffs it's anything is possible to me like and they're not going to be a top five team in the draft they're not going to be a top 10 team in the draft people who say that don't really know this football team it's mainly National media this is going to be a football team that's a very good team and that Achilles heal is going to be the quarterback position I hope Aiden proves me wrong I hope Gardner proves me wrong I hope the Raiders offense proves me wrong but ah I don't know hav Dak would make us a Super Bowl caliber team whether you like to hear that or not today's deals if you don't know every 20 shares that we get which by the way we are three shares away from another trian birthday shot we're going to do birthday shots from here on out if you're a firsttime super chatter we'll take a drink to that which Ethan Jones said I ordered my make Raiders great again hat can't wait to wear it every day well appreciate the first time Super Chat cheers to you man if you're first time super chatter will drink to that every $10 Super Chat that we get is a Woodson jersey raffle every hundo is a bang I'm not doing beer bongs anymore that's only during tailgate and if you want to join the gong gang $500 spent on today's show the gong gang right now Ed Robins has done it twice David Z once Noah Santana once Justin Ain once if you're trying to join the gong gang actually Sheffer has done it too now that I look at this Sheffer has done it that is a deep one that's great coverage there by jacori and Bennett Trey Lance trying to throw one deep really really good job there by jakorian second down and 10 second down and 10 right now Ron's one bang away from the gong triband two bangs away from the gong abin and Husker three bangs away from the gong and then Patrick B C Raider Jonathan Martinez Jarrett Watson four bangs away from the gun here we go Trey Lance back at quarterback again it's going to be a no he's going to do a QB keeper why is Crosby Still In the game he's still in this football game I mean their entire starting defense is still in this one I will say this for and maybe this is an unpopular opinion for Max Crosby to play an entire quarter of a preseason game and Devonte can't even play a snap again like it it is a frustrating thing to say and I think it's an okay thing to say I get why Devonte doesn't want to play but like as a teammate of that you're going well Max Crosby's out there why can't Devonte Adams play that's my only point to that Max Crosby is way more important to this team than Devonte Adams Trey Lance throws and it's broken up and it's Fourth Down honest question is that an unfair thing to say is that if if Max Crosby can play in the game game why can't Devonte Adams it's a fair question now again Devonte hasn't been around the team as much he's been dealing with the baby boy maybe that's the reason maybe he doesn't feel like he's ready to play in the preseason game this could be a fair question he threw that towards Jack Jones went right through his hands good defense there by Jack and it's broken up why for yes and for no is that a fair thing to say I'm I'm asking it's an honest honest question man honest honest question Sally says no it's not okay fair enough all right here we go I believe this is going to be Aiden lonnell now right that's what we were told we were told Gardner to get first quarter Aiden would get the second and then so on and so forth from then we got a three to3 ball game I need the Raiders to win by seven Gardner's still in the game y'all Gardner menu is still in the game they're letting go gner Play I Like it they're letting Gardner in oh Gardner still in the game Gardner muu still in the game let's go this makes it interesting Gardner oh dude looks throws caught Harrison Bryant keep pushing great job there by theer and I want to say it's Jordan meridi to keep pushing them forward and that's going to be a gain of about six second down and four get rid of the Bots get rid of the Bots get out of here Bots come on you have anything better to do Christ get rid of them second down and four come on Raiders come on Garder I want to see a touchdown here Trey Tucker still in the game Harrison Bryant followed by Christian Wilkerson followed by DJ Turner on the right Gardner drops back looking left throws it deep looking for Trey again oh he didn't have his head turned around oh he didn't have his head turned around I think that's a miscommunication on muu and Trey he was he had him Trey Tucker beat his guy I got to see if this is on muu or if it's on Tucker they they are right now is playing uh left tackle by the way they M for in at left tackle Trey Tucker beat his guy I mean he's got his hand all over him menu threw it to the outside should have threw it to the inside that's a close one third down and four I don't mind them taking a shot two to the right mitchu maybe last throw of the night looks right throws caught by no dropped by DJ Turner but it wouldn't have been a first down anyway all right you got to take him out it's Aiden's turn time to go to Aiden time to go to Aiden four drives No touchdowns by Gardner four drives zero touchdowns for Gardner muu and the Raiders offense against backup Cowboys Defenders I mean that's that's a freaking phenomenal punt all the way down the 11 yard line here Ball's out recovered by the Raiders Raiders got the ball Raiders got the football he put the ball on the ground I think this is Raiders ball I think the Raiders got it they do the Raiders got the football give me some LVS we got the turnover Bel that should probably say belt we got the turnover belt I mean he the the returner for Dallas he started stumbling his knee hit the ball out of his own hands Ball's on the ground round let's go show me the belts I got Raider Sao shout out to tyo Raider man for getting us this belt it was a dope belt do you do you put Gardner back in or do you give it to Aiden I dude I don't know what do you do do you let Aiden have it or do you give it back to Garder we'll see we'll see come on man recovered by I want to say that was DJ Turner recover recovered that fumble DJ Turner recovered it I mean Amir knocked it out Gardner's still in the game oh here we go ball to 23 lby in at running back now three to the right two to the left muu is going to drop back he's looking left now he's looking right mit's got to throw it quick to Cole following him no is that John that's uh schneer that's like uh John Samuel schneer he was he was yeah seriously he was a DFA from Auburn caught by and it's a gain of what nothing yeah he gets back to line of scrimmage come on Raiders if Gardner can't make a touchdown here not the starter I I agree I'll say that right now if he doesn't score you got to score a touchdown here or else it's not a conversation they're going to set Harrison Bryant in motion muu shotgun zamir white in at running back mchu is going to drop back pressured escapes it he might tuck and run and he is he's going to tuck it and run and he's going to pick up about five maybe six yards third down and four I mean he I'm with you chugs if he doesn't score a touchdown here he's not the starting quarterback quite frankly even if he does I don't he hasn't done enough today to prove to me that he is the starter Trey Tucker's made some really nice catches menu's done some good things and what's really unfortunate is like Yeah I'm I'm not going to lie I would like to see Devonte Adams out there on the field Tucker was open I didn't see it Alec Bachman's going to go in motion Gardner shotgun lby the running back and it's just not close you can tell the Raiders are trying to see what they have in muu I mean it's been it's five drives man five drives you know what I mean like at this point at this point I I don't think it's going to happen they tried to set up a screen to lby and it just had no chance I mean five they did make it to the uh prize picks Red Zone by the way they're going for it here on fourth down and six muu still in the game fourth down and six three to the left one to the right mchu drops back looks throws over thre threw him I it's a bad throw by muu he had him open open should have been an easy pitch and catch bad throw by muu yikes you can't capitalize when you make it to the prize picks Red Zone that's gonna hurt you that's gonna hurt you Aiden oconnell is the Raiders starting QB I I just I mean you have to be honest with yourself that was a bad showing today by Gardner there were there were things that could have gone a little bit differently but if you have five drives against a backup Cowboys defense and none of those drives you're able to at least score a touchdown you're going to come away with only three points and I get it if it's the regular season maybe they kick a field goal there but like like we're not going into this we're not we're not going into this with the hope to kick field goals in a preseason game I mean not not not a I mean he had he had an open receiver he just overthrew him that needs to be an easy easy pitch and catch that quite frankly I do think Aiden makes that throw you know you're not asking him to do all that much there I I think I mean I was told every it was reported that Aiden would play the second quarter here's the thing man if Aiden doesn't play this game at all that tells you everything you need to know like that tells you everything you need to know it was reported that Gardner would get the first quarter and Aiden would get the second quarter I find it strange that they continuously put out muu there I I I do I find it to be a little bit strange what's this graphic you got is this a new one okay I got you I got you what's up Jared Watson the way Gardner mchu looked really hope AOC takes the job he has more more potential also if you guys could help us get rid of some of these Bots I'm going to report them and you are AA L vista baby uh more potentially needs to take advantage of the opportunity he won't get another one to be qb1 I don't know if mchu or Aiden get another opportunity in their NFL careers to be the qb1 again I mean like that's an honest thing I I don't know if either will Rubio all teams that play well in the pre pre season suck all teams that played bad in the preseason are usually good it's because good teams experiment I don't think that that's necessarily true but I hear what you're saying uh real cowboy having da on the field should help figure out who the starter is I'm with you man like that was the biggest reason why I wanted to see Devonte Adams out on the field and the Raiders still got some of their starters out there Travon Merck's still out there Byron young Nesta Jade svera Tyrie Wilson Roberts Spain as tastic I mean that's a hell of a tackle there by Divine Diablo I'll tell you that right now that's a hell of a tackle there Austin 556 Rebel same situation Nico and then real says put fava in second down to nine it's going to be a handoff and I'll tell you what the Raiders got to be able to figure out a way to get some push Byron young got pushed back five yards on that play like if Byron's going to play at 280 290 he's got to learn how to Anchor in he got pushed back five yards five yards against backups and I know Mitch but Byron's a backup I get it but I mean I'll tell you what he got pushed back there third down and five come on defense let's go got to get a stop I want to see Aiden back out on the field I got to see Aiden on the field two to the left two to the right Trey Lance going to drop back quick throw and it's thrown way behind them and it's incomplete Nate Hobbs jakori and Bennett I mean they're keeping their starters out there this Raiders defense they're keeping their starters out there Justin B come on Evin come on Justin Ain his third bang of the day ajent I'm just going to tell you right now I'm going to take this jersey off at halftime or after halftime Trey Tucker returning go to the 40 all the way down to the 32 yd line what a good return by Trey Tucker I mean Tucker just took that 50 yards in a blink of an eye Trey Tucker can fly holy Tucker catches this at the 20 24 yd line puts his fo foot in the dirt I mean he's just going he's just going and he gets taken down at about the 33 yd line bro is flying he is flying abun said this offense looks terrible let me see Aiden lonnell I I mean real talk like if Aiden doesn't come out here this this play this drive what what are we waiting on aen l connell's in the game okay here we go zamir white in at running back you got two to the right Wilkerson to the left thought that was going to be a false start fake handoff Aiden steps up into the pocket throws a beautiful ball to Christian Wilkerson first down I mean I'll tell you what that's a hell of a throw there by Aiden he fit that one in Wilkerson also guys we're in the prize picks Red Zone chugs can you show me my picks real quick because I got Aiden on the more of 60 and a half which makes me a little bit nervous now cuz if they only give him the second quarter and if he scores a touch down here like that's it he's not going to probably go back out there cuz then maybe they' seen all they need to see Wilkerson though I need him to get that was probably what a 14 yard pickup there in the red zone now ball here at the 14 it's going to be a Pitch left side is zir white white gets about four yards so my prize picks I hit this one with Gardner I hit Trey Tucker who's right here Wilkerson there's a flag out onto the field holding on Jordan Meredith Christ come on Jordan Meredith get it together I took a lot of mors why it's the preseason that's a bad hold so DJ glaz's working on the right side the mford is working at left tackle yeah I mean that's that's about as blatant as it gets there Jordan that's about as blatant as it gets there first and 24 is that what that says on screen should it just be first down in 20 oh they're at to 24 Aiden looks throws left oh my God I'll tell you what if Aiden throws that ball on target that's close to a pick six that's a bad throw by Aiden Aiden was trying to he tried to High Point that ball to zamir white it would have been a pickup of one not even maybe back to line of scrimmage that's a that's a bad throw there by Aiden first throw was a strike to Christian Wilkerson what's making me nervous though is I mean you're seeing both QBs here once it gets down to the Red Zone area has not looked good today Aiden shotgun you got Samir white on his right hip DJ Turner and and Wilkerson on the left out to the right is Jaylen gon Aiden shotgun calls hike drops back looking got a good pocket throws it John Samuel schneer Jingleheimer Schmidt schneer catches it gets about what four yards third down and 16 third down to 20 I'll be real I don't know if our score provider is right or if the television's right it's it's third and a long ways to go if you're the Raiders you pick up 10 here you you draw up your best play to pick up 10 and you let him go for it I'm not kicking field goals today in this preseason game Aiden empty backfield set three to the right Wilkerson by himself in the left look for Wilkerson Aiden drops back looking for Wilkerson the entire way throws caught give me the more on that one now you go for it go for it AP would you go for it's a preseason game I want to see what Aiden can do here fourth down coming up let let's see what he can do why not I don't I don't need to see anything more from Daniel Carlson I don't care if we lose this football quite frankly yeah I might have to pay for a dinner for my fiance out I don't care and they're going to bring out Daniel Carlson for fourth down and four we're not going to go for it what are we doing it's fourth down and four 27 yard field goal attemp go for it AP Kick's good come on man I don't I don't need to see Daniel Carlson's ability to kick that field goal I need to see that we can do something in the red zone come on man yikes Red Zone struggles I mean you can't like if I'm going to make a decision and if you're if AP is going to make a decision on this quarterback battle would you not go for it there you know what I mean like and I get it it's already so close where maybe they already think that it's Aiden's job and it's Aidan's job because mchu just didn't get it done and I hear you there but like aren't you going to come away a lot more confident in your decision on who that QB is going to be if Aidan's able to pick up a first down and get a touchdown you're going to settle for a field goal it's fourth down and four in a preseason game go for it man Reggie mu's done out of the QB battle I don't disagree with I think it's Aiden's job now I I've said it before I think it's gonna be Aiden Lo connell's job I I just do not like the fact that they called a field goal there and an opportunity where you probably should have go for it I said boots what's happening Mitch and chugs well the only people that right now are close to making me do a boot abin two bangs away ain's two bangs away I am about to put on a sheffler jersey all right I got a deal for a boot I gotta pee like a racehorse okay I got to pee like a racehorse here's my deal Ira Jackson Mount Raider Moore everybody tuning in right now you want to boot deal I'm going to give you a boot deal if we get five bangs by the time I leave and I get back from my pee it's going to be a good pee I'll do a boot for you you know what I'm going to pour up a boot right when I leave there's your challenge to the nation out there and I will change my jersey abun if you're the one that sends it in I again if abun bangs twice I got to do a boot so if Vin's also a part of this boot compilation we'll figure out a different deal but I got to pee cuz I'm going to pee my pants let me know better coach Mike McCarthy or Antonio Pierce let me know Al's torch is a Flamin right now Carlson getting ready to kick it away come on seven 30 remaining in the second quarter taken at the two gonna oh but be brought down right at the 23 yd line what a play great tackle there on special teams by this Raiders kickoff what a job taking down by Brown what can Brown do for you let's go single back formation Trey Lance it's going to be a handoff up the middle gain of about six seven yards by Royce Freeman on the play former Denver Bronco F Sams in the chat seven minutes remaining in the second quarter Raiders offense been um underwhelming to say the least underwhelming second and three single back formation two tight end set one receiver on each side for Trey Lance Raiders Adam Butler some Tyree Wilson some starters still in the game it's going to be another hand off up the middle Spain met him in the hole but it looks like he's going to be able to barely push forward for a first down Adam Butler getting into it with some of these Cowboys offensive linemen Robert Spain starting middle linebacker Divine Diablo Marcus EPS a lot of the starters still in oh Justin Ain captain in thano jono marthy first and 10 six minutes remaining shotgun formation two receivers at the top Tre Lance takes it three-step drop looking looking finds a guy on the outside it's going to be enough for a first down don't know how to FL floi flower Cowboys receiver gets the first down have I've no idea who this is R Floy working on Jack Jones that's a first down for the Cowboys first and 10 shotgun formation for Tre Lance snap hand off up the middle GS about four or five yards this Raiders run defense has not been impressive so far it is not been impressive so far Ira said Vin five minutes remaining on the quarter second and five it's gonna be a handoff up the middle to Duce Von and he gets about seven eight yards first and 10 now for the Cowboys 440 remaining in the quarter dece Von he's been running hard he's like he's like five6 he's been running hard the second year man out of Kansas State he's been trying to earn this Rost his roster spot shotgun formation two receivers at the bottom of the screen for Trey Lance takes a snap looking looking it's going to be a quick slant to floi floro Cowboys moving the ball on this defense and it's a little concerning right now because this is the Cowboys second Unit A lot of these backups and the Raiders have their starters in a lot of them in Jack Jones Spain Diablo they're all in yeah I mean second down and three it's going to be handoff I mean they just can't tackle anybody I mean they are getting pushed back time and time again woo Governor's in the game I will say this is kind of just like a weird defensive formation for the Raiders they got a bunch of different people in oh dude I didn't see that Justin [Laughter] J Justin FJ let's go FJ I hate that I must do this but I'm him the we got a brand new MVP on today's stream Justin ajin could he get backto back weeks being the MVP right now he's got a one bang lead over raar Ron which means I owe yall boot I uh I owe yall boot Jared Watson the o line and D line need to clean this up I will admit you know chugs was saying like they're starting defenses in they're starting like secondary kind of is still in like uh you know Jak Coran's out there Jack Jones is still in Roberts Blain's in Divine Diablo is still in this game I think I saw Travon merri and EPS out there but their starting defensive line is not in the game Byron young Tyrie Wilson that just it's the push back the push back that continues to happen is kind of wild in this game man I'm not going to lie to y'all the the push back for the defensive line is uh it's kind of wild you got to give me yeah you got to give me a sec though because there's a lot more um also for the 5050 raffle Javier Villa fan is in Matt flui is in Philip B is in Ira Jackson is in and I'm gonna be honest with y'all I thought Justin abun was the MVP just let me let me do this boot first here for aent unless you got a boot in you you got you got a boot in you or do I should I ask n they're not going to be able to do it they're toasted out there they are absolutely positively toasted out there oh dude I'll tell you what today's been an interesting interesting day so I already owe one boot for Justin abun and we owe another I [Applause] [Music] jackon [Music] Oho jackon spam Ira down below Mount Raider MO is on another level tonight oh my goodness man holy cow they are on another level all right I owe one boot I'm gonna try to convince chugs to do the other though he's looking at me he's like I can't put that I can't put that coffee in that cup second down at seven Trey Lance pressured throws completed Roberts Bain late getting to his guy and it's going to be a first down here by Dallas I'll tell you what I mean I don't even know if the defense has played that bad I I get it it's against backups the bigger concerning Factor today is your offense your offense has six points up against a bunch of backups like let's be honest here like the defense yeah has not played great against Cowboys backups but I mean this this offense by the Raiders you've had six opportunities to score against Cowboys backups and you got six flipping points here we are at the two-minute warning now though are at the two-minute warning oh before I do this boot today's Boot and show shout out to prize piics go to priz clns easy and exciting daily fantasy shout out to prize picks for being able to hook up greater Nation here if you don't already know download priz pick app today use code clns for a first deposit match up to $100 that's code clns on prize picks for a deposit match up to $100 you pick more you pick less it's that easy you can now win up to 100 times your money on price picks with as little as four correct picks you can turn $10 into a th000 price picks is available in more than 30 States across the country including California Texas and Georgia price picks is simple you pick more than less than on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in get started now if you haven't already at clns and get a firsttime deposit match of $100 prize clns pick more pick less it's that easy that link is going to be available to you'all down in the comments down in the description of today's show now one of mine is sincere McCormick at more or less 15 a half rush yards I think we're get that in the second half he doesn't have anything yet but we're going to get it can you uh fill up a boot for me Jack you got a boot in you yeah I'm looking at him I need I need somebody to help me here somebody's gonna have to do unless one of the new guys can do a boot out there unless one of the new guys got me you guys are about to get a boot race here I'll tell you what chug gonna WIP chug is gonna whoop my ass I'm just going to tell you that right now okay chugs is uh chug gonna whoop my ass I'm just telling You' all that right now it's not going to be pretty if you like seeing chugs whoop my ass then man oh man oh the defense is supposed to be great we know the offense might struggle I think one of my one of my concerns and it's probably going to be something that I talk about on overreaction Sunday it's like is the defense you know it's a real real conversation is the defense actually good like as great as what we think this defense is or is just the offense like you know struggled that much this off season because the defense the starting defense and again it's only preseason Mitch but I think as a Raider fan you got to be able to be honest with yourselves and say is this as good as what we thought it could be you know what I mean like the answer is no the defense has been a little lackluster the daddy you got to relax man you got to relax first down and 10 ball here at the 18 Trey Lance is under Center Raiders Got Five Guys on that line I mean the Cowboys are just running the football tackle made there by I want to say that's Nesta Jade Nesta Jade after this drive at halftime chugs and I'll do the boot off yep come on man six to3 ball game this is we got to get a stop here second down and eight ball to 15 Raiders have had six chances to score on offense oh man it's an Ender round little sweet play missed tackle made Jack Jones thought he was going to have a punch out there it's a really good job there by the Dallas I don't even who this guy is 16 to hang on to the football third down and one coming up here got to get a stop it's a good block there another good block missed Tackle by Marcus EPS oh and and I mean Jack just missed punching that ball out just missed punching that ball out Trey Lance if I got to send you a message chugs how do I do it okay I don't know what they're looking at it's third down and one ball at the eight plays under the review what what what's under I can't tell what's under review the spot oh Jack Bang [Applause] Ira man oh man oh man everybody if you want a chance to win a Charles Woodson jersey spam Ira down below hit a bong before that boot oh dude I don't know if I'm going be able to do that I'm be real with you I don't know I'm hurting right now my stomach is bloed I got a boot to do we're going to we're going to how about this Ira I'm going to give you a half here okay I'm going give you a half SE I'm going to give you a half SE I got a h i got a half a beer left in there I got it third down and one jugs can you call this one for me while I take this down here we go all right well you don't need to because they're still trying to figure this out I don't know what's going on in game take their first time out I don't think that they know what's going on in this game man they changed the clock to 123 I'mma go with buzzom Matic Buzz as in buzz buzz 69 buzz buzz and Buzz that's also making though Ira Jackson the MVP of today's stream handoff up the middle no it's going to be a quarterback keeper with Lance terrible route there by Tyrie Wilson I mean that's a terrible route there by Wilson what I mean he's got him dead to rights here quite frankly Trey Lance should not have kept this football oh terrible terrible by Tyrie Wilson there that's that's that's bad first down and goal Bol to four handoff I mean the Raiders have no push right now Byron young is getting just pushed over left and right I mean Byron young has no anchor and he's getting pushed back he's getting pushed back three or four yards every freaking play man what is he doing bro I sent you a slack if you could look at it Chad you in I see Kenny G you in for the duck race Kenny's in twice and then Michael Quintana is in $20 venmo right now you'd go home with 350 bucks here on the Raiders report second down and goal ball at the one yd line shotgun two to the left one to the right Trey Lance back there and they're going to do a fade I mean what is Jack Jones doing and Jack that's a bad play by Jack Jones what is Jack Jones doing honestly I mean this has been this been a this has been rough for the Raiders tonight tonight it's not been a good showing quite frankly if I'm Antonio Pierce I'm pissed off at the performance that I got tonight from my team you're going up against second string and third stringers and you got a lot of your starters out there offense and defense I Know Jack Jones I mean what I mean what is Jack Jones doing on that play he got burnt he didn't think that they were going to do a fade he thought that they were going to run the football so he went in and Trey Lance called hik and just threw a fade which I'll admit I don't love seeing fade routes I mean that's that's bad I mean this is uh you got to be scratching your head here a little bit about what what on Earth is he doing yeah Jack thought that they were going to run the football gives up a touchdown to somebody who's probably gonna be selling Insurance next week flower noi never heard of that guy never flower noi that sounds like you're going to take one cup of sugar and then two cups of flower noi ah Christ man shy says bums are scoring on us I don't know man there's only one it's a 14pl 76 yard Drive led by Trey Lance God I mean that's that's rough I needed this this one rolling in from Raider [Music] run rer run let's go oh come on man Raider R all right halftime coming up here on the show chugs and I are gonna do a boot race which illegal formation on who is that on the Raiders or the Cowboys I think it was on Dallas I think it was on Dallas illegal formation it's going to be first down and 10 if you're the Raiders you got what all you got what two timeouts let's see what AA can do I'm running the two-minute offense here ball to 28 Harris o Bryant's going to go in motion three to the left one to the right Aiden drops back looking left throws open caught and that's going to be Christian Wilkerson and that's going to give me the more that I needed I might have already been over the more already I already was I need Aiden the get to 602 passing yards and then I need sincer McCormick to get more than 15 half rushing yards I think which should come all in the second half first down and 10 here Bal the 35 yd line is the clock still running okay I thought the clock was still running 57 seconds to go ball here at the 38 Aiden shotgun three to the right TR Tucker still in the game to the left Aiden by himself they are in at left tackle still Dylan lby in the game Aiden looks holy well I don't know if I got to see that again I don't that ball I thought went right through wilkerson's hands it looked like it was a little bit High I mean Aidan's got to throw a better Ball but Wilkerson needs to catch that ball the Raiders look all sorts of out of sorts right now Raiders look lost I get it's a preseason football game for but for how big this game was I'm very disappointed on how they're playing right now Aiden shotgun Harrison Bryant's going to go in Motion lby in at running back he's on the left hip Cowboys brings some pressure Aiden throws one deep not even close looking for Trey Tucker deep and he just threw it like that ball has no chance to be completed the Raiders look terrible for how important this game was Slash is I mean quite frankly I mean if I'm if I'm Antonio Pierce I go we're we're gonna put Aiden and Garner back in the game for the third preseason game there has been nothing in this game that gives me any confidence that we're making the right QB decision we're make I mean our team is flat today Aiden Jesus Christ get pressured and just got to throw it to Dylan lby and skips it in there I mean what the is happening here flat this team is flat I mean they Munford my goodness just got blown up on that play yeah I mean what is they doing there they just gets roasted oh I hate that I'm this frustrated for a preseason game but it's just the fact that it's the truth man I I actually hate I I hate that I'm this upset over a preseason game I really am you want to see more out of your guys but they're they're flat today man they're they're flat it is what time it's freaking it's 11:30 on the East Coast Eastern Time 11:30 if you're staying up watching this you're probably pissed off too JS says that was a drop when I went back and I looked at it the second time with Wilkerson he's got he's got to catch that football wilkerson's got to catch that football Aidan's also got to throw a better ball though like if you have that clean of a pocket you're able to step up into the throw and he's that wide open like that ball needs to be thrown here that ball Wilkerson had to go up for it you expect them to be able to catch it but for a for a team that had their starters a lot of their starters in this game offense and defense either side of the football I think's played great good push there by Tyrie on that play first down and 10 and he's going to get pushed out of bounds there by woo governor and the clock's going to stop Dallas has got one timeout left 22 seconds to go here I do I hate that I'm this upset over a preseason game but like I just expect more you know what I mean like it's it's I'm upset because I expect more I feel like a parent where I'm not mad I'm disappointed and I am very disappointed in the effort and just the play in general from what I've seen from the Raiders tonight second down at two Trey Lance empty backfield set Raiders going to bring four easy pass and completion again he's going to get out of bounds gain up to about the 32 I mean if we're going to just let them pick up 5 six seven yards every single time like I get it you you don't want to give up the big play but they're marching the ball marching they're going to have a chance to kick a field goal if you keep letting them go down the field Ball's at the 30 they need probably another 40 yards get field goal range they have a timeout dang it I hope you guys don't like to see me meltdown like this Lance shot gun looks like they got again two to the left three to the right though running back vaugh he's in the slot Raiders are stacking the left side and there just there's no pressure Tre Lance got all day to throw he's going to scramble he's going to pick up about two three yards gets pushed out of bounds 10 seconds to go first down and 10 for Dallas again I I don't think I mean if if the Cowboys want any chance here to put up a field goal they're going to have to throw the ball down the field they're going to have to throw the ball down the field also that guy just got caught taking a picture of a player it's is hilarious third second down in eight 10 seconds to go here Trey Lance is going to go out a shotgun he's going to drop back and Lance is going to tuck it and run he's going to get to the 40 gets up to the 50 slides down Dallas calls timeout but there's no time left I'm going to see I think they're going to put a second back on the clock here this is going to be close so Lance breaks containment rushes for about 25 yards here that just this the effort by Byron Young on that play was disgraceful go back and watch the effort on that play there by Byron young literally gave up on that play I mean he he literally gave up they're going to bring out their kicker here they put time back on the clock this is a bomb by the way I don't know how long this is of a field goal he's literally 66 yard field goal here 66 yard field goal he's kicking this from the 45 yd line I'll tell you what if it's got the distance it's good it's good bro that was good from 70 I'm not kidding you that was good from 70 yards that's a hell of a kick 66 yards that was an easy kick 13- six I know it's only pre-season but that is a disgraceful first half this I that's a disgraceful first half of football I can't believe this is 13 to6 right now I mean if you guys are if if if you're not going to come out and play don't even waste my time don't even waste my time if you're not even going to come out ready to play don't waste my time don't waste my time don't waste Indie fan Big Nate Larry Nico last time I don't want to see it because that if if if if we're just not even going to show up in the most important preseason game of the year most important preseason game in a long time why even show up at all Paul bunan no Lance Smith Jesus I mean that was that was a tough first half man I'm not going to lie to y'all menu didn't look good Aiden again I can't even make a decision on Aiden like Aiden's been okay we had six points in a game where we're playing a lot of our starters up against backups oh man what's up cass two things for sure we need a new QB neither one of these dudes are the answer run defense is atrocious the run defense definitely lacks again I don't want to over freak out because it is a preseason game I agree with you like again the quarterback play is going to be the Achilles heal this team all season long unless our offensive line struggles the way that it you know if it if it does due to injuries but like and this is just me being honest until you get a QB that you know can do things that are just different you know what I mean like let's be honest just do things that are a little bit different it is very hard to win in the National Football League unless you have an unbelievably stacked roster all around you grade the Raiders offense so far that's an F man it's a big old fat F you had multiple opportunities to score it's an F I mean that was that was bad dude that was a bad first half of football there for the Raiders Steven Gutierrez $5 Super Chat Jamarcus Russ after a whole Little Caesar stuff crust three meat treat and a Boston cre pie donut could play better than these quarterbacks that's a hilarious comment serious okay serious but non-s serious question from Jarrett Watson call Tom Brady at what point are you like that's an okay that's an okay thought if if it's all if if you're thinking that it should have already happened at this point in the season off season you're probably just going to roll with either Aiden or Gardner and I mean it's going to be Aiden like let's be honest it's going to be Aiden L Connell yep it's gonna be Aiden oconnell can everyone say goodbye to Paul bunan because he's getting blocked see you Paul have a good life you're suck it Paul David said can we trade for Cooper rush I don't think the Cowboys trade you Cooper I think you're more likely to get Tre Lance yeah you don't want Tre Lance again I think Gardner and a option he was the best quarterback on the field in the first half yeah I mean Rich gillo was the QB coach for Trey Lance but that's not going to happen man uh a akiro wolf says Jesus Gardner struggled so bad and the Cowboys used their second strength I agree but Aiden didn't look good either like I'm I'm more concerned that we're losing 13 to6 against a team that literally didn't play any of their starters and we played quite a b at what point maybe not Tom Brady at what point are you like do we call Ryan tanah Hill no that I'd call Tom Brady way before I call Ryan tanhill I don't think Ryan tanhill is better than menu or AOC uh C Joey with the potential top D our top offensive weapons in Titans and wide receiver I'm not I'm not opposed to seeing if cousins is available Kurt Cousins I mean you had a chance to get him this off season he was a free agent I mean I'll tell you this right now though with Michael pennick not playing in the second preseason game and he's not going to play in the third preseason game I will admit if there is a QB that I am curious if he is available because cousin made it known that he was not happy when Atlanta drafted penx like I know it's a crazy thing now again you'd have to pay Kurt Cousins $40 million a year the Raiders do have the financial flexibility to do that but like I'm just going to keep saying to myself them it is just a preseason game you don't want to show too much you do play you know a little bit more laxed but from the fan in me you cannot be happy with what you saw today uh and I agree with Andre Raider it just comes down to sometimes it's been an L effort the Raiders effort today it's been bad like and if you're not going to show up and playing a game that let's face it is a very important preseason game that concerns me I am concerned based on the effort based on what I saw today Justin says can't wait for Falling in Reverse concert tomorrow night and Boise because this is embarrassing Nico says me watching AOC Gardner and Luke gety play call oh brother these guys stink you know and obviously like you would hope to see like in that one drive where Aiden throws the ball to Wilkerson and it goes through his hands you know what I mean like I'd like to be able to see that drive go through a little bit more and you can't put that on Aiden you can't put that on Aiden but at the same time it's just been it's a frustrating day today all right let let's get these boots going and then we'll answer some more questions and then we got to do our Duck Race we got a duck race to do now do we do the duck race you want to do a a big duck race at the end of the game you you guys down for a big duck race at the end of the game or you want one at halftime big pot two pots type B for big pot or type two for TTS you guys let me know I love Tupac uh hey sometimes Tupac are the best one man tacx are the best one uh I will say if you want to get in for a 50-50 raffle it is a $20 venmo which as it stands right now it's honestly winter would go home with 360 bucks what um I I'm seeing people say two two pots two pots all right chugs and I are going to do a boot race here after that boot race it's going to be duck race time for a chance to win some money so chug can you put up the venmo or you want to go are you going to do it over there yeah all right Chu's goingon to do his boot from over there I got my boot right here this is going to hit me you know a little bit I'm not going to lie to y'all I'm hurting right now um I got a boot race with Jeremy chugs and I 5050 raffle 20 to get in right now here's your final chance to get in during halftime 20 right now would get you $360 here on the show all right you ready oh man I don't know if I'm ever going to be ready for this uh Ira Jackson cheers to you abin cheers to you Raider Ron cheers to you man you ready you little rat there we go I got I got P immediately ABS absolutely just as soon as he took it last chance to get in on the duck race I see Raider gain says remember what I said Brady gonna lace him up for one season then he will Lobby Mark to pass the TS to Sanders I don't know David Gentry says what do you think of Antonio Pierce will be like uh we need a quarterback this ain't it I mean he's probably upset right now he's probably pissed off in the locker room because that was not a good performance All Around by this Raiders team and I mean from being at open practice on Wednesday there was a lot of hype there was a lot of you know good momentum Good Feeling from this squad they're not at it right now not good Nico last Tyreek Wilson when he has the QB dead to wrs in the Back Field oh my God Frank should we go after Dak and Mitch where did you get that hat with the r on it U he'll be able to tell you about that when he gets back Dak it won't be till next off season if you do get it they're not going to trade him you'll have to get him in free agency if he doesn't resign with the Cowboys next off season Zion's World rather see Mitch and chugs play QB than Uncle Rico uh yeah that's rough that's rough it I mean not going to mince words it wasn't a good half wasn't a good half for this team I mean I think most people when we asked this question said f said D they said it was not a good half by those Raiders uh defense and offense and It's upsetting because the Raiders I mean going to open practice on Wednesday there was just so much good vibes and like feeling of like hope around this team and it's just this hasn't been it this half has not been it the Cowboys are playing all their backups and yet they're winning by a touchdown so I mean if you think about it if the Cowboys starters were playing if Dak was playing if starting defense was playing what would this team look like because the Raiders were playing their starters I mean Sans Max Crosby and Colton Miller besides that I don't think any other starters were out today besides Colton Miller Jack okay Jackson po Johnson Colton Miller and Devonte Adams those are the only ones that I know of right now that that's what I said yeah besides Jackson Powers Johnson Colton Miller and Devonte Adams I think all the other starters we in h no like again like there were certain starters that played now obvious they're not they're obviously they're obviously not in the entire game I think all chugs is trying to say here though is like if you're going to play some of your starters against a team that's not going to play any of their starters that tells me one team is trying to see something the other team is just saying let's get through this game without any injuries and my concern with that is is like this was a very important game and again it's not all the starters it's not everything but this was a extremely important game to be able to figure out who our starting quarterback was going to be and that's how we showed up that's more like that's the more concerning thing to me this was a very and very very it still is an important game and quite frankly like if I'm Antonio Pierce you're going to come away from this game like to me Aiden's almost got to play that third quarter and I know it's probably not going to happen it's a crazy thing to say but are you telling me right now as a head coach with Antonio Pierce he's going to be able to look at his entire team is entire staff okay in a day where he goes all right I'm ready to make a decision on who our starting quarterback is going to be like today I don't feel like Aiden won the job I don't feel like Gardner nobody won the job today I'm just frustrated cuz it needed to be better man will will you send me the names it needed to be better yep I got you I'm going to send you all the names right now is it would you rather have these guys Gardner and AOC or Dak at 65 mil holy oh man I mean I don't even know if Dak right now is going to make that much of a difference because I mean here's the one here and here's like the like uh part of it I that one drive by Aiden that ball went through wilkerson's hand Wilkerson needs to catch that are we having a totally different conversation if Wilkerson comes down with that one maybe I don't know but like you got to be able to make a play there gotta gotta be able to make a play all right we're going to do a duck race 36 people are in if you just sent one in I'm sorry I didn't see it I'll refresh it and I'll put you in the next one winner of this race is going to go home with $360 Carlson's going to kick this one away it's going to be returned out of the end zone at the basically like one yard back flag comes out I don't know if it's going to be holding Raiders say they have the ball ERS say they got the football but there is a flag down I I'm not quite sure what it is again winners going to get $360 here on this one oh man who's got it right now GS gos got a little bit of a lead right now gos has got a little bit of a lead right now 18 seconds to go Chad choplin come on Chad Rustin long or should I say la excuse me you might see some names misspelled if you do that's on me Lance drops back that touchdown throw against Jack Jones was brutal man Charles G with a big big win there by Charles G oh my Lord Trey Lance just threw one right into the lap of to Camry and Richardson and Richardson didn't have his head turned around all right for our next Duck Race here on on today's show I got Shan Morgan is in Jose Cas you in I see Adrian rod in Kevin M you in Buck Kirk in Monica what's up Monica in Paul Brewer in and then La crash dog in right now $20 VMO you'd go home with $80 here on the Raiders report you know what chugs I'm going to add I'm going to add some money this pot you guys want to add some money this pot make it a little interesting I'm gonna put 100 bucks in I'm gonna put a 100 bucks into this pot here Tyrie Wilson still playing jakorian Bennett still playing I mean Bennett just gave up a slant there so right now $20 venmo you'd go home with $190 here on the show Lance oh my goodness almost a pick six I thought he was going to have it that Jaden Jaden Grant jumped the route luckily I mean Lance just missed his guy I think if Lance throws that ball on target that's close if Lance throws that ball on target it's it's close man come on Raiders come on second down and 10 there's I'll tell you what there's still a lot of guys playing in this game it's a handoff up the middle and he's taken down by Masterson in company maybe a little bit of jius Robinson Matthew Butler I mean Tyree Wilson should play he's not been good I mean I hate I hate to break it to you he has not been good I'll tell you this right now there is a not a 0% chance that Tyrie Wilson is traded after this game there's not I mean he's got a lot of sources down here in Tech down in Dallas but if I'm Dallas do I want to trade for him I don't know third down and six Lance it's a pitch that's a good play there by Charles Snowden that's a hell of a play there by Charles Snowden oh man it's going to be fourth down now the Cowboys going to have to punt this one away I I'm curious would you put Aiden lonnell back in the game why for yes and for no honest question I don't know would you put him back in why for yes and for no and Aiden lonnell is coming back in the game Aiden's back in the game it's the third quarter I mean I'm glad he should dude I want to see more at him if if I'm Antonio Pierce and I'm gonna put DJ Turner is going to receive this one at the 30 breaks a tackle gets up to the 40 breaks another tackle face mask I don't know if he's going to get it I don't know if it's going to come out Tucker doesn't seem like he's upset all right we're good I thought he I thought he got hit with the face mask there but like the plan originally was Gardner to play the first quarter second quarter was going to be Aid and Gardner played into that second quarter I think it's only fair that you give Aiden this drive here you got to give Aiden this drive here and if you're Aiden lonnell you're looking at your entire team and you know in the back of your mind if Aiden scores a touchdown here it is a lock which is a crazy thing to say in the third quarter of a preseason game but man oh man got to get something Brian and if Antonio is any sort of an alpha he absolutely needs to cut Tyreek Wilson the guy is complete bust I don't think that being an alpha I think that's being a an idiot quite frankly there's a team out there that would trade for Tyrie Wilson like I'm I'm telling you right now there's a team that would be interested in t trading for Tyreek Wilson cutting him it only loses you money so why would you do it like that would be like me telling you right now to I don't know take $500 out of your bank account and just throw it away because you're trying to be an alpha maybe a bad example to make I just they're not gonna cut Tyree Wilson I I didn't like the way my steak is cooked so I'm gonna be an alpha and make myself throw up you know like it's here's real talk if Antonio Pierce is as an alpha as what it's being portrayed you make Devonte Adams play I'm not saying that he should have done it I I don't think that that there's anything I'm not in that room I'm not in that conversation with ap and Devonte but if AP is going to be a guy that's going to stay true to his word and he's going to say hey if you're healthy you're playing in the preseason you know and if Max Crosby's out there he played in the second quarter today like if I'm a if I'm a player I would have a bigger issue the fact of I'm like why is Max out there in the second quarter and Devonte is healthy and he's not playing like to me like that's something that's a little bit strange to me speaking of saving money rocket LV Raiders that's rocket LV Raiders I don't know about y'all but sometimes when I'm upset I am an angry spender I'm not going to lie I am an angry spender at times and hopefully I don't do anything Reckless tonight and hopefully rocket money is here to help me out rocket Money Stop wasting money on things that you don't use cancel your own one of subscriptions by going to Rocket LV Raiders that's rocket LV Raiders that link is going to be available to y' all down in the comments down in the description of today's show stay on top of your upcoming bill stay on top of your subscriptions I bet you that you don't even know how many subscriptions you actually have here we go Raiders offense back out on the field it's a o Connell is zamir white in the game zamir white still in the game that might hurt my sincere McCormack more and it's just there's no blocking up the middle zamir has to break a tackle to pick up two or three yards DJ glaz in at right tackle Dylan PM still in the game by the way Dy I if I I bet a said if that's how you guys are going to play you're going to keep playing Dylan porm is still in the game they mord's in at left tackle Jordan Meredith in at left guard Ben Brown in at center right tack I mean Right Guard is Dylan PM y'all Jaylen G's gonna go Motion Adel o Connell and zamir white at shotgun in the third quarter of a preseason game Cowboys showing Blitz Aiden drops back Raiders bring a blitz quick throw DJ Turner caught that's going to be a gain of about five yards really good job there by Aiden that was a heavy heavy Blitz not a lot of blocking there had to get rid of the ball quickly and now it's going to be third down and what three third down and three do you run or do you pass the answer is pass pass Pass and Pass the football some more Chef I know I got to put your jersey on I'm going to put your jersey on after this drive and then Chef you're Jersey is going to be on when I make all my other videos tonight just so you know what do you do run or pass let me know down below also the MVP of today's show I just had somebody asked me is Ira Jackson he's got six bangs adon's at five Raider Ron also at five third down to three Aiden PP fakes that's a first down that's a hell of a catch there by Harrison Bryant I mean that's a hell of a catch there by Harrison Bryant and yes you're right good to see that he's healthy first down down and 10 I don't know what this NFL Network's doing here CBS they're struggling first down to 10 ball to 47 come on yeah they're off today man that's they have no idea first down Raiders and they're like it's fourth down and seven it's not Jersey Boy treade Tyree to the Cowboys for picks replace him with reik h i mean what I would say right now you'd get a fifth round pick for Tyrie Wilson you'd eat money and you'd get a fifth round pick for him yeah you're giving up at least a third for Hassan reic I will say if there is a team that's going to trade for Tyrie Wilson you're watching them tonight I'm I Pro if Tyrie Wilson is traded you're watching them tonight I got to see more out of them though man got to got to see more out of him come on Raiders give me a touchdown here give me a touchdown here first down to 10 10 minutes and 49 seconds to go Aiden is under Center Raiders still got some of their starters in this game which is mind-blowing to me wilkerson's going to go in motion here Aiden fake hand off to zamir Aiden looking three seconds clean Pockets got to check it down to DJ Turner Turner makes a guy Miss makes another guy Miss makes another guy Miss first down DJ Turner great freaking job there by Turner man he made three guys miss picks up a first down there for the Raiders you can tell though that they're trying to push the ball down the field I just don't think anybody's getting open I mean Aiden went through his read progression there which is what you want to see him do he went to his first read to his second read to his third read pressure then happened after about three and a half seconds had to check it down Turner picks up 14 yards and a first down Francisco aoc's got no time to throw maybe three and a half seconds to throw there in the NFL if you get three seconds that's plenty of time Aiden handoff to zamir white and White's going to get two yards G to get about two yards they're going to give him three second down and seven I think what's going to kill me is the uh sincere mccor mcore I if you would have told me zamir White's playing in the third quarter of this game I mean if anything this just goes to show you how much of a committee this is going to be zamir Alexander and Dyan lby have all played in this game and Amir Abdullah zamir white is still in the game in the third quarter Aiden shotgun three to the left gon by himself to the right it's going to be a handoff up the middle to Alexander Madison this time and he's going to get what three again third down well they're going to get him five third down and two do you run or do you pass do you run or do do you pass you let me know you let me know all right in terms of the people getting in this duck race we got a few more in third down and two Aiden I just you got to go for it you got to go for it what was that Aiden I mean what was that you got to go for it you got to go for it if you bring out your field goal unit I'm going to lose my mind you have your you have your starting running back in the game of a third quarter you got to go for it they're going for it ball here at the 25 Aiden oconnell shotgun you got two to the left wilkerson's going to go in motion Alexander Madison's the running back on his left hip Aiden quick throw caught first down Raiders DJ Turner DJ Turner showed up to play at least at least DJ Turner showed up we are in the rocket money Red Zone remember go to Rocket LV Raiders that's rocket LV Raiders oh optimize your finances keep control of your subscriptions if you're losing your mind like me the last thing I need to worry about is losing money rocket LV Raiders Aiden going to send the Titan end motion schnecker he's now lined up at fullback which he did at Auburn handoff Al Alexander Madison he's going to get three four yards and they're still pushing but for how difficult this is for the Raiders to score against second third stringers man it's it's a little bit concerning I mean today today's two MVPs in my book and I mean this are Trey Tucker and DJ Turner which they were my top two biggest winners last week as well biggest losers right now I'd say Raider fans having to watch this second down at six almost looks like the same play schneer again is going to line up here at fullback Aiden's under Center and they're going to go with another handoff here this time to Dylan lby nowhere there's no blocking man this off this offensive line is just getting worked for a team that's supposed to be winning in the trenches there's not a lot of winning going on in the trenches not a lot of winning going on in the trenches right now man Charles G you were the last one to get in for the duck race that I see um I see Jarrett Watson I I'll I'll give all the names here in a second third down and five Aiden shotgun lb's on his right hip DJ Turner and Harris Bryan to the right on the left is Wilkerson and gon throws caught dude I don't know if this is a first down he's looking for DJ Turner he might just be short they're going to say it's a first down they're going to first down to goal might want to hurry up though that's close might want to hurry up here a little bit DJ Turner showing up today DJ Turner showing up today I it's a t that's a tough throw there by Aiden that's a perfect throw by Aiden handoff D lby makes the guy Miss gets up to about the five yard line gets about three yards it's going to be second down and goal good job by the Raiders get that one off quick I I'll tell you this right now who whoever is working this game again here it's horrific they have no idea what's going on I know they have no idea they like Jeremy said first down and eight come on second down and goal ball here at the five hell of a drive here aen under Center fake handoff looking throws quick caught touchdown Raiders Harrison Bryant touchdown Aiden o conell will start week one against the Chargers Buck it Buck it it's over the the quarterback conversation is over we're done with it AP is going to pull all the starters I'm telling you right now I'll tell you this though that's a hell of a block there by Dylan lby at least put his head down Harrison Bryant touchdown it's over somewhere de MO is like deok is rock hard right now de MO is rockard right now and they're going to go for two good I like it they're going to go for two pistol formation it's Aiden gon and Turner on the right Wilkerson on the left they're going to send Turner in motion fake hand off to lby lot of pressure Aiden just got to throw this one away and almost picked the offensive line I mean the Raiders o line I mean let's be honest here guys what the are they doing what are they doing man what are they doing what are they doing I mean it's Aiden Aid Aiden's the offensive line Jonathan Martinez needs a lot of work needs a lot of work all right chugs how many Subs you think we can get up to you think we get to 172 today you think that's possible we got 3,200 people I think we can get to 172 today if we get to 172,000 subscribers today I'll try to my pants no I'm just kidding that's not going to happen you actually think right now you as an adult you think you could your pants I actually don't know if I could honest question I mean it's an honest question do you think you can your pants you you could if you needed to go I'm saying right now if we hit 172,000 subscribers right now and it's it's like you got to do it in the next 60 seconds I couldn't right now I have a hemorrhoid before I'd my pants honestly I would throw up from the I would throw up before I'd my pants honest question if I if I said right now anybody watching the show right now if I gave you a 100 bucks to your pants in the next 60 seconds could you do it that wouldn't be fair cuz Taco Bell that's kind of like peeds right for for for this situation bro that that's like saying oh you're like the Barry Bonds like you use Taco Bell yeah your wife looks at you right now movie 43 and she goes will you poop on me I don't think I could if Alex looked at me dead in the eyes if if if you've never seen movie 43 you need to watch it but you know what sometimes this thing you're talking about pooping and sometimes this is a show this is why you subscribe this is why you subscribe if your wife ever looks at you your girlfriend your significant other and she goes will you poop on me you don't on her that's something you do on somebody that's terrible you poop on your wife that's that's a gift that you give you got to see it IR jackon [Applause] by come on Ira Ira Jackson said I'm the MVP seventh bang of the day Ira since you're the MVP right now Alfredo said bro I'm eating dinner right now with a name like Alfredo you already know what he's eating you already know what he's eating Alfredo it's all love man deep and they're Tom said they're gonna return Tom said they're going to return every kick and they are oh that was a hard tackle you got like body slam the you know what Ira every time you bang tonight right now since you're the MVP whoever is the MVP of this show tonight if you bang I'm doing a beer bong before you forget because I know you're a little toasty I'm gonna go ahead and call this play after you do this beer bong I'll let you change into the IR jack bye come on Ira come on Ira pre-season football first and 10 run oh wow first and 10 run by Kelvin Harmon the wide receiver gain of seven on the play it's going to be second and three at the Dallas 26 yard line 55 15 remaining oh at least I have off tomorrow it's going to be a hand off up the middle to dece vaugh he bounces it outside cut in he's SL there's a lot of flags out though lot of flags out you gota I mean he's a slippery guy IRA is extending this lead this game is showing Gardner is not able to work as easy in the system holding on the Cowboys oh before before you forget what change into the chef Jersey real quick oh y you're right second and three no second and 13 see they're messing up again dud they're terrible second and 13 it's not second and three second and 13 at the Dallas 16 yard line all right Trey Lance and shotgun two receivers on the bottom of the screen Tre Lance takes the snap hand off to dece vaugh he gets a little hole in the middle had a random first down marker in there too it's going to be a game a seven third down I got to take my hat off I'm sweating right now I've been growing out my hair don't judge me I got hat hair really bad deal with it deal with it I got a haircut today though nice third down and set well just had had to even it out third down and seven come on defense Lance looking throws was caught no incomplete got to be fourth down get the offense back out there I I would imagine it's going to be Nathan Peterman I would imagine there's no way that's another one Oho Jack [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ira [Laughter] Jack come on Ira fire me up one time Amir Abdula going to return this punt G to get out to about the 35 yard line David Gentry I'll take this he said one more touchdown $500 for two beer bongs I'll take that oh all right David drer you sending in $500 if we score I'm in let me know I'm in who's with David who thinks is going to be a touchdown on this drive are we gonna see uh AOC on this drive I'm gonna be too drunk to taste this chicken will we see AOC on this drive I mean I think at this point you put in Peterman Aiden's the starter like let's just be honest Aiden's the starter right right Aiden's the starting quarterback why for yes and for no he's the starting quarterback like there's no way after what you saw today if AP is going to stay true to his word now he didn't stay true to his word with Devonte but if he stays true to his word that he's going to pick a starting QB after this game there is nothing and I mean nothing that can tell you possibly that you're gonna go with Gardner mchu over Aiden noan it's Aiden Aiden's goingon to be your week one starter it's always been you Aiden it's always dude that's like part of my wedding song not the part oh it's always been you Aiden if you look up the song it's always been you that's that's my wedding song true stuff dude I'll tell you what though you singing that might be my wedding song um I might I might be cheaper than whoever Alex wants to hire I can guarantee you you're cheaper you don't know my rates no you're right $20 vinmo to get in we're having another 5050 at the end of today's program so if you want to get in on that we already gave what was it 370 320 Charles G won 360 bucks earlier Jarrett Watson in and your names are not going to be spelled right I'm just going to tell you that right now Shawn Morgan in I see Jason Gos in Daniel Bren in and then I got Adam Madrid are in right now for the duck race but you know what since the nation is out here wilding out man David Gentry just doubled down what' he say he said said one more touchdown $500 two beer P dude that's a and you're part of the gong gang um chugs how about this how about I need some people to show some love here to Ira Jackson we uh we we're giving away at Charles Woodson jersey today not signed by Woodson but it's Woodson signed a piece of paper it's laser engraved into the Jersey I will say this if you put it like in your hot like your man cave dude Aiden's still in the football game Aiden's still in the game DJ glaze good job there blocking throw broken tackle there by mird and he's making a guy Miss first down Raiders I'll tell you this I think AP is really setting a message here Dylan bm's still in the game you know what I mean like there's a lot of starters still in this football game where Aiden was I mean AP had to be displeased from what he saw dude what I was going to say though is Spam irra Jackson I'm going to give away five entries for a chance to win a Charles Woodson jersey how about that five entry shout out to Ira Jackson for being an MVP today I don't think anybody's catching the IRA Ira's banged 10 times today 10 bangs good luck trying to beat that good luck first down of 10 it's aan oconnell shotgun you got aird on your right hip two to the left one to the right pitch oh my God that ball was that ball was close to being an interception and a fumble that was close to being a pick and a fumble ah man I just I I don't know why he's still in this game I mean like let's be honest here like if if you're Antonio pierce the only reason why you're putting aan o conell out here is if you still feel like that you you have a decision to make it was Aiden's job to lose was it not all right urza Alvarado Jeremy Cole Josh a wolf I'm not Aaron second and 13 pump fake Aiden throws down the field looking ramble Keaton wants pi and I think he's going to get it I think he's going to get it ramble as soon as that ball thrown was thrown he was like looking around like hey is anybody going to call anything pass interferance automatic first down can I get a first down Raiders come on man so ramble Keaton had oneon-one yeah I mean that's I mean that's clear as day clear oh might have been a little bit of incidental contact there I'd want that call though I would want that call deberry's not happy and I don't blame DeBerry Javier Villa fan you know what his wife's name is Charles G said you know Mitch I want to win again Zapata Y in it's going to be a throw to Jayla G can we get North and South a little bit here get out of the way of the guys don't get don't get mad at Jaylen Jaylen that's your guy I mean guys Aiden's still in the game and it's the third quarter my sincere mccormic that's gonna kill me I'm gonna get four out of five I'm gonna get four out of five PM's still in the game at Right Guard bro I mean DJ gays at right tackle dyl pm at Right Guard Center is Ben Brown left guard is uh Jordan Meredith and then left tackle is stay mford like we got two offensive lineman starters three out of our top six are in you know like this is handoff Amir Abdullah our starting quarterback still in the game in the third quarter about to be the fourth quarter of a preseason game schneer is pushing them good have back up your guy a little bit here let's play with some heart it's been a better second half but again you're go you're some of your starters are in this game against the backup stle said play all the starters Anthony Lopez said um because AOC is still in the game I feel like he's not the starter I feel like this is AP just trying to send still make AOC a captain who whoever's your starting quarterback is the captain Aiden looks left throws Jaylen gon caught first down Raiders third down and five good good throw there by Aiden good route there by J wow what a play that dude's incredible that dude is [Music] fantastic first down and 10 there it's a big one for the Raiders lock he's a lock for what make the roster you think jaylen's a lock to make the roster is Jaylen gon gonna make the roster give me a y for yes and for no 30 seconds to go here Bal to 30 Aiden shotgun you got two to the left you got three to the right empty backfield set Aiden calls hike drops back looking left now he goes right now he's scrambling he's all the way back near the 40 Aiden still looking just throw it out of bounds there's a flag down is either going to be holding on the Raiders or the Cowboys no holding on the Raiders oh no who was it on it's going to be on PM Dylan PM gets called for the ho Dylan porm gets called for the hold got to see it again again I mean Aiden I mean PM's getting worked here dude by backup I don't see the hold I'll be honest he got pushed back a little bit that's not a hold I'm going to tell youall right now that's not a hold he's ref suck that that's not a hold first down and 20 Aiden's going to send a a tight end in motion Aiden under Center handoff lby L's got a quickly sealed up I thought he had a little bit of a running Lane not going to get it that's going to do it for the third quarter you let Aiden finish this drive no you let Aiden finish this drive Mike I think actually right now my problem is though if you're Antonio Pierce and you're leaving some of these starters out in the game like this is just me like me being like if I'm a teammate of the Raiders right now like if I'm on the Raiders right now I'm going why am I playing an entire preseason game but Devonte Adams doesn't have to play a snap like that's something that goes through my mind is it not like if Aiden's not the starter why why is Aiden still in the game why is Dylan parm still on the game I mean AD it to be is the starting QB Jim says he's Devonte if Max Crosby can play an entire quarter of a preseason game Devonte is no doubt one of the best receivers in the NFL I think he's top three no doubt but if Max Crosby can give me an entire quarter why can't Devonte give me a play just an honest conversation like why like why are some of these guys that we anticipate are going to start have to play an entire pre-season game Devonte doesn't have to go out there for a snap I'm just saying like you got to you got to keep the main thing the main you got to be just I don't even want to use the word fair but as a head coach somebody that's going to preach about keeping everybody on the same level like I I don't understand that thought process I don't understand the thought process he's not hurt though out of me I thought he left I thought everyone left yeah I looked up dead plan bro how is Aiden the starter how is he not the starter he was the qb1 entering today's game Ty go to aen lonnell what did Gardner muu show you today that's going to go that guy's the starting quarterback of this team I mean if it's up to me and maybe this is a very unpopular opinion I said it back in the video I made on July 15th I go if you get done with the second preseason game and it's still a eh you you play them in the third preseason game like and the fact that they're still even in this game maybe that they're going to do that but I mean there has been nothing today where I'm like that guy deserves to be our starting quarterback Aiden didn't win the job today he didn't win the job he just didn't lose the job and that's not what I wanted I wanted someone I wanted to come from away from today's game going Aiden won the QB job or Gardner won the QB job it's almost like all right we'll just give it to Aiden because Gardner didn't play well Aiden's still in the game here we're in the fourth quarter of a pre-season game and aan lonnell is still in the football game you know I me like come on man we gotta you got to make it make it make it make sense a little bit here AP Aiden shotgun L's going to go in motion Aiden drops back he's looking he throws oh my God he's picked this going to be a pick six Aiden might just this a pick six Aiden just threw a pick six Aiden lonnell pick six I'll tell you I mean you gotta I mean he telegraphed that I'll tell you this right now Aden oconnell gota play next week against the ners they got to play against the ners you got to play him against the Niners I mean legitimately if Antonio Pierce takes Aden lonnell out of this game he's your starting quarterback week one after that throw I don't know if he can be that is a horrific throw Telegraph the entire way pick six Dallas Cowboys I mean that's a horrific throw what is he doing I mean they both have to play there is there is no way and I mean there's no way you can decide a starting quarterback after this game there's no way AP can pick a QB after this game I mean what a horrific horrific throw holy I don't use the FW on this show but man oh man am I close I'm close I I'm pissed dude like legitimately I'm really upset right now this is the effort that you guys are going to show today who's the starting quarterback of the Raiders who I mean who's the starting QB of the Raiders who is it I don't know I have no idea I I mean well I I I actually think if you if you take Aiden out of that third quarter he's your weak one starter bro I don't know man I don't I don't know who the qb1 is I have no idea who is the Raiders qb1 Aiden oconnell or Gardner muu I I don't have the answer for you I just I I can't even I can't wrap my mind but here here's the other problem though like and for all the Raider fans out there going oh it's menchu's job now because Aiden threw a pick six you want real talk muu should have threw a pick six2 on that first drive the very first drive of the game he telegraphed a read the entire time linebacker was a h half step late I think if that's a starting linebacker in the NFL it's a pick 62 it's not a surprise the Raiders quarterback play will be the Achilles heal to this team the entire season and it's been disgraceful quarterback play oh man that's a good return here flag though flag's gonna come out it's probably G to back that up Francisco do I miss Derek Carr yet you on my honest answer to that no I don't nine years zero playoff wins I don't miss Derek Carr no Raider fan should Miss Derek Carr what you should Miss is the opportunity this off seon to get a better QB maybe it would have been Kurt Cousins could have paid up a little of extra money for him maybe it could have been figuring out a way to trade up and I know we tried to trade up for jayen Daniels it didn't work out but your problem right now is you're going into a year where you had a good team you have a good team but you have aan lonell Garner Mitch which I don't know for either top 32 quarterbacks in the NFL DC before he got hurt was an MVP caliber quarterback and it's a shame that Derrick ever got hurt real talk man he was one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL but if you're a Raider F and you can't look me dead in the eyes and say that Derek was a different guy after that injury from 2017 on then I can't talk to you Bal to 20 and it's Carter Bradley and sincere McCormack's in the game I think I'm going to hit mine now I'm gonna hit my more or less on prize picks if Carter Bradley's in I mean all they're going to do is run the football if you're a iio Pierce though you cannot you cannot name a starter you can't name a starter AP if AP names Adan o Connell a starter after that's his last throw then this was never even a competition to begin with if if AP looks at me and goes Gardner muu is the starter then this was never a competition to begin with you can't name a starting quarterback after this game you can't dude you can't there's no way you can name a starting QB well Carter Bradley attempt to pass right now Carter Bradley has called hike 10 times in the preseason all 10 times have been run Carter Bradley's throwing it throws Tyreek mallister dude I am just so angry you can't name a starting QB I'll tell you this right now if I'm the Raiders I call the Atlanta Falcons I call the Falcons and I go what do you want for kurk cousins not going to not giving up my first round pick but man that's bad today today's bad bad bad bad bad shotgun here Carter Bradley probably going to be hand off to sincere no Carter Bradley's going to drop back he's going to Sling It sincere G to get about three what probably about three yards away from the first game five maybe six they'll want a first round pick from Paul Paul you're probably not wrong see they like Michael pennx though they they didn't play him at all in the second preseason game no nope third down and three Carter Bradley you know what the bad news is I gotta pay for dinner with Alex Carter Bradley is gon to save me oh that's a hospital Ball but it's caught by raml Keaton I'll tell you what right now that's a hell of a catch there by raml Keon that is a hell of a that is a hell of a catch there by raml ke he got his head taken off able to bring that one in big time did he catch it yeah he caught that football that's a first down I need to run here with some sir McCormick but I don't think it's GNA happen the lone stranger I don't know if I need any alcohol right now quite frankly I appreciate you looking out for him though Carter Bradley bombs one down the Fairway oh my God he dropped it ramble ramble catches the last one which was unbelievably difficult and then it's a beautiful throw by Carter Bradley and ramble just drops it oh ramble ramble come on man what what happened jayen McKenzie first down and 20 coming up here 12 minutes and 17 seconds to go I'm just I'm defeat I wanted to come away from today's game feeling confident about our quarterback situation and I actually don't know if you could come away from this sit situation feeling any worse like let's be real I don't know if you come away from today's game feeling any worse first down to 20 Carter Bradley slings it from the hip and I'm going to lose my priz picks Rob of Sin City you're not wrong but like let's be real here how how are you not upset about today's game and anybody out there oh it's just preseason guys Gardner and Aiden went up against and our offense we had some starters out there we went up against second and third string guys and we were losing 20 to 12 that I mean it Aiden was bad Gardner not good Carter Bradley checks it down Britt Brown in the game now getting some work it's going to be third down and what five third down and five no none of them where's the last one we got to there's probably quite a bit uh reminder $20 venmo to get in our duck race tonight I'm sorry that we're you guys are dealing with this through me Joe mild you in Gilbert Moreno you're going to be in twice $20 venmo right now you would win $300 here on the show caught first down by the Raiders it's John Samuel or not John Samuel sneer uh Cole fham excuse me yeah he got hit pretty hard here I mean Bradley kind of left them out the H yeah in live action I thought it was a lot more Bradley rips that one in there do you trade for Justin field I mean Fields hasn't looked good either though and I mean again why would you trade for Fields when you already know what that song and dance looks like you had a chance the problem is the Raiders thought that they'd be good enough with Gardner and Aiden and I just I just get frustrated because I just don't know how in today's day and age in the NFL you look at both of those quarterbacks and you go that's my guy and Tesco has the money to spend like I'm not going to put that on AP ap's job is to build the defense ap's doing what he needs to be able to do and I get the defense do look great today either but if Tesco's got all that money to spend go out and spend it go out and get yourself a freaking quarterback problem is you don't have any QBs now like now it's too late handoff Britton Brown oh it's Britton Brown it's not sincere McCormick it's not going to be a tankier you can't be AP and tank like if you're an interm head coach and you get a first year and they tank you're not going to have a job the next year like anybody saying oh tank you're not tanking if you're Antonio Pierce you're not tanking or else you're not having a job also he has his starters in in the third quarter that's not somebody who's willing to tank this year correct I could not agree with you more chugs if you're someone fourth quarter he had Dill with pum not not fourth yeah briefly in the fourth quarter of a preseason game get some of your starters in that's not somebody who's tanking Bradley looks throws down the field was looking for Tyreek mallister and it's going to fall incomplete I don't know what to do man he was looking for Tyreek mallister Tyreek no Jesus Christ Colin Kaepernick's not good enough to play the XFL Davis Mills would be an interesting option I mean if you're the Raiders you do have I mean I'm not going to lie you have to consider about adding another quarterback today was bad guys not saying you do it you have to at least have the conversation Bradley's going to call timeout here third down and five nope not going to get a timeout it's going to be a delay of game Bill maybe they're playing posum I hope they're I hope they're playing posum because they're not playing a football game today I'll tell you that they're not playing a football game today I'll tell you that I'll tell you this right now my overreaction show you're not going to want to miss that tomorrow instant reaction after this you're not going to want to miss that I I'm G to have some Choice words today ball to 45 Gardner Gardner Carter Bradley drops back he's looking tipped at the line of scrimmage and it falls incomplete what up Nico Josh McDaniel set this franchise back multiple year selecting Tyrie not letting zler get Stroud signing Jimmy all bad man if you didn't know that Josh McDaniels was going to be a horrific hire you didn't watch this show tank trade for Dak or someone please for the love of God if you're the Cowboys you're not going to you're not going to give up Dak or you want to give up honestly if the Cowboys right now traded you Dak press Scott if I'm Dallas I'm asking for three first round picks Tyrie Wilson and then you got to pay Dax $65 million are you GNA do that because to me if if you weren't willing to trade all that for Jaden Daniels then why are you going to do that for Dak like again dak's better than Jaden right now but you didn't have to pay Jaden all that money like if you were willing to give up three first round picks and a guy like Tyreek Wilson I actually think that you could have figured out a way to get a trade done but that's what it's going to cost to get that should have taken a first round tackle mford and glaze terrible no push I mean no disrespect to you I think this is a I don't think it's a great take I mean there was tackles and I get it toi fanga was definitely somebody you could have taken but like we're also hoping that colt Miller can be healthy like Colt Miller needs to be able to get out there and get healthy on the right side you're hoping that theer and DJ can be able to split that one rep I I think DJ glaz has done a good job this off season legitimately do and I think they is a very underrated offensive tackle in the NFL but I right now the the issue right now is quarterback man that's the issue draft jador Sanders do you want Sanders to me I don't think Sanders is that good of a prospect I have I got to see a little bit more out of him if I'm going to the the two QBs that I'm the most intrigued by this year honestly God cam Ward Jaylen milro I want to see kayin I want to see both those guys those are going to be the two that I watch more than anyone now we see why the odd makers have was at 6 and a half games so frustrating hoping getsy has better ideas for these guys in the actual season I mean gsy wasn't good today but neither was the entire offense and based off today what we look like we better hope we win six and a half games if we play the way that we did today we're going to have the number one overall pick in the 2025 NFL draft like let's be honest that's how bad the Raiders were today ah prize picks I love prize picks but today has been a frustrating day I need sincere mccor to get a few more rushing yards here go to Price clns I love using priz picks we use them all the time here at chat sports you can now win up to 100 times your money on price picks with a little as four correct picks you can turn $10 into a th000 Raider Nation head to CNS use code clns for our first time deposit match up to $100 prize pick is America's number one daily fantasy Sports with over 5 million active members prize pick is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize pick it's just you against the numbers PRI picks available in 30 States across the country including California Texas and Georgia prize picks here are my picks today I need sincer mccor to get over 15 and a half rushing yards I hit the a in one Trey Tucker Christian Wilkerson Gardner muu hit all those I just need sincer McCormick to get me a few more rushing yards Raiders bring a hell of a blitz here and it's thrown it's completed by Trey Lance and it's going to be a first down by Dallas yeah I mean that was that was pitch and catch the defender was playing way too soft Joseph get in who's that Turpin did you say that's actually hilarious uh Joseph you in man Joseph G in $20 venmo right now you go home with 310 bucks you'd go home with 310 chugs I got to take a leak I hate to be that guy right now I need to leak it up right now I need to be an LA leaker all right here we go first and 10 for oh no second and seven for the Cowboys all right come on let's get back to the game they're interviewing a Cowboys player on the side right now uh shotgun two receivers at the top one at the bottom for Trey Lance handoff um he's going to try to Bounce It Outside jumps over a tackler able to break a couple tackles gets first down yardage but there is a flag on the play Min you looked fine calm down I I didn't think you looked great he was okay he was okay what's up everybody in the chat what's up everybody let's go let's get some Vibes around can we we gonna stop here maybe score make this a game I know it's been bad let's get the Vibes going going uh let's see shotgun two receivers at the bottom of the screen one at the top Trey Lance takes a snap three-step drop looking looking nobody open scrambles to his left going to dump it down to the running back nice play right there by is that a Mari Gainer the udfa good good play there uhhuh holding on the offense penalty is going to be declined right there all right here we go just under eight minutes remaining 754 Tre Lance shotgun he's got trips right one receiver at the top of the screen running back on his left he's in the shotgun takes the snap three-step drop looking looking steps up in the pocket dumps it down to his running back who's going to break a tackle o gets close to first down yardage gets about 15 on that one it's going to be fourth and two and Cowboys are deep in their own territory so I think they're going to go ahead and Putt the ball here AP doesn't look pleased oh I bet he's not how can you be all right here we go fourth and two oh no they are GNA go for it three receivers at the bottom of the screen wow and they're going to hand it off and get the first down fourth and two in their own Terr Rory that's if you're the Raiders defense you got to have some pride here fourth and two in their own territory they just run the ball right up the middle first down easy yardage AP I don't know what what he's gonna say at practice this week or what he's gonna say after this game but man he is not happy first down and 10 handoff up the middle met in the back field broken two or three tackles and he's going to get slammed down by believe that's MJ devenshire second and 11 six minutes remaining in the quarter they're at their own 41 yd line Raiders showing a little bit of a Blitz two linebackers in each a gap up the middle it's going to be a play action pass Trey Lance floats it to his tight end and he's able to spin away from a tackle and get a first down holler Alec holler they're ticking away this clock first and 10 520 remaining in the game and they're gonna have to call a timeout this clock is at 5 4 yeah Cowboys call a timeout we asked you earlier who starts at quarterback after this game if you had to choose if you were in the room with ap right now what would you say to him if he's like who do we start who do we start I said I was gonna name a starter who do we start this is tough jacobe let's see AOC AOC Peterman Carter MCH muu bra I mean it's truly split we even have some people saying Carter Bradley jacobe Meyers Paul cowgirls for Lance I don't know I think they're gonna try to squeeze you a little bit if you want Lance and make you pay a little bit more for him maybe give up a third round pick they gave up a fourth round rounder for him and honestly I don't know if Lance helps you at all this year like if you're gonna make a move like that at this point in the season right before the year why make a move that gets you marginally better maybe maybe a slight bit better but I mean e maybe not you know like that move doesn't really do anything for you the only moves that I think really can make a difference is I don't know trading for like a kurk cousins or like a something insane but I don't see that happening either I think you're at where you're at and it's kind of it's kind of too late for that you know like I feel like I'm like with my mom on a road trip whenever I was a kid and she would tell me right before we left you need to use the restroom cuz once we're on the once we're on the road we're on the road and we're going if you don't use the restroom and you regret it later then we're not pulling over you're going to be out of luck and the Raiders didn't use the restroom before they hit the road and now they need to piss I mean that's literally what it is you had opportunities people said hey you need to address this the Raiders didn't go ahead and address it not maybe not to all their fault because they weren't able to trade up or they got out priced on a couple guys but everybody everybody in Raider Nation told them go get a quarterback and even the people saying AOC and Gardner right now are being like Oh I believe in those guys during the draft you'd be lying to me if you said you weren't wishing the Raiders traded up for Jaden DS I mean even the Raiders right like the Raiders were willing to trade up for Jaden they were unable to do it they signed Garder muu because of the they just wanted to make sure and now you're in a situation here where you're going to lose to the Dallas Cowboys and again it might not be that big of a deal because it's a preseason game but like at the same time when you actually go back and you think about this game and how Dallas didn't play any of their starters and how the Raiders played a lot of theirs if you're not legitimately concerned after this game you're lying to yourself like you're lying to yourself maybe you don't have the ability to have tough conversations with people maybe you just hide your emotions I'm not that type of person I can have those difficult conversations you're lying to yourself if you didn't watch today's game and you're not concerned a little bit I'm not saying that this is going to be every week but like no they're going to say it's incomplete yeah um we are you're lying yourself if you're not we are in the prize picks Red Zone make sure to go to head over to priz picks get that first deposit match up to $100 when you go to priz CNS or you download the app on your phone and use code clns they'll they're going to hook you up with that first deposit match up to $100 go play prize picks today pick more pick less it's that easy call RG3 just got fired you don't want RG3 you don't want Colin Kaepernick Taylor heiki does that make you better no second down and 10 hand off I mean there's no push here by the Raiders let's just I mean honestly if the Raiders offense goes back out there onto the field you just take a knee and you you just call this one a game Looney tun said I'm not worried you're telling me right now you're not worried based off of what you saw today from your team I I don't know man that's a that that that to me is a mindblowing statement Reggie said I don't give a about preseason do you give a about your football team I mean that's my question it's I know people don't make people don't care about the preseason because the starters aren't playing the Raiders starters played that's the problem Raiders you're saying it doesn't matter cuz it's the preseason and everybody says that because your starters aren't playing so it's like oh yeah I don't care about our backups playing Jim it's glorified practice I'm not worried wild I don't think you guys understand and you know maybe not everybody watched the entire game that's fine but there there's just no way you can watch today's game and not be like that was concerning it's concerning like it's concerning let's be real oh Eddie chicken I'm with you it's disappointing I just I wanted today to be better I expected a lot more in today's today's performance the Raiders look like a team that could have the number one overall pick I mean let's just be honest the Raiders look like a team today that could have the number one overall pick the Raiders played today like they could have the number one overall pick in the 2025 NFL draft I know I'm gonna get hate for that but it's just it's just the truth man it's just the truth and I hope somebody takes that bolted board material I hope AP shows the guys I hope somebody shows the guys and like hey that's what people are saying about you good use it I don't want to see this again today touchdown Cowboys they're going to rush it in Touchdown Dallas all right I'm done with this game I'm done this game sucks I'm done with this game I am pissed dude I'm just I expect so much more from this team like you know you you can't be the team that's going to talk all the talk that the Raiders did and again like I'm not saying that they're going out there and talking they're going to be Super Bowl teams but if you're going to talk about a team having heart and a team going out there and playing hard and that's the performance you show like that's like that's not what we saw today we saw a team that was unprepared had no heart and for a team that tried to win this game I mean they weren't even close today man we got whooped by backups from Guerrera I'm with you I did think the Raiders were going to score 27 bubbler I really did I thought that our offense today would do better against backups shame on me for thinking that shame on me for thinking that the Raiders would do better against Cowboys backups today flag was against Dallas touchdown still good the extra points up and it's good it's 27 to 12 for taunting yeah you're getting taunted in a preseason game on your home field taunted on your home field in a preseason game yeah here just use it now and now I can't see anything but at least as long as I can see it over there a little bit at least a little bit yeah we're good all right man Raiders are down 27 to 12 at least Alex is going to get to sleep tonight a little bit more I'm not going to go home hooting and hollering though it'll be more just about how I'm going right to bed when I get home man tomorrow's shows are going to be fiery they're going to be spicy I'm telling you that right now and Antonio Pierce he cannot there's no way on this Earth that you can name a starting quarterback after today's game you can't do it you can't do it I see a Super Chat coming in from Dan what's up Dan appreciate you tuning in it says after the game I have a pit in my stomach at basically every level I hope we get our fire back what what's crazy is and Dan I actually I I feel that Super Chat and I respect it and you know it's one of those things where it's like Raider fans care and we do man like this is when people say you know W to the Tomb Raider Nation till I die I mean it's just like people don't really I think understand how much this team means to like this fan base cuz we are a fan at the end of the day and you you just when you put your heart and soul into something and then like that product gets put out there on the field I'm allowed to be upset you're allowed to be upset every person that rocks the silver and black is allowed to be upset because like that's not the the game that you saw today was not a Raiders performance like and I'm somebody that does truly believe that you know just like real talk like anybody that rocks the American flag that's a privilege to me when you see an Olympian out there rocking the American flag that's a privilege when you go out there and you rocking the silver and black you're rocking the Elum you're you're you're rocking with the Raiders on the field that comes with a privilege you know what I mean like lot of things had to happen for you to get to that situation and when you see a performance like you do today tonight it's a frustrating thing because it comes with a privilege and you didn't take advantage of that privilege or you took it for granted and today was a bad game today was probably one of the worst preseason football games I have seen the Raiders play in a very long time now I'll admit this if you want to go glass half full um Raiders were basically undefeated with Josh McDaniels in the preseason so I don't know maybe there there's my glass half full motion who should start at QB for the Raiders there's no way you can make make that decision there's no way you can make the decision you can't say aan lonell you can't say Gardner minchu if I'm Antonio Pierce I go somebody's playing again in the third preseason game and if and if AP can make that decision on a QB there's just no way it can happen there's no way it can happen man there's no way dude and again I'm not I'm not surprised that the quarterbacks didn't play well today but it's not only on the QBs it's from top to bottom you did not come up and you were not prepared Raiders had multiple opportunities to score early in this game and you couldn't do it with Aiden the Gardner Luke gety was not good in the Red Zone your offensive line didn't play well again today your starting defense and or majority of your starting defense got beat today against a backup Cowboys team I mean if if you're not hitting the panic button a little bit on today's game then I I just actually don't think that you watched and if you're somebody oh it's just a preseason even in a just a preseason game that's a worrisome game man H just so all y'all know as soon as Today's Show ends I am going to do a instant reaction video which you're not going to want to miss then tomorrow the two shows that you're going to get you're going to get some winners and losers you're also going to get a Sunday overreaction show I've done a lot of Sunday I've done a lot of overreaction shows in my day this will be the most spiciest overreaction show that you see after a preseason football game I hope that I ever do I hope that I ever do I never want to have to watch a Raiders preseason game like this again ever not even if there's a fire we got 20700 people here watching the show if you want a better performance by the Raiders click that like button man I just I wanted more wanted more didn't get it I mean what else do you do besides laugh at this point what else are you supposed to do besides laugh I mean that was that was a laughable performance laughable performance I feel like like earlier today I was talking to Marsh about Daniel Jones and I was just like bro like that was a tough game to watch I'm I feel like that I almost like jinxed it I almost feel like I jinxed myself I can't believe Aiden made that throw bro that pick six I mean that's that's a back breaker I don't know if I've ever seen a quarterback throw away a QB job like that in the preseason I mean you can't name Aiden the starter oh my God he was almost picked again looking for Ramble Keaton it's going to fall incomplete Carter Bradley at this point I hope they just do a delayed run with sincere mccor M pick up about 15 and a half yards I win my prize picks if you want to start getting those questions or comments in for our instant reaction video hash Raiders or Super Chat I'm just going to tell you this right now though the only way you're getting on the show is by Super Chat we have so many super chats loaded up if you want to express your frustrations Super Chat to get on our instant reaction show because at this point there's nothing I can say or do that's going to make me just calm down a little bit I'm mad man I am mad I am mad there's nothing more important in your life than time and I just wasted four hours of my life watching the Raiders try to play a football game in the pre-season that was a joke of a performance Super Chat to get on our instant reaction show as soon as this game is done that's where chugs and I are going we're going to an instant reaction type of show and we're just going to talk about what the hell we just went through here and we experienced Carter Bradley's going to drop back and he's going to tuck and he's going to run he's going to slide down he's going to pick up about five yards second down and five coming up here for the Raiders if you want a chance to win some money $20 venmo at Mitchell Ren 365 for an opportunity to do so I I want to say right now you have a chance to win about 310 bucks it's probably what we're at about about 310 the MVP of today's show shout out to Ira Jackson he's got 10 bangs today throw High incomplete looking for Ramble Keaton that's going to bring up fourth down and two just punt it just punt it away let's let's get this over with punt it away get me the hell out of here I don't want to watch this team play football anymore today that's not a Raiders team that went out there today fourth down and two the Raiders are going to keep their offense out on the field Tyreek mallister looks like Samuel Schenker out there Carter Bradley's going to call hike he's going to drop back he's going to look right he's going to throw it's not even close incomplete Cowboys football I mean that ball was at the toes of raml Keaton I will say though you can clearly see who Carter Bradley was looking towards if raml Keaton's arms were near his shoes that would have been a great throw I just I don't even understand how an NFL quarterback makes that throw I I I don't even understand how that's possible that ball is not even close to being on Target and here we go Cowboys offense out on the field can you just take a knee and they're just going to take a knee oh I can't move graphics on my computer it doesn't let me really I haven't been able to for a month this just doesn't work yeah I've told him so if I do it I have to go through wait right here right wait right here we're good it popped up here so I have to if I want to move any graphics I have to delete everything from my Dropbox CU my Dropbox is too full Raiders lose 27 to 12 thank God that's over thank God that's over I don't got to watch that anymore the answer is an F it's a big old fat f big old fat F big old fat F coming up Raiders overreaction show it's going to be a hot and spicy one man I'm not going to lie to y'all I'm pissed I am pissed off that was disgraceful disgraceful I am I I I am I'm legitimately upset that I am this upset I don't know man I don't know what to do super chat or use hashtag Raiders get those questions comments on the show right now what we're going to do here is once Jeremy gives me the thumbs up we're going to go through and we are we're going to give you our instant reaction to this game but this is also like where I want the nation to give me their instant reaction right if you're going to send in a Super Chat and you want to get on this show I don't need just a question I want you to express your frustrations too I know we say hashtag graders I'm just being honest we have so many hashtag Raiders and so many super chats that we have to get to if you don't Super Chat real talk you're probably not going to have a chance to get on unless it is a phenomenal question that Jeremy sees and that's and I'm just trying to be honest with y'all man I really really am I I can't believe the Raiders just lost 27 to 12 to a bunch of backups and that's worrisome dude Jordan why wasn't Brock Bowers playing I mean maybe Bowers also was like if Devonte is not playing why do I have to play I don't have the answer to you I'm a I'm a big like you know I'm a big like energy person where you know what you put out into the energy you get back I don't is that karma for AP saying that all starters are going to play today I got to tie my shoe is that karma for AP saying all starters are going to play today Devonte says oh I don't want to play ap says okay you don't have to play today and then that's the performance you get that's bad dude Gabriel great to meet you at Joel's Chop House food was great tonight has me worried about the season team wasn't ready I mean I'm a little bit worried too Gabriel it's great meeting you too man I I definitely could use a Joel's Chop House steak right now to calm me down a little bit no doubt the dinner was great it was being able to like hang out with a bunch of Raider fans being able to see everyone was cool also Gabriel you're in for those you that don't know if you send in a $10 super chat today 10 or above you're going to be entered in for a chance to win a Charles Woodson jersey we're going to give that away at the end of the show Steve that's the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my entire life bring McDaniels back he wasn't the issue screw AP Steve legitimately I think you're Josh McDaniels you're Josh McDaniels or you're somebody that needs to be put in a room with no windows and then just strapped like this with no windows that's I mean I'm not kidding you I've done this show for five years six years maybe even at this point every single day that's the dumbest thing that anybody has ever sent money in for legitimately I'm not even kidding you Steve Steve you might be a nice guy that's an idiotic statement and I'm sorry that I'm this upset over a preseason game but if you're going to say bring mcdels back he wasn't the issue screw AP you can go f yourself and I mean that in the most respectful way possible that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard bro that almost makes me like not even want to I I almost just want to take this off and throw it down if that's the people that I'm talking to right now where somebody thinks that that's the right thing to do I might as well just do this show in front of Chuck Steve I think I think chuck would do a better job having an actual rational thought than what you just put together right there I Samari I'm with you Steve might be McDaniels the only reasonable answer is Steve is McDaniels Steve congratulations on being Josh McDaniels I'm ready we got to get this thing rolling I'm gonna I'm going to lose my mind man GNA absolutely lose my mind coming up instant reaction it's going to be spicy I'm GNA warn you right now rocket money is the sponsor rocket money's the sponsor for yeah all of them you guys ready let's [Music] vent I know it's only a pre-season game but what the was that man that was one of the most disg graceful performances I have ever seen by a Raiders team in the preseason of all time I mean are what on Earth did we just witness if Antonio Pierce is able to pick a quarterback after that game then I don't know what the hell I'm even doing here I don't know what anybody's doing here watching that game Raiders lose 27 to2 to a bunch of backups on the Dallas Cowboys we had some starters in the game in the third quarter hell we had even bled into the little bit of the fourth quarter a o Connell not great go gner muu not great aah throws a pick six and quite frankly I think if AP would have taken AOC out of the game before that pick six he would have been the QB one of this football team but like going into the game I said somebody's got to win the battle somebody's got to win the battle Garder mitu didn't win the battle AEL lonnell didn't win the battle in fact if anything I'm sitting here going right now do we trade for a quarterback do we sign somebody off free agency because this was a game that nobody showed up a game that was supposed to be the most important preseason game of all time where you're going to be able to figure out who that quarterback was going to be you left today with no answers you left today with nothing but just question marks going is my defense actually good or is my defense not great we're just playing against a shitty offense the entire time I mean did anybody even want to show up if you're G to wear a Raiders jersey if you're GNA put that helmet on if you're GNA rock that album damn it where was surprize today was bad man today was bad bad bad bad the Raiders played like they were going to have the number one overall pick like if that's the team that's going to go out there on the field it's going to be a long season if that's the team that's going to go out there in the field you better hope they win six and a half games because the Achilles heal of this team I knew was going to be the quarterback position but you also expect your other guys to show up you expect your offensive line your defensive line today was a heartless heartless performance and I don't even like Kanye West so be honest with me this is the pit comment here on today's show give me a yes or give me a no are you worried about this team right now and I said this during our live show and I mean it if you answer this question here and you're not saying yes you didn't watch the game and I don't want to hear oh Mitch it's only preseason you're overreacting guys we had Raider starting players for majority of this game going up against second third and fourth string Dallas Cowboys players a t a game that Dallas didn't even try to win we were out there trying to at least execute some of our offense now I get it maybe you don't want to show your entire hand on defense you don't want to show your entire hand on offense but like if your starting offense can't compete against backups that's scary to me like we had multiple chances to score gner Mitch was like 0 for six today aen OK Connell wasn't great today and then that pick six man the pick six is the nail in the coffin of what the hell are we going to do at the quarterback position you can't turn the ball over the Raiders had opportunities early on to score in the Red Zone where was Luke gy Luke getsy was nowhere to be found I mean from top to bottom this is the most pissed off I have been over a preseason game simply because time is valuable time is the only thing in your life that you don't get back and quite frankly I would have had a much more enjoyable night if I didn't watch this game at all I would have had a much more enjoyable night doing literally anything anything and I watched that tonight there's no way Antonio Pierce can aim a quarterback if I'm AP I make a I make Aiden and Gardner go out there and do it again I make this entire team go out there and play in the third preseason game I look at Devonte Adams and I go you're playing in this third preseason game everybody's playing in that third preseason game why because nobody show showed up tonight nobody showed up tonight I shouldn't say nobody DJ Turner and Trey Tucker I was impressed by nobody though what the hell was that oh man I literally feel like somebody stole a whole bunch of money from me I I I am that sick to my stomach that I feel like somebody took a whole bunch of money out of my bank account and if you need to be able to save up for some money as well manage your budget your credit score lower bills as well with rocket money it's a personal finance app that helps find accounts your one of subscriptions monitors your spending and helps lower your bills so that you can grow your savings with rocket money I have full control over my subscriptions even though I don't have full control over the Raiders and a clear view of my expenses and I can see all my subscriptions to one place and if I see something I don't want rocket money can help me cancel it with just a few Taps I love my fiance Alex but she's the queen of signing up for a free trial and then forgetting about it rocket money helps me and her make sure that we aren't just throwing away money if you're somewhat saving up for a house wedding car vacation maybe it's a new quarterback then you should get started with rocket LV Raiders rocket money has has over 5 million users and has saved a total of 500 million cancel subscriptions saving members up to $740 a year using all the apps features stop wasting money and damn it stop wasting my time go to Rocket LV Raiders that link is going to be available to y'all down in the comments down in the description of today's show I see some people saying break back Jimmy G that's the dumbest that's the second dumbest thing I've heard today the dumbest thing I've heard today was from Steve who said we should bring back Josh McDaniels and fire Antonio Pierce no I get that you're upset that's dumb that's that's really dumb Steve I hate to break it to you it's dumb aen lonnell 14 of 20 96 yards a touchdown and a pick why is he still in the game like I I'm upset at AP because why is aen oconnell still in the game but then I'm also as a Raider fan going well maybe it was the right decision to put put him in the game because he threw a pick six and now we're still in a situation where we're going I don't know who the starting quarterback is Aiden didn't win the job Garner didn't look good either he was 10 of 21 for 95 yards I'm just so pissed off because like we knew what the issue was going to be we knew that the quarterback position was going to be an issue and yet nothing was done about it and yet we tried to get Jaden Daniels you Tred to sign gner to be a little bit of a security blanket but my God oh my God Jarrett let's go why do we not get a quarterback in the off season we are in trouble the Raiders tried they did man they they they did actually try I think now you're sitting back going do I try to trade for Kurt Cousins do I try to trade for another quarterback that's out there on the market like do you try to trade for Justin Fields I get he was already part of the Luke gety system seems like a waste of time the problem is right now though you don't have a quarterback that deserves to start in the NFL I don't know if the Raiders have a top 32 QB in the NFL legitimately I don't know if they have a top 32 quarterback in the NFL jersey boy trade for Flaco you don't want that I would lose my mind I don't I don't know if my mind can handle the Raiders trading for Flaco flacko is my mortal enemy I can't do it but right now you play like a team that could get the number one overall pick if I'm a Raider fan I'm watching Jaylen milro I'm watching cam Ward I'm watching any QB that you think could go in the top five top 10 number one overall because after what I saw today that that's a team a lot closer to picking number one overall than making the playoffs Nico some glass half fools still missing Miller jpj Tay and Bowers on offense who all would help a ton completely agree with you Nico and I think you know when you go back and you look at this game that is probably the biggest takeaway that you can have but then I would also say if you have Miller jpj T and Bowers up against that Dallas Cowboy starting defense I don't know if it made a difference you went up against second and third St players and that was the performance you got you had your potential starting quarterback in the starting quarterback playing in the late third quarter of a pre-season game y'all like to AP was not happy the fact that these Raiders players played as long as they did I think just shows everything that AP wasn't happy either and there's no way any Raiders player can be happy but like if I'm Antonio Pierce I got to look myself in the mirror go what type of head coach am I going to be am I going to be a head coach that lets players decide what our what we're going to do or am I going to be a head coach that goes you know what if you're rocking that Jersey nobody's above the shield and I'm telling you right now it would be a very difficult conversation to have but if I'm AP I look at every single one of those Raiders players and I go there's a chance you're playing in that third preseason game because nobody showed up tonight Dan would it be worth it to trade mchu for henden hooker nobody's going to trade for Gardner muu after that game nobody's going to trade for aan lonnell after that game hen hooker I actually think would be be a better option than maybe Gardner and Aiden maybe I think it would at least be worth a competition of a battle now I'll admit Gardner and Aiden have the upper hand because they already know the Luke gets the offense but like that's the trade that you should have made before the season even started but even then like I don't know if it's a trade I would have made at the beginning of the season because if you were going to go into the season you're hoping for a lot more than H and hooker if I'm also the Detroit Lions I'm not trading you henen hooker Because I Got High Super Bowl aspirations and if God forbid anything happens to Jared you want to have a QB that you're comfortable with in the playoffs we've seen in years past a guy like Nick fos if I'm the Lions I'm thinking of H and hooker like Nick fos if my starter Wentz goes down can I still win football games with him in the playoffs jroy defense will be great but with no QB it's pointless that playoff hopes add another season in Vegas with no HomeField Advantage get dacked for 2026 well what's wrong with 2025 would be my response to that I mean but also like the defense though like guys the defense didn't play well today either right like if if if our quarterback play is going to play the way that it did tonight you legitimately need to have a top 10 defense be even in the consideration to make the playoffs like the way our defense played tonight and the way the defense played even that first drive against Minnesota Minnesota's not a good offense with Sam darnold out there he's not and then tonight you have Cooper rush and a bunch of backups and even then the defense you know didn't look the way that it should have looked you know what I'm talking about like we have if we're going to say the defense is one of the best defense in the NFL your defense got to play better it's got to play better it's got to play better Reuben shout out to special teams I guess first team defense what the FED I just see for the love of God keep Tyrie inside Tyrie Wilson is a defensive tackle you can't just keep putting him out there at defensive he doesn't have the step he doesn't have the moves he is a power rusher right now and that's basically it in the NFL I don't have an answer for you besides that I have very high aspirations for Tyree Wilson and today was another very bad day Byron young dudes get pushed back three four yards every time somebody calls hike this was supposed to be a defensive line that goes up and shows up they need to start showing up they need to start sacking up because what I see is a bunch of heartless play out there on the field I'm a goat gets his play calling his horrible your thoughts if there's one thing that I'm not going to try to over freak out about it's Luke get's play calling and I say that because if I'm an offensive coordinator I don't want to show my best plays in the preseason right you're hoping that you're too QB you're hoping that your offense is able to go out there and at least execute it at somewhat of a level but like Aiden threw a pick six tonight Garner mitchu should have threw a pick six today like that first drive that very first drive garter telegraphed to throw the entire way through it and it went right through a linebacker's hands probably could have been a pick six if that Ball's also a pick six I mean gu I mean I I'm I'm way worse than I am right now if you want non-stop Raiders videos all year long hit that subscribe button the content that I'm going to be giving you guys it's technically today August 18th I'm giving you overreaction Sunday and winners and losers I don't know the last time I was this upset it's probably when McDaniels was our head coach I'm bringing that tomorrow y'all better be ready for it Rader Nation only have $2 but Rader Nation for Life honestly man sometimes I need a good Super Chat like this just to be like I love y all to the end of the Moon and back real talk I do this show for Raider Nation it's the best fan base in all of sports and I get as upset as I do because damn it we deserve wins this team this fan base they deserve to be able to Hoist the Lombardi trophy this fan base is unbelievable and like I get so upset because of all the time all the money everything that we invest into this team and there's a people that have been investing way their time money way way longer than me and I know that so when you see a performance like today and just to me what Rocking The Shield means to me for players that are getting paid millions and millions of dollars out there that's performance you put on the field today I mean that that that's a tough one to be able to swallow I agree with everything you're saying from Ninja Ninja I appreciate that man and it's it just comes back to sometimes you just got to give a you got to wear that jersey with pride and you just you can't tell me that today was a was a prideful experience like you just you can't tell me that I feel defeated after a preseason football game and I don't know how many NFL teams can make their fan base feel like that I don't know how many man if you want more updates news rumors around the Raiders remember you can always follow me on Twitter and Instagram I'm at Mitchell Ren 365 we're doing an instant reaction show here and hopefully that's about as instant as it gets bottom line today's game was terrible Antonio Pierce didn't have his guys ready to play Gardner mchu didn't won the quarterback jot Aden oconnell didn't want to win the quarterback job you can't tell me that you're going to be able to pick a QB you got to be able to figure it out next week if Antonio Pierce names a QB qb1 after today's game it's because he already was going to name that QB no matter what and if that's what we're going to do this season that makes me very very nervous for the 2024 season here for the Las Vegas Raiders Ray aen OK connell's performance against the Cowboys scale it from 1 to 100 one it's terrible hun was the best performance you've ever seen I'm gonna go ahead and cut that video and everything while I'm doing that will you just read off super chats starting at JN Rodriguez after ninja yep and just kind of read down from there I got you I'm going to go to JN Rodriguez Mitch don't bother watching the Raiders vers ners game because Raiders ain't going to win not with this offense with the defense I can't stop the run again I'm not looking so much to do with you know just the fact that I I don't need them to win games in the preseason I even like that's what the preseason is not about winning games the preseason is about looking at a product and going that's a product that I want like that's a product that I want to subscribe to like what I wanted to come away with today is a game where I'm going all right Aiden's definitely the starting quarterback all right Gardner MCH is definitely a starting quarterback all right our defense is definitely as legit as what we're hoping it is we didn't get any answers today in fact all we got today was concern like there's no way you can come away with anything from today's game that's actually not true Trey Tucker again Trey Tucker I thought played well DJ Turner today played well they gave me some confidence say you know what Tucker's going to be able to stretch the field he's going to be a reliable option DJ Turner in tough situations that's going to be a reliable option but outside of that I mean the defense didn't look good the offense didn't look good nothing looked good today I mean nothing look good today guys all right give me your honest answer Jared Watson says negative3 Dragon Ball's going to go 55 Anthony Park says 25 SK is going to go with a 12 Raider Nation 10 Michael's going to say 35 I mean based on those answers alone you can't name Aiden oconnell your starting quarterback but you also can't name Gardner Mitchell your starting quarterback neither Cube there's not a single quarterback on this team right now that deserves to be a starting quarterback in the NFL there's not dude there's not Michael Carrera Daniel fredman's gonna say 70 I see a 60 coming in there Irish Andy Peterman might be starting I don't think that again I think Peterman knows the luk gety offense you can't start Nathan Peterman in 2025 guys you can't start him in 2024 Nathan Peterman can't be a starting quarterback in the NFL if that's an honest conversation then they need to go out and they need to make a QB move you got to sign somebody else you got to trade for somebody I think Peterman again it's a I'm happy is with the Raiders I actually think that the move makes sense from a qb3 standpoint but man oh man that can't happen yeah Jesse where's the people that didn't want to trade up for a quarterback I think the problem with Raider fans are at times is that they fall in love with a guy just because he's a Raiders QB and I get it I'm a Raider fan too and you know you always want to have this glass half full mindset but with how bad the reports are of how the quarterback's played has been this off season and then you look at how the QB play has been this preseason especially in that game there like I get it you want to rock with your guy you want to rock with him because he's a Raiders quarterback but man oh man guys like if you don't have a QB in the NFL you're not going to win right like if if you're not getting a guy that's throwing behind the back passes like momes or the Caleb Williams was doing like even jayen Daniels looked amazing and I get it you want you want Aiden to be the franchise guy I want Aiden to be the franchise guy I want Gardner minu to be the franchise guy I just want a franchise quarterback but like there has to be a point where you also go that's not good enough you know what I mean like to me right now the Raiders are in a bad relationship I mean imagine if your girlfriend significant other whoever continuously just cheated on you right or just treated you like absolute you wouldn't stay with her right and right now the Raiders are in this quarterback situation where like you want Aiden to be the guy you want Garden to be the guy just like you want that girl to be your wife you want her to be amazing but sometimes like that's just not going to happen and I hope today was just the I actually hope I hope today was the worst game we see all season long I hope that there is not another Raiders game that we watch this entire year makes us this upset that's the best casee scenario and sometimes that happens in the preseason right like sometimes there are games that go down that that happens today was a frustrating game man Yoda it can only get better you're right it can't get worse I I actually don't think that it can get worse you're not going to see a worst performance today from your quarterbacks and if AP toes go if there is a worst performance today then they can never play they can't play again like you can't allow them to go back out on the field if Mark Davis is going to charge the ticket prices that he's going to charge this season you can't allow those guys to go back on the field that's if they play worse than what you saw today you can't man send mchu in a third round pick to the Lions for henden hooker ASAP is that enough if I'm the Lions I don't want to pay Gardner muu like if if I'm Detroit I don't want to pay Gardner MCH when I can pay hen hooker at a rookie contract like a third round pick not going to be enough I know that might blow but but if I'm the Lions I go I'm not doing that I want to have a good backup quarterback cuz I got playoff aspirations and just in case you know Jared Goff gets hurt you want to have a good reliable backup that's not that trade's not going to get it done realistically if I'm the Raiders I'm waiting for like a guy like DTR to get cut because I don't think he ends up making the roster just because the Cleveland Browns had so many different players that they signed this off season or you sack up and you make a trade but what you're going to overpay right now like you can't give up a first round round pick for a QB because you want to be able to have that after the game we watched today if I'm the Raiders that first round pick looks like a top five pick it does now again I I still think that this is a team that can figure it out and rally together and I'm hoping that this is a team that can string together eight nine 10 wins but watching that game tonight in a game that this team was prepared to go out there and try to win a football game a team that was prepared to go out and name a starting quarterback and that was the game that you had that's a red flag yeah um it's on the channel I obviously don't have my laptop so I'll uh I'll push it out I I'll be real I didn't read any more Super chats after John Rodriguez R Adam Billings if you want to roll through those I'll push that video out and then uh we'll keep it moving reminder as well we don't need to keep the score on we don't need to it's reminder to get in on the 5050 raffle Last Chance once Mitch is done pushing out this video we're going to go ahead and run that second 50-50 round raffle John said Mitch don't bother watching the Raider oh you said you read that one Adam Billings if this season is a preview I don't know if my family can deal with me another year wife and kids might be gone when I wake up Monday morning Gary do we need another great DT next to Wilkins because our Run game was like watching water go through open cracks I mean yeah yeah um do we need another great DT I mean you already paid Wilkins you can't really one there's not another great DT out there you'd have to trade for one so there's nobody else you can really do maybe you draft another one next year but for the team as it is right now this is what you got this is what you got Eric we need to sign Kaepernick next uh Fel AOC is our starter muu threw two picks that were dropped by the defense Mitch did mention that muu numbers are a little sneaky of that you know he didn't play well 10 for 21 I believe had a couple balls like you said that could have been picks AO3 AOC threw a terrible pick six but that was his only bad pass okay now you're capping finel uh first time super chatter thank you for that that was not his only bad pass he had multiple balls where he sailed it over guys that was not his only bad passing purple walrus yeah even if it was that's a that's a bad one bad pass for you to have um purple walrus Mitch let's be honest we had to expect this with Aiden and muu at the helm we only have our defense and they did not even show up today they didn't defense did not look good and it was the crazy thing is you had guys like Marcus EPS Travon Meritt playing in the second and third quarter of this game Robert spellen was in in the third quarter and divine Diablo Max Crosby was in in the second quarter this defense had guys Jack Jones got I mean it's going to get lost in the shuffle of this whole game Jack Jones got embarrassed on a touchdown pass against somebody who's not going to make the Cowboys roster your starting quarterback your your CB1 your lockdown guy got just embarrassed by a guy who's not going to make the Cowboys roster flower noi is his name flower noi that's not a name I just made up because because I'm I'm on the Zaza that's a real guy's name who beat Jack Jones tonight in this game flower noi I mean QB and OC are non-starters don't know the answer yeah it's and it's tough because it's kind of a twoos sided coin with that or like double two-sided knife however you want to say it of that I don't know how much you can evaluate getsy because these quarterbacks have not played very well and then also gsy hasn't been the best OC obviously he was with Justin fields that didn't work out with the Chicago Bears but can you evaluate the quarterbacks based on gsy I mean um are you worried that was the only question we asked um melee Rosales which also you and Noah are in for the Charles Woodson jersey and Noah all right um You said I'm worried about one of uh about any one of these QBs are not going to perform well but there's a still a chance to become a great team I saw some faith in this team let's go Raiders hey I mean honestly that's all we can do as fans you know you can hope that your team does well you can really root them on and give them your best shot we can't do anything about this team you know all you can do is root for them and hope that they do their best you know because as a fan of a team it's out of your hands you're hoping that the the powers that be the guys who are hired to do certain jobs within the organization are able to execute and do their jobs and try to support them as best you can so I I get that I get that take melee I get that um let's see Noah Santana you're also in hey Mitch missed the show and the game in general please tell me there was something at least one thing good that you saw today um Trey Tucker had a really nice deep ball from Gardner mchu they were able to get down into the Red Zone what were not able to Capital uh capitalize on that there was a nice touchdown throw from Aiden oconnell um on one of his drives he he was able to find Harrison Bryant on a little looked like a spider two wiping in I'm not going to lie the fullback kind of went out it was a fake Run play action pass Dylan lby had a nice block on that play um yeah Raiders recovered a fumble on special teams special teams look good we saw a guy hit a 66 I mean even though it was not the Raiders saw a guy hit a 66 67 yard field goal which was insane that that was nuts Raider Nation with the dollar Super Chat thank you for the support Steve we need M uh again Steve wow you're really I'm I I'm almost positive Steve's like a Chiefs fan or something like just trying to troll so not gonna give you any more screen time Steve John if you think that's that it's bad now can you imagine if we go 0 and eight table want to get tra I mean the team is 0 and eight yeah and maybe and it sucks because he's such a good player and you never want to say that but maybe it's better for the team at this point if their winning window doesn't line up with Tay's rest of his career you know if the Raiders aren't poised to win in the next year two where that's really the rest of Tay's Prime in my opinion after that you know it's natural that wide receivers kind of degress once they get to their mid-30s so if you're can get a first round pick for Tay and you're not winning this year you pull the trigger on that I know it sucks and you that's not what you want to see out of a fan watching this team for this year but if you're not winning this year and somebody offers you a first or second round pick for Tay I feel like you got to take it I mean a first a second you probably say no and say F you I'm gonna bite the bullet but a first round pick for Taye and you're losing this season I think you have to um did da end up playing Noah no he did not he did not end up playing that was kind of Mitch was not happy about that Raider fans were not happy about that because AP had kind of told everybody the starters are playing unless you're injured I think Taye is injured looked pretty healthy on practice on Wednesday so Wake Up Call from Arctic cruelty let's see how we respond I'm I mean facts it's not about how hard you can hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep on getting back up oh man that was I I actually feel like I just got put through the freaking ringer there bro I got put through the Flippin ringer um okay so let's do let's go ahead and do the Woodson jersey raffle before we get too far off from it um and actually if since I don't have slack on this computer that I'm doing I put it at the very very very bottom of the Raiders report bang counter and like super chat doc what the raffle okay that's if you could if you could just slack that to TV okay I got you all right y'all I'm gonna slack this to Jeremy this is going to be for the Charles Woodson jersey so everybody that's send in a $10 super chat today or higher shout out to you like real talk like you guys made Today's Show worth it like you did uh you really really helped me get through it I think you helped everybody kind of get through it there so here's what we're going to do um we're gonna we're gonna do this Charles Woodson jersey raffle I just sent chugs all the names so here's everybody that sent in a $10 super chat or higher you're going to win a Charles Woodson jersey and I will send it to you so please please please if you do win please message me on venmo or chugs and it is oh man that's sick actually wait that's funny Brandon sent in a Super Chat earlier today that said it's going to look good on his man cave so Brandon Jasper Mount Raider Moore you just won a Charles Woodson jersey oh bla which Brandon I'm going to be able to send that to you hang on a second here bla I'm really sorry buddy what he just sent him a a Super Chat that said get me in the raffle uh Blaine how about this then I'm gonna add you to our Duck Race I'll I'll pay for that one Blaine sorry bro uh da da da giveaways I see it looks like congrats to Brandon though Big Tuna to the Big Tuna Charles Woodson jersey shout out to him man all right y'all so the only thing left to do is a 50 raffle which I'm going to check my phone right now $20 venmo to get in for a chance to win some money honey I'm looking right now it's a 20 to win 320 as it stands right now the last name that I got in here is Joseph and blae which means Trent herada you're in MAV is in Rustin long is in hirro Perez in Noah what's up in Melissa Rose Y in and then I see Justin Wilson also in so right now as it stands $20 venmo you would go home with $380 here on today's show 380 going to the winner man what would a DA Z flowers trade look like from Noah Santana I know you're obsessed with Z I would say if I'm the Raiders I would want a first I want a first round pick for Devonte Adams like so whatever that entails if I'm trading the way Tay I want a first round pick so first and Z flowers for Tay that's what I want and if I'm the Ravens I don't know if I agree to that because quite frankly I don't think Devonte fits what Baltimore's trying to do I mean let's be real if if Devonte is traded I think there's one team very clearly in mind it's the Jets whether you like to hear that or not where is Wilkins is he even playing from John I want to say he was out there today I'd have to go back and watch right away I don't know I I didn't maybe he didn't play today either I didn't think I saw him I I don't think he played today off top of my head I think it was what John Jenkins Adam Butler Max Malcolm I'd have to go back and be able to confirm whether or not he played at all that because if he played it was the first series because after that I don't don't remember seeing him at all trade for Lance you don't want to trade for Lance trade Lance is bad if you want to trade for Trey Lance and you shouldn't like you just don't like you're better off signing another quarterback but that's not going to happen all right chugs I don't have anybody else in here so I'm going to send you this list right here to TV so what we have is a $20 venmo to win $380 he played from Cody and Chris I was gonna say I thought he played that first drive oh is killing me what's the number one thing you expect to see next game Aiden o Connell and Gardner muu Mo we did read your Super Chat AP just said AOC and muu aren't playing next week and they'll have their decision this week he did say uh injured I don't know what that is so AP just said AOC and muu aren't playing next week and they'll have their decision this week that's that's bad on ap's part I I don't know how you could possibly make a decision I don't know how you could possibly make a decision dab what QB could we realistically trade for that we the answer unfortunately is none like you're you're sticking with AOC and Garver winner of this race going home with $380 starting in three two one let's run it it's all right oh my goodness my oh my oh my I can't believe we just watched that who's the Raiders quarterback one I don't know I don't know man again if if AP has the ability to name either Garner or Aiden it means his mind was already made up in my book yep Antonio Pierce didn't sound happy but but he said that a decision has to be made 13 seconds to go Winner's going to win 380 uh Bowers didn't play due to a sore foot by the way C Wilson Justin Wilson gets the dub which is crazy because he was the last one to enter this race Justin Wilson congrats to you and if you could please confirm with me down below there Justin that you received $380 that would be very very much appreciated AP also said that Devonte Adams tweaked something at practice Wednesday and that's why he didn't play today I just I don't believe him and I hate saying that because I believe everything AP says but I just don't believe him dude so he was able to practice Thursday and then didn't play on Friday I don't know I don't I don't know I don't know what I do know is I got to get out of here I don't like being a Negative Nancy uh Real Talk Ira Jackson shout out to today's MVP show some love to Ira bro he was an absolute absolute Legend today Justin I don't know if you're still here in the chat got it bro and a Raiders from Justin Wilson congratulations man 380 bucks Charles G congratulations to you as well for winning earlier today uh Brandon Jasper what do they get here yeah he might be um ajen I'll I'll I'll text you after this hang on a second I got to get out of here man today sucked but to all the real ones out there raer wano so good to have you back uh Ain shout out to you man for being a freaking Legend I reject jackon I love you man that was crazy crazy performance today seriously I think all of us need to take a deep breath we're going to come back tomorrow I I'll get you guys two videos I'll get you guys then on Monday the next time you're going to see me live is going to be on Tuesday reminder and that The Season's kind of going here chugs and I the plan is to be live Tuesday Thursday and on game day I don't know what my schedule looks like next week because the Raiders play on Friday night against the ners but the next time you will see me live here on this show is going to be Tuesday 400 p.m. eastern time 1 p.m. Pacific it's got to get better it can't get any worse we're going to hang out together we're going to get through this together and hopefully this was the worst game that we see all year I got to go to bed [Music]

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