Politiker Entlarvt Die Wahrheit Über Hart Aber Fair!

and I think we have to strengthen them and we really have to say people that we can't give up because of that because it's precisely about the generation that is now so strongly voting for the AFD, we have to start with them, we're not the only ones, I'm completely with you that we who can actually be reintegrated into the system and that includes many. Not reintegrating is perhaps a stupid term, I definitely take it back, but the fact is that we have to get them back and when I'm in schools, for example, which I also do very often in school lessons I usually discuss it with them for 60 minutes, it's never enough. They want to really discuss for an hour and a half. They want to talk to us. They want to have politics explained to them. They do n't understand some things that happen and we're in a complex world and that's why I use these simple answers Let's take a look at what one of the speakers said. Everyone knows who I mean who said men are right-wing, hey people in the current issue of Hart but Fair it shows again why trust in politics has reached a new low during Anje Hermenau Putting fingers in the wound, other panelists reveal a shocking lack of reality. Stay tuned because what was said here could be the reason why the established parties are sliding ever deeper into the abyss. Let's go and as a teacher, when you see these numbers, 38% of young voters are in favor the AFD like how do you as a teacher talk to such young people and help from we don't talk to the AFD to bring such people back you have to listen you have to have time you have to exchange arguments yourself don't have arguments scrawl around I believe that the AFD numbers with them young people have a lot to do with the internet at the moment, with tiktok and co. That's also part of it, these guys from the AFD dominate this scene on the internet, we're not that good at it, that's also part of the truth, there isn't just one But one explanation is, of course, that young people who sit there in front of the box and let themselves be showered become docked when they promote such simple theses all day long and and they are perhaps not very interested in new things and have fun and there is a Ground willingness to take part in something like that then phrases like that have a chance but that's but I'm not that defined and say that's lost I don't think so at all we had a time when the young people all voted green we had a time in the federal election they voted liberal so you just have to take care of it you have to take Hal seriously that too many young people are now getting away. Moment moment K really moment Ken they really so that's shortened then nice for so the point is they think it's just one Age group that's the mistake in thinking, there is a single age group where the AFD is not at the forefront in the whole election and that is the people over 60 because they are still in the CDU and the SPD, everyone below that voted for the AFD as the first party in their respective age group We should have it sorted into the Horn, we'll put it in the fact check so that people can see it again, we don't even have to think about it, it's not about a few idiotic young people determining any elections, that's not the case Then it's fine and it's not so easy to say, I just have to bring everyone back to somewhere else if the offer from the big parties is as bad in politics as we've already talked about today you can't bring anyone back, because there's nothing , so I would be very interested in S expanding it further, it's not just about the very young people but it goes up to the age group of 60 women, so I also think that it's possible talk like that about the young people who are not stupid or naive or anything like that or like they don't know much, they are very informed people who then consciously vote for the AfD and to be honest you can say that, I find it difficult to blame him for that Because they also live in a society, especially when it comes to politics, it's always about division When it comes to citizens' money, it's the lazy ones and the hard-working ones, then the migrants, the Germans, the non-Germans everywhere it becomes a kind of competition. We live in a society that only knows losers and winners and they, especially young people, suck it up, they believe what they believe hear what you read in the media what you hear in politics and the AFD is absolutely authentic in its hatred of tiktok, of course it is much more successful on tiktok and on all these social media because it is authentic when I when I support the Green Party or the When I listen to the SPD and they somehow talk about diversity and democracy, I just don't believe it because I don't see it and young people feel it and the AFD is very good at it. They lie absolutely openly, they manipulate absolutely openly and they are absolutely authentic in their hatred and I think we have to strengthen them and we really have to say people that we ca n't give up because of that because it's precisely about the generation that is now so strongly voting for the AFD, we have to start with them, we're not the only ones, I'm completely with you that we who can actually be reintegrated into the system and that includes many. Not integrating is perhaps a stupid term, I take that back, but the fact is that we have to get them back and when I'm in schools, for example, which I do very often I usually discuss it with them for 60 minutes, it's never enough. They want to really discuss for an hour and a half. They want to talk to us. They want to have politics explained to them. They do n't understand some things that happen and we're in a complex world and that's why I'll take these simple answers a topic out what one of the afdler spoke everyone knows who I mean who said men are right-wing so all those hot people you're talking about Monchi, they are maybe two generations or one older than you, they became self-employed after the fall of the wall They lived on bread and water, they worked hard and built something up and then governments come along and create political circumstances that mean that they have to give up their company, for example, because they can no longer make enough money to pay the electricity prices or something A situation arises in which a butcher says I can no longer keep the butcher shop here or a baker, we have many generations above you who have also built up a lot with a lot of enthusiasm and who are now all faced with the shards of a policy that makes it impossible for them continues to do the things they did, it's a shame, it's a shame, but I work a lot with companies, that's perhaps the industry I'm dealing with now and I experience it and I sometimes see stunned entrepreneurs who have overcome great adversity. People who Good are those who have something and others are traveling with them and who now simply can't do it anymore because the circumstances in inflation or in energy or wherever it applies have led to what they have built now being destroyed The only participant in the group who had the courage to call a spade a spade, she spoke openly and realistically about what was going wrong in the country - a rarity in a debate that is often dominated by high phrases and party political platitudes. Hermenau summed up what many citizens were saying Feel the trust in politics is dwindling because the problems are not named let alone solved. Petra Köpping from the SPD was opposite, who in a bizarre twist suggested that AfD voters be reintegrated. Her statement sounded as if all AfD voters were criminals who had returned to prison after a prison break society must be integrated, this comparison is not only insulting but also reveals the SPD's profound alienation from reality. No wonder that the SPD is continuously slipping in surveys. With such absurd statements you lose all credibility. It became even more absurd when Gilda Sahebi, a freelance journalist, claimed the AFD be authentic in their hatred and would constantly lie but who is really lying here are the established parties It is time and again that this government stands out because of its dishonesty and broken promises. This government lies to the people and tries to blame the young voters for the AFD, although they have long since seen through that this government is not doing anything for the people. It is remarkable how the left is acting Bladder repeatedly lies into her own pocket while ignoring the reality of her own front door. Young people vote for AfD because they have the feeling that no one else takes their concerns seriously instead of questioning this and admitting their own mistakes. The blame will quickly fall on them Immaturity of the voters pushed so that's it for today if you liked the video leave a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any further analysis write me in the comments what you think of the discussion and I'm looking forward to your opinion until the next one Just

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