EUROPEAN ELECTIONS: CDU General Secretary Linnemann analyses electoral success in European elections

Good keyword CDU is a wonderful keyword. We're now looking at Dorothea Schupelius on the set. Now a politician who may also have an initial analysis of his party's performance. That 's absolutly correct. The General Secretary of the CDU, Carsten Linnemann, is here with me. On the day of the European elections. There was cheering here when the first high counts were recorded. But if we're being completely honest, couldn't the CDU have done a little better? Considering how unsuccessful the other parties are at the moment? Times 30% now in the forecasts is great. We come from 24, in the last federal election we now have five percentage points more. We even beat the last European elections. We are on the right track, but we must now continue on this path. That's the conclusion of this evening for me. The others, the other parties, at least fail. The AfD has had great success. How do you explain the fact that the AfD was able to achieve a good result despite this disastrous election campaign? So of course there is a connection with politics. That cannot be denied at all. We have seen in the last two years with the heating law what has unsettled the entire country. And on the other hand, I do think that the incident in Mannheim has reignited a debate about internal security . In Germany. And the parties simply have to show the traffic lights that when they announce things, they do them. 00:01:28:00 - 00:01:54:06 Unknown The Chancellor has been announcing for months that he wants to deport people. Now he wants to deport to Afghanistan. He has to do it and not just talk about it. And the Chancellor just talks about it. And then of course it pays off with protest parties like the AfD . They say protest party. Of course there are many protest voters. Nevertheless, when it comes to the topic of internal security, one wonders: failure of the traffic light. What makes a voter say I'll take the AfD, but not the CDU, even though both are opposition parties. 00:01:54:08 - 00:02:15:21 Unknown Of course, what's special about this European election is that this 5% clause is no longer there. This will get us somewhere. I don't have it in my head now, but neither do 15% of other parties, because the small parties say, your vote isn't gone, it's now going to us. And the party too. The small parties are elected to the European Parliament. But I don't want to downplay anything. 00:02:15:21 - 00:02:37:06 Unknown Not at all. But if you see where we come from, if you look at Europe, in Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Italy, all the Christian Democratic parties have become so small. Some of them are no longer on the scene at all. That this is really a success when you see where we come from. The CDU was at rock bottom in the federal election. Yes, the ship ran aground. 00:02:37:10 - 00:03:02:02 Unknown It wasn't clear that we would get out of there. And today shows we came out. We are on the right path. And we must now continue on this path. The unity, that of the new program, pragmatism, factual politics, no ideology. And at the same time focus on topics like how do I live? Surely my money is safe, if my job is safe, then things will continue to go up. 00:03:02:02 - 00:03:30:01 Unknown And that is also the merit of Friedrich Merz, who not only leads the party, but also the parliamentary group. When it comes to migration, how does Friedrich Merz want to get protest voters or voters who no longer want any other politics away from the AfD? So far, despite the AfD's poor election campaign, this has only been mediocrely successful. Yes, the problem is of course that when we demand something, we need a change of course. 00:03:30:03 - 00:03:53:20 Unknown When you see how many people come to Germany because criminal smugglers bring them to Germany and they don't need any protection at all and they only assert themselves strongly. That's crazy when you look at the numbers. If You can see that the country where most refugees now come is Turkey. Recognition rate is 8%. 92% are not recognized. Nevertheless, most people stay here. 00:03:53:22 - 00:04:16:22 Unknown We simply have to show that we are really changing it. Well, of course it's difficult because we're not in government now. But what is right is that the countries do it, such as border controls between Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany, like the paid card. We need to do a lot more of this for voters to see. They don't just talk about it, they actually do it, that's very central. 00:04:16:24 - 00:04:43:14 Unknown And if the federal government doesn't do it at all, we have to show that we are doing it. This is much more difficult in the opposition. It is all the more important that we do it in the states and then continue to build trust, says the General Secretary of the CDU, Carsten Linnemann, at the CDU election party. European election campaign. The room is becoming more and more crowded. I have to scream louder and louder, so first I go back to you at the table and get some quick herbs and then the voice will work again straight away. 00:04:43:14 - 00:04:45:08 Unknown Dorothea See you here! 00:04:45:08 - 00:05:05:08

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