MARKUS SÖDER: “Asylum law is no longer up to date!” Demand for a reversal in asylum policy!

In the debate about a stricter asylum policy, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder called on the federal government to make a fundamental reversal. Söder told “Welt am Sonntag” that all those at the German borders who clearly have no right to protection must be turned back. German asylum law is no longer up to date. Germany has to decide who comes to our country, and not every individual has a right to do so from the outset. CDU leader Friedrich Merz had previously called on the government to introduce a stricter asylum policy. So Germany has to decide who comes into the country. We asked: How do you see that? Here is your voice. We don't want the people who are just causing a ruckus and planting bombs here , do we? Of course they are difficult to filter out, which is a real problem. Yes, I don't know how to solve it either. I would like to expel Markus Söder if that were possible. There is an individual right to asylum. Nobody can help where they were born and in which country. Germany exports an incredible amount of weapons to countries where conflicts are taking place and is therefore complicit in the fact that people have to flee here in the first place. The point is that people register where they enter the EU, and that's exactly where I'm at, nothing else. So of course they should have asylum, but why all of them go to Germany? That doesn't work at all. The right to asylum is a fundamental right and I think it should be treated very sensitively. And Markus Söder? Yes, what can you say about that? So refugees who are fleeing a country where there is war and injustice are allowed in under any circumstances . What I think is important is that they integrate, that they can get along well here, that they are supported in Germany and when looking for work. Then it's no problem at all, I think. Where is the problem? Anyone who wants to come here should have an ID. People who are really fleeing war and harm are welcome to help. But I think there are too many here who think exactly differently, who come here because there is money and who want to apply the rules they know from home in the same way here.

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