Category: News & Politics
Ja und nun haben wir sehr viel über das spielerische gesprochen aber gerade dieser türkische jubel der ist immer politik dabei oder ja kommt kommt immer wieder dazu es wird politisiert denn das wird jetzt nun sehr eingetrübt durch einen skandal rund um die geste des torschützen eben beim zweiten treffer... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So, und nun schauen wir nach österreich. denn zugeschaltet ist uns nun jonny ertl, ehemaliger österreichischer fußballprofi und in der alpenrepublik angesehener analyst und fußballexperte. guten morgen, herr ertl! schönen guten morgen. schönen guten morgen. ja. wie erklären sie sich denn das... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Football is currently bringing the country together. but the tournament now means trouble for the greens . foreign minister annalena baerbock is the trigger. after the german national team's game against switzerland in frankfurt am main, the minister was chauffeured to the airport and then flew to luxembourg.... Read more
Category: News & Politics
We want to talk about that. with our columnist henryk m. broder. thank you for your visit. good evening. are you looking forward to saturday evening, saturday night, here in the capital, as i am . home game for the turks. naturally. home game for the turks. we have this every day. i have yesterday.... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In any case. you can't complain about the atmosphere, under any circumstances. it's just a shame, of course, for mr. brandt. karsten brandt, connected to me by donald. it's a shame that the public viewing isn't happening today. there are good reasons for that. please summarize again. what's brewing... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I have to press down a little bit now. no, with the germans, i guessed really well with the german team. but of course we have to take maira into our prayers first. morning, maira. good morning very good morning. it's about public viewing. we want the best driest weather possible for the game. unfortunately... Read more
Category: News & Politics
After the severe storms of the past few days, severe thunderstorms and downpours are expected again this weekend. things can also get uncomfortable in large parts of the country in the area around the round of 16 game between germany and denmark. so sharing the excitement together outdoors could fall... Read more
Category: News & Politics
And the title was celebrated extensively not only in madrid, barcelona and other spanish cities . in germany, things were particularly busy in berlin. around 180,000 people watched the final on the two fan miles in the government district alone, at the brandenburg gate and at the reichstag. and right... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The sporting success of the european championship encounter between turkey and the netherlands has almost become a minor matter. the headlines are dominated by the fact that turkish president erdogan is coming to berlin today to misuse the european championship quarter-finals for a political appearance.... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Ja und in berlin wird heute der türkische präsident erdogan erwartet erdogan hatte sein besuch kurzerand angekündigt nachdem mer demiral mit dem zeigen des faschistischen wolfsgrußes für diskussionen und diplomatische verstimmungen gesorgt hatte die türkische regierung hatte die kritik an dem rechtsextremen... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Ja in deutschland schaut jetzt natürlich gebannt auf sachsen und thüringen dort finden in zwei tagen die landes landtagswahlen statt ja und die umfragen die sagen für die afd und für das bündnis sarerwagenknecht zweistellige ergebnisse voraus das heißt man wäre mit der union mit der cdu auf augenhöhe... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Anna-marleen howe is in darmstadt for us. anna-marleen, what exactly was going on, how did it happen and how were people able to get to safety in time? yes, it was quite a turbulent and exciting moment, also for the residents here on the street, who always want to come out here and take another look... Read more