Outnumbered 9/11/24 FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP September 11, 2024

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:32:05 Category: News & Politics

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also joining us Fox News contributor and former State Department spokesperson under President Obama Marie harf and Fox News contributor and former Utah Congressman Jason chaitz well we begin with the presidential debate between former president Trump and vice president Harris the debate sparking intense backlash over how the moderators appeared to team up with Harris to take on Trump there was not listen to this a single fact check for KLA Harris all as the ABC moderators targeted Trump with tougher questions more follow-ups and non-stop Corrections challenging him in real time on his statements from abortion to Crime there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born I just want to clarify here you bring up Springfield Ohio and ABC News did reach out to the city manager there uh he told us there have been no credible reports of spe specific claims of pets being harmed president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is actually coming down in this country leading up to this debate uh you have said quote you lost by a whisker that you quote didn't quite make it that you came up a little bit short but you sarcastically I did watch all of these pieces of video I I didn't detect the sarcasm lost by whisker I wasn't responsible for security Nancy Pelosi was responsible she didn't do her job the question was about you as president not about former speaker Pelosi Mr President thank you uh vice president Harris you heard the president there tonight he said he didn't say that that he lost by whisker so he still believes he did not lose the election so you know last night ABC had a choice they could be credible solid probing Fair debate moderators or they could be partisan activist and they chose the latter and I sat there watching this debate wondering you know where's the question about the tiebreaking vote for kamla on inflation on the American Rescue plan I sat there thinking to myself where's the question about taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries from illegal immigrants it didn't exist I sat there and we have a visual aid for this one where's the question about her running mate babies born alive after abortions being left to die before changing the reporting requirements and where we scroll this as well where are the questions about every single one of these policies Harris these radical policies I believe one or two were mentioned casually none of Harris's past policies mentioned not by the moderators I mean Donald Trump was bringing up things he he was the one and then he was fact checked for bringing up items about this particularly with the subject of abortion which when you watch was one of his strongest moments and he filled his entire time like he he really he was prepared for that question so on and so forth she hits him then with ibf she doesn't get back checked for not knowing that he talks about that all the time and gets quite a bit of coverage for it so the moderators again are not even following up and saying Mrs vice president or Madam vice president Why didn't you know that that's been out there you you hit the the former president incorrectly there no they didn't do any of that they actually did the factchecking with her about Trump that was a clip that you just oh and and by the way he just said this well you know that uh K Harris so I mean it was really interesting I think at the end of the day I I don't know how much this moves the needle for people because we didn't learn anything about her and one of my guests on voters voices said it best last hour Trump would have really done well for himself to move his closing argument into every segment of that debate like as much as he hit the border which is intensely important with people across the country we know that from polling and just from talking with him as I do um but it would have helped for him to say so why haven't you done this in three and a half years like literally with every single moment he could have done that and he had time to do it because they didn't do follow-ups with her yeah follow-ups some were necessary in fact we put together the Tall Tales of KLA Harris for you let's take a listen to this the detailed and dangerous Plan called project 2025 couples who pray and and and and dream of having a family are being denied IVF treatments if Donald Trump were to be reelected he will sign a National Abortion ban let's remember Charlottesville where there was a mob of people carrying TIY torches spewing anti-semitic hate and what did the president then at the time say there were fine people on each side on that day 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some died Donald Trump the candidate has said in this election there will be a blood bath if this and the outcome of this election is not to his liking so you just heard Charlottesville and bloodbath you would think David Mir Lindy Davis hopped up on some factchecking caffeine would have brought this up leftwing Snopes fact check we believe in fact here let's actually bring up the facts they failed to Marie Snopes no Trump did not call neo-nazis and white supremacist very fine people we'll bring up PolitiFact after that Joe Biden claimed Trump said there would be a blood bath if he is elect if he is not elected Trump was discussing the Auto industry why would they not fact check her on this well look I I will answer that question by saying I was on with my friend Mark T last night who's a Conservative Republican and he said made these same points about ABC but then what he said was if we're complaining about the refs we're losing so do Republicans wish there had been more fact checks of KLA Harris sure I would point out that Donald Trump got more than 10 minutes more than KLA Harris to speak last night so he was given a lot more time to speak by the Numbers uh and he had opportunities to use that time however he wanted and the challenge was he used that time to take every bait that KLA Harris put in front of him he spewed lie after lie after lie after lie and I'm glad that the moderators did fact check some of them and I think that the American people last night saw setting aside what ABC did or didn't do I think they saw two very different candidates and a Donald Trump who when put under pressure from kamla Harris you know not Joe Biden this isn't June 25th when we were sitting here on this couch the day after talking about that when he was put on the spot he lied and lied and lied you mention lie a lot but was it truthful for her to bring up a charl hoax a bloodbath hoax was that I actually I'm going to say I don't think those are hoaxes I have lived in Charlottesville I was not there then but that is not what he said what I have watched that over and over again and it's not just that Kaylee there are so many times he has winked and nodded to White supremacists throughout his career it's not in a vacuum here he has told the proud boys that he supports things they do he has dined with their leader this isn't in in a vacuum here okay he denounced white supremacy repeatedly he Embraces it repeatedly repated repeated and and again if we're talking about politics and whether to Harris's point it will move the needle we're sitting here today talking about how close Donald Trump is to white supremacist after a night where I think that's what you're talking what you're talking a lot of the American people are today and look if we're talking about Emily no whether people are eating cats and whether he's I mean we are talking today about going that is what you are talking about white supremacy and cat eating the American people Emily I believe wanted to see that's not what the they would cost at the grocery store howla Harris would lower housing cost how she would secure the Border how she would into Wars that by the way were created on her watch they weren't thinking about cats and white supremacy they got no answers from KLA Harris on that look I have to say that the cronyism occurring between the ABC moderators and the Democrat Party was on full display last night it did no American any favors and it certainly did not do former president Donald Trump any type of neutral or respectful platform I will say however that it's unsurprising and the unfortunate aspect of it was the Lost opportunities and the missed opportunities on the president's part to step in that Gap to unfortunately lift the weight that we can't depend on the media and the moderators to do and what I saw last night was a very polished package of lies on one hand and then a more emphatic Earnest delivery of the truth on the other and at the end of the day if you are voting on personalities then that might have moved the needle needle bit but if you are voting on policies and I pray to God every American is then I hope that you look beneath the V veneer of someone who memorized scripts and someone who was coached perfectly and someone who absorbs somehow a lot of information that we haven't ever seen coming out of their mouth for quite some time or ever um that you can look beyond that to see what would actually happen upon a vote that leads one of them to be in the commander-in chief's seat because at the end of the day that is what terrified me that people will be swayed by the Polish aided by by the ABC moderators and they're already voting battle Pennsylvania and if you're illegal you're voting a million times too so yeah look I if you're looking for just Poise did uh Comm Harris exceed expectations yeah she probably did but I also find her to be a total fake because she does not stand she says oh my principles haven't changed oh really then why wasn't she pressed why wasn't there a followup from those so-called moderators they were not moderators that's far too generous the very first question is are you better off than you were four years ago well I grew up a little girl like that has nothing to do with solving America's problems I don't think she will stand a test of time on factchecking if people actually want to do this and when she touts her plan to fight inflation and deal I defy you go look there is no plan there is no actual plan to do this I don't even think she can define inflation let alone solve the problem so at the end of the day voters are going to look back at this and say yeah okay she had a decent but what are they going to do to help the price of gas how are we going to deal with inflation how are my kids going to be able to afford a mortgage and get into a home and to that end I don't think she did anything I think Democrats like R are going to be dancing in the Halls because they're really happy because it wasn't as bismal as actually Joe Biden was but that is an absolute floor but does she have Solutions which do she can deal with things overseas I I I don't buy it and I don't think America is either oh I I did want to just fact check one thing it was 41 minutes to 36 I think 43 to 36 I'm reading 4 but maybe that's been updated 9 different s Trump talk Trump talked more he was given more opportunity from the moderators in part because they were factchecking him in real time NE one of those by the way minute differential no fact checks no fact checks for KLA Harris you know we saw a debate hosted by left-wing activists we'll see if it moves the needle one thing it did not do was restore faith in the media at a historic low all right a house Democrat accus mothers whose children crime victims advocate and heartbroken mothers testified on Capitol Hill yesterday confronting lawmakers about the death of their children at the hands of violent criminals who crossed into our country illegally watch as a daughter of immigrant parents I am ashamed of what the Biden Harris Administration has done to our country by opening our borders to all including criminals who are wolves and sheep's clothing our girls deserve protection our girls deserve to live their life without fear because of the Biden Harris Administration open border policies Catch and Release they were enrolled in the alternatives to detention program this meant that they were released into the United States it was not even a full 3 weeks later that they would take my daughter Joselyn n's life I can't even fathom what was going through joselyn's mind the amount of fear she was feeling in the last moments of her life she went for her daily run um the next she didn't come home that night she was strangled she was raped the medical IAL examiner said she had bruises that blanketed her body she had um 10 to 15 head wounds and she was stuffed into a drain pipe an illegal immigrant he crossed the border three times was sent back the fourth time he was a Goda away her children are having a hard time all of us as a family are having a hard time we have nightmares and when one Democrat on the committee accused Republicans of politicizing their pain This Is How They responded what is happening today at this Committee hearing where we have colleagues who are you exploiting people's pain for political purposes and unfortunately that's what's happening today no I will I am not being forced to be here I am here because I want to be here and I want changes to be made no I don't feel I don't feel exploited in any way as a matter of fact I find it very interesting that all 5 minutes for both of your testimonies on the left have not had any questions for us up here it's insulting that you would say that to these families that you would make an assumption that they're being used or exploited any way not one time when her daughter was murdered and I was helping her navigate the criminal justice I'm that one Democrat call me to offer their assistance it was only Republicans and I am an independent I both I both vot both ways so it's insulting no please don't speak over me cuz I'm still talking okay respond I'm not done I have the mic I have the floor I have the floor if you want to answer me you ask has the time and the witness is allowed to respond so I'm I'm ask you said some very broad statements it's insulting these people lost loved ones they lost children and we want to see a difference we may not understand everything that's going on but I assure you that we're not being used in any way Jason former Congressman your thoughts everybody needs to see that and everybody needs to hear it and it's offensive to say this is just a political moment these are victims of crimes crimes that were preventable these people if they don't get into the United States they don't come into the United States if Biden and Harris don't release them in the United States their kids would still be alive and and their heart they're heart-wrenching but you can see in there almost no members were were there to actually listen to it and I think they all should have been sitting in their seats listening to those stories they're horrific what are your thoughts they are horrific I agree and we it's hard to watch that um I think that we have an immigration crisis in this in this country and to return to the debate last night because the next president will have to deal with it I thought why can't the one who's in there now deal with it with the pen with executive order all the things put them back into place so border crossings are at their lowest that they since they've been since Donald Trump that happens in the summer a lot because of the executive Act Joe Biden did you asked why he hasn't done it he did it and they're down I thought one of the strongest moments and I was actually nervous about immigration last night for for that reason Harris because they're in office right now and I thought you be more nervous about when they go back up and I thought she articulated in actually the most powerful way I've heard what the bill would have done and why Trump killed it and when he was asked how would you Deport 11 million people he didn't have an answer and I would say one last thing you know my home state of Ohio there's there is some politics going on here there's a father of an 11-year-old boy who was killed last year when a minivan driven by a Haitian immigrant struck his school bus he said yesterday that Donald Trump and JD Vance were morally bankrupt politicians who were using his deceased son as a political tool so I think that this is a political issue and these families are caught in the middle and the facts matter here and last night we heard a plan from KLA Harris to build on what they've already done and an argument for why Donald Trump had politically killed an incredibly tough immigration Bill and he didn't have a good answer do you know what so onic about that though and and really it it's disingenuous from her and I don't want to accuse you of this CU you're just quoting her what do you mean that's already working it's not working we've let in north of 10 million people most of them illegal and almost all of them not vetted into this country we've seen a spike in crime that involves illegal immigrants in this country we've seen girls particularly young girls and women targeted in those very violent crimes we cover them far too often almost daily now now so when you say she's building on what's working what in the world is she talking about and why in the world are you quoting her she's had three and a half years to do what you say he just did with the The Stroke of a pen what he did was reflexively put in perhaps a fraction of what Trump had had but they won't touch his policies that worked because they have his name on them that's about as childish as a three-year-old and it's more dangerous it's more dangerous than someone who has a gun in our head cuz we can't even see coming we don't even know they're coming we don't know who they are so when you quote her for having done so much and building on that that's really offensive because we're living in a point where if she really wanted to fix it she and her boss would have done it by now very quickly move on what I think is offensive is the Biden Administration with KLA Harris agreeing to an incredibly tough border bill that would have put more agents on the second the second tough Donald Trump Donald Trump killing it well you are doing in a debate we call it this a red herring you're saying look over there look at this legislation true Donald Trump didn't need that legislation the president has 212 F authority to put forward an executive order to shut down the Border why say and you say that this worked because three years into it KLA Harris and Joe Biden did this well they could have on day one not rolled back his 100 executive actions but I think this whole discussion misses the most important part of the immigration debate last night and here it was Marie When Donald Trump brought up migrant crime which he he is correct about you have NYPD sources saying 75% of people arrested in Midtown Manhattan are migrants 60% in Queens that is the police department the most important part of the debate was when David Mur looked at kamla and said how do you respond to migrant crime she could have used that moment and said Joselyn nari Lake and Riley I care about these women Rachel Mo and a mother of five she didn't you know what she did she brought up Trump lawfare she brought up Trump trials do not tell me she cares about a 12-year-old who got killed when she can't even say the name and she can't even answer migrant crime she turns to Trump trials she cares about law fair not your family yeah I didn't want to move on I wanted to move back to to these women I I wanted to give them a just a couple more minutes of time that Congressman didn't afford them you know that they weren't able that they were talked over that they were empty in their seats I just wanted to give them a moment to acknowledge that deep anguish that I can I can never presume to even understand um the loss of their young girls and as they said we just want our girls to live free of fear is that so much is that so wrong coming up former first lady Melania Trump is demanding answers for the assassination of husband former president Trump and she is demanding answers on why law enforcement did not stop the threat soon I I also want to play this right behind the former first lady it's it's Donald Trump speaking with Mark lvin and recounting how both Melania and his son Baron found out about the attempt to assassinate at him well she was watching it on television and baron was outside having a tennis lesson he's a good tennis player he's outside playing tennis and somebody ran up Baron Baron your father's been shot he went you he loves his father he's a good good kid good student good athlete actually and he ran Mom what's going on what's going she couldn't believe it she's actually watching it live can you imagine no I actually can't imagine Jason no I I I think she's right I think you know she has her own way of communicating putting it out there but they have been so tight lipped of the Secret Service and they have a culture of deception that has to be in context here so why was this person allowed to get on the roof he did he wasn't stealthy he he didn't do something really creative I mean got up on a roof a white roof and and then the deception that's been out there from the secret service director say oh the pitch was too big I think she has a lot of questions I think America a lot of questions yes yeah Kimberly cheel who who resigned yeah yeah um Emily when you look at that video it is really the first time that I can remember that I know of that we've heard directly from the former first lady you're serious she's taking this we know her voice joins millions and including a unanimous unified Congress and Senate who are demanding answers from Secret Service leadership as to how this happened and how we can prevent it happening again and I will say that as the former first lady you know discusses her experience and as Donald Trump as the former president fleshed out you know what that was like there's a cause of action for vicarious trauma right it exists when when people watch their loved ones when terrible things happen to them the whole point is that the law sort of provides and accounts for that horri trauma that occurs when you witness something terrible happening to a loved one and the trauma that she suffered is real I mean I can't imagine that so just taking a moment to acknowledge that her pain is so real at seeing that and the fact that her pain is now made worse by a failure to have any answers yeah I want to come back to you on that one point Emily you know some people are saying well why did she not speak up more speak up sooner um somebody has to process this like I I I meet people in the grocery store I meet people across the country who talk about it do we know why it had to happen that way and they're angry and hurting this hurts the whole country what happened to a former president doesn't matter politically who that person is but it hurts us and if he's killed in that moment we've had that happen in this country before it breaks us so take all the time she needs to grieve and to Rejoice that he made it absolutely you know as we speak at September 11th like an attack on one is an attack against us all we all suffer we all feel that pain we all feel it deeply and then have a collective anguish for it that is why again we were so United and why Congress was unanimous in demanding answers ensuring it doesn't happen again so absolutely She is safe and supported to speak whenever and however she wants Congress as Emily points out yes you know looking and looking and I know they can't talk about an active investigation but they can't put out a different statement as bystanders and Witnesses have turned over more video and more information than we've gotten even a confirmation of from the FBI yeah there's a ton of questions and Melania Trump's exactly right to pose them the mark Len interview with Trump about Melania was so wonderful that was the first time I had heard those details and Trump goes on to say you know it was a miracle that my life was saved it was one 100th of a second when I looked this way and now Milan is asking questions I would any wife would I was appalled when I watched CNN and Maria Cardona who worked for Clinton was asked about melan's statement and Maria Cardona said look she's a wife and she's entitled to ask question she acknowledged that but then she said I think she meaning Melania is a relevant frankly and it does kind of feed into conspiracy theories we have heard I just wish we could put that aside I wish we could hear KLA and her acceptance of the nomination mentioned the assassination attempt I wish we would have heard it on the stage last night Tamp down rhetoric like that well that part but just even a mention of it from the moderators at all U Donald Trump brought up the Assassin during theate on his own last night watch I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me they talk about democracy I'm a threat to democracy they're the threat to democracy we came so close Mar we I mean this these last few months capped off by such a near I mean it was a tragedy of course for the family of of the person that we lost and for Donald Trump's family who as Emily said is living through this um every day still because it's really scary he's still out there talking to voters and a number of person another person was injured I think that uh we all have questions we've talked about this so many times on this couch I will address the conspiracy theories there are a lot of conspiracy theories on Twitter and other social media platforms that are I don't even want to repeat here because they offensive I'm not going to but some of them today are using her statement to say maybe there's something that the government is hiding from us that's not just inom can't ask questions I kay I didn't say that I'm just say I'm I'm answering the question you said what is the conspiracy theory that's what she's talking about and I find those conspiracy theories horrible given what happened I ask what that meant in that context by the person you quoted it wasn't yeah it wasn't necessarily necessary for the former president's wife to ask questions and for wider in America to ask questions is not only necessary but if we don't push who will uh vice president kamla Harris managing to dodge on whether Americans are better off now than they were when she and Biden got into much like we saw in 2016 which is Independents are tracking very much with Republicans they're looking for a couple things they're looking for answers on immigration they're looking for answers on the economy they want to hear that things are going to get better for them and they also want change from what's happening right now and I think one of the most important things they were looking for last night from KLA Harris is how how are you going to make it different one of Trump's most powerful statements that he said is when he said you know why haven't you done it for the last three and a half years you are Biden and he was really trying to say there's going to be no change with you and people are looking for that so you can see um in these clips and I was really really surprised because the intensity of the independent support there for Donald Trump was very very strong and I didn't expect it Reuben I saw you nodding why um when you talk about immigration I mean that's a real big Even in our community as Latinos um we look at it very negative you're talking about developing a new and I'm talking about the 50s and 60s a new mentality of in of not Independence but dependency because now Medicaid goes up Medicare goes up all this stuff goes up and they become I was talking to some people just recently in a family and they're not looking to get out of where they are they're not looking to do anything they get a check they do what they have to do um and and the the government is supporting them and you're becoming victims and that's the way I look at it they becoming dependent victims of a society here because they don't understand the rules here they don't understand anything so it's a whole learning curve for them too when you're talking about what laws you got to abide by you know you look at your drivers in the city think about it I mean nobody's really tuned into those things those are simple where you getting insurance from if you're getting a license in New York and you're driving a wonderful car where you getting that insurance from that's a so God forbid I get into an accident I don't know where I'm going to go and somebody hits my vehicle or hurts somebody in my car Janine I think The Independents are are tracking in a positive way with Trump's responses because it is obvious what's happening across the country in these cities it is you know it's every single day we're seeing destruction every single day we're seeing crime every single day we are our safety is being compromised and I think that you can't hi from that and I think it's becoming more and more obvious and something needs to change and it needs to be done it I believe Trump's way all right you go to school in the city I do and you don't have to look any further than the five burrows to see the impact of the migrant crisis I mean our mayor who is far from a trump fan said I believe last year the migrant crisis will destroy New York City and this is Trump's home Hometown and it's costing us billions of dollars of taxpayer of taxpayer funds annually but I thought it was interesting when as directly by the moderators kamla the vice president didn't even make an effort to defend the administration's immigration policies at all she can't it's indefensible so she pivoted and she deflected and I thought successfully but they totally rewrote all of Trump's immigration policies year one first 100 days I would have liked to have seen an explanation for the country as to why they did that all right let's talk about this Democrats are pushing abortion as an election issue as they have for the last few cycles and here is have S done hi hi without the net haveon I will get from joh I was say what's up joh how was say

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