FOX and Friends 9/12/24 [7AM] FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP September 12, 2024

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:32:04 Category: News & Politics

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for Mobility it was really really cool it was in Earth like yeah we don't have good transmission we would have gone back meanwhile we have good transmission across the studio we have other breaking news uh and it's a it's very serious stuff that the governor of Colorado denied police in Aurora Colorado arresting 10 members of the gang Trent de aragua in connection with the apartment building takeovers we all saw on video the arrests come as the Venezuelan Street gain expands its deadly reach into the US Chanley you have more that's right good morning from across the room police and local officials in Aurora announcing the arrest of these 10 men accused of quote committing acts of violence against members of the migrant Community all 10 arrested are listed as documented members of TDA Trend aranga a transnational prison gang based in Venezuela charges include child abuse attempted first-degree murder illegal discharge of a firearm and more now Aurora has been in the spotlight recently after surveillance video from an apartment building being overtaken by armed men went viral online The Joint statement from Aurora officials also addressing what they say are misleading social media claims saying this as for the perception and reality of Public Safety in Aurora please understand that issues experienced at a select few properties do not apply to the city as a whole or large portions of it TDA has not taken over the city now the Democratic governor of the sanctuary state had this to say to Fox News quote Aurora is a great vibrant city of more than 400,000 hardworking coloradans in a wonderful place to live work and raise a family and the governor hopes that there has not been reputational damage from previous cynical statements made by certain city officials he also said that his office is an active member of The Joint Task Force that was created to address the TDA gang activity in that region guys right but too bad the governor uh was in denial about this too bad he set up a thanks so much Chanley and to bed he set up a sanctuary State yep in 2019 so congratulations this is you got you can deny it all you want it is an absolute mess and the people of Aurora are the victim also can they do some work I mean it's not like we didn't have the people on video camera to verify who those people were that were in the apartment complex you don't think that the task force should have had some type of you just got people just strolling around the guy that was in that apartment clearly states that he didn't give them the right to come in he felt in fear for his life so y'all haven't arrested these guys yet Springfield in Springfield the town is small 58,000 people not even 60,000 and 20,000 Haitian migrants have moved into their Town that's exactly and and the argument that they're making is they're coming in for the jobs and all that but the problem is is they're taking they're taking the market for the American citizens and I remember back when I was there for the the migration that crisis to happen in Texas with all the Haitian migrants that were there this is a part of that guys and I remember when you know the whole whipping gate remember that guy was stealing from one of the ladies that's why the border patrol got involved right there and they had started gangs across that River and everything so we're talking about a danger situation so so here's the here's the background uh in 2020 the federal government granted people from Haiti uh temporary protected status they they could leave Haiti they could go anywhere in the United States well as it turns out a lot of people wound up going to Ohio they heard that the housing was cheap and there were lots of jobs which is true um and Springfield Ohio is a is a city with a big heart but this influx of people like 15,000 over the last couple of years has completely taxed and overwhelmed all the city services for instance uh there's not enough room in uh the classrooms for the kids uh they don't have enough translators uh the hospitals are overworked and also and this is one of the reasons why law enforcement has been sent there the state patrol is going to be going to Springfield in particular uh because a lot of people from Haiti don't have American driver's licenses and they don't understand our laws and not long ago there was a deadly school bus crash where dozens of kids were hurt and one 11-year-old died and the driver didn't have a US driver's license so this this is what the governor of Ohio saying Governor Mike dwan the federal government needs to assist these commun communities with real dollars these dramatic surges impact every citizen of the community every CI the moms who have to wait hours in a waiting room with a sick child everyone who drives on the streets and affects children who go to school in more CL crowded classroom federal government does not have a plan to give any support to the community is impacted by The Surge and we have absolutely no indication that a plan is coming in the future the Republican Governor speaking uh about the temporary protected status he says I'm not against that but 15,000 Haitians there are using now Services who are put aside for law enforcement yes in order to get to them and and help help them this was a debate in 2016 about the wall right so everything was about the wall the Border oh don't worry about the wall no one goes to the Border build a wall don't build the wall what happens is you didn't build a wall you didn't back law enforcement you didn't provide the resources there you weren't interested you have the sanctuary City sanctuary State and you're bragged about having a big heart now America is flooded with at least 8.5 million illegals let alone the Goda ways some here just to create hell call the worst gang in Venezuela exactly what the former president said empty in their prison yeah and they're they're emptying their prison exactly what they said and the Venezuelan said just get out I don't care where you go they're making their way here they're making their way for other gangsters and now cities big and small are all victims this is the point to make on the stage last night but Angley when you look at the dials we all had our analysis yesterday about the debate but when you look at the dials for independent voters when they solve the immigration issue discussed it shoots up not only with Republicans but Independents as well so we want to cherry-pick different moments but when it came down to the issues it looked like it had an impact on the voters what's interesting about this election that I don't ever remember seeing in my lifetime we have two candidates who have been in the White House yes for the last four years as vice president Donald Trump four years before that as president so we know where they both stand and that's why that first question in the debate was so important are you better off were you better off under him or under her and you I've heard people say this is an issues election you might not like the personality of her her flip flapping you might not like his personality but how do they vote what is their record are you better off and to that point there's an item in the uh that they just posted on the New York Times uh website that talked a little bit about last uh the debate couple of nights ago and so what the Harris Camp is uh is encouraged by is the fact that they she was able to make the debate all about Donald Trump and that was something that Joe Biden could not do uh during his year of running for president he could not do it but she did it in a in a more uh effective way essentially the reason it's important is that debate came two days ago yesterday Alabama sent out the first absentee ballots it was going to be North Carolina but RFK challenged it they got to reprint everything so Alabama sent out the absentee ballots people in Alabama now will be able to start voting so here's where the undecided voters are saying and this is very interesting it's separate from the pundants and the experts watch I think it's important to remember that we are voting for the lead of our country and not who we like the most or who we want in our wedding party but who is actually going to make our country better and we're in an incredibly unique situation where we've had both of the candidates in office before and we've gotten to see what they would do and when facts come to facts my life was better when Trump was in office the economy was higher inflation was lower things were better overall and now with um kamala's Administration things haven't been so fantastic and she's saying she can fix the problems that her Administration has caused but I just don't know if I can afford to take that risk you go that was the danger you want to talk about Donald Trump the entire debate but you forgot about the issues that matter to the American public people aren't trying to elect a priest right now they want someone that's going to improve the grocery prices exactly but what if the were candidate is saying everything you think they want him to say but she got so she's saying I'm going to be tough on the border really but you haven't I did something when I was a before I was Senator that I did it and then you get to talk Donald Trump talking about something separate from what is doing to these cities and states do you just expect all the American public to have amnesia about the last three and a half years they do remember and they're still experiencing the pain politico's got an item up right now that talks about the dangers of underestimating Donald Trump they write in part but the most important political lesson of the Trump era applies here when all the corners of elite thinking are in agreement whether it's on social media Wall Street the Beltway print news rooms or in cable green rooms it's best to be very skeptical I love that yeah and going forward uh this item I refer to in the New York Times because they got people close to the kamla Harris campaign apparently she's going to be going to North Carolina today uh Pennsylvania tomorrow she's actually going to sit for interviews with local media and she's going to do an interview I believe next week with the National Association of black journalists so let's see if they are able to get get some of the questions answered that the ABC people James CL y'all saw what he said yesterday want to do it James kber said I hope she doesn't do one-on-one interviews because something she says could go in a negative way he wants to do Town Halls uh something unscripted could go wrong today anti-israel director will provide a classified briefing on the assassination attempt against former president Trump Brooke singman joins us on what to expect Brooke hey Brian yeah today's Focus will be on their internal report we're also learning that multiple retirements are in progress including the agency's assistant director Michael platty other names have yet to be made public but so far at least five agents have been placed on leave he would join the agency's former director Kimberly cheel who resigned under intense pressure from Congress lawmakers are now looking forward to sitting down with her replacement listen I look forward to getting an idea of kind of what they know at the moment while their investigation is still going on look there are people out there on the left who thinks this think this think this thing was staged and there are people on the right who think this was an inside job and that's because no one is giving them information former first lady Melania Trump is also demanding answers I can't help but wonder why didn't law enforcement officials arest the shooter before the speech there is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the truth the secret Services overall mission Assurance probe is expected to be made public soon Steve all right Brooke thank you very much meanwhile anti-israeli protesters planning to storm college campuses today in what they're calling a day of action the students for justice in Palestine group saying on social media the student inata continues this comes after protesters were arrested in Philly I believe yesterday at Tuesday that is to say as thousands gathered to protest the presidential debate good morning thank you for having me you are not on campus today you're at home in South Carolina why yes well as we both know SJP students for justice in Palestine has decided that today is going to be a day of action which they've also build as a day of Rage I've dealt with these oncampus protests for the last year they've become more and more radical despicable violent and I don't want to have to fear for my safety Crossing campus I know that if I had a debate with any of these people I would run circles around them but my physical safety is Paramount and I'm not going to risk it I I I get it I I wouldn't go either if I was so freaked out about whether or not something bad's going to happen I mean worst case scenario what are you worried about well we've already seen what these protesters are capable of doing last spring Jews at Colombia were spat on yelled at told to go back to Poland these protesters broke into a building and vandalized it they basically have no limits or boundaries on what they're willing to do and when they openly praise terrorist organizations like Kamas they speak like them they dress like them it's only natural to fear that eventually they'll do something as violent as Kamas did on October 7th so Xavier you're in South Carolina right now you're working on your PhD um your thesis how many kids do you know of who go to Colombia who aren't showing up on campus Because of all the fears you're talking about personally I know dozens of students who try to avoid campus as much as possible nowadays not every student has the ability to go home right and for some people New York City is their home which is terrifying because these protests are not just confined to the University campus we see them in Time Square we see them near Grand Central Station and even worse we see anti-semitic acts happening on the streets in the subway station there's basically nowhere that's safe for Jews in that City right now yeah and Xavier the thing is it just doesn't seem like the university uh administrations across the country whether they've got the backs of the Jewish students no they don't and that is one of the greatest shames of all we saw in the spring the University Administration sitting idly by as the situation on campus went from bad to worse our former president Manu shafik had to resign in disgrace just a couple weeks ago for her shameful mismanagement of the crisis and now we have a new president and she's only an interim president and as my mother tells me it's good to have very very high hopes but very low expectations you should always listen to your mother words of wisdom yes sir yes sir um Xavier thank you very much uh good luck with your PhD thank you very much I appreciate you having me you bet thank you all right uh 27 minutes before the top of the hour on this Thursday from the grid iron to Capitol Hill how Tim TBO is working with lawmakers to protect our children and tornado warned storm that's going to be kind of you know an ongoing situation throughout the morning and into the afternoon for the Panhandle up towards Alabama we have a tornado watch conditions are favorable for tornadoes not only that we could see very heavy rainfall tropical storm Forest winds as Francine continues to move northward still power outages close to 400,000 without power in eastern Southeastern Louisiana and there's the rain still to come along the trajectory of this path as it weakens and moves northward and we're also watching the tropics here because we have this kind of messy area off the coast of the Carolinas that could develop and bring in some moisture to this region so there's your future radar as we go further out in time don't think it's going to develop but I've always said it doesn't take a name storm to cause a lot of problems and the potential for flooding so we've got the remnants of Francine and then this area of low pressure off the coast we will watch all right over to the couch with a special guest today very special one of our favorites thank you so much Janus Tim TBO might be best known for his work on the football field but the former quarterback is once again using his platform for good Tim joining a bipartisan group of lawmakers this week to introduce the renewed hope act in an effort to combat child exploitation we want every single kid to be able to look um forward with confidence expectation and anticipation because they have real hope that's what this bill is that we could give kids the the hope that there's someone that is coming after them someone that wants to protect them someone that wants to love them someone that wants to be able to provide for them so that they can look forward with confidence expectation anticipation because tomorrow can be better than today TBO joins us now to expand on what he was talking about in Washington yesterday Tim great to see you I guess the first question is how would you were exposed to this how did you realize there was an issue with kids with without parents being taken advantage of well we've been fighting in the space against anti-human trafficking for over 10 years and over the last about four years we were exposed to more of the child exploitation and one of the team members that we joined Camille Cooper joined our team and she's been fighting against us for 25 years and I said what breaks your heart the most and she wrote down a number 20,000 and I said what does that mean and she said there's at least 20,000 boys and girls that law enforcement can see their rape and abuse images but nobody's been able to identify them so we're able to convene a meeting in Leon France with all of the top players in this space uh a year and a half ago and it's not 20,000 it's over 50,000 so what this this bill is about and what this focus is about is equipping and building an army of investigators analysts and people that are focused to finding these 50,000 boys and girls CU law enforcement those are there they can see them they can see their rape and abuse images and by the way we think well it's just you know the kids aren't that old 21100 of these kids are infant right 47% of these videos are extreme abuse of rape torture beastiality defecation so when we're saying it is Extreme abuse these kids in the United States um well out of the kids that have been rescued it's been about half that have been in the United States and half are abroad but when you start an investigation you don't know where that is going to lead and and right now at C3 the cyber crime Center they are amazing they are some of my favorite people but do you know how many investigators for um um uh investigators that are are digitally trained to be able to do this for victim identification there's seven right now so you're saying seven victim identification Specialists are going to go through the worst material that you could probably watch and find these this many boys no we have to build an army and equip and train them to go after and rescue these boys and girls that's what it's about because while you detail the number of known cases where stuff is posted online the numbers are gigantic way more it's way more than that look at this uh 36.2 million reports of ected child sex exploitation online in the last year over 50% of online sexual exploitation victims are between 12 and how much responsibility does social media the social media Giants have to crack down on this I know I know they've got filters and they've got moderators and stuff like that but stuff slips through doesn't it I think that everybody needs to be a part of the solution everybody that's me and that's you because these boys and girls um almost 80% of these are done by someone in their trusted Circle almost 80% of the abuse is done by someone in their trusted Circle by far the number one offender is Dad right now so the dads in America have to stand up but also think about this cuz I was maybe 10 years ago I was stunned and didn't know what to say when I was overseas and um I I got to to meet some incredible boys and girls who are rescued from this and one of them her mom boiled out her eye so she would look worse and the abuse and the abuse was so bad and I thought what do you tell someone what do you tell a little girl when the first person that hurt her or sold her is Mom what do you tell a little girl when the first person that raped her is Dad you see the problem that we have is the people that have the responsibility and the obligation and the calling to protect them are also the people many times that are offending them that's why we have to stand up cuz who do they go to who do you go to when 80% of the time they're getting abused and hurt by the people that are called to protect a lot of times the school system one we are TR tracking Francine and uh some of the outer bands moving in towards the Florida Panhandle where we have a tornado warned storm until 7:15 a.m. tornado watch in effect uh for parts of Alabama across the Florida Panhandle conditions are favorable for tornadoes tropical tornadoes because of Francine we had a landfall yesterday this was a category 2 storm 100 mph sustained winds we set records in New Orleans of over 7 in of rainfall and the storm continues to move northward it is weakening it's Overland uh but still widespread impacts across portions of Louisiana Mississippi Alabama and Florida and then moving northward uh top wind reports over 100 milph as it impacted Louisiana we have wind gas in excess of 30 mph not only for the gulf coast states uh but up towards uh the Midsouth where we have wind gust in excess of 35 miles our uh Jackson Mississippi there power outages close to 400,000 without power for parts of Eastern Louisiana rainfall totals of over 9 Ines here and that's going to continue as we go throughout the day so uh mostly on the Eastern side of the storm we're going to see the potential for 2 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 8 Ines of rainfall uh and the storm will eventually dissipate but for now we will continue to monitor Francine for all of your latest details anley over to you all right thank you so much Shan you got it education is a major issue for Americans but it wasn't even brought up during the debate and as children are struggling across our country KLA Harris has yet to release a plan to get our kids back on track in Michigan in particular 86% of black fourth graders can't read proficiently and 60% of third graders failed the state's English language arts test this year Michigan mother and assistant Provost for 4 K through2 education at Hillsdale College Kathleen otol joins us now good morning to you Kathleen good morning good morning we have a map if people are watching our show they live in different parts of the United States and in the on the map it says students are behind 31% of the students in the Northeast are 31% in the midwest are 29% down in the South and uh 39% out west why is this well these numbers are alarming but they are part of a larger story that's been going on for a long time in this country we've forgotten how to teach children how to read this foundational skill that unlocks the rest of their education it was exacerbated by the covid lockdowns but the problem goes back to our changing away from teaching phonics and more importantly coupling that phonics instruction with Rich content in literature History Science art music children need both of those things and when they when they are taught phonics instruction and a languager environment any child can read even before the third grade we see this in Hillsdale Affiliated schools across the country classical schools across the country give us an example of how to how to couple those together well think about um the difference between the word dessert and the word desert uh there's a there's a f based method of teaching students the difference between those two words and they do need to know how to pronounce the word desert and what it means but unless they're given Rich stories that explain what the desert is like maybe they' visited the desert um they won't really be able to comprehend the word itself so reading instruction is more about just decoding the sounds of words and understanding the meaning of the sentence you have to have an understanding of the vocabulary that you're reading in order to make sense of the passage well they definitely third graders definitely know what desserts are and what that means maybe not the know that yeah you know as a mom um what did you want to hear at the debate when it comes to education and what do you want from from our politicians to help with this problem I would love I would love to hear things about parent choice education Freedom returning decisions about child's education back to the people who know and love those children the best uh education is not rocket science um there are the the way in which we educate a child is known and parents can tell when their children are receiving a good education and so they should be the ones making the decisions well our educators are amazing Jared isaacman working the hatch which will slowly open and he and uh fellow uh Mission member Sarah Gillis will be conducting their consecutive space walks each one lasting about 12 minutes each something interesting they tested these Eva suits extensively before they depressurize the cabin because once you start depressurizing the cabin if you detected a leak in the suits and had to repressurize the cabin then you blow your opportunity to take the spacewalk because they have a limited amount of oxygen on board that space CFT and so they only have enough for one depressurization and repressurization and so they have to get it right but they determined those Eva suits were safe and now as we speak they are slowly going through the process of opening that hat suddenly I don't think I want to go now yeah no kid and uh Jon Jonathan we just heard uh their ma their Master Control say they're going to repeat the entire process because they've got to be safe that could take a few minutes so we're going to step aside uh we'll be back to you in a moment in the meantime across the studio and here's Brian all right on something totally different now more back on Earth the Massachusetts girls field docky team forced to Forfeit an upcoming game after learning the opposing team had a biological male on their roster the decision comes a year after a player on the team suffers significant facial and dental injuries after a shot to the face by a male there superintendent acknowledging this could impact their playoff chances but saying quote there are times where we have to have to to place a higher value on safety on uh safety than on Victory now wait a second we're going to go back to breaking news because we're going to go back up to space we can see now the hatch is actually opened and we imagine they are going through we are 38 minutes into today's space walk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to continue that structure you see there is [Applause] for I'm transitioning back from under the displ SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam where we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience these are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild [Applause] [Applause] [Music] stex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir sure looks like a perfect world [Applause] done more we done take mom would that was say what it the spe again when look get now for for speech for speech foreign spee I'm

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