The Faulkner Focus 9/13/24 FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP September 13, 2024

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:31:04 Category: News & Politics

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Fox News Alert a warning to voters from the Trump campaign you should not expect anything new if vice president kamla Harris is elected especially when it comes to the high-priced economy which millions of Americans are suffering under well we know it's always the economy I'm Harris fauler you are in the fauler focus it's an economic warning coming from the governor of North Dakota Doug bergham he is campaigning for for former president Donald Trump the way we beat inflation uh and get the economy going is elect President Trump I kamla's economic policies I mean it's just more of the same a little bit of uh if people think she's going to fix the economy that's like you know asking an arsonist to come and put out the fire because she lit the inflation fire on Capitol Hill Republicans on a joint economic committee recently put out a state-by-state analysis of pricings that were all prices that we're all paying and they compared right now to the time when President Biden and vice president Harris took office in January 21 so from then to now you can see it for yourself voters in Battleground States in particular are paying nearly $1,000 more per month on exactly the same products and services three and a half years ago it's another Biden Harris crisis we're trying to maintain the prices and have consumer confidence but we're getting to the point right now where my husband says like this can't continue like things are just way too high we're all tired of of not having any money in our pocket she's so disconnected from every from regular folks like myself and all the rest of us you know um I just I have no faith in what she has to offer we cannot afford another four years of a democrat in office um and it's just very simple no we can't afford Cala to be in office um this Democratic diet that we were all just put on the last three years um is not sustainable well that's a catchphrase Democratic diet when it comes to your wallet well it actually was the first question that kicked off Tuesday's debate moderators asked vice president kamla Harris quote when it comes to the economy do you believe Americans are better off now than they were three and a half years ago well she didn't answer the question and Byron York's new column argues it was the most important question of the campaign he says she flubbed it so she tried to answer it and failed adding it was also the most predictable question and topic of the entire debate but a split second she seemed surprised senior National correspondent Rich Edson is live at the White House Rich good morning Harris the White House debate it's back here inflation discussion at the White House going on in briefings other forums here the White House argues that the United States is in fact turning the corner we can't forget what this Administration inherited an economy that was in a tail spin that's what we inherited it was paralyzed because the former president did nothing Republicans argue this Administration should have just done nothing that the nearly $2 trillion American Rescue plan in 2021 boosted inflation prices in the United States are about 20% higher than in 2021 GOP members on the joint economic committee say inflation in consumer prices in key swing states are largely more than the national average except Pennsylvania other Republicans are also highlighting how much more Americans are paying than they were just a few years ago this Administration we have faced record inflation is one of my friends has said the most expensive vehicle the Americans drive today is their grocery cart Democrats blame inflation on on pandemic disruptions and Global conflicts they say their $2 trillion spending plan helped avoid a deeper recession they acknowledge prices are higher in the US but they also point to Rising incomes paychecks have generally outpaced INF inflation for the past year and a half Democrats on the joint economic committee say wages and salaries from January 21 to July of this year outpaced inflation by nearly $4500 and the latest read we have on inflation comes for August prices in August were 22 time times 2 and a half% higher than they were from August a year ago but that of course is on top of all the inflation that we saw throughout the last few years to you you know what that that is such the important part that you point out Rich it it doesn't mean that prices go down when the inflation rate comes down a bit or fluctuates and goes back up prices are always rising and at one point above 9% under the current Administration so they're already high plus 22% I'm glad you said that thank you the left leaning Washington Post editorial board also weighed in on that question posed to VP kamla Harris are Americans better off than they were four years ago when Donald Trump was in office they say she dodged it and no wonder on Tuesday the Census Bureau released an update on income poverty and health insurance in the US as of last year this is all on the Washington Post now the data suggested that incomewise as of 20 23 many Americans were still not quite better off than they were in the last prepandemic year 2019 nor necessarily even than they were in 2020 the left has made a talking point of turning the corner on inflation but Bare Essentials and I mean bare like who lives without food shelter auto insurance energy costs all up by more than 20% since Biden and Harris took office Shan deffy former Wisconsin Congress and co-host of the bottom line on Fox Business so let's talk business let's talk the economy it was just a a misfire by KLA Harris over and over and over when she would even address the issue of the economy what is she going to hand us well for the problem with that question Harris was she didn't answer it but also every single American knew the answer to that question they all knew of course we're not better off right now than we were 3 and A2 years ago we're worse off and then for the ad to come out and say but listen we're turning the corner these are the same people that told us that bomx is working for the last 3 and A2 years these are the same people that said the border is secure and you make a great Point inflation it's important to understand this it adds on top of previous inflation so again we're up 20% over the last three and a half years and wages have not increased by 20% which is why Americans feel poor and in politics Harris you have to talk about the issues that people care about and you might not have great answers but you have to have some answer to address their concerns that they're poor today there you get a two I live this life at one point I had five kids if a $200 unexpected bill came in I was stressed out of my mind I fought with my wife um it is a stressful time and then you had inflation on top of it people even left leaning Democrats right now are like listen I want to vote Democrat but my finances are so bad today and this Administration has been so horrible I can't vote for them I want to go back even though I might not like Donald Trump I might not like the tweets I might not like the language but I love the economy and I can't live anymore under this economy I want the Trump economy back look vice president KLA Harris made another false claim about former president Trump at both of her rallies last night in North Carolina here's a clip Donald Trump will give billionaires and big corporations massive tax cuts and cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollar even even as they pull in record profits he will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt he intends to cut Social Security and Medicare okay well we'll just read directly from the Republican party's official 2024 platform after what she said a promise to quote fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no Cuts is anybody on her campaign reading I mean everybody's looked at her platform even when it didn't have any policy on it like 96 hours ago and now it's got very very lean talking points on there so people really don't know what she would do here's another one president Trump has made absolutely clear that he will not cut one penny from Medicare or social security from the platform you can see one is in chapter six protect seniors our commitment this is from the Republican platform for for the entire United States watch we're going to take care of Social Security we're not going to do anything to hurt our seniors there is so much cutting to help seniors on fixed incomes who are suffering the ravages of inflation there will be no tax on social security we're going to stop it no tax on social security I will fight for you and fight for the ability we are going to protect Social Security we are going to protect Medicare and we're not going to have any Cuts we're not going to have age increases I mean it's perfectly clear on that issue and I don't know if the left through KLA Harris is trying to have its own version of the truth um but there's one truth they can have their feelings about it but what she's saying is not what Donald Trump has said yes you got you got video and you have documents and KLA Harris can continues to repeat the lie I wonder where's the media Harris going we're going to fact checker on this because that's not what Donald Trump has here has said here's but we're not left leaning we're covering the news we're fair right but here's the problem $35 trillion in debt uh uh Social Security Medicare they're going broke the trust funds are going to run dry and so you're going to have to tap into um the general fund to help pay and meet those promises $35 trillion in debt and $2 trillion budget deficits means you're not going to have the money to take care of senior so the real threat to every single American who's going to rely on Social Security and Medicare are coming from the big spending Democrats who are blowing the budget out one quick comment you you played the side on on taxes um again it's a great line to say if you cut taxes you're going to have less money for Democrats to spend you American people your lives are going to be worse off because we're not taxing billionaires the truth is for the tax cuts that we passed when I was in Congress in uh 2018 we brought more money into the federal coffers we made more money because there was more economic activity lower taxes less regulation give you more growth and then more revenue and more people can fend for themselves and not rely on government that's the problem with the liberal philosophy it's flawed and by the way with all the money they've spent Harris no one's life is better we should have goldplated roads for all the money we've spent on infrastructure and and we don't have roads and bridges we still need more money for infrastructure because they lie to us yeah I asked that question about the infrastructure Bill where are the seats on that uh all the time living between one of the most traveled thars in the world the George Washington Bridge and another one the Lincoln Tunnel and we have water main break after water I won't even get into it the people who suffer when that happens all right Shan Duffy thank you Fox News Alert pop star Justin Timberlake is set to appear at any moment in a Long Island New York courtroom and he's expected to solidify a plea deal to downgrade his June misdemeanor drunken driving charge he was pulled over in the Hamptons Sag Harbor beautiful town there and police say Timberlake ran a stop sign veered out of his Lane and got out of his BMW wreaking of alcohol he refused to submit a breathalyzer test at the time and the deal comes after Timberlake pleaded not guilty during a virtual hearing last month details of the deal have yet to be publicly disclosed Timberlake will make a statement after the court appearance we are told will take you their live when it happens well the Fallout continues over the one-sided factchecking at this week's presidential debate now a new report shows a moderator admitting what everybody might have suspected plus former president is set to hold another news conference in less than an hour Trump is add it again Time After Time meanwhile vice president Kamala Harris still has not held One news conference since she announced that she would take over Joe Biden's spot at the top of the ticket many people say it's not okay she's going to hide from the Press she will not allow herself to be cornered and that's very damning because how if she if that's how she's going to run as president what would she do as president she would now Sag Harbor New York is in the Hamptons on Long Island and he is just arriving at the courtroom there expected to solidify a plea deal to downgrade the misdemeanor that he CAU to drunken driving charge back in June so we've been waiting for this to happen let let's listen in for a second to see if anybody's shouting any questions at out of the way out of the way out of the way move [Applause] over back up [Applause] sorry for this you guys got stop fighting officially in the courthouse and and you can see there's there's quite a crowd out front uh in s Sag Harbor beautiful in the Hamptons today U police said Justin Timberlake ran a stop sign veered out of his Lane and got out of his BMW smelling of alcohol uh and then he refused to take a breathalyzer test at the time so there are a lot of details in all of this here's the one detail that we don't know we know what's in that plea agreement um he the deal comes after he pleaded not guilty during a virtual hearing last month so we're waiting for the details to be made public maybe that will happen today we are told that he is going to speak uh to the reporters that you saw to The Wider public when he comes out of that courtroom we'll take you there live if and when that happens but you've just seen him live walking into the courtroom we're covering it on both ends all right both presidential candidates are back on the campaign Trail today and former president Trump has a busy day in California California first he's about to hold another news conference and he's holding a rally later just a few hours later in Nevada vice president Harris is on in a Battleground state today Pennsylvania um meanwhile Fallout continues over what score of people are are calling a what scores of people I should say are calling a biased debate Tuesday night the Los Angeles Times is reporting on how ABC's moderators who you see pictur there prepare to go after Trump during the debate ABC's Lindsay Davis told the paper she and comod co-moderator David M mure prepped hard to fact check Trump after the first debate where she says quote people were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not be disputed by the candidate Biden well did they prepare for kamla Harris or just by complicity did they assumed that maybe she'd only say what was true and only answer their questions factchecking needs to be done on both sides a tort a force of criticism over the week's contest in fact Hugh hwit with a new opinion piece calls it the worst debate in the history of presidential debates former Clinton pollster Mark Penn argues in a new opet and he did on this program too earlier this week ABC's bias deprived voters of a fair debate they call Trump out on every falsehood but let Harris get away with one lie after another a Democrat close to the clintons pen with this on the focus yesterday when the refs put their finger on the scale you got to throw out the the score of the game what would have happened in that debate had they challenged Harris and said you know that's not right what you said there about Charlottesville we don't know how she would have reacted and then Trump wouldn't had to spend all his time on the de I think they did a real disservice to the voters of America when they did that and they put in Jeopardy the instit of debate well that's plainly put the nation's 45th president Donald Trump has vowed he will not debate again understandably in this case despite kamla Harris's team calling for another matchup almost immediately after Tuesday nights Trump told the New York Post he doesn't think there is any reason for it no need for it power panel Cassie Smedley former RNC Deputy communications director Brad Howard is here as well the core Street group president Brad I'm going to come to you first you know this would be the third debate and it's not Trump or anybody else's fault on on the right for the fact that you guys changed your ticket so three debates would be a lot he's done two um what do you say well look I think anytime that the candidates are put together on the same stage and answering questions about their positions on the issues is generally a good thing um you know I thought we had it right when we did the presidential debate commission uh you know the reality is when you shift to a broadcast Network like ABC that's a good point yeah I mean like they when you switch to a broadcast network they have a a a a a self-imposed journalistic Integrity standard that they're trying to uphold and so because they're on the broadcast Airwaves you know they feel the need to fact check a little more than I think you know something like the debate commission Ty her uh well they did I mean you look at David M he asked a really good question about her Evolution on the issues when it comes to both guns and fracking I thought that was a really good question the debate was talk about flip-flopping after the former president had already brought it up the reality is that Trump is just known for telling the easy to dismiss and easy see the LI she told about him against IVF that was so easily knowable you could have fact checked it just in your memory you didn't even need Google all right I'm going to go to Cassie Cassie you I think what we saw here hereis is that this is yet another example of Democrats and their allies in the media who don't think Harris can do it on her own they had to prep they had to come to her defense they had to be her defensive lineman because they were afraid that she would step in it herself if they didn't protect her and defend her that's what we saw they didn't fact check her because then the bloom would fall off the rose that she doesn't have clear positions or she has flip-flopped on the positions she doesn't have clear answers they allowed her to sidestep on right out the gate on that first question where it was asked about what's happening in our country right now the economy are you better now than you were four years ago she Sid stepped and they never went back to her they never said wait a minute you didn't answer that question in the way that they did towards president Trump that right there right out the gate was a disservice to the American people because that is why so many people were tuning in to get the answers to the questions that she as sidesteps to get the answers to the questions that she refuses to sit down and have a solo one-on-one interview and discuss or even a press conference so it it was again a disservice to the American people and ABC um was the leader in that disservice by trying to protect and defend her because they don't think she can do it on her own all right we heard moments ago from Mark Penn we're going to go again because he goes even further when it comes to how ABC News handled the debate I actually think they should do a full internal investigation hire an outside Law Firm I don't know how much of this was planned in advance I don't know what they told the Harris campaign I I think a review of all their internal texts and emails my my really should be done by an independent to find out to what extent they were planning on on on in effect you know factchecking just one candidate and in effect rigging the outcome of this debate Mark Pinn is a regular guest on this show one of the many Democrats that we have daily here and I have to tell you I think I know him well enough to know what he's doing and it's it's also even and and fair to kamla Harris to want that type of transparency because otherwise it makes it look like um she does need the help why couldn't she get it done on her own so I I mean I I do get the point of of why he would be doing this but Brad I I'm just curious at this point how in the world can America look at this and think that this is a fair procedure and still also not know much about her policy because she chose to go after Trump rather than going after everything else that would help everyone else in the in the audience well I'll say a couple things and what Cassie said earlier it's just a ridiculous assertion that somehow Democrats are in cahoots the media when you look at our well it was a ridiculous assertion that only broadcasters can do debates people can too we're all journalists and at news conferences we stand together when Joe Biden when Joe Biden was their nominee and had a bad debate dep pointments the media leapt and heavily criticized him to the point to where he is now no longer the nominee so it's just ridiculous assertion and number two is that this is Donald Trump's own fault KLA haris baited him he took the bait and it sent him into a a an incoherent sow fact checks his fault a and not factchecking her that Donald Trump's fault that she didn't get fact checked she baited him into making these outlandish claims she didn't keep them from doing their jobs no but she she baited him into make these outlandish claims and let me make my third Point here which is but you didn't answer my question how how in the world could it be his fault that they didn't do the job of factchecking because she she poked him to giving an emotional response where he made these outlandish claims and so they have CLA let me just say this the only time Donald Trump seems to attack the moderators is when he loses the debate and by all accounts he lost that debate and immediately started attacking the the the the news the organiz ABC news that he did that this is what Donald Trump Donald Trump does when he fails he messes up BL every you're ignoring the questions and you know you know you know you know that there were problems with some of what she said and it needed a good fact check do one do both and there's plenty of doing both today with both of you I'm going to say thank you and Cassie and and Brad I'll see you next time all right thank you thanks Harris vice president Kamala Harris back the full decriminalization of illegal narcotics during the 2020 campaign so during that time running for president she was all for that let that hang in the air for a moment Portland Oregon just tried doing what she favors it was a disaster where is kamla haris on the issue now great question plus Vladimir Putin of Russia threatens war against the us and NATO over Ukraine using Western weapons Putin's got his hands full here you know he's got the uh Ukrainian military inside his territory and he's making some progress with his major uh counter offensive but it's not making the kind of exploitation progress so there are real issues for him on his side uh as well all this as the UK's prime minister is visiting the White House today to talk about drills in nearly 30 years we saw this earlier this week and Russia's defense Ministry is now saying the drills involve 990,000 troops 400 warships submarines and other vessels 120 fighter planes and helicopters now while that was happening the United States has been meeting with the European Union in Brussels to talk about China's support for Russia and Security in the Indo Pacific and today President Biden will host at the White House UK prime minister Kier starmer the two of them are set to talk about the war in Ukraine and Russia's President Vladimir Putin warning a possible wider war with the US and NATO well they better hit that topic Fox News senior Strate strategic analyst General Jack Keane with this Putin's got his hands full here you know he's got the uh Ukrainian military inside his territory and he's making some progress with his major uh counter offensive but it's not making the kind of exploitation progress he wanted to take significant amount amount of territory back so there are real issues for him on his side uh as well Jackie Heinrich at the White House Jackie well haris there have been some signs the bid Administration might move forward with this policy change you had the Secretary of State Anthony blinkin making a wartime trip to Ukraine and he said yesterday that he would bring back to Washington what he saw there and he added that the US has always adapted when the battlefield has changed that's the line that we've seen in the past when they have made policy reversals on things like himars and Patriots and fighter jets I'm not going to get into hypotheticals I'm not going to get into inter internal policy uh deliberations from here I will say what you've heard from my NSE colleagues at this Podium you've heard from this President this war can end today if Mr Putin will end the war that he started British prime minister Kier starmer is expected to ask the president's approval today to allow Ukraine to use British Storm Shadow missiles for expanded strikes in Russia Biden needs to sign off because some components are made in the US but the administration is not ready to preview anything just yet even asked to respond to Putin's accusation that if the US allowed this it would be drawing America into conflict with Russia a Russia acquiring ballistic missiles from Iran which will further Empower their aggression in Ukraine uh so uh if anyone is taking escalatory action it would appear to be Mr Putin uh and Russia Ukraine is pursuing this policy change with renewed importance after the Biden Administration said this week that ballistic missiles to use against Ukraine which would open them up to a whole new wave of Destruction far beyond the Frontline terrorists wow that last detail about Iran and Russia that's a lot Jackie thank you Brent Sadler former Pentagon official joins me now Look Brent let's just start there Iran and Russia and ballistic missiles no absolutely I think we saw this actually play out when uh Iran attacked Israel directly in April uh and then you had the assassination of Hanah uh the leader of Hamas in Teran and you had shyu Former Defense Minister fly days later to deliver a message of to Iran of like don't jeopardize our arms Supply uh to our fight in Ukraine this is drones as well as ballistic missiles so uh I think we've seen it in real time it is a real dynamic in the war that's playing out in Ukraine Russia relies on its allies like North Korea and Iran look I you know we always call it saber rattling which I don't even know if anybody's fighting with Sabers anymore but I know it's a thing like I saying how seriously though do we take the saber rattling from Russia when they say they want to go to war with us and NATO fore for Fore spee fore foreign let fore foreign mobile game fore m do

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