The Big Saturday Show 9/14/24 FULL END SHOW | BREAKING FOX NEWS September 14, 2024

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:32:57 Category: News & Politics

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her debate with Donald Trump and she really avoids specifics what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that well I'll start with this um I grew up a middle class kid you know I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn you know if there's one thing that you wish Americans knew about who KLA Harris is that you don't think they know yet what would that be I love my family Paris was asked just five questions in the 11-minute interview Fox News correspondent Lucas Tomlinson is live from the White House Tonight hi Lucas good evening Alicia that's right this was vice president kamla Harris's first solo interview since becoming the Democratic nominee and just like the debate the Harris team turned to ABC this time from a local affiliate from Philadelphia my mother raised my sister and me she worked very hard um she was was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager um I grew up in a community of hardworking people you know construction workers and nurses and teachers and I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience you know if but a lot of people will relate to this critics say the vice president gave long answers without mentioning specific policies here's some more from the interview you know we have Ambitions and aspirations and dreams but not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and Ambitions so when I talk about building an opportunity economy it is very much with the mind of investing in the Ambitions and aspirations and the and the incredible work ethic of the American people and creating opportunity for people and so so giving firsttime home buyers a $25,000 down payment assistance to be able to just get in the door and then they will do the work that they need to do to save and to pay that mortgage and to build wealth for themselves and their family so again the vice president was asked what specifically she would do to fix the economy now this evening vice president Harris will join President Biden at a dinner here in Washington sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation later tonight again here in the nation's capital Alicia Lucas Tomlinson live at the White House thanks Lucas okay so Sean I want to go to you first on this and watching you know we listened to this the news anchor ask for specifics and he did it multiple times right and you and I do know the parameters are given um when you're when you get these interviews with a candidate so only so much time and he even asked her can I ask you a couple more questions right so there were obviously limits but he still didn't get the answers any really real answers first of all Kama said nothing but she also said so much right by not saying anything it shows I mean the economy and inflation are the number one issues in every single poll in this election and the fact that you go to an interview and you have nothing to offer on how you're going to fix the economy I mean make some stuff up here's the way I think of this though so you think of the last debate um a lot of commentators said you know what Donald Trump was baited by kamla Harris he took the bait and she would throw him off about the size of his you know rally crowds Donald Trump's playing 40 press you know what he did he baited KLA Harris into having the confidence to actually go out and do interviews like this and expose herself to the American people Donald Trump is like four steps ahead of kamla and the rest of the country yeah but Nicole this interview was only done a couple of days after the debate and it was kind of remarkable how the answers were so similar and I want folks to just take a listen I grew up a middle- class kid I was raised as a middle class kid focusing on again the aspirations and the dreams I believe in the Ambitions the aspirations the dreams of the American people I was a career prosecutor for most of my career I started my career as a prosecutor and creating an opportunity economy where it's about investing in areas that really need a lot of work I intend to create an opport opportunity economy well I'm obviously not Joe Biden clearly I am not Joe Biden that the vast majority of us as Americans have so much more in common than what separates us we all have so much more in common than what separates us now I will say this we hear candidates say the same thing on the campaign Trail over and over again this is different yeah so first of all we all have talking points we're used to that but people love uh former president Trump because he is such a conversationalist whether he's at a rally you're seeing him talking reporters it's it's two people are in that conversation when it comes to kamla Harris she is giving a monologue even though she is talking about you know the same thing it's being regurgitated over and over and over again and the reason that she can't get into the specifics when she specifically asked to give some specifics and some details is because I don't believe that they exist and this goes back to her 2019 campaign she couldn't get into the weeds of things that's because she doesn't have any specific policy we still don't know what she stands for for the last 3 and a half years she's been writing the coattails of Joe B Biden and she has not evolved from them all she continues to say is it's a new generation she's just younger it's going to be an extension of the last three and a half years day one for her in the White House was three and a half years ago and anybody believes that there's going to be change with KLA Harris is a fool wait she she may have policies though but she just doesn't want to share them with us because she knows that we won't like them yeah that's even more scary yeah well she can't someone like Barack Obama he's a perfect example because he's very far left and then he ran and he tried to convince him Americans he wasn't very far left he was able to convince Americans cuz he has mad skills she doesn't have mad skills she was very nervous at the debate and she was very nervous at this interview you could see it she's trying to stay on message because she has a lot of coaches saying you cannot reveal your true self and I think that debate you could see it right there the side by side she stunk it up at the debate as well but people have to have this narrative oh she came out and did this she she performed she was lousy at that debate just like she was lousy at that interview because she thinks she can ride this out and she can do this platitudes and talk about like you know I grew up middle class and like we had Lawns it's not going to work she's going to run out of steam very quickly she can write out because no one's pushing back at the debate they didn't push back and again at this ABC affiliate they didn't push back well you know and in another one of the five questions the local news anchor asked KLA Harris to get specific again and again she wouldn't given maybe your current role as vice president of the United States how different you are from Joe Biden and so I wonder if there are one or two spots policy areas or approaches where you would say I'm a different person well I'm obviously not Joe Biden and um you know I I offer a new generation of leadership and so for example thinking about developing and and creating an opportunity economy where it's about investing in areas that really need a lot of work and maybe focusing on again the aspirations and the dreams but also just recognizing that at this moment in time some of the stuff we could take for granted years ago we can't take for granted anymore um for example another um plan that I have that is a new approach is to expand the child tax credit to $66,000 for young families for the first year of their child's life my focus is very much in what we need to do over the next 10 20 years to catch up to the 21st century Sean there are critics out there that I can hear calling that a filibuster completely so she's talking about a new generation so that that means nothing right what's new in policy she's going to uh work on an opportunity economy she's had three and a half years to work on an opportunity economy and she's crushing this American economy so again we know nothing more now than we did before that interview or before the debate which is why she might have done well in the debate but her poll numbers aren't going up yeah and and also we know from from polling that there are a lot of Voters out there Nicole who say they still don't feel like they know her and and her allies are saying that's why she keeps going into this backstory over and over and over again well she's trying to appeal to a lot of Voters she's trying to say this is where I grew up and she's wanting to try and get personal but the reality is you can see how forc this is you can see how staged this is now don't get me wrong I I cannot say with confidence that I felt that Donald Trump had a strong debate that night I actually wish he had more canned responses especially when it came to healthcare and even on the abortion topic but at the end of the day Kamal Hera may have remained poised and she may have had these stock answers but they still stand for nothing and at the end of the day I do believe that life was better under the Trump presidency than it has been for the last three and a half years I cannot imagine extending the current Administration I think it will continue to hurt us and she doesn't have a plan and Tom that was actually the challenge for her to get people to understand and know her and what that she could do for them when people already know what former president Trump has done for them yeah and he's a known quantity and he was the same in that debate the other day he was the same as he was in that debate against Joe Biden that everybody said he won hands down it was amazing take a look at those side by side like we did with her he's exactly the same the guy never changes at all and the fact that she was doing CED responses it impresses people in the media because we know how you can craft an answer we know and you know lawyers prosecutors people they love that oh look she she pivoted away from the answer you know what the American people hate people who pivot away from answers true good point all right well this this is a jam-packed hour of the big weekend show that's all coming up including this bizarre answer from KLA Harris if there's one thing that you wish Americans knew about who kamla Harris is that you don't think they know yet what would that be I love my family and now the Ragan cinjun says kamla Harris should only take PL Ed questions from the Press plus nobody can believe how bad they've done at the border running our country the economy inflation Afghanistan everything Donald Trump thanks law enforcement while JD Vance hits the college football tailgate in a Battleground Blitz also ahead and knew shocking details about the police officer who that you wish Americans knew about who kamla Harris is that you don't think they know yet what would that be I don't know I've been probably it's not very different from anybody watching right now I love my family um one of my favorite things that I lately have not been able to do is Sunday family dinner I love to cook um I I have incredible friends imagine you're looking forward to cooking Sunday dinner again I am looking forward I'd love I yes I am looking forward to cooking with the whole family gets involved the and welcome back to the big weekend show well of all the things kamla Harris wants voters to know about her it's that she loves her family and loves cooking hey me too and Democratic strategist now says the next time she takes questions from the media her team should plant the questions she can actually take five or six questions of which you can plant two okay you can't plant all the questions because it'll be evident that they were planted but beared to you in the back oh GE I glad you ask that question could thought about it right now but well God she's pretty good on her feet well Alicia okay so we know James Carville earlier this um summer he actually came out he's been advocating for the me media to have more biased coverage anything he says so that Trump doesn't get election elected he actually said I don't have anything against slanted coverage as long as he doesn't get elected with all the unrest after the last election cycle when you have highlevel Democratic strategists and advisers coming out saying hey if things aren't working let's cheat let's now plant questions because it's the only way that K is going to actually look good speaking live I mean what does that show you well it's it's no wonder that people don't know what or who to believe these days when you have a strategist coming out straight out and just saying let's just plant the questions it'll make everything easier for everybody that actually hurts the American people that hurts the average voter that hurts Dem rats and it it hurts Republicans it's not good for anyone and it's I you know people are talking about this debate and they're you know that she she did better than than former president Trump a lot of folks are saying and but there are a lot of people out there who believe she was given the questions ahead of time there's no proof that that happened right however then you hear then you hear this and it makes people go well maybe because why would we doubt it if now they're just saying it out loud and can I also say when they say when she asks answers reporters questions she has done she did one local interview since the debate she has not done interviews she is not answering reporters questions this is a very limited scope in which she has decided to participate well and Sean so that was a podcast where he was essentially saying you know she needs to go out and give speeches about some of her policy not necessarily have conversations because we don't want her to do that if we're going to have a live conversation it has to have planted questions but because even after the debate when you thought maybe you would get more of an idea of her policies even a CNN host is saying people still don't know what Harris's policies are take a listen does she KLA Harris need to do more to explain to the public what her policies are because that's the thing that keeps coming up and polling as well that people don't really know what her policies are all about well that's one of the big questions that a lot of Voters have um what are her policies so is the only way to for us to understand is plant these questions so first off I I think James Carville is spot on if if if you're he's he's an operative right he wears a blue jersey if she can't answer questions you want to plant the question so she knows the answers um but if you're ABC and you're a news Outlet that's something different factchecking Donald Trump and not factchecking kamla Harris but it's interesting because again Americans need policy to vote for you we're not in some golden age where there's world peace and there's a roaring economy and low inflation and there's no crime in the country no it's exact opposite so if you want to get elected you have to tell Americans this is what I'm going to do for you this is how I'm going to fix it these are my ideas and she doesn't say any of that which is why she's not popping and spiking in the polls Donald Trump is right with her and why I think Trump will win well what carille was alluding to is she can't have push back and that was one of the criticisms of the debate was that there wasn't actually push back and but there was for Donald Trump and there was a recent article out of L times the uh full title being um what is it lindsy Davis held Trump's to the fire how she became ABC News rising star and she said quote people were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not be disputed by the candidate Biden at the time or the moderators so they actually said in their prep Tom for this debate they went through hours and hours of coverage of speaking well they only had hours of hours of speaking from president Trump because he was the only one at that time who went in public and even spoke about policies at that time KLA Harris didn't even have her policies on her website so what does it say when you only have them pushing back against President Trump and they had nothing to say even with some of the untruths that kamla Harris had well we knew that when we watched it we could see everybody saw the same debate and that's why she camela Harris didn't win the debate because everybody knew everybody knew it was three onone and then you know Trump came out a day or two later and he said oh look it was three-on-one and it was oh Trump's complaining about the referees we all saw that we all knew what was going on and that's why when when people saw it people not in the media they said she's not answering any of these questions now uh the uh both moderators now uh she's just admitted that she went in she watched all the CNN uh debate with Biden and she didn't like the way the moderators let Trump get away with his answers so they took his answers and whenever he had an answer like that they came in with their followup their fact check whatever they want to call it but we know what it is they are both Democrats like everyone knows these people everyone over at ABC CBS you see they're all Democrats and everyone can see that even the Democrats know it they're like oh they're on our side you know they got to hold their feet to the fire even more to the point where leftist voters and Democrats they were so mad at CNN for not being having their you know foot on the gas pedal more so she wanted to get on the good side of these people who were mad about the last debate and so they went all in I think it's all going to backfire just like you said Sean the PE the American people know what's going on at this point that's right they're smarter they like to give us credit for well coming up next Donald Trump surprises and thanks law enforcement nobody can believe how bad they've done at the border running our country the economy inflation Afghanistan everything and his running mate JD Vance hits the college football tailgate the Battleground until the election this weekend is all about the Battleground States Donald Trump wrapping up his trip out west today in Lo uh Las Vegas in Utah while kamla Harris she's in Washington DC paris's running mate Tim Walls is in Wisconsin Minnesota North Carolina in Georgia this weekend and Trump's running mate JD Vance made a surprise stop at a college football game in North Carolina Fox News correspondent Mark Meredith is live in Las Vegas not gambling but reporting Mark what you got Sean work comes first then you can imagine what the evening may have in store for us on a Saturday night good evening to you former president Trump he's not even in Vegas at this hour he is already headed to Salt Lake City he's got a fundraiser tonight it's going to cap off what been a busy couple of days out west he had made stops in Arizona California and right here in Nevada today cameras Caster Trump as he sat down with the uh Las Vegas Police Union which is the Las Vegas Police protective Association they've endorsed him Trump made an effort to say that he believes that he can be tougher on crime as his opponent and he says he's very honored to have their support in this campaign I really appreciate the endorsement it means a lot uh we have tremendous law enforcement endorsements we have military endorsements we have a lot of them but I just really appreciate it it's very very special while the former president had that event today last night was the big deal that was the rally that was held not too far from the strip he's been making multiple stops in the Nevada obviously a swing state this cycle he lost it in 2016 and 2020 but what seems to be a little bit different this time is that he is pivoting so much to the economy rolling out a proposal that would end Federal taxation on tips overtime pay even Social Security benefits he doubled down on that message last night to his supporters take a listen no tax on social security and then we wield out a great one and I actually think this is going to be fantastic for the country as well as the worker because a lot of people are going to be working overtime and just yesterday I announced that there will be no taxes on over [Applause] time some economists are questioning whether or not that this could completely upend the traditional pay system as workers may choose to prep to be paid hourly as opposed to a salary wage meantime the Trump campaign is also facing some questions about a controversial woman that has been gaining some close proximity to former president Trump and that is the conservative activist Laura lumer she's known as a conspiracy theorist she said that 9/11 was an inside job and some are asking why she has been spending so much time with the former president on the swing out west well Trump himself is trying to stop any of that criticism he posted online that quote lumer doesn't work for the campaign she's a private citizen and a longtime supporter I disagree with the statements that she's made but like millions of people who support me she is tired of watching the left Marxist and fascists violently attack and smear me but there has been some criticism even from Republican Senators that have said she should not be on the campaign Trail we'll look to see if that changes in the days ahead because Trump Sean is going to be back on the road next next week visiting multiple Battleground States going to North Carolina Michigan they'll also be in your neck of the woods for an event on Wednesday in New York Sean Mark Meredith thank you appreciate the report hopefully you don't lose money all right a new poll out of North Carolina shows Trump is actually gaining ground there after his debate with kamla Harris the draer group finding 2% of Harris supporters may have switched cams to Trump after the debate and North Carolina is key in the presidential race that's probably why JD Vance went to Greenville to meet Le with football fans and go to the Appalachian State in uh East Carolina obviously we decided to come to the cross state Rival game cuz it's such a big North Carolina institution and we're glad that we did it met a lot of good people talk to a lot of good people you just want to remind people to actually get out there make sure their voices are heard because the only way we lose this race is if people don't turn out so that's why I was here we had a good time we met a couple of friends uh and uh it was good to have my wife with me cuz it's always fun to hang out with Usha so here we are all right Nicole um coming to you first again a lot of conversation about what happened in the debate uh a lot of KLA Harris's fans the media her team they're wildly excited but this is the first polling we've seen since uh the debate and it shows that Donald Trump maybe picking up support from KLA Harris again is this a testament to her failure to later uh policy and her plans listen as you said earlier the number one thing on the top of the ticket is the economy because everyone's feeling it right now and you just saw the exact opposite we've already heard KLA Harris when asked about the eony she just goes well I was I was raised in the middle class and where people care about their lawns and I like to cook Sunday dinner and then then you have Donald Trump going out there and he's like this is what we're going to do for the worker we're going to you know reduce tax on tips and you're not going to be tipped on overtime and then when he was in Nevada he actually said we need to start having competition amongst the Hollywood Hollywood we need to start bringing Film Production and films into Nevada something Mark Wahlberg has been talking about for years these are big things that would really impact these states and mean something to the worker so yes as more and more you get in front of the camera they're going to know again that she is just fluff and she's not actually saying how she's going to help anybody yeah I think it comes down to a couple of things access and specifics JD Vance and Donald Trump have combined done about 50 interviews and you talk about specifics when he was a Nevada an incredibly important state and we're not talking about this that much but he pledged to free up federal land for affordable housing a lot of folks on this side of the country may not realize 86% of the land in Nevada is owned by the federal government so that means something to the people who live there yeah no doubt Donald Trump's an idea machine right and I mean just he doesn't stop Tom I want to talk to uh you about JD Vance going to the football game I've read some reports that young men who are obviously more conservative than liberal they're not as enthusiastic to vote in this coming election so I wonder that must be great JD Vance goes a lot of young men at football footb games college football games is that the play here yeah and I mean JD Vance is totally a monster he's out there he's sparring with the Press you got to dig deep to find the JD Vance stuff because he's out there every day but we haven't seen a lot of the vice presidential candidates and I wonder why that is Sean I'll tell you why it is because JD Vance is a rockar and they can't stand it I mean they don't want to play all of his phenomenal sparring with the press out there and Waltz is hidden now why is Waltz hidden because he's a disaster when he first came out there saying oh fresh new candidate whatever now he's a total disaster they're going to try to hide him as well so that's why that's what's happening in the vice presidential area and I'm going to be excited to see this debate uh between the two of them usually the vice presidential debate is kind of nowhere's Ville but it's going to be a lot of fun this year but by the Tim Walls was just in Wisconsin my old Hometown W Wisconsin trying to energize rural voters in Minnesota all of rural Minnesota can't stand him so he's the guy you're going to go get rural voters to go vote for you it didn't work by the way oh that's my the word back from home all right coming up what does it take for the media to take the migrant crisis seriously just as the Republican running mate the uh the the Republican running for the senate in Ohio watch this it took a cat me to get your until the election this weekend is all about the Battleground States Donald Trump wrapping up his trip out west today and Los Las Vegas in Utah while kamla Harris she's in Washington DC Harris's running mate Tim Walls is in Wisconsin Minnesota North Carolina in Georgia this weekend and Trump's running mate JD Vance made a surprise stop at a college football game in North Carolina Fox News correspondent Mark Meredith is live in Las Vegas not gambling but reporting Mark what do you got Sean work comes first and then you can imagine what the evening may have in store for us on a Saturday night good evening to you former president Trump he's not even in Vegas at this hour he is already headed to Salt Lake City he's got a fundraiser tonight it's going to cap off what's been a busy couple days out west he had made stops in Arizona California and right here in Nevada today cameras Caster Trump as he sat down with the Las Vegas Police Union which is the Las Vegas Police protective Association they've endorsed him Trump made an effort to say that he believes that he can be tougher on crime as his opponent and he says he's very honored to have their support in this campaign I really appreciate the endorsement it means a lot uh we have tremendous law enforcement endorsements we have military endorsements we have a lot of but I just really appreciate it it's very very special well the former president had that event today last night was the big deal that was the rally that was held not too far from the strip he's been making multiple stops in the Nevada obviously a swing state this cycle he lost it in 2016 and 2020 but what seems to be a little bit different this time is that he is pivoting so much to the economy rolling out a proposal that would end Federal taxation on tips overtime pay even Social Security benefits he doubled down on that message last last night to supporters take a list no tax on social security and then we wield out a great one and I actually think this is going to be fantastic for the country as well as the worker because a lot of people are going to be working overtime and just yesterday announced that there will be no taxes on overtime [Applause] some economists are questioning whether or not that this could completely upend the traditional pay system as workers may choose to prep to be paid hourly as opposed to a salary wage meantime the Trump campaign is also facing some questions about a controversial woman that has been gaining some close proximity to former president Trump and that is the conservative activist Laura lumer she's known as a conspiracy theorist she said that 911 was an inside job and some are asking why she has been spending so much time with the former president on this way out west while Trump himself is trying to stop any of that criticism he posted online that quote lumer doesn't work for the campaign she's a private citizen and a longtime supporter I disagree with the statements that she's made but like millions of people who support me she is tired of watching the left Marxist and fascists violently attack and smear me but there has been some criticism even from Republican Senators that have said she should not be on the campaign Trail we'll look to see if that changes in the days ahead because Trump Sean is going to be back on the road next week visiting multiple Battleground stat States going to North Carolina Michigan they'll also be in your neck of the woods for an event on Wednesday in New York Sean Mark Meredith thank you appreciate the report hopefully you don't lose money all right a new poll out of North Carolina shows Trump is actually gaining ground there after his debate with kamla Harris the draer group finding 2% of Harris supporters may have switched cams to Trump after the debate and North Carolina is key in the presidential race that's probably why JD Vance went to Greenville to mingle with football fans and go to the Appalachian State in uh East Carolina obviously we decided to come to the cross state rivalry game because it's such a big North Carolina institution and we're glad that we did it met a lot of good people talk to a lot of good people you just want to remind people to actually get out there make sure their voices are heard because the only way we lose this race is that people don't turn out so that's why I was here we had a good time we met a couple of friends uh and uh it was good to have my wife with me cuz it's always fun to hang out with Usha so here we are all right Cole um coming to you first again a lot of conversation about what happened in the debate uh a lot of K Harris's fans the media her team they're wildly excited but this is the first polling we've seen since uh the debate and it shows that Donald Trump may be picking up support from com Harris again is this a test foreign fore Mo look at the eye Mo what up Mo look at to M all Mo we to do Mo what the move look at s look at the them B was say

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MAGA influencers paid by Russia, "didn't know"

Category: News & Politics

Speaker 1: all right. let's get into it. absolute  bombshell shaking the independent media world.   doj bombshell alleges maga media group is backed  by russian money. there is a fantastic twitter   thread by pekka kalia niemi from that nick soup  and the soup central who follows and is an expert... Read more