FOX and Friends 9/13/24 [7AM] FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP September 13, 2024

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:32:34 Category: News & Politics

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7:00 let's [Music] wait 7:00 here on the couch in New York City you guys are Maniac normally that's a Brian thing the fact that all of y'all we're trying to be accurate okay we're doing a lot of space things with countdowns now so that's all and by the way guess whose heater on un freaking it's cold in here today it's exceptionally cold in here today Brian take your take your jacket off we're the grank thing little gr's coming up grank is coming up anyway the heater staying on it is on this Friday the 13 turn the dire 2024 and in politics kamla Harris in Pennsylvania today as the Battleground Blitz continues as Donald Trump heads to Nevada after announcing this new major policy we will end all taxes on overtime you know what that means think of that yeah they loved it plus more attempts across the world to restrict Free Speech online could that happen here under KLA Harris if you act as a megaphone for misinformation if you don't police your platforms we are going to hold you accountable unbelievable plus is almost the weekend and that means it's almost time for football Brun will be live with his predictions for the NFL Week number two on Fox yes and the second hour of foxing friend starts right now mornings are better with friends we believe it's true [Music] animation meanwhile the current vice president kamla Harris is set to Rally voters in the Battleground state of Pennsylvania today the Commonwealth wall former president Donald Trump as you can see heads out west to Vegas baby Rich Edson is live at the White House hey Rich hey good morning Lauren Steve anley and Brian rallies have been such a part of this campaign over the last couple of days we'll have a couple more of them over the course of 24 hours as you mentioned vice president kamla Harris will be up in wilbury Pennsylvania former president Trump he's still out west has an afternoon press conference in California an evening rally in Las Vegas that's the day after he announced he's declining another presidential debate yesterday in Arizona Trump offered voters another tax exemption we will end all taxes on overtime you know what that means think of that that gives people more of an incentive to work people who work overtime are among the hardest working citizens in our country and for too long no one in Washington has been looking out for them the Harris campaign calls the pitch desperate and claims Trump scrambling and says whatever it takes to try to trick people into voting form they also point to the Trump Administration pushing a regulation to make fewer Americans eligible for overtime pay than the Obama administration had proposed the vice president was also pitching voters on the economy at her rally in North Carolina some of the top economists in our country and in the world have reviewed these plans Goldman Sachs for example has said that my plan would grow our economy and his plan would shrink the economy that his plan would reignite inflation and send us into a recession by the middle of next year Goldman CEO David Solomon says a bigger deal has been made of that report he says it shows the difference between the two sets of policies is about 2/10 of 1% that's of course on top of the uncertainty surrounding all of this that all these proposals the candidates are pushing out they largely have to go through Congress so good luck predicting that Steve Angley Brian back to you and Lawrence of course that's a good point Rich a real quick question uh KLA Harris is going to essentially uh Donald Trump country in Pennsylvania it's a rural area uh that he has historically won by a million points ultimately the campaign is just trying to shave a couple of points off of his win there to hope they have a margin for elsewhere right exactly and you saw this in the senate race a couple of years ago with Senator John fedman part of his success was suppressing and cutting those Trump margins not winning those places but just making sure that the former that Republicans didn't win those areas by as much right and what you want to do as a republican go to Philadelphia you go to Pittsburgh go to those City areas they normally go to the Democrats could change thanks rich thank you so much rich but you cannot forget in this election you can compare Donald Trump's record to comma Harris's record both have been in Washington representing our country and prices have increased under the Biden Harris regime look at this gas prices under those two up 52.9% energy up like your electric bill up more than 42% shelter up 23.4% food and groceries up more than 22% and Airline fairs up almost 22% I mean talk about a missed opportunity during the last debate I mean I'm not saying that they had to include the graphics and all that like Fox Business did but they could at least talked about the increases of prices for everyday Americans and I asked KLA Harris what are you going to do right now uh to fix this and what would you do differently as president and ask Donald Trump what's his plan as well but there was more talk about abortion and other issues and j6 then these concerns right here well you know and the first question to her was you know uh people are suffering you know over the over the last four years during the Biden Harris Administration then she went into the aspirational talk about all the stuff she would like to do the correct answer for the moderator would be you know what you didn't ask answer my question I'll give you another two minutes what is the answer to that question because people are hurting those prices impact everybody and that will be if Donald Trump wins it's going to be about how much money people have got in their pocket and that's one of the reasons why he said yesterday uh no tax on overtime now so how about when they brought up in the debate about she said I signed the inflation reduction act I was deciding vote and that means new leases on oil and gas Joe Mansion did that that's right Joe man said you have me if you for uh you vote for her she broke the tie she broke the tie but she didn't break the tie in order to get Joe mansion's Provisions passed U he held out for months to get that and she was never for that that doesn't mean you're Pro fracking and when she's talked about there's more oil production under us than under you she's wrong it's it's it was 4 million barrels a day under trump it was 2 million barrels under uh Biden Harris so that's totally inaccurate you get more production because we pick up the pace also it when we did this thing called telling everyone to go home we used as oil and gas so there was less production in the last few months of the Trump Administration Bringing Down the overall number yeah Trump is not perfect but our bank accounts were bigger under Donald Trump our 401ks were bigger under Donald Trump you could buy more at the grocery store you could fill up your tank a lot easier under Donald Trump so we want to know what has shocked you the most over the last 4 years when it comes to prices email us at we'll read some of those later in the show yeah cuz is there something you no longer can afford uh was there you know was there a summer school you couldn't send your kids to or a camp you couldn't send your kids to did you realize wait a minute we can't go on a vacation this year because of the cost of everything let us know the specific stuff you're doing without because you can't afford it I just don't understand the whole she finally released a slogan remember I kept asking what is the thing of the campaign and the SL is well there's joy and a new way forward okay if the old way is working why do we need a new way and she's part of the current way she's a part of the current way and if everything is going so great why is she proposing a new way and and she hasn't been able to it would be nice if you know someone in the Press someone on the debate St would have asked that question to her why do we need a new way if you're part of this Administration and everything is going depends on what matters to you like for me it's safety and we're seeing crime going up for me it's the economy because um I want to be able to afford much more than what we what we can right now so those are issues for me it depends on what it is in your family for some people it is reproductive issues for some people you know it it might be the border with immigration that's important to me too so you just have to look at the issues and see which candidate um is more favorable for your family all right let's talk about social media and the scrutiny it's under now around the world and is it coming here I mean we told you about what's happening over in Brazil but also kind of surprising what's happening in Australia they introduced a bill that can now find platforms all of them American based if may be uh failing to prevent misinformation actually the problem is what is misinformation but it doesn't end there uh that's right in the United Kingdom they passed a bill in October to find platforms if they don't police illegally illegal content but may update to legal but harmful content and in Brazil Lawrence the Supreme Court upheld a ban on X to combat misinformation after companies didn't comply uh with blocking accounts the problem is there's so much stuff on social media that is just not true who's Poli well currently is it David mure and lindsy Davis deciding what's misinformation right now you know in this country there's section 230 that protects the big social media platforms from liability that essentially they're you know they're off the hook the newspapers would get under right theyve they're not publishing things they are just moderating and but the key is who's the moderator and who decides okay that's misinformation that's not I'm going to put a note on that it it's a slippery slope but the problem is if you we've seen over the last couple of years where there has been content moderation suggested by the federal government that turned out uh not to be accur I like the community notes function uh on X um it's not some backdoor de deal you know different people are part of the community notes you you see you know misinformation or something you have some notes and links and articles at the bottom of it so the viewer can decide so they can decide but it doesn't remove it doesn't remove what the person is saying and that's the part that I don't like about this to start censoring and saying you can't have that point of view what the community know says is I'm going to give you the alternative point of view view so you can research and make your own decision but what if it's not a point of view what if it is look at this this just happened this is a fact and it's not true well I think people that's the problem say a lot of things that are not true and I think it's incumbent on us to shine light on that to just say the person can't it's not illegal to say something that is untrue as much as we hate it and we don't like it it's a con Al protected thing and I don't think government should be involved what if it what if it is true like the hunter Biden laptop that could affect the election and people weren't putting that on social media they were blocking it from social media censoring it because they didn't want the American public to know it meanwhile it was true well so you got to moderate that's just whole thing the power of the monitors monitors so who are these monitors well they're let's say they're appointed by the government okay so if uh the current government in the UK for example got a very low tolerance for criticism so all of a sudden they start Banning going after people that are criticizing the city and government because they put the person in charge of moderating the social media platforms do we want that well also I don't think so ultimately it comes down to a question of First Amendment uh protections but they don't the First Amendment does not apply to social media and social media companies are private companies and they can do anything they want the the woman who heads up the Democratic ticket though has weighed in in the past about content moderation and stuff that is not true on X and Facebook and Snapchat and all of it here's what she said a while back listen to this we will hold social media platforms accountable if you act as a megaphone for misinformation or cyber War fair if you don't police your platforms we are going to hold you account I don't think anyone is disagreeing from the fact of you know these social media companies are private companies but if you listen to what Mark Zuckerberg is saying he's saiding look we we got pressure from the federal government we got pressure from these former Intel uh agency saying this is a problem you're putting National Security at risk and if you want a come Harris presiden she's making it very clear they're going to get involved and I'm sorry if you're Republican libertarian think independent think thinker your speech is going to be suppressed if it's something that's illegal it should be suppressed like remember when Zuckerberg had to say I'm sorry all the families that had lost their loved ones it was fentol right fentanyl that was being sold and F pills but ultimately the reason he said he was sorry is because the last thing he wants is for the his company to be regulated by the federal government and he it it's not because they get the protections of that section 230 we've said it a million times but it becomes a question of what is real well you just watched the presidential debate where the fact check only worked on one side there was not one fact check some of the fact checks were wrong and it was wrong it was wrong right incorrect content moderation right so then what happens yeah so I mean do you get fined for correcting wrongly so there needs to be an intellectual debate but I don't really think sadly I think if you go to the end end of that debate there is no answer I ultimately that you you had mentioned do governments get involved in content moderation that's the problem leave it up to the brail judge did and destroyed for the whole country by the way that judge uh is getting a lot of blowback from doing that de it is almost 15 minutes after the top of the hour let's turn to this it's a Fox News Alert thousands of Boeing Employees walking off the job overnight after 96% of the union workers voted to go on strike all right Fox Business reporter Lauren cimetti I see her clearly has this story hey Lauren Brian Angley Steve Lawrence overnight 33,000 Boeing Employees agreed to go on strike after the manufacturing Giant and the Union have been in contract negotiations this past week our members rejected the contract by 94.6% and they voted a strike by 96% this comes after the workers rejected the company's new offer because it didn't include the 40% pay increase that they were asking for it included 25 this is the first strike at Boeing in 16 years and it could throw a major wrench in the company's already fragile supply chain the strike will likely lead to massive production delays at a time when Boeing is trying to increase production overnight Boeing responded to the strikes it says this the message was clear that the tentative agreement we reached with Imam leadership was not acceptable to the members we remain committed to resetting our relationship with our employees and the union and we are ready to get back to the table to reach a new agreement and guys I know we might not be comfortable to get on a chat GPT jet but artificial intelligence is being used everywhere this feels like Labor's Last Stand they're looking to the Future and they're looking at artificial intelligence replacing parts of their jobs too they want to get as much as they can while they can absolutely you know Lauren Boeing is a big part of the American economy it has 150,000 employees it's it's the symbol of America's manufacturing strength and well I get where the company is we can only give you 25 we're not going to give you 40 although they're I got a feeling they're going to get closer to that how long can the people who are going to be on the picket line be out there last strike was 50 50 days that's that's two months 8 weeks like I said just before I this feels like it's Labor's Last Stand 96% 96% yeah voting to strike after they got a $33,000 sign B uh bonus uh an agreement from the company to continue building key jets in their area and a 25% pay increase over four years they I think they're willing to strike for as long as it takes and they might feel like they have the upper hand because of the pr nightmare that Boeing has faced all year but is it also true that they have insurance a lot of these have strike insurance so some of these guys people are going to get paid Lauren thank you so much Lauren said in the last last time we talked about this it's not going to affect your travel if you're flying this weekend because these are the people who build the planes in Seattle the planes are already built you hope ultimately fly on our you know what I don't want make sure all the screws are in that's right uh you know what I don't want I don't want nonunion labor putting together planes up at Boeing I I want the guys who actually know what they're doing to put them together don't call in the second Crew That's well they they usually have directions right I mean like Ikea has direction are we doing a 737 or 77 right I mean you lay all your stuff out first let all the hardware out and if it's Ikea it's just one little tool I know got one page too it's like Swedish it's like Legos SW you know there videos online you can watch that show you how to put your LEGOs together think people who make our PL there goes the Innovation again right I like to imagine put together Legos yeah they come with now the Lego boxes come with a QR code and you scan it and it gives you instructions on your phone don't you just put one piece on top like you're building a pattern I got you right you really want to wake up in the morning throw Legos on the floor and you on them that's the thing that it's unbelievable for more on this let's go to all I know is that there is a thing called an allen wrench I don't know what it looks like there come over here and sit down oh okay yeah all right let's yeah let's sit down so I think because we took up too much time I'm just going to fly through this Carly but sit with us all right congratulations are in order for our very own Lawrence Jones our good friend who was honored last night as a member of the New York City TV week 40 under 40 the awards highlight young leaders who are at the Forefront of the fast changing media industry and a shout out to Fox News National correspondent Bill maluan who was also recognized there are our two guys nice guys and there you go so my job was to take you had one job yeah congratulations by the way that's great it was very it was a great event and everyone loved you thank you thank you forget the congratulations cuz Brian was given specific instruction photo to get the photo of me with the award that's it and this is getting off the stage and and true Bri K me fashion he misses the I missed I'm just like slouching off the stage trying to rush off at least the lighting is phenomenal this is the me I forgot I was like oh that's Greatful Lawrence I go oh my goodness I forgot to take the picture Lawrence Lawrence was there an open bar at this event yeah okay yeah that explains it enough um Brian we were talking about this before the show and Lexi who's all of our assistant she said well Lawrence this is on you that's your fault everyone knows not to ask Brian to take a picture I may have whispered to someone else to have a backup photo and that's what happened who took the one of you and Bill cuz that's a good one I did that well those pictures I said I did take some pictures I I missed you I missed you getting the award hold on can I say one more thing I had no idea you were getting this award how did you know we would have gone and supported you I he just told me yesterday hey dude I'm going to appear I I don't like Lauren Lauren P's office right by mine she mentioned it to me and then uh Gavin Haden who like he who's not 40 he 40 he's just barely but Don Lemon says he's still in his prime he's still in his prime yeah but we were able to go out we hung out and then uh what what do guys do when they go out talk to about girls yeah we did yeah you're not supposed to tell not okay you're not I don't go out that much yeah girls sorry congratulations and I'm sorry thank you drinking and talking about girls right yeah just like with that's the sitcoms right I can't like you don't understand locker room talk it doesn't leave the locker room I didn't know I didn't know congratulations La we're happy for you and you deserve it thank you you're very we're going to take a time out figure out what acting director on the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump Brook singman is here with all the details for us Brooke hey anley yeah lawmakers were briefed Yesterday by acting secret service director Ronald row in a closed door hearing on the assassination attempt of former president Trump ahead of a public report from lawmakers well looking forward to working with Congress to make sure that we uh never have a tragedy like July 13th again secret service director today was very thorough he provided us with a great deal of information about the day of the shooting Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal says Americans will be shocked when lawmakers release their interim report on the assassination attempt I think the American people are going to be shocked astonished and appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt on the former president meanwhile Senator Josh Holly receiving new information from whistleblowers saying that an agent in charge of Trump's Butler rally failed training exams it was under staff they did not have people who had experience on it and and now this Advance agent I'm told may have failed one or more for training exams and was known not to be a top quality agent since the assassination attempt on former president Trump director Kimberly cheel resigned assistant director Michael platty announced his retirement and five agents have been put on administrative leave Senator Blumenthal saying lawmakers will have that report very soon Brian all right uh thanks Brooke meanwhile Russia and China holding the largest military drills this week and the largest 30 years the war games included 90,000 troops 400 warships 120 planes and helicopters this comes as the US UK France and Germany sanction Iran for supplying missiles to Russia but they're doing it anyway retired fourar General Fox News senior strategic analyst General jacken General first off your reaction to the war games what what's your takeaway well there that's a dramatically large war game to say the least given the amount of ships involved Arctic and Pacific Oceans Med ranan Baltic Sea and the caspan Sea all involved in that exercise listen so our audience understands the most significant geopolitical change in the world in the last three or four years is the cooperation of China Russia Iran and North Korea the degree that they cooperate and collaborate together and coordinate together and you can see this happening here it creates a dangerous situation globally why is that because if China started a war in the Indo Pacific region over the South China Sea or Taiwan it's likely that Russia would do much the same because they know the United States could not handle to and we would find ourselves in in a global conflict that is the danger that is out there I was on a congressional commission for 20 months and that was the major conclusion that we made in terms of the the seriousness and the danger that's facing the United States and our allies going forward yeah even though Russia would certainly be the junior partner by a lot a joint statement now let's talk about Iran we know they're supplying ballistic missiles to directly to Russia to continue that War uh and this is our joint statement back to them as we decide to sanction them this is a further escalation of Iran's Military Support to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine we will be taking immediate steps to cancel bilateral Air Service agreements with Iran does that matter not much I mean this is mostly symbolism I think what's really happening that's a good thing as a result of the this is about 200 missiles ballistic missiles short range 75 miles it's not thousands of missiles it's couple of hundred and likely more to follow in of itself it's not military decisive but the good news here is the Brits have already made a decision they haven't publicly announced it that they are going to remove the restrictions on Ukraine using their Storm Shadow cruise missiles and it looks like the United States is moving in the same direction to remove the rest restrictions imposed on the attachs that will make a big difference for the ukrainians being able to fire at military bases Russian military bases inside of Russia which is most people would think is self-evident and is something that should take place but those restrictions have really harmed the ukrainians so already Russia has expelled the UK Diplomat uh UK the headline is UK diplomats as Putin warns ukra uh of Ukraine's decision on the western weapons used by Ukraine and they that if we release the restrictions they can he considers us at war with NATO what do you think of Vladimir Putin's rhetoric well I think as his Ric has been pretty consistent for two years he's been threatening es provided more one more advanced weapon after another and this time when we moove restrictions nothing has happened consequentially a as a result of it Putin's got his hands full here you know he's got the uh Ukrainian military inside his territory and he's making some progress with with his major uh counter offensive but it's not making the kind of exploitation progress he wanted to take significant amount amount of territory back so there are real issues for him on his side uh as well and now for the first time ever he's waving the flag that he may be willing to talk we'll see if that becomes a reality or not and this would be a big consequence of the election because uh president Trump wants to get all sides together and stop it immediately uh General Jack Keen thanks so much yeah have a great weekend guys you too it was great uh meanwhile uh speaking of the weekend coming up at 9:00 we have one nation a great lineup Senator Marco Rubio and kellyan Conway will kick us off Tommy larren and Sid Rosenberg will debate the issues of the day and the great Carley shimkin with a wonderful head shot will be talking about the media moments that matter most this week so that's all coming up nine o'clock on Saturday night meanwhile on this show the Harris campaign is tapping Tim Waltz as a special onvoy to Rural America we're asking Fox and Friends Weekend co-host will Rachel and Pete these are live shots of them now wave to us guys if that'll work don't give away the answer see it's t name Terry Pat Stacy where you from Delaware thank you for coming Jack from Florida I love it let's do some weather okay uh beautiful here in New York City right I think you guys bought the great weather uh it's going to be a good weekend here in the Northeast we still are tracking uh tropical disturbance that brought power outages to Louisiana here it is right now across the Ohio Valley the Tennessee Valley it's weakening but it's still going to bring a lot of rain to these areas just be extra careful and then we also have an area of disturbed weather that could bring the potential uh for some inclement weather along the Southeast coast all right do you love Ansley hi to anley hiy hi everyone we love you too thank you mornings are better with friends that's right they are especially on a Friday thank you so much Janice well it's a Battleground Barnstorm for vice president Harris Politico detail taing her campaign's new push to bolster rural support and limit former president Trump's influence in key States Harris is tapping Tim Waltz now as the special Envoy to small town voters deploying her running mate to washaw Wisconsin today while Harris herself will hit rural communities and counties in Pennsylvania so let's bring in Fox and Friends Weekend co-host we have Rachel compa stuffy Pete hex and will Kane good morning to all of you good morning good morning good morning so Rachel I'll start with you because you're you lived in Wisconsin for a long time your husband was a congressman there what's important to the rural voters well I actually lived in Wasau Wisconsin and know a lot of people there look they're they're releasing uh they're embarking on their rural strategy this is their big deal and Politico just admitted they don't even have a rural policy uh platform they haven't released that for [Music] foree speech [Music] [Music] fore for [Music] Fore and fore speech [Music] fore fore fore fore fore to

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