Category: Gaming
Welcome to fville and war pig su as the arkansas razer backs are ready to take the field little gets the blood boiling quite like a rivalry game barbs shots trash talk things that go on throughout the week will now all be settled on this field as we'll see the number 19 team in the country the lsu tigers... Read more
Category: Gaming
And finally the defense is able to get some pressure on this quarterback they had been trying all game long different ways to affect him weren't able to get there but on that all kinds of running room the 30 the 20 touchdown for it up and with that Read more
Category: Gaming
E e e e e e e e e e the game capture crazy maybe they can't hear me e okay they probably should be able to hear me now i just put the blue snowball on uh i see the waves working um it's crazy they can they can hear you right so i mean that's yeah so that that's the last thing so you guys can hear both... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] running back searching for a hole they bring him down and he's going to lose a yard on that one didn't get much done on that first play of the drive it's second and 11 give to the back finds a little bit of space gets three to the 22 third down conversions are a huge stat and this one would... Read more
Category: Gaming
Yo what's up boys how are we doing what's up wyatt what's up jason all right we should be good to go tubby over the nfl game i'm going to be watching some of that probably uh once i get done streaming actually i guess i definitely will i don't know what else i'd be doing who am i going to lose to tonight... Read more
Category: Gaming
Welcome to provo utah lvl edwards stadium home to the 1984 national champion byu cougars and this one of the more intimidating venues in all of college football what a game and what potential drama we have in store you've seen this script before top 10 team goes into a quadron of emotion on the road... Read more
Category: Gaming
I'm going to show you how to make a school independent and play the hardest schedule possible every single year because hoover 9390 commented on a previous video asking how to do this click on dynasty go to start you can do single player or cloud multi-user whichever rustler you want to use i'm going... Read more
Category: Gaming
Welcome to manhattan kansas the little apple where they have taken a large bik out of college football the man for whom the stadium is named bill snider built this program from the losingest in the history of college football to a formidable foe and home of the kansas state wildcats there's nothing... Read more
Category: Gaming
In what better way than converting on third down into double coverage and it's intercepted he'll try to take it back he's at the 40 he goes out of bounds but he just about did it himself what a e e [music] the ducks will put total leather to crank us up here's the returned from inside the 25 he's brought... Read more
Category: Sports
How we doing how we doing i've got something for you here's a little fact check for you aaron roders uh cbd gummies facing lifetimes from spined from the nfl that is a false story that went across the desk and uh this one here has nothing good that you come out of this uh the nfl is highly concerned... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] welcome everyone to lc texas and jones at&t stadium hope to the texas tech red raiders and this crowd as always will be rowdy because they've been gearing up since early this morning we have a ranked versus unranked battle coming up here and you know how chaos can ensue if they start smelling... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] i just want a little taste please no more chaing he [music] [music] oh look it's sandy i mean oh look sandy well if that ain't the sponge they call bob and his bigest dallas b lunatic partner patrick stepping through my door actually we came in through the roof is that right well you'll be leaving... Read more