LIVE STREAM: Florida Gators Deep Dive and Simulation | Ea Sports College Football 25

Published: Jul 14, 2024 Duration: 02:09:23 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: florida gators football roster
all right man this is a little bit different first time streaming EA Sports college football 25 uh got the setup here first time doing this so there might be some hiccups U but certainly let me know in the comments what it all sounds like if I if I sound fine if you can hear me hopefully you can hear me hopefully you can hear some in the background too but went through just a little bit of the setup got the the gator set up here that's a favorite team so you get all the theme here here um on the main menu and all that good stuff but yeah just going to take a deep dive into Florida right here on Gator breakdown and my other channel play now so a lot of my if hopefully I keep up with it uh but EA Sports college football coverage will be on the the play now channel uh so link is in the description to join certainly with this being I mean I I had even played a game yet I haven't done anything yet so this is me firing up on Gator breakdown it's going be heavy heavy Gator themed of course this time going to try we'll go through uniforms we'll look at the stadium uh I might do a quick simulation Dynasty uh not I probably won't do a game I I don't want to embarrass myself it's been since the game went away the inaa college football video game went away it's been 11 years uh did not play the revamp version all that much much oh no actually at all I didn't play Madden all that much I've maybe played five games of Madden in the last 11 years just you know you guys know me I'm a college football fan uh I watch the NFL I enjoy the NFL uh but I started the podcast in the meantime I didn't even have gator breakdown the last time there was a video game I didn't have a daughter the last time there was a college football video game my life has changed so much and now we got this game back so of course um I don't want to embarrass myself uh I could probably figure some things out along the way I used to be really good I will tell you that uh but um I didn't want to embarrass myself trying to figure out it would be slow prodding me trying to figure out all the new stuff like stem routes being able to change the depth of of of your wide receiver routes the cover shells being able to disguise your coverages a good bit too there's a lot to figure out make a little more a little more realistic you I love what I've seen the last couple of days in in the month or so um in playing so or in in in in in looking at it so you know we'll see we'll see here but uh uh I see certainly everybody if you're in the chat thanks for hopping on and those kind of a kind of a short notice uh here got home from work had the game downloaded ready to go hopefully the servers will hold up as we go through some things here I know the Dynasty is having some issues as right now but we'll go through it we'll do some uniform combinations like I said we'll look at the stadium all that good stuff uh and then maybe a quick Dynasty at least the first 2024 season simulation and then I'll probably sign off and go start some gameplay uh but uh Travis Peterson says is Won't Back Down in I do not believe it is in I'm actually I'm pretty sure it's not in um but I'm sure they replaced it with something I know they got the fans holding the phones up in the air all that good stuff I have seen videos of that I've tried to stay away from a lot of Florida stuff I didn't want it ruined I wanted to live it in the video game for the first time so if you're a team that Florida will play or if Florida themselves I try to stay away from it cuz I want to experience it in the game uh so uh I did see TBO destroy Vic Gator Chomp um lower Jamon what team are you going to play with yeah that will be hard to figure out right uh I will probably do a uh a Florida Dynasty a Georgia Southern Dynasty to kind of build Jord s up a bit as well uh but look Let's uh let's get to it um okay let's go let's go play now let me make this full screen hopefully I can still see the chat when I go can I still see the chat show chat um so I don't don't see the chat when I do that let me first take that that down that might be why okay like I said there might be some hiccups I'm trying to figure out all this too at the same time let's go uh we will have Florida the home team let I don't want to play this is mainly going be proba be for for uniforms right now uh let's go random team who who will let go Eastern n Charlotte we we SE we've seen that game recently um was it pretty for Florida uh Ruckers there we let's just do Ruckers there we go let's do Ruckers um let me minimize this cuz I don't see the chat in here so you guys are saying stuff yeah um DeAndre gosh now I'm going to probably sa for Miami for when I actually do the Dynasty uh let's see so here we go this was the part uh let me move oh all right let me rearrange this so you guys can see all right so those your basic uniform and okay good we got some take a take a good look standard uniform orange helmet blue jersey white pants but now I have already seen this I'm sure you guys have seen it a lot too um you can certainly go with a lot of different helmets got the black helmet there the white helmet which you guys know I love the white helmet uh I love that Jersey combo there with the white blue white got the blue helmet as well so there's our first look at the blue helmet with the blue jersey and let's just go let's go blue pants what will all blue look like I love it I like that look I will certainly be using that at at some point when we go through here uh want the the all blue was probably one of the first ones I wanted to see uh in what it looked like uh so there we go that's uh that's that's what you get grin I the elf helmet is not in unfortunately I would use the elf helmet if it was in that would be that would be the helmet I would go with but I like the white um I'm going to see what that combo looks like with the white and all blue there we go yeah I wish it was the one with the f I know uh I know it's not very popular I know it's not very popular uh right so let's go back to the r helmet blue jersey blue pants you know big game blues um right there I know some people like that combo uh the old the Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl combo will mus champ 20 2012 getting spanked by Louisville in that combo um throwback pants we'll come back to those okay standard uniform see we went orange pants with black pants not see I'm only going to wear black with black the black is only for the black for me is going to be black helmet black Jersey black pants it doesn't look right to me the other way uh so there's your there's your uniform look your first with with with the black but um all right standard uniform let's go black helmet I don't um black helmet blue jersey doesn't look too bad but I just I don't think it I don't think it'll look what about black helmet all blue that's not terrible but like I said more than likely I only go black with all black I mean it just makes the most sense to me it automatically makes it the black shoes as well so there you go there's your black Unis uh for your Gator fans there uh had the orange helmet so let's go back white helmet what was it look like with the orange Jersey oh Too Many Colors there too many too many colors Too Many Colors Let's go back blue pants I mean you got so many combos with f right now white helmet orange Jersey blue pants I mean we even got we even got socks you don't want black socks uh white socks but what what what the so you get the orange or the blue accents and the cleats and black with the so you get some black uh body of the cleats all black there which you wear with the throwback uniforms fl's got the throwback in here so we will go over that as well uh but remember Florida wore the black cleat with the uh with the Throwbacks all white right there too white and black so plenty of uh like you know orange and black plenty man we got so many combos it looks pretty good uh so white helmet let's stay with that white Jersey blue pants love those love that look the all whites love them love them one of the favorite combos right there absolutely love it um see I I just no black just looks off to me if it's just not all black so um not not a combo there we have ever seen before I hope you see it a white helmet white diry orange pants can go Blue there too oh I kind of like that one oh man so many combos so many combos okay kind of getting lost of where we've been at Blue okay all Blues there we'll start there white Jersey blue pant we've seen that combo uh when Florida went to Tennessee in 2020 that was the combo of the Gator War black Jersey blue yeah this just sounds a right to me uh there you go some blue orange blue there's your first look at the Throwbacks I mean you can mix that in there I mean the stripes on the helmet and the Jersey don't necessarily match but you know it is what it is um you know you could use it if you want to uh let's go different pants blue blue orange blue blue black blue blue white I like that I like that oh I like that look I like that more than I thought I would it might be my tops right there big traditional uniform with just the blue helmet and your throwback pan like I said the strip's a little different all blue blue blue so um so here you go you get to throwback blue helmet that one's on behind me too uh right there oh man my helmet's not spinning up there is it um but there you go you got your throwback homecoming that would have been against that would have been 2018 cuz 2019 we wore the white ones right against Auburn the blue in here was that 2018 or was it uh 2020 I don't remember uh definitely under Dan Mullen uh but there you go throwback so let's go throwback throwback jersey throwback pants there you go you got your throwback throwback uniforms and then I believe they have the throwback white helmet oh they do have the white I didn't know they had the white okay so we got the white ones there too 2020 against Missouri Brandon there you go Brandon saved me that was right that was the uh that was Dan Mullen coming out as Darth Vader after the game uh you had the scuffle uh in in that game as well so I remember everything happened in that game but you're you're completely right that was the uh that was that and then we get the throwback orange there as well that was in 21 right in Ms last year uh so there you go I I want to see I mean I'll be mixing these helmets in I mean the stripe will probably throw some people off but since this orange one doesn't have a stripe this can really go with I think you can mix it you can start you can go throwback helmet and modern jerseys I mean I like that combo yeah you can find me with that one you can find me with that one I like that what's let me give me the orange cleats a oo there we go I'm not really a fashion guy here but I'm going to have fun with this I mean Florida's got so many combos I think somebody said muddy water says Memphis has the most combinations they're probably up there I'm sure Florida's up there though uh let's we just stick with the orange cleats for now uh but throwback helmet throwback orange helmet blue jersey look go through the pants again there you go now you throw back with the orange pants blue jersey I'm going to skip the black cuz it just doesn't look good to me um there you go big game blues with a throwback orange white jersey with a throwback going to look very similar to the traditional uniform just UF on the side no stripe down the middle instead of the the gator script uh but yeah I like it I mean plenty of combos let's go orange pants yeah I'm going to use this helmet a lot I like it I really I really like it um there you go see the white just doesn't look good the white the black now I do wonder I'm going to go I can see maybe the orange helmet with the with the with the black uni I I can see that cuz you know orange is that bright color CU oh man I I messed that up okay oh I saved it okay good deal good deal let me go orange helmet traditional there you go I don't think that's terrible either I can I can go orange helmet instead of black helmet but I think I like the one with the no stripe better I think it just kind of flows with the uniform a little bit better uh gr and piercon hilarious they don't have Jordan's yeah know they got Jordan on the Jersey of course uh but yeah you can't um the the cleats I guess you know definitely not Jordan or certainly not Jordan socks uh let's see good black socks and that's tough looking right there now got the orange tips on the cleats with the orange helmet you yeah that's the uh and don't forget now the black jerseys will have the what um the you know the phrases their commitments what was it pride honor and I don't remember what else so uh there were four four of them I think was service one of them maybe I forget uh but man that's a tough look right there to me now I like that I I'm not going to lie I like that U did I go through all of them did I go through all of them I think I did I mean if you're looking for some kind of Halloween theme you Florida Georgia Halloween weekend I mean maybe maybe you stretch it to something like this I I still don't like it it's got to be black Jersey bike pants you can change the helmet color well you can do whatever you want to I'm probably only going to change the helmet color with the orange the orange helmet but so yeah so many good combos I like uh I like it well hopefully you got anything you want to see any combo you want I think I went through them all here pretty much but yeah there you go traditional helmet let's see what what does what do all the helmets look like I mean there's there's your all black what what do the helmets look like would you go no see can't I can't do it can't even go white helmet there blue helmet nah I can't uh OG Walker yeah depth chart will be next absolutely I'm going to be getting into that throw back whes nah so grin Pearson he puts a throwback orange helmet he said the orange top and black pants there that's what we got right there there you go like I think if you're going to go black the only other color you can go with is orange I think this kind of you know the contrast and colors there but there we go there we go um all right we'll come back to this I do want to check out the well should we should we go into these should we go into the stadium first and then check out the depth chart in the game we want to do that we want to go straight to depth chart now um Let me let let me know in the chat let me know in the chat you want to you want to go Florida ruers in the SW and just look at the look at the swamp or just go from the back out of this and go to the depth chart um let me know let me know trying to keep up with here some messages now I don't know if you guys heard um Team Builder was delay till Friday um this is some team news so real real team news here let me uh let me let me let me make a a message right quick a real flator news I kind of got to confirm here but uh let's see here we'll see okay there it's all it takes um check I was really going to Matthew I wasn't really gonna you know I didn't really plan on playing a game I know I kind of I kind of excited to take pick see the jerseys uh um Matt S I wasn't really going to play um OG Walker what's going on with hard-headed Corman that's what that text was about by the way so just I had to ask some questions there um I know everybody knows the the rumors about Corman mlan and all that lately about not being um in meetings and workouts all that kind of stuff so hopefully we'll get some clarification everything there all right um yeah we are trending for Vernell Brown to third for sure all right backing out here um let me come back let me edit this again all right well Hawaiian this was going to be a deep dive I I mean deep dive in every aspect fashion I I said at the beginning of this I was probably was he not going to play a game uh on this stream I haven't played a a a game a full football video game in quite some time so all right let's go let's go Dev chart gr Merz start at quarterback of course uh so can't click on it here so this is the depth chart maybe I just go back to manage players so you can come in here edit player there you go Jason Marshall I think he's the highest rated player on the game take that up with EA if you want to but Jason Marshall is the highest rated now one thing you won't be able to do is because of the the game with the ni and the players getting paid and the contracts and all that stuff you're not going to be able to edit anything about the players all that is locked um ratings you can't change either maybe you can in Dynasty uh but uh to play now you can't attributes all that good stuff there I mean not too much there but you can um edit apparel it looks like so yep there you go but you cannot equip helmet model with current face mask so there you go it's going to get even as detailed as face mask helmet style all that okay there you go certainly more detailed with the equipment than what it used to be let's go old school let's go old school oh man you see some B is there I believe yep yep so you a helmet model face mask so we'll see what every I don't know how I don't know what helmet and face mask Jason Marshall wears sorry guys uh maybe it's accurate maybe it's not if anybody wants to go out there and change all that to make it pretty accurate go right ahead but um there you go all the all the face mask you can choose from now plenty to go along with all the different kind of helmets all the new style helmets are in there too uh certainly and there you go you can pretty uh pretty detailed okay you can um change it with the right stick go a little closer click the right stick stick down or push the right stick down zooms out I like the untuck jerseys you know they did that specifically for the players it weird you know some I did I did see somebody mention it earlier wearing Nikes here instead of Jordans so that is the one difference here for when you're Florida you got the Jordan jerseys uh but you don't have the Jordan shoes now some players still wear Nikes out there and stuff of course too uh but all your visors you can go old full Fred Taylor style or you can't even see through it at all that looks tough mouth guard B Mark St okay okay there you go so there's a quick little apparel but yeah no changing of the player bio rating attributes make sense make sense in this new age of football I see Hawaiian Kong says you huge bummer I won't be able to edit rosters half the fun 14 was creating a team of 55 400 pound players rated 99 in every category um OG Walker what was the speed Jason Marshall his speed is 94 uh so probably a little higher than it really should be uh let me change the lay out here so you guys can yeah see the um okay so Jake Slaughter is the highest rated second highest rated player had an 87 and Pro Football Focus had very very high grades on him up but the center Jake Slaughter second highest they're tied with Montell Johnson we'll go to Jake Slaughter here right quick well I thought I'd be able to go a little closer not right here apparently I guess you have to go to apparel if you want to uh edit apparel and then head gear automatically go there and then you can then you can come back out just like that right there okay some custom looking shoes there uh a hope I'm saying that right I'll put it up there what's Deon Moore's injury setting on oh stick to the heart let's stick to the heart oh um but Deon Moore is what would he be let's see 1 2 3 4 five 6 78 not the not highest rated player I don't think there is an injury thing here but let's see if there is uh sorry okay don't think I'm getting text messages like crazy um yeah okay so you see all the ratings you know what let's come back let's come back and go through the ratings here there are a ton of ratings definitely more detailed here now whether right or wrong that's kind of going to be up to you and what you think about some of these guys but certainly I'll go back up to the top overall speed strength agility so Jason Marshall 95 agility 99 95 acceleration 87 awareness then you get your brake tackle Trucking change of Direction Ball Carrier Vision so you got Montreal Johnson there like a 90 he's the easiest one Eugene Trey Wilson there at 89 near the top as well with stiff arm spin move juke move carrying catching short route short route run medium route run you know you can start seeing your receivers in that category deep route run catching traffic spectacular catch release jumping throw power short throw accuracy medium throw accuracy you know gr Merz while we're let's highlight him while we're on those categories deep throw accuracy 83 there we know that's a big big contention uh a big topic of discussion for Graham Merz in the 2024 season is his throwing it deep it is rated in 8 three as deep throw accuracy throw in the run a 77 throw Under Pressure a 94 uh that's probably pretty good there for him break sack 64 yep that's probably should be pretty low as well play action 91 a lot of play action in this offense uh I know a lot of people are going to be uh talking about that Joel says he's already inserted Lag Way over Merz um there that's going to be a popular popular thing to be done in a video game for sure uh OG Walker says Wilson should definitely be faster than Marshall uh let's keep it going here and just some of the hit power power moves finesse moves block shedding Pursuit play recognition man coverage Zone coverage we'll go back up to the top here because now we're getting to some of the um secondary players and kind of their attributes here press 80 there 84 there for Jason Marshall pass block Jake Slaughter come back down there pass block power pass block finesse run Block Run block power run block finesse lead block impact blocking kick power kick accuracy return a return okay Trey Wilson's got a 91 there I'll go ahead and tell you Elijah Badger should probably be a little bit higher given what he did at Arizona State um so his return should be pretty high there uh in in in probably 93 94 if they're giv try 91 I probably put Badger like 93 94 given what he did at Arizona State oh there we go we do have injury uh and it is a 96 for Devin Moore so I'm going to assume that means it's high and that's not good the higher the worse I'm going I don't I don't know um cuz a Turners had injury who knows how accurate these are that's what you you got to keep that in mind but ASA Turner 86 he's had Elijah Badger's got that back injury I don't know how accurate that would be you know Jason Marshall with a 97 um not really an injured injury PR player uh so I don't know what the if the 96 is good or bad um in looking at that I'm going to assume lower is worse so Deon mores should probably be lower that's just my guess that's going to be my guess there but I don't know like how do they know what to put Kelby Collins how do they know what to put I mean Austin Barber you know was coming off of an injury late last year yeah I'm going to assume higher is better but I that's got to be a random especially if it's Devon Moore is higher is better than he he should probably be like in the 70s but RJ Mo's pretty high as well in the injury category and that probably I don't know I have no idea that that's one we just have to come back around on Jordan Castell true you know true freshman last year uh so injury uh toughness I don't know Deon MO is 88 there I don't know how if they're going to relate that to injury or not all right there we go so that's all of them that's all the uh all right so there let's let's go in depth chart order gr merch DJ lag gr mer at 84 DJ lagway 80 only four point difference I'll move me around here for this one so you can see all the attributes there on the right gr Merz slot of hand with his physical attributes step up uh dot resistance mental you got the clear headed the field General the winning time I we go through all of these but starting quarterback of course and we'll go through the Superstar as well DJ lagway now you look you see the difference gr Merz DJ lagway gr Merz all the act all the experience he brings to the table you get three mental attributes there you go to DJ lagway true freshman doesn't have those mental attributes yet now you see the physical attributes which he should absolutely have option King extender magician off platform mobile resistance I mean and they got the real hometowns that there as well from Willis Texas of course 63241 they do have him as a Scrambler I I haven't went through I hope there's like a balanced but looks like Phil General and Scrambler are the only two in here so I haven't been able to really go through uh the rest of it and see um sorry guys just I got still still got to keep up with regular uh Gator news as well all right it never ends it never ends that's a good thing that's a good thing never a dull moment right uh okay let's go through montro Johnson got that side step for his physical attribute fan favorite winning time is the mental got trayon web and no attributes there for him pretty weird that you have Jaden ball as a true freshman I know we love what we saw in the spring but a it is kind of odd that you have true freshman like even you know Kanan Daniels KD Daniels here at least has one moncho Johnson or Tryon web has none uh so okay maybe an issue there uh cam Carroll injury maybe he's back and jacobe Jackson the Junior College transfer from a couple from last year a lot of running backs six running backs on the depth chart there for the Gators that's another thing I like about this game you have more roster spots now you can actually get a bit more um roster movement recruiting is a little more real now cuz you have enough spots for the roster uh no fullback of course Eugene Wilson only one trait sure hands and I would think some something to do with wiggle and something to do with being able to get away that should be on there elij Badger Chim Ray DK there's your top three Wilson Badger DK Aiden maelle he see he he's got the double dip and takeoff he's got two attributes like I said Wilson should have certainly more Marcus Burke Kil Jackson the quavon frasers Andy jeene TJ Abrams with the speed of where is it at 95 Taylor spto uh is in there oh I was trying to get the speed of tank Hawkins here yeah t Hawkins with a speed of 97 there you go boardingham Hansen both 78 overall at tight ends Keon zipper of course hopefully he's back this year um he's a 75 overall Bingham Hansen top two tight ends at 78 overall uh let's quickly go through left tackle we got Austin Barber there at 80 Devin Manuel of course who took part in Spring there for the Gator mostly at the position while Barber nurses injury so there's your top two left tackles left guard you got NJ Harris Christian Williams NJ Harris coming in at 77 Jake Slaughter as I said the top the second ranked player on the roster and Roger Kerney back up Center and hey if you just listen to Gator's breakdown yesterday today there was an interview where with Jason zandel and asked him if he was in the game if he was able to get in the games he was you know a late transfer portal Edition and he was there he is recent Gator breakdown guest right here Damian George at Right Guard so they got that position change Randy Blair like I said now with some of these roster spots she got more so you going to have you know some of the Walk-Ons in the game as well who if there was room to put them in they did breny crinch all Dixon cam weights Mark pittz Fletcher Westfall so uh who would that be Marcus mascal not in the true freshman this is coming off the top of my head no Marcus mascol at tight end didn't have Jackson at tight end the true freshman either so I don't know if Aaron child he was a late freshman R Le I don't know if he'll be in a linebacker I guess we'll get that in just a second let's go to defense Tyreek Zapp at left in um Kelby Collins at left in so there you got the ride in with Joey slattman and Caleb Banks so how would we do this cam Jackson Dez Watson Jamari Lin there's your defensive tackles for sure Justice boom left outside linebacker no I think going to move I would be moving him oh we'll be moving him to probably left end or right in probably left in he'll be splitting time there with zp Collins you'll be you'll be moving Collins to the right end spot with slackman and Banks so that'll be something I think you have to go through uh and mess with with the depth chart a little bit move boom to Left End Collins to right end with SL San and Banks I want to know how rotation is work in this game hopefully it's a little bit better than the way it was let me know what you think about this game next month sir when Madden comes out I won't be playing Madden so my thoughts on this game will we'll see what they are but I won't I won't be playing Madden Brian so it really doesn't matter um let's see defensive tackle as I said cam Jackson Dez Watson Jamar Lions Justin spoon get him out of the left outside linebacker spot you would ramp up TJ CI George gumes Jr Jamarcus Weston there of course his position changes lance sord out of pabra beach there will be some players you haven't heard of from the wol status Shamar James there at middle linebacker miles Graham Derek Wingo Thomas Fuller Duce burlock right outside linebacker Grayson Howard Jaden Robinson Big Time transfer of course Grayson Howard certainly glad to have him there uh py bur you would probably move as well to that spot we left outside linebacker spot to give that pass rush a little more so you will have to navigate to make it more dep real depth chart like for the Gators cornerback Jason Marshall jaem Jackson Devon Moore so they got jaem Jackson and de I didn't notice that when we're going through the players early earlier jaem Jackson and I just I got my Discord up too for Gator bre down plus JP Gator says for those who want to play with a more realistic defense change the defense to a 335 tight so keep that in mind when you're going through all these changes as well but Jem Jackson and Devon Moore see this is where I I wish we could redo the ratings a bit maybe you can in your own Dynasty we have to see what that is but Devon mois should be higher than jaem Jackson I'm high on the jaem Jackson eventually but Deon Moore if Jason Marshall's at 89 and if you're going to believe in that ranking Deon Mo should be uh what 80 88 89 as well because when he's on the field he's really good just can't stay on the field kman mlan um we'll see what you know they got him as the fourth highest rated see what that means in the grand scheme of things with all the rumors flying around about him track W bridg is of course the transfer from Oregon dejon Johnson jir Grimley the true freshman Teddy Foster free safety Jordan Castell RJ Moon Shar dson you'll need to move him to so I guess they don't uh you probably have to redo cornerback to put Sharie Denon at the nickel I'm going to assume we have to I have to see how that I have to see how that works out what what's going to determine nickel because it will probably change on what defenses you you play as your defensive formations huh so certainly we'll have to move Shar dson around uh George George is saying are we missing many players in the game doesn't look like us like I said some of the the late en rolly freshman um George does say Miami's missing like 20 players on their team in the game well they had a lot of they had a you know some late transfers that might be a reason why I don't have many freshman came in late either so that's the thing there should be some roster updates I know EA said they were going to update rosters we'll see what that means as far as a timeline the didn't put one out uh free safety Jordan Castell RJ Mo sh Denon will be moving him am on Covington not a player know much about walk on status ASA Turner DJ Douglas there's your strong safeties Bryce storton Antonio Gates Greg Smith jiah Davis there's a lot of depth there at that spot kick your trace Mack punter Jordan um Jeremy croshaw there we go back right there so you look at your roster uh would you like to keep your changes I don't remember doing anything continue without s for now I don't care but there we go order depth chart I'll be doing that so the update rosters like I said you can download the latest EA rosters don't know how different they are probably should have went there first will anything download under know the servers are if this takes too long I'll cancel it doesn't look like it will take too long so I'll go look at the Florida roster again see if we can do we notice any changes at all for that Wilson Badger DK Melle probably not well not was TI in that deep earlier maybe it was I don't remember so still no Marcus mascol and look the roster may not have been updated they could have just have that you can download it and there may not be much changes at all um we didn't want to go back certainly got true freshman Phenom right there LJ McCrae all right no want to come back through here to all right worry about that later I don't think there was any any changes all right so let's go back what is the download Cent anybody know what that so there's some team Builder teams already in there okay but you can download playbooks that's pretty cool so you can create custom playbooks in this game and if you find one you like that maybe somebody online plays with or somebody you know you can come in here and get theirs sliders that's going to be a big one for me whenever I get enough experience and figure out how the game is playing hopefully on Heisman mode at some point get some sliders make the game play more to your style more realistically you want it more arcadey I'm kind of more Sim style so that's the way I'd be going with it my sharings don't know what that is download history no downloads uh but schools I'm assuming that's team Builder Playbook sliders okay pretty cool there U like I said Team Builder is supposed to be Friday I believe actually I think it got confirmed all right so here we go let's go through let's go play now let's go take a look at the swamp all right let me have you guys been playing it what do you like about it right we'll just go Michigan State it was Ruckers there last time like I said probably not going to really play I I may play a little bit here I'm not going to play a complete game no what I want I wanted to do a d okay let's go through the swamp right quick come back out I'll do short Dynasty start let's see what holds for Florida in the 24 simulation you get your broadcast team ree Davis Jesse Palmer David poock go the big game Chris ferer curve Street uh not even really worried about this CU as I said not really going to play a game here we'll pause it at some point welcome to the swap the giant that the head ball coach awakened one that thrived in urban renewal and now one where only the Gators Get Out Alive this game today could be an inflection point for both of these teams as each hoping to use it as a springboard to get into the top 25 as we'll see a squad from the Big 10 the Michigan State Spartans taking on a team from the SEC the flator glad to have you with us EA Sports college football I'm ree Davis David Po and Jessie Palmer with me in the booth guys we ready to te it up oh wow coming out of the tunnel there again in the um I wanted you guys to hear that by the way I didn't want to kind of step over it but coming out of the tunnel right there where the team just came out of course that's pretty cool oh yeah I forgot about this new kicking thing like I said I'm just going to do something quick so we can kind of check out the stadium then I'll go through Dynasty simulation oh that was weird that was not anywhere close to where but still not bad right Circle still switches he's going to bring it out all right there we go first play in nice little Jaws in the background the game and here's the around he has earned thatp like I said I have we do coach suggestions right now cuz I have I have yet to play anything anything in like 11 years when now I want to see we just going to see some [Applause] play Oh Grayson missing the tackle there come on all right let's go so let's check out the swamp a little bit hopefully been able to do this uh let's see there so Midfield swamping all its beautiful Glory Graphics really good crowd wise I wish they probably put a lot more little more white shirts in the crowd everybody's wearing orange and blue shirts little uh now what's really accurate here is the Michigan State of course bench and everything where their fans would sit right there in the first few rows behind the bench and then the section over here of course uh they didn't put the opposing band in where the band would be which would be first few rows in that section you do have Sparty right there you got the working work silly over here little wings on the stadium of course the SEC Champions nice little lens flare sunflare up there and this is the swamp as well the defense looks familiar to game is cold blooded uh cool little Stadium Graphics of course but yeah this is uh I've been in this Stadium too many times this is a really good really really really good representation of uh that's where the recruits would be sitting they're not going to get that detailed maybe one day uh but yeah game looking really really good Stadium looking really good but then come through here and we'll see Grayson with the tackle had him had him and then nope game does look really good though okay there we go J kill going to make me buy a PS5 DAV okay uh hey I mean certainly Been Waiting For Stuff uh for this game let's see press man I still remember some of the old button combinations so remember remember to hit triangle here oh nice little block there and yeah this is all too familiar huh yep o hey that's what I saw all weekend too I mean big play after big play that was uh that was way too simple for them I told you look I haven't played in forever I knew I was going to stink there was no there was uh second play second play of the whole game here and just get look at that double team blocking here downfield blocking take a terrible angle there that made Jason Marshall just dive out of bounds Jordan Castell not catching up uh JB says the same thing just happened to me against Tennessee so as say it's going to take a while to get adjusted for me no no shame I I don't care I haven't play a game in Forever This is one reason I didn't even want to put myself in this situation I know going to get uh going to get slammed going to get slammed I'm sure I can hand all right I'll do one offensive drive and then we'll do a we'll do a dynasty simulation and then I'll sign off here away he'll bring it out it's [Applause] I will say it is going to take me a while to get adjusted to the way it felt like even running there with Hawkins felt a little weird to me it's just um oh War there we go they got the jet touch pass I'm just going to do it we know that's a staple in this vill a offense immedately are Pearson person says I'm going to buy Best Buy right now buying a PS5 this is awesome sure go for it all right let's go let's just see here knock him down but not before he gets it out to the 21 yd line pick up um pck up some y I should have been passing it here but all right what the hand off sing running there we go first down Montreal with a good little run there I'm just going coach suggestions right now like I said I don't even know the Playbook it'd be stupid of me to try and go through the Playbook all let's go see if we hit that that would Bey too' they've got some physicality probably not oh jeez quter okay didn't even have time didn't even have time holy moly Austin Barber now see I wasn't even trying to identify anything there could have been could have been me uh I could have slid my protection all that like I said this it's been forever since I played the game second along from the 23 back to pass it's mer oh look at there Trey Trey saving me Tre saving me man I could that Blitz though I even blit I got to go back and see was it even a blitz where I got hit uh where I got sacked or was it just atin Barber purely getting [Music] [Applause] beat2 yd line and that's a first that is how it's done on third down I wanted to play ction pass so I think we got one here like I said coach suggest I don't even know the plays right now just bear with me don't be making fun of me too much the offense got the better of the D easily pick that up off the play fake on first down to [Applause] throw still still got him they'll R from the pistol yeah JB I think you could could probably win the game just running it it does seem running is and I've heard about it coming in that it was just uh that it was really easier and certainly almost every run I've had has been pretty easy I mean there was another one right there I think guy going in the and they're doing Ace job of that right now remember the of running I I don't remember how the RPO works here all right you can keep the ball by pressing X otherwise the ball's automatically handed off I just want to give it that's all I want to do Lon pass play they pick up a few well we knew coming into this game this offense was going to try and get this receiver involved and get him involved early I mean this seems like a typical Forida offense just kind of taking its time taking its time down the field the tight I predetermined where I was going that well I have time to throw I mean I'm already worried about my freaking offensive line after what happened to me a second ago could have Badger at the [Applause] sticks there we go there we [Applause] go all right this is where you would take a shot and on that third I don't think he Z this is where I would be taking a shot so so if we can get Bingham down the probably not not be Badger again [Applause] here they're just play they're playing off they're making it they're making it pretty simple here all right let's see if we can hit montre at the Back Field here good decision by the that was a good look to throw in he back to throw on second that was too simple here up the first down and gets down to avoid contact second and short is a great situation to be in and look at it oh we going get speo here we get the catch him with the screen here being of the oh come on holding [Applause] la oh illegal man down what oh come on come on well okay okay okay H man this whole Dr I'm taking up the whole quarter pretty much with the drive first drive here graphic messed up there people going through other people okay is what it is well I mean Montreal with 9.7 yards to carry here it's been a halfback game of [Applause] course and they've swapped the field and'll get it going in the second I'm saying orange blue doing the orange and blue chant they'll break the seal on this quarter here on first down see if we s sides run to the left here instead of the right got that block yeah running is uh much easier I know I'm playing like Billy like I said this is the first time I've played a football game in Forever uh no shame in my game right now I I am not apologizing to the more guys to the run then you open it up for the passing to the it's [Applause] I was taking a shot I just wanted to try it probably I probably threw it way too late this can I beat the Press on the left third no shouldn't throwing that one that was I predetermined that let's see how hard field goals are I know you know I'll go for it this game don't even count Lockland get the incom Now setting up the Gators will come to the line to convert on fourth down he'll try to throw and pick up the first a it was there it was there the throw kind of like out the throw was behind him it kind of slowed down is what you know OPP to swallow but as a QB I got to walk over him and say listen dude we're going to need lat I said I wouldn't going to play a game too much we'll see man I'm getting pushed around up [Applause] front all right so I wanted to see even if it's not coach adjustments Corner matchups highest rated quarterback with match the highest rated receiver sure uh default [Applause] I want that one for now I've already had trouble tackling so far uh that's good till I get used to that [Applause] okay now where were the shell coverages all right after pick they come to the line Second and seven jeez getting chewed up on that right side over here let me make the screen bigger too I was play Third very man it's not third eternity now the pass pass all of it's AV on Third and short they'll try to throw the Spartans will move the sticks with the first down and the defense brought the blitz on third trying to I certainly got some work to do I ain't going to lie about that he knew where his he didn't Panic or freak out just up the first we got set of downs and you want to run the football that's okay you'll take some of these but if they start to add up down the road obviously you might want say I'm doing coach mode they remind me why I can't do my sh coverages all right can we get a stop here I'm I'm bringing it [Applause] all bringing bringing the pressure holy moly hey third five that's kind of typical right jeez jeez [Applause] there we go I got some work to do I got some work to do all right one more offensive drive I'm already I'm already hooked I'm blaming that on really show and the extra point I am terrible I'm terrible I knew I would be knew should have just run the ball every freaking play here now we got Trey right here return kickoff coverage and he'll be stopped at the 17 Florida has the ball back and here comes the offense they've stumbled a [Music] little defense looks on point get off the field get them some more possessions this offense didn't spend a lot of time on the field in the first quarter David I think they got to run the ball here so break that Lord Lord defense time [Laughter] for he's looking to throw oh he mo [Laughter] [Applause] laugh it up laugh it up I'll laugh at myself I am garbage in a when you're back up your own try to come out when you're a defense and you can I'm sure anybody will want to play me right now but I'm I'm I'm sure of [Applause] it there go Caleb he tried to get the defense going the oh man I always I've always played this defensive lineman maybe I need to change that in this game there we go look at that one okay I'll take user credit for that one too it probably was Ryan probably Wasing to block him and get in the back field to make that tackle for l oh come on come on he'll throw it okay there we go all right made a stand made a stand are computer are the computer teams actually going to miss field goals I mean I won't base it off of that I'm just saying you used to never miss it we'll see if I can all I'll play till halftime I'll play till halftime then we'll do a simulation I'm having I'm even though I'm getting my teeth kicked in right now I'm I'm having fun getting some work that one BS through the end zone and it'll be a Touchback the gator sending the off back to work they've got nothing so far they already find themselves in a three possession hole Jesse yeah and as a head coach you're wondering what didn't I say what didn't I do to get my team ready to because I don't to pass anymore nothing went well in the first qu I'm going so montre out wide here out throwing on first excellent that was me all me being terrible inter you throw another one In Harm's oh Jesus Christ gets him goes the quarterback defense calls a quick timeout there perhaps a little confusion about what call they were in okay yeah running is probably but I mean that's what sliders are for to we'll see you know get get to it and I'm sure I'll probably get sacked here needs a chunk play and they'll miss the connection here on third nice when you know it's third and long you know a pass is coming worked on it all week get your feet set in the sticks how does this work maybe all American was too much for trying to learn to get back into it I mean I could run the ball freaking time too but last time they set for a field goal but David got to find that balance between being aggressive and careful and I think they'll take I got the lead Palmer I got the football I gotve nice little play a cat they could one-onone matchs that are in your favor and then exploit C still got a def when runs I probably should have called a timeout there but my mind somewhere [Applause] [Music] else what's the what's the PlayStation I guess probably the big button I've also played on Xbox for the longest time too so this the first time I've played on uh Playstation football game in a very long time like I said maybe five games of Madden in the last 10 years on the it's Hawkins they'll return 2 y all right don't have much of a choice not running they find themselves in a pretty deep hole here but maybe a chance to grab a little momentum and regroup at halftime yeah a big chance like this is this is an opportunity this is the biggest opportunity in front of them in the game right now you got to get some points on the you got to create something positive Jesse there hasn't been a whole lot to be positive about the first half if I'm playing quarterback I'm locating my goto guy receiver who can I count on one-on-one to go and make me a play maybe even one on two who can go up catch the ball get us yard and get us look at there [Applause] Zipperer yd and you just wonder now is that the play that's finally going to wake this offense up they've been sluggish throughout the entire first half but could that be the thing that finally just gives them a little bit of a jolt and leads them to scoring some points here before this half is over brought down at the 25 yd line G 15 y on the pickup and this see if I can hit this angle route again and the pass is incomplete but the flag FES and there was a lot of early contact there Def and the defender just way too handsy on that last play you could see all the contact as the ball was in the air you simply can't do it and the referee's caught it the defense in a most benevolent move giving the offense a new set of downs going to try to pop one on the screen he was finally something probably try one run play uh let's see okay really ofs a CH to cut the lead should have kept that one but that was not what I was used to at all Hees on the car nice job by the defense first and goal situation you can expect run a lot of the times they were physical got in the back field stuff the [Applause] runz throw the pocket they could get to him and affect his accuracy and they did on that last play Third and goal coming up here from the gun wants to pass yeah to the tight that throw and catch only play until half get stuck on a particular Target isn't it DAV yep it's exactly right find the guy who's open because you got so many guys that have so much speed that can do so much damage on the field find my match up get it to him let him do the rest Let it Fly inter get take and prevent points from going up just before the end of the half this is obviously not a great start for this quarter here two inter already okay let's go do a simulation maybe Florida turns out better that way I stink apparently get hang it the pass the game a little bit later later there in a half but all right let's see let's go to a simulation this is probably lasting a little bit longer than I thought it would but [Laughter] friend text me your offense is too predictable Ain that what we hear every Saturday hey that was still fun that was still fun all right let's go let's just go a quick I don't even um worry about let's do offline for now let's go default roster let's we'll go through speed here now it's time to customize your Dynasty experience choose your settings and it's now time to select your team you want to and now you'll ch y here you'll choose to create a coach of your own or if you guys saw my um by creating a custom coach you will be able your coach's backstory starting skills and while existing coaches will come earry that is the farest coach's name I don't know if you guys saw I shared why that name is what it is and what EA did was they did the for the coach it was kind of an Easter egg for all the coaches you have to go through all the other coaches out there and see what the Easter egg is uh but for Florida it's Earl wilbury and Tom Earl Petty so there you go little Tom Petty um throwback and he was in the band The Traveling wheeles with Bob Dylan George Harrison Jeff Lynn excuse me and Roy orbinson so that is why Earl willberry is the Florida Coach they don't have the coaches in the game Real coaches in the game uh so and then you got your um C+ right there or you can create somebody know you can create Billy APR if you want to or yourself but um there we go yes guys I know I'm terrible I know I was terrible you don't have to remind me uh okay let's just go there congratulations it's time to sign your first coaching contract make sure to pay attention to the expectations of the role these are based on real life historical records of the school there you go failing to meet the University's expectations will land you on the hot seat and potentially have you looking for a new job when the coaching Carousel rolls around getting trash talked on Twitter too for how bad I am already comes with the uh comes with the ter teritory comes with the territory all right uh there we'll on that contract it's going to take me a few weeks I know it is um I actually just wanted to do recruiting kind of just take care of itself I just wanted to play the game I just or I just want to go through the season uh let's see oh there yes let go that's all that stuff where is the I saw it earlier Oh I thought I did to go through the yeah we did uh cover that H that Gator no Aaron Childs like I said um Marcus mascal and um Williams tied in not in either not the the late uh enrol Le freshman uh didn't make it in League settings here we go uh I don't care about all the recruiting here we go we're just going to go through I'm not going to go through recruiting right now just going to play through the season so there we go don't have to look at the preseason top 25 we know Florida's not in it unfortunately uh welcome to the allnew recruiting system in EA Sports col just do it for me let's go custom schedules top so they do have a top stories thing I was wondering if they would have that I used to love that feature back in the day with that you had the Sports Illustrated cover nope that's not what I wanted to do let's just advance to the next week wait or top stories are there any more is there just a hman thing oh look we got a commit already didn't even have to do anything so there are instant commits in the game I know a lot of people were wondering about that do you do all your commits kind of come at the end of the uh the cycle or do you get them along the way remember 14 you had the instant commits but there we go already got a quarterback um so this four star is not afraid of uh DJ Lag [Laughter] Way okay so you get a kind of kind of a look there let's Advance this let's just get get uh so this is week zero we got a by week game of the week Georgia Tech FSU recruiting Advance week all right we kind of know there's what's the schedule what they they fill it in FCS Southeast that's the only question we have about the schedule of course um so none of the FCS teams are in the game next year I think it's supposed to be that but but all right let's um I'll go through all this other stuff too you can do some Auto Subs got to go through the game and see for formation Subs CU I know there's a wildcat package I didn't go through the Playbook and enough there like certainly going to put Lag Way in the Wildcat package all right let's go let's just see what happens let's play the 20 let's Sim the 2024 season so that's cool it gives you all the I don't know what happened there I didn't tell it to do anything but anyway I guess this is all the recruits that you were targeting and it gives you a quick little summary of what they're doing top five schools top eight I think it goes what top eight top five top three all right let's Advance this should go to the Miami game now there we go so like I said not going to go until we're just going to simmit top stories I don't know why New Mexico and Arizona is is a top story Clemson Georgia certainly going to be coach Neil Hobbs that's Georgia's coach he said of Kirby Smart says the Bulldogs will have to be ready against rival Clemson this week we have to be ready for anything and another Dame Texas A&M so cool we a little thing there all right let see if Florida beats Miami in the simulation okay so it just does that by itself I'm going to assume since the championship Contender went up that Florida may have won the game maybe I don't know I don't know if that was there before uh one0 there it is so now so Florida one top stories so Georgia beats Clemson 3531 so SC over ACC we know Florida W that was another oh Zachariah Branch there we go eight catches 191 yards three touchdowns Texas at Michigan there we go that'll be a week two match up all right so did that win get Florida in top 25 let's see it did not no Gators after beating Miami not in the top 25 there well that's the media coaches let's see I didn't realize there was a coach's poll so Auburn gets in with a win over FCS Southeast but Florida does not get in with a winner over Miami okay then uh anything else there let's go take a look at the uh can we get a uh who are the SEC players of the week nope Tennessee Alabama there Dominic Dominic Bailey Kendrick law Kendrick law I heard is a cheat code in this game right now by the way oh well we can get some stats right there didn't even see that till now season stats let's go gram Merz went 25 of 34 for 351 on Miami four touchdowns two picks montro Johnson oo 13 carries for 18 yards so some balancing issues there 13 carries 18 yards um nope gr mer with three yeah the play count not really where it should be Trey Wilson 6 for 143 DK 7 18 7 for 84 Badger with two touchdowns I wonder if you can go to this find the schedule no scores and schedules there we go week one can you click on the game and get yeah you can get a box score that's what we you got to do then all right I was wasn't even the game I clicked on there we go finally Miami had a big third quarter Florida with the big second quarter Miami with 435 total offense still lost a game flid with only 374 Florida 20 rushes for n yards Miami with 30 rushes for 188 yards yards per Rush Miami with 6.27 Florida with 045 woo but the passing passing certainly is in Florida favor gr Mer's going crazy there okay then want to know for the Gators getting that season started off the right way this should not be much of a task reply to reply to the Tweet giving me some some grief on how bad I [Laughter] am H I'm terrible but hardly concentrating as well I'll take every excuse I can get right now um okay let's go Advance this got the big game versus A&M but what happened go to the SEC let's go back to week week two Arkansas beating Oklahoma State Auburn pounding cow Florida winning 49 to 20 yeah Texas Michigan Texas beating Michigan 2418 Kentucky beating South Carolina so we already had some conference games and then week three we have some big games LSU South Carolina Old Miss White Forest Georgia Kentucky tasm are uh 8:00 game instead of the uh I know they're not going by real life times right now um but the 3:30 in real life top 25 that the put Florida is at 25th there we go crank right one spot behind Kentucky Tas A&M because I'm in the way here I can't tell oh let just go to it number eight Texas a woo they're already so we finally got ranked Got to Now go against the number eight team in the country some of the highlights there 245 passing yards for Texas 64 rushing yards for both teams Texas now number one with that big win so you can see to the first college football playoff pole okay I click on this but it just let me Sim the game how it used to do back in the day but nope I know I could go into the game and S it but I don't want to do that what do you think than for be think for to beatm let me get rid of the uh no not Jason Z risk of transferring already let be exit full screen come back to the okay uh Hey Florida 1on Florida is 3 and 0 you see it right there number 20 now getting ready to go against Mississippi State Big Win Texas A&M now dropped to 13th Carson Beck KRON Jackson D Dylan Gabriel Cardell Williams will Howard your top five and the Heisman oh Florida won in overtime 4741 over the aies Let's uh let's see what happened there Florida with 21 first downs 484 yards total offense 18 have some trouble two big games Miami and um Miami the run run game was not there at all Texas A&M not there two touchdowns though uh 3.67 yards and Aggie's 30 carries 106 yards so yeah not much there either 36 to 50 passing 7 to 12 on third down AG is's going for for four four times on fourth down okay okay um going to have fun going to get back to this gr merch four touchdown one pick he should be in the hman race 401 yards 36 of 50 Montreal okay there you go bounce back Badger oh wow there we go another touchdown seven catches team R DK 12 catches all right good stuff now on the road first road game travel to Starkville see what the gator do here hey we'll take this start in real life right certainly certainly hey another commit fourstar linebacker Larry Homer from Tampa we got to commit don't me to set off any alarms [Laughter] there uh oh oh another commit look at there so I'm going to assume that probably means a win over Mississippi State but another so two four stars two three stars overall okay got the bwick of course UCF be up next Georgia Tech beating Louisville Oklahoma Auburn about to play Minnesota Michigan about to play Cincinnati Texas Tech uh let's go top 25 Florida got to be somewhere right there or did they lose got commits did we lose the Mississippi State might have lost the Mississippi State went on the road and lost Mississippi State yep 3 and one 21 to 14 at Mississippi State oh o o what's that word momentum we keep we keep talking about in in in in real life of the Gators oh man went on the road lost a starville are you serious are you serious that's how you going to do me the Tennessee B&M there what happened here total outfit 317 2 not a big day offensively 27 of 37 passing two touchdowns there three touchdowns passing for Mississippi State so there's your game there 1.84 yards a rush that's your game that's your game Merz yeah 259 27 to 37 still really good there man that one stings doesn't it shapen three touchdowns 17 to 21 for 170 I mean just went on the road to starville and couldn't put it together Stinger Stinger all right by we coming up Tennessee beating Oklahoma by one Oklahoma they had the stats Advantage there okay let's go I'm sorry this is boring but oh well got some people in here watching another commit there we go all right let's go to next week big game UCF at home Big 12 rank match up there Utah beating Arizona Georgia Auburn coming up can't start the season off 3 and0 now and then and get back to back losses can't be doing that another commitment here from Lakeland now another three star all I see four and one there so Florida did beat UCF Tennessee up next one of the top stories here Auburn upsets Georgia there we go Texas and Oklahoma coming up Red River Florida Tennessee okay let's go take a look at the UCF with more first downs more total offense about six yards Florida rushing 17 of 41 26 of 56 for UCF not great Merz going 26 of 31 for I he's got to be if not for that Mississippi State loss have to go look at some of the uh the Heisman there I mean mer putting up some monster numbers so far in these games what what re what were the receivers doing that's what I want to see what were the receivers doing here DK 6 for 122 Wilson DK with three touchdown there we go do they have a deeper Florida back rank 24th now is there a deeper Heisman pole Heisman watch how far will it go will merch even be okay only doesn't go past top five but here you go Baylor Tulsa Indiana B Texas A&M milro wigman but you got cish War Cardell Williams KRON Jackson okay I mean I would assume Merz is got to be somewhere in the mix confence stand let's go confence standies right quick what's thec oh miss 5 and one Texas Auburn Georgia Alabama Mississippi State Florida only one in one Conference record Old Miss Texas 2-0 in the conference Auburn Georgia 2-1 in the conference Texas A&M 2-1 in the conference okay all right we are going to let's go to Knoxville and get a [Music] [Music] win oh the okay uh four and two so went to Knoxville and wait two man maybe this game is a little too realistic two Road games so far and two losses two Road games two losses we know the struggles know the struggles on the road Oklahoma beating Texas in the Red River I'll call it shootout even know you're supposed to call it a rivalry so we see what happened there for um Tennessee receiver going off six catches 68 yards three touchdowns Dylan Gabriel shador Sanders Jaylen milro in your Heisman race didn't mean to do that let's go back what happened versus Tennessee what happened 2823 oh oh look at there out gained them didn't mean anything did it 27 for 91 23 31 passing two touchdowns there Tennessee passing 18 to 25 four touchdowns they're they're they're all they scoring they got jumped up to a big lead 217 at halftime six both teams 50% no turnovers just got straight up beat straight up beat on the road again what are we doing what are we doing here got to find something to get on the road get some Road magic somehow all right let's keep it going back home hosting the wild cats okay let's advance and five and two so hey we finally beat Kentucky let's [Laughter] go another bwick of course before the big game versus Georgia but let's go t Carolina beat Georgia 2421 just saw it right before we clicked there so Georgia 5 and two beat Kentucky 26-5 Kentucky 4 and three on the season uh three only 350 yards offense 15 first downs like I said I don't know how much the those 5 minute quarters I don't know what that does in the Sim if that affects the stats either but a big day for Merz again 24 35 three touchdowns I'm assuming it's Merz he maybe you know we have to go and look at it uh let's see anything B how many total yards 297 so holding Kentucky in control a little bit no turnovers second game in the r with no turnovers I have to kind of is that going to be a is that going to be an issue in the game a bit yep mer going there 2435 323 I mean man if he has these stats in real life ooo I'll take it sign me up and would you take the record right now two losses going into Georgia going against a two loss Georgia both teams two losses you know you'd be feeling good going into Jacksonville with with with him taking two losses too well I got to see them I don't think Georgia and South Carolina play in real life do they I don't think they do do they oh they lost to Texas I thought I sore they lost to South Carolina before in the graphic I have to go back and look at it my friend who texts me he's saying he's playing for the first time yeah this is going to take some time getting used to trying these training drills this is hard I'm going to text you back yeah I got it handed to me for a half versus Sparty he's a South Carolina fan so what he say he's going through the drills okay let's keep it going a big game big game versus Georgia now I'm going back full screen here chat not really showing much let's see oh no GE South be Oklahoma okay that's where it was that's what I saw that's what I saw here uh what's the other any other big notes so we look at see eighth right now in the standings did lose to Tennessee so we be behind them of course we got the big game versus Georgia coming up uh but already and now this is what I saw when they showed the college football table and some of the previews there was a lot of losses for the teams in the playoffs and I guess this isn't too farfetched right now but if you getting you know two three loss teams over and over and over and over again year after year after year there probably I mean there's going to be teams that still go undefeated even this tough as the SEC will look I think but uh we'll see all right next week let's Sim another commit hey from Jacksonville ooster guard another quarterback so that's two quarterbacks in two fourstar quarterbacks in this class so you're going to have to watch recruiting if you do it automatically cuz that's yeah that's two quarterbacks in this class far right I think pretty sure that's it's F go to B week first then Georgia then georia let's go top 25 at 19 going against Georgia is fourth in the country at 5- two the highest rank two lost team the you get another Dame oh miss I bet now they've lost they had a a loss only one loss just a second ago no don't want to quit all right let's go let's go to the cocktail party be Georgia three star commit three star another defensive commit another one did we get a big win Over Georgia here got the hometown kid Caleb Flanders from Gainesville five and three nope took one on the chin here losing to Georgia again dang it uh now we'll go on the road to take on number one Texas but let's take a look and see what happened 3116 31-6 lost to the Bulldogs um Leed at Halftime by the way 130 at halftime Georgia with a 214th quarter you know we'd be feeling good you know we'd be feeling good winning 16 to 10 going into the fourth quarter dagger dagger and you can see Mer's only passing for 21 yards and he's been he's been lighting it up all season long all right I'm GNA speak to the rest of this okay just click on the team here wait you can force a home wa you can what force no win does that mean it just Sims regular but you can you can force who you want to win is that what I'm is am I reading that right no way no I guess you can really create some drama like go let's go create 2007 season all over again and do that but H that's kind of cheap to me okay oh well play the game how you want to play I don't need tell you how to play that's cheap to me but if you're going to have fun with doing I mean you kind of create your own scenarios I guess in way it's your Dynasty play it how you want to that's just kind of weird to me you can I'm assuming that's what that means playing the number one team in the country let's go get a big upset six and three we got a big upset we got the big upset go on the road to Austin see there's another one loss team taking a loss now so look like losses are going to pile up uh in this game for simulations Tyreek sa sec defensive player of the week four tackles two tackles for loss hey that's pretty cool that you get the notification there of of that but hey big win 4134 look at there Elijah Badger why what he offensive player of the week seven catches 103 yards and three touchdowns gr Merz going 319 yards look at that Auburn look look at that Auburn Le but see this is what's going to this is what's going to get me a little bit 8 and one 8 and one 7 and three 6 and three 5 and four five and five like yeah this is way too many losses overall Tennessee fell to 5 and four now LSU four and five overall oo yeah I don't uh I don't know if I like that too much there way too many loss say you're say you're playing the game and you're having a good season I mean yeah You' be tied with au and T A&M but you got a cushion right now past the you know starting at number three maybe um maybe I'm looking too deep into it but this that just kind of confirms what we saw over the weekend with a lot of the uh with a lot of the things that were coming out a lot of losses a lot of losses piling up okay let's go I mean can't lose this game but you know real live shows we go against the remember Florida was struggling on the road too this season in this simming season and then go and beat the number one team in the land wacky wacky college football everybody go follow uh the link is in the description play now that will be the YouTube channel for all the game coverage after that certainly um can switch those Graphics I already got those ready to go too but that'll be the uh that' be the new that' be the home of a lot of the game play Gator's breakdown will stay Gator's football coverage real life football coverage not the Cyber but with the game release I know a lot of people interested I was going to throw this on both channels but certainly a chance for me to promote go play now link is in the description if you're watching on the on the uh Gator breakdown version join subscribe there like the video there and we'll be doing some more content six and four now for the Gators dropped that game now going against Old Miss I said way too many losses for my liking did not beat lsue got plaster by a bad LSU team coming into the swamp so you get the big win over Texas and then um and then return home and get blasted by LSU 296 passing 239 four turnovers I was complaining about lack of turnovers earlier wasn't a four interceptions oh all right that'll end any maybe possible Heisman conversation there well that stinks college football top 25 Ohio State Oregon A&M up there Texas up there at number four Auburn three SEC teams there in a row Bea Miami eight Miami 8 and2 one losses is Florida UAB look at there 16 at 10 and0 there too many losses Liberty 9 and one Georgia 6 and four yeah they need to they need to patch that too many losses overall you tell only be Colorado by three all right L kein well not really l kein in this game oh miss coming to the swamp where are we going here what's Happening Here seven and four so beat uh beat the rebels Tyreek sa defensive player of the week again what two times in three weeks now something like that Florida campus is buzzing in anticipation for the coming game against rival Florida State doesn't look like either team is ranked uh let's go back to that 3823 is a blowout well not a blowout but a controlling game 3823 how did it play out 433 yards offense 21- 62 rushing 25 of 35 touchdown there Jackson Dart 16 to 20 three touchdowns there for Old Miss one turn over there one fumble loss roll Miss five touchdowns that means the receivers been doing something here gr merch seven carries for 4 45 yards team rate DK eight for 111 two touchdowns okay okay well certainly missed it but certainly bable night game against four and seven in Tallahasse all right let's end the season on the high note let's let's let's go end the season on a high note let's beat the Rival nolles certainly don't have to worry about a playoff spot eight and four there we go got the win got the win over Florida State hey eight and four weird eight and four right beat the number one team in the country hey offensive player the week team rate di man he's been on the terror 6 for 185 three touchdowns uh first let's take look at that game I'm going go look at season stats while you know through 12 games to be even for everybody there V 523 there we go well 502 total offense for FSU not a good day for the defense rushing just not there three touchdowns though three and a half yards a carry 25 of 35 three more touchdowns eight to 12 on third down Florida State 410 there's probably your difference in the game a little bit turnovers two right there for Fu as well so all right um let's go I'm going to take a look at the season stats like I said I don't know it's like 5 minute quarters I believe not really playing the games but there that factor in here but I mean Merz with almost 3900 yard passing 37 touchdowns 10 interceptions 70% completion percentage again sign me up sign me [Laughter] up I mean the rushing stats putrid not great team rate DK with 67 catches a thousand yard receiver Trey Wilson 30 yard short Badger EG 28 man you'll take all that you'll take all that coming down here but you I said I don't know how how much the the time plays into if you set 10 minute quarters but my thing is if you set set that many or something so I'm assuming the stats are pretty trying to make it pretty realistic cuz they're not in relation to 5 minute quarters or anything like that cuz merch would have passed for like 6,000 yards if that was the case probably not ranked in the final it should be a eight and four I mean you got eight and four Texas who Florida beat at number seven an 8 and four Old Miss who Florida beat at 12 8 and4 Bama yeah there we go 20 one spot behind Georgia Colorado up there LSU went on the late season run run was four and five at one point I think ended seven and five okay okay all right let's go call football playoff bracket the way it looks before we as we go into Conference Championship week uh let's see have to move myself here so South Carolina Ohio State or the 710 so is that Indiana the number one seed A&M to Miami the three seed Utah the four Oregon the Five Michigan the six USC 7 Texas 8 Notre Dame 9 I State 10 you a B1 oh miss 12 look at there look at there what a weird play off Indiana is your number one seed too many losses overall for real though that's uh they got yeah they need to fix that cuz you I mean if you're a user and if you play on hman mode you might lose a game or two if you I mean you might dominate or whatever but you going make the you going make the play out really easy over everybody over everybody Little Bull projections can we see what we see where Florida's projected it might going be highlighted am I easy to find here no bowl a bow what did I miss I mean that wouldn't be very realistic either would it no b game an 8 and four F not making a bow game I'm not missing it am I all this game's got to fix some things oh come on I mean we got a conference Championship week to play here we'll see if anything changes but that's weird Player of the Year KJ Jefferson at used CF okay [Music] okay best quarterback where do it go 12 okay no Merz with those crazy stats okay any receivers any receivers okay No Love No Love No Love that that no ball game kind of let's just let's go let's see what happens what we got here no commits keep it going we accept the bowl invite here maybe no no I guess no bowl [Laughter] game first round the playoff and then there maybe maybe not all the B games reset yeah no ball game wow imagine that imagine that going eight and four you're ranked in the college football playoff and you're not you're not making a bow game two years in a row not making a bowl game yes I'm joking that's that's crazy I don't know how you can defend that they got they got need yeah a lot of things need to be match here Vance to the well there you go I mean we just see him through the season I guess we can see who wins the col of football playoff this is conference championships I guess I don't know yeah cuz I I guess the next week would have been Army Navy so maybe maybe still maybe still a chance at a at a bowl game Dylan Gabriel Wier Heisman [Applause] [Laughter] never mind well you guys saw it there was no uh there was no b game but now we're playing Snoop Dog Arizona Bull against the Bulldog okay okay this is uh that's [Laughter] crazy oh wow okay I mean what would you take the bragon RS if you beat George in Arizona Bowl that's crazy oh I got to kick out of that okay either way looks like we were fighting for a bow live somehow but going to to to to do it Jordan yeah I do know I want to destroy U but you probably missed it earlier I played a exhibition game against Michigan State earlier and got my brains beat in 17 nothing at halftime um so I want do want to play the game a little bit I'm at 2 hours with this stream right now I'm going to uh I'm going to come back around uh I'll probably going to end this soon I got to get something I haven't even eaten supper yet so got to go get something to eat uh I won't play it but okay okay Florida Georgia and Arizona um there's got to be a world's largest outdoor cocktail party joke now but Cactus party I know that's just um let's just see what happens recruiting is by itself Advance let's just get to this bow game all right we get a rematch versus Georgia can we beat him in the bow game who's sitting out nine and four got the bowl win versus Georgia look at there look at there went to not not making a or not looking like you're going to make a bow game to going against your biggest rival and beating him in Arizona Trey Wilson would somehow SEC player a weak in a bowl game but okay 11 catches 234 yards for touchdowns that's still Nal offensive player of the week as well he should be that's crazy numbers there but that's uh that that was funny that was funny how it all ended as a did not see us making a bowl game at all in here at even at 8 and4 you get the uh 4221 win Over Georgia so earlier in the season Georgia wins 3116 remember they had that 214th quarter and then right here for jumping up 214 at halftime shutting them out in the third quarter here we go 51 total yards offense last game of the season 469 passing yards can't run the ball to save our lives this year but it's okay get Georgia and Arizona and win that funny that's funny all right I don't even know what happened to the to the playoff that's that's what we what we'll end this with no no no that's not not what I wanted I'm assuming some of the playoff games got played already I think yeah there we go good Michigan beats uh Miami good good Oran ended up with the number one spot okay that'll be it for the Florida side of things I guess we'll see see what happens in the college football playoff me I'll sign off on this one that was crazy though so we got Notre Dame Utah national championship game okay okay let's see how it works out naal championship game Target committing to UCF there we go so probably can just go to the top stories here guess not not getting any graphics oh another Dame wins wins their National Championship over Utah 3635 there you go that's how EA Sports here on Gator breakdown and play now will uh that's how they see the season going better Jan winning the national championship over Utah and Florida playing Georgia in the Arizona the Snoop Dog Arizona bull end of the season number 17 rank number 17 9 and four right there for the Gator so there you go there's a little bit of simulation for 2024 Deep dive for Florida went through all the uniforms looked at Stadium got my hand butt handed to me by Michigan State and exhibition game and then uh 3635 the Dame over Utah for the national championship so there you go all right all right guys make sure follow play now if you're watching on Gator breakdown link is in the description I'll be doing some other stuff there I do want everybody out there whether it be on Twitter or somehow find me on Twitter or email me GS breakdown if you got some big time plates send them to me I'm probably on on the play now channel I'm going to do some top 10 list top 10 plays so if you got some crazy plays weird plays good plays bad plays send them my way probably create some kind of playlist going with top plays there so all right that'll do it everybody David Waters you're watching on play now host of Gator breakdown follow Florida Gator coverage there but uh all that good stuff thanks everybody see you on gor breakdown and I play now

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