Overnight in my DIY Japanese Kei Truck Camper | Cooking Shark Steaks

Published: Aug 05, 2024 Duration: 00:25:42 Category: Entertainment

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I'm very surprised with how well this little mini truck has handled this entire trip oh wow [Music] [Music] [Music] so we did a little backtracking today down Route One back to Maro Bay because this is the only gym in the area and I called ahead and they offer guest passes so I'm going to get a quick work in and a nice shower here at this uh Anytime Fitness [Music] there we go since that was a small gym it was actually pretty nice the shower was like real private actually one of the nicer gym showers that I've been able to get clean up today we are continuing up on our last little stretch of highway one I don't think we're going to finish it out today before we hit the closure the closure is near lime Kil State Park or something like that it's about 3 and 1/2 hours north of here so I don't think we're going to make it all the way there today but make it about halfway find somewhere to camp and cook up some nice Seafood for dinner so I'm going to go down to the fish market here Mor oby see what they [Music] have they got a bunch of stuff I think honestly I'm going to do some of this some of this uh thresher sh cuz I've never had it before thank you very much have a good one fresh shark excited to see how this tastes but I'm going have to look up how to cook this cuz never made it before nice and tucked away in the fridge I just got to run to the uh grocery store on my way out of here grab a few more things for hooking with that shark and to cook that shark and we're heading the road continuing North hopefully find a find a cool campsite on some Cliff somewhere just downward one probably on the uh side of the road or something but onward all right didn't really need to get much honesty for this recipe I had a lot of the stuff which is what I'm trying to do with a lot of these things cuz I don't have a lot of storage obviously in the back of the mini truck so I'm trying to keep these recipes as minimalistic as I can while also still trying to make good food so from here we are hopping on in my opinion the most beautiful section of Route One from uh I think it goes down from Baja all the way up to the Olympic Peninsula up in Washington and this section from where we're at in Moro Bay up until Big Sir in San Francisco is one of the most beautiful stretches of this highway and I love driving it there are some hills though that I'm kind of worried about but it shouldn't be uh it shouldn't be too much of a problem but we'll see here we go this is pretty much it there is no other Road pretty much for the rest of the entire Drive if you're sticking along the coast in California route one is kind of it so this is the road that we will be on for the rest of our trip so the construction of this highway started in 1919 and they estimated that it was only going to cost $1.5 million to build which is absolutely crazy that a road this long through this ruga of terrain can be built for 1.5 million but I guess money was a lot different back then today it would be over a billion dollars and it would take 40 years but the federal funds were appropriated to it in 1921 and San Clinton prison camp set up three temporary prison camps along this road road to provide all the labor for it and those prisoners were paid 35 cents a day and their sentences were reduced for the labor that they provided for the road and it's pretty amazing cuz once you get up here on this road it's all mountains and it's all hilly and it's right along the coast just kind of hugging these mountains driving through them and this stretch of road that we're driving on was some of the heaviest construction that went on because of how rugy the terrain is they used 70,000 lb of dynamite to blast through the marble sandstone and granite and more than 10 million cubic yards of rock was uh Blown Away there are 33 Bridges along this road and it is by far one of the most beautiful road trips that you can take in America it's a little bit clouded today but on days where it's sunny it is so beautiful and I'm getting passed by so many cars I feel so bad [Music] all right so we are not far from where we're going to be camping tonight but there is a seal and sea line little viewing area over here so take a little pit stop here before we make it all the way up to Camp not a lot of people on the highway today which is nice but I think the reason is because it's closed kind of just north of here and like I said this is the only road so there is no detour so people are just driving up turning around and coming back which is essentially what I'm going to do I don't hear any seals though usually they're pretty loud maybe there's none out today oh never mind there they are I figured out why they're not noisy they're all sleeping there you go that was elephant seals and there are two rocks out there completely covered in Birds there are so many birds on them but we've only got a little ways till Camp so let's go see if we can find somewhere all right we are coming up on the hill just before camp this the biggest hill of the trip so far I think [Music] we are cruising look at that view though beautiful so we have got the pedal to the floor going just about 40 km an hour come on you can do it but we should be pulling up on a spot that we can hopefully Camp here pretty soon I hope it's not too much in the clouds so we can get some of the view but looks like we might be in the clouds which suckss it's all good though I think this is it right here this is where we're going to try to stay tonight SC it oh and we got the nice flat spot up here in the [Music] corner beautiful now if there was in clouds you'd be able to See For Miles in that direction oh you can kind of see it I'll get out so on a nice sunny day if you're parked up here wow look at that you can see pretty much all the way down the coastline and then the sunsets here I mean are spectacular but it's a little bit too cloudy right now so you can't really see too far oh wow that's really steep it's kind of scary yeah we are really up here still beautiful though and what a place to cook some fresh shark too hopefully it clears up in the morning so I can show you guys more of the view but I'm going to try to find the most level spot to park this bed [Music] boy all right so I think right here feels pretty level on that way when I open my back door that's my view I don't know though there is a ton of space up here so and no one's up here because the Highway's closed so I can pretty much move it wherever I want to later if I need to but this is good for now all right it is pretty chilly up here too wow so I think before I do anything else um from what I was reading online with cooking this uh thresher shark is that it is a very lean cut of meat and um it's recommended to soak it in milk and it's not just for fun or for any kind of flavor it's just because since it's so lean uh it gets pretty dry so if you soak it in milk before it helps to keep it moist so the things that are read online said to soak it for at least an hour so I'm going to go ahead and get that started before I do anything else look at that beautiful and the view has cleared up a little bit since we got here hang on I'll show you guys after I get this covered in milk set that up in a safe place but you can kind of see more the view now out of the back get some cinematic shots with the flowers I will say it does suck the rout one is closed up the ways from here but that just means we're going to have to come back and do it again whenever it opens up whether it's this summer this winter and finish out the rest of this trip all the way up route one cuz I just don't think I'm going to be able to make it through those mountains I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it up to uh San Francisco just cuz just a little much not being able to drive on Route One with this little mini trick to handle I also have no service up in this spot I have an hour to kill on that Sak I have no idea what to do with myself o look at that little feather it's kind of cool I've collected so many trinkets on this trip actually I've only collected two my sand dollar and my feather and then I also have that Garfield painting somewhere I don't know where I put it but doesn't get much better than this so a lot of the times when I'm on the road by myself I try to avoid spots that don't have service especially when I don't have my starlink which I kind of wish I had here but I will say it is kind of nice to just sit in places sometimes without music without anyone being able to reach me and just kind of be by myself and be a little bit more present than I usually am cuz I'm so consumed by social media and all facets of my life my job is social media when I'm not doing my job I'm sitting on Tik Tok or Instagram or playing video games feel like a lot of the times I forget to kind of slow down and take in what I'm doing and kind of be a little bit more thankful for this life that I get to live sitting up here on the coast of California by myself and I'll let you guys kind of join me in it for next 30 seconds or so [Music] that was nice but it's been about an hour so this little fillet of shark should be ready to go and I think I'm going to do a broccoli kind of side with it so let's get to cooking cuz I am starving so there is much prep that goes into the shark over there but one thing I do have to prep is the broccoli and I think that's the only thing that I have to prep actually so we'll get that out we'll get that sorted so it really does kind of suck not having an oven not being able to just bake stuff so I kind of have to just panser everything guess it's not the worst there we go honestly pretty simple for the broccoli take our shark take it out of its little milk bath and then we'll just rinse that off under some water P that dry and we'll get it into another fresh Bowl then we can go ahead and get this bad boy nice and seasoned and for that we need some lemon juice you can use fresh lemon juice or like me just use this bottle some soy sauce going right in on the top a little bit of uh rice vinegar going on top not too much of that let going get it with some ginger some ground ginger just a little bit of this allpurpose seasoning make sure to get that on both sides and then for a little bit of spice just a touch of red pepper flakes there we go that is pretty much it for our shark seasoning and now we've got that we can kind of just get started cooking I'm going to try to cook both of them at the same time don't know how well that's going to work but we'll see and I think tonight we're breaking out the uh big boy pan cook up that broccoli so first thing I do before I get started cooking either of these is I got these pine nuts to add into my broccoli it's kind of like a little garnish but I got got to cook these up real quick before I do anything else we a little bit of oil in this pan get the fire on on that that it nice and hot throw the pine nuts in there and cook them for just about 2 to 3 minutes basically until they start to get some color and then pull them out just get them nice and toasted there we go just kind of like that got a little bit of color on them take those off set them aside in this bowl and we can get started on the rest of this so put some more oil on both of these pans just a little bit and since this pan is already pretty hot I'm just going to go ahead and throw my broccoli in there [Music] now you kind of want to cook those until they turn nice and bright green I think this other pan is nice and up to Temp we can go ahead and throw our shark fillet on there and according to the directions I read online I'll let that cook for roughly 5 minutes is on each side well we wait to putp that we're going to get our broccoli seasoned up just simply with this all purpose again this thing is a lifesaver it's great on pretty much everything that seasoned to in there nicely and then now that that broccoli is kind of cooked in nice and bright green add in some of our garlic let that get nice and fragrant for about 2 to 3 minutes and I think I might have left this cooking for too long this fire is super hot a little bit crispy but we'll cook that for right around maybe 3 to 4 minutes on the other side but the final thing we got to do this broccoli is add some chicken stock but I didn't feel like buying big old box of chicken stock so I've just got some water in a cube of uh Boon get some water in the pan a little bit of this Buon mix that all in there making a little bit of broth basically and then we'll just let that kind of cook and tenderize and get that c that this is this pan is too slippery I got to get rid of this pan and get a new one I'm going to lose something one day I almost just lost my whole steak now we can get this out of the pan and then just let it rest or we'll wait for a broccoli to finish there we go should be good nice some tender broccoli get that out top our broccoli with those pine nuts and then some grated Parmesan now we can eat and The View with dinner ain't have bad either nice if it wasn't cloudy but who that is so good I've never cooked broccoli this way oh I've always like just got it nice and crispy wow also got mixed in with the juice of the fish so I don't know if it's actually just a broccoli or some of his shark but here we go you're not supposed to eat a lot of a shark since it is a predatory fish there's a lot of mercury in it so shouldn't be eating all the time but it's so dense it's not quite like steak dense but very meaty but very good beautiful you can still kind of see the water just not as much as we [Music] could delicious so now that dinner's done I'm not really too sure what I'm going to do with the rest of my night considering I didn't really plan for a night without service don't have a book don't have a downloaded movie don't really have anything to do so I'm going to be quite honest might end up uh getting to bed pretty early tonight but when I was out earlier waiting for the shark to be done in the milk I did find this other point out here that had a pretty cool Lookout don't know if we're going to be able to see anything but I'll take you guys out there real quick it's a little bit more exposed of a lookout but walked over here earlier pretty crazy I don't know how far out I want to step cuz I don't know how solid this is below but look at that it's absolutely stunning beautiful night for some shark on a cliff [Music] [Music] [Music] so the sun has uh fully set it's already 9:00 I have so many little hitchhikers from outside in my socks and I have no service so normally else to do but I do have this little uh Abraham Lincoln book that I haven't opened or read in a while so might as well dig into that tonight best present of all time I've read so many books on this man if you ever get the chance read his autobiography it's really good one of my favorite quotes from him that I have memorized by heart and I'll leave you with before I go to bed is the great mass of men were utterly unconscious that their minds or conditions were capable of improvement which basically says no matter what you got going on in your physical life going on around you or in your head it's something that can always improve but that is just a quote that I remember from one of the books that I've read on him anyways I never use this light my little fan light I forgot I had it for a while I'm going to use that as my reading light read some of this and get to bed good morning it's up pretty well last night wasn't a lot of traffic on route one obviously because the uh roads closed so nobody was really passing through at night time oh wow it's a lot clearer today than it was yesterday looks like there's a w clouds pushing in but beautiful it looks like we ended up getting some um neighbors last night but today is the first day that I have actually the foresight pick up some coffee it's not regular coffee it's just some folders instant coffee but it's nice to be able to wake up and have some get the inverter turned on actually haven't used the uh 120 volt plugs on this very much this trip and I don't even know if this power station is powerful enough to kick this thing on to heat me up some hot water but we're about to find out and about right now gu it is it's on it's warming up this thing is kicking into overd drive though jeez I don't even know if I have enough battery left to uh do this it's going down the percentages are going down by the second we're at 14 133 12 I don't know if my water's going to heat up before the battery dies 9 8 7 come on and the battery died so close to Boiling too oh or you know what might not be boiling but that water's pretty hot so I think to today once I finish this coffee we going right outside I'm going to take you guys up that last little stretch of um rout one that we have left to drive and then turn back around and start heading back uh South towards home I don't really know what else there is on Route One before it closes closes about 30 Mi up the road hopefully something cool yeah definitely not bad to wake up to what a cool little rig you got there appreciate it it's a Japanese mini truck take a look yeah no problem yeah go ahead no problem what was your name kale kale yeah Ryan nice nice to meet you enjoy the rest of your trip thanks you as well so that's kale from Canada they were going up Route One heading back to Canada and didn't realize it was closed it's another backtracking back and around onto the uh highway but yeah not a bad spot for some morning coffee b e a beautiful I got to say the inst coffee isn't really that bad but it does leave a uh kind of bad aftertaste in your mouth I was going to cook breakfast here but I don't think I'm going to because kind of want to see if there's a small business along the one that I can go into and get some food because with it being closed for as long as it has I'm sure they appreciate it so hopefully we can find some little small shop to get some breakfast or get some snacks but anyways let's get out of here so I still have no service so I can't look anything up so I don't know if there's anywhere where I can get food that way down the one I should have asked that guy but that is Mission Number One find food I wasn't so glad you'd be able to see the ocean off this Cliff over here but unfortunately it is going higher and higher yeah I guess we're not going to be able to check out the views as much as I thought we would be able to because the higher we go and it's just been constant uphill for the last 10 minutes the more we're getting into these clouds and the less we're able to see so kind of sucks and I did drive by a restaurant Macs but it was it was pretty close to where I camped last night so I didn't feel like stopping right there um but worst case once we get to the end we'll just stop there on the way back and I got a lot of comments on uh my last video and of the post I've been making on my Instagram account that people think they could push this over or roll over in any kind of wind I drove through a few serious wind storms when I was close to the beach on the way here and honestly I didn't even think about it for a second that this thing would blow over and I'm going around these turns kind of fast and this thing is pretty St I'm very surprised with how well this little mini truck has handled this entire trip it's been very very impressive but I'm not going to lie even before this trip and when I was building this mini Tru I thought I was getting it in over my head uh the comments were kind of getting to me saying this would never work this is a stupid idea why would you do this it's so much smaller than your van it's such a downgrade which I knew I never built this to be an upgrade for my van I just thought it was going to be cool but it started to get to me that maybe this isn't going to work maybe it is too much weight maybe the mini truck can't handle it but I guess it's just a testament so you don't know until you try and we are just crawling along at just under 40 km an hour going up these Hills so glad there's no one else on this road there we go we're finally getting back out of that cloud layer you can see the uh ocean now off to the left there nice downhill stretch or another uphill stretch it looks like across this uh little away here but this is what I was talking about with this road going through rugged terrain I mean it's just hanging off the side of cliffs for the next like 70 M if it wasn't closed which is crazy black sand beaches down there kind of reminds me of uh the roads up in Alaska but I am going to be honest the road is closed about 10 miles up that way and I think we're just going to be driving uphill back into the uh clouds again so I think this is where I'm going to call and this is going to be my turnaround point cuz I'm also getting kind of low on gas I mean I have like 34 of a tank but it's been chipping away every time I drive up a hill I lose like a quarter tank turn around up here head back get some breakfast at that place start my journey [Music] Southward this is the end of our journey northward we already started our way back south and uh I'm going to check out a few places on my way back but I think that is it for today so if you watch all my videos coming up here I truly appreciate you guys I would not be able to do this kind of stuff build out this mini truck or do these travels without you so thank you once I finish this I'm getting out of here heading south so I'll catch you guys next time

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